IFS Goal 13

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Goal 13 Climate action:

longer growing seasons for agriculture and longer ice-free seasons for shipping on the Great Lakes.
+ve Effects
(overall) Greener rainforest enhance the plant growth fewer winter death, lower energy cost and richer the biodiversity.

As the climate continues to change, millions of poor people face greater challenges in terms of extreme events.
-ve Effects
(overall) health effects, food security, livelihood security, migration, water security, cultural identity, and other related risks faced by the
Social Trends

Carbon dioxide fertilization of crops and reduced energy demand for heating are the main positive impacts.
+ve Effects
(Pakistan) Some actions are taken to adapt climate change such as, improvements to individual and public health, clean air and improve water
and soil quality.
Climate change is expected to increase the frequency and intensity of revrine, flash floods and sea storms.
-ve Effects
(Pakistan) Climate change enhance the social inequalities in the Pakistan due to the depletion of resources and economic injuries.

Should undertake urgent reforestation and forestation programs on mountain inclines Devise and implement a waste management
strategy for mountainous areas.
Ban diesel vehicles in the mountains. Switch to renewable energy sources

Improved quality of life and greater economic growth.

+ve Effects
Technological Trends

(overall) Rapid and bulk production of goods.

Degradation of natural habitats. Sickness loss of human labour.

-ve Effects
(overall) Global warming and climate changes. Crops damage from extreme heat.

+ve Effects Reforestation and reducing CO2 emissions from forest degradation.
Improving energy efficiency in buildings,Solar energy technology.
The number of people driving and traveling has led to more carbon emissions.
-ve Effects
(Pakistan) Unfortunately though, we still use coal and natural gas to generate electricity.

Reducing methane emissions and cutting our carbon footprints on industry level.
(Pakistan) We can use solar and wind technology so our society can position itself to reduce global warming.

economic growth. cleaner air and more efficient public transport systems in cities.
+ve Effects
(overall) energy-efficient homes or offices with intelligent heating and cooling systems.

Overall, climate change will harm the global economy,even with modest amounts of warming.
-ve Effects
(overall) That effects to mortality, labor and the energy sector alone under a high emissions scenario.
Economic Trends

Our GDP relay on crops, at ertain point crops and other plants grow better in the presence of higher carbon dioxide levels and seem
+ve Effects to be more profitable for economy.
(Pakistan) As we have CPEC corridor so shipping commerce will benefit from the opening of the Northwest Passage for longer periods of the
year due to the loss of Arctic sea ice.
We are already seeing the economic impacts of the changing climate in terms of recent flood that wipe of almost 70 percent of
-ve Effects infrastructure of Pakistan.
(Pakistan) People dying in heat waves as in 2015 Karachi face heatstroke due to high temperature rise.

Government should implement a carbon tax places a levy on the production and consumption of goods that emit carbon
Suggestions dioxide/methane. The tax would be proportionate to the amount of carbon emitted.
(Pakistan) We need to build multiple dams asap it will help economy to grow.

The increase in sources of renewable energy is growing bigger as a trend when it comes to battling and changing the climate.
Environmental Trends

Such renewable energy sources like wind, solar and hydro can significantly reduce the carbon emission from fuel sources like
+ve Effects
Reduced energy consumption can also lead to low carbon emission as the lesser the individuals curb their energy consumption,
the lower the carbon footprint and GHG emission there will be that will ultimately affect in the betterment of environment.
Removal of greenery and deforestation can lead to severe environmental disasters as the lands keeps being terraformed into
-ve Effects urban areas
(overall) Polluting and dumping waste into the oceans as a means of “waste disposal” can lead to lack of fresh water and lack of sources
of useable water.
Various campaigns and programs have been launched in Pakistan to bring improvement to the environment. One of the most
known and biggest program launched was the Clean Green Pakistan Program.
+ve Effects Environmental trends are resulting in a better environment for Pakistan, reducing the risks of floods, droughts and storms.
The urban areas of Pakistan have a tremendous level of energy consumption, and without any renewable energy sources the
-ve Effects carbon emission from simple day-to-day is dangerously high.
(Pakistan) In chase of launching and starting climate campaigns, most of the campaign starters and involved individuals end up with a
higher energy consumption and carbon commission than usual which results in direct harm for the climate
Switch to renewable fuel sources that powers every city by either wind, solar or hydro
(Pakistan) Make fuel sources for vehicle with low carbon emission like electric cars

The politics of climate change can result in the creation of various political movements that would work in the favor of the nature
+ve Effects and climate change. The movements symbolizes unity which further inspires more people to stand for the cause.
(overall) Agencies like Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) implement strategies to reduce GHG emissions and increase carbon efficiency.

Although activists, leftists, and liberals may stand up for the cause to battle climate change, other political movements like the right-
-ve Effects wing parties and conservatives may have their doubts about the cause, resulting in a battle against movements.
(overall) Climate change affects the political behavior (for likely the worst) and bad political behavior can lead to rash and poor political
decisions which can ultimately affect the climate hence, causing a looped chain reaction.
Political Trends

Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (PEPA) has contributed a significant amount of efforts towards changing the climate and
protecting the environment with numerous plans, idea and environmental strategies battling almost every environmental problem
+ve Effects in Pakistan.
(Pakistan) The only political party that made a vital step towards environmental and climate improvement was PTI that even presented
environmental policies like ccreating a green econonmy for Pakistan through sector based initiatives, including small scale
sustainable farming, eco tourism and more effective water management
Majority of the political parties neglect issues like environmental and resource degradation which results in Pakistan losing up to 6%
-ve Effects of its GDP annually.
(Pakistan) In almost all the political parties, the lack of prioritization for climate issues lead to the negligence and lack of awareness towards
those same issues which ultimately results in economical and environmental collapse in which mostly the poor suffer.
Raise awareness towards climatic issues and prioritize resolving or battling the issues.
(Pakistan) Create long term political policies that affects a wide area of population towards making a change in the climate.

The main climate laws mandate reducing carbon dioxide, greenhouse gasses to lessen the carbon footprint. More specially, the laws
+ve Effects mandate that one’s state cut it’s climate damaging emissions to zero. Recent laws states for this to be done by 2050.

(overall) Government research and development programs such as the Advanced Research Project Agency-Energy can drive progress in clean
energy technology and bring them to commercial use while legalizing them.
Some laws favor the urban and other industrial development more than the climate and environment which results in the
construction of factories and other buildings that increase the carbon and GHG emissions.
-ve Effects Some laws legalize deforestation for ubran expansion which is directly impacting and hurting the climate and resulting in resource
(overall) degradation.
In response to climate change, several Climate Change Acts have been issues which have established bodies like Pakistan Climate
Change Council (PCCC) and Pakistan Climate Change Authority (PCCA) to implement, adapt, mitigate, research, prepare and advise
+ve Effects the government regarding legislative, policy and implementation regarding climate change.
(Pakistan) The Ministry of Environment developed that National Climate Change Policy (NCCP) that has aimed and responsed vitally towards
the cause by identifying vulnerabilities in the sectors of water resources, agriculture, forests, coastal areas, biodiversity and
vulnerable ecosystem.
Some deforestations that happen tend to be illegal and the parties responsible for the act end up buying the authorities to conduct
-ve Effects illegal deforestation in secrecy
(Pakistan) Unlike policies and mere issues that can easily be ignored and neglected by politicians, the climate laws of Pakistan make it so that
the legality of the situation is enforced upon even the political parties and more importantly on the citizens.
Enforce strict laws against climate action which may be punishable by strict punishment.
(Pakistan) Engagement with policymaking, advising clients of climate risks in law firms and engaging with law schools to educate on the legal
aspects of climate crisis and its impact on human rights
-ve Effects


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