Ketone Body Production and Disposal Effects of Fasting, Diabetes, and Exercise.

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Ketone Body Production and Disposal: Effects of Fasting,

Diabetes, and Exercise

Edmond 0. Balasse and Franqoise Fery
Laboratory of Experimental Medicine, University of Brussels, 115 Blvd. de Waterloo,
B-1000 Brussels, Belgium

1. INTRODUCTION of KB is, however, counterbalanced by their much

greater acidity per carbon transported when com-
Under usual circumstances, glucose and free pared with long-chain fatty acids, and KB repre-
fatty acids (FFA) are the major blood-borne energy sent a potential threat for the acid-base equilib-
fuels. The ketone bodies (KB) mainly represented rium. The chemical and physiological buffering
by acetoacetic (AcAc) and P-hydroxybutyric mechanisms can maintain plasma pH in the nor-
(POHB) acids are formed from partial oxidation of mal range provided that the ketoacid concentra-
FFA in the liver and represent a "third" substrate tion does not exceed 7-10 mM. It can thus be
that has a major importance as fuel under certain anticipated that under physiological conditions,
physiological and pathological conditions which appropriate regulatory processes will maintain ke-
are listed in Table I. All these situations are charac- tonemia below this level.
terized by decreased carbohydrate utilization, a This review will deal with global aspects of the
low insulin/glucagon ratio, and increased FFA regulation of KB metabolism in man under a
concentration resulting from accelerated lipolysis. variety of conditions, including postabsorptive
The physiological significance of a dual form state, fasting of variable duration, diabetic ketosis,
of transport of endogenous fat for energy supply and physical exercise. We will attempt to quantify
(FFA and KB) has been the subject of many specu- KB production and uptake under these experimen-
lations. It is recognized that the main physiologic tal conditions and determine to what extent over-
function of ketone bodies is to serve as a fat-de- production and decreased utilization contribute to
rived substrate which can be utilized by the brain' the genesis of the ketotic states.
an organ that does not take up FFA. Thus, under Basically, two different methods can be used
conditions of carbohydrate deprivation, KB will for this purpose. The hepatic catheterization tech-
restrict glucose disposal by the brain and allow for nique measures the net production of the substrate
the conservation of proteins which would other- by the liver which is assumed to represent the only
wise be catabolized in excessive amounts for glu- significant site of release of ketones into the blood
cose synthesis. Although KB represent primarily a stream. In human studies, the ketone balance is
cerebral substrate, they can be utilized by several generally measured across the splanchnic bed
other tissues such as heart, skeletal muscle, intes- rather than across the liver owing to the difficulty
tine, and kidney,* and there must exist in the of obtaining portal blood samples. Since the extra-
whole organism mechanisms for dispatching the hepatic splanchnic tissues extract significant
KB flow among organs while maintaining some amounts of ketone^,^*^ this method should under-
priority for the brain. Another potential advantage estimate hepatic production rate. On the other
of the provision of KB as a second form of fat-de- hand, the isotopic technique measures the total
rived fuel is that they may serve to decrease the rate of appearance of ketones from all possible
need for transport of FFA which are poorly soluble sources into all body compartments, whether or
in body fluids and may become toxic at high not the substrate is delivered into the circulation.
concentration^.^ The advantage of water solubility The contribution of our laboratory to the study

DiabetesNetabolism Reviews, Vol. 5, No. 3, 247-270 (1989)

0 1989 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0742-4221/89/040247-24$04.00

Table I. Most Frequent Causes of Ketosis in Humans are traced with I4C-AcAc,the two specific activities
Fasting never become equal even at high ketonemia.
High fat, low carbohydrate diet Therefore l4C-POHB is certainly the tracer of
Strenuous exercise choice under most usual circumstances. When
Postexercise (Courtice-Douglas effect) disequilibrium exists, calculation of total KB turn-
Alcoholic ketosis over is generally performed using the specific
Ketotic hypoglycemia in children activity of total ketones: (14C-AcAc+ ''C-POHB)/
(AcAc + POHB). This mode of calculation has
been criticized on theoretical grounds,' but many
studies from different laboratories, including ours,
of the physiology and pathophysiology of ketones have validated this calculation procedure in hu-
is essentially based on a tracer methodology which mans and A dual tracer technique for
was developed about 20 years ago for animal measuring individual KB kinetics and rates of
studies6,' and eventually adapted for use in human interconversion recently has been proposed. l3,I4
experiments. We have generally employed the
primed constant infusion technique with either
14C-AcAcor 14C-~( -)-POHB as tracer. Although B. Measurements of KB Transport in the
less aggressive than the catheterization technique, Non-Steady State
the isotope infusion method poses several meth- When experimental manipulations provoke
odological problems which will be briefly dis- rapid changes in KB concentration, it is obvious
cussed in the following section. that the changes in production and disposal of KB
do not occur at the same rate and should therefore
11. METHODOLOGICAL PROBLEMS be calculated separately. In most studies per-
formed under non-steady state conditions, the
*'C-KETONE BODIES FOR MEASURING rates of appearance (Ra) and disposal ( R d ) of KB
have been calculated using the equations proposed
by Steele" which take into account an "opera-
There are essentially three points of method- tional" volume of distribution (V) in which the
ological controversy which need to be briefly dis- changes in concentration and in specific activity
cussed. take place. The value of V to be used is inversely
related to the rate of change. To some extent, V can
A. Isotopic Disequilibrium Between be determined from experiments in which known
AcAc and POHB variations in the inflow rate of KB are induced by
infusions of exogenous ketones."-12 Values of V
The turnover of KB can be measured using derived from this technique or determined empiri-
either 14C-AcAcor 14C-~( -)-POHB. Since the two cally16 generally range between 10 and 20% of
ketone bodies are interconvertible, the label al- body weight. The equations of Steele imply that
ways becomes distributed in the two ketones. the kinetics of KB can be reasonably described by a
However, complete isotopic equilibrium between
AcAc and POHB is not necessarily reached even
after prolonged isotope infusion. As shown in
Figure 1, the ratio between the specific activities of
the two compounds depends on the label used and
on the prevailing KB concentration. Whatever the
tracer used, the greatest disequilibrium exists at
low KB levels, probably because the fractional
disposal rate of KB exceeds the rate of intercon-
version. When ketonemia exceeds 2 mM, the spe-
cific activities of the two ketones are identical if the
o i i i l i b i
tracer used is 14C-POHB.It means that under these
conditions, the rate of interconversion of individ- Figure 1. Specific activity ratio between p-hydroxybu-
ual KB is much faster than their irreversible dispo- tyrate and acetoacetate as a function of total ketone body
concentration in fasting subjects exposed to a constant
sal and KB turnover can be calculated as that of a infusion of "C-p-hydroxybutyrate (solid circles) or I4C-
single compound. On the other hand, when KB acetoacetate (open circles).

single compartment model, an assumption that around 0.1-0.4 mM (1-4 mg/dl), but ketogenesis is
has been criticized by some authors. However, far from negligible, amounting to about 0.2-0.4
several studies have provided experimental val- mmol/min, which corresponds to 30-60 g/24 h
idation of the use of Steele’s equation in measur- (Table 11). Data in the literature are in good agree-
ing KB transport under non-steady state condi- ment with these figures.’0~11~”~21 As fasting pro-
tions.10-12 ceeds (Figure 2), there is a rapid rise in the plasma
levels of FFA and KB and in KB production until a
C. Isotopic Artifacts in Measuring KB Turnover: new steady state is attained after about 5 days. At
Possibility of ”Pseudoketogenesis” that time, KB concentration and turnover rates
amount, respectively, to 7-10 mM (70-100 mg/dl)
Landau17 has recently drawn attention to a
and 1.5-2.5 mmol/min. Thus, when shifting from
possible artifact in measuring KB production using
the overnight-fasted to the fully fasted state, the
l4C-labe1ledketone bodies. According to this pro-
production rate of KB is multiplied by a factor of
cess, acetoacetyl-CoA formed from the last four
4-5 and concentration by a factor of 40-50 (Table
carbons of a long chain fatty acid in the course of 11). This discrepancy suggests that peripheral up-
its undergoing @oxidation in peripheral tissues
take is a saturable phenomenon, an important
could dilute the specific activity of plasma AcAc
observation that will be discussed later.
via reversal of the 3-oxoacid-CoA transferase reac-
These data on production rates of KB during
tion. There could also be loss of label by carbon
prolonged fasting are higher than those reported
exchange between acetoacetyl-CoA and acetyl- in more obese patients by another group using a
CoA in the reversible reaction catalyzed by tracer methodology.22As mentioned before, our
acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase. These two mechanisms
values might be overestimated by interference of
could participate in a process of ”pseudoke- “pseudoketogenesis,” but this artifact should
togenesis,” leading to an artifactual overestimation equally affect all tracer methods. In fact, total KB
of KB turnover.” The amplitude of this phenome- production rates as high as 2.5 mmol/min are not
non in humans in vivo is currently unknown. unrealistic, since the constant infusion of cold
However, Nosadini et al., measuring tracer dilu- AcAc or POHB at this rate in normal postabsorp-
tion across human forearm, have observed a signi- tive subjects results in lower and not higher con-
ficant “ketogenesis” by muscle without net pro- centration than those observed spontaneously
duction of unlabelled ketone bodies. This “pseu- during protracted starvation.’ Very high produc-
doketogenesis” calculated for the entire muscle tion rates (up to 46 pmols/kg/min, i.e., -90 g/24 h)
mass represents 9% of the overall KB production have been observed recently at a ketonemia of
rate in normal subjects and 25% in diabetic pa- -3.5 mM in 5-year-old children fasted for only
tients.” 20-22 h. l4
KETONE BODIES IN NORMAL A. Mechanisms Involved in Ketone Homeostasis
FASTING SUBJECTS Once full starvation ketosis has been attained
In normal overnight-fasted adult subjects, the in a given subject, ketonemia remains remarkably
concentration of total KB is very small, usually steady with time, individual levels varying usually

Table 11. Concentration and Rates of Transport of Ketone Bodies in Humans

Overnight Diabetic
fast Starvation ketoacidosis
Concentration (mM)
Acetoacetate 0.06 1.5 3
p-Hydroxybutyrate 0.12 6.0 12
Total ketones 0.18 7.5 15
Production rate of total ketones
mmol/min 0.25 1-2 3
g124 h 36 140-280 430
Urinary loss of total ketones
(percent of production) <1 2-5 10-15
Source: Representative data taken from Refs. 9 and 39.


m o 0


0 0
0 8 * O g 0
-- 0 0


' I "

Ib I
- - - '
210 DAYS

Figure 2. Total ketone-body production and concentration in 41 subjects who fasted for
different periods of time. Solid circles: nonobese subjects; open circles: moderately obese
patients. Reproduced from Ref. 31 with permission.

between 7 and 10 mM. As discussed later, aggra- 2. lnsulinotropic Effects of Ketone Bodies
vation by exercise of the negative caloric balance of
The first demonstration of a stimulatory effect
the fully fasted state is unable to accelerate ke-
of KB on insulin secretion has been provided by
togenesis.z Thus, very efficient mechanisms main- Madison et al. in dogs.28 This property of KB
tain fasting hyperketonemia below a critical level subsequently has been confirmed in humans29and
of acidemia compatible with the maintenance of
has been documented in ~ i t r o . ~Two ' important
blood pH within normal limits. The components of
conditions have to be met in order to demonstrate
this regulatory mechanism will be analyzed here-
the insulinotropic effect of KB in humans. Firstly,
the concentration has to be raised at relatively high
levels exceeding 2 mM.29Secondly, KB level has to
be increased abruptly. During a constant infusion
of KB in a normal subject, insulinemia is increased
1 . Antilipolytic Effects of Ketone Bodies
only during the initial 5-15 min and eventually
It has been shown that KB inhibit adipose returns to its baseline value despite persistant or
tissue lipolysis in vitro2* and in The in even increasing hyperketonemia3'; in many infu-
vivo effect that is observed during infusion of sion studies, no effect of KB on insulin levels could
ketones has the following characteristics: (1) it be d ~ c u m e n t e d , ~ , ' ' simply
, ~ ~ , ~ ~because of the lack
persists as long as hyperketonemia is maintained of early sampling. The C-peptide response might
but is followed by a marked rebound in the FFA be easier to detecP3 owing to the slower clearance
levels above baseline values at cessation of the rate of this compound or because of insulin trap-
infusion,26(2) it is obtained with both AcAc and ping by the liver.29The evanescent character of the
pOHB,25,26 (3) it is independent of changes in pH, insulin response to prolonged hyperketonemia is
sodium AcAc and AcAc acid being equally po- probably related to the hypoglycemic action of
tent,26and (4)it is independent of insulin release ketones which counteracts the action of KB. In-
and has been observed in insulin-dependent dia- deed, as shown in Figure 4,a sustained increase in
betic patient^.^' The effect is potent enough to insulin levels can be observed during KB infusion
inhibit, for example, the lipolytic response to exer- in normal dogs provided that glycemia is clamped
cise. Indeed, as shown in Figure 3, the increase in at its baseline value by an appropriate glucose
total KB concentration to levels exceeding 4 mM by infusion.M Thus, according to a proposition ini-
means of an AcAc infusion considerably reduces tially made by Madison et a1.,28it is likely that
the FFA and glycerol responses to work without during fasting ketosis KB are instrumental in main-
interfering with the hypoinsulinemic action of ex- taining sufficient insulin secretion to restrain lipol-
ercise. ysis and ketogenesis below certain limits.

a$ 1 - Na - ACAC
P piiizii SALl NE

4- I I
3- II I
2- I I
0- I
I !


I ***t

= //H+-===- - - - -xr+r
+ / I 1 1 I I I -d
-90 -30 0 30 60 90 120 -90 -30 0 30 60 90 120

T I ME (min.)

Figure 3. Inhibition of the lipolytic effect of exercise by infusion of ketone bodies in

normal overnight-fasted subjects. On the right, exercise (50% VOz max) was performed
under saline infusion (control experiments; n = 6 ) . On the left, the same exercise was
performed under constant infusion of sodium acetoacetate (1.9 & 0.1 mmol/min/l.73 m2;
n = 7). Asterisks refer to values significantly different from corresponding mean basal
level. Note that the rise in FFA and glycerol levels is considerably reduced during ketone
infusion without modification of the insulin response to work.

3. Antiketogenic Effects of Ketone Bodies percent inhibition in ketogenesis observed in these

experiments amounted to about 33%.32 These data
In addition to their antilipolytic and insuli- have been confirmed recently by Keller et al.36
notropic effects, KB have been shown to increase
the s&tsitivityof adipose tissue to the antilipolytic
B. Peculiarity of Ketone Body Kinetics and Its
effect of insulin.35These three properties of KB
Possible Physiological Significance
provide the basis for a regulatory feedback mecha-
nism whereby KB would tend to inhibit their own With regard to FFA, the main form of endoge-
production rate. The data shown in Figure 5 dem- nous fatty acid transport, it is generally agreed that
onstrate that this regulatory process is operative in the plasma concentration is proportional to the
fasting humans. Indeed, the experimental eleva- production rate, i.e., that the MCR remains fairly
tions of KB concentration induced by AcAc infu- constant within the range of concentrations en-
sion in starved obese subjects reduces FFA concen- countered under physiological and pathological
tration and depresses ketogenesis. The average condition^.^^

Na.Acetoacelato n :7 Na.Clcetoacetale
n =0

Ketone t1 I ACAC I ACAC [6


)rmoles/ml 0.2
Blood 0.12

compensation I
mgIkg.min 20, ,
, 1
, , ,

, ,
, ,
hx,:,I,z, 30

Figure 4. Effect of an experimental hyperketonemia induced by a sodium acetoacetate

infusion on the arterial blood or plasma concentration of glucose, glycerol, and FFA in
normal dogs. I N levels were measured both in arterial and portal venous plasma. On the
left, infusion of sodium acetoacetate alone; on the right, infusion of sodium acetoacetate
plus glucose in order to prevent hypoglycemia. Note that ketone bodies stimulate insulin
secretion persistently provided that hypoglycemia is prevented. Reproduced from Ref. 34
with permission.

Ketone bodies behave in a totally different Considering the relationship between KB pro-
manner as shown in Figure 6, in which we col- duction rate and concentration (Figure 6A), it
lected kinetic data from 26 normal or slightly obese appears that it follows an exponential-type pat-
subjects submitted to a fast for periods ranging tern. It means that the response of concentration to
from 15 hours to 20 days with KB concentration a given increase in production is considerably
varying from 0.2 to 11.7 mM. This figure also amplified as ketonemia rises. In the steady state,
contains data on patients with diabetic ketosis, overall disposal rate is equal to R,. Tissular (meta-
which will be discussed later. bolic) disposal rate represents the difference be-

p moles/ ml


mmolcs/mi n
1 - E NOOG
0 -

PLASMA 1.4 6I -.
pmoles /ml
] I
GLUCOSE - -- - _ _
mg / 100 ml *7 O0 1 --• 2a
I ~ ' 120
' . ~ 180
- ' ' 240
' ' ' ?
0 60

Figure 5. Sample experiment in a 14-day-fastedobese subject illustrating the inhibition

of endogenous ketone production by the infusion of exogenous ketones. Data from Ref.

tween overall disposal rate and urinary loss, which Comparing panels A and B of Figure 6, it can be
represents only a small fraction of Ra under physi- considered schematically that during fasting R a
ological conditions. According to Figure 6B, the increases to a maximal value of -2.7 mmol/min in
relationship between concentration and metabolic slight excess of the maximal metabolic uptake, the
disposal affects the shape of a saturation curve. difference representing urinary excretion.
This indicates that tissues as a whole have a In Figure 6C we calculated the relationship
limited capacity to take up ketones. Thus, the rise between MCR (Rdlconcentration) and concentra-
in ketonemia associated with progressive fasting is tion and observed that MCR decreases with in-
primarily due to increased ketogenesis, but the creasing concentration in a curvilinear manner. Up
phenomenon is amplified by a gradual reduction to a concentration of 1-2 mM, the curve has a very
in removal capacities. steep slope, a much slower decrement of MCR
According to Figure 6B, the maximal disposal being observed above 5 mM. This pattern is com-
rate of KB by tissues is around 2.5 mmol/min. patible with the concept that some tissues have a

KETONE BODY PRODUCTION(rnmo1s/rnin/1,73m2)


Figure 6. Relationship between production rate

and concentration (panel A), concentration and
disposal rate (panel B), and concentration and
metabolic clearance rate (panel C) of total ketone
bodies in normal fasted subjects (open symbols)
and in insulin-dependent diabetic patients (closed
symbols). Ketone bod kinetics was measured
using as infusion of C-acetoacetate (circles) or
m Z
- '4C-p-hydroxybutyrate (triangles). Note that the
E two tracers yield similar turnover values. Data
U E 0
2 -05. 0 from Ref. 39.

0 2 4 6 8 lo 12 14

O i i ' -
6 01 ' 10
12 ' 14

high affinity for ketones at low concentration but sumed by the brain. Owen and Richard,38were the
rapidly become saturated as concentration rises, first to propose the existence of such a redistri-
whereas other tissues have a capacity to clear bution of KB uptake between muscle and brain
ketones that is more limited at low concentration during progressive fasting, this phenomenon al-
but also much less depressed by an increase in lowing KB to serve as a cerebral fuel replacing
ketonemia. Analysis of data from the literature on glucose during starvation.
extraction of KB by individual tissues support this The fact that at high ketone levels, when
concept. Figure 7 represents the extraction ratio of overall Rd is close to saturation, a minute increase
total KB (AcAc + POHB) for two important organs in ketogenesis results in a marked rise in concen-
consuming KB (brain and muscle). An extraction tration has important implications to the function-
ratio (arteriovenous difference/arterial concentra- ing of the mechanisms of ketone homeostasis
tion) has basically the same significance as a meta- during progressive fasting. Indeed, the efficacy of
bolic clearance since it corresponds to a metabolic the negative feedback effect of KB on their own
clearance per unit blood flow. Both parameters production is progressively amplified as hyperke-
represent the capacity of the organ to remove tonemia progresses until it reaches its full effec-
ketones from blood. Muscle has a high extraction tiveness when tissular uptake is saturated.39
ratio (-50%) at low concentration, but it decreases
to less than 5% at high KB levels, thus indicating
C. Role of Insulin on Peripheral Utilization of
that uptake of KB by muscle is a saturable process.
Ketone Bodies In Vivo
It is noteworthy that other tissues such as gut
behave in a similar mannerq7On the other hand, As discussed above, KB concentration regu-
the brain extracts about 10-15% of incoming KB lates KB utilization according to a saturation-type
whatever the concentration. The curvilinear rela- relationship. Whether peripheral uptake is also
tionship between MCR and concentration (Figure modulated by hormonal factors such as insulin
6C) observed in the whole organism is thus com- should also be considered. Since the late 1 9 2 0 ~ , ~
patible with the idea that muscle represents the numerous studies have attempted to elucidate the
major site of KB consumption at low ketonemia, role of insulin in regulating peripheral KB uptake
whereas at high ketonemia KB are preferably con- in vivo, but results have been di~cordant.~ The
difficulty in approaching this problem in vivo lies
in the fact that the main action of insulin on KB
0.3 metabolism is to depress ketogenesis and therefore

BRAIN reduce ketonemia. This will necessarily enhance
0.2 the MCR of ketones (see before) even if insulin has
no direct action on disposal. One way of circum-
venting this problem is to analyze the effects of
insulin on KB uptake in postabsorptive subjects
0 rendered hyperketonemic by a constant infusion
2 0.6, of exogenous KB in amounts that largely exceed
I: endogenous production. Under these conditions,
z Po we observed in dogs7 that the combined adminis-
0.4- tration of supraphysiological amounts of insulin
and glucose enhanced the uptake and oxidation of
0.3- KB, but it cannot be excluded in these experiments
5 0.2.
that part of the apparent increase in uptake was
due to the inhibition by insulin of the small endog-
0.1 - enous component of overall ketone turnover. A
more precise technique was recently developed by
Keller et al., who analyzed in humans the effect of
o i i j i S 6 i i j physiologic amonts of insulin on KB uptake during
KETONEMIA (mM) a ketone-body clamp at 2 mM and showed a
significant, although discrete (25%), increase in
Figure 7. Extraction ratio of total ketone bodies by
brain and muscle as a function of ketonemia in normal MCR.36
subjects undergoing a fast of variable duration. Com- Obviously the depressing effect of fasting on
piled from data in Refs. 1, 41, 50-52, 58, 68-72. the MCR of KB and on their extraction by various

ment the hepatic FFA load. On the other hand,

these hormonal changes enhance the ketogenic
capacity of the liver, so that an increased propor-
tion of the hepatic FFA uptake is converted into
KB. It has been demonstrated by hepatic catheteri-
s\ zation studies that in severe hyperketonemic states
(whether due to fasting or diabetes), the hepatic
conversion of FFA to ketones approximates 80-
In the literature, estimates of total KB produc-
tion in diabetic ketosis vary considerably among
laboratories depending especially on the technique
w I used. In general, values obtained by hepatic cath-
P= 2004 eterization are lower than those provided by isoto-
w pic methods, but this is not an absolute rule. As
* 01 I I I I I 1 shown in Figure 6A, we found that uncontrolled
0 42 6 8 1012
diabetic patients with a ketonemia of 12-14 mM
produce about 3 mmol/min of total KB. There are
Figure 8. Negative relationship between the metabolic very few other data obtained at comparable KB
clearance rate and the concentration of total ketone levels. For lower degrees of diabetic hyperketone-
bodies in normal overnight-fasted subjects rendered mia (2.5-7 mM), the available data are lower,",45
hyperketonemic with constant infusions of variable
amounts of sodium acetoacetate. Total ketone body similar,46or highe9l than ours. It is amazing to
kinetics was evaluated either with I4C-acetoacetate note that there is considerable difference in results
(closed circles) or ''C-/l-hydroxybutyrate (open circles). obtained by two independent groups employing
Note the similarity with endogenous ketosis (Figure 6, sophisticated multicompartment analysis of data
panel C). collected after pulse injections of tracer^.^^,^^ At the
present time, there is no way to reconcile all these
heterogenous results, and every laboratory trusts
tissues including muscle is much too large to be its own data.
explained solely by the decrease in insulin concen- An important area of discussion has been to
tration. Other factors such as the rise in FFA determine whether diabetic ketosis results from
(which might compete with ketones) could play a overproduction alone or from a combination of
contributory role. However, according to our stud- overproduction and underutilization. For instance,
ies the main factor seems to be the hyperketone- Owen et al., using the hepatic vein catheterization
mia itself. Indeed, according to Figure 8, a negative technique, have observed that ketotic diabetic pa-
curvilinear relationship between MCR and concen- tients produce no more ketone bodies than non-
tration similar to that observed in fasting ketosis diabetic subjects undergoing a 3-day fast.43Since
can be documented in normal postabsorptive sub- hyperketonemia of diabetics can greatly exceed
jects rendered artificially hyperketonemic by infu- that of starvation, these authors concluded that a
sion of KB in variable amounts, a condition which removal defect was essential in causing diabetic
is not associated with insulin lack or elevated FFA ketosis. Miles et al., studying the development of
levels. This observation should be kept in mind ketosis at cessation of an i.v. insulin infusion in
before considering the existence of a KB removal type I diabetic patients, noticed that overpro-
defect as a contributory factor in hyperketonemic duction of KB was the primary event in causing
states such as starvation or diabetes. hyperketonemia. However, the fall in the MCR of
KB observed in their patients during progression
IV. PRODUCTION AND DISPOSAL OF of hyperketonemia suggested the participation of a
removal defect." Nosadini et aL21and Hall et al.,45
using pulse injections of tracers, came to a similar
There is no doubt that diabetic hyperketone- conclusion but observed that the reduced clear-
mia is primarily caused by an increased production ance concerned mainly POHB. Finally, Sherwin et
of KB. Several factors contribute to this overpro- al.47infused a given amount of POHB to normal
duction. The low levels of insulin and the excess in and diabetic patients and observed that the rise in
antiinsulin hormones stimulate lipolysis and aug- KB level was twofold greater in type I diabetics,

suggesting a role for insulin in influencing ketone in type I diabetics probably because it implies an
disposal. intact p-cell function. It is not necessary to postu-
Thus most authors agree that diabetic hyper- late that in diabetic ketoacidosis ketogenesis is in
ketonemia is associated with an important reduc- great excess of that of prolonged fasting ketosis,
tion in KB clearance which participates in the because, according to the exponential relationship
development of ketosis, and it is generally be- between production and concentration (Figure
lieved that this phenomenon is related to the 6A), a small excess in production can account for a
insulin deficiency characterizing the diabetic large increase in concentration.
~ t a t e .However,
~ , ~ ~ in most studies the data have
not been correctly interpreted because the main
characteristic of KB kinetics, that is, the marked V. KETONE BODY METABOLISM DURING
dependency of MCR on concentration, has been MUSCULAR EXERCISE
disregarded. In our mind, the only way to search When exploring the kinetics of a metabolic
for a removal defect in diabetes,is to compare the fuel in vivo, it is always quite informative to
MCR of KB in diabetics with that of normal con- include studies on the effects of muscular exercise
trols presenting a physiological ketosis of fasting, on the turnover of this substrate. Indeed, the
the comparison being made at an identical KB abrupt increase in muscular energy demand asso-
c~ncentration.~~ The results of such a comparison ciated with work challenges a variety of regulatory
are provided in Figure 6, where data on both types processes whose functions might appear much
of ketcais have been displayed. It appears that at more clearly than at rest. Surprisingly few studies
any given KB concentration, at least in the range have been performed in this field with regard to
observed during starvation (up to 12 mM), the KB m e t a b o l i ~ m . ~ - ~ ~
kinetics of KB is identical in the two groups. Thus, A prominant feature of KB response to exer-
as for fasting ketosis, the ketosis of diabetes is cise is its great dependence on the initial degree of
primarily caused by an increased production of hyperket~nemia.’~ Therefore, the effect of exercise
KB, but the phenomenon is amplified by a pro- will be analyzed for the whole range of ketonemia
gressive limitation in the ability of tissues to re- observed during transition from the postabsorp-
move ketones from blood as the concentration tive to the fully fasted state. Information will also
rises. The inverse relationship between the meta- be provided on KB transport during the postexer-
bolic clearance and the plasma levels of ketones cise recovery period. Finally, the mechanisms re-
which underlies this process represents a general sponsible for the abnormal response encountered
characteristic of ketones that applies to both types in insulin-deprived diabetics w ill be explored. All
of ketosis. A maximal metabolic disposal rate of our exercise studies consisted of a walk on a
about 2.5 mmols/min is attained in both groups at treadmill for 2 h at a moderate intensity corre-
concentrations of 10-12 mM, which corresponds sponding to 50% of the maximal aerobic capacity
to the highest KB levels encountered during pro- (VO, ma)^.'^,^^
longed fasting, and there is no evidence for a KB
removal defect specific to diabetes.
Therefore, it seems obvious that the much A. Exercise in Normal Subjects Submitted to a
higher KB levels that can be observed in decom- Fast of Variable Duration
pensated diabetic patients must result from higher
1 . The Effects of Exercise Depend on the Duration of
rates of ketogenesis. Unfortunately, there is very
little data on KB production in decompensated
Exercise and Initial Degree of Fasting
diabetics with KB levels exceeding those observed Figure 9 shows the effects of exercise on KB
during long-term starvation. Values as high as 400 metabolism and other parameters in subjects
g/24 h have been r e p ~ r t e dAt. ~any
~ ~rate,
~ the fact fasted for 18 h (group A), 2-3 days (group B), and
that diabetic patients with ketoacidosis have much 3-5 days (group C). In overnight-fasted subjects
higher levels of FFA and glucagon than normal (total KB concentration of -0.2 mM) there is a
subjects undergoing protracted starvation49sup- progressive rise in R, which is approximately dou-
ports the idea that these patients produce unphys- bled at the end of the exercise. This causes an
iologically high amounts of ketones. Thus, the increase in concentration. The MCR is stimulated
regulatory feedback mechanisms that maintain, by about 40%, indicating that contracting muscles
during starvation, KB production very close to the increase their capacity to extract ketones from
maximal disposal rate are not functioning properly blood. The rise in disposal rate (Rd) results from

Figure 9. Rate of transport of total ketone bodies, plasma concentration of FFA and IRI,
and IN-to-IRG ratio at rest and during exercise (50% VOz max) in 3 groups of normal
subjects with an increasing degree of fasting hyperketonemia. Group A: n = 10, fast of 18
* *
-+ 2 h; group B: n = 5, fast of 62 10 h; group C: n = 6, fast of 112 13 h. Asterisks refer
to values significantly different from corresponding mean basal level ( p < 0.05 or less by
paired f-test). Reproduced from Ref. 23 with permission.

the combined effect of a rise in concentration and AMCR (muscular response). Indeed, these are the
in MCR. The increase in ketogenesis is related to two basic independent parameters influenced by
the rise in FFA levels and to an increase in the exercise, from which depend entirely the changes
ketogenic capacity of the liver, which is stimulated in concentration and in R d .
by the fall in insulin/glucagon ratio. The modifica-
tions observed in R,, Rd, and MCR are those
2. Significance of Changes in R,
expected for a muscular fuel and are qualitatively
comparable to those observed for other muscular In order to explain why the changes in Ra
fuels such as FFA%and glucose.55Needless to say, depend both on the duration of work and on the
the KB concentration is too small in ovemight- initial degree of hyperketonemia (Figure 9), it is
fasted subjects to contribute significantly to mus- necessary to first identify the three main factors
cular energy needs. which modulate ketogenesis at work.
A different response is observed if the same
exercise is performed in subject fasted for 3-5 days Decrease in Splanchnic Blood Flow. Exercise is
with an initial total KB level of -5.5 mM (group C). known to be associated with an abrupt and persis-
Under these conditions, ketogenesis is depressed tent reduction in splanchnic blood flow which
during early exercise and tends eventually to re- should approximate 50% under our experimental
turn to its baseline value. Ketonemia follows these condition^,^^ whatever the duration of fasting pre-
changes. Interestingly, the MCR remains un- ceeding exercise.57 These circulatory changes
changed and R d decreases as a result of the fall in should lower hepatic FFA uptake and depress
concentration. The overall effect of exercise per- ketogenesis. Our observations (Figure 10) that the
formed in starved subjects is thus to reduce the relationship between FFA concentration and ke-
rate of production, the rate of disposal, and the togenesis is different at exercise and at rest is in
concentration of KB. The lipolytic effect of exercise agreement with this concept.
is, however, maintained. The decreases in insulin
concentration and in insulin/glucagon ratio ob- Increase in FFA Levels. The progressive increase
served at exercise in the overnight fasting state are in FFA levels occurring during exercise tends to
abolished after starvation. In subjects fasted for compensate the depressing effect of splanchnic
2-3 days (group B) with an average KB concentra- circulatory changes on FFA load and ketogenesis.
tion of about 3 mM, the response of KB kinetics is
intermediate between those of the two extreme lncrease in the Ketogenic Capacity of the Liver.
groups. This relatively complex kinetic response to Exercise is known to be associated with a stimula-
exercise needs to be further analyzed and inter- tion of the hepatic conversion of FFA to ketones,58
preted, especially for AR, (hepatic response) and this effect being at least partly related to the fall in



0 0:5 1.0 1.5 0 65 l:o 1.5 2.0 2.5

Figure 10. Relationship between the rate of production of total ketones (R.) and FFA
levels at rest (r = 0.75; p < 0.001) and during exercise ( r = 0.86; p < 0.001) in normal
subjects fasted for periods ranging from 16 hours to 5 days. Slopes of regression lines are
significantlydifferent ( p < 0.005) as tested by covariance analysis. Reproduced from Ref.
23 with permission.

the insulin/glucagon ratio. It should be recalled, due at least partly to the fall in insulin/glucagon
however, that the hepatic fractional conversion of ratio. As expected, the pattern observed in group B
FFA to ketones at rest increases with the initial is intermediate to that observed in the two ex-
degree of hyperketonemia, this relationship ap- tremes.
plying to both fasting and diabetic ketosis (Figure According to Figure 9, it could be assumed
11).It amounts to about 30% at low ketonemia and that the stimulatory effect of exercise on R, is
80 to 90% when ketonemia exceeds 4 mM. declining continuously during the transition from
For each group studied (Figure 9), the time the postabsorptive to the fully fasted state. In fact,
sequence of the exercise-induced changes in R, can this is not the case as shown on Figure 12, which
be explained by the interaction between the three represents all individual responses at a given time
factors modulating ketogenesis at work. In the period of exercise (90-120 min) as a function of
most ketotic group (C), insulin/glucagon ratio is basal ketonemia. This analysis reveals that the
unaffected by work, and the fractional conversion relationship between AR, and basal ketonemia is
of FFA to ketones by the liver is probably barely discontinuous: AR, increases with concentration
stimulated by exercise as it should already be near below 0.6 mM, this relationship being reversed
maximum at rest. Under these conditions, ke- above 2.5 mM. As expected, a similar pattern is
togenesis is influenced almost exclusively by the observed for AKB, which depends mainly on AR,,
hepatic FFA uptake. During the early phase of and for ARd, which is mainly influenced by con-
work, when FFA levels are not yet elevated, the centration. The change in FFA is positively cor-
FFA uptake is likely to be depressed by the reduc- related to initial ketonemia (and to AR,) in the low
tion in hepatic blood flow, accounting for the KB range (<1mM), but beyond this concentration
decrease in Ra. With progression of work, FFA AFFA is independent of ketonemia and averages 1
concentration increases and is almost doubled by mM. The change in insulin and A [insulin/glu-
the end of exercise. This increase should approxi- cagon] are negatively correlated with basal ke-
mately counterbalance the negative effect of the tonemia. The discontinuity observed in the ke-
reduced hepatic blood flow on FFA uptake. Thus, togenic response as initial ketonemia rises can be
after its initial decrease, R, will increase parallel to explained as follows: in the low range of KB levels,
FFA levels and tend to return to its preexercise there is a positive correlation between AR, and
value. In group A, the time course and amplitude AFFA which suggests that the degree of stimula-
of changes in FFA load should be comparable to tion of ketogenesis is mainly determined by the
that of group C, but in this case, after a lag period intensity of the lipolytic effect of exercise. On the
of about 10 min, ketogenesis is stimulated by an other hand, when ketonemia exceeds 2.5 mM,
increase in fractional conversion of FFA to ketones AFFA is independent of the initial degree of ketosis

loo 1

I , , 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2
Figure 11. Hepatic conversion of FFA into ketone bodies as a function of ketonemia in
fasting (circles) and diabetic (triangles) ketosis. Compiled from data in Refs. 41-43, 52,

The maximal stimulation of Rd at work (+0.8

mmol/min/l.73 m2) is attained when basal ke-
tonemia approximates 0.6 mM (Figure 12), a value


t 0.8
usually observed after 24-36 hours of fasting.
A Ra
(mmols/ toil Assuming that the totality of the extra amount of
ketones taken up by tissues at work is selectively
min / l.73m2 )
0 ............. !....... 3.c. utilized by working muscles, it can be calculated
- 0.4 that its oxidation accounts for no more than 7% of
the increase in muscular oxygen consumption.
A Rd >, This is a maximal figure because part of ARd should
be consumed by tissues other than muscle in
....?............\.-:--- . . .. -.
proportion to the increase in ketonemia. It is thus
-0.4 J clear that KB do not significantly contribute to
meet the extra energy needs of working muscles
A FFA t 1.5, during fasting, whatever the degree of hyperke-

t 0.6
----. ....*.:* 3. Significance of Changes in MCR
A G L Y C E R O L t0.4
(mM) +0.2$ f -
The changes in MCR represent an index of the
ability of exercise to stimulate the capacity of
working muscles to extract ketones from blood. As
shown in Figure 9, the stimulatory effect of exer-
cise on this parameter is present at the low ketone
body levels characterizing overnight-fasted sub-
jects. Interestingly, the effect is maximal at the
beginning of exercise and becomes less marked as
work progresses. This is probably related to the
--108j . I
rise in KB concentration associated with work
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 since, as discussed before, the MCR of KB is very
B A S A L KETONE5 ( m M ) much dependent on the concentration, especially
at low degrees of ketosis (Figure 6C). When exer-
Figure 12. Influence of basal ketone concentration on cise is performed after more prolonged fasting,
metabolic and hormonal response to a 2-h execise in 21 MCR is less and less stimulated by work as ke-
normal subjects fasted for periods ranging from 16 hours
to 5 days. In each subject, A represents the difference tonemia rises until the effect completely disap-
between mean value recorded during the last 30 min of pears after several days of fasting. Since the uptake
work (t = 90-120 min) and mean baseline level. Studies of KB by muscle is a saturable process, these data
were performed with a primed constant infusion of suggest that muscle becomes unable to stimulate
14C-p-hydroxybutyrate.Reproduced from Ref. 23 with its capacity to utilize KB at work when saturation is
already attained at rest.

and the gradual reduction in the ketogenic re-

4. Balance Between Hepatic and Muscular Effects of
sponse to work probably reflects the progressive
Exercise on Ketone Body Metabolism
decrease in the ability of exercise to enhance the
fractional conversion of FFA to KB. The finding On the whole, our data suggest that the effect
that the A concentration and ARd curves parallel of exercise on hepatic production of ketones (AR,),
that of AR, (Figure 12) can be explained simply by on one hand, and on their muscular extraction
the fact that ketogenesis is the main determinant of (AMCR), on the other hand, behave as two well-
ketonemia, which in turn modulates Xd. It should coordinated processes. Indeed, both parameters
be noted, however, that at low KB levels the decrease progressively as ketonemia rises above 1
stimulatory effect of exercise on MCR attenuates mM (Figures 9 and 12), and, consequently, AR, is
the influence of AR, on concentration and ampli- positively correlated with AMCR (Figure 13). This
fies the impact of the change in concentration on parallelism between hepatic and muscular re-
Rd* sponses can be viewed as having homeostatic

during the transition from the postabsorptive to

601 the fully fasted state. With regard to ketogenesis,
there exists during the progression of fasting an
,Oi initial phase during which the increased energy
expenditure associated with exercise leads to a
process of ”accelerated starvation’’ and a second
phase characterized by the predominance of ho-
meostatic mechanisms that tend to maintain ke-
togenesis below certain limits. Indeed, exercise
appears unable to stimulate ketogenesis above the
maximal values attained during prolonged fasting
at rest. This is in sharp contrast with the response
of the two other substrates, FFA and glucose, for
which the highest rates of production observed in
circumstances of either health or disease are those
encountered with intensive exercise.%,@With re-
gard to the muscular behavior, the progressive
disappearance of the stimulatory effect of exercise
I **I
on the MCR of KB allows for the preservation, at
high ketonemia, of the preferential utilization of
1 I
KB by nonmuscular tissues, especially the brain.
-40 0 40 80 120 160 200
A Ra(%)
B. Postexercise Ketosis
Figure 13. Correlation between AMCR and AR, in-
duced by a 2-h exercise. Panel A: mean changes re- Postexercise ketosis refers to the abrupt in-
corded during last 30 min of work (T = 0.70; p < 0.001). crease in KB levels occurring at cessation of a
Panel B: integrated changes over entire exercise period (Y prolonged exercise. It was first described in 1936
= 0.77; p < 0.001). All data are expressed as percent of
by Courtice and Douglas,61who noticed that “ke-
mean preexercise value. Reproduced from Ref. 23 with
permission. tosis never develops during an uninterrupted 10 or
even 12 miles walk but appears very soon after
resuming rest.”
properties, since it tends to minimize changes in In order to analyze the mechanisms responsi-
ketonemia at work. We would like to hypothesize ble for the postexercise hyperketonemia, we deter-
that KB themselves might be responsible for this w e d KB turnover during a 2-hour exercise at 50%
coordinated response. Indeed, owing to their insu- V02 max and during 60 min following the discon-
linotropic and antilipolytic action mentioned be- tinuation of work.
fore, KB might play an important role both in the As shown in Figure 14,cessation of exercise is
suppression of the insulin lowering effect of exer- associated with a marked increase in total KB
cise and in the limitation of the lipolytic response levels. A maximal increase in total KB concentra-
to work observed at high ketonemia (Figure 12), tion of 0.7 m M was observed after 30 min of
and KB levels might thus be instrumental in re- recovery, this rise representing about three times
straining the exercise-induced stimulation of ke- that observed during the 2-hours of work. Tran-
togenesis. Such a negative feedback control has sient rises in FFA (but not glycerol) and insulin
been shown to be operative at rest.32On the other concentrations are observed during the early post-
hand, at increasing KB levels, muscular uptake of exercise period. The rise in FFA has been attrib-
ketones could be self-limited because in vitro ex- uted to an abrupt increase in the outflow of FFA
p e r i m e n t ~have
~ ~ shown that, in muscular tissue, from adipose tissue owing to the release of the
high acetoacetate levels inhibit the activity of succi- sympathetic vasoconstrictor tone.62In this hypoth-
nyl-CoA transferase, the first enzyme involved in esis, part of the FFA formed during exercise would
KB utilization. have been trapped in the adipose tissue as a
In conclusion, considering both the hepatic consequence of vasoconstriction. The rise in insu-
and the muscular metabolism of KB at exercise, it lin might be due to a similar circulatory phe-
is clear that no single metabolic response applies to nomenon in the pancreas. It should be noted in-
the entire range of KB concentrations observed cidentally that postexercise ketosis is the only

I I k0.8 Ra
0.6(mmolslm in)
Rd 0.81
(mmolslmin) 0.6


I* I

0 60 120 180
TIME ( m i n )
Figure 14. Mechanism of postexercise hyperketonemia in seven normal overnight-
fasted subjects. The rise in ketonemia at cessation of work results from both an increase in
production and a decrease in the metabolic clearance rate of ketones. Postexercise values
have been compared with last exercise value by a paired t-test. Asterisks refer to p < 0.05
or less. Studies were performed with a primed constant infusion of ''C-/l-hydroxybuty-

physiologic ketosis associated with elevated insu- of exercise. Thus, both an increase in production
lin levels. and a decrease in removal contribute to postexer-
The KB turnover changes observed (Figure 14) cise ketosis.
indicate that the rise in KB concentration occurring The postexercise hyperketonemia shown in
during the early recovery phase was the result of a Figure 14 is of relatively short duration and of
rise in R, above its last exercise value lasting for moderate amplitude. It is known that the impor-
about 30 min with no equivalent rise in Rd. As a tance of the postexercise ketosis is dependent on a
matter of fact, a fall in Rd contributing to the variety of factors, among which the duration and
initiation of the postexercise hyperketonemia was intensity of exercise, the composition of preceding
observed during the first 10 min of the recovery diet, and the degree of physical training play
phase. The relative steadiness in Rd prevailing important roles.61,63The influence of intensity on
during the postexercise period in the face of a the evolution of several plasma substrates includ-
marked elevation in ketonemia was the result of a ing KB is shown in Figure 15 for 3 overnight-fasted
40-50% decrease in MCR accompanying cessation subjects exercised for 2 hours at increasing inten-

conversion of glucose to glycogen65supports this


C. Exercise in Insulin-deprived Type I

Diabetic Patients
It is well established that muscular exercise
I aggravates hyperglycemia and hyperketonemia in
3 l . poorly controlled diabetic patients." It is usually
assumed that this hyperketonemic effect is related
to an exaggerated stimulation of k e t o g e n e ~ i s , ~ ~ * ~ ' * ~ ~
but there is little experimental data to support this
01 I I hypothesis.
I I In order to analyze this question (Figures 16
and 17), we measured the rate of transport of total
KB in 6 type I diabetic patients withdrawn from
i.v. insulin 4-6 hours before the study. Their
preexercise total KB concentrations varied between
3.15 and 6.33 mM and glucose levels range be-
I I tween 14.4 and 20.8 mM. The KB turnover studies
were performed during a preexercise period of 30
min followed by a 2-hour exercise at about 50%
VOn max. Two patients could not exercise longer
t , , r ~ l 3 l I l ~
than 90 min. The diabetics were compared with a

0 60 120 180 240 300 control group consisting of six normal subjects
MINUTES presenting a similar range of physiologic ketosis
Figure 15. Changes in the plasma concentration of induced by prior fasting. The changes in substrate
total ketone bodies and other substrates observed dur- and hormone concentration associated with exer-
ing and after a 2-h exercise in 3 normal overnight-fasted cise in the two groups are compared in Figure 16.
subjects exercised respectively at 40, 50 and 60% of V 0 2 Signficantly greater increases in total KB levels and
max. glucose concentrations were observed in the dia-
betics from the 30th minute of exercise onward,
thus confirming the deleterious effect of exercise
on diabetic control. On the other hand, there were
sity. The 2-hours exercise at the highest intensity no significant differences among groups for any of
(60% VO2 max) is associated with a marked in- the other metabolic or hormonal parameters
crease in ketonemia during exercise (+1 mM) tested. In particular, lipolysis was equally stimu-
followed by a marked postexercise ketosis lasting lated in both groups as shown by FFA and glycerol
for more than 3 h. In this overnight-fasted subject, changes. As shown in Figure 17, the time course of
a ketonemia of 4 mM (usually observed after a the changes in R, in diabetic patients and control
total fast of 3-4 days) is achieved in only 5 hours. subjects is characterized by an initial fall lasting for
Hypoglycemic levels (3 mM) are reached at the end about 20 min followed by a secondary rise. The
of exercise and during postexercise. The hypogly- mechanisms of this biphasic pattern have been
cemic episodes associated with intensive and pro- discussed earlier for the control subjects, and they
longed exercise are usually asymptomatic probably also apply to the diabetic patients. Although this
because they are associated with high ketone body biphasic evolution of R, is observed at all degrees
levels which ensure an adequate supply of energy of hyperketonemia examined in this study, it
to the brain. should be noted that the higher the initial hyperke-
A physiological role for postexercise hyperke- tonemia, the less R, is stimulated in late exercise,
tonemia might be to favor the replenishment of so that the changes in R, integrated over the
muscle glycogen stores, a phenomenon that occurs working period are negatively correlated with
after exercise even in the absence of glucose feed- basal ketonemia (Figure 18). As expected, this
ingMThe demonstration on rat muscle in vitro relationship is very similar to that shown in
that ketones inhibit glycolysis and increase the Figure 12 for the subjects in whom ketonemia

6. I I * ?

(mM) -
.. -.
.. .I
....-. .*-- -*.

....- - - t--------
I I*

y I *---*&
- __ -..-.-. I
....t - - - - - - - -



, , I
-30 0 60 ’ 120 ’ 180 -30 0 60 120 180

Figure 16. Substrate and hormone concentrations during and after exercise in six ketotic
type 1 diabetic patients and six fasted normal subjects presenting a similar degree of
ketosis. Asterisks indicate statistically significant changes from mean basal value ( p <
0.05). Reproduced from Ref. 77 with permission.

subjects c - +‘ij A
1-I I
- -
0 \ I

- to2 I I I I
a %- 1.5 -1 a

r n d

- -02 6
I* I

.-c E
j ””.;....\

- -02
l I -
- 3 0 0 3 0 60 90 - 3 0 0 3 0 60 90 a
TIME (minl a -4
-5 J
Figure 17. Changes from mean basal value induced by I I I I I I I I

exercise in the concentration and turnover rate of total

ketone bodies induced by exercise in six ketotic type I
diabetic patients and six normal subjects pre-
senting a similar degree of ketosis (same patients as in
Figure 16). Asterisks refer to significant changes from t4.
mean basal value (p < 0.005). Reproduced from Ref. 77 .E t 3 .
with permission. E
0 +2.
exceeds 0.6 mM. According to Figure 18, the ke- EE - oI j -
tone body concentration at which the overall stim- -
ulatory effect of a 90-min exercise on ketogenesis
is reversed to an inhibitory action approximates a
4 mM in diabetic patients as well as in normal -4 ‘
fasted subjects. Despite the fact that the neg-
ative relationship between the exercise-induced
j;:l, , , , , l ,
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1
changes in R, and basal ketonemia are similar
B a s a l K e t onaemia I mmol /I)
in normal subjects and diabetic patients (Fig-
ure 18), the response of concentration to exercise Figure 18. Changes in concentrations (A) and in rates
differs between groups. In the control subjects, the of appearance (B) and disposal (C) of ketone bodies
change in concentration is negatively correlated to recorded at the 90th minute of exercise as a function of
basal ketonemia, which suggests that in this group basal ketonemia. Solid circles and solid lines: normal
control subjects with fasting-induced hyperketonemia.
the changes in concentration are mainly influenced Open circles and dotted lines: insulin-deprived type I
by the changes in R,. On the contrary, in diabetic diabetic patients. All correlation coefficients are signifi-
patients, the change in concentration tends to be cantly different from zero (p < 0.05 or less) except for
positively correlated to basal ketonemia, suggest- diabetic patients in panel A. Covariance analysis indi-
ing that the hyperketonemic action of exercise in cates that the slopes and elevation of the regression lines
are not significantly different for the two groups (p >
uncontrolled diabetic patients cannot be accounted 0.05) except for panel A, where slopes are significantly
for by an exaggerated stimulation of ketogenesis. different (p < 0.01). Reproduced from Ref. 77 with
The hyperketonemic effect of exercise in ketotic permission.

diabetic patients must therefore originate in some the metabolic clearance rate of KB contributes to
defect in the removal mechanisms for ketones the hyperketonemia. This reduced metabolic clear-
causing in diabetic patients a greater imbalance ance rate reflects essentially the progressive satu-
between production and uptake. This is not incon- ration of muscular ketone uptake that occurs with
sistent with the observation that Rd is depressed at increasing ketonemia. The hormonal and meta-
high ketosis in diabetic patients as it is in normal bolic environment of fasting plays only a minor
subjects. Simply, the mechanism responsible for role in this process, since a fall in KB metabolic
this inhibition is different in the two groups: in clearance similar to that observed during fasting is
fasted subjects-the fall in Rd can be accounted for observed if hyperketonemia is artificially induced
by the fall in concentration; in diabetic subjects Rd in the postabsorptive state by the infusion of
decreases despite a rise in concentration which exogenous ketones. As extraction of KB by muscle
implies a reduction in the ability of tissues to take becomes limited during ongoing fasting, KB are
up ketones. preferentially taken up by the brain to serve as a
Studying the same problem with an hepatic substrate replacing glucose.
catheterization technique, Wahren et al. came to The remarkable stability of ketonemia during
the conclusion that diabetics exhibit an exagger- prolonged fasting is maintained through the oper-
ated increase in ketone body production at work ation of a negative feedback mechanism whereby
as compared with normal overnight-fasted sub- KB tend to restrain their own production rate. The
j e c t ~ . ~In
’ , ~our opinion, this comparison is mean- antilipolytic and insulinotropic effects of KB are
ingless because the two groups exhibit very dif- instrumental in this process. This homeostatic
ferent basal ketone body levels. Indeed, as dis- mechanism maintains ketogenesis only slightly
cussed before, the pattern of ketone body response above the maximal metabolic disposal rate, the
to work is highly dependent on initial ketonemia. difference corresponding to urinary excretion,
Thus, when insulin-deprived, insulin-depen- which is always below 10% of total turnover under
dent diabetic patients with a variable degree of physiologic conditions.
hyperketonemia are submitted to moderate exer- When type I insulin-deprived diabetic patients
cise of 120 min duration, their ketone body metab- are compared at the same KB concentration with
olism is modified in a manner very similar to that control subjects with fasting ketosis, the character-
of control fasted subjects matched for ketonemia. istics of KB kinetics are comparable in the two
In both groups, at low ketonemia, exercise stimu- groups. The maximal KB removal capacity is iden-
lates the rate of production and the rate of disposal tical in the two situations, and it is not possible to
of ketones. These effects are progressively atten- identify a ketone removal defect specific to dia-
uated as basal ketonemia rises and are even re- betes. Thus, these data favor the concept that
versed in markedly ketotic patients. However, excessive production of KB represent the main
ketotic diabetic patients exhibit an abnormal re- factor leading to uncontrolled hyperketonemia. It
sponse in increasing their ketonemia above basal should be realized that a production exceeding
level during the second hour of exercise, a phe- only slightly that prevailing during prolonged fast-
nomenon not observed in the control subjects. ing is sufficient to cause a progressive build-up in
Contrary to the prevailing ~ p i n i o n , ~ ‘ , this
~ , ~ ’does concentration, leading to uncontrolled diabetic ke-
not seem to result from an exaggerated increase in tosis.
ketogenesis, but from a slight removal defect pos- In the overnight-fasted state, a prolonged ex-
sibly related to insulinopenia. It should be empha- ercise (2 h) performed at moderate intensity (50%
sized that this conclusion applies to the specific VO’ max) stimulates the capacity of muscle to
experimental conditions used in this study regard- extract ketones from blood as evidenced by a
ing the duration and intensity of exercise. stimulation of the metabolic clearance rate. Simul-
taneously, KB production is accelerated and these
two processes contribute to increase muscle
VI. SUMMARY energy supply, but the effect is quantitatively
Turnover studies performed during progres- negligible. Qualitatively, however, this response is
sive fasting in normal subjects indicate that the similar to that observed for glucose and FFA, the
production rate and the concentration of KB rise two major blood-borne muscular fuels.
markedly during the early phase of fasting and On the other hand, when the same exercise is
start reaching a plateau after about 5 days. In performed at high KB levels after prolonged fast-
addition to increased production, a reduction in ing, the muscular and hepatic responses are abol-

ished. This has useful consequences for bodies' References

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