Module-3 STS

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Section: I-PS1
Date : 5/6/2022

Assessment 1. Complete the table. Give the correct usage of the following social media

Platforms Usage
1. Youtube
2. Pinterest
3. Wikipedia
4. Twitter
5. Instagram
6. Google+
7. LinkedIn
8. Gmail
9. Spotify
10. Tiktok


Assessment 2. - PROS and CONS of Social media

1. Identify five (5) advantages and (5) disadvantages of using social media
2. Give possible suggestions on how to deal or treat the given situation; and
3. Present your discussion to the class (3-6 minutes


1. Advantages and disadvantages of social media

It is obvious that there are benefits and drawbacks to everything in everyone's life, including
our social networking habits. The practical advantages and disadvantages of social media are
frequently debated. The general public's use of social media has increased dramatically over
the last nine years. Since 2005, the percentage of adults in the United States who use social
media has increased from 8% to 72%. Using social media is common among people of all ages
and professions all over the world.

Social media allows users to connect with others and form communities. It's about developing
relationships rather than simply announcing or posting and not engaging with others. It is
undeniably altering how people communicate.

Here are some of the main pros and cons that most people are familiar with:


Educational process

Several educational technology researchers have endorsed the use of online social networks in
the educational process, emphasizing the benefits of technology. The rise of social networking
sites, as well as general student interest, have drawn attention to the use of internet tools to
develop distance education.

Worldwide connectivity

Through social media, we can connect with others and share information. Communication is
what brings us all together, and it is simple to use.

Online marketing

You can build a relationship with your customers that makes them more likely to use your
services. You can get the feedback right away.

Information spreads fast

All important things such as major news events, missing person, weather information, etc. can
cover in the world in a moment.

It helps you to achieve your goals

If your goal is to be healthier, joining a group with a similar goal and making long-distance
friends to help keep you accountable can go a long way toward making those dreams a reality.
Encouragement and support are essential, and social media can provide both.


Privacy problems

Sharing your online location, getting in trouble at work for tweeting something inappropriate,
or sharing too much with the public can all lead to problems that may never be resolved.

It changes lifestyle habits, and it is sleep disruption

Because social networking is done entirely on computers or mobile devices, it can sometimes
encourage excessive sitting in one place for an extended period of time. Staring at a computer
or phone screen at night can interfere with your ability to get a good night's sleep.

Lacks emotional connection

The quality of a conversation when using social media is unpleasant because you cannot sense
the emotion or interest from the other person. It makes you wonder if they mean what they

Reduces Family Intimacy

Texting, Facebook, Twitter, etc. separate us from our families more than we actually think it
does. When a family is spending family time together and watching a movie, in reality, most
children are on their phones rather than watching the film with their parents. The debate
about whether social networking is good or bad is expected to continue. There is nothing to be
nervous about if you and your children use social media sites in moderation. So if you or your
children are worried about using social networking sites, don’t be. Just keep your software
update, double check information before you believe it and keep your privacy settings updated
too. And if social networking is getting you down, take a break. After all, when you’re using it
correctly, it improves your life.

Conveys Inauthentic Expression of Feelings

"Today's social media conversations are rife with "haha," "LOL," and other exclamations
meant to convey laughter. This abbreviation has become second nature, and it is frequently
used when the sender is not even smiling, let alone laughing, in real life. When our
"roflcopter" is actually used in a funny situation, we replace actual laughter with, in this
case, a simple ten-letter acronym. According to Robin Dunbar, an evolutionary psychologist
at Oxford, the actual physical act of laughter, and not the abstract idea of something being
funny, is what makes laughing feel so good. If we are so willing to replace the act that,
honestly, we all love, with an artificial, typed representation that doesn’t even bring the
same joy, what else would we be, potentially subconsciously, willing to exchange?”

2.Give possible suggestions on how to deal or treat the given situation; and

There are some 6 possible suggestions on how to deal or treat the given situations like social
media there are some like :

Plan Postings in Advance

Use Scheduling Tools
Define Your Social Media Goals and Strategy
Pick the Platforms Where Your Target Audience is
Take a Break

3.Present your discussion to the class (3-6) minutes

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