Dretoit 67

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Christian Avila

Theatre Appreciation
Detalion Dixon

Detroit ‘67
In general, I really loved all the production that took place on the Detroit '67 play.

Sometimes I am a very detailed person and I like to observe everything that happens around me

and on stage what attracted the most attention were the pictures or paintings that were projected

around me with light. At the time when the images were projected as video, they attracted a lot

of everyone's attention, and I lost the gaze of the actors on stage watching those small videos. I

also loved the stage, there were many details that gave it a lot of realism such as the bar, the

lights that were hung on the top, the tape player of that time was great and how the actors

interacted with that, the tube that the actresses They used to dance, and all the outfits were very

suitable and were very successful in transporting us back to the time of the play. The lighting

system when they changed the environment like sunrise, or when they were at the bar with the

music, were very precise, adequate and transmitted to the audience the different environments on

stage, this time the sound seemed very adequate, and the level of sound was also very good. I

also notice that outside the stage there was a display with some aspects that were taken from the

production such as the stage design, the types of molds for the lights, a historical review of the

play and it was very interesting to see that point of view of the play.

One of the circumstances that I identified at the beginning was when Chelle began to talk

with her friend Bunny about the inheritance she received with her brother due to the death of her

father, the inheritance would help her brother and her to fulfill some dreams and wishes that

evidently the inheritance would be pronounced as a momentary relief for them. Chelle wanted to

help her son with her education and take up the clandestine parties she mentioned and Lank

wanted to buy a nearby bar. They both have different views on what they wanted to do with the
Christian Avila
Theatre Appreciation
Detalion Dixon

money and try to persuade each other to lean aside for its benefits. It was also noted that the

outfits that the brothers used clearly reflected that Lank was the youngest and most popular, but

Chelle was noted to be the oldest because of the way she spoke and the outfits she used, she

acted more as a protective mother role.

The fact of knowing some circumstances that are happening in the play, sometimes helps

to intuit what could develop throughout the performance, for example, When Lank and Sly

helped Caroline in a noble way when she was unconscious and beaten. It was sensed that this

situation would be very problematic, since Chelle of course was not going to accept that a white

girl was in her house, with people of different colors for the tense moment that was lived in that

time of segregation. It is very important to know the background of the characters since they

provide a clear idea of what is being observed and the actors correctly illustrated what was

happening with respect to the social problems of the moment.

The person representing Chelle revealed her work through several factors. Mainly the

way she expressed and communicated imitating the most characteristic phrases of that time for

example. When she spoke with her friend bunny, she expressed herself in a peculiar way and

more in confidence than she would do with her brother Lank, every time she spoke with her

brother, she showed a role of a responsible sister or mother who always cared for him and tried

to help and advise him so that he does not get into trouble. Also, the color of her skin, the

peculiar outfits and accessories of her that Chelle wore, such as her multicolored clothes or her

nightgown gave a peculiar and correct personality to her character.

Christian Avila
Theatre Appreciation
Detalion Dixon

The main objective of Chelle I believe that thanks to the inheritance she received, she

wanted to return to clandestine parties in her basement to get extra money and be able to help her

son in his education. I also think that another of her goals was to help her brother Lank guide him

on the right path and invest the money in the best way and not make hasty decisions like Lank

did. I think that in the end Chelle did not achieve her goal of guiding Lank down the path that

she wanted him to go because Lank was of different ideals and when he wanted something he

did not care much about the advice that he might receive, Lank followed his dreamer instinct.

On this occasion I will refer to Lank, for me one of the most climactic moments was

when Lank entered the house very scared, disoriented, breathless and shocked, with dirty clothes

full of blood. We all wondered what had happened, and Lank begins to say that the police or the

army had killed his friend Sly. It was a very shocking moment, and it was felt that the

atmosphere changed, and the actors performed their roles of suspense and sadness well. I also

think that the public was amazed at what had happened and we began to remember Sly as a

funny person and that that moment was very tragic and shocking.

It seemed to me that the entire cast was very focused on the play. They put on many

successful performances, and they were all connected in the same style and with a touch of

humor that made the whole play interesting. When I mean with a touch of humor it is because all

the characters did it in a certain part of the play and it stood out more in Bunny and Sly who for

me were very charismatic in the public. Also, when all the actors expressed or communicated,

they did so in a very similar way referring to the dialect and expressions of the community to

which they were interpreting and the music that they shared, danced and even some of them

sang, contributed a Realistic style to the performance and of course the intention to achieve the
Christian Avila
Theatre Appreciation
Detalion Dixon

climax at specific moments in the play was very clear. For me the acting work was successful,

and everything was very clear and even the level of the music was very good this time and it

helped make the production clearer.

In conclusion, the production had a great impact on me because of how complex the

entire organization that runs the play is and the importance of giving life and style to a character.

It was also interesting how they carried out the performance, referring to the various situations

that were happening at that time, such as the segregation and repression of the black community.

The fact of how the actors should give that style to the characters is very complex and I think

that they focus squarely on the issues that emerged at that time such as the music that was very

prominent, the clothing, their expressions and forms of communication and including his jokes.

Also, all other traits like family, economic status, religion etc. They are elements that are very

important in the production of a play and that I think is not only acting but also being very

connected in what they are going to transmit. the public. I loved the play very much, it was very

entertaining and interesting and being among the audience living a moment that happened

remotely in time, it was incredible what the performance got to transmit to the public.

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