Customer Service

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Customer Service

Talking about problems & solutions

(to resolve) a problem/ an issue

the company’s customer service policy/ tactics/ strategies

a serious/ big/ great problem OR a little/ minor/ petty problem OR a pressing/ urgent

Talking about attitudes & behaviours

customers are dissatisfied/ disappointed OR satisfied/ pleased/ content

to treat the customer….(in a polite/ patient way , with patience)

to mediate between the company and the customer = be the person in-between,
intervene between the two

to lose your temper = get angry VS to keep calm

to empathize OR put yourself in someone’s shoes


to make/ place an order

to change/ amend/ cancel an order

a tracking number

the shipping address/ details

the payment details

an order has been shipped (to ship= to send) (the order has left the company’s offices/
an order has been delivered (the recipient has got it in their hands)

Other words that came up

a dog breed (kind of dog)

the rate (for a service) = the price you charge  a competitive, cheap, low, moderate,
reasonable rate
Calls are cheap rate after 6 p.m.
Ask about the special group rates for entrance to the house and gardens.

rumour(s) stories about someone/something that might be true or invented, and

quickly spread from person to person

I heard a rumour that she'd been seeing Luke Harrison.

Rumour has it (that) you're going to be the next managing director. Is it true?

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