How Would You Improve User Engagement On WhatsApp - Product Improvement Question - Product Management Exercises

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7/4/2021 How would you improve user engagement on WhatsApp?

— Product Improvement Question | Product Management Exercises

How would you improve user engagement on WhatsApp?

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in the past year 6.4k views

Product Improvement

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Top Facebook interview

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Velavan Mani
Bronze PM
Why? 37 answers | 54.5k views
Apr 22, 2020

Step 1: Ask the following clarifying questions How would you measure the
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whatsapp web as well? Mobile

How would you design a

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tourists? 23 answers | 18.7k
Step 2: User Personas: views
Individuals --> want to engage with their contacts. 
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Top Product Improvement

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Old age people

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Google Maps? 27 answers |
Businesses --> want to engage with users through Whatsapp

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Step 3: Identifying one persona How can you improve

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whom we are going to improve the engagement.

Show all questions

Step 4: Pain Points or Use Cases

Students receive lot of website links in Whatsapp and on Cliking

it would open in any other browser. Additional click to open an

external application like chrome or firefox. They have to again

navigate back to Whatsapp to continue reading the messages or

they might not even come back to whatsapp.

Students would be interested in recent trends or follow topics

happening around the world to keep them updated.

They love sharing in social media applications like Facebook and


Would be interested in selling items like old books, computers,


Step 5: Features which would relieve thier pain or gain

promoters 1/17
7/4/2021 How would you improve user engagement on WhatsApp? — Product Improvement Question | Product Management Exercises

Introducing Whatsapp inbuilt browser --> Users on clicking the

links or URLs in the messages, the same would be opened in the

browser built within whatsapp.  By doing this we can ensure that

the user still remains in whatsapp.

Introducing Share option --> Allowing the users to share the

pictures or messages in Facebook or Instagram [ Only Facebook

owned ]. This will increase the engagement on the same FB

world of apps.

Introducing Whatsapp Content Feed --> Allowing users to follow

topics like News, Sports, Movies and whatsapp would deliver

curated content from official sources.  This also avoids Fake


Introducing Sales -->  Users can post items for sale similar to

whatsapp status and anyone on thier contact can buy them

instantly using Whatsapp Pay.

Step 6: Priortization based on impact VS cost analysis

F1 Inbuilt Browser - High Impact - Medium cost

F2 Share option - Medium Impact - Low cost since the

integrations are with FB environment apps like Instagram and FB.

F3 Content Feed - High Impact - Low cost

F4 Sales - High impact - High cost [ Payment integration]

Based on the above matrix, I would suggest us to build the

inbuilt browser and content feed first.

Step 7: Tracking through metrics:

Inbuilt Browser : 

No. of links opened per day / per month using inbuilt browser. 

Avg Time spent in the inbuilt browser per day / per user [Time

spent in the inbuilt browser is actually the time spent in


No. of users returning to messages after viewing the websites in

the inbuilt browser

Content Feed:

Avg time spent by the users in reading the content / day or


No. of topis followed per day / month

No. of articles read by the users / day or month

Step 8: Finally

I recommend whatsapp to introduce an inbuilt browser and

content feed feature to increase the engagement and measure

them through the metrics mentioned.

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7/4/2021 How would you improve user engagement on WhatsApp? — Product Improvement Question | Product Management Exercises

5 Feedbacks

Platinum PM

Apr 22, 2020

Nice work @Velavan Mani 1!

Things you did well 

Structure: Great structure of the answer. It's easy to

follow and see that you are familiar with answering

product improvement questions 

Product Description: You did a great job explaining

what the product does and how it works today 

User groups: Great job breaking down the users to

multiple user groups  

Pain points: You listed a good number of meaningful

pain points / user needs

Solutions: Great set of solutions to solve for the pain

points you highlighted 

Out of the box ideas: Good list of solutions, which

speaks to your ability to brainstorm various ideas 

Metrics of Success: Good set of metrics to measure

the success of your product improvement 

Great work overall. I enjoyed reading this! 

1 Vote Reply

Velavan Mani
Bronze PM

Apr 23, 2020

Thank you so much @bijan. It means a lot to me. I would

keep learning.

0 Vote Reply

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Platinum PM
Apr 15, 2020

FB + Whatsapp Mission: To allow people to communicate with

anyone in the world and in doing so bring the world closer

together. Thus aligns with overall FB goals.

Business Goal : To improve user engagement with WhatsApp. 

Key Users:

1. Developed Country Users

1. Consumers - New, active users, groups 

2. Local Businesses, Brands

2. Developing Country Users

1. Consumers - New users, Active users, Groups 3/17
7/4/2021 How would you improve user engagement on WhatsApp? — Product Improvement Question | Product Management Exercises

2. Local Businesses, Brands

Choosing to focus on developing country use cases cause that is

the largest market for Whatsapp and a small change will also

have a big impact on the goal of engagement. Specific target

segments I want to focus on will be the consumer segment since

that is the biggest user base. 

Key Uses Cases and Problems:

1. Onboarding for new users and activating them

2. Texting  - Hard to type things, lack of local fun mostly

western keyboards and western gifs. Sharing links. Too

much spam and rumors being forwarded.

3. Voice call - Poor voice quality, background noises

4. Video Chat - Low data, bandwidth issues

5. Ordering groceries - Communicating with a store that also

has a user account and not a business WhatsApp account.

Using it to submit orders, transacting and paying the store. 

Key Problems:

1. Onboarding for users coming on to WhatsApp using feature

phone earlier

2. Communicating

1. Hard to text users in their local language, lack of local

language fun

2. Bad voice call quality 

3. Rumors and fake news 

3. Hard to order groceries and managing payments

Choosing to focus on solving onboarding (table stakes), and

communication problems. 

Key Ideas:

1. Redesigned onboarding tutorial for new users in developing

countries with tooltips and voice commands. Gamify it by

asking them to complete a set of key actions and become a

true active user. 

2. Themes+Sticker Add Ons - Allow users to buy stickers

package (stickers, local one-liners etc) that will allow them

to express themselves in a much more fun way.  User can

discover these via the same key board section where they

find Gifs etc. 4/17
7/4/2021 How would you improve user engagement on WhatsApp? — Product Improvement Question | Product Management Exercises

3. Whatsapp Broadcast - To remove rumors and fake news -

Reduce the spread of misinformation by staring a

WhatsApp broadcast for local and national markets.

FB/Whatsapp will basically use a given users phone # to

understand their locale and inform about the top trending

rumors in their area/country and along with facts. I would

need some partnership with the government to get their

endorsement for this to make sure users truly trust the

information shared by WhatsApp. 

4. E-commerce payments for local stores that people may be

using to make payments. QR code or Venmo like experience

where you pay the user via Whatsapp and keep a complete

record of the transaction history. It can even be extended to

pay utility bills etc. 

Prioritized List

Based on the impact on UX and eng cost the following features

come up in the priority order:

1. Onboarding Tutorial (Table stakes)

2. Stickers + Add Ons (MVP)

3. Whatsapp broadcast

4. E-commerce payments

Success Metrics:

1. DAU, WAU for users (sliced by age)

2. #of users activated after onboarding

3. #of stickers and one liners used.

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2 Feedbacks

Platinum PM

Apr 16, 2020

Things you did well 

Structure: Great structure of the answer. It's easy to

follow and see that you are familiar with answering

product improvement questions 

Product Description: You did a great job explaining

what the product does and how it works today 

User groups: Great job breaking down the users to

multiple user groups  

Pain points: You listed a good number of meaningful

pain points / user needs 5/17
7/4/2021 How would you improve user engagement on WhatsApp? — Product Improvement Question | Product Management Exercises

Solutions: Great set of solutions to solve for the pain

points you highlighted 

Areas of Improvement 

Pain points: I would have explained why the

onboarding and communication are prioritized as

the main pain points to resolve  

Metrics of success: pick a "primary" metric from the

list of metrics you've provided and label the

additional metrics as secondary.  

Nice work! 

2 Vote Reply

Vishal Shah
Platinum PM
Apr 25, 2021

Good list of user sgements

Good break down of problems but #4 seemed like a


While you prioritized 2 user problems you didnt tell me

why (Bijan mentioned this)

#4 solution seems to be related to #4 pain point. You

didn't prioritize that pain point so should not talk about


I am not sure if I agree with you stating Use Cases and

Problems and then mentioning Key Problems. Instead of

Use Cases I would have talked about user journey. I feel

talking about Use Cases makes you focused on solutions

because it seems natural to think of solution because you

are thinking "well if this was good then this is what you

can do." 

0 Vote Reply

Pallavi Singh 1

Oct 4, 2020

Clarification - whatsapp is a messanger used for communication

vis image, text, video etc between individuals or sets of

individuals, groups. any specific country, any specific platform -

answer - take web+mobile and US

Goal - inc user engagement - what it means - new users? more

interactions? - answer - more interactions/engagement

User groups - on the basis of interactions - 1) personal

interaction (friends, families), 2) business/work/within

organization interaction, 3) public group interaction (city group,

activit groups etc, enquiries). Looking at our goal and immediate

impact I will go with business/work interactions as frequency of

those interactions is higher - more usage, more engagement,

more data to track. Also fb mission is to connect all kinds of

users - during COVID even more important. 6/17
7/4/2021 How would you improve user engagement on WhatsApp? — Product Improvement Question | Product Management Exercises


1) Add people not in your contact list

2) One project group may have different sub groups and

conversation within one group is not for everyone casuing lot of

people to scroll messages. - need for subgroups within groups

3) Person may get added by mistake

4) people might not be comfortable with showing private profile

5) too many attachments to handle esp for people working in

multiple projects. 

6) notification when not near phone or web app is not on -

missing important mail

7) overall trust with anyone can see your phone and open

whatsapp, trust on facebook

Prioritized painpoint basis level of pain point impact , # of users

it affects etc: 1, 2, 4,7. For 5, initially people may not transfer

completely to whatsapp based work conversation so will park

this for later. For 6, this is a med-low painpoint. 


1) Allow inviting people using email address - integration with

gmail, outlook; tradeoff I dont know how the

partnership/integratuion will work. 

2) Within one group allow creating different subgroups - Project

group - below that can be small bubble with different


3) Have a separate whatsapp for business app

4) integrate whatsapp business profile within same app with two

toggles - private and business; trade off might confuse users

initially when using two toggles

5) trust - user types password everytime they open whatsapp for

business profile

6) company authenticated whatsapp for business - SSO/SAML

for business profile; tradeoff - this may lead to annoying user

exp and may not be available on mobile. 

7) Additional security software added by FB, more marketing on

what they are doing to improve security

Solutions prioritized - (basis impact and effort and ease of

implementation and FB mission) - 1, 2, 4,6

Metrics - # of business profiles creates, Avg time spent on

whatsapp/user, # of interactions/group

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2 Feedbacks 7/17
7/4/2021 How would you improve user engagement on WhatsApp? — Product Improvement Question | Product Management Exercises

Platinum PM
Oct 27, 2020

Things you did well

Clarification: Good job clarifying the question and

narrowing down the scope.

User Group: Good job listing different user groups

and choosing one to focus on.

Pain Points: Solid list of pain points for the business


Solutions: I really like your solutions. They solve the

paint points and are also creative ideas.

Areas of improvement

Solution: When prioritizing try to go through the

impact/effort one by one if you have the time.

Summary: Also if you have the time durig the

interview, try to summarize your answer.

Overall I really liked your answer!

0 Vote Reply

Vishal Shah
Platinum PM
Apr 25, 2021

Pallavi, sorry I have a diff feeback then provided by Mo. 

1. Your user segments are fine but when you get to pain

point I would argue couldnt these pain points belong to

other user group as well. FB asked me somewhat of a

similar question in the sense "how are your user groups

too different from each other?". Bijan said "unique

distinctive user groups".

2. You prioritized way too many pain points instead of just

1. That also means your pain points are too narrow so you

couldnt possibly prioritize only 1 and come up with 3-5

solutions on that single pain point. 

3. Pain points appear to be embedded in solutions.

Ideally, you shouldnt have a solution when you think of

pain point. I would recommend finding a coursework on

Design Thinking. When you are understandign your users

and their needs, you aren't yet thinking of solutions. First

understand the user. 

4. 7 solutions is way too many. 

5. Trade off can't be "I dont know how this will be

implemented". 2 problems with it, companies like Google

does expect you to go through 1 round of tech interview

wherein they would expect you to have a high level tech

apporach knowledge to implement solutions. #2 problem

is that that's nota tradeoff but that's your lack of literacy.

Trade-off is what's the flip side of implementing such

solution. 8/17
7/4/2021 How would you improve user engagement on WhatsApp? — Product Improvement Question | Product Management Exercises

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Harika Kante

Jul 30, 2020

Objective: To increase user engagement on WhatsApp platform

1. Starting with what is Whatsapp- Messenger platform where

users can message/ voice call/ video call with other users and


2. Highlighting top user personas


Working professionals

Casual communication - Only chat with friends/ family (all


3. Selecting the user persona of students here. Mainly because of

COVID-19, users are interacting closely with peers/ teachers/

colleges through online platforms. 

Top Painpoints- 

 Get schedule/ reminders for meetings/ classes- There is no

provision to set reminders or to see calendar view in


Filtering and searching for main images and videos- Even

though user can mark a particular image/ video as starred,

no provision to tag images under different categories to

check later. Ex: Related to a particular subject/ course

Whatsapp resources for students- As a student who wants

to keep informed of latest news and get in touch with

dream colleges/ recruiters, there is no search/ content

available within Whatsapp. 

4. Potential solution to solve pain points

Calendar/ Meeting scheduler - Users can set reminders for

meetings as agreed on chat and can see meeting calendar. 

Image/ video tagging - Provision to tag images/ videos

with pre-defined as well as customized categories. Users

can see the tagged content in 'starred' section. Every time

users want to browse through important Whatsapp content,

they need not browse through the device gallery. (Tags can

also be added to images/ videos title when saved to device)

Provision for users to follow colleges/ recruiter/ teacher

accounts . There can be a business section separately where

users can search and follow. Users can also chat with them

or follow daily updates shared. This will be really helpful to

keep a tab on latest updates.

5. List of solutions

Calendar/ Meeting reminders-  

         User Satisfaction- High ; Engagement Potential- Medium ;

Effort- Medium

         Engagement Metric:

         MAU- Number of users using meeting/ calendar feature 9/17
7/4/2021 How would you improve user engagement on WhatsApp? — Product Improvement Question | Product Management Exercises

         Number of meetings/ calls done on whatsapp from


Image/ Video tagging- 

         User Satisfaction- High; Engagement Potential- High;

Effort- Low

          Engagement Metric- 

          Number of images/ videos tagged

          Number of users using tag feature

          Session time- Time spent per user on this section

Businesses accounts for Education category-

         User Satisfaction- High; Engagement potential- High;

Effort- Medium; Monetization Potential- Medium/ High

         Engagement metrics-

         MAU- Number of users browsing 'businesses' section

         Increase in users following accounts

         Session time- Time spent by users on business accounts. 

6. Prioritizing/ Tradeoffs

As all the solutions are estimated to have high user satisfaction

and engagement potential, prioritizing based on ' effort' and

additional 'monetization potential' 

Summarizing solution - Provision of 'Image/ video' tagging where

users can browse content in Whatsapp itself.  Also provision to

follow and engage with 'Business accounts for Education

Category' solutions.

#Please review and suggest on the solution.

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Vishal Shah
Platinum PM
Apr 25, 2021

Harika good thoughts on solution but here are few


1. Pain points shouldnt start sounding like solutions. If

that happens, when youare just reframing solutions. that

will not earn you points. 

2. Prioritize by evaluation and choose only 1 or2 max pain

points. 10/17
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3. Define trade-offs

4. Tie your solutions back to BO. CAll it out that this

solution will result in x resulting in increased

engagement. Interviewer wants to know that your

solutions are not designed in a box but are rather

designed and thought through to address the north star,

here it was Engagement.

0 Vote Reply

Gold PM
Jun 18, 2021

Whatsapp - you can do 1-1 chat, group chat. Businesses can chat

with you - I believe there is a business version of the app also. I

have never used the business app, so dont know much about it. 

Whatsapp vision: Make it easy and free to talk to your friends

and family. They used your phone contacts list as the social


If I look at the strategic objectives for Whatsapp - the key ones

that come to mind are 

a/ Acquiring new users

b/ Increasing engagement with existing users

c/ Monetization 

Is there any particular objective you would like me to focus on? 

And within customers, we have 2 types - consumers and


I would like to focus on increasing engagement of consumers. 

1/ I am prioritizing acquiring new users as lower because

Whatspp already have 2.5B+ users. There are probably 5B mobile

users in the world. Of which 1B are in China, which is a closed

market. So whatsapp already has 60% market share. So they

seem to be doing reasonably well there.

2/ Prioritizing monetization lower. Monetization will come if user

base is high and user engagement is high. Monetization can be

higher priority, if there is clear directive strategically, but since I

am not aware, I am prioritizing lower. 

Driving engagement: 2.5B users. There are several ways to

measure engagement - DAUs, amount of time spent / DAU,

Number of messages exchanged/DAU, Number of actions 11/17
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taken/DAU etc. DAUs is probably the primary metric, with

amount of time spent as secondary metric. My goal will try to

improve multiple metrics through improvements. 

Lets look at key use cases enabled by whatsapp. 

1/ 1-1 chat. Text, voice, video, file sharing 

2/ 1-many chat

3/ P2P Payments - I think this is possible in some countries. Not

in US. 

4/ Interact with SMBs - customer support, talking to businesses.

We can try to improve all of these. I will focus on 1-1 chat for 3

reasons a/ I think its probably the most used use case. 2/ Most

feature improvements that we make for 1-1, will carry over to 1-

many, and SMBs also, 3/ These features can be rolled over

globally irrespective of regulatory issues (unlike payments etc

which are probably country specific).  There maybe technical

limitations though. 

Lets look at the user journey for 1-1 chat

1/ Open the app: 

a/ I have an intent to send a message. Or plan to check the

received messages.   

b/ Prompted by a notification and open the app

c/ See the unread messages notification on the app and open it

Pain points: 

a/ I get a lot of notifications from group chats which are not

relevant. Notifications become noisy. 

b/ I see 30 unread messages icon. I dont know if its coming from

1-1 chats (which I maybe more interested) or from group chats. I

want to know if I got the message from the person I am

interested without opening the app. 

2/ I find the person I want to contact

3/ I “talk to them” in real-time, or send a message (text,

recording, file) async

Lets focus on chat. 

Problems and possible solutions 12/17
7/4/2021 How would you improve user engagement on WhatsApp? — Product Improvement Question | Product Management Exercises

a/ I find that non-tech savvy people, like my mom, find it

cumbersome to search for someone and call or text. They would

like to just say “call vamsi”. Or “send message to vamsi” and that

in their own language. High priority -- lot of people in this age

group. Also convenient even for us -- makes it easy to just use it. 

S: Make it voice activated. Transcribe voice to text and send.

Why does she need to even type anything?

b/ Many times when I call, I find that it rings from my side, but

the other person actually doesnt get the ring. 

S: This almost is a bug. WE should fix it. 

c/ When I call, if the other person doesnt have internet, then I

cannot reach him. 

S: If the other person doesnt have internet, then switch to

telephone network. - this could be offered as a fee. 

d/ When I want to see previous messages I have from a person, I

cannot search those messages. 

S: Ability to search text, meta data tag images using computer

vision, transcribe audio and make it searchable. 

4/ Finish the conversation and close the app.

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Dec 30, 2020

What is meant by engagement?

1. More users sending messages(any type - text, image,

document, video)

2. More users launching the app

3. More sessions per user per day

4. More users view stories/status

5. More users upload status

Getting users to launch the app alone will not be useful. They

should be nudged to take more actions. These actions are

furthering the key propositions of the application -

communication. These actions would be:

1. Send/receive messages - personal or group

2. Upload/share status 13/17
7/4/2021 How would you improve user engagement on WhatsApp? — Product Improvement Question | Product Management Exercises

The objective is to get users to do more such things. A key way

to get into this problem would be to define the various use cases

of a user as per the versions of the application:

1. Personal

1. Enabling regular personal communication

2. Specific work-related communication

3. Engaging with groups/family members through groups

1. Keeping in touch with family members/friends

2. Hobby groups

3. Planning trips

4. Social commerce

1. Online shop

2. Online presence of an offline shop

2. Business

1. Engaging with clients

1. Share catalog/product

2. Convert users(sales)

3. Negotiate prices

4. Complete a deal

5. Transact

2. Maintain product catalog

Based on the above use cases, we can think of solutions on 2

broad lines:

1. Integrations with some widely used tools/applications

which would allow users to do a lot of their work within the

app. Eg. PiP for YouTube videos

2. Additional, expansive features that can increase the use

cases for the users so that they use WA more often


1. Why - Communication is a basic need and WA as a product

solves it well. To make it more useful, we need to find ways

of seamlessly integrating the application in a person’s

routine/daily activities. This should only simplify the user

experience and not create friction

2. What

1. Setting reminders/meetings - User can select a

message and take actions, including setting a

reminder. Minimal effort, simple deep integration with

Google Calendar or other such applications.

2. Chatbot integrations - Amazon Alexa. GA and Siri

come bundled with the phone. But, Alexa can be

launched as a chatbot/conversational AI on WA where

regular day-to-day usage items can be ordered on

Amazon through WA.

3. News aggregators - Broadcast updates about events

happening around the world within WA. Make interest

gathering conversational. 14/17
7/4/2021 How would you improve user engagement on WhatsApp? — Product Improvement Question | Product Management Exercises

New features:

Social commerce is a massive use case. It’s prevalent on every

social media platform and we have entrepreneurs with small

setups selling/reselling items. A big pain point for such users is

to manage their product catalog and their client groups. We can

create a catalog feature which would allow users to create and

maintain a catalog which they can publish with ease in various

groups. Building on top of that, WA can provide basic features to

enable such businesses such as basic book-keeping, order

management(manual entry of orders OR through message based

action from chats). This would simplify the offline business

management work for the users.


1. Social commerce is a major use case due to the large user

base engaged in this activity. Solving this problem is more

likely to yield higher engagement.

2. Integrations which offer services through WA where new

products/services can utilise WA as a user acquisition

channel. Think of users in Tier 3 or smaller cities who are

still consuming information in traditional formats such as

newspapers. They can be onboarded to e-news through WA

as a conversational tool. Control the first experience, build

in the stickiness.

3. Calendar integrations - works for a smaller set of users.

Smaller user base will get impacted, hence smaller


We would track the engagement using the standard DAU, WAU

and MAU definitions and then also break it down against each

such qualifying user action to determine it’s contribution to the

increase/decrease in engagement.

To summarise, we can increase engagement on WA by

addressing user pain points through deeper integrations with

well established tools and solving new use cases for the users.

The new use cases can be determined based on the current

trends. We can then pick the most suitable solution based on the

TAM for it.

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1 Feedback

Gold PM
Dec 30, 2020

Great ideas @pravekl 

Things you did well 15/17
7/4/2021 How would you improve user engagement on WhatsApp? — Product Improvement Question | Product Management Exercises

you asked good set up of clarifying questions for

identying what engagement means in whatsapp

context here

Good list of used cases for both personal and

business groups 

Great work in selecting a communication theme and

then broadly classifying the solutions based on this


summarized well

Areas of improvement

Structure: the flow was a bit confusing to me.

Checkout the guide-



Mission: state the mission of whatsapp and how it

resonates with the overall FB mission of connecting

people and communities

Clarifying Q's: Could ask if relating to a particular

platform (web client, app), geography to identify

local needs (if any)

User group: Choose a particular user group

personal/business to focus upon and confirm with

interviewer if they are ok with it. It is difficult to

focus upon all user groups within the time


Pain Points: Mention pain points that may impact

engagement. If you want to narrow down your listed

pain points, and focus on a few, evaluate them on

the basis of impact and relevance.

Solution Prioirtization: I see that you broadly

prioirtized it with rationale but would like to see the

evaluation criteria explicity. You may evaluate on

basis of impact and effort to implement

Metrics: You listed D/W/M metric. Try listing more

metrics that resonate with your top prioirtized

solutions such as increase in average time spent

with granularity on social commerce time. We may

also chk if social commerce/e-news is not

cannibalizing the total communication time - # of

messages read/sent, story read/uploaded.

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