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2020 / 2021 YEAR I

GROUP 13 STUDENT ________________

Unit V. Test 2.
Task I. Use the verbs in the necessary forms referring the situations to the future. Add the
necessary words to form correct sentences.
1. We are lack of time, but I probably ____ (1. to try) to explain this rule in brief.
2. – Bella says she _____ (2. to come) to our place to talk to us in an hour. What ___ I ____ (3.
to tell) Bella if she ___ (4. to come) when you ____ (5. to be) not at home?
3. Garry ____ (6. not to start) writing a new project till he ____ (7. to finish) writing this one.
4. Why don’t you accept the offer to go to the Summer School? You ___ (8. to be) rather
foolish. You ____ (9. to study) while Mum ____ (10. to help) you with the children.
5. What ____ you ____ (11. to do) on Sunday? – I ____ (12. to sleep) till nine, as I usually
____ (13. to do) on Sundays, and then I ____ (14. to plan) to visit my Granny and Granddad.
Since 5 p.m. I ___ (15. to work) at my Algebra till evening because on Monday I ____ (16. to
have) my exam in Algebra.
6. It’s already 8.00, and our plane ____ (17. to leave) at 9.30! Be quick! Our plane ___ (18. to
take off) by the time we ___ (19. to get) to the station if you ____ (20. not to hurry)!
1. 11. 21.
2. 12. 22.
3. 13. 23.
4. 14. 24.
5. 15. 25.
6. 16. 26.
7. 17. 27.
8. 18. 28.
9. 19. 29.
10. 20. 30.

Task II. Correct mistakes if necessary.

1. We will have being teachers for 10 years by next month.
2. Max studies hard every day, but his German shall not improve.
3. I don’t know if he comes here tomorrow.
4. Nancy will be telling us about her work while Betsy will be working.
5. Mary leaves to her aunt in a week.
6. We will be having a test next Tuesday.
7. I am trying my best, but the window isn’t closing.
8. We will be finishing our biology course in a week.
9. They will finish the test before the bell rings.
10. If the weather won’t be bad, we shall jog a little.

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