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Sudheesh K. Shukla, PhD

School of Biomedical Engineering,
SIET (Deemed to-be-University), Meerut 250110, INDIA
E-mail id:
Mobile: +91 7738660515


•Moral philosophy,

•Nature of moral judgments and reactions


Philosophical understanding.
Moral philosophy
A branch of philosophy that "involves
systematizing, defending, and recommending
concepts of right and wrong behavior".
Principle of Ethics

Types of Ethics

Personal Ethics
Common Ethics
Professional Ethics
Personal Ethics

Ethics that a person identifies with in respect to people and situations

that they deal with in everyday life.

Includes your personal values and moral qualities.

Influenced by family, friends, culture, religion, education and many other factors.
Examples: I believe racism is morally wrong. I am in favor of abortion.
Personal ethics can change and are chosen by an individual.
Common Ethics
Refer to the pre-theoretical moral judgments of ordinary people.

Ethics that the majority of people agree on.

Many philosophers argue there is no such ethics.
Do we have the same ethics in the world? Do we have the same ethics in the U.S.?
Does everyone in your family share the same ethics?
Examples: Murdering people for the sake of murder is wrong.
Notice how this would change in the context of self-defense.
Common ethics have to be very general to avoid disagreement.
Professional Ethics
Ethics are that govern the behaviour of a person or group in a business environment.
Like values, professional ethics provide rules on how a person should act towards other people and institutions
in such an environment.

Rules imposed on an employee in a company, or as member of a profession. For instance, journalists,

doctors, lawyers, etc.
Imposed when you are a part of a professional setting or when you are being trained or educated
for working for a specific profession.
Examples: no gossiping, time management, punctuality, confidentiality, transparency.
Not adhering to these may harm your professional reputation.
Area of Ethics

Three major areas of study within ethics recognized today are

1. Meta-ethics, concerning the theoretical meaning and reference of moral

propositions, and how their truth values (if any) can be determined;
2. Normative ethics, concerning the practical means of determining a moral
course of action;
3. Applied ethics, concerning what a person is obligated (or permitted) to do
in a specific situation or a particular domain of action.
Committee on Publication Ethics

The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) is a nonprofit organization whose

stated mission is to define best practice in the ethics of scholarly publishing and to
assist editors and publishers to achieve standard.
Guideline of COPE

COPE guidelines Editing peer reviews, are intended to advise editors,

publishers, and researchers on expected practices and appropriate
circumstances regarding the editing of peer reviews.

Declare to your chosen journal that your manuscript is not published elsewhere.
Declare any conflicts of interest.
Check all co-authors meet criteria for authorship and ensure appropriate
acknowledgements made in the manuscript.
Include appropriate funding statements in the manuscript.
Role of COPE

Supports and encourages editors to report, catalogue and instigate investigations

into ethical problems in the publication process.

Maintain construction, occupancy, protection, exposure.

Funded in1997

Research Misconduct
In accordance with U.S. federal policy, there are three forms of research
misconduct: plagiarism, fabrication, and falsification.
Research Misconduct

In accordance with U.S. federal policy, there are three forms of research
misconduct: plagiarism, fabrication, and falsification.
Research Fraud

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