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1) 24 years male patient came to the dental clinic with a complaint of right jaw pain.

examination, the doctor found some mass and decides to do surgery on the jaw and we are
providing the patient medical condition please go through it.

Patient has history of SLE and on medication but occasionally symptoms reoccur.
Patient has history of migraine and controlled by medication

PR; 92/MIN
BP 170/113 mm of hg and patient on amlodipine 10 mg bid, telma 40 mg bid
Blood glucose. 190 mg/dl patient is on metformin 500 mg bid and gliclazide 10 mg od
S. creatinine 3.5 but no other renal symptoms
BMI 39
Asthma ..patient is on budesonide and Ventolin for an acute attack

The patient a got mild heart attack (MI) 1.5 years back and is now stable and taking warfarin
patient on a pacemaker for her irregular rhythm
The patient has hyperthyroidism, but symptoms are poorly controlled even after medication.

Patient belongs to.

a) ASA class 1
b) ASA class 2
c) ASA class 3
d) ASA class 4
e) Asa class 5
f) ASA class 6

2) years old male patient came to the dentist with a complaint of pain in 43. On examination,
extensive root canal damage is present and the doctor planning for an artificial tooth after an
extraction. The patient medical condition has given below ..

Patient has history of long sightness and nasal polyp.

Patient allergic to pencillin
h/o jaw overgrowth present due to growth hormone excess but well controlled and no limitation.

Pulse rate 86/min

Blood pressure. 120/80 mm of hg
BMI .28
Non-smoker and social drinker
Family history idiopathic jaw necrosis present

Patient belongs to.

a) ASA class 1
b) ASA class 2
c) ASA class 3
d) ASA class 4
e) Asa class 5
f) ASA class 6

3) patient attenders brought 25 years old male to the emergency department with a history of car
crash incidents. After examination, the doctor has given his finding below.. please go through

Patient in unconscious state

Extensive face soft tissue damage present

PR . 90/min and BP 110/80 mm of hg on life support

Pupil..not reacting to light

Oculo-cephalic test test
Gag, cornea reflexes negatives,
Vestibular tests negative
Other brain stem functions negative

Patient belongs to.

a. ASA class 1
b. ASA class 2
c. ASA class 3
d. ASA class 4
e. Asa class 5
f. ASA class 6
g) ASA class 6

4) 25 years male patient came to the emergency department with a history of a severe accident.
After examination, the dental doctor found a mandibular condylar fracture and planning for surgery
we are providing the patient medical condition please go through it.

CT brain shows extensive haemorrhage and midline shifting present

Ct abdomen shows 5.5 cm abdomen Aorta and leaking some blood, extensive spleen and liver
laceration present

Bilateral femur fracture present

Initial BP is low, but after iv fluid and blood, now stable BP

Patient belongs to.

a) ASA class 1
b) ASA class 2
c) ASA class 3
d) ASA class 4
e) Asa class 5
f) ASA class 6
5) 45 years old female patient came to the clinic for recurrent TMP joint dislocation present. After
the examination, the doctor planned for surgery under general anaesthesia. We are giving patient’s
medical condition please go through it.

Patient has cirrhosis present with complication of portal hypertension present

Patient has history JRA and current on steroid treatment.
Patient history vasculitis and other auto immune disorders present

PR; 86/MIN
BP 180/103 mm of hg and patient on amlodipine 10 mg bid, telma 40 mg bid
Blood glucose.. 210 mg/dl patient is on metformin 500 mg bid and gliclazide 10 mg od
Serum creatinine 2.7 but no other renal symptoms
BMI 39
Asthma ..patient is on budesonide and Ventolin for acute attack
The patient has orthopnoea, PND and bilateral pedal oedema. Patient unable to walk more than
500 meters

The patient got severe heart attack(MI) 2 months back but now stable and taking anti-coagulant
patient on a pacemaker for her irregular rhythm
The patinas have hyperthyroidism but symptoms poorly controlled even after medication.

Patient belongs to.

a) ASA class 1
b) ASA class 2
c) ASA class 3
d) ASA class 4
e) Asa class 5
f) ASA class 6

6) 54 years old female patient came to the doctor with receding gums in both upper and lower jaw.
After examination, the doctor planning for surgery. Patient medical condition is given below. Please
go through it.

BP. 130/90 ..patient on amlodipine 10 mg
BMI 32
Social smokers and alcoholics

CVS; S1 S2 +
RS. Clear but patient has asthma and is well controlled by Ventolin
Abdomen. Normal
CNS. Normal
Hyperthyroidism.. controlled by treatment
Blood glucose ..130 mg/dl . Patient is on metformin 500 mg bd

Patient belongs to.

a) ASA class 1
b) ASA class 2
c) ASA class 3
d) ASA class 4
e) Asa class 5
f) ASA class 6

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