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Perfect two-

piece ensemble
Finite Elemente, renowned as a manufacturer of high-quality racks Finite Elemente know only too well that a
and component supports, have launched their first loudspeaker. such hotchpotch of different styles would
Aren't there enough loudspeakers? Well yes, but the "Modul LS" not be popular with their demanding clien-
tele and therefore decided in favour of visual
couldn't have been built by anyone else.
uniformity in all components. And sceptical
people like us can quickly arrive at the con-
by Matthias Böde clusion that design constraints are being

lever ideas often result in huge ben- The loudspeaker comprises two modules – forced onto a loudspeaker and that, as a con-
efits. Take Gore-Tex, for example, the separate cabinets for woofer and sequence, here the loudspeaker function is
used in waterproof clothing and as midrange/tweeter as well as a base. How- subordinate to the form.
an efficient non-conductor in hi-fi cables, ever, this is not the only reason for the loud-
and nanoparticles protect us in suntan lo- speaker's simple name. As Finite Elemente
tions, work as dirt-repelling auto paints, and use the "Modul" name for their exquisite fur-
who knows what else. And Finite Elemente niture and sound system (see box), and the
used this principle of technology transfer in Modul LS slots perfectly into this concept.
developing their first loudspeaker, the un-
usually designed Modul LS.

Although this manufacturer, based in Brilon

in Germany's Sauerland region, has achieved
an international reputation until now with
resonance-optimised and exquisitely de-
signed racks and component interface sys-
tems for all types of hi-fi applications, it is
precisely their special features that have
been integrated into the Modul LS, giving it
a special niche in the market.

Also included is a cable

remote control which can
be used, for example, to
switch a subsonic filter or
to adapt the subwoofer
level to the room acoustics.
But we very quickly had to dispel Three centimetre thick multiplex The lower ranges are equalized using the "Pole- as long as the switchable subsonic filter
such reservations. The Modul LS is by panels and frame-type struts form Shift-Filter Technology“ by the distinguished de- doesn't prevent this –, but can also generate
no means a sound accessory for styl- the cabinet of the woofers veloper Siegfried Linkwitz. This is designed to al- up to 110 db maximum volume. Respect!
ish living-room environments – al- fashion, thus ensuring a fast, taut and low deep bass from small cabinets by increasing Like the woofers the 18 centimetre diameter
though it can certainly fit that bill –, clean reproduction without any "clog- the amplitude values, i.e. the level, as the fre- midrange and the 25 millimetre cone are from
but is a fully developed high-end ging effects". These couplings have quency decreases. To do this the drive param- the Danish specialist manufacturer Scan-
concept that stands out with a series just about as much in common with eters in installed state are used as the basis, Speak. Their slim housing of lightweight com-
of logical detailed solutions and a standard spikes as an old VW Beetle whereby every operating state can be converted posite board with punctiform reinforcing
complexity that you don't come has with a new Porsche 911. to the filter characteristic. In this way the Modul struts – Finite Elemente are masters in this ma-
across all that often. And Finite El- Yes, you heard correctly, the Modul LS LS gets down to 20 Hz not just linear– and lower terial mix based on their experience in rack de-
emente are, when you stop to think is a semi-active loudspeaker, meaning sign – stands upright in front of the woofer
The transparent
about it, even predestined to design that a connected amplifier only has to diagram reveals
sections and is closely connected with this.
a loudspeaker like this. Because a handle the midrange/tweeter section, the assembly. At The two-layer aluminum interface (see box)
loudspeaker sets similar standards to while the Class-D amp integrated into the bottom you creates a solid unit with defined resonance
a rack. The main aspects here are the back of the bass cabinet provides can see the transfer using a total of four coupling ceramic
strength, immunity to resonance design of the sup- balls each 17 millimetres in diameter.
the power for the two woofers that porting structure
and exact dissipation of the energy generated by are used below around 160 Hz. In practice only together with the With regard to positioning the Modul LS be-
the driver units. the red lamp on the baffle and the mains con- bolts and ceramic haves just like any other high-quality loud-
This is not inconsiderable in some cases. When nection next to the polarity clamps indicate the ball interfaces speaker. Perhaps it is even a touch more sensi-
the two 26 cm metal cone woofers set into the installed crossover elec- tive. Due to the precision achieved here even
sides of the slim woofer section really get going, tronics and power ampli- the smallest changes are immediately audible,
then you wouldn't want to rely on just the 30 mil- fier stage. As a reliable au- which makes positioning actually easier than
limetre multiplex panels to keep them under tomatic signal-controlled more difficult. WBT polarity clamps for the external amplifier,
control. The share of the power from the up to switching on-and-off dis- And Finite Elemente even helps the new own- mains connections to supply the integrated bass
1000 watt powerful integrated amplifier that is er with the included remote control to adapt amp and socket for the remote control (r.)
penses with the need for
converted not to sound energy, but to kinetic en- any manual intervention. the woofer settings to match room conditions.
You should immediately ignore the possibil-
ergy is led off via the solid base into special inter- So it's logical that this of- In addition to parameters such as "Room Size"
ity of reversing the phase, as this causes a
face feet including a ceramic ball bearing (see fers completely other pos- and "Room Hardness", the latter to match ei-
strange sound image and the measuring
box) that dissipate this off in a controlled sibilities than a passive ther austere or cosy type of furnishings, that
engineering reveals a deep crater in the
model. generate sublime variations in bass reproduc-
transfer range, whereas the frequency
tion, the lower ranges can be either reduced or
response has an almost perfectly smooth
increased through eight stages in either direc-
mission range in which The solution to these conflicting course at normal phase (see diagram). Further-
Stable and defined the driver works, and the goals is a no-compromise two-
tion. Very practical! This is also true for the sub-
sonic filter that protects the woofers from in-
more attention should be paid that the
woofers of both loudspeakers are directed
The Modul LS cabinet follows the same loudspeaker is not on nor- layer metal interface made of frasound from the turntable, for example.
principles as racks and component feet mal spikes, but has a cou- two ten millimetre thick layers outwards. Directing them inwards resulted in a
pling system based on Finite Elemente's proven of aluminum that creates an ultra-stable connec- reproduction which was both uneasy and
"Cerabase". This comprises two metal compo- tion between the two sections. Two sturdy bolts squeezed, at least in our listening room. Finite
Coupling and resonance Elemente also recommend as a rule that the
C nents that are connected to each other only via
dissipation have always been three ceramic balls, and this is designed to
topics that kept Finite El- cause defined resonance transfer and a solid
anchored in the woofer cabinet press the plates
together with a massive tension force of 40 Nm, woofers face outwards!
The active crossover to separate off the higher
ranges and the efficient Class D power amplifiers
are installed screened from the woofers in a sepa-
thus guaranteeing the immobility of the con- rate chamber
emente occupied. Whether the standing. The upper section is installed in the struction.
task was to take up oscillation energy as heavy speaker base where both its weight and But the two plates are not simply attached to
effectively as possible or then to lead this that of the cabinet apply considerable contact each other. Here ceramic balls again ensure a
off – Finite Elemente have a vast amount pressure to the "ball bearings". The lower sec- clean connection. And the smaller screws used
of experience in this field. And the knowl- tion tapers to a point. Anyone who has tried to fix the otherwise free-floating midrange cabi-
edge gained in developing their top-class various interfaces under their loudspeakers net to the connecting piece do not form any di-
hi-fi racks and component interfaces was knows just how decisive the influence can have rect bridge to the woofer unit. Energy transfer is
used in the development of the Modul LS on the sound impression. exclusively via the defined ceramic ball contact.
loudspeaker. This patented concept has been perfected for Admittedly this is extremely complex, but Finite
For example the resonance frequency of the connection of the bass to the Elemente know just how important questions of
the cabinet is pushed outside of the trans- midrange/tweeter unit. Under no circumstanc- energy dissipation are.
es may these move against one another, as this Finite Elemente's "Cerabase" feet, available sepa-
What an effort! The interface would result in loss of detail, and rately and in sets, are used instead of simple
used to connect the two cabi- they must be firmly interlocked spikes to create the contact to the base. Three
nets is 61 centimetres in length ceramic balls form the points of transfer between
and weighs six kilos
with each other. On the other the sections
hand an internal contact is also an
ideal bridge for excitement
from the corresponding ad-
jacent cabinet, and this has
to be prevented as well.
Profound technical understanding and con- discernible – with extremely positive results way. No, we know theses drivers from other Modul LS can actually do, is not FINITE ELEMENTE
centrated know-how are behind the Modul LS. for both transparency and speech intelligibil- loudspeakers where their performance is not revealed here though. MODUL LS
And how did Finite Elemente arrive at this re- ity. Initially this might seem rather sober, but as smooth or rounded. It is difficult to say what contribution Size: 26.5 x 110 x 56.5 cm
sult? Well, the acoustics and electronics were this loudspeaker has no time for any fancy I've pondered this for some time and I'm now to the overall result is made by the (WxHxD, including pedestal) loud quiet
bought in, along with the professionals mas- mumbo-jumbo. convinced that this in direct re- materials, the drivers, the semi-active Warranty: 5 years small large
tering this engineering. The mechanics includ- And there are two other as- T E S T - C H A I N lation to the advantages of the operation or the energy policy. It can Manufacturer: Finite Elemente
ing the cabinets and the all-important tuning pects in this regard that make SACD PLAYER: Esoteric X- Modul LS at the opposite fre- however be said that we recognised Tel.: ++49 (0)2961-966110 active passive
of the overall system are by Finite Elemente. Finite Elemente stand out 05, Lindemann 820S quency extreme. As this loud- essential characteristics of Finite high low
No problem. Once you know just how much of from the rest. On the one TURNTABLE.: Acoustic Solid speaker is not just dry – it's ex- Elemente's racks in the unfussy and
a Mercedes is bought in from third parties, you hand there is their earthy, ro- Solid One, Linn LP12 SE tra dry! Its foundation is with al- straightforward performance of the Detractors might claim that the near far
have to ask yourself why the suppliers don't bust playing that in spite of all INTEGRATED AMP: Boulder most iron strength. It reveals Modul LS where the depiction is so honest Modul LS is nothing more than the sound space
just build the rest of the car as well. the necessary clarity still re- 685, Symph. Line RG14 such a vast amount of details and stable also in respect of localization loudspeaker to match the furniture range. In classical modern
What is really important in loudspeaker design mains even when you turn up PRE AMP / POWER AMP: and intermediate tones that and spatial plasticity. Components are fact it is a high-end product in all respects
is how well the individual components inter- the volume with the Cure's Audio Research some others swallow up, or at reproduced taut and natural, spatial and with an unusually elaborate cabinet design
act with each other to ensure perfect results "Out Of This World" with its Ref.3/Soulution 710 least present with less preci- rich in detail as well as more slim and and a reproduction that is time-stable to the
coming out at the front. And this is where the complex sound overlays, and SPEAKERS.: T+A TCI2A, Wil- sion. And here you might ini- cleansed rather than round and comfort- point of excess, gruff and neutral. Perfect in
professionally tailored Modul LS works like a that never seems to be in the son Audio Maxx2 tially miss a little bit of comfort- able. And that is why we like working with every respect. Excellent!
truly homogeneous single unit. Here the foreground, frayed or even SPEAKER CABLE: MIT Magnum ing roundness, the silky com- them. And what does our large Pagode
much acclaimed internal order of the sound analytical. The treble range MA, Mudra Silvercom promise. But after a brief period Master Reference rack stand on? On a set LABORATORY
images has been exaggerated. For example in has an almost silky diction, you will never want to do with- of Cerabases, of course, which in a slightly
choral recordings: even with top-of-the-range clashes of cymbals have a sparkling reso- out this agile, gruff representation. amended form is also the basis for the FREQUENCY RANGE
speakers you generally get slight tonal smudg- nance, and there is no sign of any tendency to It is this quickness, the lightning-fast accel- Modul LS, weighing in at around 58 kilos. It
ing effects that can give the representation an the ethereal. Instead what is demonstrated is eration down to the very lowest frequencies might be made up of modules, but the
almost transcendental floating aura. In con- body and a certain ponderousness of the that supports even the hi-hats mentioned musical performance is like a perfectly
junction with the Modul LS these are hardly original that is unfortunately so difficult to above. If a loudspeaker cannot manage a uni- tuned two-piece ensemble.
achieve with hi-fi. fied tempo across the full transmission range,
The Modul LS manages then the faster trebles generally break loose
to achieve this, and this from the tonal unity. This results in a typical
although its drivers are hi-fi reproduction with trebles that are admit-
admittedly high-quality, tedly finer and brilliantly sparkling, but that
but not by any means dominate everything else artificially. True, this STEP RESPONSE
exotic, specially built so- can sound wonderful, but Finite Elemente
lutions with alleged show just how it should be. And a glance at
qualities that could not the excellent step response underscores at
be achieved in any other least the proposition of top timing. What the

detailed solutions. It is obvi- These are concealed discreetly behind fine material
ous that knowledgeable hi-fi front covers, as shown in the left-hand picture.
experts have been involved Admittedly you cannot expect the same modul ls – a loudspeaker by finite elemente,
in the development. audiophile standards from the Modul range milliseconds with 1000 watts very active in the low frequen-
For example, the separate el- available in a variety of wood veneer and lacquer The Modul LS offers a perfectly depicted cies, easily getting down to 15 Hz, offering
unbelievable spatiality with a resolution revea-
ements are available in four finishes as you would from Finite Elemente racks. frequency range. The fluctuations are in the ling the finest details, but still very small in
Bernd Brockhoff different sizes as well as
Bernd Brockhoff (l.) and However great emphasis was also placed here on range of +/- two decibels. It is astonishing size, perfectly adaptable to the room acoustics
Luis und Luis Fernandes
from Finite open, with a flap or drawer. stability and quick energy dissipation. As just being that the loudspeaker gets down to 20 Hz and a perfect match to the modul° audio furni-
von Finite
Elemente Elemente
with mit einem
a complete Matching inserts for CDs, beautiful and practical would not be enough for ture system in your living environment.
"Modul" system „Modul“-System despite the small volume of its woofer
kompletten DVDs or even LPs are no Finite Elemente. They have their reputation to think section. All thanks to active equalization! The
problem. The "Integrated of, and the question as to furniture or rack is omnidirectional behaviour is average (dotted
Cable Management" will also somewhat moot. "Modul" elements are hi-fi The "integrated cable management" conceals
all cabling so that the units can also be used as line). In the listening test we directed the
Racks or furniture? be popular with those who prefer to conceal their
cable connections rather than
furniture with audiophile aspirations.
room dividers Modul speaker to the ears, which confirmed
The Modul range is not designed to appeal the measuring engineering. In practice the
show them off proudly. It is also Quality down to the last detail: With the
only to living-room aesthetics, but "Modul" range Finite Elemente is look- The German specialists T+A supply the loud- trebles can be influenced by adjusting the
should also "sound good". possible to integrate a mains
ing to take its place in the premium speakers and the active subwoofers for the angle. The step response shows an excellent
connection and even a fan, and "Modul Soundsystem" to ensure that the sound
T o present multimedia technology adequ-
ately, whilst still making this suitable for
this could be useful if you are
running components behind
class of audio furniture
matches the appearance
behaviour. All drivers work simultaneously,
and no resonance is discernible.
everyday applications and living environ-
closed flaps. Full operability is
ments, is the goal that Finite Elemente has set
still ensured with the IR link
with the "Modul" audio furniture range. As
module that transmits remote SOUND QUALITY
the name says, this is a modular system that
control signals to the inside of thee furniture unit. VALUE FOR MONEY
the manufacturers claim can offer 1001 possi-
It becomes a modular sound system tem when you
bilities. First of all you are confronted with
add the stereo and centre loudspeakers
dspeakers with
clear designs, fine quality materials and clever EXCELLENT
subwoofer developed by T+A.

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