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GROUP 13 STUDENT ________________ GRADE____

Year 1. Unit 2. TEST 2.2. The Present Simple and the Present Progressive Tenses
Task 1. Use the verbs in the correct form and fill in the table below.
 You ________ 0 (speak) English, Lidia?
 You _______1 (to be) too noisy today! Calm down, please!
 Mary ___________2 (look) very excited. What she __________3 (think) about?
 When April __________4 (come), fruit trees usually _________5 (begin) to blossom in this country.
 Try to help Justin. He __________ 6 (study) too hard now and he ________7 (not, sleep) enough this
week. He ______8 (need) your help.
 These children ______9 (always, make) a mess in their room in the evening! It _____10 (make) me mad!
 Ships _______11 (travel) from Hamburg to New York in four or five days.
 Look, a man ______12 (run) after the tram. He____ 13 (want) to catch it.
 “I ________ 14 (see) that you _____15 (wear) your best clothes.
 “Where you ______ 16 (go) now?” “I ________17 (go) to the theatre.” “I ________18 (go) tonight also,
but I ______19 (not go) very often.” “I _______20 (go) every week, but tonight I _______21 (go) for the
second time in three days.”
Write the necessary forms of the verbs: Write the meanings, in which you use the Present Simple or
the Present Continuous tenses in the given sentences:
0. Do you speak
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
6. 6.
8. 8.
9. 9.
11. 11.
12. 12.
14. 14.

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