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Type 1: Real situation in the present or future

If clause Main clause Use
* Future tense Real or probable
If+Present Tense(Simple or If Tina gets the job,she will buy a car. situations in the present or
continuous or Present Perfect * can/may/might/must/should+infinitive future.
Simple (ıf the action has already If you have finished yourt homework,
finished) you may go out with your friends.
* Present Simple General truths
If you heat ice,it melts.
* Imperartive İnstructions or commands
If you are late for work,inform the
Manager about it.

Use the verbs in paranthesis in correct form.

1-If Helen ..........................(study) hard,she will surely graduate.

2-If Tom studies hard,he ...............................(pass) his examination.
3-If she hurries,she ..............................(be able to/go) with us.
4-I ............................(explain) everything to John if he ...............................(come) before I
5-If the weather is good next week,we ................................(go) hunting.
6-If you ...............................(decide) to go to picnic, .............................(call) me at the office
before 5.30.
7-If you ..........................(wash) nylon,it ...............................(not/shrink).
8-If he ..........................(go) to bed earlier,he .......................(be) less tired.
9-If it .............................(snow) tonight,we .............................(have) to stay at home all day
10-They ...........................(get) there on time,if they ..............................(leave) early.

Type 2: Unreal situations in the present or future.

If clause Main clause Use
If+Past Tense (simple or could + present infinitive
continuous) migt

If I were still living with his parents,he Unreal situations in

would be able to save more money. the present.

If I won a lot of money,I would spend most Events that are

of it by travelling. unlikely to happen in
the future.

If I were you I wouldn't argue with him. To give advice.

Unreal conditions-Type 2

1-If Henry .........................(spend) more time on his lessons,he would get better marks.
2-If I had his phone number,I .............................(call) him tonight.
3-If she ..........................(know) English,she .............................(get) the job.
4-If he .............................(like) languages,it ................................(be) easy to learn.
5-If Peter ..............................(not/go) out every evening,he ...............................(feel) lonely.
6-If we .........................(study) together,we ..............................(prepare) our homework easily.
7-If I .........................(be) the Prime Minister,I .............................(decrease) the inflation.
8-I ................................(understand) Mr.Brown if he ................................(speak) slowly.
9-She ......................(get) a better position if she ...........................(work) harder.
10-If I .............................(not/live) far away,I .............................(walk) to school.

Type 3: Unreal situations in the past.

If clause Main Clause Use

If+ Past Perfect (simple or Would

Continuous) could +perfect infinitive(have)

If he had known your phone number,he for actions that didn't

would have called you. happen.

If I had been more careful,I would have to express criticism or

passed the driving test. regret.

1-If I had known about it last night,I ................................(act) differently.

2-If he .............................(attend) class regularly,he would have been more successful.
3-If they .............................(leave) earlier,they ...............................(catch) the train.
4-I ...............................(go) with them if they .............................(invite) me.
5-I ..............................(be) less angry if they ..............................(tell) me the truth.
6-If I ............................(know) it was going to rain,I ................................(take) my umbrella.
7-If she ..............................(take) a taxi,she ..............................(not/miss) the train.
8-I ..................................(hurry) to get there ıf I .................................(know) you were waiting
for me.
9-If you ...........................(come) with us,you ..............................(meet) her.
10-If the driver .............................(stop) when the lights were red,the accident
................................. (happen).

Cross out the wrong answer.

1-If I installed/had installed an alarm,the thieves wouldn't be/have been able to break into
my house last week.
2-I would make/would have made a film with Bruce Wills if I were/had been a famous
director,but I'm not.
3-Karen would/will leave for New York tomorrow if the weather is/will be fine.
4-If I get/got the job,I would take/will take you out to dinner on Saturday to celebrate.
5-If I were/am in your shoes,I will/would apologise to them.
6-If you send/had sent the application to the company on time,they might called/have called
you for an interview.I can't understand why you didn't!
7-If he woke up/had waken up earlier this morning,he wouldn't be/have been late for work.
8-I had no map;that's why I got lost.If I had/had had a map I would be/would have been all
9-Tell him to bring his bicycle inside.If he leaves/left it outside,someone may steal/would
steal it.
10-The job seems a profitable one.If I am/were you ,I will/would accept their offer.

Rewrite the following as conditional sentences.

1-He will probably pay me tonight.Then I'll have enough money for the tickets.
2-He doesn't work overtime,so he doesn't earn as much as I do.
3-My number is not in the directory so people don't ring me up.
4-He is very thin;that's why he feels the cold so much.
5-She may come tomorrow,so we can go shopping together.
6-We have no ladder,so we can't get over the wall.
7-They may give me a rise soon.Then I won't resign from the job.
8-Nobody was on time yesterday,so the class started late.
9-I can't park near my office;that's why I don't come by car.
10-You washed it in boiling water;that's why it shrank.
11-You didn't wipe your feet,so you made muddy marks all over the floor.
12-I didn't know he was so quarrelsome.I'm sorry now that I invited him.
13-The flats aren't clearly numbered,so it is very difficult to find anyone.
14-We missed the train because we were using an out-of-date timetable.

Use the verbs in correct form.

1-Why didn't you say that you were short of money.If I ...........................(know),I
........................... (lend) you some.
2-English is essantial in this job.All the telephonists speak it.If they .......................................
(not/know) English,they .......................................(not/understand) half of the callers.
3-Be careful about the time.If you ...............................(spend) too long on the first
question,you .................................(not/have) enough time to do the others.
4-I'm sorry you didn't tell me that dogs weren't allowed in the hotel;If I ....................................
(know),I ................................(not/bring) my dog.
5-My father will probably buy a new dress for me.If he ............................(buy) it before the
party,I ..................................(wear) it at the party.
6-Why don't you bring your car to work? If I ................................(have) a car,I
....................(bring) it to work.
7-Perhaps he will bring some steak.We .............................(cook) it over the camp fire if he
..................................... (bring).
8-He says he will probably help me with my homework..If he ..........................(help) me I
................(finish) it earlier and I .............................(come) with you.
9-A university degree is a useful thing.If I ...............................(have) a university degree,I
....................................(sit) in a comfortable office instead of standing at a street corner
selling newspapers.
10-My uncle coughs very much because he smokes too much.If he ........................(not/smoke)
he ................................(not/cough) very much.

Complete the text by putting the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

If I were world leader,I ....................................(try) to stop the distruction of the earth and
I ..................................(make) the world better place for people.If the world's problems had
been tackled sooner,the quality of life ................................(improve) lon ago.First of all,I
would try to bring about peace in the world.If wars continue,children ............................(be)
left without parents and ..................................(grow up) in a world of misery and fear.But as
long as people .........................(disagree) over land and possessions,the
fighting ................................(go on).Therefore I would ensure that all people were treated as
equals and given the same oppurtunities in life.It would also help if all
countries .................................(stop) producing arms so there would no longer be the weapons
with which to fight.In addition,I would introduce laws to reduce pollution.If pollution levels
had been controlled earlier,life ...................................(not/become) so unbearable.If I .............
..........................(have) the power,I ...............................(ban) all cars from city centres and
increase puplic transport.If there ..........................(be) more trees,the air we
breath ..............................(be) cleaner.If measures aren't taken soon,it ................................(be)
too late both for ourselves and our children.



If-Clause(hyphothesis) Main Clause(result)

If + Present Simple will/may/can + infinitive without to

Type 1 conditionals express a real or very probable situation in the present or future.

If we leave early,we will catch the 8 o’clock train.

You may borrow my motorcycle if you promise to be careful.

A-Match these parts to make conditional sentences.

1-Dan might help you ... a- ... if they are enjoying themselves.
2-You will be late ... b- ... if I can remember her phone number.
3-You will enjoy the Jacques Tati film ... c- ... if you miss the bus.
4-They always stay out late ... d- ... if you do not want to.
5-They’ll understand it all right ... e- ... if you phone while I am out.
6-I’ll give her a call ... f- ... if you explain it to them.
7-Bill will take a message ... g- ... if I have the time.
8-I’ll do the shopping ... h- ... if you don’t have a ticket.
9-You can’t get in ... i- ... if you can understand french.
10-You needn’t come to the party ... j- ... if you ask him.

B-Penny is thinking about her future.Use the prompts to write type 1 Conditional

1-study hard/pass exams ............................................................................................

2-pass exams/go university ............................................................................................
3-do well/university/get degree ............................................................................................
4-get degree/get good job ............................................................................................
5-get good job/ have a lot of money ..........................................................................................
6-have a lot of money/buy nice things ......................................................................................

C-Rewrite the sentences using an ‘if’ construction.

1-He will probably pay me tonight.Then I’ll have enough money for the tickets.
_______________________________________________________________ .
2-She may come tomorrow,so we can go shopping together.
3-They may give me a rise soon.Then I will not resign from the job.
________________________________________________________________ .
4-They may have to sell their car soon.Then travelling around will be difficult for them.
_____________________________________________________________________ .
5-Perhaps he will get the job.Then he will have to work 10 hours a day.
______________________________________________________________________ .

if – clause (hyphothesis) main clause (result)

if + past simple would/could/might + bare infinitive

Type 2 conditionals are used to express imaginary or improbable situations,which are

unlikely to happen in the present or future.

If I had a lot of money,I would buy a house in Monte Carlo.(But I don’t have a lot of
money.Here,we refer to the present)
If my car broke down,I would take the bus.(But I don’t expect my car to break down.Here
we refer to the future.)
A-Match these parts to make conditional sentences.

1-If I had their address ... a- ... it would cost over 650 pounds.
2-If you saw her now ... b- ... you might earn a bit more money.
3-If I took more exercise ... c- ... I could probably stay with mehmet.
4-If you got a new job ... d- ... she must have been out of work.
5-If you asked Heather ... e- ... she would give you a certificate.
6-If I travelled first class ... f- ... she would probably give you a lift.
7-If it was a little warmer ... g- ... we could go for a swim.
8-If she didn’t answer the phone ... h- ... I might lose a bit of weight.
9-If you went to the doctor ... g ... I could write and ask them.
10-ıf you stopped off in Ankara ... h- ... you would hardly recognize her.

B-Answer the following questions using type 2 conditionals.

1-Someone describes you as ‘miserly’.Are you pleased or annoyed?

______________________________________________________ .
2-There’s a ‘leak’ in your bathroom.Do you call a plumber or a carpenter?
3-You have to change a wheel on your car.Do you need a ‘saw’ or a ‘spanner’?
_____________________________________________________________ .
4-You have a ‘budgie’ as a pet.Do you keep it in a tank or a cage?
_____________________________________________________________ .
5-Someone describes you as ‘witty’.Are you flattered or insulted?
______________________________________________________________ .

C-Write type 2 conditionals to match these situations.

1-I don’t have a spare ticket.I can’t take you to the concert.
__________________________________________________ .
2-She drinks too much coffee.She doesn’t feel calm.
___________________________________________________ .
3-He can’t type.He isn’t able to operate a computer.
____________________________________________________ .
4-They don’t understand the problem.They won’t find a solution.
____________________________________________________ .
5-He sits around too much.He isn’t fit.
_____________________________________________________ .

İf – clause (hyphothesis main clause (result)

İf + past perfect would/could/might + have + past participle

Type 3 conditionals are used to express imaginary or improbable situations which never
happened in the past.They are also used to express regret or criticism.

If I had known that Stanley was in town,I would have invited him to the party.(But I didn’t
know that Stanley was in town,so I didn’t invite him to the party.)
If we had arrived at the theatre earlier,we would have found a seat.

A-Rewrite the sentences as conditionals 3.

1-He didn’t realize what was happening or he would have run away.
___________________________________________________________ .
2-They got in because you didn’t lock the door properly.
___________________________________________________________ .
3-It only happened because you didn’t follow the instructions.
____________________________________________________________ .
4-He was so tired that he went home at lunchtime.
_____________________________________________________________ .
5-You didn’t wipe your feet,so you made muddy marks all over the floor.
_____________________________________________________________ .

B-Read the story below and make type 3 conditional sentences.

Carl had a horrible camping trip last weekend.He woke up late,so he had to rush.He forgot to
pack his sleeping bag,so he slept on the cold,hard ground.He didn’t take any insect
repellent,and as a result he was bitten by mosquitoes.It rained on Sunday,so he left early.


A-Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1-If Steven ..........................................(wake up) half an hour earlier,he wouldn’t have been
late for work.
2-If I .......................................(be) you,I would study law.
3-If Mary had enough money,she .........................................(open) her own restaurant.
4-If George ........................................(know) her name,he would tell me.
5-A:If you ......................................(go) to the supermarket, .......................................(you/buy)
some milk,please?
B: Of course.

6-A: I haven’t been feeling well lately.

B: If I ...................................(be) you, I ..........................................(call) the doctor’s for an
7-A: Mum,I didn’t pass the Maths test.
B: If you ............................................(study) for it,you ............................................(pass) it.
8-A:I can’t believe that people still drop litter!
B: I know! If everyone .........................................(stop) dropping litter,our neighborhood
......................................(be) a nicer place to live in.
9-Be careful about the time.If you .....................................(spend) too long on the first
question,you ...............................................(not/have) enough time to do the others.
10-He says he will probably help me with my homework.If he ...............................(help)
me,I ...................................(finish) it earlier and I .................................(come) with you.

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