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GEUSELF Portfolio - SIMON A58C

Seatwork #1

1. What is your current course at DLSU?

AB International Studies Majoring in European Studies.

2. Is it your first choice? If it is, why? If it is not, why did you end up taking it?
When I applied to DLSU, I considered a lot of courses and what stood out to me was
International Studies specifically European Studies because it looked quite intriguing as it allows
me to learn different European languages. Also, another factor in choosing this course was it
allows me to gain opportunities to travel to different countries which is actually one of my top

3. What aspects do you find not so interesting about your course?

In all honesty, I think I didn’t research the course as much as I thought and ended up
finding out that this course is mostly a pre-law course where it focused on political affairs. Even
though I have taken the HUMSS strand in Senior High School, I still have conflicting feelings
about politics for I basically don’t like the aspect itself. There would be times I would take an
interest because I have some basic knowledge regarding it but, it’s still not a favorable topic for
me. Politics is not my forte but, I would participate if I’m fully confident with my knowledge.

4. What aspects do you find very interesting about your course?

What I found interesting about the course was that it discusses the variety of cultures,
ideologies, and even the realistic side of other countries. Before, I had no idea what other
countries have been through in terms of coping with their contemporary issues. With it engraved
in my knowledge, it made me aware and concerned which is why learning it would let me have a
better understanding of what is happening all around the world even if politics is involved. As a
changemaker of society, I would like to contribute to change as much as I can and I believe this
course can assist me with that.

5. Until what age do you aim to live? What interesting things do you intend to enjoy doing at
that age?
As of now, I don’t have an age number in mind for how long I want to live up until then.
What I can say is that I just want to live my life to the fullest especially since I am about to start my
20’s this year. I no longer want to have any regrets so, I just want to enjoy every day and every
year as I wake up every morning. Being able to enjoy my life with those who are dear to me and
be able to relax in the life I imagined is exactly what I aim to have.
Seatwork #2 - SLAVERY

1. Describe your reaction to this article.

It is truly heartbreaking to read about a prevalent issue of slavery in many other countries
that have gone unnoticed by many. The article also entails that because of slavery, victims like
Fatma Mint Mamadou chose to be silent and accepted such a devious role that was forced upon
them for numerous centuries and with their reason being that, “God made me be a slave”, is an
unjustified reason to believe in yet they do because they were left with no decision or right mind
to turn a blind eye of. It is so upsetting to think that in this day and age, slavery still exists in
developing nations and has become common among discriminated people of diverse color of
skin where they are left to accept such a cruel fate of serving and living a life of injustice.

2. a. What other forms of slavery are you aware of? b. Why do you consider their slavery?

Based on my observations from news articles, I can include that our Overseas Filipino
Workers share the same struggling state of being abused by their owners and experiencing
maltreatment in their work environment along with discriminating factors based on their different
cultural backgrounds. The majority of news articles report on numerous cases of maltreatment,
unethical practices, and threats of unemployment on OFWs by their owners due to their rigorous
behavior towards them. I can conclude that OFWs are also treated as slaves rather than
employed workers as there is a visible discriminating factor in play as to why these owners act
roughly on their employees for their different views on their nationality and character.

3. Complete the phrase “I’m practically a slave to… b. What do you intend to do about this?

“I’m practically a slave to injustice and discrimination.” It pains me to think that people
who are treated as slaves have this similar mindset believing that they are only limited to that
state of life when they have the right to fight for what they believe and deserve. As a person
being nurtured to be a changemaker of society, I have certain advocacies that address these
prevalent issues in hopes I could participate in seeking possible solutions to resolve and take
part in action-based solutions in the future.

1. What are the emerging competencies that would help me economically survive?

As of now, dealing with finances is a responsibility and at the same time a challenge as I
am coming closer to an age where adulting is a significant phase of one’s life and will significantly
determine how one will be able to handle it. Being financially stable plays a huge role in deciding
how much of a responsible person you are which is why I think that keeping up with knowledge
and skills associated with personal finance or others is a must to differentiate what is a good
financial decision from a bad one.

2. Why should I pay my taxes correctly?

As it is a crucial responsibility once an individual reaches adulthood and acquires an

occupation and income. It is important to know that taxes play a significant role in our society and
social norms as it determines the economic performance of the country. Influence others in
paying taxes is also beneficial as it builds a community of people who knows their responsibility
in contributing to the country’s development.

3. Why should I learn about the hidden agenda of both product and service providers and the
long-term effects of such an agenda?

Being aware of such hidden agendas would give you the leverage of knowing the roots
and ideas behind products and services and how they can be. Such knowledge will allow you to
make smart decisions and help in avoiding the consumption of time and effort. Problematic
situations would occur in situations that are not carefully dealt with properly which is why keeping
in mind such hidden agendas is highly significant for personal finance.

4. What new skills would I like to learn within twelve months? Why?

Handling financial resources is the best and most resourceful skill that any individual can
possess as it teaches us discipline, responsibility, and the ability to manage and spend money
wisely. It is a skill that will become beneficial in the long run as it slowly but to financial stability
and contributes to how one should live their life with peace of mind. Also, a skill where I can
create opportunities and resources to establish my income stream as it is something I have to
acquire to be financially stable. Being able to establish that will secure my future and living while
doing something I’m passionate about as my career.

5. What can I do to have more meaningful relationships with my family and friends?

Personally, the simplest way to gain more meaningful relationships is to spend more time
with people that one cares about and just simply be yourself to them. As someone whose love
language is quality time, I do enjoy the occasional hang-out sessions with my friends and family
as it is a simple yet powerful way to connect with others through conversing, watching movies,
playing games, and so much more ways to have fun. Another thing to keep in mind is that people
tend to become more fond of you when you bring yourself to your get-togethers as it shows who
you are and how much you care about them which is seen from your upbringing and personality.
There’s nothing complicated to deepen a relationship as it depends on the people you want to
be. A simple concept of knowing who enjoys your company and who doesn’t. If they don’t show
any signs of reciprocated affection, it just means it’s not worth your time to hang out with people
who don’t appreciate your presence. Choose wisely who you want to hang out with and don’t
change a single thing about yourself as it attracts the real ones.

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