Interpersonal Intelligence

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Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand and interact

effectively with others. It involves effective verbal and nonverbal

communication, the ability to note distinctions among others, sensitivity
to the moods and temperaments of others, and the ability to entertain
multiple perspectives.

Names: Date: January 14, 2022

Nacilla, Shenneth Section: PM G02
Matanggo, Crystal
Padillo, Angelica
Padang, Dave
Salcedo, Rhea May

Lesson Topic: Team Building
Objective: To teach students the importance of teamwork
and to give them an understanding that they are wonderfully made.
In a classroom setting, It’s important as teacher to help the student
Develop the sense of participation and trust towards their classmates.
In this topic discussion, Children will understand how important team
works are.
Interpersonal Learners. Age Level: 13 years old.
Number of Students: 20
TIME FRAME: 3O minutes
Steps (20 minutes)
1. Begin with an ice breaker called “Descending Ascending”. In this
game, students will be divided into two groups, form a line and wait for
the teacher’s instruction. When the teacher will say, “ascending from
height!” the group will form a line from smallest to the tallest. First to
finish correctly will win the point. First to score three points will win the
game. This activity will break the awkward air and help the students
trust each other.

2. Start the lesson with the question, “How much do you trust yourself?”
(give time to answer) “How much do you trust others?” We need to
remember that students who have Interpersonal Intelligence has the
ability to understand and interact effectively with others. With the
question given, they will have time to check on themselves and the
confidence they have to others.

3. Lesson. Share the Short Story about Teamwork – Football game

It was a bright sunny morning and the football ground was shining with
yellow rays from the sun.

Seeing this, a group of boys nearby decided that we will play a football
match. Each one of them can bring something useful to play the match.
One can bring a football, another the corner flag, others the goalkeeper
gloves, marking chalk, goalposts, etc.,

After some time everyone gathered on the ground and started picking
the teams. Soon there was a slight argument about who will pick the
team. They decided that person who had bought the most important
object to play the game, will pick the team.

Time passed by and they couldn’t decide which is the most important

Then they decided, will start playing the game with all the objects we
have bought. And one by one will get rid of objects and see finally which
is more important to play the game.

The game started, the first thing they got rid of was the whistle, because
they thought the referee could shout instead of whistling. Then the
goalkeeper removed his gloves and started saving the ball without the
gloves. Then they replaced the goalpost with a couple of bins on each

And finally, they replaced football with old tin and kept playing.

While they were playing the game, a father and son were passing
nearby. Seeing this, the father said to his son “Son, see the boys, and
learn from the kids. Without football, they were managing to play
football, even though they never going to be able to improve the game
by playing with those objects”.
The boys nearby heard him saying this. And started to realize that
because of their personal ego and individual pride they were not able to
enjoy themselves. Also not play a proper football match even though
they have all the necessary kits for playing.

At that moment all the boys decided that we will push their ego and
selfishness aside and start playing the match again with proper football

The match really went well, with each one of them concentrating on
enjoying and improving their game.

Have some time listening to the “lesson” the student learned from the
story. And then share the moral of the Story:
In our life, everyone has an individual goal which we want to achieve but
what is more important is the team’s goal.
When you work as a team, it’s very important to set aside your
individual pride and ego. Instead, work towards the team’s goal. In this
process, you will also achieve your individual goal like improving your
game, unity, and better relationship towards the team.

4. GAME.

5. Before ending the class instruct the students in forming a circle as a

team and making them hold each others’ hands and share each other’s
words of thanksgiving.
Example: Rhea will say “thank you for…” to the person on her left.
Then person on her left will say “thank you…” to the person next to her
until the circle is completed.

6. Teacher will close the class with a prayer.

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