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Republic of the Philippines


Province of Rizal
Tanay Campus

College of Science and Education


(A Compilation of Narrative Experiences in NSTP 2)

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for NSTP 2

Japheth M. Cornel
Aquino, Mrak Kyle
Combated, Analyn
Decatoria, Christian
Gallo, Fides Andrea
Oblianda, Ma. Cristina Z.
Tating, John Aries M.
April 25, 2022

Prof. Nenita F. Ramos

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Rizal
Tanay Campus

NSTP 2 Facilitator

I. Introduction

Even though developed countries have long recognized the value of

education, access to education is a given in many of these countries. On the
other hand, education is a luxury that many underdeveloped countries and
economically struggling parts of the world cannot afford like our country,

In conjunction with, the proponent decided to focus the project in

propagating learning that targets primary level students and it tends to nurture
and enhance their numeracy and literacy skills. This project teaches children in
primary school to enable children in shifting to a more productive and successful
kind of learning, as well as to broaden their previous knowledge. The
beneficiaries are students who are struggling to learn during this pandemic. As
this program focuses on propagating learning, the proponents prepared learning
materials that will be essential in the implementation of the project. The
proponents also prepared food as a reward for their cooperation in the project.
The project is divided into two categories (numeracy and literacy skills) that
involve different types of activities.

The project is conducted in Liro Homes Subd. Barangay Sampaloc,

Tanay, Rizal. The proponent chooses a location where children will be safe and
at the same time will help them to socialize, enjoy, and learn during the

Furthermore, the proponent’s experience before and after in this project

will consist in this paper.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Rizal
Tanay Campus

II. Rationale of the Project

The project proposal has been prepared based on the information gathered through

teaching youth dreamers’ literacy and numeracy skills these teaching aims to help youth

dreamers open their mind and intellectuality to shape their ability and capacity. Taking

action regarding the increasing percentage of young people with educational disabilities

proves that emphasis should be given to protect and help them achieve their goals. The

act of imparting knowledge has begun and we are focusing on the area of Liro Homes

Subd. Bgry. Sampaloc, Tanay, Rizal where many young people are thirsty for learning.

Based on the observations that the proponents conducted, the area that the

proponents chose is actually full of youth dreamers who are thirsty for learning. Due to

lack of skills and the impact of poverty and pandemics engulfing the world. In that area

has a lack of learning support, some have weaknesses in literacy and numeracy skills

so this is the focus of our group to teach youth dreamers to enhance and improve their

intellectual ability. Proven and observed how much support is needed for those young

people. The overall objective of this project proposal is to focus on awakening the spirit

of youth dreamers for learning and skill development.

Therefore, the proponents seek to give light and color to the learning of youth

dreamers. Focus on deficiencies, support, improve capacity for the educational

program. Our group believes that learning is a wealth that must be strived for, which is

why we strive to deliver the essential knowledge towards the development of ability and
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Rizal
Tanay Campus

learning of youth dreamers.

III. Program Implementation

On March 9, 2022, the proponents had a meeting with the guardians or parents of

the participants at Liro Homes, Brgy. Sampaloc Tanay, Rizal. Agenda of meeting entails

of what is the project is all about and the schedules of activities with the beneficiaries. At

the end of the meeting, the guardians and parents of the participants allowed the

children to participate in the said program. After the meeting conducted, the proponent

of this project prepared the lesson materials that may use in the duration of the project.

March 10, 2022, was the first day that the proponent started the implementation.

But first and foremost, the proponent of this projects bought everything they need on the

forum like foods and school materials. The forum started by an opening prayer, name

introduction and singing nursery rhythms. After that, the proponents started to teach

addition, subtraction and alphabets. Furthermore, the proponents gave activities

regarding on the topic to the participants and checked it after. When all the activities

were over, the proponents gave rewards and foods to the participants and accompanied

the children on their way home. The proponents clean the place where the activities

implemented before the proponents of the project go back on their own home.

March 17, 2022, the proponents and the participants met on the second time. Like

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Rizal
Tanay Campus

what the proponents did on the first day, the proponents bought things needed first

before go at the place of the project implementation. The forum started by opening

prayer before the discussion regarding shapes and alphabet sounds and doing

prepared activities. The proponent of this project provides foods for the children and

accompanied the children way back home. The proponent of this project cleans the

project implementation area before leaving it.

March 24, 2022, before going to the project implementation venue, the proponents

bought everything they need. At the venue, the forum started by a prayer before the

discussion. The proponent of the project did story telling before making a question-and-

answer segment regarding a story. Then after that, the participant played "4pics1word"

provided by the proponent of the project. The happiness and enjoyment of the children

was appreciable. The proponents provide awards like ribbons and foods to the

participants before accompanying children to the participant's houses, before cleaning

and leaving the project implementation place.

March 31, 2022, this was the day that the proponents have already prepared a

lesson material and an answer sheet for the participants. After that the proponent also

prepared where the implementations of the program will take place. And when the

proponent and all the participants met at the said place this is where the teaching

started and one by one, the children were given an answer sheet. And when the work

was over the proponent’s provided food and drinks for the proponent.

April 7, 2022, this was the last day of implementation. The proponents prepared a

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Rizal
Tanay Campus

new materials and activities to be used in teaching, it also bought delicious meals for

the beneficiaries. The teaching began with prayer and singing of nursery rhymes, and

after that the proponents began to the teach, the beneficiaries reading and writing one

by one. Then the proponents also conducted a game related to their topic with the

children. And after that a little graduation happened. The proponents issued certificates

to the beneficiaries for participating in “Propagation of Learning for the Youth’s Dream

Program”. After handing it over the proponents and beneficiaries also had a small

banquet to celebrate the success of the program.

In summary, the proponents had a realization how difficult it is to teach as a teacher

and how grateful would you feel once you provided a knowledge to the children.

IV. Problems Encountered and Solution

Before the Activity

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the proponents cannot immediately find children to

teach and a place to hold the activity. Our group decided that we would pick every child

we would teach, by going to each house and personally informing their parents. The

proponents taught the siblings of our classmate along with their friends so that we could

quickly accumulate the children. As for the place that the proponents will use for

teaching, one of the members of our group were kind enough to do it in their own place

so that there would not be so many people and we would observe the children properly.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Rizal
Tanay Campus

During Activity

It was difficult to get the children's attention, so the proponents played various nursery

rhymes that they could accompany and imitate, as well as play games with numbers so

that they would like to listen and gain knowledge. Unexpected attendance of children

invited by a friend; we have extra food bought so that even if a child goes, we have

something to give.

After the Activity

There are children who did not attend the last day of the teaching and there are also

those who attended but were not included in the list of recipients. As a result, the

proponents decided that whoever attend would get their certificate and also because it's

the last day, the proponents stretch out the budget for their extra snacks in that way the

children will feel the appreciation of their presence coming from the proponents.

V. Evaluation

The program met the children's educational needs and added value to their

subsequent experiences. Lessons and activities such as storytelling, drawing, coloring,

reading, counting numbers, and writing were all grasped by the students. The activities

of the program were suited to the children's abilities and interests, making them eager to

learn each day. Most of the students participated in the activities, followed the

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Rizal
Tanay Campus

directions, and got the correct answer, implying that the activities were effective.

Teaching young children, the skills they need to succeed in life and nurturing their

minds can be extremely satisfying for NSTP students who conducted the project. The

group were able to use their imaginations and abilities to develop children's skills and

talents so that they can efficiently navigate their environments. NSTP students did a lot

more than just teach young children their ABCs and 123s. The children were taught to

love and be nice, as well as how to communicate and express their emotions. They

learned life skills that they would use for the rest of their lives. As a result, the group's

experiences gained was the embedded knowledge, effective skills, and moral



a. Documentation

b. Approved Project Proposal

c. Communication Letter

d. Attendance

Project Implementation Present/ Assigned Facilitators

March 10, 2022 Aquino, Mark Kyle
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Rizal
Tanay Campus

Combate, Analyn
Cornel, Japheth
Decatoria, Christian
Gallo, Fides Andrea
Oblianda, Ma. Cristina
Tating, John Aries
March 17, 2022 Combate, Analyn
Cornel, Japheth
Gallo, Fides Andrea
Oblianda, Ma. Cristina
Tating, John Aries
March 24, 2022 Decatoria, Christian
Combate, Analyn
Cornel, Japheth
Gallo, Fides Andrea
Oblianda, Ma. Cristina
Tating, John Aries
March 31, 2022 Aquino, Mark Kyle
Combate, Analyn
Cornel, Japheth
Decatoria, Christian
Gallo, Fides Andrea
Oblianda, Ma. Cristina
Tating, John Aries
April 07, 2022 Aquino, Mark Kyle
Combate, Analyn
Cornel, Japheth
Decatoria, Christian
Gallo, Fides Andrea
Oblianda, Ma. Cristina
Tating, John Aries

e. Reflection

Different events happened during the whole time of the project implementation.

From the beginning of the project, from conducting a mini survey, meetings, gathering

of ideas until to the implementation of the project.

NSTP students started their project by seeking the children's parents for

permission to teach them at Liro Homes in Sampaloc Tanay Rizal. When parents found
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Rizal
Tanay Campus

out about this initiative, they were delighted because they knew their children needed

more experience and education, which is exactly what this project aims to provide. This

project is implemented over 4 weeks — Thursday of each week. Every day of teaching

has been exciting both for learners and teachers. NSTP students taught many things

including reading stories, writing letters, counting and adding numbers, identifying

animals, coloring images and a lot more. The young children are very excited every

meeting to learn because they always have new knowledge to gain. Everyone had a

strong bond because they all shared the same goal — to learn. Students in the NSTP

program were able to focus on the development of children's literacy skills which

enabled them to determine letters and read effectively.

After the project, the group achieved the project's main goal, which was to

improve the numeracy and literacy skills of primary school students. Learners have

improved their ability to determine sounds, numbers, words, and language as a result of

this initiative. The group were able to be meaningful to the children by interacting with

them, teaching, and playing with rhymes, which resulted in a close bond between them.

LTS students monitored each child's development each week of the program and saw

that all learners were completely interested and engaged in the curriculum.


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