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Traveller Intermediate - Key to Test Booklet

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b1-key-to-test Traveller
TEST 1 6. resort B. 5. Who is Jack?
A. 7. lonely 1. ... how I can get to the
1. up post office 3. LISTENING
2. on D. 2. ... if there is a petrol 1. b
3. with 1. h station near here 2. c
4. in 2. e 3. ... why you are late 3. a
5. of 3. a 4. ... where you put the keys 4. b
6. from 4. b 5. ... if Jenny is coming to
7. about 5. c the party tonight 4. READING
6. j 1. NM
B. 7. i C. 2. F
1. misunderstanding 8. d 1. a 3. NM
2. awareness 9. f 2. b 4. F
3. presence 10. g 3. c 5. T
4. curiousity 4. b
5. independent 2. GRAMMAR 5. a
6. exhibition A.
1. doesn’t like D.
C. 2. are thinking 1. Which dress do you
1. taking place 3. go, are taking prefer?
2. try on 4. does ... belong 2. When did you go to
3. expected 5. don’t know Madrid?
4. foreigners 6. Are ... getting 3. Where are the gloves?
5. customs 4. Whose book is this?
1. 3.
Man: Well, I found the holiday of my dreams! Man: That’s right, I need to change the date of the ticket. I
Woman: On no, not another one of your crazy trips. need to be home earlier than the 25th. Is it possible
Man: This one isn’t crazy, it’s educational. You can to return on the 23rd? (pause) Hmm.... that’s too
go with the The Great Canadian Adventure bad. I suppose I could do the 20th, if I can change
Company in a small research boat underwater to the arrival date to the 15th. (pause) Really? Great, as
study the wreckage of the Titanic up close and long as I’m there five days, it doesn’t really matter
personal! when I get there or leave. I still get the window seat,
Woman: Wow, that sounds exciting! You should go for it right?
Man: There’s only one problem... 4.
Woman: What’s that? Man: I used the finger scanner at the supermarket the
Man: It costs $40,000 to participate! other day, it’s really cool.
Woman: I read about those. They’ve been around for a
2. while now. I still don’t like the idea of a machine
Woman: Are you excited about flying to Australia? scanning your fingerprint. It’s like someone is
Man: Of course. I’ve never been on a plane before. following your every move.

Woman: Are you scared?
boring. Do you have any stops?
Man: But it’s so convenient! It knows who you are, and
you ever again!

Man: Not at all. I’m really looking forward to it. takes the money right from your bank account.
Woman: It’ll be a long flight to Sydney. That will be a bit You don’t need to carry money or anything with

Man: Yes we stop in Dubai for a few hours. Woman: But isn’t it dangerous?
Woman: Nice. You can do some shopping in the airport Man: Of course not. It’s easier for someone to steal

while you’re waiting. your credit card than your fingerprint.
TEST 2 C. 2. This dress, which is made 8. the most complicated
1. VOCABULARY 1. put off of silk, is very expensive. 9. faster than
A. 2. going on 3. Brian, whose mother is 10. the most fascinating
1. unselfish 3. keep off a soap opera actress, is
2. courageous 4. put on my best friend. 3. LISTENING
3. strict 5. took off 4. I am going to London, 1. F
4. honest 6. turn on where I am going to 2. F
5. guilty 7. turn off study Economics. 3. T
6. intelligent 8. take on 5. He is an author whose 4. T
7. confident books have been read 5. F
8. patient 2. GRAMMAR by thousands of people.
9. responsible A. 6. Mrs Braxton, who is a 4. READING
10. sensible 1. was talking,was driving neighbour, looks after our 1. b
2. was walking, cat when we are away. 2. c
B. slipped, broke 3. c
1. a 3. heard, ran C. 4. b
2. c 4. were...doing 1. the hottest 5. b
3. b 5. noticed, weren’t paying 2. as interesting
4. c 3. the worst
5. a B. 4. as dangerous as
6. b 1. Tom’s brother, who is 5. older than
a surgeon, works in a 6. taller and taller
big hospital. 7. more talented than
Brad: Hey, Kelly, did you see the new episode of Heroes last night?
Kelly: Nah, I stopped watching that show in the second season. I didn’t like it
anymore. Brad: How is that possible? That show is amazing!
Kelly: It’s so unrealistic. All those ‘normal’ people with abilities? It’s like a comic book or something.
Brad: That’s kind of the whole point, Kelly. Besides, don’t you think it would be cool to have an ability?
Kelly: I guess it depends on what I could do. I wouldn’t want super hearing or the ability to read other people’s
minds. Sometimes I’d really prefer NOT knowing what people are thinking about me.
Brad: Yeah, that’s definitely true. But wouldn’t it be cool to have The Cheerleader’s power? The ability to
recover quickly and easily when you’ve been injured?
Kelly: Well, I suppose that might come in handy. I’m quite careless sometimes, and I’m always getting cuts
and bruises.
Brad: I know you are. You always have some sort of plaster on!
Kelly: I know, I know. Still though, it wouldn’t be right. It’s not natural. And, if abilities of that sort did actually
exist, I’m sure someone would try to take advantage of it. Just like on the show.
Brad: You have a good point, but what if the government could protect against that sort of thing? Just imagine it...
a world full of superheroes! I think it would make for a much safer place to live.
Kelly: Maybe for a while. I still think people would eventually use their powers for evil. If you could walk
through walls, what’s stopping you from walking right into a bank and taking the money?
Copyright © MM Publications

Brad: Hmm... I didn’t think of that. Well, it’s not like there are people with abilities out there
anyway. Kelly: Yeah, so for now, why don’t you just stick to watching the show?

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