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OpenText Imaging WebViewer CE 21.

Release Notes

Product Released: 2021-10-01

Release Notes Revised: 2022-08-15

Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 2

1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Release Notes revision history .................................................................................................. 5

2 About Imaging Web Viewer ........................................................................................................... 6

2.1 New features.............................................................................................................................. 6
Usability enhancement in custom stamps .................................................................... 6
Time stamp details shown in the Check Authenticity panel for document
validation ............................................................................................................... 7
Quick Mode for PDF documents .................................................................................. 7
Administration configuration updates ........................................................................... 7
Handling unsupported embedded documents in WebViewer ...................................... 7
2.2 Discontinued and deprecated features ...................................................................................... 7

3 Packaging and documentation ..................................................................................................... 8

3.1 Packaging and delivery information .......................................................................................... 8
WebViewer Docker Container ................................................................................................... 9
Localization – Do it yourself steps ............................................................................................. 9
3.2 Related documentation .............................................................................................................. 9
3.3 Documentation errata .............................................................................................................. 10

4 Supported environments and compatibility .............................................................................. 10

4.1 Virtualization guidelines ........................................................................................................... 10
4.2 Supported systems .................................................................................................................. 10
System requirements .................................................................................................. 10
Supported operating systems and browsers .............................................................. 11
Supported SAP GUI versions ..................................................................................... 12
Supported OpenText Content Server version............................................................. 12
Protocols and security ................................................................................................ 13
Document formats ...................................................................................................... 13
4.3 OpenText product compatibility ............................................................................................... 15
4.4 Language support .................................................................................................................... 15

5 Installation and upgrade notes ................................................................................................... 16

5.1 Installation notes ...................................................................................................................... 16
Prerequisites to install WebViewer in OpenJDK ........................................................ 16
WebViewer Server on one workstation ...................................................................... 16
5.2 Upgrade notes ......................................................................................................................... 18

Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 3

6 Patches ......................................................................................................................................... 20
6.1 Hotfixes .................................................................................................................................... 20
Hotfix installation ........................................................................................................ 20
Available hotfixes ........................................................................................................ 20
Updates ...................................................................................................................... 22

7 Fixed issues .................................................................................................................................. 22

8 Known issues ............................................................................................................................... 24

9 Contact information ..................................................................................................................... 35

Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 4

1 Introduction
These Release Notes provide an overview of Imaging Web Viewer CE 21.4, including new features,
delivery information, and supported platforms.

OpenText recommends that you read these Release Notes in conjunction with the documentation
included with the software package. If any conflicts exist, the Release Notes supersede the other

We also recommend that you check OpenText My Support ( for any
patches or documentation updates that may have been posted after the initial release of this product.

1.1 Release Notes revision history

Revision date Sections revised Description of revisions

2021-10-05 First release. All new content.

Include prerequisite packages for

Installation and upgrade
2021-10-29 rendering office documents in Linux

Added SAP JVM support

Added language pack support for DE, FR,
2021-11-21 4.4

4.4 Added language pack support for IT, ZH,

2021-12-16 PT, RU, FI
4.2.2 Added Windows 11 support

Added hotfix section with log4j vulnerability

2021-12-27 6.1.3
Modified Section 5 and 6, made it inline
with Release Notes latest Template

4.2.2 Updated SAP Fiori support

6.1.2 Log4j resolution in Docker image

Updated Known issues about encoding of

2022-04-22 8
configuration parameters

2022-04-25 4.2.2 Added Windows 11 support

4.4 Added language pack support for AR, CA,


Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 5

Revision date Sections revised Description of revisions

Added Fixed issues about Date shown in

UI, new parameter to avoid application
crash when specific office documents are
2022-06-07 accessed, Correct orientation for JPEG
documents with exif metadata
Updated known issues, watermark on exif
jpeg documents

Updated known issues about workaround

2022-07-04 8 to avoid data loss while rendering excel

Updated known issues about VIM Fiori

2022-08-14 8

2 About Imaging Web Viewer

This section provides an overview of Imaging Web Viewer CE 21.4.

OpenText Imaging WebViewer (WebViewer) is a web application for displaying and printing
documents in web-based scenarios and for appending comments to these documents. The
documents may be stored in OpenText Archive and Storage Services (formerly known as Livelink
ECM – Archive Server) or any other repository.
WebViewer is used with the following products, which provide the interface for the end-user:
• OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions

• OpenText DocuLink for SAP Solutions

• OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions

• OpenText Core Archive

• OpenText Employee File Management for SAP Solutions

• OpenText TCP – Transactional Content Processing

2.1 New features

Imaging Web Viewer CE 21.4 includes the following new features.

Usability enhancement in custom stamps

Annotation stamps in WebViewer have been enhanced to include the ability to select and switch
between more than one annotation stamp from WebViewer instead of only one default stamp.

Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 6

Time stamp details shown in the Check Authenticity panel for document
Users can see time stamp details, such as when a document was archived and the new time stamp
in case the certificate was updated.

Quick Mode for PDF documents

The Quick Mode view for PDF documents is a new enhancement developed in this release for
specific customers. This feature enables users to view PDF documents quickly by using the client-
side rendering technology and provides an option to navigate to the Standard Mode for advanced
This feature can be enabled by an administrator using the Configuration option –
Quick_Mode_PDF_Document. By default, this option is set to FALSE. Set this option to TRUE to lead
users to the Quick View Mode for PDF documents (without form) from the leading application. There
is no change in behavior for the non-PDF documents and they still lead to the standard WebViewer.

• This option does not work with Microsoft Internet Explorer
browsers (including in place view) – users must use
Quick_Mode_PDF_Document_IE_browser and enable the
Adobe plugin in the browser to view PDF documents quickly in
Internet Explorer browsers.
• Administration configurations and the leading application
permissions are not honored when Quick Mode for PDF
document is enabled.

Administration configuration updates

The default value of vu_pdf_maxcount is now set to 1500. Due to Log4j2 implementation, many Log4j
parameters, which an administrator should not change have been removed.
Handling unsupported embedded documents in WebViewer
Users are now notified though the user interface if there are any corrupted or unsupported documents
present in compound documents.

2.2 Discontinued and deprecated features

The following features have been discontinued in this release due to a technology upgrade:

• Removed the configuration vu_focus_on_load because it is no longer relevant.

• Removed the configuration vu_allow_session_sharing because opening bulk documents at a
time (parallel requests) from the leading application is not supported. This is due to the
browser’s behavior of cookie-based session sharing across tabs and windows. Opening bulk
documents causes parallel requests from the browser and from the server-side, different
sessions are created because those are individual requests. However, when the response is

Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 7

sent back, the browser overwrites previous sessions with the last rendered response session
because the browser allows only one cookie-based session for the same domain. This results
in session conflicts with WebViewer and some documents fail to render. The
vu_AllowSessionSharing parameter does not work in such a scenario.
• The Imaging Reviews and Notes module does not support Archive Center stored documents
now. From 16.2 Patch 005 onward, the capability of viewing documents in Imaging
WebViewer or Imaging Windows Viewer through the Reviews and Notes module only remain
for Content Server stored documents. Users are requested to use the Extended ECM-SAP
module to configure Imaging Viewers for Archive Link stored documents. The View Document
option will not be visible in the menu for Archive Center stored documents.
• Imaging Reviews and Notes 16.2 is the last supported version. Extended ECM for SAP
solution customers are requested to use the inbuilt Imaging Viewers configuration option for
enabling viewers for Archive Link documents. See OpenText Extended ECM for SAP
Solutions: Installation and Upgrade guide for more details. OpenText recommends OpenText
Intelligent Viewing for Content Server stored documents. See Intelligent Viewing on OpenText
My Support (

3 Packaging and documentation

Downloads and documentation for Imaging Web Viewer are available on OpenText My Support

Documentation that is installed with the product or packaged with the
product download is current at the time of release. Documentation
updates made after a release are available for download on OpenText
My Support (

3.1 Packaging and delivery information

Imaging WebViewer 21.4 is delivered as an individual executable for Windows and Linux platforms. It
is available on OpenText My Support (

Web Viewer is distributed in three ways:

• As an MSI for the Windows platform
• As a tar.gz file for Linux platforms
• As a manual deployment file, that is a ZIP file for both the Windows and non-Windows

• Ensure that 'fontconfig' is available in the Linux Server in the WebViewer installed
location. WebViewer cannot render the documents properly without this. If ‘fontconfig’
is not installed, please use: “yum install fontconfig” to install.

Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 8

• WebViewer and Archive Center should not be installed on the same machine in the
production environment.

WebViewer Docker Container

As a part of the 21.4 release, the WebViewer Docker Container is available for users for rapid
deployment. A container is a standard unit of software that packages the code and its dependencies,
so the application runs quickly and reliably from one computing environment to another. The
WebViewer container image is a lightweight, standalone, executable package of software that
includes Tomcat, OpenJDK, and WebViewer.

Localization – Do it yourself steps

Steps to localize the product yourself

 Open webviewer.jar from <Tomcat_Home>/webapps/WebViewer/WEB-INF/lib and navigate to


 Find

 Copy the file and rename to docviewer_<languageCode>.properties.

 Translate the string messages to desired language.

 Save it.
Now the webviewer.jar should contain new properties files, restart the Tomcat and open the
document with requested/required locale, find the UI string messages translation.
1) It is up to customer to translate the message and if any issue, revert the changes
2) Help localization cannot be achieved via these steps.

3.2 Related documentation

For additional information about Imaging Web Viewer, or for supplemental information about related
products, refer to the following documents, which are available on OpenText My Support

• OpenText Imaging WebViewer User Guide

• OpenText Imaging WebViewer Installation and Administration Guide

The Release Notes are updated continually. The latest version and further technical information are
available on OpenText My Support (

Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 9

3.3 Documentation errata
Manual deployment folder: Details of the WebSphere environment steps are shown in the ReadMe
file, which is in "C:\ProgramData\Open Text\WebViewer". However, the WebSphere environment is no
longer supported. Please ignore details of WebSphere in ReadMe file.

4 Supported environments and compatibility

This section provides details about supported platforms, systems, and versions.

4.1 Virtualization guidelines

WebViewer 21.4 can be generally deployed in a virtualized environment. The following prerequisites
must be fulfilled to achieve results identical to those known from dedicated hardware:

• Only type 1 full virtualization (see is

supported. OpenText does not support type 2 virtualization, partial virtualization
strategies, or para- virtualization. The full virtualization strategy is known as bare-metal
embedded hypervisor (type 1 hypervisor).
• Emulated virtualization, entry level or desktop virtualization technologies including the
technologies harnessing the type 2 hypervisor technology (hosted hypervisor
mentioned in the previous point) from full virtualization domain are not supported.
The required virtualization tool must be designed for low overhead and near-native
• The WebViewer solution works intensively with file systems. The product uses multi-
level cache mechanism, and the second level cache is located on a hard drive unit. It
is essential that WebViewer has non-emulated access to a fast HDD unit. OpenText
recommends that every logical system on a virtualized HW host will receive a
dedicated HDD unit. For example, if a virtualization server hosts three logical servers,
and each server hosts a single copy of WebViewer, three physical HDD units shall be
available on the virtualization server and each copy of WebViewer shall receive a
dedicate copy.
• By selecting a virtualization strategy other than the ones described above, OpenText
cannot guarantee functionality or performance data. The sizing guide delivered
together with the product starting in version 10.0.0 onward does not apply for
installations using other virtualization strategies than the one recommended above.

4.2 Supported systems

System requirements
OpenText recommends planning the deployment, sizing, and installation of your WebViewer
system. For more information, see the chapter “Planning the WebViewer System” in the Installation
and Configuration Guide on My Support.

WebViewer should preferably be installed on a dedicated server or virtualized environment. A load-

balanced scenario should be considered for larger installations. The number of servers depends on

Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 10

the number of active users who are working with WebViewer at the same time.


On Linux systems, if the file is unavailable, the WebViewer installer creates
a new file along with its entries. If the file exists, the WebViewer
installer appends the configuration entries to it. To enable Archive Center to work with
WebViewer, OpenText recommends that you review the file after the
installation and remove any duplicate or conflicting entries.

WebViewer is a zero-footprint solution and does not require a strong client computer. The client must
have one of the supported browsers installed.

Supported operating systems and browsers

WebViewer CE 21.4 supports the following operating systems, application servers, JDK versions, and

Operating Systems
• Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 64-bit
• Microsoft Windows Server 2016 64-bit
• Windows Server 2019 64-bit
• RedHat Enterprise Server 8 64-bit
• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12
Application Servers
• Apache Tomcat 8.5.51 or higher
• Apache Tomcat 9.0.31 or higher

Caution: Versions lower than Tomcat 8.5.51 and Tomcat 9.0.31 may have
vulnerability issues.

JDK Version
• Adopt OpenJDK 11.0.8 (WebViewer certifies with OpenJDK11 as it is LTS)
• SAPJVM8_81-x

The following browsers and operating systems are supported.

Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 11

Browser Operating system Support level

Windows 10 64-bit versions C

Internet Explorer 11.0
Internet Explorer 11.0 64-bit
Microsoft Edge Chromium
Chrome 87 and higher
Firefox 78.x ESR

Internet Explorer 11.0 Windows 8.1 64-bit C

Internet Explorer 11.0 64-bit
Microsoft Edge Chromium
Chrome 87 and higher
Firefox 78.x ESR

Microsoft Edge 96 and higher Windows 11 C

Chrome 96 and higher

Firefox 91.x ESR

MAC OS 10.x C
Safari 12

C = Certified

This platform was used for full regression testing with this release of WebViewer by OpenText.
Customer use is fully supported by OpenText Customer Support.

S = Supported

This platform received limited testing for this release of WebViewer by OpenText. Customer use is fully
supported by OpenText Customer Support.


Edge (based on Chromium) is alternative browser control for use in the SAP GUI 7.7 HTML Control – for
becoming independent of the Internet Explorer Control. Imaging WebViewer 21.4 is compatible with SAP
GUI 7.7 Microsoft Edge chromium in place view, SAP Fiori UI5

Supported SAP GUI versions

For supported SAP server and SAP GUI versions, see the OpenText Archiving and Document Access
for SAP Solutions Release Notes.

Supported OpenText Content Server version

WebViewer CE 21.4 supports Content Server 16.0.x /16.2.x/ 20.x. As a prerequisite, the OpenText
Imaging Reviews and Notes 16.2.0 module must be installed on Content Server.

Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 12

You can download the OpenText Imaging Reviews and Notes 16.2.0 module at .

To view Content Server documents using WebViewer, the Content Server administrator needs to
store the credentials of WebViewer using the WebViewer Administration Console. For more
information, see section “Configuring Secure Parameters” in the WebViewer Installation Guide. The
integration of WebViewer with Content Server shares the authenticated session created between
WebViewer and Content Server. To establish a session, you must store the Content Server
credentials (Host Name, Username, and Password) in the WebViewer Administration Console. The
credentials are used to open a session between WebViewer and Content Server, but the impersonate
call will follow to switch the context to the user that is viewing the document. In case the Content
Server administrator credentials are not stored in the WebViewer Administration Console, the cookies
mechanism can be used to share the session context.

Protocols and security

Communication protocol
WebViewer uses HTTP/ HTTPS protocol for communication with Archive Center and SAP GUI. OLE,
RFC, or HA protocols are not supported.

SSL (Secure Socket Layer) communication

SSL is not supported by SAP R/3 version 4.6.
Document formats
Depending on the file format of the open document, the following functions are available:
Microsoft Word, Excel
Rotating pages, displaying annotations, editing annotations, editing notes, changing character set in
notes, checking authenticity, and copying image data.


OpenText Imagenation libraries require the availability of X windows

binaries on RHEL to access the MS-Office documents. In non-
Windows systems, run to generate the
softlink files for the .so version files IMSCORE_HOME and set the
IMSCORE_HOME path to libraries.
Plain text (ASCII)
Free search, rotating pages, forms overlay, displaying annotations, editing annotations, editing notes,
changing character set in notes, checking authenticity, copying text, and copying image data.
Free search, rotating pages, forms overlay, displaying annotations, editing annotations, editing notes,
changing character set in notes, checking authenticity, digital signature, hyperlinks, copying text, and
copying image data.

Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 13


WebViewer cannot correctly display documents that are based on PDF format with
interactive technologies, such as Online Forms. WebViewer parses static PDF content
only and discards the interactive part of information.
Free search, rotating pages, forms overlay, displaying annotations, editing annotations, editing notes,
changing character set in notes, checking authenticity, copying text, and copying image data.
Free search, attribute search, rotating pages, forms overlay, displaying annotations, editing
annotations, editing notes, changing character set in notes, checking authenticity, hyperlinks,
copying text, and copying image data.
Compound Documents
Free search, rotating pages, forms overlay, displaying annotations, editing annotations, editing notes,
changing character set in notes, checking authenticity, digital signature, hyperlinks, copying text, and
copying image data


• For single documents contained in compound documents, the same functions are
as for the same format outside of compound documents.
Exception: Attribute search is not available for ALF documents contained in a compound
• Free search and copying text are available only for plain text (ASCII), PDF, OTF, and
ALF documents inside a compound document.
• Digital signature is available only for PDF documents inside a compound document.
• Hyperlinks are available only for PDF and ALF documents inside a compound document.
• The printing functionality of WebViewer is achieved by rendering the document or choosing the
pages as PDF. The file is then downloaded to the client location and passed on to the PDF
software program present in the client location. This document can then be printed using the
configured printer. This functionality behaves differently depending on the combination of browser
and PDF software program used. OpenText strongly recommends testing your scenario carefully.
The best user experience is achieved with Internet Explorer 11 and Adobe Reader 11 or higher.
When displaying existing PDF format files from the archive, there is an option 'print as original' in
WebViewer, which avoids the additional rendering step. This enables good quality considering that the
whole document must be printed without any additional form and annotation features.
Rotating pages, forms overlay, displaying annotations, editing annotations, editing notes, changing
character set in notes, checking authenticity, and copying image data.

Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 14

Rotating pages, forms overlay, displaying annotations, editing annotations, editing notes, changing
character set in notes, checking authenticity, and copying image data.
Rotating pages, displaying annotations, editing annotations, editing notes, changing character set in
notes, checking authenticity, and copying image data.

4.3 OpenText product compatibility

The section provides details about which versions of other OpenText products are compatible with this
release of WebViewer CE 21.4.

Note: For the latest compatibility information for OpenText products, refer to the Compatibility
Matrix ( on OpenText Knowledge Center.

Product name Version Notes

Archive Center 16.2.x/20.x/21.x

Archiving and Document Access 16.2.x/20.x/21.x

We support supported versions of

Core Archive 20.x/21.x
Core Archive Connector

Transactional Content Processing 16.1

Content Server 16.2.x/20.x/21.x

Content Server module. Please

Imaging Reviews and Notes 16.2 refer to the Discontinued and
Deprecated section.

4.4 Language support

Imaging Web Viewer is currently localized in the following languages. Additional languages may be
available in future releases.

Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 15

Component Languages


Imaging B B B B B B B B B UI UI UI UI UI

UI = user interface only

B = both user interface and online help

5 Installation and upgrade notes

This section provides additional installation and upgrade information, including related or third-
party product information and any required critical patches.

5.1 Installation notes

Before you install WebViewer, review these additional installation notes and verify related product
or third-party product requirements.
Extracted Tomcat:

Administrator must restart Tomcat for the environment path settings of PDF/IMSCore
libraries to take effect, in case the WebViewer installation is performed on extracted

Prerequisites to install WebViewer in OpenJDK

The following prerequisites must be fulfilled by the client to install WebViewer in OpenJDK.

1. Install OpenJDK.
2. Configure JAVA_HOME to point to OpenJDK.
3. Install Tomcat.
4. During the Tomcat installation, ensure that the JDK version points to "folder/path/to/OpenJDK"
because OpenJDK installation does not create any registry key.

WebViewer Server on one workstation

The user must be logged in as an administrator or root to install the WebViewer base version and
patches. Ensure that all OpenText Imaging components are of the same version.
OpenJDK Installation

OpenJDK must be installed prior to starting the WebViewer installation. JDK installation is a

Installation fails when using JRE instead of JDK. The environment must contain JDK.
JRE is not sufficient.

Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 16

Configuration to support Umlaut characters

If the document Title contains umlaut characters, such umlauts will not display properly. Setting
connector parameters in Apache Tomcat Server Configuration, for example, (URIEncoding="UTF-
8" and tomcatAuthentication="false”) will display the Title characters properly.
Memory settings

OpenText recommends the following memory setting for the Application Server 64-bit JVM
options: Set JAVA_OPTS=-Xms2g -Xmx2g -XX:GCTimeRatio=2 -XX:ParallelGCThreads=8 -
XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=2000 -XX:+DisableExplicitGC

OpenText recommends the following optimal settings for the garbage collector: Set JAVA_OPTS=-
XX:GCTimeRatio=2 -XX:ParallelGCThreads=8 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=2000 -

Installation on UNIX Servers

To enable PDF document support, export LD_LIBRARY_PATH/SHLIB_PATH/LIBPATH to point to

the Imaging PDF resources directory. This environment variable is different for different platforms
as mentioned in the table below.

Platform Library path variable


The Imaging PDF resources directory is the folder where the binaries of the PDF Library and the
Resource files (CMap, Font, Unicode) are located, for example, /usr/local/lib/PDFL.
Setup for Imagenation libraries

OpenText Imaging WebViewer integrates internally another OpenText product called Imagenation
for rendering the Microsoft Office documents. Imagenation is active and licensed by default. The
16.2.12 version of Imagenation is integrated with WebViewer CE 21.4.
Note: To render office documents in the Linux environment. It is mandatory to install the
Virtual Frame Buffer (Xvfb) and on the Glib package. Ensure that you install these packages
before running the Office format conversion in WebViewer.

Note: Executing ‘’ at IMAGENATION_HOME path will check for all

prerequisites if anything is missing from the environment.

Configuration to avoid information disclosure

Information leakage is an application weakness where an application reveals sensitive data, such
as technical details of the web application, environment, or user-specific data. Sensitive data may
be used by an attacker to exploit the target web application, its hosting network, or its users.

Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 17

To avoid information leakage or disclosure using Tomcat, the configuration below is required.
1. Change or add the value of "" to "Apache Tomcat Version X" in
2. Replace the default error page (default is stacktrace) by adding the following into
CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml. within </web-app>
<error-page> <exception-type>java.lang.Throwable</exception-type>
<location>/error.jsp</location> </error-page>

5.2 Upgrade notes

The application does not provide an upgrade feature. A new installation will override the old version
of the application.
OpenText recommends saving the following files (if they exist) before the installation in the
<WebViewer>\WEB-INF folder:
• wevconfig
• cred
• csauth
To restore configuration of the 16.2.8/16.0.0 version:
1. Remove version 16.0.0/16.2.8.
2. Install WebViewer 21.4, and then start the application server (if the “Start Tomcat”
option is unchecked during installation).
3. Stop the application server.
4. Replace wevconfig, and the cred, csauth files with the corresponding files in the <tomcat-
5. home>/webapps/WebViewer/WEB-INF folder of WebViewer 21.4.
6. Start the application server, and then navigate to the WebViewer Administration
Console, section Configuration Parameters to check the configuration.

When you upgrade WebViewer from a lower version and want to keep the
configuration, you must back up the configuration files wevconfig, menu.xml
(UI/component/menubar/menu.xml), and toolbar.xml (UI/component/toolbar/toolbar.xml), in
case of changes to keyboard shortcut key mappings before installing the new version.
After the installation, set the configuration values according to the previous values of
the wevconfig file (steps described above) and replace menu.xml and toolbar.xml files
with the corresponding backup files.
In case of applying the patch, you need to back up only menu.xml and
toolbar.xml (in case of changes to keyboard shortcut key mappings) and
replace menu.xml and toolbar.xml files with the corresponding backup

Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 18

The upgrading binary should not contain any updates in the configuration files. Any
additional information section in the patch description will indicate any changes in the
configuration files.
Hotfix Installation Instructions:
The current version of WebViewer must be uninstalled before installing 21.4 version, follow the below steps
1. OpenText recommends taking back-up of the following files (if exists):

2. Uninstallation of existing WebViewer

Stop Tomcat and delete the below files/folders
PDF Libs, Office Libs and PDF Resources files

3. Install WebViewer 21.4 version

Execute the WebViewer-<version>-<platform>.sh (Refer section 3.1.3 of Installation and Configuration
Guide - )

4. Restoring the backup copied in Step 1

Stop Tomcat
Replace the files in respective directories except
For, Append/update catalina and java specific related settings as per the requirement (if

5. Applying hotfix
Extract the WebViewer.war from to <TOMCAT_HOME>/webapps folders
Start Tomcat

Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 19

6 Patches
A patch is a piece of software that is designed to fix or improve a computer program or its supporting
data. These may include repairs to security vulnerabilities or resolution of bugs and may also improve
usability or performance. The following patches/hotfixes must be applied to Imaging Web Viewer 21.4.
OpenText recommends that you check OpenText My Support ( for any
patches or documentation updates that may have been posted after this release.

6.1 Hotfixes
Hotfix installation
Refer the ReadMe file shared along with each Hotfix for installation/deployment steps.

Available hotfixes
The following table lists and describes the hotfixes available for this release.

Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 20

Hotfix name Additional information Downloads

wev-214- You must

1. The Log4j third-party component used by Imaging download the
log4j-2.17.1- WebViewer 21.4 to keep a record of activity within the
following to install
dlsignissue- application is affected by the Critical RCE Vulnerability:
this hotfix
hotfix- log4j - CVE-2021-44228.
This issue occurs in Imaging WebViewer 21.4 wev-214-log4j-
We validated that Imaging WebViewer versions before 21.4, 2.17.1-
where log4j-1.x.jar is used, are not impacted by this CVE- dlsignissue-
Log4j_1.x vulnerability (Impacted versions: Imaging
WebViewer 16.2.8, 20.3, 21.1)
Imaging WebViewer doesn't use JMSAppender, as per the
mitigation plan from, Log4j 1. x configurations
without JMSAppender are not impacted by CVE (CVE-2021-
4104) vulnerability. Hence Imaging WebViewer 16.2.8, 20.3,
and 21.1 versions are not impacted.
A threat actor could potentially exploit this vulnerability to
remotely execute unauthorized code on systems running
Imaging WebViewer 21.4
Due to the threat posed by a successful attack, OpenText
strongly recommends that customers follow the guidelines
below as soon as possible:
Long Term Mitigation Strategy
Future versions will contain the latest version of Log4J which
will be vulnerability-free.
We STRONGLY recommend implementing this immediate
Resolution for Windows and, Linux Operating Systems for
Imaging WebViewer 21.4
OpenText recommends applying this hotfix to replace older
Log4j 2.x version to the vulnerable free version Log4j 2.17.x.

Jira Reference: DOCVW-10138, DOCVW-10142

2. When PDF documents with digital signatures are

accessed using WebViewer, a red X mark shown at the
place of digital signature.

Jira Reference: DOCVW-9813

Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 21


7 Fixed issues
This section provides information about past issues that have been fixed in this release.

Issue Issue description


DOCVW-8529 Problem with document preview in iFrame in Chrome.

The following solution is provided:

1. Deploy WebViewer in Tomcat 9.0.38 or above.
2. Ensure that Tomcat is running in HTTPS mode only.
3. After deploying WebViewer, shut down the Tomcat server.
4. Navigate to the following folder:
5. Edit context.xml and append the following line before '</Context>':
<CookieProcessor sameSiteCookies="none"
6. Navigate to the following folder:
7. Edit web.xml and search for the '<session-config>' element and
modify as follows:
8. Start Tomcat.
9. In the iframe code, ensure that the WebViewer URL points to the

DOCVW-8284 OTCS Ticket 4368704 SAP Ticket - OpenText WebViewer is not working
correctly for doc and zip mime types. Enabled WebViewer to download
application/doc and application/zip to the client system.

DOCVW-8253 OTCS Ticket 4505456 - menu.xml was not working as expected.

DOCVW-8150 OTCS Ticket 4465043 WebViewer 16.2.8 - Unable to add notes. Introduced
a new configuration parameter 'XHRFormSubmission' for XMLHttpRequest
for forms.

Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 22

Description: Enables or disables the submission of forms using
XMLHttpRequest. To enable XMLHttpRequest for forms, set to TRUE.
Default is FALSE.

DOCVW-9723 OTCS Ticket 4893517 - Clear the print and email cache similar to lea and
PDF cache.

DOCVW-9691 OTCS Ticket 4869948 - Cannot download documents from Remote Cache
Server with Imaging Reviews and Notes installed.

DOCVW-9651 OTCS Ticket 4828807 - Resolved the issue of saving. alf format files as .pdf.

DOCVW-9259 Handle sec-key expiry in 21.4 version for better usability.

DOCVW-8788 Specifics PDFs not displayable in WebViewer.Performance issues in PDF

DOCVW-9473 Display.

DOCVW-8714 Annotations on PDF documents through Imaging Viewer is not triggering

WRTrigger.-Imaging Reviews and Notes Module issue.

DOCVW-10438 Time shown in WebViewer UI is adjusted correctly for different time zones

DOCVW-10498 Added a new config parameter, Enable_office_process to prevent application

crash for specific office documents

DOCVW-10439 Orientation of JPEG documents considering exif metadata

Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 23

8 Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release.

Issue name Issue description

Specific Microsoft When JVM heap size is not enough, either Apache Tomcat
Office documents crashes or blank pages are rendered.
conversion failed Increasing the JVM heap size resolves the issue.
due to JVM heap
SSL and the Send If you use SSL and the “Send by E-mail” feature, WebViewer
by E-mail feature lets Apache Tomcat act as an HTTP server and an HTTP client
at the same time. The client checks the certificate sent by the
server by trying to find this certificate (or a superior one) in the
truststore. The problem is that Apache Tomcat, when acting as
an SSL server, uses a certificate that is not known to the Java
Virtual Machine (JVM).

To solve the problem, you must mark the certificate of the

Apache Tomcat known to the JVM as trustworthy. There are
two ways of doing this:
• You can import the certificate into the default
truststore of the JVM using the Java tool keytool.
For more information on keytool, see
• You can specify the truststore in the Apache Tomcat
start script. This method has the advantage
that you do not touch the default truststore of the
JVM, which might be used by other applications.

To import the 1. In a command prompt window, go to <JDK root>\bin.

certificate into the 2. Run the following command:
default truststore of
keytool -import -alias <keystore entry name> - keystore
the JVM <JDK root>\jre\lib\security\cacerts
-trustcacerts -file<path of the certificate file> - storepass

Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 24

Issue name Issue description
To specify the
1. Create a truststore file that is a keystore,
truststore in the
for example on basis of the <JDK
Tomcat start script root>\jre\lib\- security\cacerts file.
2. Add the following line to the Apache Tomcat
start script <tomcat root>\bin\catalina.bat:

3. set JAVA_OPTS=-<path of the truststore file>
4. Alternatively, you can set JAVA_OPTS in the
environment appropriately.

Reference: DOCVW-814

Keyboard shortcuts In some browsers, especially in Moziilla Firefox, some

triggering browser WebViewer's keyboard shortcuts may trigger browser actions
actions instead of the expected WebViewer actions. To change this
behavior, configure different keys for the affected shortcuts in
the menu.xml file. See section “Customizing command menu
and keyboard shortcuts" in the Installation and Configuration

History of For each document called from SAP R/3, WebViewer starts a
documents does not new browser session. Therefore, the history of documents
work for documents feature does not work for documents from SAP R/3.
from SAP R/3
Reference: DOCVW-922

Behavior if If WebViewer is called to show a document of

document format is unsupported format, for example, PowerPoint, the
not supported browser is redirected to load the document. The
result of this action depends on the browser´s
capabilities and its installed plug-ins. For example,
the browser might offer the user a dialog with the
options Open, Save, and Cancel even if the browser
can render the document; that is, a corresponding plug-
in is installed.
There are different techniques to load a document in the
browser. Under certain circumstances, it may be necessary to
use a different technique than the one used by default. In this
case, the <Tomcat home>/webapps/WebViewer/UI/main.jsp
file must be customized. For more information, see the
comments in this file.

Reference: DOCVW-452

Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 25

Issue name Issue description
Partial support of WebViewer supports Remote Standby Server only partially.
Remote Standby The following limitations apply:
Server • If the original server was once available when the
WebViewer server ran, WebViewer can use
Remote Standby Servers.
• If the original server is not running when the
WebViewer server is started, no Remote Standby
Server is contacted, and the configuration entries
are ignored.
Reference: DOCVW-794

Host names must Host names must not contain an underscore. For example,
not contain an “host_name” is not allowed. The Apache HTTP library does not
underscore allow underscores in host names because this violates some
RFC concerning URLs.

Reference: DOCVW-784
Incorrect total In OTF and ALF documents, the WebViewer search finds hits
number of search in control commands that are not displayed. Thus, the total
hits in OTF and ALF number of search hits might be higher than the actual
highlighted hits in the document.

Reference: DOCVW-756
Text documents with Lines in text documents with the prescribed page size can be cut
prescribed page off at some scaling factors. Since fonts are usually not
size continuously scalable, the character width of a scaled font may
not match the overall scale factor. If a page size is prescribed
(FORM.INFO), the scaled page size may be too small for the
text at some scale factors, for example 150%.

Reference: DOCVW-683

Maximum lines per Using very long lines (number of characters greater than 1000)
page is not with line wrapping in ASCII documents might lead to an
respected when incomplete display of characters.
creating the ASCII
page list Reference: 43156

Annotations outside If annotations created with Windows Viewer stretch beyond the
of document's limit original document's limits, the part outside is not shown by

Reference: DOCVW-109

Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 26

Issue name Issue description
Exact content of text For certain text documents (except PDF), selecting and
is not copied copying text might not copy the exact portion of the selected text.
OpenText recommends selecting a bigger chunk of text or
using the select page option.

Reference: DOCVW-2030

Screen flickers in When using Mozilla Firefox and compound documents, screen
Firefox when flickering can occur when the “Send by Email” dialog box is
working with open and the selection is changed in the documents pane.
compound Flickering also occurs when in the Edit Annotations mode and
selection is changed in the documents pane.
Reference: DOCVW-2153

Text overlaid on an Text portions that are overlaid on an image in a PDF document
image in a PDF cannot be copied.
document cannot be
copied Reference: DOCVW-1977

Unlocking locked Documents that remain locked due to a session timeout or in the
event of an unresponsive server will be unlocked based on the
documents in case
duration set by the parameter DS_LOCK_MAX_TIME of Archive
of session timeouts Center configuration parameters. This entry states the number of
or unresponsive minutes after which a document lock becomes invalid. After this
server period has expired, it is assumed that the program that set the
lock has become unresponsive or terminated without releasing the
lock. The default value for this entry is 900 minutes. Alternatively,
you can use the following URL, which can be typed into any
browser to do a forced unlock:


The above URL works only in scenarios where the archive is

not configured for seckey authentication.
Reference: DOCVW-2581

PDF additional fonts If a document does not embed the required fonts or have it in
the PDF resource, the user can create a symbolic link for the
required fonts from where those are available.

Browser window Minimal width of the browser window that WebViewer supports
resize to show footer bar icons is 450px. Beyond the limit, pagination
icons may not show properly.

Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 27

Issue name Issue description
Document printing is Document printing is not supported in Internet Explorer 64-
not supported in bit version due to the Adobe Reader X restriction.
Internet Explorer 64-
Reference: us/ie/forum/ie9-
windows_7/ie9-and-adobe-reader-x- compatibility/2a710fe9-

Toolbar If any item is removed from toolbar.xml, the corresponding

configuration configuration values do not work.

Save as Original If a document has multiple main components, save as original

Format format is not available.

Apache Tomcat In the Apache Tomcat selection wizard, the Add button is
selection during enabled by default. Select the listed Apache Tomcat instance,
installation and then click Add.

Content Server When opening a document in Content Server using

usability “View Document” link, browsers must enable the pop-
up blocker to open the documents in a new window.
Note: The Chrome browser will open the document in the
current window only.

Password Protected The WebViewer application cannot show password- protected

PDF documents PDF documents.

Encrypted PDF The Adobe’s PDF library allows encrypting the content in the
documents recent versions. This version of WebViewer cannot display
encrypted documents.

PDF server process If the application server is not shut down or becomes
manual shutdown unresponsive, then sometimes, the Java process created for
required if the PDF rendering will not be shut down. This will cause PDF
cache issues. If any PDF cache issue occurs, ensure that the
Application Server
Java process is aborted (manually) and restart the
becomes application server.
unresponsive or
does not shut down

Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 28

Issue name Issue description
Mouse-click events When users draw an annotation, they must wait for some time
delayed while after drawing the first annotation and then draw the next
drawing annotations annotation. This limitation is due to clicking the mouse while
moving the cursor, that is the mouse-click event is delayed.

OLE annotations are OLE annotations can be created in Windows Viewer. However,
not supported in when viewed in WebViewer, these OLE annotations are not
WebViewer displayed because WebViewer does not support OLE

Annotations may fail Adding or editing annotations may fail if the browser’s back or
due to back or forward button is clicked in annotation mode because these
forward browser actions leave the user interface in an inconsistent state.
actions in annotation
mode. Reference: DOCVW-6040

Problem with Adobe An error message appears when trying to print a document,
Reader when a stating that there is a problem with Adobe Acrobat Reader. This
issue occurs because of Adobe Acrobat Reader version
document is printed
#2018.011.20040. To resolve the issue, configure Adobe
Acrobat Reader as follows:
1. Navigate to Edit > Preferences > Security (Enhanced)
and clear the Enable Protected Mode at startup check
2. Run a repair and check if the issue is resolved by
performing the following steps.
a. Go to Control Panel > Programs > Programs and
b. Select Adobe Acrobat Reader > Change > Repair.
3. Start the application.

Reference: DOCVW-7080

Favicon is not When menu items are selected in the Edge browser, the special
displayed when character '#' is attached to the end of the URL. Due to this
action, the favicon is replaced with the Tomcat favicon.
menu items are
selected in the Edge
Reference: DOCVW-6991

Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 29

Issue name Issue description
Action required When a user attempts to save or email a document, sometimes
when saving or the action is not completed because of backend errors. As a
result, the following issues could be observed:
emailing a
• When saving the document, the user receives a
document fails corrupted document.
• When emailing the document, the user receives a
corrupted attachment.
• A 404 error can be displayed.
For a workaround, in the first two scenarios, if the user
receives a corrupted file, the save or email operation must be
attempted again.

Reference: DOCVW-6955

PDF fails to open When the rendering fails for a PDF document, it will be
exceptions downloaded to the client.

Japanese For certain Archive Link Format documents with East Asian
characters are not (Japanese) characters, the printed output is appearing as blank.
To view the output, the administrator needs to configure
displayed in printed
vu_MaxCharsPerLine to a smaller number, such as 200.
Reference: DOCVW-7114

Archive Link Format Rendering of some specific documents that include East Asian
(ALF) performance characters will take more time when JDK 11 is used. For more
details, refer to
is slow

Reference: DOCVW-7174

Wait until existing An interruption might occur if a new operation is started by a user
while an existing operation, such as printing, saving, or sending
operation is finished
email is in progress. Therefore, you must wait until the current
operation is finished before starting a new operation.

Reference: DOCVW-7087

Watermark not Watermark does not appear on the print output for a document
displayed when when the Black and White output option is selected in the Print
dialog box.
Black and White
print output is Reference: DOCVW-7106
Stamps.xml Backslash ("\") is a forbidden character to configure for stamps.

Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 30

Issue name Issue description
Browser sessions When WebViewer is deployed as multiple Apache Tomcat
isolation instances on the same host, browser sessions need to be
isolated when accessing the administration console of individual
Reference: DOCVW-6863

Adding annotations When a user tries to add multiple annotations too briskly, some
of the annotations might not be saved. Users are advised to
take an interval of at least 1 (one) second between adding two

Reference: DOCVW-6860

Interrupting Print or Print/Save operation shall be interrupted or fails if any other

Save actions are performed during the course.

Reference: DOCVW-6977

OpenJDK11 An illegal reflective access operation has occurred (Warning

Resource Extractor message is traced in logs) when WebViewer is deployed on
OpenJDK 11. This issue is due to groovy and a fix needs to be
given in the OpenJDK package. Users can ignore this warning.

Reference: DOCVW-7279 KB12501297

Select Page Page selected using the “Select Page” option cannot be copied
Clipboard because Java Applet is deprecated in all the browsers.
Functionality Reference: DOCVW-7373

AutoSave Auto save refreshes any unsaved user behavior, such as the
selection of annotation using the annotation summary panel.
Reference: DOCVW-8086

Current user annotations are displayed even when the user is not
selected to display the annotation.
Reference: DOCVW-8221

AutoSaveOnClose • Autosaveonclose parameter will not have an effect on the

configuration Google Chrome browser 80+ version.
parameter browser
Reference: DOCVW-8114
• AutoSave doesn’t work on edge chromium browser
Reference: DOCVW-8835

Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 31

Issue name Issue description
Checkmark PDF-size of the check mark annotation is different in the “edit
annotation annotation” mode from the “toggle annotation” mode.

Reference: DOCVW-8199

Hyperlinks WebViewer cannot detect Text type URL's if the PDF document
has the combination of text type and hyperlink type URLs.

Printing and Saving Using Print and Save functionality, the user should be advised to
Large Documents limit the maximum number of pages to print to 100 pages.
If the user wants to print and save the complete document, "Save
As Original Format" can be used.

Reference: DOCVW-7097

Limitation for bulk

documents (Parallel) Opening bulk documents at a time (Parallel requests) from leading
open support application is not supported. This is due to browsers behavior of
cookie-based session sharing across tabs and windows. Opening
bulk documents causes parallel requests from browser and from
server-side different sessions will be created as those are
individual requests but when response is sent back, browser
overwrites previous sessions with last rendered response session,
as browser allows only one cookie-based session for the same
domain. This results session conflicts with Web Viewer and some
documents fail to render.”vu_AllowSessionSharing” parameter
doesn’t work in such scenario.

Reference: DOCVW-9261

Work around
Suggest opening one document at a time.

Localization There are few strings in WebViewer which are not localized in all
the languages either due to technical complexity or the strings are
used as images in the application. All non-localized strings will be
displayed in English to the user. Below mentioned epic includes all
such issues and also other localization issues which will be
catered in upcoming versions.
Reference: DOCVW-9174

Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 32

Issue name Issue description
Edit Annotation When opening a document in Edit annotations mode and drawing
usability issue an annotation on the document, and then without saving the drawn
annotation, if the user performs any of the operations such as
Page Rotate (rotate left/right or flip) or Zoom (fit to
width/height/page or zoom in/out), the icons are not getting
updated correctly, that is, it is not getting enabled/disabled based
on the operation performed.
Reference: DOCVW-9779
The user interface in the IE browser is getting distorted when users
User interface is distorted open the compound documents with unsupported embedded
in Internet Explorer documents.
browser for compound
When the user clicks on the cover sheet, an error dialog is
documents with corrupted displayed toward the right with the list of documents that are
or unsupported elements unsupported. If the user clicks the toggle notes with the error
dialog box open, the user interface is getting distorted.
Workaround: Hide the error dialog box before toggling the notes
Reference: DOCVW-9740

Special characters To eliminate Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability in Configuration

given in some parameters page, all the special characters are encoded and
configuration displayed in the parameters fields. They are rendered correctly in
parameters (like the documents.
vu_WatermarkText, Some special characters like @ are also getting encoded in
vu_email_from, vu_email_from field and shown. But the Send email functionality
help_tenant, works as expected.
etc.) are getting
Reference: DOCVW-10430, DOCVW-10429
encoded after
coming out of that
filed, rendered
correctly on the

Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 33

Issue name Issue description
Watermark is not Watermark is not correctly oriented for the JPEG file having
correctly oriented for orientation in exif metadata
the JPEG file having
orientation in exif Ref: DOCVW-10570

Data loss happen WebViewer show till 5 pages even if there are more page in the
while large excel document.
documents are
rendered Workaround: set 'Excel View Mode=0'
Ref: DOCVW-10550

Image is not getting When a document is opened from SAP Fiori in the Embedded mode then
displayed with the document is not getting opened. This is because of the security
WebViewer with the update both Chrome and Chromium have received. Firefox is soon to get
integrated VIM Fiori these security updates.
Apps Due to security updates for Browsers like Chrome and Chromium Third-
Party cookies are blocked due to changes in SameSite settings in the
response header. Due to this change By default SameSite=LAX is being
set due to which third-party cookies are being blocked.
The same is in this case wherein WebViewer JSESSIONID is blocked as
SameSite is not set to NONE.
TO avoid this it is mandatory that:
1) SSL needs to be configured to the tomcat.
2) When SSL is enabled then the Secure attribute should also be
enabled. (Automatically enabled now for HTTPS).
3) If the above two steps are done then we need to set SameSite=NONE.
If all the above steps are met then SameSite is set to NONE. This will fix
the issues caused in iframes or in the Embedded view.
So, To configure these steps we need a Tomcat configured to SSL and
add these changes into the context.xml files inside WebViewer\META-
Changes in the xml file: <CookieProcessor
sameSiteCookies="None" />
Note: In Tomcat < 9.0.28 (or < 8.5.48 for the 8.5x branch), the same-site
attribute is not set if the value is NONE.
Reference: DOCVW-9867

Imaging Web Viewer 21.4 Release Notes 34

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