Savannah Prez - Pancake-x-Booty

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1. My own transformation.............................................................................1
2. Muscle protein synthesis..........................................................................3
3. Nutrition........................................................................................................4
Pre-workout meal................................................................................4
Post-workout meal..............................................................................5
4. Anatomy........................................................................................................6
5. Hip dips.........................................................................................................8
6. Myths about glute training......................................................................10
Yeah she squats.................................................................................10
Special exercises................................................................................10
Suffer with "under butt fat?" do cardio........................................11
30 Days bootyprograms..................................................................12
7. Goal setting................................................................................................13
8. Hypertrophy...............................................................................................15
Mechanical tension...........................................................................15
Metabolic stress.................................................................................16
Muscle damage..................................................................................17
Progressive overload........................................................................17
Strategic deconditioning..................................................................18
8. What leads to the best results?.............................................................19
Mechanical tension & metabolic stress.......................................19
Variation in workouts........................................................................20
Get strong at low, medium and high repranges........................21
9. Exercise categories...................................................................................22
10. Rest times.................................................................................................25
11. Frequency.................................................................................................26
The muscle SRA curve......................................................................27
Muscle activity....................................................................................30
Emphasis on eccentrics...................................................................30
Range of motion................................................................................31
Muscle length at peak tension.......................................................31
12. Progressive overload.............................................................................32
Adding weight....................................................................................33
Metabolite training...........................................................................33
Variation in exercises.......................................................................40
Time under tension..........................................................................41
Switching up your routine...............................................................42
Resistance bands..............................................................................43
13. Training methods...................................................................................44
Omni contraction method..............................................................44
Tempo contrast.................................................................................45
Triple contraction..............................................................................46
Multi hold pump................................................................................47
14. Glutes activation.....................................................................................48
15. Mind-muscle connection......................................................................49
Take your time...................................................................................50
Muscle contraction...........................................................................50
16. Hydration..................................................................................................51
17. Extra: Mistakes to avoid!.......................................................................53
Training to lightly...............................................................................53
Overestimating resistance bands..................................................53
Foot positioning.................................................................................54
Too much hip extension..................................................................55
No proper warm up..........................................................................56
18. Training program....................................................................................57
19. Glutes activation routines.....................................................................58
20. Glutes finishers........................................................................................65
Hi you,

Let's have a little foreword, before we get into play!

First of all, Thank you for purchasing this guide, I

promise it won't dissapoint you.

My name is Savannah Prez, and I have been active on

social media as fitness influencer for the past 6

I made a drastic lifestyle change myself, back in 2014

which you can see underneath. Since then my passion
for health, fitness & bodybuilding has increased day by
day, and is still growing!

Because of my online platforms that started

increasing in following quite rapidly, I felt more and
more need to reach out to others about fitness and
living a healthy lifestyle. That’s the reason U can find
various educational content on my Instagram. But since
that's not easy to follow up on and remember all
information I’ve ever shared, I decided to bundle all my
knowledge in one guide, easy & simple for you to read.
My transformation

These pictures are 3,5 years apart. As you can tell

from the left picture, I'm obviously trained, you can
cleary see some great muscle defenition. These were
results after 1,5 years of weight training. So please
bare in mind this was NOT my "startpoint"

It's obvious I wasn't blessed

with a thick booty naturally.
The right picture was back
in 2014 after just a few
months of training. Proving
you that building a booty IS
possible for everyone even
when you start from zero.

Ok, it’s cool to see how amazing other's body look, but
it’s even more cool if you know how to build your way up
to get the same results. In this guide I will provide you
with science based information on how to optimize your
glutes development.

Everything you’ll read in this book, is the same way I

have been approaching training ever since I started with
my journey. Because there’s so much information you
can find on the internet nowadays, it's quite easy for you
to get caught up and feel suffocated by it. Everyone has
their own theory, and there are multiple ways to
approach your training, but one thing's for sure:

There's A LOT of nonsense u can find online about


This is why I created this Ebook, to help and guide you

with all that has worked for me. I’ll walk you through the
most important topics around building a strong booty.
Now, I highly advice you to first have a cosy read before
jumping on to the program.

If I could break it down into a few keynotes which will

determine whether you will progress properly or not, it
would be the following:


Muscle protein synthesis
I've been asked numerous times how to turn fat into
muscle ... Well, those are two different tissues which can
not be transformed one into another. Muscles are made
of protein, not fat. Ideally, you should FIRST lower your
overal bodyfat percentage and afterwards focus on
adding seize.

All protein we eat consists of chains of amino acids. Our

body breaks them down into single amino acids which
then will be used as building stones to nurture our body
cells (f.ex. muscle tissue, organs, heart etc.)

That’s why protein is so important in the process of

building muscle. They literally are responsible for the
recovery of muscle tissue and even growing new muscle
tissue. For optimal results it’s important to keep Muscle
Protein Synthesis as high as possible with a daily
recommendation of 2.0g-2,2g of protein / kg bodyweight.

This also shows why a combination of:

training, good nutrition and rest

is so important. Good nutrition and rest will make sure

that your MPS stays at an elevated level, which is
optimal for good results

It's essential to nurture your body with the right amount

of protein, complex carbohydrates & healthy sources of
fat if your goal is to build muscle mass. The timing when
you eat your meals also has an impact, that's why I want
to give you a little extra information on this, as this is
crucial for your well-earned gains in the gym. I won't
dive deep into this subject and keep it simple and clear.
There's only one succes formula for optimal results and
that is:

100% nutrition + 100% training effort = optimal results


This meal will provide you with the nutrients you need
to restore the glycogen levels in your body. After an
intense workout you will most likely feel drained and
low on energy. Having a good post workout meal will
counter this feeling. After a workout the muscle fibers
that have been broken down should be nurtured as soon
as possible to start the recovery process of your body.

Ideal time of consumption?

This meal should be eaten 45 min-1

hour past your training. 4
Don't just eat whatever you fancy but make sure that
your meal consists out of a source of protein which is
easily digested by the body (for example: Whey shake).
As well as carbohydrates low on fats and fibers to make
sure your body can pick up the nutrients as quickly as

Tip: Limit your fat intake with this meal, as thiswill slow
down the digesting process.


This meal will provide you with the energy you need to
make sure that your body can work out at its maximum
capacity. If you would skip your meal before your
workout, you could notice your energy dropping faster
as a result of your glycogen levels not being
stored. Eating a pre-workout meal will store your body
with enough glycogen to provide you with the energy
needed to train.

Ideal time of consumption?

Your pre-workout meal should be

consumed 1-2 hours before your
workout. I'd recommend you to eat a
complete yet simple meal: high carb,
protein and fats. The closer you eat to
your workout session, the better you
choose for easy digesting food to
prevent stomach discomfort. But
always aim for a meal high in carbs and
protein. 5
Sidenote: This e-book does not include
nutritional advice.

To ensure maximum results, it is highly

recommended to eat in a (small) caloric
spurplus (15-20%) for the next few
weeks, to put your body in an optimal
position to build musclemass + limit
cardio to make sure you're not burning
all those extra calories you're eating..

People with a higher bodyfat % (25% or

higher) on the other hand, can benefit
great results while being in a slight
caloric deficit while following this

First things first!

Before jumping right away to the workoutprogram it is

essential to understand the glutes’ anatomy and how
this particular musclegroup functions. Subjects like
these are often considered “not relevant” but trust me it
is very important to first understand how your muscle is
divided and how it functions in order to get the most out
of your workout. A good mind-muscle connection is
crucial in every workout (more on this later).

To keep it short and simple, our gluteal muscle consists

out of 3 muscle parts:

Gluteus maximus (as you can tell by the name this is the
biggest and strongest part), gluteus medius and gluteus
Glutes is one of the biggest musclegroups of our entire
body which also plays a crucial role in our simple daily
activities such as: walking, running, sitting, standing up,

Besides this every particular muscle has its own


Gluteus maximus
is mainly responsible for extending our hip (ex. Standing
up), rotating thigh outward and side abducions

Gluteus medius
is mainly responsible for  rotating our thighs in and
outward, and side abductions

Gluteus minimus
is mainly responsible for  providing stability to your
thigh (ex. When standing on one foot for example)

As I told you earlier, the gluteus maximums is the

biggest muscle of all which will determine the shape of
your glutes for the biggest part. Ofcourse this does NOT
mean you should only focus on exercises which solely
stimulate the gluteus maximus..

Every single muscle in our glutes needs

adequate attention and stimulus in order to
get the best results.

Hip Dips..
For once and forever let’s help this misconception out of
the world!

I keep getting so many questions on how to get rid of hip

dips, but darling everything your read or hear about
getting rid of hip dips on the internet is nonesense which
you should not believe! There’s only one thing you
should believe and that’s: HIP DIPS ARE NORMAL AND

In case you don’t really

know what hip dips are, it’s
natural occuring inward
curves which are mainly
caused by the shape of our
pelvis. You can cleary
recognize it by the little
“dip” on the side of your

It is true that they are more visible on some people, how
does that come?

It’s mainly determined by the bone structure and fat

distribution in your body. Unfortunately you can’t
change your bone structure, just accept how it is. On the
other side, you can’t change your bodies fat distribution
either. Some people will naturally have more fat storage
in their legs than others. But what can make a little
difference in hip dips visibility is your overall bodyfat
percentage. A simple example; someone with hip dips
and a very lean shape compared to someone who looks
fuller will automatically have a bigger “dip” appearance.

It’s just important to know that does NOT

make you less beautiful!

I think it is very obvious that there are no magic

exercises or tricks to get rid of this “problem” forever.

Ofcourse with weight training and getting the right

nurtrion in your body you can change your body shape a
lot, but some things are just a case of accepting.

Also, don’t you think it got about time to stop beating

ourself up on this? Stressing over one particular
bodypart - where you can’t change a thing about - has
absolutely not a single benefit and only makes you feel
worse about yourself. Embrace your body and be proud
of what you are capable of.
5 Myths
Yeah she squats

Undoubtedly, we all have come across this meme; a girl

in hotpants showing here booty while holding a squat
position. I  personally find  this a little misleading,
regardless how great of  an exercise  squats are, they are
unfortunately not the best exercise to grow your glutes..
After some sets you'll find out this exercise is very quad
dominant whereas the gluteal muscles are much less
activated compared to an exercise like; hip thrust.

Take home message: Exchange squats for an exercise

that creates maximal muscle activity in the glutes.

"Special" exercises

Allright, I'll be honest with you this drives me a little

crazy in the coconut. Nowadays you can literally find
hundreds of variations  of each exercise - most of them
on social media ofcourse - whereby most of the times it
just looks awkward and too complicated. Keep it simple:
exercises that look too difficult balance and form wise
are NOT a big value in your workout program! The only
thing they do is cause an increased risk of injuries. Just
keep it simple and focus on the basic movements,
especialy if you're new in your fitness journey.
Suffering with butt fat? Do cardio ...

Let's get this misconception out of the world for once and

Unfortunately,... Yes I know.

Are you struggeling with excessive fatmass around your

glutes? If so, you'll simply  need to lower your overall
bodyfat levels.

Spending only hours on the stairmaster is not really

effective, same as doing 100 kickbacks. Yes, you'll
definitely burn energy while doing these exercises, but
not specifically in the "under butt area".

I'd advise you to go for a combination of weight training,

cardio and a healthy balanced mealplan with enough

The weight training will be responsible for growing the

muscle stronger, while doing cardio and having a healthy
mealplan, will guarantee you the best results for losing

30 Days Booty Programs

They circulate all over the internet, ads with very slim
women showing their hourglass figure which promise
you spectacular results in only 30-60 days.

This sounds a little too good to be true, in my humble

opinion. Don't you think?

Everyone who has been doing fitness for a long time or

even someone who just got started, has come to
realisation that things don't go as fast as some may want,
you don't become a hulk overnight.

I'm not saying that it is impossible to make progress in

just 30 days, it is, but just don't expect magic to happen.

Know that progress is different for everyone. What

person A achieved in 3 months doesn't necessarily mean
that person B will be able to achieve the same.

Genetics are a huge determining factor in how fast u will


As last note on this: Most of these programs consist out

of a home workout plan, performed with a resistance
band (or maybe just one set of dumbbells).

Now you can imagine that someone who actually goes to
the gym for the same period of time will get better
results than someone doing some home exercises,
especially if we know that progressive overload is
essential in achieving musclegrowth.


This can sometimes be a problem ... people set a physical
goal to achieve within a certain amount of time which is
unrealistic, most of the times.

You know, I love setting goals and I definitely encourage

everyone to do the same. Setting goals for ourselve keeps
us accountable and on track. It helps us with being

Remember, setting a goal should motivate you, not do

the opposite. With social media nowadays we all get
bombarded with beautiful physiques, and it's easy to
think you would want to look the same way.

PLEASE don't get caught up in this, take into account the

amount of time and effort it takes to reach this type of
physique. If we don't, we set unrealistic goals for
ourselve, which will do the exact opposite of motivating

Don't rush the process, fall in love with it.

This is exactly why this guide has a 16-week program,

progress & quality takes time.

This is probably the most important topic of this entire

Hypertrophy is a term used to describe the process of

building muscle mass as a result of the component cells
of your muscle increasing in size. There are a few
important factors we should take in consideration, when
approaching our workouts.

Mechanical tension

We have two different "tensions":

Passive tension / negative movement

This is where you stretch the muscles completely.

Active tension / positive movement

This is where you squeeze the muscles as hard as

ROM (range of motion) plays an extremely important

role in building muscle mass. The bigger the stretch the
more muscle fibers that are being activated, thus the
better the muscle gets stimulated.

When you execute an exercise with a full range of

motion, it includes both tensions. 16
Metabolic stress

This means the stress you put onto your muscles which is
responsible for two reactions:

The feeling of a good pump (cell swelling)

The burn during your exercise

The longer you put a muscle under stress, the longer the
"time under tension". Which is a very effective way to
increase metabolic stress.

As you constantly pump blood into your muscles

(through muscle contractions while exercising), it creates
an occlusion of veins, because of this, the blood can not
flow as easy, and you experience these amazing pumps!

Also, because of the trapping of the blood there's a lack of

oxygen supply aswell in the muscle. This all has been
proven to be superior for hypertrophy as your muscles
have to be put under huge amount of stress in order to
cause microtrauma**.

*Microtrauma: Causing little tears in your muscle fibers, allowing the

muscle cells to grow in size.

This may sound a bit complicated but just remember that

this feeling occurs naturally with every exercise, at least
if you  execute them with  a correct form. (Good range of
motion, and enough load.)
Muscle damage

The biggest indicator of muscle damage is DOMS

(Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness), the soreness u feel the
day after.  Muscle damage can either be caused during
the eccentric or accentuated eccentric movement. As
explained before it's important to keep your routine
somewhat variated so you really activate every
musclefiber of a particular muscle


The ideal workout frequency would be 3 times per week

for each muscle group. However, if you have other muscle
groups to work on you might not be able to work out all
muscle areas 3 times a week. Focus on those you wish to
develop the most.

Muscles of a more experienced athlete will have a faster

recovery rate, which makes it possible to train a
particular muscle more frequently.

Progressive overload

We  will explain this chapter in-depth later on in this


Strategic deconditioning

To put this in simple terms: REST! (Earn it first though)

Exactly, if you work out your muscles multiple times a

week with the goal to keep adding weights and pushing
new limits, you will eventually end up at a point where
you can no longer increase in weight. You might even
notice your body falling back a bit and feel less

The best thing to do in this case is to take a week off,

giving your muscles the rest they need. You will notice
when you return from a short break, your body will feel
a lot more energized and ready to go at it again.

If you have a balanced diet and a good

workout plan you should not implement a
deconditioning more than a few weeks per

Always remember that your muscles grow when they're

resting. Giving your muscles this short time off, can
actually be more beneficial than continuing to work out
with half sore / exhausted muscles.

W O R K  S M A R T
How to get the best results?
There are no quick fixes, just as with any other
musclegroup. But we do have certain guidelines which
you need to take into account if you want to train in the
most optimal way. As we mentioned earlier, progressive
overload is one of the most important factors in

That does not mean that heavy weights only

is the key to building a booty, if that was the
case all powerlifters would have a dreamy
coconut "derrière" which is ... ofcourse not
the case!

Ok, but what is needed to build muscle in the most

optimal way?

We have 3 essential factors:

Mechanical tension & metabolic stress

We just talked about this topic earlier, scroll back up in

case u forgot! :-)
Variation in workouts

Too much variation is a killer for progression but not

enough on the other hand, is also.

It's important to change up your workout program every

few weeks to make sure your muscles get enough
stimulus. The more often you repeat the same routine,
the more your body will get used to it, overtime u will
notice your muscles not reacting the same. This means
that you have hit a mini-plateau, at this point your
progress will be less effective, time to change up!

But why is too much variation a killer?

Simply because you can't track progression properly this


If you perform a different  workout every single week

with different excerises, you won't be able build up your
strength levels with particular movements/compound

We all know practise makes perfect and the more often

you repeat something the stronger and better you'll get
at it. The same is true for our compound exercises (such
as; Squats, Hip Thrust, Bench Press,...)

Simple logic don't you think?

Getting strong at all rep ranges for
every exercise

As I mentionned above variation is important, not only

regarding your exercise selection but also in the
repranges and amount of sets you use.

Short sets with compound lifts are great to increase

strength levels. While longer sets are more beneficial for

Just to give you an example: Try out a short reprange of 8

squats and afterwards (take small break first) perform 20
repetitions with a slightly lower weight.

You'll immediately feel that the burning sensation and

pump during the higher reprange set is much more
intense (due to metabolic stress).

Sure, you do can get stronger but not really bigger, like
we often see with powerlifters. That's why variation is
very beneficial regarding musclegrowth.

A good standard to start with is:

Heavy low-rep
Moderate medium-rep
Light high-rep

However, after some time you should be able to push

heavy weights with high rep ranges too!
Exercise categories
It's useful to divide all exercises that stimulate the glute
muscles into different categories, as your exercise
selection will mainly determine the frequency of how
many times you can work them out per week.

There are 3 different categories:


In this category we'll find all bodyweight exercises. We

can consider all these exercises as "low intensity" due to
no extra weights being used and mostly performed with
high rep ranges.

A few example exercises are: Frog pumps, Glute bridges,

Squat bouncer etc.. They will guarantee you an amazing
pump and extreme burning sensation due to the
occlusion of veins because of the non-stop tension on the

Recuperation time: 1-2 days


In this category we'll find all high intensity exercises

such as the well-known lowerbody compound lifts: all
variations of squats, deadlifts and lunges. These type of
exercises are very energy consuming and A MUST in
every booty workout program.

Because multiple muscles are being worked during

compound lifts, you'll notice an increase in muscle
strength more rapidly, which will make it a lot easier to
progressive overload your muscles - one of the key
factors in musclegrowth.

Stretcher exercises in general also make it able to create

a bigger ROM, so more emphasis on the eccentric
movement. The bigger the range of motion, the more
muscle fibers that are being stimulated.

Recuperation time: 3-4 days


In this category we'll find all moderate intensity

exercises. As you can tell by the name these type of
exercises are excellent in activating, or to put in simple
terms "waking up" the glutes. Perfect to start your
workout with.

Besides they stimulate the glutes better compared to

stretchers, as these type of exercises stimulate multiple

Recuperation time: 2-3 days

You can easily perform a stretcher / activator

exercise as a pumper, the only difference is
the load. Choose for bodyweight or
eventually an extra resistance band instead
of the heavy barbell you'd normally use. This
will make sure you can perform the exercise
with a high repetition range.

Rest times
The rest you take in between your sets depends on the
intensity of your workout.

It's pretty straight forward that your body will need longer
to recover from a compound / stretcher exercise,
compared to an isolation / activator exercise.

Also, when you're adding supersets, drop sets or any

other training method to your workout, to intensify the
stress on your muscles, you should consider taking more
rest in between your sets.

My recommendations for rest times are:

Compound exercises
90-120 seconds
Isolation exercises
30-60 seconds
Specific training methods
120-150 seconds

Meanwhile we have already become a lot smarter
regarding training, but yet another very important part 
is frequency.

There’s evidence that training one particular

musclegroup multiple times per week instead of once,
results in better musclegrowth.

And now I hear the question coming..

Ok but what frequency is ‘THE’ best one?

It’s hard to tell, as it really depends on different factors.

But we can assume that it will be somewhere between 2-

4 times per week (which is in my humble opinion maybe
a little too much) but all of this again depends on your
personal goal.

Most women don’t solely want to train their glutes day

in day out, but want to become more toned overall. This
means different musclegroups need to be trained.

But what exactly determines how many times
we can train our glutes?

This all depends on: The muscle SRA curve (image below)

Let’s see what SRA exactly stands for:

S = Stimulus: when you train (the exercises, sets and reps)

cause microtrauma which results in muscle breakdown.

*Microtrauma: Causing little tears in your muscle fibers, allowing the muscle
cells to grow in size.

R = Recovery: this is the recovery process that your body

starts after training. Recovery includes rest & proper
nutritious foods

A = Adaptation: If you followed the above two steps

correctly, you will slowly start noticing your muscle
increasing in size. This means that the muscle will now be
more resistant against future stimuli and will exhaust and
breakdown less fast than before.

“Rest days are for losers”

Something you undoubtedly have heard from some

diehard lifter. I seriously hope you don’t take this
message serious because TOO much of something is
never good, in any aspect of life.

So why is too much training bad?

Because training causes stimuli / stress which will result

in you getting tired after a few exercises (which is
normal), so performance will decrease.

When, on top of this you don’t allow your body to rest so

it can start the recovery process it needs, your muscles
only get more fatigued which automatically will result in
worse quality workouts in the future.

Moral of the story?

You're constantly in a zone of muscle breakdown which

is ... not ideal!

Unlike, when you do allow your body to recover before a
new stimuli (wait until recovery and adaptation are
completed) your performance will get to a new level.
Something you can clearly see on the first curve. Just
because rest inbetween workouts is taken into account,
“musclebreakdown” is being prevented.

It’s recommened to only stimulate one particular muscle

again whenever the muscle SRA curve is completed
(= when fully recoverd).

This can take a maximum of 3-4 days, but again depends

on training expierence and what kind of exercises you’ve

As previously discussed compound lifts / stretchers are

much more intense than an isolation / pumper or
activator exercises. These will require a longer time to
recover from.

The recovery process for the expierenced lifter will be

faster which will make that person able to manage a
higher frequency.

Let’s see why the type of exercise can have such a big
influence on our muscle SRA curve.

We have 4 important factors:

Muscle activity

This stands for how good a muscle is activated through

an exercise. When performing an exercise you should
really feel the muscle fibers working, that's when u know
u have a good activity. You can imagine muscle activity
in your glutes will be zero if you do a shoulder press
when your actual goal is to hit glutes, right?!

Emphasis on eccentrics

When flexing a muscle we speak of a "concentric

movement", when stretching a muscle we speak of a
"eccentric movement". Research shows that when you
perform an exercise with a heavy loaded eccentric
movement results in more muscle breakdown compared
to a heavy concentric movement. If we apply this data
with an example exercise we can conclude that: the
eccentric movement is much more heavy during a sumo
deadlift compared to a hip thrust where peak tension
arises in the concentric part of the movement and gets
less heavy as the muscle gets more relaxed (eccentric

Range of motion (ROM)

How big the movement is when you execute an exercise.

A bigger ROM causes the muscle to work more
efficiently. Just try it out by performing a half squat and
afterwards, try a full ROM squat, you’ll definitely feel
that a full ROM is much more performance intense
because more musclefibers are activated through the

More muscle activity also means that there’s more

musclebreakdown so the recovery process will be longer.

Muscle length at peak tension

Peak tension can either happen during the stretching

(f.ex hip thrust) or contracting (f.ex. cable kickback) part
of the movement.

But why is this information important? Because there's

less musclebreakdown when peak tension exists during
the contracting part of the movement compared to a hip
thrust when peak tension exists in the stretching part of
the movement, whereby the muscle gets stretched to its
maximum = peak muscle length. The bigger the stretch,
the harder the muscle has to work!

Every exercise includes all of these factors but as you tell it is very
different from exercise to exercise. Some exercises have a bigger
muscle activity, whereas others have more emphasis on the
eccentrics. Just good to remember that all of these factors will
determine how fast you'll recover after a certain exercise / workout. 32
Progressive Overload
This is a term that you might have heard before. Using
this technique is an extremely important tool for
building muscle mass.

You progressively overload the muscle, meaning you

make sure you stimulate your muscle every workout a
little extra or different to your previous workout, to
enhance muscle growth.

When working out it's important to keep adding

intensity or variation, in order for your muscle not to get
used to the same amount of sets or repetitions.

Stimulating your muscles the best you can

every workout isn't always about adding
weight and pushing a personal record.
There's a lot of ways and techniques you can
use to work on your muscles.

Below I will go over a few techniques which you can

implement in your workout plan to make sure your
muscles don't get used to the same monotonous work
outs. This will also help you to be more creative during
your training
Adding weight

The ideal would be to add weight to your exercises each

week and progressively gain in strength. However, this is
not possible for everyone, and that's alright. You should
aim to increase your strength for one particular exercise
(for example: Hip thrust) progressively, over time. Don't
be too stressed about the weight but be sure to set a goal
for yourself and work towards it. Once you've reached
that, set a new goal and keep striving to improve.

Metabolite training

Personally, to me this is a very efficient way of working

out. Not only are you stimulating your muscles in a very
intense way (extreme blood flow). The long intense sets
also improve your cardiovascular system.

We can divide Metabolite training into 3 different

techniques u can use to stimulate your muscles.


A superset means you combine two exercises with little

to no rest in between. So, after finishing your  first
exercise you immediately do the second exercise.

A superset can be used in two different ways:

A: To stimulate one specific muscle area eg. glutes

You chose two exercises of the same muscle group and

combine these two without having rest in between.

For example: Hip thrust + abductor machine

B: To stimulate two different muscle groups at once eg.

glutes and hamstrings 

You chose two exercises, but instead of picking two

exercises of the same muscle group, you pick one to
target the glutes, and one exercise to target your

This way you train two muscle groups at once. While one
muscle is working, the other is resting.

For example: Reverse lunges + lying leg curl

Advantage of supersets?

It's  beneficial for: Fat loss, hypertrophy training &

condition. Combining exercises will spice up your
training and give it more intensity. Your heart rate is at a
higher pace for a longer time and those short rest
intervals are effective for an increased lactate
production (which stimulates the metabolic stress
response and testosteron release).

They also increase the density of your workout, in

simple terms: when you're short on time and you want
to get more exercises done in a short period.

Tips when using supersets?

They are used to give your workout more intensity. You

might notice your body being exhausted sooner, but it's
important to keep a correct form throughout the
execution of both exercises.

After your set respect your rest, so that your body can
recover and get ready for the next set. Ideally, you
should  have 120-150 sec rest in between your sets.


A drop set is a technique used to stimulate your muscle

fibers intense in a short period of time.

For example: Hip thrust: 10 (repetitions) x 100kg. Once

you reach your "normal amount" of repetitions (10), you
immediately drop the weight by 15-20% (in this case
20kg) and continue pushing out as many repetitions as
you can.   Too spice it up even more, you can drop weight
one additional time, and try to burn out as many
repetitions as you can.

Advantage of drop sets?

Drop sets are often used by more experienced athletes to

stimulate a certain muscle area better. The use of drop
sets allows more muscle fibers to be activated, which will
result in that particular muscle being exhausted faster.

Muscle fibers around the targeted muscle will also be

engaged during the exercise to help push trough the
mechanical load.

Tips on using drop sets?

As mentioned above, drop sets are often used by more

experienced athletes, the reason because of this is
because beginning athletes can exhaust their muscle
enough from doing regular sets.

Using drop sets is an intense way to shock the muscle

fibers. For beginning athletes this could result in
overtraining or injury, don't overdo it. It's not necessary
to dropset every exercise. Try incorporating dropsets
every now and then to target a muscle area more

Drop sets also help to create a better mind-muscle

connection (note: mind-muscle connection will be
explained further on in this e-book).


A Giant set is when you combine 4 or more exercises and

perform them one after another without resting. This
way you target a muscle area very intensely in a short
period of time.

This is how a giant set could look like:

Exercise 1: Hip thrust +

Exercise 2: Abductor +
Exercise 3: Cable kickback +
Exercise 4: Jump squats

Do all these exercises one after the other without taking

any rest in between and enjoy the burn!

Advantages of giant sets?

Giant sets are a good alternative if you are short on time,

or want to add a "quick" workout session to your
additional workout routine. Giant sets also increase the
total amount of muscle fibers working. Having no rest
in-between the exercises takes a toll on the mechanical
load your muscle can take, because of this more muscle
fibers are working to push trough the movements.

Tips on using giant sets?

When you pick out your exercises to form your giant set,
be sure to pick exercises that target a different area of
the same muscle group.

For example, if you're picking four exercises for glutes,

don't take four exercises that only target the gluteus
maximus only.

Give your everything with every set, you will notice that
doing all these exercises will take its toll on your
cardiovascular system. Try to execute the exercises as
correct as possible, if you feel short on breath, take a few
seconds and get right back into it. Once you finish the
entire set, you can have 3 minutes of rest.

Be aware of the weights you chose when composing your

giantset. You won't be able to take on as much weight as
you would when doing these exercises seperate. Keep
that in mind, or the giant set will kick your ass!

Variation in exercises

Adding new exercises to your workout or trying out new

things has multiple benefits.

First of all, you will find out that there's a lot of different
angles and ways to trigger muscle fibers. If you stick to
the same exercises continually, you will still gain a
decent amount of muscle, but the chances are you will
have less muscle definition and muscle maturity.  Also,
doing the same exercises over and over can get quite
boring after a while, which will take away your
motivation to work out.

However, you have to keep in mind that changing

exercises too frequently (every workout), will make it
harder for you to track your strength gains on a
particular exercise. It's important to know if you want to
improve at one particular exercise you will have to
implement this in your workout weekly to really notice a
significant increase in strength.

My personal tip: Have the important basics standard in

your weekly program (for example: reverse lunges, hip
thrust), you can intensify them with range of motion,
time under tension, repetitions, sets, ... 

Time under tension


Time under tension means the amount of time you keep

your muscle under tension when performing an exercise.

This is a very important one.

By doing this your muscle has to work harder to remain

contracted and the tension is staying on the muscle
longer than usual. Lowering the tempo during the
concentric movement will increase the time your muscle
is under tension, get it?  

This is also a great way to improve mind-muscle

connection. Fitness is about feeling your muscles
working, don't stress too hard on that number of
weights, if you lack mind-muscle connection you're just
wasting your time in the gym.

How to read TUT?  For example: 1:2:1:0

(You will need this later on when using the workout program
included in the ebook)

1 = the eccentric / lowering component of the lift                 

2 = the pause / contraction at midpoint                                   
1 = the concentric / lifting component                                     
0 = the pause at the top

Switching up your routine

The fastest way to shock your muscle fibers without

having to think of anything alternative is simply by
performing the exercises of your current workout plan
in a different order.

This may sound ridiculous, but in reality this feels very

different to your muscles. You would be amazed at how
smart our body is and how easily we get used to the
motion of doing the same exercises over and over again,
in the same order.

Resistance bands

Resistance bands are an excellent way to add more

resistance to your workouts. Besides that, it can be
beneficial for a few reasons:

Increase stress without adding weight. This can help

in case you want to increase the amount of stress put
on your muscles without adding any additional
weight (plates) to your exercise.

Helping you to learn on how to perform certain


For example: if you apply the resistance bands to your

lower legs while doing hip thrusts you will have to keep
your focus on your knees not bending inwards while
performing the exercise. This will help you
tremendously if you're looking to work on your knees
not bending.   Personally, I find this a great way to give
your muscle that little extra tension.

However, I'm a firm believer that if your goal is to gain

muscle mass, you DO have to add compounds and heavy
lifts to your weekly workout plan. As discussed before
we want to progressively overload the muscle,
unfortunately the stress put on your muscles from
working out with resistance bands alone is not
enough.  You can buy resistance bands in different sizes
and resistance rates.

Training methods
Omni-Contraction method

This is considered one of the best hypertrophy methods

there is. It's a type of rest-pause training where you'll
reach failure on all three types of muscle action:
concentric (lifting), ismometric (holding) and eccentric
(lowering) phase. Very intense as you can imagine..

One set contains 3 mini sets and here's a little

explanation on how to execute this method:

1. Pick an average weight where you can do a maximum

of 8-10 quality reps with. By quality I mean, you can
perform the exercise in a controlled, full range of
motion, not just swinging the weights around. It's
important to go for contractile muscle failure during this
set. When done, rest 10-15 seconds.

2. Now you'll lift the same weight until you reach

maximum tension (the hardest angle to hold the weight,
this is usually the mid-range position). Hold the weight
in that position while flexing the muscle as hard as you
can until you reach isometric failure. When done rest
another 10-15 seconds.

3. Lastly you'll again lift the same weight. It's very handy
to have someone help you with this last set to prevent
you from early failure. Your gym partner will help you
with the lifting phase while you'll focus on the lowering
phase. Go for an explosive lifting phase and a 4-5 seconds
lowering phase. Do reps until you can't control the
weight anymore during the lowering phase of the

Tempo contrast

This is a very easy method to practice which you can

actually use on every exercise. Here you'll alternate
between slow and fast reps during the same set with the
same weight.

So let's say we planned to perform 4 sets of 20 reps.

Below are a few examples at how it could look like:

You perform 10 fast reps and right after 10 very slow

reps (4 sec down, 4 sec up)
You perform 3 very slow reps (4 sec down, 4 sec up)
and right after 2 fast reps, continue like this until you
reach 20 reps in total
You perform 10 very slow reps (4 sec down, 4 sec up)
and right after 10 fast reps

You'll feel this method is really painful yet very effective

as more muscle fibers are active through the different
rep ranges which results in an extraordinary pump.
Triple contraction

Looking for a real glutes burner? Try this method!

When performing an exercise "normally" you'd use a

single contraction method. The only difference is the
number of contractions which will make that same
exercise twice as hard.

So, you want to take a moderate weight to start things

off and see how it goes. It's important to maximize
muscle contraction as much as possible during every rep.

To give you a quick example; Hip thrust

As previously discussed this exercise works the glutes

the most in a contracted position. When applying this
method it'd look somewhat like this:

1 full rom rep - contract at top - lower 1/4 and contract

again - lower 1/4 and contract again = 1 FULL REP

Remember when we talked about muscle length at peak

tension? Well, since the glutes are most activated in the
shortened (contracted) position with a hip thrust, when
applying this method we spent majority of the time in
this position, which only can have great benefits for
muscle growth!

Multi hold pump

This is a perfect method to use at the end of your


Sometimes, near the end of a workout, you feel you've

got some energy left, your muscles are not extremely
sore, ... That's the perfect timing to implement one of
these! Well ... Only if you enjoy a terrible burning

What is it like?

You alternate between pausing at the concentric

movement and performing reps during the same set.

Now you can't apply this method to every exercise, but

it goes very well with hip thrust. Let's see how it would
look like:

Start with a 20 sec hold at the top - after perform 10-12

Second hold: 15 sec after perform 8-10 reps
Third hold: 10 sec (as our previous reprange was already
quite low, you go until failure in this last set!)


Glutes activation
Activation work or simply pre-exhausting the muscles!

This simply means you fatigue a specific muscle group

with an isolation exercise before any other muscles are
activated through our compound lifts. You pre-exhaust
the muscle, bringing awareness to the muscles you are
about to target with heavy compounds. You can see it as
a "wake-up call" to get your muscles ready for the heavy

This will be beneficial for multiple reasons:

You can consider this as your warming up

It results in a better mind-muscle connection (more
about this on next page)
Better activation of your muscle fibers when
performing compound movements

Many women struggle feeling their glutes work when

performing an exercise, due to a lack of mind-muscle
connection but also because the glutes are
heavily  underdeveloped. That's why it's vital to start
every workout with a little warm up routine. Pick a few
simple exercises such as; abductor, clam, donkey kicks,
fire hydrant or banded side walks. Perform these with a
low weight, high reps 20-50 and repeat 3 times!
Mind-muscle connection
Mind-muscle connection is about how aware you are of
the muscle that you are actually training.

How well do you feel the muscle being worked?

It's not always true that you feel the muscle working
when you're performing an exercise, this is especially
true for people who are just starting off with fitness. It's
about creating a connection between your brain, which
is responsible for sending the signal to perform the
exercise and your muscle, which is responsible for
actually performing the movement.

The better your mind-muscle connection, the greater

your workout will be. As previously discussed fitness is
about knowing what you're doing and training according
to your goals.

Take your time

When executing an exercise, take your time to do it

correctly and be focused on performing the exercise the
best you can. This way you will learn to stimulate the
right muscle. If you're focused on the execution of your
exercise you're less likely to do it wrong. It's better to
control your movement than to toss the weights around,

That's your lottery ticket to snapping your back..


This may sound a little controversial. But it's true, even

though you should be focusing on your muscle being
worked, music can help you to stay focused and
grounded. There's potentially a lot of things going on in
the background at your gym. The less your focus is being
taken away from you executing the exercise, the easier it
will be to maintain focused throughout your entire
workout. If you're distracted on the other hand, chances
are more likely you won't be performing your exercises
as good.

Muscle contraction

It can help to pause your repetitions for 1-2 seconds

when you're contracting the muscle to create a better
muscle contraction. Your muscle will need to give an
extra effort to keep the muscle contracted, as a result
your muscle will be stimulated more intense. 51
I know you're probably thinking right now "ugh there we
go again, what a tip!"

But even though everyone knows how important

hydration is, still a lot of people   don't drink enough.    
Our body exists approximately 60% of water and is key
to the balance of all our body system's.

But why is hydration so important when it comes to

building muscle?

Well, water is needed to transport the nutrients to our

cells and helps to form the structures of protein and
glycogen*. It's also responsible for cleansing the inside of
our body.

It's pretty straight forward that when you're working out

your heart rate is at higher pace than usual. Because of
this the temperature in your body will increase, and
you'll start sweating. If you don't drink enough water
chances are you won't be able to train as intense.

Symptoms of dehydration include: less endurance, less

strength, feeling nauseous, experiencing cramps, less
concentration, ...  

When we workout, we contract our muscles all the time
because every exercise has both tensions as explained
earlier, but in order to flex our muscles, we need water

It's best to drink water during your workouts, no sodas

(obviously) nor sports drinks with added sugars except
when you do extreme endurance training (f.ex. if your
goal is to run a marathon).

I'd advice a fluid intake of 1,5-2 liters a day and more

wouldn't harm.  

So stay hydrated people!

My personal tip: Aim for one empty bottle of

water (1L) each workout!

Extra: Mistakes to avoid!
Lastly, I 'd like to address some common made mistakes
regarding booty building. I see these a lot, maybe too
much and just when you ask yourself why you're not
making progress? You might be doing some of the
mistakes below!

Training too lightly

Allright, so we have already explained 'progressive

overload' very in detail, just reminding you here once
again how important it is! Don't be scared to up the
weights little by little every week, even if it's half a kilo it
still counts. Too many underestimate their strength
levels, while they can lift so much more if they wouldn't
let fear control them.

Overestimating resistance bands

We already know it's a great tool to use as a final burner

yet it's definitely NOT priority over the basic compound
lifts. I see so many women use a resistance band for
LITTERALY EVERY exercise.. Does it give extra value
during a hip thrust, deadlift or squat? NO! except when
you struggle to keep you knees not bending inwards,
then it can be useful. In the end it's WEIGHTS THAT
BUILD A BOOTY! Not a resistance band.... 54
Feet positioning

Remember when we talked about mind-muscle

connection? Well this might be the biggest reason why
you lack some. Feeling your glutes do the work is all
about your foot positioning. Something so little can
make a really big difference in HOW you feel your glutes.
Keep in mind that;

The further you put your feet away from your body
the more you'll target your hamstrings and glutes. -
F.ex. hip thrust

The closer you put your feet from your body, the
more you'll target your quadriceps. - F.ex. hip thrust

The wider you put your feet, the more you'll target
your glutes. - F.ex. squat

The closer you put your feet together, the more you'll
target your quadriceps. - F.ex. squat

I'd advise you to just go and try these out and find the
perfect foot positioning for you personally for every
exercise that maximizes glutes muscle activity.

Too much hip extension

This is very typical for girls who are new into fitness,
squeezing so hard on top of every rep it starts to look
weird. Trust me, been there done that, I think everyone
has to do it first, to after realise it has NO single benefit
regarding muscle growth and just looks stupid. 

There's only one exception and that is: HIP THRUST

Here the glutes are most engaged during the concentric

movement (= top), thus squeeze girls!

But for all other exercises where glutes are most engaged

during the eccentric / lowering movement (full stretch
position) squeezing on top of every rep takes muscle
tension away, which means glutes are resting in that
once second instead of working.



So I've been talking numerous times about how

important it is to work your strength levels up and lift
heavy weights. This does NOT mean you should go
beyond your limits and swing the weights around with a
poor form. That's just as stupid as training with light
weights expecting big results.

Taking maximal advantage of your exercises is about

time under tension. FEEL the muscle working.

I've seen girls hip thrusting more weights than me yet

have less developed glutes. This shows exactly
that  heavy weights only is not "everything". Everyone
can lift 100kg hip thrust with a bad form, not
maximizing hip extenison on top and thus perform half
reps. STOP THAT!

We want to generate a FULL range of motion with a

proper time under tension to maximize muscle acitivity
and hypertrophy.

No proper warm-up

Still too many people underestimate the benefits of a

good, proper warm-up. It doesn't have to take long but
only a good 5-10min isolation work before getting into
your compound lifts should do.

Workout program
This workout program is divided into 4 phases. We start
with lower volume, and build it up each phase. Ofcourse
you can switch days if this workout split does not fit
your daily schedule, yet it's important to have all your
workouts done at the end! Now before we head over to
the workout program I want to set up a few rules:

Always start your workout with one of the bonus

activation routines!
Respect the rest times during each and every set!
NEVER start an exercise BELOW your strength level.
Meaning if you can hip thrust 60 kilos easily, it makes
no sense to start your first set with 30 kilos.
Always work pyramid wise for the weights during
each set of every exercise. Start with a weight which
allows you to perform the reps prescribed perfectly.
Then increase weights with every set.
Respect the rest times inbetween sets!
Aim for progressive overload EACH week! One
particular phase lasts 4 weeks meaning at the end of
week 4 you should've made progress regarding
strength levels for each exercise.
The bonus finisher routines can either be done at the
end of your workout or as an extra workout.

Glutes activation routines

Glutes finishers routines

The saying goes: "There's an end, to every good
story ..."

I hope U got all the way to this last page! If

you did,  BLESS YOU, you are now on the
right path to build a strong booty!

I want to thank you from the bottom of my

heart for purchasing this guide, I hope it
serves U well.

I also hope you went carefully through

everything we explained in the e-book.

If you feel like this guide has helped you or

you simply want to share your personal
feedback on it than please do

use the hashtag #PancakeXBooty

in your IG posts & stories to be featured
on my personal Instagram!

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