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MATRIC NO: 2019/RD/IK/356

LEVEL: 300 LEVEL 2/3






Background of the Study
The quality of a nation depends upon the quality of its citizens. The quality of citizens
depends on the quality of their education and quality of education besides other factors depends
upon study habits and study attitude of the learners. Quality of education is reflected through
academic achievement which is a function of study habits and study attitude of the students.
Thus to enhance the quality of education, it is necessary to improve the study habits and
academic performance of the students. To improve study habits and academic performance,
those factors are needed to be identified which affect these characteristics adversely.
Identification of these factors may lead to remedial measures. To identify factors having negative
effect on study habits and academic performance, to propose remedial measures and to employ
strategies for the development of good study habits and academic performance, well organized
guidance services are needed in schools.
Guidance refers to leading a person to self-actualization or helping him to develop his full
potential. This objective of self-actualization is difficult to attain if a student is unaware of, or
unrealistic about his potential. Bhatnagar and Gupta (2019) define guidance as a process of
helping the individual find solutions to his own problems and accept them as his own”. They
further say that guidance is an integral part of education; a continuous service; both generalized
and specialized service, for the “whole” child and is not confined only to some specific aspects
of his personality.
Guidance programmes for secondary school students are designed to address the
physical, emotional, social and academic difficulties of adolescence. By resolving physical,
emotional, social and academic difficulties of the students and by helping students understand
their learning strengths and weaknesses; their study habits can be improved. Better study habits
and study skills lead to better achievement scores. The guidance programmes promote academic,
educational, personal, social and career development. Guidance programmes foster positive
attitude towards school learning and work and hence, improve academic achievement. Francis
and others examined the positive effects of counselling on students’ communication patterns,
study habits and academic achievement. The secondary school guidance programme should be a
part of the total school programme and complement learning in the classroom. It should be child
centered, preventive and developmental. The guidance programme should aim at maximizing the
student’s potential by encouraging their social, emotional and personal growth at each stage of
their development.
Study habits is defined as student’s way of study whether systematic, efficient or
inefficient etc.”Good study habits are perceived to be the determinants of the academic
performance. That is why efforts are made to develop and improve study habits in students.
Awujo (2006) defined the term “study habit” as a well-planned and deliberate pattern of study
which has attained a form of consistency on the part of the students towards understanding
academic subjects and passing at examinations. According to Carter & Wallace (2014), study
habit is the tendency of pupil to study when the opportunities are given, the pupil’s way of
studying whether systematic or unsystematic, efficient or inefficient.
Academic performance by students has always been a subject of interest to every
educational institution. Whereas there is a consensus that schools should play a major role in this
process, there seems to be disagreement about what exactly that role should be. While some
believe that the primary focus of schools should be the academic preparation of students
(Tienken, & Wilson, 2011). Others however believe that efforts of schools should be integrated
with other social institutions such as family and community towards educating children (Huitt,
2017). In fact, heads of educational institution, teachers and parents are primarily responsible for
students’ academic performance (Darling-Hammond, 2010), and that schools should efficiently
and effectively organize themselves towards this task (Engelmann & Carnine, 2011).
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) in 1994 conducted a study to find
out the relationship between study habits and academic achievement. Findings of the study
revealed a positive correlation between study habit and academic achievements of elementary
and secondary school students. Onwuegbuzie (2011) also conducted a series of studies to find
out relationship between study habits and academic success and reported positive relationship
between study habits and academic success. The main objective of the study is to examine the
impact of study habit and guidance services on academic performance of adolescents in Ikere
local government area of Ekiti State.
Statement of the Problem
Secondary school education is supposed to be bedrock and foundation toward higher
knowledge in tertiary institutions. The National Policy on Education {2004} stipulated that
secondary school education is an instrument for national development that fosters the worth and
development of the individual for further education and development, general development of
the society and equality of educational opportunities to all Nigerian children, irrespective of any
real or marginal disability. However, the above-mentioned aim of secondary school education is
being threatened by students’ poor academic performance. Asikhia (2010) attested to this and
affirmed that the poor performance of secondary school students in examinations hampers the
realization of aims of secondary school education in Nigeria. Poor performance in test and
examination is caused by poor and defective study habits employed by the students.
Provision of guidance services is very important both for teachers and teachers - training
institutions; but unfortunately, its importance has not been raised to the desired level in our
educational institutions. If a child is properly guided in school particularly at elementary level,
more optimistic results could be achieved. Students various problems including absenteeism and
drop out ratio can also be controlled and eliminated by conducting proper guidance and
counselling programmes. Unfortunately, there is no strong understanding of formal guidance and
counselling concept in some of our institutions neither are there professional full-time or part-
time counsellors in some schools. Therefore, this study examines the impact of study habits and
guidance services on academic performance of adolescents in educational Ikere local
government state to show the current trend of these variables in the secondary schools.
Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of this study is to examine the impact of study habits and guidance
services on academic performance of adolescents in Ikere Local Government Area of Ekiti State.
This general aim is expressed in the following specific objectives which are:
i. To examine the impact of study habit on the academic performance of adolescents in
Ikere Local Government Area of Ekiti State
ii. To determine the impact of guidance services on the academic performance of
adolescents in Ikere Local Government Area of Ekiti State.
iii. To determine the impact of guidance services on the study habit of adolescents in
Ikere Local Government Area of Ekiti State.
iv. To examine the gender difference in academic performance due to study habit in
Ikere Local Government Area of Ekiti State.
v. To examine the gender difference in academic performance due to provision of
guidance services in Ikere Local Government Area of Ekiti State.
Research Questions
The following research questions guided this study:
i. What is the impact of study habit on the academic performance of adolescents in
Ikere Local Government Area of Ekiti State?
ii. What impact does guidance services have on the academic performance of
adolescents in Ikere Local Government Area of Ekiti State?
iii. How do guidance services impact the study habit of adolescents in Ikere Local
Government Area of Ekiti State?
vi. Is there any gender difference on students’ academic performance due to study habit
in Ikere Local Government Area of Ekiti State?
vii. Is there any gender difference on students’ academic performance due to provision of
guidance services in Ikere Local Government Area of Ekiti State?
The following hypotheses were addressed in this study;
i. There is no significant impact of study habit on academic performance of adolescents
in Ikere Local Government Area of Ekiti State.
ii. There is no significant impact of guidance services on academic performance of
adolescents in Ikere Local Government Area of Ekiti State.
iii. There is no significant impact of guidance services on study habit of adolescents in
Ikere Local Government Area of Ekiti State.
iv. There is no gender difference on students’ academic performance due to study habit
in Ikere Local Government Area of Ekiti State.
v. There is no gender difference on students’ academic performance due to provision of
guidance services in Ikere Local Government Area of Ekiti State.
Significance of the Study
It would provide empirical evidence to students, parents, teachers, schools, counsellors,
educational planners and researchers on the nature of study habit and guidance services and how
these will have an impact on the academic performance of students. The outcome of this study
would help students in understanding the impact of study habits and guidance services on their
academic performance; as well as helping them to know how their environments affect their
study habit; and helps in serving as a guide for a positive result.
In a situation where there is a high degree of poor study habit among students and
inadequate provision of guidance services in a particular school, this would result in low
academic performance of many students. Parents are happy when their children perform well in
school. This study would help parents to encourage their children and give them insight on how
to manage any adolescent child who seems to have poor study habit. This study would help
create awareness to the society on the impact of study habit and guidance services in the
academic life of adolescents. This study would inspire school administrators to monitor
performance of students and deploy appropriate strategies to improve performance, where low
performance is mostly caused by poor study habit and inadequate guidance services.
It would be useful to the teachers because orientation from the home and school make or
mar the adolescent. Teachers complement the guidance given at home in order to make the
adolescent a better person, not a problem child and to also adjust academically. It is also hoped
that the findings of this study will help parents with negative attitude towards education to
change their negative attitude and start to assist pupils do home assignment while at home in
order to improve their academic performance.
This study would be of immense benefit to educational planners concerned with
education in such a way that they would find the study worthwhile. The study would also help
educational planners and policy makers to understand the relevant educational policies to be used
to improve academic performance of pupil irrespective of their family status.
Specifically, this study would help the counselor of the school to identify the adolescent’s
study habit and attempt to improve the child’s character towards learning through provision of
adequate guidance services. Thus, it would help the counselor to formulate policies which take
care of the role of the home and the school in the overall character of the child in the school and
in general within the society. It would serve as a reference for future research that might
investigate the same variables.
Scope of the Study
The study covers the impact of study habits and guidance services on academic
performance of adolescents in Ikere Local Government Area of Ekiti state. This study is limited
to the study habit, school guidance services and academic performance of adolescents.
Operational Definition of Terms
Relative to this study, definitions to the following terms are provided in order to clarify each in
the context of the topic:
 Academic Performance: Academic Performance is the outcome of education- the extent
to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their educational goals.
 Adolescent: Refers to the process of developing from a child into an adult.
 Adolescence: Adolescence is a transitional stage of physical psychological development
that generally occurs during the period from puberty to legal adulthood.
 Guidance Services: These are services offered in an institution of learning or business
environment that will equip the students or an individual with necessary, attitude and
skills to become mature and socially responsible individuals who will promote a just and
humane society.
 Study Habits: Are usually defined as student’s ability to manage time and other
resources to complete an academic task successfully. Study habits are, “learned patterns
of studying that may occur with or without conscious awareness or deliberate efforts”.


Literature related to this work will be reviewed under the following sub headings:
conceptual framework, theoretical framework, empirical review and summary of literature
Conceptual Framework
 Concept of Study Habit
 Concept of Guidance Service
 Concept of Adolescence
 Concept of Academic Performance
 Importance of Study Habit
 Influence of Study Habit on Academic Performance
 Guidance Services and Academic Performance
 Role of Guidance Service in Secondary Schools
 Effective Guidance Service in Secondary Schools
 Causes of Poor Academic Performance in Schools
 Consequences of Poor Academic Performance in Schools
Theoretical Framework
Review of Empirical Studies
Summary of Literature Review
This chapter presents a clear description of the method and procedures that was used in
carrying out the research; the chapter is planned as follows: Research Design, Area of Study,
Population of Study, Sample and Sampling Procedure, Instrumentation, Validity of the Research
Instrument, Reliability of the Research Instrument, Procedure for Data Collection and Method of
Data Analysis.
Research Design
This study utilized a descriptive survey design. This is a design in which groups of items
or objects are studied, by collecting and analyzing data from only a few people considered being
an exact representative of the entire group. The use of descriptive design in this study is to
understand what is in a specific situation with an identified population. Also, it was used to gain
knowledge in identifying the problem in this study; it will be used to obtain the respondents
opinion through questionnaire.
Population of the Study
This research comprised all schools and adolescents in all senior secondary schools in
educational Ikere Local Government area of Ekiti State.
Sample and Sampling Technique
The simple random sampling technique was used to select the participants for this study
from the larger population of the study. This technique was used because it would ensure that all
the schools and students have an equal chance of being selected to partake in the study. This
implies that participants have no idea as to whether they would be chosen or not and it also
eliminated any individual differences that the participants have. The sample of the study was
made of 200 students, (both male and female). Fifty (50), (25 males and 25 females) students
were randomly selected from each of the four schools randomly selected as sample for the study.
The study made use of the survey questionnaire and achievement test on Economics
subject designed by the researcher, which was given to the students to answer. The research
questionnaire was on the influence of study habits and guidance services of adolescents
(ISHGSA QUESTIONNAIRE). The questionnaire was divided into two parts. Part ‘A’ contained
items on the bio data of the respondents such as age, gender, name of school etc. Part ‘B’
contained questions or items about study habit and guidance services as captured in the
formulated hypotheses; on a 4 four-point Likert scale of Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A),
Disagree (D) and Strongly Disagree (SD) respectively and also close ended questions that
require a Yes or No answer.
Validity of the Research Instrument
The validation of the Instrument was carried out by submitting the items to my
supervisor, colleagues, expert in measurements and evaluation to ensure face and content validity
which the researcher effect to obtain a final draft of the instruments.
Reliability of the Research Instrument
The reliability of the instruments was established through a pilot study tested on 20 secondary
school students in one of the schools in educational district 2 of Lagos State. The completed
questionnaires were analyzed using split-half method. The Spearman-Brown prophecy formula was used
as a correction formula. This was used to determine the internal consistency of the instrument. The co-
efficient value was 0.84, since the values are moderate, then the instrument was adjudged reliable for use
in the study.
Procedure for Data Collection
The researcher went to the schools on different days of the week, but for uniformity the
same procedure was followed. The instruments for the study were administered to the
respondents, after permission has been obtained by the researcher from the school principal. In
each of the school, 50 students were randomly selected and the questionnaire and academic
achievement test were administered to them, with the assistance of a female colleague. At the
end of the exercise, the instruments were collected for data analysis.
Method of Data Analysis
The bio-data of the selected respondents was analyzed using simple percentages and
frequency counts while the stated null hypotheses were tested using independent T-test statistical
tool at 0.05 level of significance.

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