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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 5, July-August 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Steatohepatitis in Ayurveda
Dr. Madhava Diggavi*1, Dr. Sreejaya. T. K.2
Professor and Head, 2MD Scholar (Ayu),
Department of PG Studies in Kayachikitsa,
Taranath Government Ayurveda Medical College, Ballari, Karnataka, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Dr. Madhava

Steatohepatitis is a disorder in which accumulation of excess fat Diggavi | Dr. Sreejaya. T. K.
occurs in the liver. It is a metabolic liver disease which can be "Steatohepatitis in Ayurveda" Published
alcoholic or non-alcoholic in nature. Considering the basic concepts in International
Journal of Trend in
of Ayurveda, it may be related to Dhatwagni vikara which may arise
Scientific Research
from santarpanotha or apatarpanotha nidana. The concept of
and Development
Steatohepatitis may be related to raktavahasrotomoola medavriddhi, (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
pittasthane kaphameda vriddhi, pittasthane dhatwagni dushti, pitta 6470, Volume-6 |
stane medasanchaya. The non-alcoholic causes include synthetic Issue-5, August IJTSRD51792
estrogens, amiodarone, patients on parenteral nutrition and in 2022, pp.1983-
industrial workers exposed to volatile petrochemical products. The 1985, URL:
various stages of steatohepatitis include Simple steatosis, Steato-
hepatitis (inflammation), Advanced Fibrosis (hardening), Matrix
deposition (Sanga), Matrix removal from its place (Ashayapakarsha), Copyright © 2022 by author (s) and
Cirrhosis (Shrinking) and Primary Liver Carcinoma. Usually the International Journal of Trend in
early stages of Steatohepatitis are asymptomatic and maybe Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
diagnosed accidentally when checked for some other issues. All the
Open Access article
dravyas having the property of ushna, kaphamedohara properties and distributed under the
which are antioxidant in nature may help in the condition of terms of the Creative Commons
Steatohepatitis. The diagnosis of Steatohepatitis if done in an earlier Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
stage can be treated in an efficient way by the plentiful of medicines (
in Ayurveda.
KEYWORDS: Steatohepatitis, NASH, Dhatwagni vikara, Snehapana

Steatohepatitis is a metabolic liver disorder in which Hepatitis C
accumulation of excess fat occurs in the liver. It refers Inborn errors of metabolism
to a specific form of hepatic injury characterized by Industrial exposure to petrochemicals
steatosis, hepatocellular ballooning, Mallory body IBD
formation, inflammation and pericellular fibrosis, Lipodystrophy
sometimes progressing to Cirrhosis1. Considering the Bacterial overgrowth
basic concepts of Ayurveda, it may be related to Starvation
Dhatwagni vikara which may arise from TPN
santarpanotha or apatarpanotha nidana. The Surgical procedures (bypass small bowel
Steatohepatitis may result from the alcoholic causes resection)
or non-alcoholic causes. The non-alcoholic causes Rye’s Syndrome
include synthetic estrogens, amiodarone, patients on Fatty liver of Pregnancy
parenteral nutrition and in industrial workers exposed HELLP syndrome
to volatile petrochemical products2. The Causes of Drugs causing Steatosis- Cytotoxic and
Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis clearly resembles the Cystostatic drugs- L asparginase, bleomycin,
Kaphaja Udara Hetu. The pathology also gives hint azacytidine, tetracyclines and puromycin, Metals-
regarding the nutritional disorders involving Sb, Barium salts, chromates, Thallium and
carbohydrates, fat, proteins. uranium compounds, Amiodarone, estrogen,
glucocorticoids, ethyl bromide, Hydralazine,
Common Causes of Steatohepatitis3
Alcoholic Liver disease orotate, safrole

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD51792 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 5 | July-August 2022 Page 1983
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Avasthabheda of Steatohepatitis: ALT and AST, elevated serum ferritin and in some
1. Simple steatosis cases, serum alkaline phosphatase also. The diagnosis
2. Steato-hepatitis (inflammation) maybe done incidentally as more than half of the
3. Advanced Fibrosis (hardening) patients are asymptomatic. One third of the patients
A. Matrix deposition (Sanga) have normal physical examination and hence requires
B. Matrix removal from its place the evidence of Hepatic steatosis by imaging or
(Ashayapakarsha) histology5. The other investigations for steatohepatitis
4. Cirrhosis (Shrinking) include
5. Primary Liver Carcinoma (1%) Transient Elastography (Fibroscan) measures
Concept of Dhatupaka in Steatohepatitis: Hepatic -Liver Stiffness (Vata /vata-kapha/ sama)
Stellate Cells gets activated in response to any LFT
infection or pathology. Necro-inflammation of
hepatic cells in fibrosis. In Dhatupaka, a particular Plasma Insulin
dhatu will undergo degeneration. In the present Lipid Profile
context, Normal hepatic cells are not formed or
hepatic stellate cells are activated. USG Abdomen
Pathophysiology4 of Steatohepatitis: Persistant Cryptogenic elevation of ALT and
Increased delivery of fatty acids to liver Glutamyl transferase
-Vyana vata karma Keratins 8 and 18 are epithelial cytoskeletal
-Fat from meda sthana to liver (Ashayapakarsha) proteins released into blood by hepatocytes
Obesity and Starvation Classification of Steatohepatitis:
-Steatohepatitis may occur as an upadrava of obesity 1. i) Macrovesicular
-Due to langhana, there will be heavy work load to ii)Microvesicular
liver. Fatty acids converted to glucose on starvation
by liver. 2. i) alcoholic
Increased synthesis of fatty acids in liver
(Dhatwagni vriddi) – excess carbohydrate. 3. i) Diabetic
Increased mitochondrial beta-oxidation of fatty
acids 4. i) Obesity
-Creatinine deficiency (mamsa dhatwagni dushti) ii)Starvation
-Mitochondrial dysfunction (dhatwagni mandya) Treatment of Steatohepatitis:
Decreased incorporation of triglycerides into The management goal includes primarily the
functional VLDL (hina paka or avarapaka). For avoidance of causative factors like Alcohol. Further
its compensation liver will make more fatty acids the co-morbidities of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver
Disease like Insulin Resistance, Diabetes,
Impaired lipoprotein synthesis (impaired Dyslipidemia has to be treated.
Lifestyle modifications: including daily physical
Impaired cholesterol esterification (function of activities, dietary recommendations purely
jataragni/bile juice) individualized aimed to achieve energy deficit of 500-
-choline deficiency (vata) 1000 kcal/day depending on the patient’s BMI.
-Protein malnutrition (kapha) Proper food in the required quantity at the right time
Insulin Resistance (dhatwagni vyapara blocked by serves a lot for this purpose.
avarana) Pharmacological Agents: No agents are FDA
-Increased lipolysis – medadhatwagnipaka approved for treatment because steatohepatitis is
Clinical Features and Diagnosis: strongly associated with metabolic syndrome and
Usually the early stages of Steatohepatitis are Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Trials of Metformin and
asymptomatic and maybe diagnosed accidentally Pioglitazones have been evaluated in which
when checked for some other issues. The uncommon Metformin does not improve liver histology while the
symptoms include vague abdominal pain, fatigue, other one reduces AST/ALT and some histological
malaise and the uncommon signs include spider features also. VitaminE administration is favorable as
angioma, palmar erythema and ascites. The laboratory the oxidative stress is considered to be a key
findings may include 2 to 4 folds elevation of serum mechanism of hepatocellular injury and disease

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD51792 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 5 | July-August 2022 Page 1984
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
progression in subjects with Non-Alcoholic every cell’s phospholipid membranes which
Steatohepatitis. Vit-E 800IU/day decreases sensitizes the insulin. There will be disruption in the
aminotransferases in subjects with Non-Alcoholic insulin sensitivity if the PUFA is decreased in the
Steatohepatitis, and improvement in steatosis, cells. The high amount of insulin thus formed in the
inflammation, ballooning and resolution of body stimulate the adipose tissue to produce
steatohepatitis in adults with NASH, but does not adipokins, resistin etc leading to Insulin Resistance.
have any effect on hepatic Fibrosis. The Adipose tissue also stimulate the formation of
Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA): To improve Amino- free fatty acids which are the lipid species. The flux
transferases and Steatosis in patients with NASH of free fatty acids thus formed in obesity may inhibit
the esterification of exogenous cholesterol leading to
Betaine: Metabolite of Choline, decreases cellular the decrease in HDL. When it reaches the Liver via
oxidant damage and raise SAM level, but no portal circulation, it increases the hepatic free fatty
histological benefit. acid esterification leading to the increase in LDL and
The probable treatment for Steatohepatitis in triglycerides. Snehapana when given with
Ayurveda includes: samskaritha ghrita having unsaturated fatty acids
maintain the PUFA in the cell phospholipid
“ushnam kaphamedoharam vyasaharam rasayanam” membrane by which the flux of free fatty acids from
All the dravyas having the property of ushna, the adipose tissue can be controlled resulting in the
kaphamedohara properties and which are antioxidant reduction of endogenous cholesterol esterification and
in nature may help in the condition of Steatohepatitis. accelerating the exogenous cholesterol esterification.
Drugs like Pippali vardhamana rasayana, Bhallataka Conclusion:
(samprapthi vighatanameva chikitsa), Pramehahara The diagnosis of Steatohepatitis if done in an earlier
dravyas, Kumaryasava, Pippalyasava, Ajamamsa stage can be treated in an efficient way by the
rasayana, Rohitakarishtam, Maricha, Navayasa loha, plentiful of medicines in Ayurveda. Since there is no
Varunadi ghritam, Patoladi kashayam etc may be definite FDA approved treatment for steatohepatitis,
used. The treatment protocol maybe designed as: it is the area where more focus has to be laid by the
Dipana-pachana-rukshana research scholars. Ayurvedic system can promise the
Snehapana effective management of steatohepatitis by the
Vamana dipana,pachana, rukshana, snehapana, vamana,
Virechana virechana, basti, and Rasayana oushadhi. However,
Basti this field is open for research in every aspect for the
Rasayana prayoga upcoming research scholars.
Discussion: References:
The concept of Steatohepatitis may be related to [1]
raktavahasrotomoola medavriddhi, pittasthane -and-dentistry/steatohepatitis
kaphameda vriddhi, pittasthane dhatwagni dushti,
pitta stane medasanchaya. The Snehapana is a topic [2]
of interest in case of Steatohepatitis owing to the fatty -and-dentistry/steatohepatitis
composition. The proposed hypothesis was- when a [3] Harrison’s textbook of Medicine,18th edition.
bolus of sneha given to a patient of steatohepatitis, the
intracellular fat will come to extracellular fat, by [4] Davidson’s principles and Practice of
Medicine, 21st edition.
which the koshtagamana of fat occurs. The
polyunsaturated fatty acids form the liquid portion of [5] Harrison’s textbook of Medicine, 18th edition.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD51792 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 5 | July-August 2022 Page 1985

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