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Treating Acute

Urinary Tract
An RCTof 3-day versus 7-day Norf oxaczn

E CONCIPLICATED URINARY T RACl trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole is now

infection (UTI) is common accepted as adequate for the treatment of
in women especially in UTI, no extrapolations from one antibiot-
general practice.1 2 The ic to another should be made.8'20
length of treatment of In this study, a 3-day course of nor-
uncomplicated UTI, ie, 3 days versus 7 to floxacin was compared with a 7-day
10 days, has been a hot topic during the course for the treatment of women visiting
past 10 years.3'10 their family physicians in the southern
Both treatment schedules have their part of The Netherlands with complaints
benefits. Advantages of short-term treat- of acute uncomplicated UTI. End points
ment are better patient compliance, lower of evaluation were the clinical and bacteri-
SUMMARY cost, and less frequent adverse effects.'1 ologic outcome, the number of adverse
A randomized, controlled trial An advantage of long-term treatment is effects, and cost.
was carried out to compare two the reduced possibility of recurrent infec-
courses of treatment in women tions.12 Although some studies promote
with acute urinary tract 3-day treatment, most have not had a suf- METHODS
infection in general practice. The ficient number of patients to support their
3-day course of treatment was conclusions. 8,10 11,13,14 Included in the survey were women who
found to be as effective as, and Recently, a new group of antimicrobial were not pregnant aged 18 to 65 years
cheaper than, the 7-day agents has been developed, of which nor- consulting their general practitioners
therapy. floxacin is often prescribed for the treat- with complaints of at least one of the fol-
RESUME ment of UTI. 15,16 Many papers have been lowing symptoms during the last 24
On a procede a un essai rando- published on the clinical efficacy of differ- hours: dysuria, strangury, and frequent
mise et contr6le dans le but de ent lengths of treatment with norfloxacin or urgent urination. Excluded from the
comparer deux regimes thera- for UTI.17- 9 Although a 3-day course of survey were patients who had signs and
peutiques chez les femmes symptoms of pyelonephritis, known
atteintes d'infection urinaire Dr Trienekens is a Research Fellow, abnormalities of the renal tract, or dia-
aigue dans un contexte de Ms London is a Research Assistant, betes. Also excluded were patients who
medecine familiale. Les resultats Ms Houben is a Research Analyst, and had received either chemotherapy or
revelent que le traitement de Dr Stobberingh is an Associate Professor in antibiotics during the past month,
trois jours est aussi efficace et the Department of Aedical Microbiology at patients who were known to be hyper-
moins couteux que le traitement University Hospital in M1aastricht, The
de sept jours. sensitive to nalidixic acid derivatives,
Netherlands. Dr de Jong practises general and patients who had had a UTI within
Can FamIhs6i 1993;39:514-518. medicine in MVaastricht. the last 3 months. General practitioners

514 Canadian Family Physician VOL 39: MIarch 1993

(n = 12) from the southern The defined as the number of patients in
Netherlands were asked to participate in whom cure was noted at the last control
this study. visit, compared with the number of
The protocol was approved by the evaluable patients.'4
Medical Ethics Committee of Maastricht Adverse effects were also evaluated on
University Hospital. All patients received the basis of the data on the questionnaire
oral and written information and all gave and information supplied by the physi-
informed consent. They were allocated to cians. If medication was stopped because
one or the other course of treatment in a of side effects, the therapy was considered
double-blind, randomized way by means a failure.
of the double dummy technique. The two Statistical significance was calculated
strategies were 400 mg of norfloxacin by means of x2 analysis.
twice daily for 7 days or 400 mg of nor- For an evaluation of the cost, it was
floxacin twice daily for 3 days followed by assumed that a 3-day course was cheap-
4 days of placebo twice daily. er unless there was a statistically signifi-
A fresh urine sample was requested cant increase in the number of
from all patients before the start of the recurrences or a worse clinical outcome
medication, at the end of the medication in this group. On the other hand, the
(7 days later), and at least 6 weeks later. shorter period of medication could be
Patients were also asked to complete a expected to produce fewer side effects in
questionnaire on compliance, relief of
symptoms, and side effects. Patients were Table 1. Microorganisms isolated in treatment groups
told to return to their general practition-
ers if symptoms did not disappear or aif ~~~~~~~~~TREATMENT GROUP N (%)*
side effects occurred. Uropathogens
were isolated and identified by standard
microbiologic methods using API 20E Fscherichia coli 104 (73) 111 (79)
(API Montalieu, Vercieu, France) for
Enterobacteriaceae. Proteus sp 16 (11) 6 (4)
.......................... ......................................I..................................I..............................................
Cultures of 105 colony forming units Staphylococcus sp 15 (10) 16 (11)
(cfu)/mL or more were considered to be .....I....................................................... .....................................................................................
positive. Cultures with two or more Other Enterobacteriaceac 9 (6) 5 (4)
pathogens were regarded as mixed cul- Streptococcus sp 3 (2)
tures. To evaluate patient compliance
1 week after starting medication, the *Percentage ofpositi've unrne samples.
presence of growth-inhibiting factors was
tested. Clinical outcome was evaluated 1 the 3-day treatment group. Therefore,
and 6 weeks after starting medication the number of failures and the number of
through the questionnaire and data from patients with additional visits to their
the general practitioners. If patients general practitioners or to the urologist
returned to their physician with persis- were compared in both groups.
tent complaints of UTI, the therapy was Assuming a short-term cure rate of 95%
considered a failure. with 7 days of treatment, a type I error
Bacteriologic outcome was scored as ((x) of 0.05, a type II error (D) of 0.20, and
the elimination, persistence, or recur- a clinically important difference between
rence of the same or a different microor- treatments (6) of 10%, 140 patients in
ganism. No distinction was made
each group are required.8"'3'2'
between relapse and reinfection The randomization was done by
because, from the standpoint of the Merck Sharp & Dohme (Haarlem, The
patient (and the physician), this distinc- Netherlands), which also supplied the
tion is unimportant.8 medication. The code was not known
The short-term cure rate was defined to the investigators, the physicians, or
as the number of patients from whom the the patients. It was kept at the labora-
initial pathogen was eliminated, com- tory in a sealed envelope and was bro-
pared with the number of evaluable ken 6 weeks after the last patient was
patients. The accumulated cure rate was included.

C,anadian Family Physician VOL 39 M.Aarch 1993 515

Table 2. Relief of symptoms 1 week and 6 weeks after initiation


Relief of symptoms 166 (95) 155 (90)
Same or worse complaints 9 (5) 18 (10)
Relief of symptoms 131 (93) 127 (93)
Same or worse complaints 10 (7) 10 (7)
* % of total number ofpatients.

RESULTS prescribed to four out of the seven in the

first group and to seven out of the eight in
From April 1989 to October 1990, the second group. Trimethoprim-sul-
395 patients were randomized to one of famethoxazole for 5 to 7 days was then the
the two groups. One hundred ninety-nine drug ofchoice. After the first week without
patients were allocated to the 3-day treat- any treatment, three patients in the 3-day
ment group and 196 were allocated to the treatment group and eight in the 7-day
7-day treatment group. Eleven patients group recovered. Some patients had
(six in the short-term and five in the long- symptoms only after the first week (but not
term group) did not return at all, so at the first control visit).
384 patients (193 and 191, respectively) The bacteriologic outcome was
were evaluable. A bacteriologically posi- assessed as the short-term cure rate and
tive urine sample was obtained from 144 the accumulated cure rate 1 week and
and 141 patients, respectively. Escherichia 6 weeks after therapy, respectively. The
coli was the most frequently isolated short-term cure rates were 92% and 95%
organism (104 and 11 1, respectively), fol- for the 3-day and 7-day groups, respec-
lowed by Staphylococcus sp and Proteus sp. tively (P = 0.30). The accumulated cure
No differences between the two treatment rates were 82% for the 3-day group and
groups were observed (Table 1). 88% for the 7-day group (P = 0.30)
Patient compliance was recorded by (Table 3). Adverse effects (gastrointestinal
using the answers provided by the complaints, followed by headache and
patients on the questionnaire and assess- fatigue) occurred in 26 patients (13%) and
ing the presence of growth-inhibiting fac- 29 patients (15%), respectively (P = 0.79).
tors in the urine 1 week after starting The 3-day course of treatment was
medication. The patients reported 96% cheaper. Seven patients from the 3-day
compliance; however, in only 76% of the group and eight patients from the 7-day
urine samples of the 7-day treatment group returned to their general practi-
group was the presence of a growth- tioner. No difference was seen in the fol-
inhibiting factor demonstrated. low up of these patients; most received an
For the clinical outcome 1 week after antimicrobial agent and none were sent to
starting medication, 348 patients were a hospital for further examination.
evaluable, 175 in the short-term treatment Attention was also paid to the period of
group and 173 in the long-term treatment sick leave granted. No sick leave was
group. No significant differences in clini- recorded for women without a paid job.
cal outcome were observed between the No significant differences were found
groups (Table 2). Twenty patients (10 in between the two treatment groups. In
each group) still had complaints of total, 28 patients had a period of sick
dysuria; 15 of these (seven and eight leave. The mean number of days of
patients in the short-term and long-term absence from work was 2.8 days in the
groups, respectively) returned to their 3-day group and 2.6 days in the 7-day
family doctors. Another antibiotic was group. The mean number of days of sick

516 Canadian Family Physician VOL 39: March 1993

Table 3. Short-term and accumulated cure rates: Assessmnent I week and 6 weeks after therapy.


I week 169 155 (92) 169 161 (95) 0.30
6 6weeks 152 124 (82) 144 126 (88) 0.30
leave per subject (patients without sick treatment course. It was significant that
leave included) was 0.4 days. 76% of the patients in the 7-day treatment
group (using data on growth-inhibiting
factors in urine) complied. This means
DISCUSSION that 24% of patients do not complete their
therapy. It is not known whether they
This study observed the recommenda- stopped after 1 day or after 5 days, but the
tions made by Fihn and Stamm' 1 and the fact that so many patients did not com-
criteria suggested by the Working Party of plete their antibacterial course suggests
the British Society of Antimicrobial that general practitioners could be misled
Chemotherapy.22 Even after 6 weeks, the about the efficacy of 7-day treatment pro-
number of patients with clinical symp- grams for UTI.
toms of UTI and with a bacteriologically
proven UTI was sufficient to avoid a
type II error. CONCLUSION
The difference between compliance
levels reported by the patients on the ques- The results of this randomized, double-
tionnaires and those revealed by urin- blind study, conducted with a sufficient
analysis demonstrated that the patients' number of patients and adequate follow
answers were not fully reliable. This was up, indicate a similar clinical and bacteri-
also mentioned by Urquhart and col- ologic cure rate 1 week and 6 weeks after
leagues,23 who tried to overcome this the start of the medication, the same num-
problem by developing a computerized ber of adverse effects, and lower costs for
pillbox to optimize the measurement of the 3-day treatment. We can conclude
patient compliance. from this that a 3-day course of nor-
Clinical outcome was considered the floxacin is as effective as, and cheaper
most important parameter for the patient. than, a 7-day course in the treatment of
No difference in clinical failure rate was acute uncomplicated urinary tract infec-
observed between the two treatment tions in women who are not pregnant. N
groups. Similar failure rates have been
observed in other studies. Remarkably Acknowledgment
enough, when the patients (seven and We thank general practitioners G.H.M.}. Beusmans,
eight in the short-term and long-term WH.R. Croughs, H. van Hapert, M. Peeters,JR.A.Y:
groups, respectively) returned to their gen- van Rogy, JA.G. Screever, A.J.M. Screever-Delahaye,
eral practitioner, a different medication J.J.M. Theunissen, EE.G. Verhaegh, WPM.
was prescribed in four and seven cases, Vierhout, and E WA. Vissersfor their cooperation in
respectively, irrespective of the presence of this study.
significant bacteriuria. A positive urine
culture was present in only two and five Requests for reprints to: Dr T7A.M.
patients, respectively. Trienekens, Department ofMedical Microbiology,
In the economic evaluation, no signifi- University Hospital, PO Box 5800, 6202 AZ
cant differences between the treatment Maastricht, The Netherlands
regimens were observed, either in terms of
return to the general practitioner or in References
terms of sick leave. The only difference, 1. Baselier PJAM. Acute bacteriele urineweginfecties in de
then, was the initial cost of the medication huisartsprakt4k [PhD thesis]. Nijmegen, The
- which was, of course, lower in the shorter Netherlands: University of Nijmegen, 1983.

Canadian Family Physician VOL 39: March 1993 517

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518 Canadiani Famil{ Physician VOL 39: March 1993

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