012 Assignment Send Ether Between Accounts in MetaMask-D10-original

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LAB GUIDE - Blockchain Developer Course

LAB GUIDE – Blockchain Developer Course

Lab: Send your first transaction
1. Chrome or Firefox browser.
2. An Internet connection
3. MetaMask Plugin connected to the Test-Net from the previous Lab
4. Some Funds in your Account

Steps to follow

Sending Ether from Account 1 to Account 2

Open MetaMask and add a new Account:

We name it “Account 2”, as suggested:

https://vomtom.at © Thomas Wiesner

LAB GUIDE - Blockchain Developer Course

Now you should have 2 accounts, switch back to “Account 1”:

Hit the “Send” Button and select “Transfer between my accounts”:

https://vomtom.at © Thomas Wiesner

LAB GUIDE - Blockchain Developer Course

Select the “Account 2” as the recipient:

Select “MAX” in the send window and hit “Next” and “Confirm”:

https://vomtom.at © Thomas Wiesner

LAB GUIDE - Blockchain Developer Course

Wait until the Transaction comes up as “Confirmed”:

https://vomtom.at © Thomas Wiesner

LAB GUIDE - Blockchain Developer Course

Click on the Transaction to open EtherScan and check the status:

https://vomtom.at © Thomas Wiesner

LAB GUIDE - Blockchain Developer Course

Congratulations, LAB is completed

From the Course “Ethereum Blockchain Developer – Build Projects in Solidity”



https://vomtom.at © Thomas Wiesner

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