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Changes-based task

There are typically three kinds of tasks.

1. Map

2. Plan

3. Floor plan
➢ The report reveals the transformations that (took/take/will
take) place at < where> between …. and …..
Ex- The report reveals the transformations that took
place at the village of Stokeford between 1930 and 2010.

➢ The report reveals how<name of the place > was/has been

/will be + transformed/modified/ refurbished/renovated
during < ... >decades, starting from…...<first year>.

The report reveals how the village of stokeford was

transformed during 8 decades, starting from 1930.
➢ Overall, along with all the premises, except some that
were/will be/have been demolished, the development
during these <time period- ex: 10 years> added/has
added/will add several new facilities in terms of
➢ Overall, the……. <had/ has/ will have> been
transformed completely during the period. From
infrastructure to ecology, all the aspects of the
plan/floor <got/ have got/will get> upgraded according
to the hour.
➢ Overall, the island/village experienced a lot of
transformations and became a tourist attraction during
this period of development.

➢ Overall, ………. experienced/has experienced/will

experience a lot of (infrastructural development)
(commercial development) during this span.

How to write down body paragraph.

➢ There are two ways to write down body paragraphs
1. Bp1. – how the place looks like initially (location of
the first graph).
Bp2. The changes occurred in the second graph.

Ex: - In 1930, there were two farmlands placed in

north-east and south-west part of the village. Along
with this, a bridge was located to the north part
over river strock which used to connect the village
to other places. Moreover, a handful of residential
properties were existed adjacent to the road. A
large was placed in the centre of the map in
garden. Shops and post office were in front of
primary school.

After development, both the farmlands had been

demolished. The number of housed increased
significantly, and large house was converted into
retirement home. Apart from that, shops were
eliminated from the village, and the area of
primary school had been expanded. However,
bridge and post office remained the same as it was.

2. Bp1. Half data (location + changes)

Bp2. Remaining data (location + changes).

In 1930, there were two farmlands placed in north-

east and south-west part of the village which, by 2010,
were demolished. Moreover, a large house which was
initially in the garden, was converted into retirement
home after development. Furthermore, in 1930, some
shops were located in front of primary school which
were eliminated in 2010, but the area of primary
school was expanded.
Along with this, the number of houses also increased
in 2010, whereas bridge and post office remained the
same as they were.

Sentence formation for these kinds of tasks

➢ 1st style of line (change)

• A became B.
• A was converted into B.
• B replaced A.
• The place of A was occupied by B.
• Example – In the north direction of the village, there was a fish market
that became a living society as many apartments were developed.

➢ 2nd style of line those remained unchanged.

• A remained unchanged.
• A remained intact.
• A remained the same as it was.
• There were no changes reported in A.

➢ 3rd style of writing a line of enlarged, extended.

• The area of A was expanded.

• The area of A was shrunk.
• A was enlarged.

➢ 4th style for trees

• Trees were chopped down.

• Trees were laid down.

➢ 5th new building established.

• A was introduced.
• A was launched
• A was a new establishment.
• A new building was established, enlarging the A.
• Earlier, there were 2 school buildings. During the development
period, a new building was established, enlarging the school

➢ 6th style of describing what it was

• Earlier there were only a few trees. In 1950 there were few different
offices and an open area for visitors.
• After refurbishment there were three offices to washrooms and a
wide open area for visitors.

➢ Complex sentences
Earlier, there were only few trees, after development, the area of trees
was expended, along with the number of trees. In 1950, there were a few
different offices and an open area for visitors in the Oxford premises, but
a new building was introduced.

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