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, , (.

, ,
, , , ,
, , ,
..) (
), ,
- ,
.. ( ),
2 ( ,
, 2, 16, MPG 41, 432B),
( , 2, 23, MPG 120, 777A) .
, ,
( 1173).
, 9
( , De institutione clericorum, . 31),
13 ,
, (MPG 159, 1189 . ,
, Paris 1928, . 538),
, , ,
(.., . 539). , (
) ,
( )
( ) . ,

. ,
. (. ,
MPG 26, 1328 , MPG 80, 424 , MPG 94, 367.
95, 388-389 , MPG 99, 1719 , MPG 158, 977),
(. 13, 33)] , )
, [ .
(MPG 95, 389BC), , ,
, (. 6, 51)]
( ),
, , )

( , , MPG 95, 389A

, , MPG 120, 764-777). ,
(Mirbt, Quellen, 1924, . 139 .).
9 .. , (858-867),

, Mainz, Liutbert (863-889),
, 868
Worms, ,
, (MPL
119, 1201-1212).
( 1053)
. ,
Traina Apulia ,
, .
Umberto Da
Silva, , (MPG 120,
836) (, .

. ,
, :
(1054), ,
, , ,
, ,
, ( 1759) .. ,
(70 , 38 , 32
11 ) .
(1113/4) ,
, .
(1112 ..)
, .



(, . 577-578).
1136 ,
, Avelberg, ,

, ,
. ,
, .

, (, . 578).
, (
), (
. ,
, ( 1324).
(12221240), , .

(, . 585-586).

, (Mansi,
XXIII, 298-299). , (14381439), ,
: ., , . ,
1866, . 18-36, 100-127 Lei b B., Deux inedits byzantins sur les azymes, Orientalia Christiana, II
(1924) 217-263 Mi chael A., Humbert und Kerullarios, Paterborn 1930, II, S. 112-130
. ., , , 1 (1962) 488-489 Eri cks on J. H., Leavened and
Unleavened: Some Theological Implications of the Schism of 1054, St. Vladimirs Theological
Quarterly 14 (1970) 155-176 S mi t h III M. H., And Taking BreadCerularius and the Azyme
Controversy of 1054, Paris 1978 . ., , 41978
M eyendorf f J., Azymes, The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium, Vol. I, New York Oxford, Oxford
University Press 1991, p. 241 . , , 21
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