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“How much time it takes to vun a function as , : Abate : Raine, PIA Ep “ number of elements Const avvayl = [OBB &, Pl n=5 | (eh count=0 | fowler i205 haystack.lengen j ite )2 ' , FChaystack Lil = needle) Count += 1; | 4 Yetuyn Count 5 CL How tong does i+ take to execute when o> +he number of elements (in) 15° ¥ axeustion t L% woe» this is time ayows _ linearly, as OVVOU, SIZE incveases + (sw ut aul) M\ - : Let's see if we have Some Function Hat doesnt 25 or Array size (nt Ww, has noeffect t ? : ‘4 1 ‘ ow) ola) w> onthe runtime time, inns 1 5 10 20 223 Constant time u ow), a . . . 1 $ Quadvacric time = OUD pes nowever oe ne rane Const ronal arco, r= £4, &, Gs, P71; Ene w Const hasPuplicates = Covy) > t a re for (ler t=03 T< avv.length 5 V+) [00k ! leh item = aw L113; nen iE (avy. Slice (Yet). indexOF (item) t= -1) vertu ; ‘ , weruwn tvue; RD prover \ > 5 vetuyn false ; owe \ork uP 1 a ata Hructuses Array & Linked List Array a linear data structuve, Stoved in Contiguous iar memory memovyy locations. Addvess 300 oso 208 fray CO] [1] C2] [3] " Assume each & is an integer) = = Vequires 4 bytes space | “y v The array of & must be A, allocated Contiguoursly Sor" > addvess 200 — IIb ve. BP ya4l yw can fandomly, Acless wi inde¥ atz] — Vv Contiguous = No extra werory allocated = no memory overflow! OA a 228 poe CF meh! - ° Fixedsize.. Lavge space oy not be avat| fov dig Aas = BD took the space! § @ Insert + delure elements | Ove Costly . > may nLLA tO create 0 NEN | Copy of the OVO + allocate ak anew advess LL NS | Array & Uakked Lise 2 & |ineov data Structwe. > & each element is 0 Sepavared object elements ave linked wy pointers aE memory Pointer fs Cradvess of the ee next node ) oes" 420 — a ios B — _addvess 748 Unlike On orvey, Linkedlist A , elements ave not Stoved in Contiguous locations . | és. You pe CF meh! foo acy ae Cipriani cia. @ No vandom access =s12e Can Growey ShYINK | Wremov v Insert + delete element | Need to-tvaverse ave Flexible . wn kimes \ oa = no need to shift nodes like avvay insertion V memory, is allocated ==»: & Revewse dvavevse or Yantime 1s hava 410 7 time Complexity iS O(n). aVaY, iS Ou) | ° & @uat> A Stack is & LIFO (Last- in-Fivst-out) 9 data Structure, where an eluent /P* fe added \as+ push) gets 722) Yemoved Fiver cper) 2 it tw Just like a Stack oF ice cream scoope ! ia omg, the bottom eve Stack AS Gh GYVO4, in Las| = 7 one isalways _ OYVAYS in SaaSeniPr muting ! \ | bet Stack = C1; a ave dayne ack (st : i stack. push (‘mint choc’); 7 Dmnt choc’ 1 1 1 stack. push (' vanilla’); YW eimint choc’, ‘yani\loT! Stack push('stawberry')) / [mint choc, ‘vanilla’, | | let eaten = stack. popl)) % eaten is ‘strawberry me 4y is OC") paar ! v iow oe Tach. me U wink choc‘, ‘vanitlel) Sick: & ®) © Qu2ue is a FIFO (Rirst-in-Fivst-out) dota Structuve, where an element added Fivst (= enqueue) Bers vemoved first (= dequeue ) dadquore “[_} just like waiting in \ine ot a popular vestauvant t Nyan — ynavu Business Cox Grumpy cor wi, mss) “oe ron 2 Stack OS ah GYYAY, in a. eS" C eee ' ‘et queue=L 1; quow. is! oe i we «x | queue. push (! Simba')i Csinnba’3 ae 1 | Queues, push ( Nyan'); 7 L'simba’, “nyo \ Queue, push(‘mava')) 7% [ ‘Simba’: Nyan', ‘Wmaruy! et €orev= Queue. shift (), 7 eater is “simmbo iv Time Comploxity, queueis Linyan ‘, ‘maru' 3 Should be OL) fov both enqueue + dequeue but JS shift{) is slower! 3 A hashtoble is used to index large Amount of dota 2¥ QUICK Key-valus lookup. OCI) on average Ly Faster tn bvute-fovee linear Seaych my © Let's CYeake Gn oO Colculare the hash Ovvay of size. | ee by Using the We've Q0inG tog | Yh. Talon", add Gdota. 3 jp 2.9, ASCII Code, Mp5, Sak Kel = “Tabby” puke values*pizzas —|t = 6 > &#) - 530 a hy Supe soi une ; emer Has! @ Lets add move data, GD el > 353%5 =3- Tux oy, @f#] - 301% 522 Bob @ Use moduto to pick a position in thetaviaty Cb 2 8H > 530%3- 0 ‘ 71 \ >| Toby divided by ne Bob Size oF the orray, . The vemainder is the Position! Colliston! -@ Hash Table Now we wantto add move daca. Let's add “Bengal ". 6 Ch “vergal"> OE] 617%5=2 | But Lal slot hes been taken >” BS by “Bob already! =collisiont 3 |S so let's Chain Bengal next 4 to Bob! = Chaining key: Bengal’ — “Sphinx” keep Values" posa® “Fishe Baatng Chips dato . Let's \poKup the value Foy Bob" | ® Get the hash > 307 — 0M \ | 1 | @Gex the index Z01% 5-2, | | @Lookup AVMALIT > foundt 22 | FE Let's love up “munchkin” eS vos | | © Hosh > gol ae 4 | © Index > BbI% b= 1 ran ce | @ preg td - = "Manx" | \ \ @ aire -mac Dia duwes Binary Weapy & ir vee < Binoy, Seoveh tree ate hob seer. Binoy, henp = '& e0ch node Mas ot w Compre tree ~ . most 2. childven * Min NeMp oy "OX x haoe 2 % used for Priority, AuLUr “ty Maxheap hoop sort eke wt 0G) the Voor in qvvay 1@ Dye nas the YO lager — [olelelell 304 Cin mtg ) Coy Cia (24 031 041 v each node has 0-2 childven pe v always Fill top bottom, ler ight Low brim 1 Addtothe next node Golelaes EEL: @ ~ é & tree jain shuchure. CinanpSeavewiiver: ‘ka. Ovdeved ov Sovted & €0Ch node has ot w aKa. Ove mos} 2. Childven binary vee : v Fast lookup de Rule of thumb e4. phone number lookup table myname A * €achvalue of all nodes wn he \eft subtvees is lessev A's lef subtrees : 8,3, 4.7 a . 3,7 Smollev-than povent * Coach value of all nodes in the iN @ Sorted ayvaYy,: Vigint subtyees 1s lavqer SUeahonpps| * No duplicate Values “<7 Inserkion > Alwoys add to the lowes+ spor 4obe ateaf 2 No veowornge! Q Let's add@ 1. Compave WI the voor Fist. 2.@®<@® so go lett. 3. Hnen compave w/ the next, © 4 @<@ 5090 left Gomplexity: 5 Compave wi the © Ave. OClogr) b @® >® So go night Worst. On) 7. Compave / the@ ; § @<@. soodd to the left . Done,

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