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Name: Kemberly Joy C.

Lora Grade 12 HUMSS

Instructor: Rezin Reylland M. Lesigon

Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship

Community Dynamics and Community Action
Can you remember different activities in your community? Do these activities have changed over
time? Post a picture in different structures that showed changes. Used a separate paper for your answer.


Test II. Direction: Answer the following question comprehensively.

1. As a social science student, do you think it is necessary to study community? Why do you
think so?
Studying the community is like knowing oneself where we evaluate our weaknesses
and strengths that allow us to assess these and make proper and planned improvements towards
ourselves. Studying the community where we live and interact with others is so important that it
provides us an overview of the problems and possible solutions to solve any disturbances in our
community. It's crucial to understand why a community acts and reacts the way it does by
recognizing its characteristics and qualities.
Furthermore, it is one of the crucial parts that a social science student must
participate in to fully grasp the underlying factors that directly or indirectly affect the flow of the
community. It is a must for me and for all people who are members of a community.

2. Can the dynamics in the community affect the lives of the people? If yes, why? How? If not, why
Yes, the dynamics in the community can positively or negatively affect the lives of the people.
It is because these changes that occur within the community might be positive, for example, the
modernization in terms of communication that allows us to easily contact our loved ones from
around the world is a good dynamic. On the other hand, a negative change is the fast climate change
that we’re experiencing due to pollution and human abuse of natural resources.
Dynamics influence people's thinking, customs, traditions, and society on a daily basis around
the world, we cannot disregard complexities. The Community Dynamics data can affect decisions
about whether facilities are given in a certain community by providing important information about
how inhabitants feel about where they live.
Lesson 2
Different Perspectives on Community

Let’s ponder on and write: 25 pts each.

1. Can the community facilitate action for their community? What is your idea about this?
Our belief in the equality of all people, or the value of individuals' efforts to better their
communities, for example, are not topics of special sections, but rather the bedrock of everything we
do. All of our work in the Community is based on these principles and ideas. People can and should
come together to discuss what is important to them, and then work together to successfully change
their communities, according to the idea.
2. Is it possible that we consider individuals in the community as social capital? Why? Why not?
Social capital is mutually respectful relationships, connectedness, and trustworthiness among
people. It's also networks and involvement. The term social capital was coined by social scientist
James Coleman to describe community ties, and Robert Putnam further popularized this research in
his book, Bowling Alone.
It allows people to work together and to access benefits from social relationships. Social
capital allows modern economies to function efficiently. Individuals compose the social capital in
which they serve as the foundation of their main function in society. Without social capital, our
society, economy, institutions, and political system could not exist. In other words, without
individuals (us), there would be no community society that houses these institutions and political
systems. Therefore, I could say that we can consider individuals as social capital.

TASK NO. 1 Community Leaders, Community Builders

Direction: Give the power dynamics of the following community leaders as well as their individual
dimensions and a short description of the kind of work they do in your community? 20 pts. Each.

Power Dynamics

The Punong Barangay’s job is to enforce all laws and ordinances

which are applicable within the Barangay and exercise such other powers
and perform such other duties and functions as may be prescribed by law
or ordinance

Individual Dimension

Punong Barangays are the front liners and are in charge of

providing basic health care to the community by supporting Barangay
Health Workers; maintaining peace and order by leading the Tanods;
resolving disputes as chairman of the lupon tagapamayapa, and leading
the barangay government as the head.

Job Description

The Barangay Captain is the highest elected official in a barangay,

the smallest level of administrative division of the Philippines. Barangay
Captains are elected for three-year terms.
Power Dynamics

An issue in social work that one almost cannot be too conscious of

is the asymmetrical power dynamic inherent in the nature of the work. When
a person is so completely dependent upon another, it seems obvious that this
'other' has a great deal of influence and control over them. Social workers
are dedicated advocates who are always ready to fight for human, civil,
women’s, children’s, crime victims’, and seniors’ rights. Whether we work
with families, communities, groups, or individuals one by one, the
commitment of social workers can never be undone.

Individual Dimension

They will be trained for independent and team data collection,

assessment, planning, and evaluation of direct work with individuals and
families. Individuals may be members of two or more communities; for
example, one of geographic residence and another of employment.

Job Description

Social workers help clients handle everyday life problems. They

often assist clients who have issues caused by neglect, abuse, domestic
violence, mental health, and parental substance abuse. Clinical social
workers may also diagnose and treat mental, behavioral, and emotional
Power Dynamics

They have the power dynamics or right dynamics to get attention

in controlling their farms or fields and received what they need from the

Individual Dimension

A single or individual farming enterprise consists of properties

where: all of the land is used to carry on the business of primary
production and is managed as a single unit for that purpose; and all of the
lands are contained in the same or adjoining council area.

Job Description

A Farmer manages farms, ranches, greenhouses, nurseries, and

other agricultural production organizations. Farmers are involved in
planting, cultivating, performing post-harvest duties, overseeing livestock,
and supervising farm labor depending on the type of farm.
Direction: Answer Comprehensively. 50 pts.
Explain the importance of the dynamics, structures, and processes of a community. Are these three
visible in the community that you live in right now? If there are flaws that you have observed, how
can you make it better if you’re the barangay Captain?
In lesson 1, we talked about the importance of studying the community, and there, I
emphasized that this enables us to know the strength and weaknesses of the community and will
guide us in our next actions in the development of our community. Moreover, learning about the
dynamics, structures, and processes of a community will allow us to assess any changes that might’ve
contributed to the improvement or a downside to making a progress for our community.
The change and development that occurs in a community that encompasses all types of living
beings are known as community dynamics. The nature and structure of a community, as well as how
it reacts to external and internal factors, affect its dynamics. Understanding how the dynamics and
structures of the community work or function will provide us with ideas about the processes that
will undergo in the community development which encompasses neighborhood planning, citizen
engagement, grassroots organization, housing, economic development, social welfare, public safety,
health, education, recreation, the environment, and other areas of community life.
Though these three—dynamics, structures, and processes are present in our community,
they’re still lacking in terms of an action-driven cause that would’ve been evident if issues are being
paid attention to. For example, in our barangay we have these mangroves planted years ago to reduce
storm surge peak water levels and to protect living organisms in the water. These mangroves did
their part pretty well and they continued to do so given that we just had experienced a strong typhoon
“Odette”. The main problem is not the mangroves but the human waste that polluted the waters and
land. I saw a lot of plastic cellophane hanging around the mangrove trees like Christmas decorations
and are popping out in the sand which will eventually go back to the deep sea and threaten the lives
of underwater creatures. Our barangay lacks the process or action on how we will clean these wastes
and prevent the deterioration of mangroves by stopping the accumulation of plastic waste.
If I am the Barangay Captain, I will strengthen the implementation of R.A. 9003 or the
Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 that ensures the protection of public health and the
environment. I will then improve the citizen engagement in the cleaning programs that will be done
to clean the waste in our ocean bays and further encourage the youth to participate. Though this is
only one of the major problems in our barangay, achieving this would be a great feat that will prove.”
Nothing is impossible with helping hands”.

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