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Title suggestion:

1. Exploring The Humanoid Robot

2. Integrating Sophia; Humanoid Robots into Society



A. Background of paper writing

In this modern era, activities related to humans have been shift
from traditional to modern. This transition occurs with increasing
technology development. One example of technology that is
currently developing rapidly is robot technology. The use of robots
currently covers all aspects of human life, both in industry and in
daily activities. In the last decade the integration of robotic
technology in everyday life has had a positive impact in supporting
human activities, and introducing interaction between robots and
humans so that human work becomes easier.
Robotics is a technology that can simplify or lighten human work.
an example of a robot is Sophia, Sophia is a robot that closely
resembles a human, this robot was made by David Hanson of the
Hanson Robotics company in 2003. Sophia herself said that she
had been activated for the first time on April 19, 2015. The Sophia
robot has also been recognized in Saudi Arabia, and she also got
Saudi Arabian citizenship. Sophia is designed to learn and adapt to
humans and to work with humans. Sophia has the closest facial
expression to a human. The skin has a sensitivity sensor like a
living skin made of silicon. Sophia can also imitate 62 human facial
expressions. Hanson's team placed cameras in Sophia's eyes, so
she was able to recognize faces and make eye contact with the
person she was talking to. Sophia can also remember
conversations, interactions, and faces. Which means, the more she
interacts, the smarter Sophia will become.
so hereby the author takes the title as: "Robotic" in hope that
the title of this paper can help solve problems that occur.

B. Summary of the Problem

Based on the background described above, it can be concluded the
summary of the problem follows as:
1. How is the process of the making of Sophia robot?
2. How does the robot Sophia work?
3. What are the benefits of robot Sophia for human life?

C. Research Objectives
1. general purpose
The general purpose of this paper is to provide information
about the Sophia robot.
2. Special Purpose
The author of this paper aims to add insight or knowledge
related to the topic discussed.

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