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Science City of Munoz 3120

Nueva Ecija, Philippines





Philosophy – (from Greek φιλοσοφία, philosophia, literally "love of wisdom") is the study of
general and fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language.
Philosophical Perspective on Understanding the Self

• Inquiry into the fundamental nature of the self

• The inquiry has preoccupied the earliest thinkers in the history of philosophy Greeks.
• Views on the self can be best understood by revisiting its prime movers and identify the
most important conjectures made by philosophers
• Ancient times to the contemporary period.
SELF based on philosophical perspective

• Something that a person perennially molds, shapes, and develops

• Not a static thing that one is simply born with
• Everyone is tasked to discover one’s self.

• "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"

• Question everything
• "Only the pursuit of goodness brings happiness"
• Socratic Method: Question and Answer; leads students to think for themselves.

• "Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge."
• Dualism
o man is a dual nature, composed of BODY AND SOUL
• Tripartite Soul (reason, spirit, appetite)
o Reason (ruling class) - desires to exert reason and attain rational decisions
o Spirit (military class) - desires supreme honor
o Appetite (commoner) - desires body pleasures such as food, drink, sex, etc.
• "All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature,
compulsions, habit, reason, passion, desire."
• Contributed the foundation of both symbolic logic and scientific thinking.
• The best way to gain knowledge was through "natural philosophy", which is what we
would now call science.
• Happiness, which is dependent in an individual's virtues, is the central purpose of
human life and a goal in itself.
St. Augustine of Hippo

• "The truth is like a lion. You don't have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself."
• An important figure in the development of Western Christianity.
• His philosophy of man brings together wisdom of the Greek philosophy and the divine
truths contained in the scripture.
• The absolute and immutable is the living God, the creator of the entire universe.
• To love God means to love one's fellowmen, and to love one's fellowmen means never to
do any harm to another.
• "Do unto others, what you want others do unto you"
Rene Descartes

• Father of modern philosophy

• "Dubito ergo cogito, cogito ergo sum" (I doubt therefore I think, I think therefore I am)
• The Self is defined as a subject that thinks.
• The self that has full competence in the powers of human reason.
• Having distanced the self from all sources of truth from authority and tradition, the self
can only find its truth and authenticity within its own capacity to think.
• "The fact that I am doubting, cannot be any more open to doubt."
John Locke

• Personal identity is a matter of psychological continuity

• Personal identity (or the self) is founded on consciousness
• Identity over time is fixed by awareness of the past
• Locke posits an "empty" mind, a tabula rasa, which is shaped by experience, and
sensations and reflections being the two sources of all our ideas.
• "Our concept of personal identity must derive from inner experience."
David Hume

• "A wise man proportions his belief to the evidence"

• Rejects the notion of identity over time
• There are no "persons" that continue to exist over time, there are merely impressions.
• "The self is bundle of impression"
Immanuel Kant

• "To be is to do."
• Consciousness is the central figure of the self.
• Two kinds of consciousness:
o Internal Self - composed of psychological states and informed decisions;
remembering our own state, how can we combine the new and old ideas with
our mind.
o External Self - made up of ourselves and the physical world where the
representation of objects.
Gilbert Ryle

• "I made it, and so I am."

• Rejects the theory that mental states are separable from physical states.
• Concluded that adequate descriptions of human behavior need never refer to anything
but the operations of human bodies.
• His form of Philosophical Behaviorism (the belief that all mental phenomena can be
explained by reference to publicly observable behavior) became a standard view for
several decades.
Maurice Merleau-Ponty

• "We know not through our intellect but through our experience."
• His work is commonly associated with the philosophical movement called
"existentialism" and its intention to begin with an analysis of the concrete experiences,
perceptions, and difficulties of human existence.
• Consciousness, the world, and the human body as a perceiving thing are intricately
intertwined and mutually "engaged"
• Our perception of the self is a collection of our perceptions of our outside world.

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