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Ankit Verma

Computer Graphics Assignment

Q.1. What do you mean by scan converting? Derive the equations for scan converting a line using Bresenham’s line
drawing algorithm.
Q.2. Using Bresenham’s line drawing, find out the list of activated pixels for the line from (20,10) to (25,14).
Q.3. Draw a circle using Bresenham’s algorithm whose center is (0,0) and radius is 8 units.
Q.4. Describe midpoint circle drawing algorithm with its complete derivation.
Q.5. Using midpoint circle algorithm draw a quadrant of circle of radius 7 with center (0,0).
Q.6. What are homogeneous coordinates in 2D transformation? Explain with the help of matrices.
Q.7. Prove that two rotation operations are additive in nature. i.e. R(α) R(β) = R(α+β).
Q.8. Let R be the rectangular window whose lower left-hand corner is at L (–3,1) and upper right-hand corner is at R
(2,6). Clip line segments AB with endpoints A (–4,2) and B (–1,7) using Cohen Sutherland Algorithm.
Q.9. Explain conceptual framework of interactive graphics. Discuss their advantages. Give classification of applications
where interactive graphics are used. List input devices used in interactive graphics.
Q.10. Differentiate between random scan and raster scan. Explain random scan display processor with suitable diagram.
Q.11. Write short notes on:
• Eight-way symmetry of circle
• Matrix representation of 2D shearing
• Interactive and non-interactive computer graphics
• Frame buffer
• Anti-aliasing
Q.12. Perform a 45°rotation of triangle A (0,0), B (1,1), C (5,2) about P (–1,1).
Q.13. A triangle is defined by vertices A (2,2), B (4,2), C (4,4). Find the transformed coordinates of the triangle after
rotation about origin through 90°followed by reflection about the line y = –x
Q.14. Consider square (0,0), (2,0), (0,2), (2,2). Perform composite transformation of the square by using the following
1) Scale by using Sx = 2 and Sy = 3
2) Rotate 45°in anticlockwise direction
3) Translate by using Tx = 3 and Ty = 5
Q.15. Derive the transformation matrix for reflection of a point about an arbitrary line y = mx + c
Q.16. Discuss midpoint subdivision algorithm.
Q.17. Describe midpoint line drawing algorithm with its complete derivation.
Q.18. Scan convert straight line using Midpoint line algorithm whose end points are (0,0) and (5,6).
Q.19. Prove that two successive 2D scaling are multiplicative in nature i.e. S (Sx1, Sy1) . S (Sx2, Sy2) = S (Sx1.Sx2, Sy1.Sy2)
Q.20. Write short notes on
• Role of video controller in raster scan system
• Advantages and disadvantages of DDA algorithm
• Draw architecture of simple raster graphics system
• Define persistence and aspect ratio
• what are coordinates of point P (2, –4) after rotating by 30°about the origin
• Explain working of color CRT.
• Differentiate between 2D and 3D Clipping.
• Bitmap, pixmap, resolution
• Interlacing
• Advantages of LCD over Plasma

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