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Brand Identity - GDH3559 Zingmp3

Nguyen Ngoc Bach Identity System
Zingmp3 Identity System | 1
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In addition to providing clear instructions

on how to use each part, the Zingmp3
identification system also illustrates the
brand's essential components. In order to
maintain the highest level of consistency
and brand recognition, adherence to these
rules is crucial.

Zingmp3 Identity System | 3

table of cotents

Brand Strategy Brand Logo Brand Typography

About Zingmp3 Logo Suite Typefaces
Brand Summary Masterbrand with Partners Type and Colour
Brand Attributes Minimum Size
Brand Positioning Logo Positioning
Incorrect Usage

Brand Toolkit Graphic Element Photography Style

Brand Overview Graphic Element Photography Style
Brand Looks Main Usage Image Treatment
Incorrect Usage
Usage with Images

Brand Colour
Primary Colour Palette
Colour Combinations

4 | Zingmp3 Zingmp3 Identity System

table of cotents

Example Items
Stationery Set
Employee Card
Employee Uniform
Zingmp3 App
Promotional Poster
Tote bag
Logo Rationale

Zingmp3 Identity System | 5

brand strategy

Every communication piece created for the Zingmp3 brand

must be consistent with the company's visual identity and
adhere to its brand strategy.

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about zingmp3

Zingmp3 is a streaming music service that primarily serves

Vietnamese customers and a limited number of foreign
users, providing high-quality songs that are copyrighted.

Not only does Zingmp3 offer high-quality music, but it also

offers podcast radios, music video streaming, and a Tiktok-
styled short movie reel.

By making use of our services, all of us might significantly

improve the quality of our lives and the environment by
lowering the amount of carbon emissions cause producing
and using physical version of songs (CDs, Vinyl)

Zingmp3 Identity System | 7

brand summary

Brand Vision
To reduce carbon emission from producing and
using CDs, vinyl. Encourage the development of
4.0 age, the age of technology.

Brand Mission
To be the top music streaming service in Vietnam,
offering consumers free, high-quality, copyrighted
music, and bringing a wide variety of music to an
increasing number of Vietnamese people.

8 | Zingmp3 Zingmp3 Identity System

brand summary

Brand Value

User Friendly Professional

We prioritize the consumer's ease of use when We shall always act in a respectful and
utilizing our service and create innovations that professional manner.
make life simpler when we design with our users
in mind.

We are motivated by a desire to use our cutting-
edge knowledge to change the working world.

We are persistent, creative, and innovative. We
place a high priority on a continuous improvement
culture and work to be the best in our sector.

Zingmp3 Identity System | 9

brand attribute

We constantly try to be the music streaming
service that consumers can always enjoy using
our service by making navigation simpler by
placing humans at the center of our design.

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brand attribute

With the right application of technology
development, our users can promote
environmental responsibility through our service,
which is in line with our vision of a future in which
the use of CDs and vinyl is reduced to reduce
carbon emissions.

Zingmp3 Identity System | 11

brand attribute

Data transfer has never been so quick or safe as it
is now thanks to our new Lightspeed technology.
No more having to wait a long time or settle for a
poor quality version of your favorite song.

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brand positioning

In this era of rapid technological advancement,

Zingmp3 will offer a fascinating music streaming
service while also advancing technology without
having an adverse effect on the environment.

Zingmp3 Identity System | 13


The Zingmp3 masterbrand's visual identity gives

numerous entities the option to communicate with
various audiences using varied messaging.

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Zingmp3 has a powerful brand that covers a Graphic Element

variety of services and goods. The visual identity
we choose must enhance the brand rather than These standout visual components contribute to
weaken it. the brand's powerful appearance. It is best to use
the rounded curves of audio player elements. No
The masterbrand needs to encompass everything. new shapes are to be used.
The sole exception to this rule is when there is a
relationship with a Zingmp3 endorser.
Brand Logo
Zingmp3 offers four different forms of dynamic
logograms that may be utilized in certain
permitted executions. The Zingmp3 logogram and
Zingmp3 wordmark are the two main components
of the platform's logo, which serves as its primary
means of identification.

Zingmp3 Identity System | 15


Brand Image Brand Colour

Zingmp3's brand attributes of authenticity, It should only be permitted to use colors from the
sustainability, and speed should be reinforced Primary Color Palette.
through imagery.

Brand Typeface
We only use Inter Regular as our typeface for
anything that needs to be typed out in a lengthy
body of text. while reserving Inter Bold for
substantial headlines only. There won't be any
additional typefaces used for the brand.

16 | Zingmp3 Zingmp3 Identity System

brand toolkit

The Zingmp3 brand is made up of a variety of

elements that work together to create the brand's
distinctive look and feel. The most effective ways
to use these elements in order to create a unified
and consistent brand are explained in the pages
that follow.

Zingmp3 Identity System | 17

brand overview

Logogram + Logotype Logogram


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brand overview

Inter Regular

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy





Inter Bold

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy





Zingmp3 Identity System | 19

brand overview

Brand Colour Brand Element

Zingmp3 Gradient
From #cc2a5e to #763b89

Hex #cc2a5e

R: 204 C: 15
G: 42 M: 97
B: 94 Y: 47
K: 1

Hex #cc2a5e Hex #763b89

R: 204 R: 118
G: 42 G: 59
B: 94 B: 137

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brand overview


Zingmp3 Identity System | 21

brand logo

The Zingmp3 logo, which consists of the two

essential components logotype and logogram,
serves as the primary means of identification for
the business. Information on the available logos
and their intended uses is provided in this section.

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logo suite

Round shapes are used
to create our logo. It is
thoughtfully built to preserve
its characteristics and enable
for good legibility at any size
on any application.

As part of the brand identity,

the logo combines the letter
"Z" and the play button found
on media players.

Zingmp3 Identity System | 23

logo meaning

The play button and "Z"—Zingmp3's initial—are

combined to form the Zingmp3 logo. The play
button and the fact that the "Z" is rounded on
both ends, in addition to the brand's initials, let
the product stand for its values of friendliness and

Our major brand color is a gradient because of the

way it combines two colors to give the impression
that it is constantly moving, which is consistent
with our brand value of innovation.

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logo suite

Logo variation
Round shapes are used
to create our logo. It is
thoughtfully built to preserve
its characteristics and enable
for good legibility at any size
on any application.

As part of the brand identity,

the logo combines the letter
"Z" and the play button found
on media players.

Zingmp3 Identity System | 25

logo suite

Only when full colour cannot be used, such as in

single-colour print applications, can the black and
white logo be used.

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logo suite

The logotype may be separated from the
logogram without restriction. But make sure the
logogram is still displayed on the product's front
or back.

Zingmp3 Identity System | 27

with partner

The second logo variant should be used whenever

the brand collaborates or partners with other
businesses. The size of the logo in comparison
to the other partners will primarily rely on how
significant the relationship is, but it should,
whenever possible, be given equal weight.

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clear space

For the logo to be visible in all messages, it must

be surrounded by a continuous expanse of open
space. The region around the logo that isn't
printed is known as clear space.

Within this area, there shouldn't be any further

graphic elements. Apply extra clean space than
the minimum required wherever it is practical.

Zingmp3 Identity System | 29


The logo must never be reproduced

at a size smaller than the minimal
width required in order to prevent any
potential reproduction issues.

Print: 38 x 31 mm Print: 10 x 10 mm
Digital: 110 x 89 px Digital: 25 x 25 px

Print: 65 x 11 mm Print: 65 x 15 mm
Digital: 185 x 31 px Digital: 185 x 42 px

30 | Zingmp3 Zingmp3 Identity System


The use and type of communication

determine where the logogram should
be placed. General communications
with text and a logo should preferably
be positioned in the bottom right or
top right of the composition.

If the logo is on the back of the eco-

bag design, you may, however, place it
in the center of the design.

Zingmp3 Identity System | 31

on coloured

Pink and Gradient Black Background


32 | Zingmp3 Zingmp3 Identity System


Do not add inner glow to Do not stretch the logo Do not change Do not use only outline
the logo components colour on the logo

Do not add drop shadow Do not remove any Do not overlap the logo Do not place the logo on
to the logo component from the logo with any element insufficient background

Zingmp3 Identity System | 33

brand colour

Our colour palette plays a significant role in the

visual identity of the brand and aids in brand

34 | Zingmp3 Zingmp3 Identity System

colour palette

Primary Colours Zingmp3 Gradient

Pink-Purple Gradient, Zingmp3 Pink, White, From #cc2a5e to #763b89
and Black are the colors chosen for the brand's
primary color palette. The use of White and Black,
despite being the primary colors of the brand, is
then employed to provide contrast, balance the
Pink and Gradient, and act as a supporting color.
Hex #cc2a5e

R: 204 C: 15
G: 42 M: 97
B: 94 Y: 47
K: 1

Hex #cc2a5e Hex #763b89

R: 204 R: 118
G: 42 G: 59
B: 94 B: 137

Zingmp3 Identity System | 35


Primary Colours
To ensure that the brand is cohesive and
consistent, make sure to incorporate all colours
when developing colour schemes, especially
when adding components like rounded forms
or graphical lettering. According to usage, the
following shows the colour ratio that should be
applied to various messages.

36 | Zingmp3 Zingmp3 Identity System


The recognition and tone of voice of the brand

are improved by typefaces. Zingmp3 employs a
chosen preferred typeface to help ensure that all
communications are uniform.

Zingmp3 Identity System | 37


Primary Typeface Inter Regular

The typeface chosen to represent our brand
is Inter because it matches the entire identity,
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy
exudes a sense of cleanliness and simplicity, and dog
works well for a wide range of applications.
Inter prefers the following weights: THE LAZY DOG
Regular and Bold

Inter Regular and Inter Bold are the preferred 0123456789

typeface weights to employ for body content and
headings, respectively.

Inter Bold

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy





38 | Zingmp3 Zingmp3 Identity System


Only primary colors from the color wheel should

appear in headlines, subheads, and body material.
Except in the digital space, where blue can be
used, subheads and body content may only be
displayed in black or white. Body copy should not
be set smaller than 6 pt.

Black Text White Text Gradient Text Pink Text

Black Text White Text Gradient Text Pink Text

Black Text White Text Gradient Text Pink Text

Black Text White Text Gradient Text Pink Text

Black Text White Text Pink Text

Zingmp3 Identity System | 39


Zingmp3's brand identity heavily incorporates

photography and imagery. The images ought to
support Zingmp3's principles and brand identity.

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Zingmp3 Identity System | 41


Cast persons who are simply
wearing headphones or who
are listening to music.

Makeup, clothing, and hair

should all appear natural.
Either the subject is facing
the camera or is not.

No forced posed-appearing
actions or expressions.

The gradient from Zingmp3

should be applied to every
image. (Using the precise
shade is not required. You
can alter it by adding or
subtracting one shade.)

42 | Zingmp3 Zingmp3 Identity System


Open the chosen image that you wish

to use and check that it complies with
all the specifications for the first style

Apply a gradient map and choose

Zingmp3's gradient

Since no two photographs have the

exact value, the gradient slider can be
moved over and altered to better fit
the image.

Zingmp3 Identity System | 43

example items

We have included a variety of examples to help

illustrate how the visual identity is brought to life.

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260 mm

1420 mm

Zingmp3 Identity System | 45

business card

50 mm

85 mm

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business card

50 mm

85 mm

Zingmp3 Identity System | 47


297 mm

210 mm

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110 mm

230 mm

Zingmp3 Identity System | 49


307 mm

440 mm

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107 mm

225 mm

Zingmp3 Identity System | 51


86 mm

54 mm

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tote bag

370 mm

330 mm

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690 mm

510 mm

Zingmp3 Identity System | 55

logo rationale

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Zingmp3 Identity System | 57

close remark

Please get in touch with us at if any of the
listed descriptions are unclear to you
or if you have any questions before
moving forward with the design to
avoid any avoidable mistakes.

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