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Question 1: To study the relationship between aptitude test scores and productivity resulting

after three months training of workers in a factory, a survey was conducted by a researcher
who had taken a sample of 9 workers.

Aptitude 1 3 5 7 9 2 4 6 8
Score (X)
Productivity 9 10 11 14 15 8 12 13 16

Calculate correlation by Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation between aptitude scores and


Aptitude Productivity X- X̅ Y-Ӯ (X- X̅)2 (Y-Ӯ)2 (X- X̅).( Y-Ӯ)

Score (X) (Y)
1 9 -4 -3 16 9 12
3 10 -2 -2 4 4 4
5 11 0 -1 0 1 0
7 14 2 2 4 4 4
9 15 4 3 16 9 12
2 8 -3 -4 9 16 12
4 12 -1 0 1 0 0
6 13 1 1 1 1 1
8 16 3 4 9 16 12
ΣX= 45 ΣY=108 Σ(X- X̅ )2= 60 Σ (Y-Ӯ)2= 60 Σ (X- X̅ ).( Y-Ӯ)= 57

X̅ = ΣX/N Ӯ= ΣY/N

45/9=5 108/9=12

r = Σ (X- X̅ ).( Y-Ӯ)/ √ Σ(X- X̅ )2. Σ (Y-Ӯ)2

= 57/ √60*60

= 57/√3600


r= .95
Question 2: Calculate rank coefficient of correlation from the marks given out of 200 by two
judges X and Y in a music competition to 8 participants:

Participants 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Marks awarded by Judge X 74 98 110 70 65 85 88 59
Marks awarded by Judge Y 121 133 170 102 90 152 160 85


Participants Marks Marks Rank for Rank for D= (R1-R2) D2

awarded awarded Marks X Marks Y
by Judge X by Judge Y (R1) (R2)
1 74 121 5 5 0 0
2 98 133 2 4 -2 4
3 110 170 1 1 0 0
4 70 102 6 6 0 0
5 65 90 7 7 0 0
6 85 152 4 3 1 1
7 88 160 3 2 1 1
8 59 85 8 8 0 0
N=8 ΣD2= 6

Correlation = 1- 6 ΣD2/ N (N2-1)

= 1- 6*6/ 8(64-1)


= 0.9286
Question 3: Obtain regression equations for the data by computing regression coefficients.

X 6 2 10 4 8
Y 9 11 5 8 7


X Y X2 Y2 XY
6 9 36 81 54
2 11 4 121 22
10 5 100 25 50
4 8 16 64 32
8 7 64 49 56
ΣX= 30 ΣY= 40 ΣX2= 220 ΣY2= 340 ΣXY= 214

1. Regression Equation Y on X:

The line of regression of Y on X using its regression coefficient can be written as:

(Y-Ӯ) = byx (X- X̅) ------ Equation 1

Here, X̅ = ΣX/N

= 30/5= 6

Ӯ = ΣY/ N

= 40/5= 8

byx= N. ΣXY – (ΣX). (ΣY)/ N ΣX2- (ΣX)2

= 5*214 – 30*40/ 5*220 – (30)2

= 1070-1200/ 1100-900

= -130/ 200

= -0.65

Putting the values in equation 1, we get the line of regression of Y on X as:

(Y-Ӯ) = byx (X- X̅)

(Y- 8) = -.65 (X-6)

Y -8 = -.65 X + 3.9

Y= -.65X +11.9 (Regression Equation Y on X)

2. Regression Equation X on Y :

The line of regression of X on Y using its regression coefficient can be written as:

(X- X̅) = bxy (Y- Ӯ) ------ Equation 2

Here, X̅ = ΣX/N

= 30/5= 6

Ӯ = ΣY/ N

= 40/5= 8

bxy= N. ΣXY – (ΣX). (ΣY)/ N ΣY2- (ΣY)2

= 5*214 – 30*40/ 5*340 – (40)2

= 1070-1200/ 1700-1600

= -130/ 100

= -1.30

Putting the values in equation 2, we get the line of regression of X on Y as:

(X- X̅) = bxy (Y- Ӯ)

(X- 6) = -1.30 (Y-8)

X -6 = -1.30Y + 10.4

X= -.1.30 Y +16.4 (Regression Equation X on Y)

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