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Theme : 2-World of Knowledge Unit: 2.1 Life in the past

Focus : Speaking Grammar/Language Focus: Used to / didn’t use to
Content standard:
Main Skill : 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
Complementary Skill : 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for
a range of purposes in print and digital media
Learning Standard:
Main Skill: 2.1.1 Give detailed information about themselves
and others
Complementary Skill: 4.2.1 Give detailed information about themselves
and others

Learning Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
Main: Ask and answer questions with ‘used to’
Complementary: make new dialogue by substituting other phrases to the
underlined words on page 26.
Student Aspiration: Knowledge, Bi-lingual Skill
PAK-21: Focus on pupils PAK-21 Activities: Free discussion
PBS Level: TP3 Thinking Order: Apply

Teaching and Learning Activities:

Pre Lesson
1. Play ‘123, unscramble’ to recall what pupils had learnt from the previous lesson.
Lesson Delivery
1. Refer students to the picture in Activity 1. Ask what is the relationship between
the boy and the old man.
2. Teacher plays the video. The pupils watch the video and check if they were
3. Divide the class into two groups and have each group read a part of the dialogue.
Then have the groups switch roles.
4. Have the pupils notice the structure of used to in questions. Elicit the structure for
open ended questions and questions with yes/no response and the ways to
5. Refer the pupils to the green boxes in Activity 2.
6. Explains to the pupils that they need to substitute a phrase from each box to
replace the underlined words and sentences in the dialogue.
7. Discuss the answer and have volunteers to role-play the dialogue for the class.
8. Refer pupils to the first prompt (where/live) in Activity 3, highlighting what has
been added to make the question. Do the same with the third prompt. (a yes/no
9. Pupils complete the activity in groups of three. Get pupils to share their questions
for number 5 and 6 on the board.
Post Lesson
1. Play Tic-tac-toe. Give the pupils prompts to make questions with used to.
Cross Curricular Element: Global Sustainability
Teaching Aids:. Textbook, video, paper strips.
Assessment: Observation. Making sentences
Reflection: _______/40 pupils were able to ask and answer questions with ‘used to
and make new dialogue by substituting other phrases to the underlined words on page
26. Remedial activity for ________ pupils.

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