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eS CC Ritsuko Nakata Karen Frazier Barbara Hoskins songs and chants by Carolyn Graham OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS OXFORD 198 Madivon Avenue Ne Yor NY 10016 USA ‘Great Clarendon Steet, Oxford ox2 67, United Kingdom (Oxford University Press isa department ofthe Univesity of Oxford [efurtbersthe Universi’ objectve of excelence in resent scholars, and education by pablishing worldwide. Oxford xa registered trade ‘mark of Oxford University Press in theUK and incerta other countries © Oxford Universy Press 2013 ‘The moral rights of the author have been asserted. Frc publshed in 2012 so? 10 ‘No unauthorized photocopying Allright reserved. 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Oxford disclaims any respoasblity forthe materiale ‘contained in any thie pare website referenced inthe work (Genera Manager, American ELT: Laura Pearson Executive Publishing Manages Shelagh Speers Senior Managing Eto: Anne Stribling Project itor June Schwa ‘Art Design, and Production Director: Sosa Sang Design Manager: isa Donovan Designer: Sangeeta, Rarocharan ‘Blecroni Production Manger ule Armstrong Production Artist: sa Santos Image Manager: Trisha Masterson mage Bitor: Joe Kassner rodetion Coordinator: Hila Ratzai Senior Manufacturing Controle: Eve Wong 2% 978.019 462619 4 Student Book with Ausio@D IN: 9740 #9 4643078 Sadent Books pack component BN 978.0 1946436: 0 Audio CDas pack component Printed in China ‘This book sprinted on paper fom certified and wellmanaged sources ‘ae authors and pub are gato toe who have en permis rprdce ‘heflioning extracts and aceptanon ofp mates: ‘Masato by Bernard Adnet: 57,75 Das Arahowitis 20 42) 52( St Fan Aroyo: 27 63 Jared Hockxtrand: 240 38, 62, 68 Reginald Butler: 508, 5, Seb; Donna Catanese: 7,25. 2a 61 68, 74; Terr& Joe Chicko: 6) Lawrence Caristmay 39; Chi Ching’ 9), 17,350 450) 6H ‘Gant Colby: 21; Bob Depew.) Marion Eldridge: 64, 65: Kathi Ember: 18,19; Ken Gamage: Jesse Graber: 13), 26), 2710), 35), 72,73: Daniel Griff cats on pages 4, 6,8, 10, 12,1, 16, 18,21, 2,24, 26,28, 30,22, 24,6, 40,42, 44, 6,4, 50,5, 54, 88, 60, 6,6, 66, 8,70 and 72; Sharon Farmer: 49); Dlane ays 10,1: Richard Hot 5) 23), 41,53), 59, 600, 70) 71 Calleen Maiden: 5a, 85; Katie MeDese 36,7; Shawn Mekelvey! ith: Mare Mones/AA Reps nc: 52,38, 36, 710 Shery Rogers 15, 210) 481), 67: Dan Sharp:2, 3.4.5 6), 8) 12, 14), 16). 2,230) 24(), 26), 30,32(), 34). 4. 4b, 47), 48, S00), 50}, 38, 6} 62), 6,64). 700), Janet Shes: 136 16) Ken Spengler: 28, 29,46, 47, Christopher Wurth 43, ‘Tex Desig: Molly K, Scanlon cover Desig: Susan Sanguily (Coverisratar Dani! Grito Let’s Remember Unit |_ At School Unit 2. My Things... Let's Review Units 1 and 2.... Unit3 Things I Can Do............... 22 Unit 4 Occupations .............. 30 Let's Review Units 3 and 4...38 Unit5 Things to Eat... 40 Unité My House......... Let’s Review Units 5 and 6...56 Unit7 Routines............ sesseeeseens 5B Unit 8 Doing Things..................... 66 Let’s Review Units 7 and 8... 74 Syllabus Word List Let's Talk Let's Learn WB vronicsMer V/ Let's Read Phonics Kate Andy Jenny Let's Learn More Let's Review There are two cats! They're in the tree. ‘ ¥ mf Te. i \ a s ® 4 Ay 3 3 Hl g = } : ry) 1 4) 3 om o Ae 1 £¢ 6 | =Q) 5B ~ a VAN Ge : ae oe 7) Yaa " E s iM a (7 Wrobee (2 W rn soeng x \ : iy Aree a é SA i aa Nema 9 . 2 _ ~~ (EY Listen and say. 03 Hi, Scott. How are you? Good-bye, Scott! | I'm OK, thanks, How about you? \ How about you? | Good-bye! o4 | T'mOK. See you later! L Pretty good! 4 Unit | At School dy |: Listen and sing. 05 “A Hi, Jenny. How are you? — Good-bye, Jenny. Pretty good, thank you. See you later, alligator! Hi, Andy. How are you? Good-bye, Andy. OK, thank you. See you later, Hi, Kate, How are you? See you later. I'm fine. See you later, alligator! Good-bye, Katel (@ Say and act. Say hello and good-bye. Hi, . How are you? i) (Im How about you? | E Good-bye, Hi, Scott. How are you? Good-bye, Scott. 4 T'm fine, thank you. See you later, alligator! e Unit | AtSchool 5 i aie !. a picture 2. a window 3. a pencil sharpener 4. a workbook 5. a paper clip 6. a clock 7. a door 8. a calendar Ask and answer. 67 What's this? What's that? 6 Unit | At School , ESS'SC“' Ask and answer. 69 this that What's this? What's that?, Unit | At Schoo! 7 5. calendars 6. pencil sharpeners —_7. windows 8. doors 5) Ask and answer, {3 What are these? t those? What are What are these? They're paper clips. 8 Unit | At Schoo! (@ Play a game. Ask your partner. 15 | these those Are | 3. Write your name. 4. Sharpen your pencil. Unit | AtSchool 9 = Cee e SEE ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijkimnopqrstuvwxyz me9e notebook nine ©) Listen, point, and chant. is % The MN Phonics Chant Hop on the mop, Not the broom. T need the name Of the man in the moon. 10 Unit 1 At School ____ (@Listen and read along. 19 What's that? What are those? What do you see? | What do you see? There’s a man with a mop. There are names on the map. — _ What's this? What are these? What do you see? What do you see? There’s a nut on my notebook. There are nine names on mugs. _ ——~ Unit | AtSchool 11 No, it isn't his bag. CC _\ — — Whose bag is that? | Jenny's = her 21 | It's Jenny’s bag. It’s her bag. | | ‘scott 'S = his | It’s Scott's bag. It’s his bag. J ‘ a 12) Unit 2 My Things S ©) Listen and sing. 22 Whose Bag Is That? ig a Whose bag is that? Is it Jenny's bag? Qi 6 T don't know. Yes, it is. Is it Scott's bag? It's her bag. No, no, no. Yes, it is. Tt isn't his bag. Tt isn't his bag. No, it isn't. It's her bag. No, it isn't Scott's bag. It isn't Scott's bag. Say and act. Ask your friend. Whose bag is that? Is it 's bag? Is it 's bag? No, it isn’t bag. Yes, it's bag. Unit 2 MyThings 13 () Learn the words. 23 “ef = |. akey 2. a candy bar 3. acomic book 4. acomb ez = 5. acoin 6. a brush 7. a tissue 8. a watch (5) Ask and answer. %! What do you have? T have a key. 14° Unit 2 My Things — or (© Play a game. o you have a tissue? No, I don’t. Do you have a key? Yes, I do. $ (D) Listen, point, and chant. 27 Dp What Do You Have in Your Bag? What do you have in your bag? ~~= What do you have in your bag? Look and see. Look and see. I have books! One, two, three. —_ I have candy bars! One for you, and two for me. One, two, three. T have books! One, two, three. One for you, and two for me. T have candy bars! One, two, three. y Unit 2 My Things 15 I. acamera 2. a key chain 3. a music player 4. acalculator as o> 5. a train pass 6. an umbrella 7. a lunch box 8. a wallet (2) Ask and answer. 33 What does he have? J) He has a wallet. cor sos 16 Unit 2 My Things —— de P OR Ask your partner. 31 Does she have Yes, does. No, she doesn’t. 3. Buy a comic book. 4. Take a picture. Unit 2 My Things 17 Te es ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijkImnopqrstuvwxyz CY Listen, point, and say. 34 n#@ 5% five fork vest violin + ©) Listen, point, and chant. 33% The F V Phonics Chant The fox feels fine On his visit to the van. The van's very hot. The fox loves the fan. EE EE—__ << ____ Listen and read along. 36 a 9 Making Music This is a man. He has a vest. He feels fine. What's in the van? Look! There are five violins There's one violin. and five vests! Unit 2 MyThings 19 ? Cie c[ al] B GPreyasene. @ @ @ Unit | | Unit 2 |. Say the words. 2. Make sentences. | 3. Ask and answer. ; | Li 4, Sing the songs. 5. Read the stories, Units | and 2 Review 21 ijhing 9 ee . 1) Listen and say. 52 What's wrong, Andy? Ts it in your desk? Oh, here it is. I can see it. Tt's under my chair. ca i 2 ss [reer I can’t find my é 22 Unit 3 Things I Can Do ——— _ a ~~ } ©) Listen and sing. 40 4s What's Wrong? What's wrong, Andy? T can't find my book. What's wrong, Andy? T can't find my book. T can't hear the teacher. He can't hear the teacher. I can't reach the bookshelf. He can't reach the bookshelf. I can't find my pencil. He can't find his pencil. TI can't see the board. He can't see the board. Oh, Andy! Say and act. Ask your friend. —— — What's wrong, i Oh, here it is. It's in my . Thanks! Is it in your Unit 3 Things 1 CanDo 23 |. ride a pony 2. play the piano 3. do a magic trick 4. play hopscotch 5. play with a yo-yo 6. do a cartwheel 7. do a somersault 8. jump rope (©) Make sentences. % ona Look at him! She can play the piano. He can do a magic trick. cor 4359 | Look at ot her! 24 Unit 3 Things I Can Do _ el (Ask and answer. 44 What can she do? She can jump rope. D) Listen, point, and chant. %¢ Look at Me! Look at me. Look at me. Icanclimbatree. “ - Ican climb a tree. Look at me. Look at me. Look at me. Look at me. Look at him. He can swim. Look at her. She can run. Look at him. He can swim. Look at her. She can run. Look at me. T can climb a tree. Look at me. Look at me. Unit 3 Things 1CanDo 25 Learn the words. 3% . > ; a ef , &= \ | |. dance 2. swim 3. run 4. sing or : 5. skip 6. read 7. paint (5) Make sentences. 4 Oe 26 Unit 3 Things I Can Do | @ Play a game. Ask your partner. 50 | | Can they skip? | Yes, they can. y oe 28 7 |. Play baseball. 2. Ride a bicycle. p Hello! 3. Use chopsticks. 4. Speak English. Unit 3 Things 1CanDo 27 . Ol ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijkiImnopqrstuvwxyz (J Listen, point, and say. ux a> Rr 2 oS ride 5 © Listen, point, and chant. 3 a The L R Phonics Chant The lion runs like the rabbit. He loves to race at night. Lions really love to run, And stop at the red light. 28 Unit 3 Things I Can Do (@ Listen and read along. 54 Can you run a long race? They can run. No, I can’t. They like long races. ! 1 | What about you? I can ride a little unicycle. What can you do? Yes, I can. Look at me! —————_ | ees | Unit 3 Things CanDo 29 _— SN EEE Listen and say. What's the matter, Scott? =! T'm sick. Oh, no! That's too bad. Here's the nurse. I hope you feel better soon, Sj 7 T hope you feel better soon. Thanks. 30 Unit 4 Occupations — a 2 (5 Listen and sing. 57° What's the matter? What's the matter? What's the matter? Tam sick. < / (2 wr } } T cold What's the matter? Are you OK? Tam sick today. Oh, no! tired (@ Say and act. What’s the matter? What's the matter, That's too bad. T hope you feel better soon. Unit 4 Occupations 31 te () Learn the words. 58 xs f& a we |. a cook 2. a nurse 3. a taxi driver 4, a doctor 5. apolice officer 6. a teacher 7. a student 8. a farmer (5) Make sentences. 59 32. Unit 4 Occupations - ETS (@ Ask and answer. ¢i y D) Listen, point, and chant. é 4% Is He a Teacher? Is he a teacher? Ts he a farmer? Yes, he is. No, he isn't. Ts she a student? Is she a cook? Yes, she is. No, she isn't. Are they nurses? Are they teachers? No, they aren't. No, they aren't. They're doctors. They're students. Unit 4 Occupations 33 (EY Learn the words. ao ae, |. pilots 2. salesclerks 3. office workers 4. engineers —- ar e t —_ a (‘ . 5. dentists 6. firefighters 7. teachers 8. students (2) Ask and answer. & Who are they? a as, - They're office workers. cot Who are they? Rs a) They’re office workers. 34 Unit 4 Occupations a - (@ Ask and answer. 67 1D) Listen and do. & r |. Drive a taxi. 2. Use a computer. 3. Fly aplane, 4. Climb a ladder. Unit 4 Occupations 35 a ABCDEFGHISKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (EY Listen, point, and al 70 OE bees® game = paint rain play today d Listen, point, and chant. 71% The Long A Phonics Chant af 0 on Play today! Paint the rain. Make a cake. Paint a wave. Listen and read along. 72 Oh, no! Look at the rain. T can make a cake. We can’t play today. I’macook! Let’s play a game. I can paint pictures. | No, let’s paint. Look at my pictures! } Unit 4 Occupations 37 Tecate ! __ Listen and check. 73 Sie A B OEE 38 Units 3 and 4 Review RR a | | a a ee They're firefighters. _ = She can swim, (5) Play a game. 1 Can Unit 3 | Unit 4 y 1. Say the words. 2. Make sentences. | oc 3. Ask and answer. 4, Sing the songs. 5. Read the stories. Units 3. and 4 Review 39 Bir ( Listen and say. 02 What's for lunch, Mom? Spaghetti. Mmm. That's good. I like spaghetti. = f Do you want spaghetti? 03 | Yes, please. | | No, thank you! 40 Unit 5 Things to Eat ( Listen and sing. Pe _ atl Be a = q ) The Spaghetti Song a cy Do you like spaghetti? Do you want spaghetti? Yes, I do. Yes, I do. T do, too. T do, too. CZ T do, too. T do, too. Do you like spaghetti? Do you want spaghetti? @ Yes, I do. Yes, I do. g) T like spaghetti, too! T want spaghetti, too! Unit 5 Things to Eat 41 | yee ee x Org (EY Learn the words. 05 2 * |. an omelet 2. a peach apne as fe ‘Ne f ast Gee 5. yogurt 6. cereal (5) Ask and answer. 06 What does she want? gS @ 3. a pear 4. a pancake @ © 2 7. tea 8. hot chocolate She wants a peach. } Play a game. 8 ) [J Listen, point, and chant. 6% Hungry Boy Chant What does he want? Four milk shakes, What does he want? Five cookies, Listen carefully. Six sandwiches. He wants He's a hungry boy. One egg, He's a very hungry boy. Two bananas, He's a hungry boy. Three pancakes, He's a very hungry boy. Unit § Things to Eat 43 SE (LY Learn the words. ‘6 |. grapes 2. pancakes 3. peaches 4, hamburgers. 5. stew 6. cheese 7. pasta 8. steak (5) Ask and answer. {i What does she like? She likes pancakes. 44 Unit 5 Things to Eat ee - (@ Ask your partner. 13 : Does he like steak? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t. 2. Eat a hamburger. 3. Make pancakes. 4. Peel peaches. Unit § Things to Eat HB a nn ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijkimnopqrstuvwxyz 2 E\ Listen, point, and say. 1% me tree weed clean leaf y (2) Listen, point, and chant. 17 Ds The Long E Phonics Chant He eats weeds. So does she. She loves weeds Not me! 46 Unit 5 Things to Eat - @ Listen and read along. 13 Weeds and Trees We like trees. Look at me! We don't like weeds. I have a green and yellow leaf. Look at the park. I’m hungry. It’s clean! Can we eat weeds? 1 ! Unit 5 Things to Eat 47 CT Eee My, Hous (EY Listen and say. 15 Where do you live, Jenny? 48 Unit 6 My House oe (©) Listen and sing. 21 Tn Hillsdale. T live in Hillsdale. How about you? T live in Hillsdale, too. Where do you live? | T live in S sis Hillsdale Where do you live? What's your address oO In Hillsdale. in Hillsdale? 3 5 Where do you live? What's your address in Hillsdale? Tt's North Street. Number forty-two. T live next to you! Zz {@ Say and act. Tell where you live. What's your address? Unit 6 My House 49 a, ee (EY Learn the words. 22 aff: RR u ~ s |. abed 2. a bathtub 3. a sofa 4. a stove @ 5. a lamp 6. asink ¢ 8. a refrigerator (Ask and answer. 23 Where's the key chain? s It's by the stove. Where's the workbook? ’ te. yy Where’s the workboo! ey under the be on at 50 Unit 6 My House sb Sty [Dae | There’s on umbrella in the bathtub, meresonunieine ath | Crue Tes) There are balls under the TV. 0, ) Listen, point, and chant. 27 Are There Books in the Bathtub? Are there books in the bathtub? Is there a bird on the bed? No, there aren't. Yes, there is. Are there books in the sink? Is there a spider on the sofa? No, there aren't. Yes, there is. Are there books in the refrigerator? Is there a baby in the bathtub? No, there aren't. Yes, there is. No, there aren't. _ Yes, there is. No, there aren't. » Yes, there is. Unit 6 My House 51 (©) Learn the words. 3) : ] ra we "ee “ G, aan q — ” Lay x Cees I. next to 2. in front of 3. behind (5) Make sentences. 29 ail: 52 Unit 6 My House (@ Play a game. Ask your partner. 31 | in front of behind | Is there a stove next to the sink? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. 2 ) Listen and do. 32 3. Clean the room. 4. Make the bed. Unit 6 My House 53 L Cee en LE EEE <5 Wa climb find } Listen, point, and chant. 32% The Long I Phonics Chant T like to fly my kite. I like to ride my bike. I don't like bikes. I like to hike. T hate to hike. I like bikes. EE (Q Listen and read along. 3: Save that Kite! | | I | } if ‘i What’s wrong? Look! There are five kites I can't find my kite. in the tree. My kite is red and white. } — = — Cat, please climb this tree. Thank you, Cat! My kite is red and white. Now I can fly my kite! Grab that line! Unit 6 My House 55 ponon7) / (4) Listen and check. 5 1. \ » ) al Bs j ; | A B c A 1 oe ae) () ! ‘ > ] Q O oO _- I A B c A As 6. 1 1 } i A B al 1 ) (5) Listen and number. 37 ! = i 1 i } 1 } | 56 Units 5 and 6 Review i eee The yogurt is by the bowl. He's a police of ficer. (© Play a game. Make sentences. |. Say the words. can & 2: Make sentences, do HES 3. Ask and answer. | 4. Sing the songs. 5. Read the stories. j Units 5 and 6 Review af It's six o'clock. It's time for dinner. | It's seven o'clock. It's time for your bath, Scott. 58 Unit 7 Routines — ee _____ me on, let's go! 's time for school. It's eight o'clock. Let's go! Whe “What time is it? What time is it? Pig Tt's nine o'clock. It's time for bed. Let's acy Come on, let's go! It's time for bed. se K. Let's go! It's twelve o'clock. Tt's time for lunch. Let's go! _ Come on, let's go! Tt's nine o'cloc! Unit 7 Routines 59 a Learn the words. 41 6 i y 2. brush my teeth nN Hv Bt} 4. comb my hair 5. get dressed 6. eat breakfast i (5) Ask and answer. 42 What do you do in the morning? 60 Unit 7 Routines (© Ask and answer. 44 1. 2 Do you wash your face in the afternoon? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. } (2 Listen, point, and chant. 4 a What Do You Do in the Morning? What do you do in the morning? What do you do? What do you do in the morning? T brush my teeth, (= What do you do? What do you do? Z What do you do? T wash my face. a ce aA. What do you do in the morning? I get up and brush my teeth, What do you do? 1 ’ Wash my face, and comb my hair. I comb my hair. i y I get up and brush my teeth, I comb my hair - Wash my face, and comb my hair. in the morning. Unit 7 Routines 61 4, take a bath 5. watch TV 6. study English (B)Ask and answer. 4 What does he do in the evening? He watches TV. watches does takes studies talks eats ay 62 Unit 7 Routines cena a ana @ Play a game. Ask your partner. 50 | Does she watch TV at night? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t. coz D) Listen and do. 51 |. Play the violin. 3. Play video games. 4. Go to bed. Unit 7 Routines 63 a ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijkiImnopqrstuvwxyz {LY Listen, point, and say. 52 =—@ “ewe él home rope goat oats bowl grow coz Bo Listen, point, and chant. 4, The Long O Phonics Chant My goat loves oats, Chicken bones, Roses in a bowl, , And ice cream cones. 64 Unit 7 Routines co2 @ Listen and read along. 54 [ A Day on the Farm ii q This is my home. I live ona The goats eat oats in the farm. Where do you live? morning. What do you eat? | I grow peaches. Do you eat Can we ride the pony? peaches in the afternoon? Yes. Hold the rope. Yes, we do! ae Unit 7 Routines 65 [E) Listen and say. 55 Let's play a game! s What are you doing? 66 Unit 8 Doing Things pa dy (Listen and sing. 57% What Are You Doing? What are you doing? Clap your hands. T'm playing a game. Count to three. Watch what I do, Wiggle your toes. And then do the same. Smile at me. Nod your head. Snap your fingers. Bend your knees. Climb a tree. Stamp your feet. Now say “Please.” Raise your arms. Wave at me. () Say and act. Play a guessing game. g What are you doing? What are you doing? Unit 8 Doing Things 67 So S & 1. dancing 2. swimming 3. sleeping 4. drawing coz 58 5. singing 6. running 7. wolking 8. reading (5) Ask and answer. 55 What's he doing? |r 68 Unit 8 Doing Things Ask and answer. ¢i 3. Is she swimming? ays Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. } D Listen, point, and sing. & > Doing Things a What's he doing? What's she doing? What are you doing? Reading. Eating. Cooking. | He's reading, She's eating, T'm cooking, He's reading. She's eating. T'm cooking. What's he reading? What's she eating? What are you cooking? He's reading a comic She's eating spaghetti T'm cooking breakfast | book and talking on and talking on and talking on the telephone. the telephone. the telephone. me, on Y & Unit 8 Doing Things 69 ge Ty xr ~ — a 2 EY Learn the words. ¢4 re AS. |. at home 2. at school 3. at the pork Ge “Cs Coe? 7" Ee 4 } = : 4. at the store 5. at the library 6. at the zoo (Ask and answer. &5 Where is Kate? |. Se suc Scgf # = 70 Unit 8 Doing Things _ —E Where is he? What's he doing? He’s at the park. He’s playing baseball. Gn (DP) Listen and do. & 3. Open your mouth 4. Close your eyes. Unit 8 Doing Things 7 Phonics Mae’ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijkimnopqrstuvwxyz coz “A Listen, point, and say. & u * ew yr / & : x B. m B huge tube blue glue few new aly (5) Listen, point, and chant. 70“ The Long U Phonics Chant My mule is cute. Her name is June. She loves sugar cubes And new blue balloons. ee (@ Listen and read along. 71 a Sa ee | Making Art | ' } ' | | | 1 | i } ! | Do you have glue? Is that blue? i 1 Yes, I do. It’s new. Yes, it is. I like blue. | i a = j | | | | 1 | | 1 1 ! } t { | I ' f ' i Do you have a few tubes? Look at it. No, I don’t. Ask Sue. It’s huge! It's singing! J Sane Sica enee elm J Unit 8 Doing Things 73 1 i 1 ’ 7 1 i 1 i i 1 4 1 \ j | { 1 i i 1 t 1 1 4 J 7 | (EY Listen and check. 72 » 5. 7. 74 Units 7 and 8 Review fa — ee ee ee ee ee Ts he jumping? Yes, he is. Play 0 game. —> jumping —> skipping — doing —> watching 1 Can. Unit 7 | Unit 8 |. Say the words. 2. Make sentences. 1 ; do HIB 3. Ask and answer. 44. Sing the songs. 5. Read the stories, Units 7 and 8 Review 75 7, Lef’s Remember Let’s;Go) 2) Syllabus; ivetserimeten. ee Se Ly re Unit 1 At School ee re ee Re Conversation: How are ‘School Items: a picture, | School Items: paper clips, Pitonics you? I'm OK, ‘awindow, a pencil sharpener, pictures, clocks, workbooks, How about you? a workbook, a paper clip, a clock, calendars, pencil sharpeners, Mm Pretty good! Good-bye. «@ door, @ calendar windows, doors mop, map, mug Pee Language: What's his/tho!? Language: What aro hosoy | NM ‘Song: The Hello and I's o picture. Is this/thot those? They're paper clips. aa Good: Bye Song @.calendor? ‘The MN Phonics Chant Listen and do: point ouch, Sy wnt 9 vou Sea? ‘Chant: What's This? What's write, sharpen ry " That? Unit 2 My Things io Let's Learn eee | Let's Read Conversation: Whose bog is | Things: a key, a candy bar, ‘More Things: a camera, ironies that? Is it Scott's bag? No, it | a comic book, a comb, a coin, a key chain, a music player, isn't his bag. Is it Jenny's ‘brush, a tissue, a watch a colculator, a train pass, fl ‘ve. fork 1 umbrella, a lunch bex, n, fv, for 2 er oy Language: Wha o youhave? | Svumieta,alunch bo, awa | fn : hove a key. Do you hove Language: What does he/she WY in Song: Whose Bog Is That? afissue? hove? He/She has a walet pice Doss he/she have an umbrella? The FV Phonics Chant Chant: What Do You Hove in ‘Story: Moking Music ‘Your Bag? Listen and do: listen, eat, buy, toke eee Unit 3 Things I Can Do CLS Oe dll ee ial Let's Read Conversation: What's Actions: ride.a pony, play the | Actions: dance, swim, run, sing, iy a nig = wrong, Andy? piano, do a magic trick, play ‘skip, read, paint, color ti T can’t find my book. hopscotch, play with a yo-yo, A isiin your des? Coccarmhesl doo somersaut, | LAMguege: They con rend, kong, le, Ike 1's under my chair. Jump rope san Rr Ps Listen and do: play, ride, run, roce, ride ‘Song: What's Wrong? Language: Look at him/her. He/She can do a magic trick. use, speak ‘The LR Phonics Chant What can he/she do? ‘Story: What Can You Do? Chant: Look ot Me! | Rd ed ot | Conversation: What's he Jobs: 0 cook, anurse, ataxi | Jobs: pilots, sdlescleris, offe® = Bi onic g matter, Scott? I'm sick driver, a doctor, a police officer, workers, engineers, dentists, hope you feel better soon! ateacher, a'student, former firefighters, leochers, students © game, make as Language: He's/She's.acook. Language: Who are they? a a ‘Song: What's the Matter? Who's he/she? They're office workers, ‘ay play, today Orca Are they dentists? Long A Phonics Chant Listen and do: crive, use, ‘Story: A Rainy Day fly, climb aoe) 76 Let's Go 2 Syllabus ‘Se Unit 5 Things to Eat Let's Talk (ese (eee | Let's Read Conversation: What's for Food: an omelet, a peach, Food: grapes, pancakes, Phonics lunch, Mom? Spaghett ‘apecr, a pancoke, yogurt, cerecl, peaches, hamburgers, stew, like spaghetti. I do, too. tea, hot chocolate cheese, pasta, steak @ me, wo Do, vou ent Seaman La ": What does she want? | Lar ‘What does she ree weed eS rat icTeee Inguage: What does si nguat 23 sate ‘She wants a peach. Does he like? She likes pancakes. ‘Song: The Spaghetti Song want cereal? Does she like steak? Long E Phonics Chant ‘Chant: Hungry Boy Chant Listen and do: count, eat, ‘Story: Weeds and Trees | moke, peel Unit 6 My House acs ee (eS es Conversation: Where do you Household Items: « bed, Locations: nex! to, infront of, Pion ies. live? | live in Hilsdale. What's bathtub, « sofa, a stove, behind Le fae, a 2 kit, Your aces? 1's 6 Nort ala, aiink 0 TV, etGHGIF | anguage: There's abe in ‘Street. What's your cell phone : y fly, my Seo. Whats you corrnone Language: Where's the front of the sofa. Isthero workbook? It’s under/by/in/on a stove next to the sink? { alimb, find Songs ae) Se Listen and do: wash, tke, Leng 1 Phonics Chant clean, make Story: Save that Kite! inthe Bathtub? eae ee Unit 7 Routines ec eed ered | Let's Read | ‘Conversation: What fines Morning Routines: get up, Evening Activities: eat Bhionfos| i17 ts six o'clock. I's time for | brush my teeth, wash my face, | dinner, tak on the phone, do . ‘dinner. It's seven o'clock. It's comb my hair, get dressed, eat | homework, take a bath, watch | 9 home, rope time for your bath. Isit ime breakfast TV, study Engish | 00 goat, oats eee Language: What do you doin Language: Whot does he do OW bow, grow | a the morning? I eat breokfast. in he evening? He watches. Long O Phonics Chant ‘Song: What Time Is 1? ‘Do you wash your face in the ‘TV. Does she watch TV . 7 ra ma ‘Story: A Doy on the Farm Chant: What Do You Do in Listen and do: play, toke, go | the Morning? Unit 8 Doing Things esac Let's Learn ero Conversation: Let's play Actions: dancing, swimming, ‘Places: ot home, at school, ot By nig-= game! What are you doing? sleeping, drawing, singing, the park, at the store, at the = I'm riding ¢ bicycle, running, walking, reading library, at the zoo huge, tube CESS) Language: What's he doing? Language: Where is she/he? MUSED ‘Song: What Are You Doing? He's drawing. Is she swimming? __She’s/He's at the library. ew few, new ‘Song: Doing Things Pa e ‘doing? He's playing Long U Phonics Chant Story: Moking Art Listen and do: snap, siamo, | open, close Eee Let’s Go 2 Syllabus 77 Nee EEEEEEEnEEEnEEEEEEEEE nn Word List A F N spagheltl.........40 adcress 48 fon .. ‘8 new 72 speak English .....27 aternoon 6 farmer... ... 82 next 10 52 stamp your feet... 71 aren't... 9 few . 72 night. oo 5B ‘steak. “4 a. 2 firefighters 34 nine To stew. 48 B five. . a lB notebook 10 store. see TO bax 12 fly aplone. . 35 nurse 6... es 32 SHOVE... 50 zi fork, 18 ‘nut 10 student 32 bothiud 50 7 fox i study English 62 behind 2.20112 62 ° on 2 bike. 5 c 00S 6 areca blue site rr office workers... 34 bow! ci 6 get dressed... .60 omelet 42 T brush... 4 get up. er) ‘open your mouth. . 71 table. . brush my teeth ....60 DUC 72 Pp take a bath buy ocomic book... 17 goatee toke o picture c grapes ores Paint ed take a shower GOW. eee 6h ee a talk on the phone, ealevlator 16 poperciip. 2.6 ted diver edlendar 2.0... H pork 70 haat camera... 16 hamburgers... 44 pasta ar) reach condy bar "i her ble oooh. ort ci cereal ua hike eer) ear “42 sa : cheese Hh his 12 peel peaches |. ..45 SaaS clean 146 home soo... 6th pencil sharpener... 6 ae he clean the room |. 53 hopscotch 2 picture ‘ eS 72 ‘olmb aladder 35 hot chocolate... 42 pilots 200010123 Ve clock ib huge. re paz. 2 close your eyes... . 71 I play hopscotch... .24 U coin Pld infront of play the piano 24 umbrella comb 4 play with a yo-yo. ..24 unicycle comb my halt... .60 a police officer... 92 use acomputer. 95 comic book... 14 Jump rope... 24 R use chopsticks «27 compte ns nnnsBB wos 2 = OY count the grapes. ..45 re i rood eens) on : 8 key chain .. 16 refrigerator 50 vest se IB D L ride a bicycle. 27 ie games. 63 dance. . 26 tide a pony . . 4 woolln. +18 soning 0.00 es am AO ng ow dentists... 1134 Weer ae un 1126 Trae doacorwheel ... 24 pe cae running. 02168 wale! era do amogi tek. ...24 we Se s wash the dishes |. 59 o a someroaut =F tong ent solescletks 34 wosh my face... .60 So homework ace lunch 7 sche. 70 watch “4 doctor. ise ae oct @ lunch box - 16 sharpen your woich TV ia enc 8 Weve : eos “aM & ein sae rowing oa map sel0 RN 3 drive a taxi 35 moon cece IO Gd vats ih is His 'o singing... 68 wi i A me ° sink 50 workbook 2.6 eat lunch, 17 Ue skip. 26 write your name . ...9 eal breakfast... 60 Gi eoesnn tical) sleeping 68 Y Seem SiN SRI eg aa evening 62. somersault 4 Zz 200... 70 78 Let's Go 2 Word List Student Audio Track List $3 GoL.o8 8. Ustn end ag, The Weta Soe Goce Sone jt coi-06 User pot onde 11 cor19 Cano a Lats Tole 18 601-22 8: Leton ad ang none Bo a hat at's Lrorn TN" 'CO123.&. Lorn the words. seen ar unit 3_ Things T.Can Do 22 CIO 8. sen ond sig 23 CDI A. Lear he words 2 ODINb 0, sen, point, and chon "ook Mer Lets Lear More 28 COIS! D, Uson ond do. Let's Reod 27 CDISP A. Unen point and cy. "ihe LR Ponies Chon 38. CD18. Lslen, pont and chant Lats Leora More Lats Rood “the Long A Ponies Chan 57. C202 A.Lisen ands. 80 Cb201 8. Uren “the Spaghelt Song” 1 -COB05 A. ear he words ungry Bey Chon GDe15 0. Unt ond do a. CORI? A. Linen and soy. 89 60221. Usten and sng. Lats Leora st e027 "ae Tore Books ne 55 60204 B. fen pot ond con “Ihe Long Phonics Cen 8 coaua @. ten ond sng 59 COB A. aoe he word 60 CD26 0. Linton, pon, "Rood “The Long O Phonies Chant 65 00254 C.Lisen andrea aon, ing Things {COESS A stan ond oy 's Learn 68 CORSE A. Lao he words Lats Reoa 72. CD29 A. Usen point and sy. 7% 60271 C, Usten and eos song a= The edition of the f bestselling 7-level primary rae English course! Millions of children around the world have learned to speak English through the trusted methodology of : wt | Conversations and question-and-answer practice get children talking from the very beginning digital] Interactive songs and chants by Carolyn Graham bring classrooms to life Phonics and reading lessons help children learn to read fluently Fun phonics chants and drum tracks improve pronunciation and intonation Communication games give children many more opportunities to use English with confidence OXFORD Delia al | rr eM) L Eecata

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