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Section III: language Use

41. My best friends study __ the afternoon on Tuesdays and Thursdays

PREPOSITIONS: at – in – on
a) every
b) on
c) in
d) at

42. Where __ your cousin live?

Wh-q + Aux + Subject + Verb + (Complement)?
your cousin: he/she/it
a) is
b) does
c) are
d) do

43. Sandra didn’t __ the project this week because she totally forgot it.
SIMPLE PAST: Después del aux. el verbo va en BASE FORM
a) do
b) doing
c) does
d) to do

44. Camille drinks ___ bottle of water every day.

QUANTIFIERS: Countable / Singular: (a / an)
a) a lot of
b) much
c) many
d) a

45. A: I really love to play videogames at night. (+)

B: …
Me too / So do I / I do too
a) I’m not either
b) So do either
c) So can I
d) Me too

46. I’m good ___ videogames.

Good + at + gerund
a) to play
b) in playing
c) at playing
d) playing
47. A: Hey! Are you and your boyfriend going to the concert next week?
B: Of Course! We ___ so much fun.
a) have
b) are having
c) had
d) are going to have

48. I went to this new shopping mall yesterday ___ for some new clothes
INFINITIVE: Para mostrar el propósito de una acción
a) to look
b) looked
c) for looking
d) looks

49. A: What did you do with your old collection?

B: I gave it to my cousin, but my brother still has ___ at home.
POSSESSIVES: my brother: he: his
a) his
b) hers
c) Their
d) Theirs

50. A: What ___ when you saw Andrea crying?

B: I called her best friend. (Simple Past)
a) do you do
b) were you doing
c) did you do
d) are you doing

51. What are you going to do after ___?

a) you finish the thesis
b) you´re going to finish the thesis
c) you’ll finish the thesis
d) you finished the thesis

52. It’s wonderful to see you, but it’s ___ to be with you.
a) more better
b) more good
c) worse
d) better

53. A: Have you ever tried whitewater rafting?

B: No, …
a) I’m not
b) I haven’t
c) I didn’t
d) I don´t

54. When I was a baby, my mother made me ___ in her arms.

a) to sleep
b) slept
c) sleep
d) sleeping

55. A: What are you doing tonight? Do you want to join us to the exercise class?
B: Definitely! ___you up at around 5pm, OK?
a) I’ll pick
b) I’d pick
c) I’m going to pick
d) picking

56. There are lots of things I must do, so I ___ to go out this weekend.
a) don’t have
b) ought
c) would rather
d) had better not

57. My sister is an amazing person…

a) which I know very well. (X)
b) who my friends like her so much. (X)
c) I get along well.
d) (WHO) is so smart and nice. (X)

58. If I ___ millionaire, I’d be the happiest person on the earth. I’d definitely buy so many things!
I’d: I would…
“Siempre que tenga que poner al Verb to be en el Simple Past para situaciones imaginarias,
siempre se coloca were, para todos los pronombres”
a) am
b) was
c) were
d) weren’t

59. A: Where did you leave the earpods that came with my new mp3 player?
B: Sorry, I have no idea where ____ them.

a) I did leave
b) I leave
c) did I leave
d) I left
60. Carolina ___ the guitar since she was a little girl, and that activity makes her happy.
a) has played
b) is playing
c) has been playing
d) played

61. John had to cancel his trip because of work. He must be so ___ about it.
ADJECTIVES WITH -ED: Describen como se siente alguien respecto a algo
a) disappointed
b) disappoints
c) disappoint
d) disappointing

62. The accident was extremely horrible. Fortunately, no one ___.

PASSIVE VOICE: Past / Singular
a) were damaged
b) was damaged
c) was damaging
d) is damaged

63. How did you end up ___ in China? You told me you really hate Asian culture!
Despues de Prepositions, Si hay que poner una Accion, Esta Debe Ir Como Un Gerund
a) working
b) worked
c) to work
d) works

64. My co-workers really love to help people. A donation _____ to poor people every year!
PASSIVE VOICE: Present / Singular
a) is given
b) are given
c) gives
d) are giving

65. You can go home faster ___ a taxi.

by: por/mediante
- by + gerund
- by + not + gerund
a) by take
b) not by taking
c) by taking
d) by taken

66. John ___ to the party yesterday, but he realized that he had to finish his final project, so he
preferred to stay at home and do it.
BE SUPPOSED TO (Past): Acciones Frustradas
a) is supposed to go
b) goes
c) was supposed to go
d) is going to go

67. My father got my brother ___ to another country. He says she will have a better education
a) to send
b) sending
c) sent
d) sends

68. We’re very amazed about that result! He should ___ so proud of it.
Modals in the past: Modal + have + V.PP
a) not have been
b) have been
c) has been
d) not has been

69. If I had studied economy as my teacher told me, I probably ___ a better job by now!
Lo que hubiese ocurrido si:
a) would have
b) would have had
c) am having
d) have had

70. Carl is really sad ___ the situation! It was difficult to deal with it.
a) because of
b) in spite of
c) In fact
d) instead of
Section III: language Use

41. Your sisters work __ the morning from Mondays to Saturdays

a) by
b) on
c) in
d) at

42. Where __ your teachers live?

a) is
b) does
c) are
d) do

43. Pedro didn’t __ the homework, because she needed help!

a) do
b) doing
c) does
d) to do

44. Anel always eats ___ meat! She loves it.

a) a lot of
b) a few
c) many
d) a

45. A: I don’t like to eat fish!

B: ___
a) I don’t either
b) So do either
c) So can I
d) Me too

46. I’m interested ___ soccer for a while.

a) to play
b) in playing
c) at playing
d) playing

47. A: Are you and the guys going to the presentation tomorrow?
B: Of Course! My favorite band will be there! We ___ so much fun.
a) have
b) are having
c) had
d) are going to have

48. I decided to move to another country ___ another career.

a) to study
b) studied
c) for studying
d) studies
49. A: What did you do with your old laptop?
B: I gave it to my little brother, but my sister still has ___ at home.
a) his
b) hers
c) her
d) theirs

50. A: What ___ when you got the message?

B: I was driving home!
a) do you do
b) were you doing
c) did you do
d) are you doing

51. What are you going to do after ___?

a) you come back from Europe.
b) you´re going to come back from Europe.
c) you’ll come back from Europe.
d) you came back from Europe.

52. It’s not good at all to lose your cellphone, but it’s ___ to lose your laptop.
a) more better
b) more good
c) worse
d) better

53. A: Have you ever been to Spain?

B: Yes,
a) I have
b) I haven’t
c) I did
d) I don´t

54. When my sister was a baby, my father always made her ___ with me.
a) to play
b) played
c) play
d) playing

55. A: What are you doing on Saturday? Do you want to be at the party with us?
B: Actually, I’d really like to! I don’t know anyone, so___ so much better.
a) I felt
b) I’d feeling
c) I’m going to feel
d) feeling

56. I need to practice for my exam! I need to get a good grade! I think I ___ practice all day!
a) don’t have to
b) had better
c) would rather
d) had better not
57. We need to find a person…
a) who you really can work with.
b) who my co-workers like him so much. X
c) I meeting at my English class. X
d) is so smart and nice. X

58. If I ___ a lot of money, I definitely wouldn’t be studying! I’d be relaxing at home!
a) have
b) has
c) had
d) didn’t have

59. A: Where did you see the papers?

B: I really don’t remember where ____ them.

a) I did see
b) I see
c) did I see
d) I saw

60. Lena ___ Danish since 2011.

a) has taughting
b) is teaching
c) has been teaching
d) taught

61. Paco needs money and he lost his wallet! He must be so ___.
a) annoying
b) annoyed
c) annoys
d) annoyeing

62. My teacher told us that the test was going to be difficult. Fortunately, the test ____ for an easy
a) were changed
b) was changed
c) was changing
d) is changed

63. How did she end up ___ in Germany?

a) living
b) lived
c) to live
d) lives

64. In my house, a movie ___ every Sunday night.

a) was always seen
b) is always seen
c) sees
d) are always seeing
65. You can offend a person ___ his name.
a) by forgetting
b) not by forgetting
c) by not forgetting
d) by forgotten

66. Jerry ___ to the theatre last week, but then he realized that he has seen that show already.
a) is supposed to go
b) went
c) was supposed to go
d) is going to go

67. My grandparents are having my sister ___ to an exercise class. She says she will be more
a) signed up
b) sign up
c) signing up
d) signs up

68. I am so confused about the exam! The teacher should ___ such a difficult exam!
a) not have given us
b) have given us
c) has given us
d) have giving us

69. If I had passed the exam, I probably ___ a better grade’s average.
a) would have
b) would have had
c) am having
d) have had

70. Dominick definitely prefers to read a book ___ watching a movie on TV.
a) because of
b) in spite of
c) In fact
d) instead of
Section III: language Use

41. My parents work __ night on Mondays.

a) by
b) on
c) in
d) at

42. Where __ your dog sleep?

a) is
b) does
c) are
d) do

43. Jarvus didn’t __ the fish, because he doesn’t like it!

a) eat
b) eating
c) eats
d) to eat

44. Carmen always eats ___ apples during the day!

a) a little
b) much
c) many
d) an

45. A: I have been to Europe!

B: ___
a) I haven’t either
b) So have either
c) So have I
d) Me neither.

46. I’m interested ___ sports.

a) to play
b) in playing
c) at playing
d) playing

47. A: Are you and the guys going to the class tomorrow?
B: Of Course! My friends will be there! We ___ learn a lot.
a) are
b) are having
c) had
d) are going to

48. I decided to go to a different university ___ another career.

a) to study
b) studied
c) for studying
d) studies
49. A: What did you do with your old clothes?
B: I gave it to poor people, but my sisters keep ___ at home.
SISTERS: THEY – their old clothes / theirs
a) his
b) hers
c) her
d) theirs

50. A: What ___ when you tried that dish?

B: I was traveling around the jungle!
a) do you do
b) were you doing
c) did you do
d) are you doing

51. What are you going to do after ___ your last project?
a) you finish.
b) you´re going to finish
c) you’ll finish
d) you finished

52. It’s good to have a lot of friends, but it’s ___ to have a true best friend.
a) more better
b) more good
c) worse
d) better

53. A: Have you ever studied math?

B: Yes, …
a) I have
b) I haven’t
c) I did
d) I don´t

54. When my sister was 15, my father always made her ___ a lot!
a) to study
b) studied
c) study
d) studying

55. A: What are you doing on Saturday? Do you want to go swimming with us?
B: Yes!!! I love swimming! ___ at 8am, alright?

a) ’ll pick you up

b) ’d picking you up
c) are going to pick you up
d) picking you up
56. It is my opportunity! I need to get a promotion! So I _____ work hard to get it!
a) don’t have to
b) had better
c) would rather
d) had better not

57. You need to find someone…

a) which knows everything about pets. X
b) who my boss like him so much. X
c) who is smart for the job.
d) is so smart and nice. X

58. If I ___ a big car, I’d drive you everywhere!

a) have
b) has
c) had
d) didn’t have

59. A: Where did you leave my cellphone?

B: I’m so sorry! I really don’t remember where ____ it.

a) I did leave
b) I leave
c) did I leave
d) I left

60. Peter ___ Spanish since 2011 and he is so happy doing that.
a) has taught
b) is teaching
c) has been teaching
d) taught

61. Jeff didn’t pass the course just because he forgot to present one of the homeworks! He must be
so ___
a) frustrating
b) frustrated
c) frustrates
d) frustrate

62. The weather caused serious flooding! Many houses ___

a) were destroyed
b) was destroyed
c) was destroying
d) is destroyed

63. How did you end up ___ as a manager?

a) working
b) worked
c) to work
d) works
64. The dinner ____ everyday by my father.
a) was always prepared
b) is always prepared
c) prepares
d) are always preparing

65. You definitely offend someone ___ terrible adjectives and nicknames.
a) by saying
b) not by saying
c) by said
d) by say

66. Charles ___ to the class last week, but he was busy.
a) is supposed to go
b) went
c) was supposed to go
d) is going to go

67. My teacher is having the computer ___. He needs to use it with us.
a) fix
b) fixes
c) fixing
d) fixed

68. I am so mad at him! He shouldn’t___ the papers we needed!

a) not have giving us
b) have given us
c) has given us
d) have giving us

69. If I had been traveling with you, I probably ___ better experiences abut traveling.
a) would have
b) would have had
c) am having
d) have had

70. Many people are trying to have a vegetarian diet ____ all the suffering of the animals when
they get killed by the people.
a) because of
b) in spite of
c) In fact
d) instead of

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