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In college, graduation for students strata-1 can be obtained if it is already working on a thesis. Thesis is the final
project to be done by students according to their field. Determination thesis title is extremely important if
students will work on thesis. In this study raised such cases by providing assistance to students to determine the
title of the thesis through a calculation method of the existing decision support systems to determine the title of
the thesis. TOPSIS chosen because it is a method with a simple concept and easy to understand and practical.
This method has the smallest distance results from the positive ideal solution and the greatest distance from the
negative ideal solution.

The educational process that must be taken to obtain a Bachelor's degree is education at the university level. In
the lecture process which is not short, there are still many students who are confused to determine the topic or
title to be used as a script. The number of courses that have been taken actually makes students find it
increasingly difficult to make choices in one field that will focused on the script. Especially if the thesis is in the
field of technology discussion must follow the latest developments.

This will actually make it more difficult for students to make choices. Decision making itself can take
advantage of advances in information technology. With stages systematic stages and with certain methods, will
be able to produce decisions that can help students in determining thesis title.

Determination of Thesis Title at the Department of Informatics, Widyagama University

This method was chosen because it is able to choose the best alternative from a number of alternatives, in this
case the intended alternative is the ranking of the fields of science to determine the title of the thesis based on
criteria predetermined criteria.

This study uses the TOPSIS method to perform calculations
by assigning a value to the criteria ± criteria that have been determined so that
the end result will be the highest value in one of the fields of science.

On the start page is the login page used by lecturers
supervisor and head of the department, in this case the supervising lecturer who will
do the calculations.

On the title page of this thesis there is the title ± the title of the previous thesis which
ever existed. There is information about the field of science, the author of the thesis, as well as
year of publication of the thesis.
The main menu page is the page viewed by the lecturer

supervisor when successful login. Contains menu Data, Processes,

Hints, and Logout. On this page is the first step of the method calculation process
There is a process of inputting the student's name and NIM, filling in the value matrix
decisions, the calculation of the result of the power, the calculation of the root of the result of the exponent, up
the result of the decision matrix.
This calculation page is the last calculation page, meaning
the final calculation results are on this page. It seems that there is a field of science
which has the highest value (recommended).

Based on the description that has been discussed previously, it is obtained
some conclusions as follows:

1) This decision support system has the final result in the form of ranking

field of study that can be used as a reference in determining the title of the thesis,

so that students are assisted in seeing the focus of the field of science

should be used as a thesis title in accordance with abilities and grades

of the existing criteria.

2) In determining the outcome of a decision regarding the focus of the field

which will be used as the title of the thesis, several criteria are needed, such as the value of
academics, project histories, research activities, training, and interests.

To develop this research for the better, suggestions from

the authors are:

1) Perform calculations using other methods or

comparison, so it can be seen the accuracy of the results on

same problem but with a different method.

2) Develop the system to be more dynamic so as not to

boring to use.

3) The system design is more user friendly so that when it is used it becomes more


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