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Documents and Source Material: Arab Documents on Palestine February 16, 1972-May 15,

Source: Journal of Palestine Studies , Summer, 1972, Vol. 1, No. 4 (Summer, 1972), pp.
Published by: University of California Press on behalf of the Institute for Palestine

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FEBRUARY 16, 1972 - MAY 15, 1972

[This section is a selection of important documents on Palestine and the Arab-Israeli

conflict issued individually or bilaterally by Arab leaders, governments or political organi-
zations. The documents cover a period of three months.]

1. Speech by Jordanian King Hussein Concerning the Status of the West Bank in the Event
of a Peaceful Settlement, Made in Amman on March 15, 1972. [Excerpts]

2. Reply by the Spokesman of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organ-
ization, Mr. Kamal Nasser, to King Hussein's Proposed Plan for the West Bank, Beirut,
March 16, 1972. [Excerpts]

3. Comments and Impressions by Mr. Mahmoud Riad, the Special Representative of

President Sadat on a Trip to China, at a Seminar Held by al-Ahram, n.d. [April 1972]

4. Replies by Egyptian President Anwar Sadat to Questions at a Secret Session of the Central
Committee of the Arab Socialist Union; n.d. [April 1972] [Excerpts]

5. Text of the Communique of the Palestinian Popular Congress, Issued in Cairo on April
10, 1972.

6. Interview with the leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Yasser Arafat,
Published in al-Muharrir (Beirut), April 27, 1972.

7. Memorandum Prepared by the Former Jordanian Mayor of Jerusalem, Ruhi al-Khatib,

Relating to the Eviction of Arab Families in Jerusalem between January 1, 1969 and
March 1, 1972. [Excerpts]

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1 the unique combination of its people: the

Muhajerin and the Ansars.2 This evil
subversion was shattered on the rock of
the firm national unity, which, born in 1950,
grew and flourished amidst the challenges
which it had to face during the past
[EXCERPTS] 1 twenty years.

In the midst of this sea of suffering cre-

The Israeli occupation of the West Bank
ated by the June calamity, the aims of the
and other Arab territories dear to us has
Jordan government in the period which
managed to continue due to the disin-
followed the war were summed up in
tegration of the Arab front, the lack of
attaining two goals: a brave and steadfast
co-ordination, the struggle to establish
stand in the face of continuous and un-
opposite axes and camps, the abandonment
ceasing aggression against the East Bank,
of the essence of the Palestine cause and
and a strong determination to liberate the
its needs, the concentration on talking in
occupied land and free our kin and brethren
the name of the Palestine cause rather
in the West Bank. All our efforts were di-
than exerting concerted action, in addition
rected to achieve both these goals in an
to the attempts of certain groups to attain
atmosphere of confidence that the Arab
power through internal strife. All this also
states would support Jordan in its predic-
led to deepen the suffering of the Pales-
ament, and with an unlimited trust that
tinians and to push them into a state of
the unity of Arab destiny had become a
utter confusion and loss. The talk about
deeply rooted reality in the conscience of
municipal elections in the West Bank is
the whole Arab nation, a reality which
merely an example of such a tragedy, which
cannot be shaken by regional interests,
certain quarters are trying to exploit to
however great, and which cannot be
their interests.
reached by vicious plans and evil inten-
tions, however underhanded.
Suddenly, Jordan found itself facing a
new catastrophe, which if allowed to It was thus decided to move on with
befall the country, would have resulted in the state into a new phase based in its
the loss of the East Bank, and would have essence on liberation, its concept reflecting
laid the stage for a final liquidation of the the aspiration of our people and their
Palestinian case forever. The forces plan- sense of belonging to it. In addition to all
ning for this calamity had mobilized many that, it is based on our absolute determi-
an element to serve their purpose. Other nation to regain the legitimate rights of
elements also fell into the nets of these the Palestinians, and it is directed to place
forces. Many of these elements claimed them in a position to enable them to re-
the Palestinian identity of the sacred cause gain and safeguard those rights.
and thus played their roles under its guise. This was the pledge we made, to allow
The contradictions and conflicting cur- our people the right of self-determination.
rents prevailing in the whole world found This is now our answer to all those who
their way into the ranks of these elements. chose to doubt that pledge and void it
It was only natural that Jordan should from its essence. Today the pledge will
rise up to confront the impending tragedy. find its way to every citizen in this country,
The challenge was faced by the stand of to every individual in this nation and to

1 From Hussein Bin Talal, "The Historic Speech, March 15 1972," Ministry of Informa-
tion, Amman, Jordan.
2 The reference is to the early years of the Prophet's political career after the emigration
where the community of the "faithful" was composed of the emigrants (muhajerin) from Mecca, and the
helpers (ansar), natives of Medina.

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the world. It is now expanding to exceed ters relating to the Kingdom as a sovereign
the limits of words in order to face every international entity ensuring the safety of
possibility of disunity and to embody all the union, its stability and development.
national aims and goals. 9. The Executive Power in each Region
We wish to declare that the planning shall be vested in a Governor-General
for the new phase has come as a result of from the Region, and in a Regional Council
continuous meetings, discussions and con- of Ministers also formed from citizens of
sultations which were held with the repre- the Region.
sentatives and leaders of both Banks. There 10. The Legislative Power in each Re-
was unanimous consensus that the main gion shall be vested in a 'People's Council'
shape of the new phase should include the which shall be elected by direct secret
best and most developed concept of a ballot. This Council shall elect the Gover-
modern democratic state. In addition to nor General.
that, it will help to create a new society, 11. The Judicial Power in each Region
built by a new man to forge a driving force shall be vested in the courts of the Region
which will put us on the way to victory, and nobody shall have any authority over
progress, unity, freedom and a better life. it.

We are pleased to announce that the 12. The Executive Power in each Region
basic principles of the proposed new plan shall be responsible for all matters pertinent
are: to it with the exception of such matters as
the constitution defines to be the responsi-
1. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan bility of the Central Executive Power.
shall become a United Arab Kingdom,
and shall be thus named. It is obvious that the implementation of
this proposed plan will require the neces-
2. The United Arab Kingdom shall
sary constitutional steps and the Parliament
consist of two regions:
shall be asked to draw up the new consti-
A. The Region of Palestine, and shall tution of the country.
consist of the West Bank and any further
This new phase, which we look forward
Palestinian territories to be liberated and
to, will guarantee the rearrangement of the
whose inhabitants opt to join.
'Jordan-Palestinian' home in a manner
B. The Region of Jordan, and shall that will ensure for it additional innate
consist of the East Bank. strength and thus additional ability to
3. Amman shall be the central capital enable us to reach our hopes and aspirations.
of the Kingdom and at the same time shall This plan will strengthen the fabric and
be the capital of the Region of Jordan. sinews that tie both Banks and build up
4. Jerusalem shall become the capital their brotherhood and their unity as it
of the Region of Palestine. deepens the sense of responsibility in the
5. The King shall be the Head of the individual in both Regions of the Kingdom,
State and shall assume the Central Exec- in order to best serve our cause without
utive Power, assisted by a Central Council prejudice to any of the acquired rights of
of Ministers. The Central Legislative Power any citizen of Palestinian origin in the
shall be vested in the King and in the Region of Jordan or any citizen of Jorda-
National Assembly whose members shall nian origin in the Region of Palestine. For
be elected by direct and secret ballot, this proposed plan collects but does not
having an equal number of members from disperse; it strengthens but does not weak-
each of the two regions. en, and it unifies but does not disintegrate.
It does not allow any changes to occur to
6. The Central Judicial Authority shall
the gains that our citizens have acquired
be vested in a 'Supreme Central Court.'
as a result of twenty years of union. Any
7. The Kingdom shall have a single attempt to cast doubt on all this will be tan-
'Armed Forces' and its 'Supreme Com- tamount to treason against the unity of the
mander' shall be the King. Kingdom and against the cause, the nation
8. The responsibilities of the Central and the homeland. The citizen in our
Executive power shall be confined to mat- country has suffered such experiences as

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to achieve a level of awareness and ability 2

which qualifies him to cope with the on-
coming responsibilities with greater confi- REPLY BY THE SPOKESMAN OF THE EXECU-


If ability is a bliss which should grow
to become man's responsibility towards
himself and towards others, if his awareness
is a weapon to be used for his own good [EXCERPTS]
and that of others, then the time has come
Mr. Kamal Nasser, the official spokes-
for our citizen to stand face to face with
man for the Palestine Liberation Organi-
his responsibilities, to discharge them with
zation, has issued a statement by the Exec-
honesty and practise them with courage
utive Committee on King Hussein's Pro-
and honour.
posal to establish the United Arab King-
Thus, the above formula becomes a dom, the text of which follows:
title for a new page, brilliant and confident,
in the history of this country. Every citizen
has his role and his duties in it. As to the The Committee's decision to reject and
armed forces, which have marched right condemn King Hussein's proposal was
from the start under the banner of the great based on the following basic facts:
Arab Revolt, that included and shall for-
1. That the people of Palestine alone can
ever include in its ranks the best elements
decide their own future and the future of
of our sons from both Banks, these armed
their cause in the atmosphere of freedom
forces shall always remain ready to receive
which is essential for such a decision, and
more of our sons from both Banks, selected
that, should such an atmosphere be absent,
on the basis of the highest level of efficiency,
should the atmosphere prevailing in both
ability and organization. They shall always
the East and West Banks be, on the con-
be open to welcome any one who wishes
trary, one of intimidation, oppression and
to serve our nation and our cause with
arbitrary tyranny, the only possible view
absolute loyalty to the eternal goals of
as regards deciding the future must be that
our nation.
of the resistance movement, by virtue of
its ability to freely express what is going
on in the minds of our people, undeterred
This Arab country is the country of all
by fear of bearing the responsibility for
Jordanians and Palestinians alike. When
freely stating the correct view.
we say Palestinians we mean every Pales-
2. Despite all that the Palestinian resis-
tinian be he in the East or West of this
tance movement said, from the day it fired
great world on condition that he should
its first shot up to Black September 1970,
be loyal to Palestine and should belong to
to the effect that it only came into existence
Palestine. Our call is for every citizen in
to liberate Palestine and the occupied
this country to rise and play his role and
territories, and despite the consistent atti-
shoulder his responsibilities in this new
tude it has always adopted and what it
phase; it is also addressed to every Pales-
has endured as a result of adopting this
tinian outside Jordan to answer the call
attitude - to the effect that the central
of duty, far from appearances and free
contradiction which it came into existence
from ailments and diversions, and to proceed
to combat is the Zionist presence and the
joining hands with kin and brothers to go
Israeli occupation - despite all this the
ahead on the single path, unity in one
Jordanian regime has insisted on offering
front, clear in aims, so that all should
itself as an accomplice for the Zionist
co-operate to reach the goals of liberation
and to build up the structure to which we
all aspire. King Hussein's statement and proposal
should suffice to convince all who were not
"GOD WILL AID THOSE WHO AID HIS CAUSE." already convinced of this fact. He beat

1 Fateh, March 17, 1972.

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about the bush with an issue which, since regionalist card, and is still doing so. But
the events in Jerash in 1971, has become those who have been brought together by
an important one, though it is still not a companionship in arms, imprisonment,
central issue. King Hussein concentrated suffering and common aspirations cannot
in his proposal on the relations of the one be separated by the tunes ground out by
people in the Jordanian-Palestinian field a suspect information service that is charged
without making any serious reference to with an odious spirit of tribalism.
the central problem, which is the problem
3. For a long time King Hussein and
of liberation. But the real truth about the
his regime accused the resistance movement
struggle, both in theory and practice, lies of striving to establish a feeble Palestinian
in the contradiction between the attitude
entity which it could control, and issued
of King Hussein and his regime and that statements and communiques in connection
of the Palestinian people and their leader-
with this false charge to justify their brutal
ships to the question of liberation and the
massacre of members of our people.
recovery of Palestinian rights. This contra-
diction exists not only as regards strategic But now King Hussein is revealing him-
goals; it also applies to the question of what self and his collusion by announcing the
methods are to be used for the achievement birth, in another form, of the 'feeble en-
of these goals. tity,' Israel having made a bargain to
become a partner in the project, in return
In this connection the Committee wishes
for concessions on Jerusalem, the Triangle
to reaffirm even more strongly what it has
and real sovereignty... and, of course, in
already said on dozens of occasions - that
return for recognition of and peace with
the contradiction is not between Jordanian
Israel and for the creation of a bridge over
and Palestinian, but between a subservient
which it can cross into all parts of the Arab
and collusive regime and a people who have
adopted armed struggle as the way to
achieve their wishes and to recover their It is through its rejection of the govern-
rights. The clearest proof of this is that ment establishment, its feudalist regime
while King Hussein does find certain Pales- and its subservience to Zionism and im-
tinians who are ready to follow in his train perialism that the resistance understands
and creep into his palace, in the ranks of how the unity of the peoples of the two
the resistance movement there are thou- Banks can be restored. And although in
sands of genuine Jordanians bearing arms the past the resistance's rejection of the
side by side with their Palestinian brothers attitudes of the Jordanian regime has been
in arms. Indeed, King Hussein knows as restricted to reading the history of the
well as anyone that he has in his palace Hashemite family and its perception of
Palestinians who are conspiring against what this regime was capable of doing,
their own cause - a number of tradition- today, in announcing its rejection of the
alist traitors who are only surpassed in regime, the King and his proposal, the
treachery by their brothers and relations resistance has at its disposal unimpeachable
who are now co-operating directly with and damning documentary evidence prov-
the Israeli regime... and it may well be ing the extent to which the subservient
that, in these two groups, there are many regime in Jordan is now merged with the
who are linked by common ideas and a Zionist regime in Palestine.
common organization within the frame- 4. By his proposed deal King Hussein
work of contacts aimed at co-ordination is not only challenging all the oficial and
between the agents of King Hussein and popular institutions of the Arabs; he is not
the agents of Israel. only dissenting from unanimous Arab opin-
Thus our fundamental difference, our ion and from the decisions taken by the
historic contradiction with the regime, Arab nation during the last fifty years.
centres on the question of liberation. There Worse than this, he is playing, in the Arab
is nothing wrong with the relations between area, the role of intermediary in breaking
the two peoples; they are only threatened the isolation of the Israeli wild beast and
by the Jordanian regime and by the King loosing it on the Arab nation and the rest
himself, who has always played this sinister of the Arab countries through an 'Arab

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Kingdom,' a kingdom which would be 3

Arab only in name and in its physical com-
ponents, while its mind and will would be COMMENTS AND IMPRESSIONS BY MR. MAH-

Israeli. Thus, by this proposal of his, King MOUD RIAD, SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE OF
Hussein is challenging not only the people PRESIDENT SADAT ON A TRIP TO CHINA, AT
of Palestine and the resistance movement, A SEMINAR HELD BY "AL-AHRAM." 1 n.d.
but also the whole Arab nation and the [APRIL, 1972] [EXCERPTS]
fate of the liberation movement that is in
progress on its soil. He is not only betraying
the history of our nation and its glorious As far as we are concerned, China still
struggle, but also threatening its future and maintains, as a matter of principle, that
condemning it to perpetual subservience. the establishment of Israel in '47 was a
In thus stating its historic attitude, the mistake, and considers that the voting by
resistance has not forgotten the miserable the member states on partition at that time

and desperate conditions in which the was not based on justice - that it was
Jordanian regime, in co-operation with unjust and robbed the Palestinian people
Zionism and world imperialism, has forced of their right and their land. This is the
us to live, especially in the West Bank and basis of its support for the Palestinian
the Gaza Strip. But, from its familiarity people; it not only condemns aggression,
with the process of history, the resistance it condemns Israel itself, saying: I have
realises that such conditions alone are refused to recognize Israel and I refuse to
capable of sparking off the Arab struggle recognize it. It says that the USSR played
against Zionism, treachery and colonialism a part in the 1947 resolution, and then
in the correct way. recognized Israel. It is on this basis that it
tries to make its comparison, showing you
The resistance, therefore, in all serious-
that they [the Chinese] have adhered to
ness and honesty, calls on the masses of
their principles and that their policy has
the Arab nation, their revolutionary van-
always been based on principles and still
guards and their democratic forces, both
is. From this it deduces that, in the Pales-
regional and national, to take immediate
tine problem, the people of Palestine must
action to frustrate the Hashemite plan for
be supported; from this it deduces that it
liquidation, and to redouble their struggle
is absolutely impossible to divide the prob-
to confront every responsible person, from
lem into a Palestinian problem and an
the Ocean to the Gulf, with his fateful re-
Egyptian one, for example, or a Syrian one,
sponsibility for ensuring that we continue
and that the struggle must be one and
to exist as a free nation rejecting defeat
undivided, as is happening today in Indo-
and surrender.
china, and that the most important thing
Future generations will pass judgement is self-reliance, and that outside aid must
on every member of this generation on the only be relied on as an additional factor.
basis of his attitude to the battle of the
Self-reliance demands readiness for sacri-
cross-roads which will decide whether we
fice, and the building of workshops and
are to remain free Arabs or to end up as
factories; economic growth depends on
miserable slaves...
self-reliance, and so on.
In parentheses, talking of self-reliance,
is it a fundamental Chinese theory? I say
right away, No, of course not. It was a step
they had to take, something they were
forced to do. It was not their line in 49
when they came to power - at that time
they depended on Russian aid. But when
there was a quarrel and Russia withdrew
its aid, they came out with the theory of

1 al-Ahram, April 24, 1972.

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self-reliance. Now, of course, they are try- possibilities, and the fact that it is too far
ing to make it something to be proud of, away to influence the crisis. But even so,
and they have tried to achieve progress do we regard the role China is playing
through it - that is a separate subject that today as the ideal role, as far as we are
requires long discussion and examination - concerned, and if not, do we want it to
what I mean is, it is hard to say that it play a different role?
is a theory, but they say: You must rely
on yourself first and foremost, and there
Mahmoud Riad
can be no doubt that this is true. Which
means that when we - in fact any country
I don't at all want it to adopt the Rus-
that wants to progress and advance must
sians' attitude on, for example, resolution
try to rely on itself as much as possible.
No. 242 - that would not be in my interest.
But it cannot deprive itself of help from
We have said that it is a friendly country
others - if it does it will take 100 years,
that wants to take a firm line. Resolution
not twenty years, to achieve progress; the
No. 242 doesn't really make me happy,
important thing is how you deal with the
though I accepted it after the defeat; if
conditions attached to such aid. As for the
there is a great power today on its way to
Palestine problem - in principle it [China]
becoming more powerful, there is no reason
ought to support a resolution like resolution
at all why I should go to someone who
No. 242 - but it says, "If I agreed to that
wants to take a firm line (in my favour)
I should have to agree to many things."
and to give his full support for my rights
It may be that people are saying: Right,
and support the Palestinians, and tell him
but it only abstained, it should have voted
what he ought to do.
against. But what I have to say is that when
you go to the United Nations, there is the China thinks that the fundamental prob-
question of flexibility; everyone at the lem is the Palestinians, on the basis that
United Nations has to show flexibility on if that problem was solved there would no
certain questions. It may be that [they did longer be a problem - if, that is, the Pales-
it] out of regard for our attitude, or because tinian people recovered their rights in full,
of my talks with them on the subject - the Chinese theory of supporting the Pales-
because when it comes to voting, if Israel tinians would make them not support reso-
votes against,% and then China also votes lution No. 242. So it is not reasonable that
against, this is contrary to our wish that I should go to China today and say to it,
the smallest possible number should stand "You must support resolution No. 242,"
by Israel. But at the same time I say that, adding, of course, the second point, that
when I find a friend taking a strong line China should join the Four Power talks,
in my favour, I can't be expected to say making them Five Power talks. I was the
to him, Don't do so. In that case it is better first to say, "No, never." I said to China:
if he abstains, and that is what they did. "There is no reason for you to join the
talks." The fact is that the talks have failed,
Of course, this is the basis of their rejec-
so why should I bring China into them?
tion of Hussein's proposal, and their whole
Not only have they failed - at the talks
conduct as regards the Palestine problem
I paid a price for which I got nothing in
derives fundamentally from their non-
return, especially when they came to the
recognition of Israel and their rejection of affair of the five points describing peace,
the existence of Israel.
which were taken from American memo-
randa and Israeli memoranda, and which
Samih Sadiq (from the Institute of Political came to the conclusion of non-interference
and Strategic Studies, Cairo): in the internal affairs of another country.
I even said to the Russians and the Ameri-
The question is: Do we think that there cans and the others at that time: Right,
is a role for China to play in the Middle explain to me what this means, no one has
East crisis other than that which it is play- been able to explain it to me. They said:
ing now? I mean, do we want it to change? We don't understand either. I said: Right,
Your Excellency has mentioned the limits if there is an article or a broadcast contain-
of China's economic and geographical ing comment attacking Israel, it will be

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considered that I have interfered and com- from other countries in the world than the
mitted a breach of the peace. That is why USSR ?
I said: These things must be defined, they A. Planes, and arms of that kind, are
are not just a game, because the strong
not commercial goods. It is a political oper-
always exploit any opportunity offered by
ation. What I mean is, supposing I go
a mistake. They say: You have made a
today and try to buy a fighter-bomber from
mistake, and then it is the story of the
some country, the factory asks the permis-
wolf and the lamb. What happened at the
sion of its Foreign Minister before it makes
Four Power talks? What happened was
an agreement with us. I have already told
that it was established that the five points
you here that even if I had sufficient hard
had been submitted by the Russians in the
currency in my pocket to buy what I want
hope that the Americans would give their
from the West, the West would not sell
opinion on withdrawal, but the Americans
me a single rifle. Why? Because it has a
didn't have a single word to say about
political attitude to me. Arms and that
withdrawal. The result was that the talks
sort of thing are not subject to buying and
were frozen from that moment because the
selling like anything else. No, they are
Americans wanted to kill the Four Power
subject to the policies of states.
talks, and the talks stopped entirely. So
there is no reason why I, as an Egyptian, Q. To what extent has the USSR under-
or the Arab world, should bring China taken to provide Egypt with the necessary
into them. So all I can ask from China is suitable arms in reply to America's supply-
moral support, which does constitute a ing Israel with Phantoms and Skyhawks?
sort of pressure, there can be no doubt In this context, rumours are circulating
about it, we don't underrate it, it does expressing doubts as to how successful was
constitute a sort of moral pressure on the the President's visit to Moscow, and sug-
Americans and on the Russians, and on gesting that the USSR has made certain
the international community as a whole. conditions, such as that it should be allowed
This is how we thought the Chinese could to establish a naval base, and that it has
be of service to us, and in this case I say not supplied Egypt with Mig 23's or other
to the Chinese - and they are a big coun- planes of the same model... ?
try, they are well aware of what is going on,
A. To what extent has the USSR un-
they discuss things among themselves, they
dertaken to supply Egypt with the neces-
know their business - in this field, through
sary suitable arms? It is supplying us, as
co-operation and constant meetings they
I have told you just now, at the beginning
are beginning to think how they can help
of the interview. What happens is that it
us. I can't tell them the way they should
says to me I will give you this, then waits
go, not more than the broad lines which
a bit before giving something else. Then
we are talking about. After that they will
a month later I ask again, saying I want
be able to take action; the many meetings
something else. This is how the dealing
that are taking place make it possible to
goes. Nothing has happened between us and
think, and they are thinking of more than
the USSR. The USSR has asked for bases?
one way of exerting the pressure we are
Certainly not. Certainly, doubts have been
talking about...
expressed, as you said in your question...
rumours expressing doubts... not only about
my visit... No... doubts about everything.
SADAT TO QUESTIONS AT A SECRET SESSION operation has nothing to do with a tactical
OF THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF THE ARAB operation! Certainly not. Here we come
SOCIALIST UNION. n.d. [ April 1972] [Ex- back to the basic principles of the revolu-
CERPTS] 1 tion of 23 July, we do not forget them. We
Q. What are the possibilities of buying never give bases in our country to anyone.
offensive weapons, and especially planes, But I did state that I had given the USSR

1 al-Akhbar, (Cairo) April 25, 1972.

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facilities in the Mediterranean, I announced visit paid by Major Abd al-Salam Jalloud,
it to you and to the Popular Assembly and gave them to Egypt?
and to the whole world. And I said it to
A. I have one answer to this question.
Nixon in writing. I wrote to him, saying,
We decided, as I have told you, at the
Just as in the black days of 1967 it sent us
Presidential Council of the Federation, to
an air bridge of support and a sea bridge
manufacture everything in the Federated
of support so that we could stand on the
State, with the vast technical and human
first line of defence against the Jews after
resources that our three countries have at
we had lost 80 % of our arms... in the same
their disposal, with the immense economic
way I am giving it naval facilities. What
bases here in Egypt, and with financing
do facilities mean? That they should come
from Libya. And we are going on in this
to Alexandria for water, that they should
way. What has happened ?Agreements have
repair their ships in Alexandria, that they
been concluded between Libya and the
should rest a little in Alexandria...
USSR and agreements are now being con-
cluded between Libya and certain countries
in Western Europe. I shan't say more than
But as for going into details, are we ex- that. But our decision is that we must man-
pected to get up in the morning and say, ufacture, meaning that all we require we
We asked for such-and-such, we asked for shall obtain from inside the country here.
23's... ! No! We don't reply to nonsense of
this kind, absolutely not. Dealings between
us and the USSR are dealings between Q. Is not our reliance on the USSR
one friend and another. We do lack certain only a form of alignment, which means that
things that it has not given us, but that we have abandoned the policy of non-
does not mean that it has adopted a line alignment, of which we regard ourselves
or a policy, or made supplying us subject as the pioneers?
to specific conditions. If it did so it wouldn't
be behaving in a friendly manner. We
A. More doubts! What sort of alignment?
No one in the world but the USSR is wil-
should stand up to it and say: You are not
behaving in a friendly manner. There can
ling to stand by us politically, militarily
be no conditions, we work without terms
and economically. No one is ready to give
or conditions, as you very well know. The me anything but the USSR. Am I to say
to it, No, I won't take them, lest I should
USSR has absolutely never made any
condition, and it knows to what extent it be aligned? Am I to say to it, No, don't
send me arms, lest I should leave the circle
intends to supply us. This is why, as I tell
of the non-aligned countries? Alignment?
you, I cannot take the whip to it, because
it is purely a question of friendship between Non-alignment? People who talk like that
us. It says to me, I will give you this today.
are ignoring the interests of the country.
Are we to say "Non-alignment" and abolish
Right, thank you very much! Then a week
later I announce that I want something
our relationship with the USSR because
of non-alignment and let the Americans
else... And so on. But I am not prepared
to talk of any details of what is going on.
occupy the country, and let Dayan occupy
the country because of the slogan of non-
All I want to say to you is that there is
friendship between us and the USSR, and
alignment? Don't you understand? If
up to now this friendship has meant that
America offered us anything should we say
dealings between us have been dealings
No? If anyone offered us anything should
we say No? Right, what does all this mean?
between friends... There is absolutely no-
All this only started after October when I
thing more than that.
exposed America throughout the world,
So there is no call for doubts, nor for
when I took my final decision, and I said
overbidding, it is not a case of saying they
that they were liars and swindlers, and
haven't given us this or of their saying:
gave out what I said and what they said
Give me bases - all that is nonsense.
to me throughout eight months, I exposed
Q. Has the USSR refused to supply them at the highest levels and inside their
Egypt with aeroplane factories, and is it country; there was a British M.P. with me
true that Libya bought some, during the talking to me, telling me what had been

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published in Newsweek inside America - we want. We have a clear line, we are

he said the government is still upset today, not being polite to anyone, and we are not
because I said everything frankly, and accepting the friendship of anyone at the
showed how they were behaving - twisting expense of someone else... What matters
and lying and deceiving. I can assure you to us is our interests and those who appre-
- I see nothing against it - anyone who ciate our interests, and this applies espe-
wants to give me any kind of help - I will cially to the attitude of China - you know
accept it, whether it comes from the East its absolutely frank and unambiguous atti-
or the West. But when there is no one who tude to the Arab cause.
stands by us but the USSR, am I to say
Q. What is China's attitude to our cause?
No, I won't take anything from you? Am
And what were the results of Mr. Mahmoud
I to shut the door?
Riad's visit, especially in view of the fact
Q. Will our turning towards China and that America is trying to make trouble
the strengthening of our relations with it between China and the IJSSR?
not have an effect on our relations with the
A. It is a frank and unambiguous atti-
USSR? And does it mean that we are
tude. They have refused to recognize Israel,
looking for another friend because of the
and condemn Israel. It is an unambiguous
fog that surrounds our relations with the
attitude, one hundred per cent with us.
Mahmoud Riad's visit to them was excel-
And does the United States' rapproche- lent, and had excellent results.
ment with China and its attempt to streng-
then relations with it mean that China will Q. People are asking if it is true that
play a role in exerting pressure on the France is supplying Israel with spare parts
United States to solve the Middle East for its military planes through Belgium.
A. More doubts - this time about
A. The questions are contradictory. It's France's attitude. France is the only
a strange thing... What I say is that we are country in Western Europe that has adop-
free to do as we like, we are in touch with ted a clear, honourable and challenging
everyone, and we have no complex about attitude of support for us. They want to
anyone. China has become a world power; cast suspicion on France, so they say that
it has the power of veto at the Security it is giving spare parts to Israel. Perhaps
Council, and a very important voice in it is happening without the French govern-
world affairs. The power of veto - one of ment's knowledge, like the boats that were
the Five Great Powers in the world today. stolen from there.Belgium is manufacturing,
How can I ignore it? it has a licence to manufacture Mirages
and other things. All right, I also get things
Some people say that this will have an
from France, from England, from the West,
effect on our relations with the USSR!
from everywhere, although there is an
What a strange question! If we establish
embargo on everything. What I mean is,
relations with everyone will this not affect
let's stop raising doubts, and only think of
our relations with the USSR? But if we
the country's official attitude. The attitude
don't, they accuse us of not doing so, they
of Pompidou and his Foreign Minister
say that we have lost our freedom of action,
Schumann is quite clear. We hope that
that the USSR is preventing us from doing
Murad Ghalib is going to see the French
what we like. This shows you how incon-
Foreign Minister, and Dr. Hatim met
sistent they are, how they are trying to
Schumann recently and Schumann made
arouse suspicions. We have a clear line,
the strongest possible statement in our
we have relations with everyone. As a great
favour. So why should we be suspicious
power China has influence today at inter-
about France's attitude, when it was France
national and world levels; it has got the
that changed the attitude of all countries
power of veto, so we have to get in touch
of Western Europe and made them vote
with it, we have to have relations with it,
for us on the General Assembly resolution
whether certain people approve or not.
adopted last December?
That doesn't concern us, what we are
talking about is our interests here and what Q. People are asking why it is that

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members of the armed forces have been A. What is the Eastern Front? The
kept in their positions on the battle front Eastern Front consists of Jordan, Iraq and
for more than five years waiting for the the Palestinian resistance. Syria is the
battle to start, and what effect this is having Northern Front; for a long time the
on their morale - will it not have an ad- Eastern Front was Jordan, Iraq and the
verse effect when the battle does stait? Palestinian resistance. King Hussein, God
forgive him, has finished off the Palestinian
A. That's wrong, quite wrong... The
resistance. Iraq has withdrawn all its forces,
battle is our destiny. Right, then, as we are
and King Hussein has withdrawn his forces
destined to fight we are preparing, and
from the firing line to the previous frontier;
they are training, stationed on the front,
there are 500 kilometres of frontier between
and the enemy is stationed in front of us
Hussein and Israel. Israel has stationed
on the East Bank -is our morale going to be
only two battalions of reserves there, and
weakened when we are stationed in front
is quite happy about it, because there is
of him? No! Anyone who wants to see this,
nothing facing them. That's the situation
who has doubts about this - we'll take
on the Eastern Front, and not only on the
him and show him the front, and let him
Eastern Front. Hussein is now carrying out
see the boys stationed on the front and what
an American scheme in the area - King
their morale is like. It is just a question of
Hussein's plan to destroy the cause of
trying to cause doubt, nothing else. Our
Palestine completely, so that they may come
boys stationed there are straining at the
and say, What are you quarrelling about?
leash to advance, straining at the leash in
The problem is between you and Israel on
their fury. That's a fact, and every day
the frontier! The whole world is saying
that passes their fury increases, their mo-
that it is a problem of frontiers between
rale for the battle is not weakening. Our Egypt and Israel... That can be solved in
forces want to avenge themselves as well
ten years, in as long as they like - they'll
as their country.
solve it and there will be an end... But the
Q. There are rumours that the Egyptian basic problem of Palestine - those who
Arab Republic is going to take steps to- run the country have solved it by making
wards a peaceful solution. How true are it a kingdom.
they ?
Q. His Excellency the President has said
A. A peaceful solution with whom? ... that the home front must be immediately
That's all over, and I have announced it. raised to the level of complete confronta-
Let's forget the ferocious campaign of tion, but the general feeling among the
psychological warfare that is being waged people is to the contrary. What measures
against us today - if you will think back did the President have in mind for the
with me - right, until October the Ameri- carrying out of this decision?
cans were all honeyed words... since Oc-
tober when I announced that they were A. The government is working, and I
liars and tricksters and told the world about have sat with the cabinet and told them
them in full detail, everything they had that we must prepare ourselves fully like
other peoples and countries who have been
said to me and everything I had said to
them... liars and tricksters... after October involved in fighting. The ministers have
they started weeping about Egypt's inde- received instructions that every one of
pendence. Egypt, they said, Egypt's inde- them is to put himself at the disposal of
pendence is gone! As a result of commu- the battle; I ask for a common line from
nism and the USSR. And they started the cabinet... they are to tell me everything
philosophizing, saying that the crooked that is done at this stage, what is wanted,
situation must be made straight, lest we and what are the priorities. They are doing
should lose our country through the USSR. all this. The Prime Minister comes to see
me every Saturday, or whenever necessary
Q. What will be the position of the if there is something urgent. There is abso-
Eastern Front should fighting start? Will lutely no reason why we should reply to
it be possible to do anything on the Eastern the smear campaigns. I mean the govern-
Front, or to safeguard it? ment hasn't yet had time. As you saw, the

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last stage was full of doubts and confusion. kept back only 10 per cent - 30 million
Right, let's give people a chance to work pounds from the 300 million. But we shall
and come to the people and the Popular go on, the remainder of the 300 million we
Assembly, and say, I have given my work shall spend on development. How could
and my eflorts, and don't let's pass judge- we have resisted if we hadn't had the public
ments on them till then. As for saying that sector and this huge economic base? As
everything is in confusion, and you haven't I have told you before, when the late Presi-
done anything for the country - let's have dent Gamal went to the USSR in 1970 on
no more of that. How many months has his secret journey inJanuary and agreement
the government been in existence? Talk was reached on the SAM 3 rockets they told
is easy, there's nothing easier in the world. him, We will only send you the rockets on
The government is not doing anything! condition that you build bases for them.
Nothing has been done... talk is the easiest When he came back from the USSR in
thing in the world. But they are getting on February, in forty days from February to
with the job, the ministers are going down, March 15 we spent 40 million pounds on
for the first time the ministers are going building the rocket bases. That means that
down to the provinces and sitting down we were spending a million pounds every
and talking to the people and solving the day. The Minister of War went to the
problems of the people directly. National Assembly at that time and got a
credit of 100 million pounds. Where did
Q. As regards domestic affairs, domestic
this 100 million pounds come from? Was
reform has become an urgent necessity,
Russia going to send us a cheque, like
especially since the disclosure of the em-
America sends cheques to Israel? Where
bezzlement of funds in the public sector,
did the money come from? No, the money
the black market and bribery. All this is
had to come from here, from your economy,
having a psychological effect on public
from the country, from the public sector,
opinion and requires that the rules and
from the fellah who sows and produces his
regulations be revised so that the gaps in
crops. Thank God that, ever since the dis-
them which are the direct cause of these
aster, He has blessed us with good crops
deviations may be closed. Is there any
of all kinds... All this came from the coun-
intention of doing so?
try, from the sweat of our people's brows.
A. This has been the government's policy There is a smear campaign going on today,
since the start, and it is continuing to en- things are being blown up. Oh, there have
force it. And we started again today. You been mistakes...
must remember that part of the smear
Q. We - There can be no doubt that
campaigns is to blow up and exaggerate
we are in a stage which requires that we
the embezzlement and bribery in the public
hold unified ideas derived from the instruc-
sector, and to say that everything has gone
tions of the political leadership that sees
to wrack and ruin. But if we didn't have
things with perfect clarity, and on the basis
the public sector we have today, how could
of which the decision to enter the battle
we have held out economically - and mili-
was taken. But people are asking what are
tarily - where should we have got the
the reasons for the obvious discrepancy
money for our soldiers? Where should we
between the articles of Mr. Mohammed
have got food and drink and arms for them?
Hassanein Heikal and the reasons for these
How should we have done this if we hadn't
articles being used as material for weekly
been able to hold out economically, if there
broadcasts, without broadcasting other
hadn't been an economic base? Today the
articles which contain direct answers to
country has a strong economic base. Israel
Mr. Heikal's articles.
announced last week that it had stopped
all kinds of development. But we are spend- A. That is one view. Is it only Heikal's
ing 300 million pounds on development articles that are broadcast? No. The articles
this year. We deducted 10 per cent in the of Ihsan Abd al-Qaddus are also broadcast,
last stage for operations connected with and those of Musa Sabri and Abd al-Rah-
the battle, for the operations of putting man al-Sharqawi. Everyone's articles are
things in order and putting the economy broadcast. It isn't a case of one only. He
in order that are being carried out. Dr. Aziz gives his view, and it is answered. Some

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people talk and support him. You can see to the Palestinian National Charter, and
how things are as regards the press, how affirms that the Palestine Liberation Organ-
things in general are in the country in the ization is the sole legal representative of
stage we are living in. We are embarking the Palestinian people as regards expressing
on a new operation, and people express their aspirations, defining their wishes and
themselves, people talk, people must be- leading their armed struggle in all fields.
come used to giving their views. But only
The Congress affirms that any attempt
within the framework of the line of the
to decide the future of the homeland, the
political leadership, as I said. A battle is a
people or the cause of Palestine, without
battle. This question-it came from some-
reference to the Palestine Liberation Organ-
one in Matruh-we have put to Heikal
ization, is an impudent violation of the
as it stands, and told him to read it, so that
rights of the Palestinian people and that
there may be no ambiguity in anything he
any measure, step or agreement in this
writes about the battle in the future.
connection that originates from any other
quarter is illegal.
5 The Palestinian Popular Congress wel-
comes the decision announced by the repre-
sentatives of the Arab nationalist and pro-
TINIAN POPULAR CONGRESS, ISSUED IN gressive parties, organizations and forces to
CAIRO, APRIL 10, 1972.
hold a conference to be attended by all
of them, with the object of unifying the
The Palestinian Popular Congress, held
in Cairo from April 6-10, 1972, which was struggle against colonialism, Zionism and
reaction. It decided to approve and adopt
attended by 400 members representing the
this call and to regard the Palestine Liber-
various national classes and groups of the
ation Organization as a principal party
Palestinian people and their popular organ-
to it.
izations and armed revolutionary forces,
is proud of the support for the rights of the The Congress also decided that a Pales-
Palestinian people and the struggle for tine Liberation Organization liaison com-
the complete liberation of the soil of its mittee should be formed to discuss with the
homeland that was expressed by national representatives of all these parties, organ-
liberation movements in all parts of the izations and forces the implementation of
world in the statements read to the Congress this call, on the basis of the formation of
by their representatives and in the messages a preparatory committee to prepare for the
and cables sent it by their commands. convening of a congress to be the basis for
The Congress is also proud of the firm the building of the nationalist progressive
solidarity displayed by the Arab nationalist front at Arab level.
and progressive parties, organizations and All this confirms two interconnected facts,
forces which participated in the activities which are really two aspects of the same
of the Congress and, in a joint communiqu6 fact. The first is that the Arab nationalist
they issued, unanimously declared their progressive movement considers that the
full and unreserved support for the struggle Palestinian armed struggle is an indivisible
of the Palestinian people, through their part of itself, that to protect it is to protect
armed national revolution, for the complete itself, that to ensure its security is to ensure
liberation of the soil of Palestine and the its own security, and that its success is its
recovery of their usurped national rights. own success. The second is that Palestinian
These groups also affirmed that the Pales- armed struggle constitutes both a powerful
tinian resistance is represented by the Pales- motive force and a meeting place for pro-
tinian Liberation Organization which is the gressive and liberation movements in all
sole legal representative of the Palestinian parts of the Arab homeland, bringing them
people, and that no one can decide the together on common ground that stresses the
future of Palestine or the Palestinian people unity of the struggle of all of them. Thus
without reference to it. the Palestinian Popular Congress has taken
The Palestinian Popular Congress, in a decisive step along the road to Palestinian
turn, reaffirms its belief in, and adherence national unity.

IPS - 12

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In view of the sincere and serious desire that, the Congress insists, duty requires
to achieve this unity which the Congress that all kinds of economic relations be
observed in all that took part in its activi- broken, that Arab air space, ports and
ties, and of the firm assurances it received communications routes be closed to traffic
from the representatives of the combatant and freight to and from Jordan, that finan-
Palestinian organizations that all of them cial aid be withdrawn from the Hashemite
undertook to take serious and immediate regime and diverted to the Palestine Libera-
steps along the road to national unity, tion Organization and thejordanian nation-
it was agreed to unify all the a-rmed forces alist movement, that official representa-
of all sections of the revolution into a single tives of the Hashemite regime be deprived
military establishment, to completely unify of the right of movement and that their
all collection of funds and all fields of letters of credence should not be accepted,
expenditure within the framework of the and that the Hashemite regime be expelled
Palestinian National Fund, to unify all from membership of the Arab League, the
information organizations and media in a Jordanian people continuing to enjoy con-
single central information organization with stituent membership, as represented by the
unified media, and to unify the external Jordanian nationalist movement, until such
relations machinery of the various organi- time as the subservient, conspiratorial
zations, though the command bodies of the regime collapses and is replaced by a demo-
Palestine Liberation Organization will cratic nationalist regime, when Jordan will
continue to be constituted on the basis of recover its normal status in the Arab League.
a front. This decisive resolution was accom- The close connection between Hussein's
panied by the determination to implement projects and the holding of municipal elec-
it in a specific time, and a short time - the tions in part of Palestine goes beyond the
principal stages of its programme are to matter of timing to reveal the organic link
be completed within three months. It was between Hashemite and Zionist schemes
also accompanied by the formation of a within the framework of colonialist strategy.
committee to supervise its implementation.
These elections, like all other measures
All this constitutes not only a response to
taken under the occupation, are absolutely
general demand by the Palestinian masses;
illegal. Under the shadow of occupation
it is also the best guarantee for the streng-
the only thing that is legal is resistance.
thening of Palestinian ability to oppose all
projects for liquidation and to combat the Moreover, the fact that the occupation
policies involving surrender to which the authorities have been obliged to resort to
Palestinian cause is being exposed at this all kinds of pressure and intimidation in a
stage of its history, the latest of which was comprehensive operation to force the popu-
Hussein's proposal for the establishment lation to take part in the elections deprives
of what he calls the United Arab Kingdom. them of all political value that the Zionist
enemy hoped to achieve by them.
The Palestinian people has unequivocally
rejected all these proposals involving liqui- The Palestinian Popular Congress ad-
dation and surrender, and it now immedi- dresses its greetings to the masses who,
ately, energetically and entirely rejects the aware of the truth about these elections,
new Hashemite proposal also. opposed and demonstrated against them
This proposal has also been condemned and refrained from taking part in them.
by all Arab nationalist and progressive It calls on the Palestinian masses to con-
parties, organizations and forces, and by tinue to oppose subsequent stages of the
certain Arab governments, and some of elections, thereby frustrating the attempts
these governments have taken preliminary of the occupying enemy to give them poli-
steps to impose a blockade on the Hashem- tical significance.
ite regime and to frustrate the conspiracy. The Palestinian Popular Congress affirms
The Palestinian Popular Congress hopes that no member of the Palestinian people,
that the other Arab governments will lose to whatever generation he belongs, and
no time in condemning this project and however much circumstances have con-
in taking similar steps, first severing all spired against him, has the right to relin-
relations with the Hashemite regime. After quish any of his established natural rights.

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The unity of the destiny of the Palestinian homeland is completely liberated, the
people, which is organically linked with attainment by the Palestinian and Jorda-
the unity of Arab destiny, requires closer nian masses of their full democratic, social
cohesion of the masses and stronger inter- and economic freedoms, and the right of
action in the confrontation of the colonial- the Jordanian masses to join the armed
ist, Zionist and reactionary challenges that struggle of the Palestinian people for their
face the advance of the Palestinian libera- recovery of their usurped rights.
tion movemen - in particular and the Arab
The Palestinian Popular Congress calls
liberation movement in general.
on all the Arab countries, and in particular
In the face of these challenges in this the countries which have common frontiers
present stage, it is essential that an organic with Palestine, to remove all obstacles and
relationship be established with the Jor- difficulties from the path of the Palestinian
danian nationalist movement, that the revolution, and to regard their territory
nature of this relationship be defined, and as a base from which the revolution can
that every effort be made to establish it embark on operations into the heart of the
on firm foundations and develop it, so that homeland, and a rear base for the armed
it may be possible for the Jordanian people struggle, inasmuch as this is the legitimate
and the Palestinian people to pursue their right of the Palestinian revolution, in addi-
struggle for the achievement of their nation- tion to its being part of the common duty
al aims. to confront the single enemy.
Jordan is the principal theatre and main
The continuation and escalation of the
starting point of the Palestinian revolution,
Palestinian revolution is not only the road
not only because of the length of the firing
to the liberation of Palestine; it is also a
line, but also because Jordan and Palestine
subsidiary factor in the protection of the
have the same history and the same people
other Arab territories which are the target
and their fundamental mutual attachment,
of Israel's expansionist schemes.
whether this is the result of their common
homeland, economy, culture or civilization, Moreover, the continuation of the Pales-
or arises from the nature of their common tinian revolution and its close connection
struggle against the subservient regime as with the Arab nationalist progressive move-
being the front line for the defence of the ment will strengthen Arab capacity to
Zionist state, and because its organic links stand up to that attack on the civilization,
with that state require the building of a economy and the social structure of the
compact structure, consisting of the Jor- Arab world that is involved in the Zionist
danian nationalist movement and the entity.
Palestine Liberation Organization, a struc-
The Palestinian Popular Congress, real-
ture in which the struggle of the Jordanian
izing that the Palestinian national struggle
people and that of the Palestinian people is part of the struggle of the people and
will be fused together and which will define the revolutionary and nationalist forces
the relationship between the two.
throughout the world against world impe-
The present tasks of the Palestinian and rialism, and on the basis of its evaluation
Jordanian masses in the two Banks must of the attitudes of the world liberation
be determined on the basis of the restoration movements and the socialist and Arab
of the unity of the two Banks, which has countries which support the struggle of our
been shattered by the subservient regime, people and their right to self-determination,
and the renewal of that unity within the emphasizes the necessity to develop the rela-
framework of a nationalist democratic re- tions of the Palestinian national liberation
gime which will ensure complete regional movement with the world liberation move-
equality of rights and duties within the ment and with the forces of socialism and
framework of a nationalist democratic gov- progress, and calls on these to give the just
ernment providing the revolution with a cause of our people greater backing and
secure main base, the right of the Pales- support. It also calls on them to stand
tinian people to bear arms, mobilize and resolutely by our people in their confron-
rally round the revolution so that they may tation of colonialist, reactionary and Zionist
carry on their struggle until the soil of their schemes aimed at thwarting our people's

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movement of struggle and at liquidating their will to reject what they do not agree
their national cause. to? Of course that is impossible. That is
Although the Zionist occupation au- why I have already said that one of our
thorities and the Hashemite regime have most important tasks at present is to streng-
prevented the real representatives of the then the will to fight and to support any
people from attending this congress, it does trend which believes that armed struggle
express the national aspirations of our is the only way in which we can liberate
people wherever they may be. Palestine and all the occupied Arab terri-
In conclusion, the Congress salutes with
reverence the martyrs of the Palestinian Q. It is being said that the resistance is
revolution, and with admiration the fight- in a crisis, and that one of the reasons for
ers and strugglers who are holding out this crisis is the inability of the resistance
in the prisons of the Zionist state and to tell others its plans piecemeal, stage by
the Hashemite regime. At the same time stage, which is the only language that these
it supports the struggle of national others can understand, even though they
liberation movements throughout the agree to the strategic aims of the resistance
world, and in particular the struggle of the - the total liberation of Palestinian soil.
people of Vietnam who are teaching Ameri- What is your comment on this?
can imperialism such an unforgettable les- A. When our enemies talk like this it is
son in Indo-China. in conformity with their aims, the first of
which is to make the crisis seem like a well
from which we shall never be able to get
6 out. But our friends should make a point
of answering such questions, in order to
INTERVIEW WITH THE LEADER OF THE light the way for us. In any case, the Pales-
PALESTINE LIBERATION ORGANIZATION, tinian people have been accustomed to
YASSER ARAFAT, PUBLISHED IN "AL-MUH- crises ever since they took up arms to defend
ARRIR" (BEIRUT), APRIL 27, 1972. their freedom, and they have always had
a genius for getting themselves out of these
Q. Do you think that Nixon's meeting
crises. That is both their fate and their
with Brezhnev may impose a solution for
strength. After the 1948 defeat our people
the Middle East crisis?
fell into the most odious trap ever set for
A. It is sometimes just as harmful and a people. They left their homeland, they
misleading to simplify things as it is to com- were deprived of their sources of livelihood,
plicate them. In the first place it is not easy certain of the Arab host countries oppres-
to imagine a simple solution for the radical sed and terrorized them, United Nations
contradictions between the attitude of the agencies conspired against them by the
USSR, its basic assumptions and its con- exploitation of ration cards, they were
cepts of the problems of the peoples of the politically fragmented and geographically
world, and the attitude and basic assump- dispersed, and so on, to the last link of the
tions of the Americans. This, of course, is chain of steel that fettered both their hands
a question of principles. As regards the and their spirit. But for all this our people
practical aspect, the protracted diplomatic have succeeded in breaking their fetters.
efforts made by certain Arab officials in an The proportion of them who are educated
attempt to find a political solution have has increased, they have pierced regional
established that America is behind an Is- barriers and they have spread awareness
raeli solution that bears its name, just like and revolutionary culture in all the lands
the solution proposed by King Hussein in they have gone to or emigrated to. And
his proposal, which has been unanimously at a time when all the Arabs were living
rejected by the Arabs, at both official and the darkest days of their lives following the
popular levels. Then there is a third point. 1967 defeat, it was the Palestinians who
The USSR, because of their Arab relations, had the distinction of holding out, refusing
have never in the past imposed on the Arabs defeat and, by redressing the balance, pre-
anything they do not agree to. Finally, and venting surrender. If we are in a crisis
most important of all, have the Arabs lost today, and it may be that we are, and we

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may have to face others on our course, it rights, concentrating around them and
is not as acute as the one we were in after increasing the revolutionary force behind
the 1967 defeat. them is the only way in which we can retort
As for telling our plans piecemeal, stage to the schemes of the enemy, who is reveal-
by stage, that is ridiculous. For the enemy ing himself more and more clearly to those
still has the initiative as regards dictating who do not know him. We, of course, have
terms, some of which are known, and those known him for a long time - we know
which are unknown are worse and more how he thinks, what he wants and the ways
humiliating to us and to our people. There- in which he achieves his aims.
fore holding fast to our historic national



Schedule of the Names of the Arab Families Compelled by the Military Occupation Authorities to
Evacuate their Homes in the Arab Quarters Inside the Walls of Jerusalem Between January 1, 1969
and March 1, 1972.

Name of Family Number of Owner of Location

Members Property

Nuh 'Isa Abu 'Asab 12 Al-Qutb Tabouneh Steps

Khalil Badawi Abu 'Asab 6
Idris Taufiq al-Shuwaiki 7
Myassar, Widow of 'Abd al-Muhsin al-Shuwaiki 6
Fayez Abu Hadwan 6
Badawiya, widow of Muhammad Abu Hadwan 2
Ibrahim Abu Hadwan 4
Isma il Khudair al-Qawasini 4
Ibrahim Khudair al-Qawasimi 3
Nu'man Muhammad Salem al-Rajabi 5 Al-'Asali
'Abd al-Razzaq Shihada al-Natsheh 7 Salah
Yusuf 'Id Qarqash 10 Al-Husaini
Rajab al-Sikafi 3 "
Muhammad Hashim al-Natsheh 9
Zakariya 'Arif Salhab 13
Harbi 'Abd al-Hamid Salhab 6
Sammur Hamid Salhab 3
Khalil Sammur Salhab 3 Salhab Al-Bashush
Muhammad Khalil al-Natsheh 6 " "
Rashid Muhammad Ibrahim al-Shuwaiki 8 " "
'Abd al-Kadir Hijazi al-Natsheh 2 " "
'Abd al-Rahim Abu Snaineh 10 Al-Dawudi "

1 Archives of The Institute for Palestine Studies. A simplified version of the standard trans-
literation system has been employed to list the Arabic names.

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Name of Family Number of Owner of Location

Members Property

Talab Adham Juwaihan 9 Al Dawudi Al-Bashush

Dawud Muhammad Ramadan 6 " "
Subhi Farah Dawud 5
'Abd al-Qadir Muhammad al-Qirri 8 "
Anwar Tawfiq Zahida 2 Salhab
Ya'qub Muhammad al-Ja'bari 7 Al-Nammari
'Id Ibrahim al-Ja'bari 10 "
'Abd al-Shakur Ramadan Hariz 3 Al-Nashashibi
Walid 'Abd al-Ja'bari 2 Al-Nammari
'Abd al-Latif Najm al-Din al-'Alami 8 Al-'Alami
Amin Hamza al-'Ajluni 2 Ghaith
Nimr 'Id Qarqash 2 "
Muhammad Sa'id Abu Snaineh 4 Al-Dajani
'Abd Allah Rashid Bahtan 2 Abu Snaineh
Samuh 'Audeh Abu Snaineh 13 "
Muhammad 'Audeh al-Ja'bari 7
Ahmad Muhammad al-Ja'bari 2 "
Ibrahim 'Abd al-'Azim Abu Rmaileh 4 Abu Rmaileh
'Abd al-Rahim Ibrahim Abu Rmaileh 4
Muhammad Ibrahim Abu Rmaileh 3 "
'Abd al-'Azim Ibrahim Abu Rmaileh 5 "
'Uthman Nimr Hariz 3 Al-Nashashibi
Ibrahim Talab al-Sikafi 6 Al-Muwaqqit
Muhammad Khalil al-Daba'i 6 Al-Dawudi
Qasim Isma'il al-Hunaidi 1 "
Yasir Hassuna Ghaith 1 Ghaith
Ni'meh Salib al-Zir 2 Al-Dawudi
Muhammad Hasan Zallum 1
Muhammad Husain al-Qirri 4
Faiz Muhammad Husain al-Qirri 9
Ibrahim Muhammad Husain al-Qirri 5
'Abd Allah Hasan Dhiyab 8 Jews
Salim Muhammad al-Rajabi 8 Al-Nashashibi
Muhammad Yasin Abu Rajab 8
Raji Musa al-Rajabi 5
'Abd al-Qadir Ahmad 'Abd al-Karim 2
Fu'ad Khalwa Abu Snaineh 6
Muhammad 'Abd al-Hafiz Saleh 5
Ishaq Muhammad al-Razim 4 Al-Nammari
Rashid Hasan Barghuth 7
'Abd al-Fattah Qasim 'Akkub 7
Na'man Shafiq al-Salayima 7
'Abd al-Bari Jabr al-Razim 7

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Name of Family Number of Owner of Location

Members Property

Sa'diya, Widow of Rajab al-Razim 2 Al-Nammari Al-Bashush

Fayad Muhammad Shahin 9 " "
Hamed Muhammad al-Hajj 'Ali 4 Jews "
Tu'ma Muhammad Burqan 8 "
'Abd al-Jawad Jum'a Marar 9 "
'Izzat Ahmad Nassar 9 "
Yusuf 'Abd al-Rahim al-Qawasimi 9 Al-Nammari Near al-Bashush
'Isa Radwan al-Ju'ba 9 " "
Nur al-Din Muhammad al-Sa'd 9 "
Yusuf Khalil Isma'il 7
Hisham Yusuf al-Qawasimi 4
Khadija Husain al-Sa'd 1
Hafiz 'Abd Idris 4 Al-Muwaqqit
Muhammad 'Uthman Ghanim 11 "
Ghazi Hilal 8 Al-Nashashibi
Ghalib al-Safadi 8 Qmai'
Muhyi al-Dine 'Ali Qmai' 2
Hafiz Badawi 'Abu 'Asab 8
Latifa, Widow of Mahmud Abu 'Asab 1 Al-Hariri Jewish Quarter
Anwar Rashid Abu Sirriya 8 "
Kamil Murshid Salhab 8
YusufJamil al-Salihi 7
Shihda Sulaiman al-Bibi 4
Munira, Widow of Sulaiman al-Bibi 1
Rifqa, Widow of Da'san Abu Snaineh 2
Sulaiman Shihda al-Bibi 5
Ya'qub 'Abd al-Fattah al-Shuwaiki 9 Maghariba
Rashid Khamis al-Qawasimi 7 Al-Bashiti
Sa'di Rushdi a]-Khayyat 6
Rushdi Khalil al-Khayyat 3
Khairi Shakir Abu Rmaileh 1 Al-Budairi
Zahiya, Widow of Dawud Badr 1 Mas'udi
Naji 'Abd al-Fattah Abu Nijma 7
Shawkat 'Abd al-Rahman Huwais 1
'Abbuda Muhammad 'Atiyya al-Tartir 6 Al-Khatib
'Ata 'Abd al-Shakur al-Tawil 10
'Umair 'Ata 'Abd al-Rahman Da'na 6 Al-Shihabi
'Azmi Dib 'Awad Allah 1 Al-Khalidi
Amina 'Awad 'Abd al-Jawad 1
Muhsin Husain Hasan Busaileh 4
Khalid 'Izz Abu Ghaush 1
George Iliya Tiyudusu 4
Abd al-Razzaq Husni 'Awad 6 Qmai'

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Name of Family Number of Owner of Location

Members Property

'Abd al-Hamid 'Abd al-Jabbar al-Shuwaiki 8 Qrnai' Jewish Quarter

'Azmi 'Abd al-Hamid al-Shuwaiki 3 "
Shakir Shukri Khirwat 9
Farah Ibrahim al-Ja'bari 7
Samir Sabir al-Tama'i 3
Yunus 'Abd al-Shakur al-Z'aitir 7 Al-Dawudi "
Khadr Yunus al-Z'aitir 4
Badr Yunus al-Z'aitir 3
Jum'a 'Abd al-Mu'ti Mujahid 2
Musa 'Abd al-Hadi I1
Kamal 'Abd Abu Rmaileh 7
Zain 'Abd al-Zir 4
Ya'qub Muhammad 'Abd al-Rabman Sinnuqrut 1
Ahmad 'Abd al-Ghani Abu Halima 5
Zakariyya Mussa Abu Snaineh 9
Badr 'Abd al-'Aziz Abu Rmaileh 8
'Izzat Ahmad Nassar 7 Jews
Sidqi 'Izzat Nassar 4
Sadiq 'Izzat Nassar 2
'Abd al-Qadir Ibrahim al-Ja'bari 10 Al-Muwaqqit
Hammuda Ahmad al-Ja'bari 9
Rashad 'Azmi al-Din al-Ja'bari 9
'Abd al-Sami' 'Abd al-Ghani al-Ja'bari 6
Dawud Rushdi Bakbtan 5
Kazim Rushdi Bakhtan 7
Hajja Amina Yunus I
'Abd al-Khaliq Jum'a Abu Snaineh 8 Near Dar Nimr
Muhammad Sa'id 'Abd al-'Aziz al-Ghula 4 Al-Ja'uni "
Muhammad 'Abd Juwailis 2 " "
Kamal Ahmad Hijazi 7
Salih Mahmud Abu Kharrub 1 Al-Nashashibi "
Muhammad Hasan Husain al-'Atiq 5 "
Hajja Mus'ada Muhammad Zayid 1 " "
Farida, Widow of Muhammad Muswadda I Al-Dajani "
Ahmad Mahmoud al-Salibi 8 Al-Dawudi "
Filla, Widow of Adib Jabir 6 Al-Dajani "
Qasim Muhammad 'Ali al-Shuwaiki 4 "
Muhammad 'Arif al-Hammar 7 Al-Hammar
Riyad Yasin Qunaibi 6
Dhiyab Muhammad al-Hajj 'Ali 11
'Arafat Isma'il al-Qawasimi 7 Qmai'
Muhammad Musa Abu Rmaileh 2 "
'Abd al-Qadim Hasan 'Abdine 2 Al-Nashashibi

This content downloaded from on Mon, 25 Oct 2021 01:52:46 UTC
All use subject to

Name of Family Number of Owner of Location

Members Property

Hajj Ahmad Mabmud Abu Snaineh 3 Al-Nashashibi Near Dar Nimr

Sa'id Mahmud al-Ja'bari 4
'Abd al-Sami' Mahmud Mujahid 6
Muhammad Sa'id al-Ja'bari 4
Subhi Mahmud Baidas 11
Bahiya al-Shibli 1
'Adil Jamal Qunaibi 5 Al-Dawudi
Jamal 'Abd al-Fattah Qunaibi 2 "
Fahd Badawi al-Rishiq 10 Abu Rmaileh
'Amir 'Abd Rabbuh Abu Snaineh 7
'Umran 'Abd Rabbuh Abu Snaineh 1"
Rabah Ahmad Abu Snaineh 5
'Ali 'Abd al-Latif Abu Rmaileh 6
Rajab 'Abd al-Latif Abu Rmaileh 3
Tayyim 'Abd al-Latif Abu Rmaileh 12
Ahmad Ibrahim Burhan 5
Jamal Muhammad Ramadan 3
Nasr Mansur Nassar 3
Mudahhiya, Widow of Mahmud 'Isa al-Saidawi 2 Al-Dawudi
'Isa Mahmud al-Saidawi 3
Khalid Muhammad al-Ghazzawi 5
'Abd Muhammad al-Ghazzawi 3
Muhammad Jamil Totah 9
Khamis Muhammad al-Ghazzawi 3
Muhammad Nimr Muhammad al-Jamzawi 13
Nazmiya, Widow of 'Id Srur 2 Ansari
'Abd al-Malik Ayyub al-Zaruw 3 Quttaina
Muhammad Nassar 'Abd al-Malik al-Zaruw 3
Muhammad Bashir al-Khudari 1 0
Zakariyya 'Atwan al-Salayima 7 Al-Nammari
Ghalib Nimr al-Salayima 10 " "
Ibrahim Yusuf Tantash Abu Ku' 6 Abu Ku' and
Dawud al-Natshah 3
Fawziya, Widow of 'Abd Allah Hazin 2
Hajj Yusuf Ahmad Tantash Abu Ku' 2
Halima Mansur 6
Yusuf 'Uthman al-Nammari 6 Al-Nammari Near the Walls
Taha 'Uthman al-Nammari 8
Fatima, Widow of 'Uthman al-Nammari 2
Muhammad Ahmad al-Shuwaiki 5
Farhan Khalwa Busaileh 8
'Abd al-Jawad Kamil al-Natsheh 9

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Members Property

Ahmad Yusuf al-Natsheh 7 Al-Nammari Near the Walls

Muhammad Rabi' al-Shuwaiki 6
Hasan 'Atiyya al-Shuwaiki 8
Raji Faris Barakat 8
'Abd al-Rahman Nu'man al-Dumiri 9 Al-Dawudi
Muhammad Shakir Abu Rmaileh 12
'Isa 'Asfur al-Tawil 10
Muhammad 'Abd al-'Aziz al-Karaki 5 Near Dar Nimr
'Asfur Muhammad Musa al-Tawil 2
Muhammad Mustafa al-Kurdi 4
Al-HaiJ Muhammad Husain al-Shuwaiki 2
Salah Isma'il al-Tawil 3
Ziyad Isma'il Mujahid 1
Isma'il 'Ayish al-Tawil 7
Nasri 'Ayish al-Tawil 3
Taha Shakir Abu Rmaileh 7 Wahba
Muhyi al-Din 'Atiya al-Ja'bari 2
Ahmad Muhammad al-Da'da'uf 3
'Abd al-Hamid Muhammad Hassun 10
Rushdi Tawfiq al-Salayima 8 Rasas
Tawfiq Rushdi al-Salayima 5
Ratib Muhammad al-Ju'ba 5
Mahmud Muhammad al-Shuwaiki 7 " Near the Walls
Kamil 'Abd al-Fattah al-Shuwaiki 11
Fattuh 'Abd al-Fattah al-Shuwaiki 8
'Abd al-Fattah al-Khalidi 6
'Abd al-Halim Khalwa 'Usaileh 7
Ghazi Fu'ad al-Rishiq 3
Ghazi Hamid Jabir 4
Shu'aib Ruwaish al-Bashiti 8
'Abd al-Ghafur 'Abd al-Ra'uf al-Z'aitir 5
Mussa Badawi Ghaith 8
'Isa Badawi Ghaith 7
Khadir 'Abd al-Fattah 'Arab 2
Haniya Tawfiq Ghaith 7
Mustafa Husain al-Joulani 7
'Abd al-Jabbar Sammur Salbab 7
'Abd Isma'il al-Joulani 5
Fathi 'Abd al-Shakur al-Halawani tO Al-Nammari
Mahmud Muhammad al-Halawani 7
Rushdi Rashid Bakhtan 3
Khalil Humaidan Abu Rmaileh 12
Yusuf 'Awwad al-Jamal 12

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Name of Family Number of Owner of Location

Members Property

Ahmad 'Abd al-Ra'uf al-Z'aitir 6 Al-Nammari Near the Walls

Fayiz Murtada Sinnuqrut 4
'Abd al-Hafiz Khamis al-Qawasmi 3
'Abd al-Salam Burhan al-Qaimari 4
Fu'ad 'Umar Idris 8 Al-'Asali Near Siknaj
Mahmud Muhammad Fatla al-Joulani 12 " "
Badawi Husain Ghaith 6
'Awad Husain Jaber 9
Mumtaz Musa al-Nammari 10 Al-Nammari
Ahmad Fattah Ghaith 10 "
Ahmad Husain Ahmad Yusuf 4 Al-Bashiti Main Street,
Jewish Quarter
Husain Ahmad Yusuf 6 Al-Bashiti Main Street,
Jewish Quarter
Ahmad Mahfuz Abu Snaineh 6 Jews
'Abdu Fayyad Abu Sirriyeh 5
Salim Mahmud al-Tawil 7
Sa'd al-Din Darwish al-Bashiti 8 AI-Bashiti
Muhammad Kamal Abu Snaineh 3
'Abd al-Muhsin Hasan Misk 3 Jews
Khalid Mustafa Karameh 6
As'ad Sulaiman al-Sikafi 7
'Abd al-Rahman Mansur Nassar 6
Ilyas Mahmud 'Uwaideh 2
'Awwad 'Audeh al-Shubaki 1
Tawfiq Amin al-Bazlamit 7
Naji Tawfiq al-Bazlamit 2
'Ali Hasan al-Tawashi 6
Muhammad Sa'd Muswada 7 Al-Nammari
Rafiq Tawfiq al-Bazlamit 3 Jews
Khadir Shukri al-Bakri 5 Al-Nammari
Husain Ibrahim al-Bakri 6 Jews
Himada Ibrahim al-Bakri 3
Ibrahim al-Bakri 2
Hashim Mansur Nassar 10 Al-Khalidi
Naji Juda Abu Snaineh 10
Dhib Nimr al-Natsheh 11
Muhammad Sa'id Hushaima 4 Al-Hawwash
Jum'a Sa'id Hushaima 4
'Arabiya 'Abd al-Rahman al-Qutb 3
Walid Muhammad al-Qawasimi 1 Jews
Sami Dib 'Awad Allah 6 Al-Hawwash

This content downloaded from on Mon, 25 Oct 2021 01:52:46 UTC
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Name of Family Number of Owner of Location

Members Property

Tamim Sa'id al-Salayima 5 Al-Nashashibi Near the Ba-

shush Courtyard
'Azmi Jabri al-Z'aitir 2 Al-Hawwash
Sabri Ahmad al-Z'aitir 9
Musa 'Abd Allah Abu Srnaineh 6 Jews The Mat Market
Ribhi Ibrahim Quwaidir 7
Ibrahim Rashid Hijazi 9
'Ali Yasin Abu Sirriyeh 11
Salah 'Ali al-Hajawi 2
Asiya Ibrahim 'Azkul 10 Al-Ja'uni Mallak Road
'Abd al-Qadir 'Atiya Jad Allah 6
Salim Muhammad 'Arab 3
Ibrahim 'Abd Allah Ibrahim 5
Samir Hanna Bahnan 9
Subhiya, Widow of Sa'id Sailam 2
Ibrahim Ilyas Za'rur 1
Krikor Hunanes Ardakian 4
Artin Andreas Handoyan 9
'Abdu Ishaq Ishaq 1
Yusuf Hanna Khazmu 6
Insaf Mikha'il Shammasian 7
Muhammad al-Za'tari 8
Sara, Widow of Isma'il Shahin 7 Al-Nammari
Nihad Isma'il Shahin 3
Fu'ad Isma'il Shahin 3
'Abd Allah Abu 'Asab 7 Al-Bashiti The Mat Market
Muhammad Hasan Abu Hadwan 4
Subhi Mahmud Abu Snaineh 3
'Amran Abu Harb Shahin 5
Muhammad 'Ali 'Umaira 2 Jews
Hafiz 'Abd al-Muhsin Sultan 7
Mustafa 'Auda Abu Snaineh 9
Muhammad 'Abd al-Hamid Abu Kharshiq 7
'Arif 'Ashur al-Haddad 10 Samum
Sirhan 'Ata Abu Shamsiya 3
Ishaq Ramadan Jamjum 7
Musa Raghib Abu Ghaus 6 Tuffahat
Ibrahim Ahmad Salama 1
Ohannes Garabed Demirdjian 5 Al-Ja'uni
Iliyas Jabra Shams 5 Quttaina
Jean Boghos Sadisian 8
Muhammad 'Arafa Abu 'Asab 8

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Name of Family Number of Owner of Location

Members Property

Basil Malka Akhu 6 Quttaina The Mat Market

Simon Artin Chaklian 9
Badawi al-Lahham 1
Musa Hanna Banu 9 Al-Ja'uni Near the Syriac
Hanna Yusuf Yasseh 3
Jawdat al-Natsheh 2
Muhammad Khalil al-Harbawi 7 Jews
Jawdat 'Id al-Ja'bari 4
'Abd al-Majid 'Ashur Sidr 10
Muhammad Sa'id Abu Laila 4
Yunus Muhammad Sa'id Abu Laila 2
'Abd al-Jawad Muhammad al-Halawani 12
Dawud Ahmad 'Alama 7
Falah Muhammad Sa'id Abu Laila 7
Sa'id 'Isa Mansur 9
Raji' Zaideh 6
Ramadan Muhammad al-Halawani 11
Zahra Ibrahim Salah 5 Islamic Waqf The Mat Market
Michel Salim Ma'luf 3 Jews
Sa'd al-Din 'Ali Rasas 7 Rasas Street of the
Rasim Yusuf Rasas 4
Ibrahim Mahmud al-Khatib 3
Shawkat 'Abd aI-Fattah 3
Yasir Yusuf Rasas 1
'Ali Yusuf Rasas 4
Hagob Garabid Hakmian 5
'Aisha al-'Adadi 2
Farid Buyuk 2
Fatima, Widow of Musa Husain al-Tawil 4 Al-Khalidi
Mustafa Musa al-Tawil 2
Dawud 'Isa Ziyadeh 6
Najiya Abu Gharib, Widow of Husain Miswadeh 3
Tahir Totah 1
Khalil Ballut 8 Jews Main Street,
Jewish Quarter
Peter Ballut 4
Mahmud 'Ali Abu Zunaid 12
Abu Ghazi Salah 8
Nu'man Muhammad Salim al-Rajabi 5 Al-'Asali Near Tabouneh

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Members Property

Walid Muhammad al-Qawasimi 1 Al-Hawwash Maifi Street,

Jewish Quarter
Isma'il Abu 'Arafa 1 " Main Street, Shop
Sabri al-Z'aitir 1 " " "
Muhammad al-Sus 1 Ansari " "

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