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English Version

11 ll

English Version

OI !:; About the Textbook

.. I l.l lll 1•ol ~.2.e .:J.11-1- .!i!DI a-!f~ ~:,;ii, ~At~W

7l{s, tlllt ~ttol~ ~At ff lt~ttLlc.t
Look at th e pict ure of characters and check the topic of the
unit , conversation skills. situa tion , and participants of th e
conversation .

Oi~~ .!c.~ Introduction of vocabulary •

• ~.H. Ol.fl7f Al-§£lE- 2jAf~~ ~~Lief.
It is a conversational situation where the target
vocabulary is used .

Oi~~ .xflAI Vocabulary usage •

· Ol.fl ~~Lief. '!lj~ ~IAi Ol.fl• IIH~Llef.
This is a list of vocabulary. The learner can learn the
words in context.

. .:J.~OILf £~. Ol.fl AIS on~ S!Dl Ol.fl2l

Phot os. illustrations , and sample sentences help
students check vocabulary usage in context.

8 .:V.21CJI ~~Ol 1
" Etti.21 Title of the unit

2 ~?tall !i!Ui Let's think

~'cl"~i' I ,
/ g ~E•
· §"'~~OI Lt~ ll8~ CftU ~1l 8~2.1 2.IAf~
The learner listens to a short conversation and
t hinks about the communicative obj ectives of t he
/ unit.

-+ ~.H. Learning objectives

· 8~ ~I *~W * ~'€- 2.!Af~ ~~Llc.f.
They are the communicative objectives studen ts
are expected to achieve after completing the uni t.

1 Qa»IIOIOtof71111d.. -- • <>t-'121 1 Vocabulary practice 1

* ~e 'if0f71 'a§~Llc.f.

· ~Hg 01~• Al§~ ._

Fl 11<1
It is a speaking activity for learners to use the
C) X
1t D~'l'iot11 1 words th ey have learned .

"' 0J4a.~'ttot1l..
· 'a§2.l ~6jg .:::i~. Af~!. 8-2-£ c.fmlLlc.f.

·~ Various methods such as photos, pictures, or

sentences are used for prac t ice.

~q Q wq X

a. . .
.,r lli~ i -

''" Q
"" X

..... ,~
"" Q X
- <>t-'121 2 Vocabulary practice 2
2 ftOI oiot, .. • a.
ljl~ e;aitM-
.,,~ . ~ . , . , _ . . . . . . . .ao, _ _ r..,....i · 2.IAf~g ~~IA1 ~Hg 01~· A~ofe 'M
of71 'a§~Llcf.
It is a spea king activi ty for learners to prac tice
th e wo rd s th ey have learned in a meanin gfu l
communi cative context.
OI ~2' About the Textbook

~':121 £ti Introduction of grammar •

• ~~OI Al-§-.'r.l~ 21Af±~ ~W~Llc.f.
It is a communicative situation where the target
grammar is used.

~W21 JIAI Grammar usage - - -- ll Tl ii otl-lif ~OIIIQ?

u ~ C.!,_'4AI t! •otlUl
. ~H ~~21 ~~-i- Ol2i OIi~ ~5H ~~Llc.f 11 " '4lOt w.1,1,171 OIQ9.7
Various sample sentences show the meaning and
Ji 11 0Pl fitJl ~ •ff1tQ •-i
usage of the target grammar. u ot4a 1101 fJOt k * lfOi.2.

Olt!l .8. 2~,~. ::::. ,tJOI.Q.

41 11 .2SJilZIU>tlll2?
· A~t;f71 ~5ff ~fOt t;fE ™OIi .._ u

Cff~ 1:i!~~Llc.f.
It describes essential information for the • IHtfLl8ottl!!0l$J•Lttft!Ct

learner to use the ta rget grammar.

All iaOl New words - •Olllff iat- . . . 11...

11•tf-"t ...lU
· Ol~g~ ~:x:1 ?,tg 7H~ '20l~Llc.f.
Individual words , not included on the list of voca bulary,
are presented.

• ~QJJ~ ~5" All '20!21 ~~Llc.f.

The meaning of the new words can be checke d in

.H.!!21 4AI •
Usage of discourse expressions
· .:il~~Ol.:il 21Af±g. R~~Llc.f.
They are defined as fixed and formulaic communicative
expressions .
.,,.. 1 :Jll8Jt..lfJTG0ICIJllltl.lil.
locl,c,tr.P<Jurn,-..,""-at,o,J1 ..... <n"'°""'_...,..,.,,_""'

I I I I c::::J c::::J c::::J c::::J c::::J

~..., .... .........,.,.....

• Ql~.Q9.illLIOIMotll2.

Practice of discourse expressions

'a~ ~Ol2.lllff Q.Jt;:J Cff~ ~~~Llc.f. 781,060 11P \O ,.,o•
88 11
The learner learns chunks of discourse expressions
to co mmunicate .
,.,. . -~------- ••
1 e1-1.;icro111fDt7llle.R.. --

• ~~21 ~tit 1 Grammar practice 1
· Hffg V * '1!1= ~f71 ~Et~Llc:.t-.
. ~.-
llllltOIRQ WltOl!tQ

• It is a speaking activity for learners to use th e

• •• q • ...,
grammar they have le arned .

a.7111~ O UQ

11 •1Jf totti 1

1.4 at!:ll"lfotU · ~Et2l ig6jg ~'El. Af~!. g~ c:.t-~Llc:.t-.
Various methods such as photos. pic tures. or
,___ sentences are use d for practice .

::;:;;-------------Jl__ ~~21
2 Qtl.;i llOIOfOl' .. all

~tit 2 Grammar practice 2

..,. ~"" ""'

ce!.q .,,
•/Cl ~

· g~2j 8 ~ \:iOl£Oll lll2} ~g ~~2l
~;goi1 xl017f 'l.!§Llc:.t-.
The number and length of practice exerc ises and
~"" ~ i.o,:,q
"""" "l~l"fct
activities differs according to the importance and
--~7t4~Q 'llf-'.Pl t Q
difficulty of the grammar.

11•I!f'OUl? 11•~
-r ~r;J21 ~tit 3 Grammar practice 3

__ _
1.4 ~ ....... 1.4-..~

· 2jAf±~ ~~!Ai HHg A~51-e ~f

_, .. aR.
3 ~ - ~ . U7 ~otDP .... - 7f ~§~Llc:.t-.
It is a speaking activity for learners to pract ice
the grammar they have learned in a mean ingful
communicat ive context.

r Cit~ ~71 Listening to a conversation

· 2jAf±g ~H.7f !ell= Xf~~'El~ Cff~
Cff~2l Cff~.21 Lff~ nt~Llc:.t-.
The learner listens to a natural and meaning ful
conversation, which is the communicative target of
the unit. and identifies the purpose and content of
the conversation.

- _. Cit~ ~titii.71 Conversation practice

· Cff~ g~H Cff~2l ig6J~ '2lruL1c:.t-.
The learn er learns how to part ici pate in a
Q conversation by engaging in conversational
pra ctice .
• Cit~~ ~tit
Practice to organize conversation
otll . .l.ffllt •Q
. ~§xf AA a Cff~ ~5!01 .5!.e ~§~Llc:.t-.
. . . .. . Itel, It is an exercise for lea rn e rs to organi ze a
conversation by themselves and sp ea k .

(:l . otll lQI CH .2~1J.l0tllf'illQ

· Oi'1~ ~1151-e 8~ it!~ ~§Of .!clXI 'r,t£~ ,1{1~

.2e, 11ai11111.1q , " §Llc:.t-.
It is stru ctured not to make th e exercise a simple
drill th a t only re qu ires re pla ci ng words .

01 11
OI 1) About the Textbook

~71 •@ Listening activity .. • <lff,......,,...,.• .....,,._v,~-.,,. .......

,~.1 "'-~•""'--..... --~--"' ..... ""',,... , __
• '2¥!!21 ~Xi~ 7lgOI .,i~~ 21Af.:::!::.~ ~71 -~~Lie./-.
It is a listening activity that includes the topic and
skills of each unit.

· LIi§ nm~ Ail¥ LIi§ nm % ~OIi 1If2.f ~A11

,.."" ow
•• ...
~~'51-0j ~Lie./-. l l 'tCOl•~OIOl27

wt'Clldo ~ dokwo...-.0'

The learner listens to the conversation for a couple

of times based on the purpose, whether it is to
understand the overall conversation or to capture
...."" ... ....
de taile d in formation .
1 JIJ~fftQWMVII....._
f«>dhMl-ftl'O<L<IIQnlrd..-..- .... q.,ftllcro

il71 It@ Reading activity

• '2-Y:!21 ~A:1121- 7'501 ,1~~ 21Af~ iPI -~~Lie./-.
It is a reading activity that includes the topic and ~e•'llf.:It!~

skills of eac h un it.

LIi§ nm~ Ail¥ LIi§ nm % ~011 n:f2.f ~A11

"IC otl!-MJL


~~'51-0j ~§Lie./-.
The learner re ads the passage for a couple of times
based on the purpose, whether it is to understand
the overall content or to capture deta ile d
information .

~I It@ Writing activity • ,. 1 OfitR•tOIQOl7Ui?.-Mt.U.

• '2~21 ~Ai~ 7lg<JI ,1~~ 21Af.:::!::.~ ~, -~~Lie./-. I) R8 otQQI 1ta? 'iJIGIAI ti? IIW~
It is a writing activity that includes the topic and Whl<•Oo1...,..wdtrgo•'o"'-alit,,ouoc, . .

skills of each unit.

· ~71 ~OIi JJlOt It L/1§01~ W~Oll Clt!II {;!I~ g "-

~71. WL.Jc./-.
The learner writes his or her own passa ge after
outlining the content or thinkin g about t he style to
use .

l l llliltl!.181 '"1.2.& ill ~

l l lt1IOtGISl? •w-a....,,-,

, _.,.........._ - - - - - - - - - ----1--
, and -.
. .-..0. fCUNI IO ,0,. _ _ l'Cltl'I C#oel
-.. 'it!t71 •s Speaking activity
II •ff OIOP-.a7 tllNI MG. · 8~21 ~Xi~ 71~1,1~~ 21Af~ WWI -~~Llc:.t.
It is a speaking activity that includes the topic and
skills of each unit.

· WWI ~OIi Wit L/1§014 ig~otl Cll311 W

sf71• ruwc:.t.
The learners speak after thinking about what and
how to express themselves in their speech .

Pronunciation exercise/cultural activity
• Cit~ ~Oita _.,. 1'0ta? !tit• U&Ale WOHtaw?
~--n,.~CIIIJ'Q"........,.Lln ._,___ _..,~
· .?E~OIIAi i!'t'-~-2£ ~OfOt W ~7Hru
Llc:.t. :U8~ 1.!Xil tt%i- 311 awc:.t.
It introduces the pronunciation and cultural items
that Korean language beginners need to know. Afte r
a brief explanation, they engage in actual exercises
or activities.

• Jitatl H !tUe OIQVIISI:? . . . . . "'i '" ~~
· 'it~ .!Ee~~ ~~OI XilAl~Llc:.t.

.,.,_ . ,....,.., ...

Pronunciation and cultural items are presented
........,. _,,......
~ailbn . ..... Ni•Ma- alternately in each unit.

........... . .
ca..w ........ ,._ .. ,..,
.... ........ ,....111, ...
a..w..,. ..... .._a-.w I,!\
,.,...... ¥
• OIQ 41111 M otqll67 &IC2.
'M'd-•••b-..i..,,o.,-1"~ac1t.,uh~pio,t• "''°"'t-~la"P1po-_,
., Xt71 i'7t Self-check
. 8~ xil"-1£1~£:! ~e ~R IJ~ 01~• ~ext
...,., ,,..__.
Ofl!il.~QfWOIW? W-~......a.t Learners evalua te to what extent they have achieved
the lea rn ing objectives presented in the beginning
of the un it.

01:!li!!l~'ll 13
t lo~e lbl'i!i! t>
llvv e ~1/J IIO~lk ~gJ()4.
ILro e ~1/J IIOi'}ltl ~gJ()4 •
l:ii'o * 1m E~ H~I/J IIO~ltl 1ottrA l:llt -flilw~ -li!Ol
ILJm E~ llil/J IIOi'}ltL ~gJQ4 •
IL§ ~1/J ~1/J IIO~ltl ~gJQ4 •
Im e j~I/J IIOtfltl iW~.
Ill-~ e ~1/J IIOtfltl iW~ •
"bi'o * 1m E~ llil/J l~lt ro~ ro~ -li!6
ILJm Ei!- llil/J l~lt i'E,~ •
IL§ ~1/J ~1/J l~lt ro~ •
ILvv e ~1/J IIO~.
1m e ~11:1110~ •
"bi'o * 1m E~ Hil/J no~ Iv! -li! 8
ILJ!i!-a;z ~•
IL§ ~11:1 ~g-a;z •
Im e ~11:1 l~li? a~•
ILJm i!'~ llil/J l~li? a~.
"bi'o * llP-i Ei!- llil/J l~li? a~ a.9.-~ -Ii! L.
ILro e ~11:1 l~li? a~•
IL§~I/J ~11:1 l~li?a~•
1Lvv e -li!ro ~Ji •
ILJ!i!P-, E~ -li!ro ~jg•
"bi'o * 1ffl E~ 9-li!ro ~Jg ti!ff, -li! 9
ll~ ollo -li!ro ~Jg•
IL§~I/Jiil/J IIO-li!ro~Jg•
ILW Ii~ iv •
ILJg~I/J ~y R~•
"bi'o * rv ~""2-~ 1£-lvia -li! S
ILro Wli'>•
IL§ ~1/J ~y *R~ •
Im ro ~g ~YIIO~ •
ILJ!i!P-, i!'~ ro ~g ~YIIO~ •
"bi'o * li8 E~ 1:-i:~g ~ii ~Yllol:Jfo v& -li! l'
IL~e~I/J IIO~•
IL§ ~1/J ~1/J IIOro ~g ~YIIO~ •
ILw ILro •
1.::ro 1i::ro •
"bi'o *ME~ IY@fo lo~ii II M,&Fo -li! t
1i::1m E~ ltli?fvro •
IL§ ~11:1 *ltli?fvro •
Im e ~11:1 l~li?fvro •
IL~ e ~11:1 Uoali?fvro •
"bfo * li8 E~ 1:-i:~g ~ii 13.9.-&ff, -/i! l;
lllm LC§ ltli?fvra •
IL§ ~1/J ~ltli?fvra •
Im e Htvli::J:i: •
li::JgJyic, •
"bfo * ll -.ivio -li!~Y P,R, ~Ylt> -Ii! l
1i::~ e HLv"lll:i: •
Ii::~ ~11:1 ~gJyic, •
¥It Mvh1o i lfili ~Ii 3ft iiG - -- • ii8
, ------ lf ~-t- fti-b
• 0IA~f71
• AiE [~Af)OIOII.WOIIR • Lt2.f WWI OiAi£).i!R!
• 'Lil.Oil-JR'£ 's'WI

• -01,WOi,WO!R ~1
•51.:il 1

w • 01/71
~.ii!. • !.~£!~~

• OIi 71Q
g~ • OIIAi !.~ cr:tLt VlJfR?
• AIAI l!~[OI, .:J., Ai]

• Ol/7f ~q/gtq
.:il~* • w-l:!Af71 !.~£1 §
• a-t.:.i. 2

Al · ~
• OIi
All! ±2.f LffOi iP I 1
• 'l_t

• -Wi.W~Oi.W~OiR
• -11 !.~~.Clll;!f!
• !.IEII

• -(£)22.ffR
• -(£)AilR • ~~•WI !.~~OI ~151-e

• -(£)2 ~0Iq
• -.:il {let ±2.f LffOi iPI 2
• .!i!Et. l}fAI

'.I.UI !.~£1 Al}ll~:;)} 'a;!.UI
• -0 IAi/OiAi/OlAi
}lliil.21~ --~
Table of Lessons

Unit Learning Objectives I Communicative activity •,

You can introduce • Listening to a conversation on greetings

yourself to someone • Reading a self-introduction
Unitl Greetings
that you meet for the • Introducing oneself
first time. • Writing a self-introduction

• Listening to a conversation about daily life

You can ask what you • Asking and answering questions about daily life
Unit2 Daily Life I
do and respond. • Reading a passage about daily life
• Writing a passage about daily life

• Listening to a conversation about daily life

You can ask and
• Asking and answering questions about daily life
Unit3 Daily Life II answer questions
• Reading a diary entry
about conditions.
• Writing a diary entry

You can ask and • Listening to a conversation about things to do at a certain place
answer the questions • Reading a passage about a place
Unit4 Places
about where and • Asking and answering questions about things to do at a particular place
what you are doing . • Writing a passage about things to do at a particular place

• Listening to a conversation on shopping

• Reading a receipt
Unit5 Buying Things You can buy things.
• Asking and answering questions about shopping
• Writing a passage about a shopping experience at a store

You can ask and • Listening to a conversation on daily schedules

answer questions • Reading a memo about daily schedules
Unit6 Daily Schedule
about your daily • Asking and answering questions about daily schedules
schedule. • Writing a passage about daily schedules

You can ask and • Listening to a conversation on life in Korea

answer the questions • Reading a passage about life in Korea
Unit7 Life in Korea
about your li fe in • Asking and answering questions about life in Korea
Korea. • Writing a passage about life in Korea

• Listening to a conversation on ordering dishes

You can ask and
• Ordering food at a restaurant
Unit8 Food answer questions
• Reading a passage about food
about food.
• Writing a passage about food

You can ask and • Listening to a conversation on a holiday plan

answer the questions • Asking and answering questions about a holiday plan
Unit9 Holidays
about your activities • Reading a passage about a vacation plan
during holidays. • Writing a passage about a vacation plan

You can ask and • Listening to a conversation on a favorite season

Weather and answer the questions • Ask ing and answering questions abou t a favori te season
Unit 10
Season about the seasons • Reading a passage about a favorite season
and weather. • Writing a passage about a favorite season

16 ~i!lQt l~<>I 1
I Vocabulary • Grammar • Discourse expressions I Pronunciation / Culture

• Introducing name
• J:ie [noun]OIOU.£l/OIIR • Introducing nationality Welcome to Korea!
• Answering in yes or no

action •*I•
• -o 1.£l/Oi.£l/OIR Linking sounds 1
• t;f.:il 1

conditions • Ol/71
Linking sounds 2
school • Korean sentence structure

• OIi 7fet
place • OUAi Let's explore Korea!
• Demonstrative [OI. =i. J:i]

items at a store
• Ol/71 ~c:.t/filc:.t
Korean numbers • Buying things Korean money
Chinese-Korean numbers

• OIi
time Read aloud 1
• 1l_t-
daily schedul

• -~Oi.£l/~Oi.£l/~OiR
• -.TI. Life in Korea, awesome!

• -(.£)2i!ffR
• -(£)J41R • Ordering food Koreans· favorite dishes

• -(£)2 7-.:!0lc:.t
• -.:il~c:.t Read aloud 2
holiday activities
• .!i!EI. JJIJ:I

weather •¥ The four seasons and
seasonal characteristics • -OIAi/OiAi/O!A1 wea ther in Korea
& activities
~~2-11 Contents

Ulot ········· 3

01 ~.2.1 · 4

9~ -,1{1 ll. . ... 14

~ ~ ~ ··············· ·············· ····· 20

0 :i!} Hangeul · 22

1:i!} ~At Greetings · ····•···•····· ·· · •····• .. ··••·· 54

2 :i!} ~.lcJ'~tl" I Daily Life I ··· ···· ······ ·········• ··················· 72

3 :i!} ~.lcJ'~lt 11 Daily Life 11 ··· ··•·· ·········· ········ · ··· · 88

4:i!} Places ·········· ···· ········· · ········ ····· ........ · 104

5 :i!} !-{! At71 Buying Thing s · 120

18 2i31Qf tl-i½<>i 1
6 '5~.!f, ~]I- Daily Schedule 136

7 l~ ~ti" Life in Korea ········ ················· ··········· 152

8~ g~ Food ··· ....... · ...... 168

9~ .g.~ Holidays · ................. ..................... 186

10 ~"'121- 7;11~ Weather and Season ·······--·--····--· 200

~'Et --··· 216
~71 Al~ ·· .............. ············ .. 218
<>if! ~·.!i!.71 ..... 224
~·.!i!.71 230

~li!ll 19
:;: ~'l!-1 Characters

~t Lj,2t Lj,2t OI~

401 19Ail Ltol 23Ail Ltol 32Ail
(~[ff~~ ~~~Ei) (.:il.2-'j[ff~~ ~~~Ei) ~DI Ettf!!c.


Lj,2t LI-ct
401 22Ail Ltol 21Ail

(.:;ra:tl:ft~~ ~:Xil~.i!}) (.:ila:t l:ft~~ .2@

~DI ~1t ~DI ~i!ll(K-POP)

20!IQI !Rot 1
Lie-I t!ll§.'.3 Lfr.f Lf2.I
401 19Ail Ltol 29Ail LfOI 35Ail
iJA®~~ ~~/QfAI
(j!ajQl~.ii!. "t~~Ei) ~Cl Oj~ ~DI .:Iiel

Lie-I "t~ Lf2.f

401 2'2Ail LIO! 33Ail
"t~ ~~'cl
(~ajQl~.ii!. ~~~~;Jj-) ~DI £271

0 -
uH%J .R Let's learn Hangeul

.2.) ;j;:JAi) The Creation of Hangeul

~g Ail%Cfl~0I 12!:: ~~21 .Jli? ~:q%)qq, Ail%Cfl~g g;q ~-21 OJ~§~ aH.1:.i>PI ~5H
1443\::! g;q.~ '2!~~aLIQ. 0I @J-~.Q.j 01::;~ ¥'2.!~-§<IJIIN;.iEft, 7ts.j:t: t:1te .1:.2.l)0I.Jl ~g 0I~
21 aH~Ai<ti <¥'2.!~:;>~ ~aH ~x1121 ~J-1. J-f%J-t.2t 2:;J-t.Q.J :;7t.2t ig~~ m~aLlc.t. ~g ~J-t.Q.J
01::;<ti ¥'2.!~:;~ ~2.1 01 2 :: ~~££ 20Ail71 01~011 ~2.1 Al§xlciiaLIQ.
Hangeul. the Korean alphabetic system. was invented by Sejong the Great, the fourth king of the Joseon Dynasty
11392-19101. In order to address the concerns of ordinary people in relation to the writing system at the lime. he cre-
ated Huminjeongum. meaning the Proper Sounds to Instruct the People, in 1443. Huminjeongum. the first name of
Hangeul. is also the title of the two manuscripts that described the purpose and principles of its creation. as well as
its pronunciation rules and usage. The name Hangeul has been widely used since the late 20th century.


iill- ..
- iiP •'

J-1%~ .2.:;-2.£ 01~0J~ :;.1:. @7't.£. ~~21 f:12.lotl .Q.JaH 7lg;i:t<tJ .2.g Ail J-t.2t J-1% q~ J-~ 12!~
11. 7t~~ ru-~21 lbf~.££ Qe £~J-t.2t J-f%J-~ '2!~~aLlq.
Hangeul is a phonetic alphabet consisting of consonants and vowels. Sejong the Great created five consonants
and three vowels as basic letters of the system. symbolizing the essence of universe and the shapes of the vocal or-
gans. as well as other letters by combining them or adding strokes.

2:;21 7lgJ-t-E · • . -. I '<t!Cil. i>re-21 ~.:lie!"£~. ig.Q.J £~. AI-Et0I Ai cu:: £ ~ gcr-j ~<xi
aLIQ. 01 7lgJ-~ Ai£ ~!;rotOl c.te 2:;J-~ '2!~ciiaLlq.
The three basic vowels · . -. and I indicate cosmological relations, symbolizing the round shape of the sky, the
flat shape of the earth, and the upright posture of a person, respectively. By combining these vowels together, other
vowels were created .

24 ..!.a!Ql~otl

- ig -
• I

• - - - • ..L.

I • I·

I •• = I=

xf-§21 71gx1-e · 7 . L. A. o ·~Lief. 7.g. '5j!!,!!2.m ~E, Lg °5j7~ ~'3!*0I' ~E .2.'bt.
a.g. ~2.l5!.'bt. Ag 012.J 5!.'bt, o.g. ~~2.l 5!.'bt~ grri 'l!'~~@Licf. ~g 71-t!:f0ILt ~g 0I 71
gx~OII C.iol-E 7jg:,;:~ ~0I ~E ~612£ q~ ;t;f-§;t;~ 'l!'~~'sLicf.
The shape of the five basic consonants , . L. A , and o reflect the position of the vocal organs when making a

sound . Each of them follows the shape of the tongue covering the throat, the shape of the tongue touching the top of
the mouth, the shape of the lips firmly closing, the shape of the tooth, and the shape of the throat. By adding strokes
or combining them together, other consonants were created .



@ cl


A .:::t
~ I
M ~).

0 0 0
26 .:i!.i!J!Qt<>I l
1 Vowels 1

• ~~2.AilR. cj,
Listen carefully.

-~ -~
---- 01• .5!.~ 01•

t Ot
[ 0 ] 0~ [ jo]

[A] [ jA]

..J.... [ 0 ] ..LL [ jo] I .B.

[u] 0
T ,,. [ju] 0

[w] 0

[i] 01

• ~.J]_ [q2.t cS•AilR.

Listen and repeat.

l) 2) 3) 4)

5) ...L 6) .il. 7) T 8) TT

9) l 0)

W 27
• A~~.2.1 gj .2.~~ .!i!.~A-1 ~£Ail.Si.
Read the letters, mimicking the shape of the lips in the pictures.

1) [9 ]0 2) ~

~ (D

4)~ 0 S) r;Jl 6)

• ~2.A:11.a.
Read the letters below.

l) I , I
2) ~, T, ~, T

3) .J_
..l.L 4) T, ~ I T,

5) 1, T , 6) T, -L,

7) 1, 8) 1, I, TT,

9) , I,,, I, .J_ 10) ..l.L , I TT,

28 ..!.afQt l~Ol l
• ~ il.R.
Wrile the letters below.

.2.~ 'it~ ~~Ai ~Et


[a ] I
- --1
[ ja]
I I=

[A] - I
[ jA ] - --

..L [ 0 ] I _L I
.ll. [ jo] I II .lL
- - - -~-~

T [u] - T
>- ->- -

TI" [ju] - ,Tr

f- - - +- - ->- - -

- [ w]
- - - - -,-

I [i]
-- -- _ _i

W 29
::X::~ 1 Consonants 1

• ~5~Ai!R.
Check the table below.

:x~ -

[ k]


-1- --~
[ n]
-I 01•


C [t] qE" 2 [ l ] I 2.1~

_j I
C [ m ] t:I [ p] t:!I~

[ s] Al* 0 [ IJ ] 01~

[ tv ] ::ll~ .::i:. [ t~h] -10

[kb] :ti~ E [th]

j El~

[Ph] Ill~ '8' [ h] =10


~-: ~~21 Af~~ 8~-2£ ~~tt * filErLlct. OPlotlAfe ~R .2~~ ·-·2t ~~!01 A~2l ±!
Hangeul consonants cannot be pronounced alone. The sounds of consonants combined with the
unmarked vowel '- ' ore presented here.

30 ..latQf l~<>t l
• :;:;jl Ille~ sJAi!E.
Lis1en and repeat.

1) 7 2) L 3) C 4) 2 5) D

6) 1::::1 7) A. 8) 0 9) A 10) ;;(.

l l) =! 12) E 13) n 14) 0

• it£>.ilR.
Read the letters below.

l) 7 =! 2) L 2

3) C E 4) A. 0

5) A , 5t 6) 1::::1 n

8) 7 C 1::::1 8) D 1::::1 n

9) o, L 10) A. E 2

11) C C C 12) =! =! =!

13) n Io, n 0 14) A. '5, 7 1::::1

15) =! A E ,- '5 16) 2 2 2 2 2

~ ii 31
• ~11.R.
Write the letters below.

JC~ It~
-- ~¼Ai ~ft

[k] 7

[ n] L

C [t] C:

2 [ 1] --, ::::J 2

[ m] n

1::::1 [p] I I H l::f

[s] J .A.

0 [ IJ ] 0
[ t«;: ] 7 ;z
+ -+ +

;:;t [ t«;:h ] -
- 7- ;:;t

32 .i!.i!,JQI t.~Of 1
w~ L
:x~ '

=i [ kh] 7 =t I I


L ,. -
- -
E [ th ] E
n: [Ph ] TT II

0 [ h] - - 0

• ~11 ~::: ~* ";

Listen carefully and choose the corresponding sounds.

1) CD 7 @ 2

2) CD C @ t::t

3) CD A @ II

4) CD L @

5) CD =i @ ii"

6) CD @

7) CD ...I... @T

8) CD - @ I

W 33
g 1 Syllable l

~~Ole 8~£ ~g~LIQ. :;~21 1il* R±:= 2.g~LIQ. 2.g~ 8&2-£ 'll~ *£
.Jl. 2.:;21 'ft.i!t -'F!Ofl ~qg~ ~f;H 'll~ *£ ~§LIQ. 2.:;2.£'ll 0l~Oi~ 2.g 'ftOfl .1:.2m fil:=
·o·~ ~~LIQ.
The syllable block is the basic unit of writing and pronunciation in Korean. The essential component of the syllable
block is the vowel as it con form a syllable block by itself or together with consonants added before and/or ofter. To
formulate a syllable block only with a vowel, the silent consonant o should be added before the vowel.

0 + t ot 0 + ....L - .2.

2.g xl-§21 £g~Ofl ~~lol-E- 2.g.i!t Xl-§21 o~2.ff~Ofl ~~lol-E- 2.g aI ~§LIQ. · 1- • • • • I ·:: xi§
01 ~~Ofl .2.:;01 .2g~Ofl ~~,o~Jl. '....1..., .lL, , . 1T, -·e .Xl-§01 ~~Ofl 2.-§01 0~2.ff~Ofl ~~,~LIQ.
There ore two types of vowels . Vowels. such as f , f . j . ~. and I , ore located on the right of the consonant
while the others. -'-, .u., , . lT, and -. ore placed under the consonant.

t. t. -1. ~. I 71- l
1.. -, + T • -,-

34 ..!.i!;!Qf f_l-~Of l
• ~il.R.
Write the lef1ers below.

1) 7
- I •:=J 2) L + 3) 2 + -

4) D 5) 0 6) A + 1
+ f

7) l:::i + T
9) <5 + lT

• :;.il !ItEt~AIR. .
Listen and repeat.

1) 2) Oi 3) £ 4) c-1 5) ,-

6) .!i! 7) A-j 8) 0
,- 9) Al 10) ::a:.

11) .3. 12) E 13) 14) .H. 15)

• il£>41.R.
Read the letters below.

1) O~OI 2) 00
71T 3) .2.01 4) Olff 5) .

6) £ 7) Ai 8) )~Al 9) 10) OA

11 ) 12) q~ 13) ~Al 14) ,-,-

C 15)

16) .B.~ 17) II~£ 18) ~q71 19) 20) III¥

l~ 35
• ~ilR
Wrile the syllable blocks as shown below.



36 ~ i!i!Clt lG¼<>t l
I 1T
l ---

1:::1 I
I ' i

• w::: j12J.i!R. . . .
Listen carefully and choose the corresponding sounds.

l) <D 7~ @q @ l::l~

2) <D ¥ @? @ ~

3) <D ~i @ 2~ @ Ili

4) <D £ @¥ ®*
5) <D l::ll @ Ill @ ~I

• ~~.:iJ. ~ 1IR.

Listen carefully and wrife the corresponding letters.

3) 4)
2 ·

5) 6)
L 0 7

• ~.:iJ. 'lit!:: ~* 112 >4IR. ....

Listen carefully and choose the corresponding sounds.

l) CD %1--9- @ '5jq

2) CD ¥q @ l:ll~I

3) CD Ai~ @ ?£

4) CD .J12=l o~ @ j!2.I o~

5) CD o~{f @

• ~£A:IIR.

Read the letters below.


71£ . '-tR . •

• . . . '-tOI

38 .c.i!,!CH l~<>tl
• ¾A-le.ff£ ff ~ii.a.
Listen carefully and conned the sounds in order by drawing a line.

7~ .Al

£ £
1· 2

/A .:..&..:. 0~ ~I

71 0


ti-& 39
£;; 2 Vowels 2

• ....2Ail.R. 4D-
Listen carefully.


[ e ]

[ je ]


ii [ e ] I OJI
"~I [ je ] OIi
..... [ WO ] 21- ---11 [ we ] 2H
[0/we] .2.1 T~ [ WA ]

T~I [ we ] ~, Tl [ y/wi]

-1 [ U{i ]

~': ' H'21- 'ii ' .:::Z.2.jjl ' " '2.f- '41 ':: f:!211 r.te ±.2.JO IXl'2! c:/1~21 ' H'2.f- ' ii .• ±.2.1<2.! [£]
~~f;tJ!. • "'2.f- '41 '£ ±.2.1<2.] [j£)~ ~~WLlr.t. '.1.JI', ' -1-l'. ',41'£ ±.2.1<2.! [wE)~ ~~WLlr.t.
H/ ii, as well as M/ 11, are different sounds, but most Koreans pronounce H/ ii as Id and H/ 11 as
[j E] . Koreans also pronounce .,_ff/ ..,-1/T~Ias [we].

~'( .H.~~~~OII cqg~ '.i.j'2.f- ',f:: f:!21l 8£~1Xl'2! c:/l'r!t21 01%£~~ ~~~'-let.
Accord ing lo Standard Korean Pronunciation, .i.l/ Tl are defined as monophthongs, but most Kore-
ans pronounce them as double vowels.

40 .2atQ1 lt-itot 1
• :;;c:i!. ~2.·
Listen and repeat.
ii.Ail.a. •

1) H 2) 3) ~I 4) ~I
5) .i..1- 6) 7) ...a..l 8) -r=l
9) T~I l 0) Tl l l) -I

• ~£Ail.a.
Read the letters below.

l) OH 2) OIi 3) OH 4) OIi

5) 211 6) .2.1 7) ¥~I 8) .2.1-

9) 10) 11) .Q.j

• ~£Ail.a.
Read the letters below.

I) 7H 2) 3) 4) ¥~
5) 6) 7il 7) -i1l 8) !ii.I-

9) OHJI l 0) x11~1 11) .!fl~I 12) Oll.Q.I

1 3) -1~1£ 14) .Q.j I 5) *01

-.T 16) -.-

~w 41
• ~ilR.
Write the syllable blocks as shown below.

--- -
- -
It~ I ~2Ai ~@

H [ E] I H I
I -

[ jE] M I

[e] - i ii


~I [je] - -- ~I

I -4" [ wo] I

.a.fl [WE] • .L .LI .L~ .1.H

t- - -
-4 [ 0/wE] I .L .1-I
- - -
-r-1 [WA] -TT-TI
j - - t-

T~I [WE] - T T- T~ T~l 1

- -+-

Tl [ y/wi] -TTI

-I [ uti ] --1
• ,12J.i!R.
Listen carefully and choose the corresponding sounds.

1) CD q @ !if

2) CD 71 @ 7H

3) CD ¥-1 @ ~

4) CD .Q.J @ ~

5) CD @ ¥1

• ~.2.Ai!R.
Read the letters below.

1) OH ' AH~ ' l::IH -,1, ± 2) 7-11. Ail 71 , Ail?£, E:1101 lI

3) 7H, ' Ail 741. 011 .Q.j 4) .2.1-~. A~J!I- . s!tB.,

5) 2Jl , ~Al, 1~1£ , -,l~±j 6) .!f~ B. , *I S?-J B. , ¥-1 B. , Ei

7) ~- ,11 , ¥1 . *IOfB. 8) .Q.j AL Qj I' Qj *' Qj ?

~il 43
7'~ 2 Consonants 2

• 11'~5.Ail.R.
Check the table below.

,:~ w~ 01• ,:~ w~ 01•

,, [ k*] ~71~ cc [ t* ]
lltl [ p*] J,A.l-t:11.2.
0 1:::1 )I. [ s*] Ml-,l_j.2.
0 .A.


[ t~*] MI-J.I
0 o

• ~2t 5.Ail.R. '6,

Listen and repeat.

l) 77~ 2) cq 3) 1:11:t
,- 4) M~

5) 6) .Ii! 7) ,- 8) lll!j

• ~£Ail.R.
Read the letters below.

1) 0~77~ 2) Oi7JH 3) 77~~1 4) .Ii:!.cl

5) a:t.B. 6) 7) O~llll~ 8) WR
9) ~.B. 10) OIIIIIII.B. l l) Mcll71 12) "6"-J 2.ICII

13) ~.771 14) 1 5) llt.2.7 I 16) .I!.771 cl

• ~ilR.
Write the syllable blocks as shown below.


I I - I
-- ! I

11 JJI I

[[ [[~


-- -- L

• ~ilR. 4J,
Listen carefully and write the corresponding letters.

l) 2)
:f:. r j
3) 4)
0~ 2.J

5) 6)
ell 71 Oj 2.J

~i- 45
g 2 Syllable 2

~21 ~*
R±~ .2.:;~. .2.:;:= 8&~ :;~~ -'?£ ~.Jl. .2.~21 ~.i!I- ¥-lotl ;q:;~ ?laH
:; -'?£ ~;;,qq_ .2.:; ¥-lotl £~ At:;~ -~~l'0l2.I-.Jl ru,qq_
The essential unit of a syllable is the vowel. A consonant that comes after a vowel with in each syllable block is
called batchim .

0 + + L -
+ T + -
~~21 ±2.1~ nt~£1A1 u;;;LJq_
Syll able-final consonants are pronounced unreleased .

• ~£A11.R..
Read the letters below.

4) 0
2 .::i. t::t
,2 , 2,2 = 5) fil, ~- -S-, -§- 6) _.;r._ M 2.~
13", t::::1, i::L

• ~.2.A1IR.
Read the letters below.

2) C.::J.C.::J. A2A.:.:!.
1) .2.~.2.~.11!2~7,12~ T'L - r L , .:...L.:.1-,.:.L.:.1.....,

3) Ei c:.--t2 Ei c:.--t2 , -i-J;l-t-i-J;l-t

-, -, 4) A-1 3
oc ,1,.-1
00 ,
3 ot..:::i.ot-s-

6) M2.~M2.~ .2.0~.a!:.O~
5) OiE"OiE", 2020,2020

46 .ilil1Qi ~1-;}<>i l
.2.::: A~OI -~~--2£ A~il * 'UAI~ ~Ail ~~-2£ WE ~2.1:= 77~Al~Lltt
All consonants con come in syllable-final position. but they ore pronounced as only one of seven different sounds .

[ k]

=I T=t

L [ n] ~. <c_!)..~

C .:D.. .s.q
c:::, c:::

1:1", ~q
[ t]
, 1:::11

E .:n

'3 =10

2 [ I] ~. 7-=I~

CJ [ m] ~. ft71
. t::t ' 1:::1~ Al
t::I, t::I

[ p] -
- - - --
0 [ IJ ]
1 o, uu~

W 47
• ~ilR.
Write the syllable blocks as shown below.

0~ L~ Di

• ~i!R.
Write the syllable blacks as shown below.

r -
2) r

48 :.:!.illQI t.1-il<>i 1
3) 5-I t5"~


5) *'fl 6)
7) 7~ 8) .2.AI
C -,

10) 1 l~-
L~__L __ _

• -}t :;_jl W!:: !1 2 A11R 'CJ)

Listen carefully and choose the corresponding sounds.

1) G) :z,i- @~

2) G) -E- @~

3) G) 1:1~
0 @~

4) G) 01
t::::t @~

5) G) @ @~

o ~ .R. Let's read Hangeul

EJ-oi Word

i:1§~ ~Lt::: ¥-IOll .2.g~ ,"i=Q£1-e g~ol £~. ~~2.1 ~-§g ¥I g~2.1 ~.±2.1~ ~~~Liq_
When a final consonant is followed by a vowel, the consonant is pronounced as the initial sound of the following syllable.

,I- [ OQ,f"] L'itt I -i;Jo -j [ 0 -=?-7~ ]

• ~_jl n:t2.• 5•>.ilR. 'CJ,

Listen and repeal.

;'(ff Cl .:;J.
1) -, 2) 3) i:!:" 4) C:

5) 71
2 6) Cl
2 7) 1:::1~
0 8) ~~'a

9) l:H
t::t 10) AOl
, - t::t I I) 12) ~q.B.

13) Ol.Q. 14) 0IOjO

t::t .u.. 15) ~Oj.B. I 6) Oj.2.j-.B.

• ~£.Ail.fl..
Read the letters below.

I) 2) .2.~ 3) Ol
:I:I 4) -10~
;;t -,

5) Ai~ 6) 21-~ 7) {!A~ 8) .::J.~

OAI ~%)
9) CZ!~ 10 ) Cl-, 1 1) l 2)

13) t:HL~
o:,,. 14) 1 5) C~e~
2, 16) A-j~LI
'--' Cl

17) Oj~0I 18) 19) ~01 20) @0 ~.B.

~ilR. 4ij,

• ~.:i:l
Listen carefu lly and write the co rresponding letters .

I) ~
0~ 2)
,i I tI 4) ~ )

5) ~
6) BJ 7) ~ 71

8) =:=J 9) [I] 10) ~

• ~.2.A'IIR.
Read the letters below.




4) m-
1, o~cL
2 r, _:jl,n
e - , Al'5L~d
r 2 , ..,.,2,
-,.LQ. ,0
¢ e, .9.01
a, c::::

5) o, o, n71
2o, cu, o , ~~cJ
o ,, '-1, JJ.l.s.
c, 1 a, ~ 2
1::1L2J o, Al11o1
o, QL~1


... 51
• ~,17t ~::: itAt~ ~ilR.
Write the number of the syllable block your partner reads.

A s
I) G)

2) G)

3) G)

4) G)

5) G)

• c.f~~ ~£AilR. .::Z.2.1~ .::Z.E!OIIA1 itAi. ~t Q titAilR.

Read the words below. Circle the some words in the picture on the right.

L.. 0

~cfftg 6F ~gg~
SF Lll.i.!.t I Ai~ il.i.!.t
4F ~2.=l~~~
~l.i.!.t 3F ~-9- 6jg
--" 2F Lil~~~
1F ~2.I QR I AH~
B1 fitfit ~cff ig


• ~£AilR.
Read the sentences below.

1) ~0IOJl.9.. 2> '2:!~0IOJIB..

3> ~01 ~Ol.9..

5) -§01 0~Il~.9..

7) Jl~0I -j:0~.9..

9) .Q. 0 .2. .E.f\J 0

0 7 2 2v1...._ . 10) ~Oi.9..

12) ~01 ~.:J.2ff.9..

16) ~~0I 0UIIIJB..

18) ~~0I 9!~0l.9..

19) ~0I %~ ~Ol.9.. 20) ~~OJI ~0I IIl~Ol.9..

I \


c_ C

(f : -',tl,1-tH .!ti-..8.. Let's think 011

0 ~H.B.?
What are they doing?

j-j:;: 't!'cl Af,W~ ~Al-a It* ~Cl

You can introduce yourself to someone that you meet
for the first time.

• Ai::: [~A~]OIOIIR/OIIR
e Oi;'; fil3PI. q2.~ fil3~71, 'Lil, O~LIR'$. 'E:l0~71
uH%J _8_ Let's learn

~~oii~ ~t":IJ?
o){ol .!}~o)oil.8.?

1 0lg,0I ¥-~0IOIIR? 0I0PI~ !i!t-R.

What is your name? Ask each other and respond.

7t o] o] ¥'3:!0]oj].R?

Lt ~t:: ~A]otOl].R. o] o] ¥'3:!o]oj].R?

7t A~!: qt..j~ ~cl~O]oj].R.

~ friend
2 OlsOI ¥-~0IOIIR? f!,15~,jl 01om811 !i!t-R.
What is your partner's name? Ask each other and respond .

56 .ili!,IQI !.~ot l
OI§- na me

o~ ;;,~rd ' i . i
·Tc I- 2 d'-1 1
: s
: ~Ail~ J

1~ 'l!At 57
LtcJ- countries

a::i. i
·_ o_..., j
ll 2.1-A j
· -0- 1

. 0- ~ ,i
. j

. i
. t:t ::ILAI ,
. -'-1 2 j
· u i -c

*A i

58 .:ili!.!Cltl~<>tl
1 Ol= Lt2.t AtiMOIOII.R? C::~:i!} ~OI OIOPl811 !i!t.R.
Where are you from ? Practice with your partner as shown below.

G) • @

7~ ojL 4'cJ- ,q<gojOjj.8_?

q At<go]<>l].H..


2 f!7~ Ol= Lti!.t AI-EtOIOII.R? f!;lt;t~ OIOt7laH !i!t.R.

Where is your partner from? Ask each other and respond.

Ai..!t .2J-i~10 )oil .Ii.

Ai..!t t~ -<}~J-o)ol).li.

l.ilt ~At 59
1) 7f Ai::: J::ilAl:1~ ~i=!Oll.R.
Ai::: A~OIOll.R.
2) 7f Ai::: ¥~OIOll.R.
!:tll E 'a" A~WO IOll.R.

3) 7f
A-1::: flAIO~Oll.R.
A-1::: A-lol¾OIOll.R.
IAi-E (~A~)OlotlR/OIIR
• ::q't!OI Oi'c! A~;g~::i:I WW Ciff A~~Q.
It is used when introducing yourself.



1 Ol~"l;~]l q~ OI0~715ff !;!f.a.

Look at the name cards below and tell your partner the name and nationality.

i j i

-¥-1)-o}E. :7}~ ct y-~01


j I i
@ @ ®
2 ~,2-a~EII Xtt.!21 0111at:u Ltate 010~11311 ~.a.
Tell your partners your name and nationaltty.

re;~ *"'°' . ., l
. ~ • cte A~ieti-'i!-~7-14- 7~2.1~ IIffe 0 1~ ~OIi '»-1'5 ~01 W-~IUl.
{ ,,,iii\ When you coll o, tolk ob.out someone, put •I ofte, h;sJhe,- nome.

-~ j :1_

l.!t 'l!At 61
1 ~:i!J, ~ I 0I0~7l3fl ~R.
Practice with your partner as shown below.

7. ~~01 M.Jofl.R?
4 Lil, WjOJofl.R_

7. ,qwoJofl.R?
4 O}Lj.R, A-j:: %~ ,J.tWOJofl.R.


,. ,4.·.:
•P•~-.- '~-'

62 ~i!IICll~l
2 ~,1~2.j 0l5s•Jl 42.1-9 ~O.R? ~,1-s•Jl 0I0tJlaH ~R.
Do you know the names and nationalities of your partners? Ask each other and respond .


. i

1~ ~At 63
1 c~.c.j- ~OI OIOt:71311 !i!tR.
Practice wi th your partner as shown below.

7f ~Ac!JOJ<>ll.R? 7f ~Ac!j\:JO]<>ll.R?
q Lil, ~Ac!JOJ<>ll.R. q otLJ.R, l§ ~*Oll.R.


2 ~01 OIOt7l5H !i!t.51.
Practice with your partner as shown below.

;,~ ~~OJ .J?-<3!0JoJlR?

4 A-j~ ~P-tOllR.

@ ~IJIJl!lllffljr"':;:::::;'

• ~oi~ !Qte 0 1<!o1~1 wauR.

II is used when asking about
someone's occupation.
-~~o] -¥-~o]<>j].R.?'

3 ~,12.j ~~-a it0~.51? ~,1f;~~ OIOt715ff !i!t.51.

Do you know your partner's occupation? Ask each other and respond.

l:i!t ~At 65
~:I&'· "oliJ" l:IJ
iJ [;:J1 n-1 A ....,H 0
TI -g-o .LL. Let's practice again

1 ~<>l .!i!.A1IR. @',

Listen to the conversation.

I)~ Af,W.Q.J 0l~0I .lf.'3.!0IOIIR?

What are their names?

2) 'aJ::1-E Oi!::. 42.1- A~0IOIIR?

Where is he from?

3) Af,Wg J::Pc .lf.'3.!~ i5ffR?

What are they doing now?

2 r.tlY ~sat!~-
Practice the conversations below with your partner.

A-j !::; -&~ At~oJojJ.8..

AJot »-J, ~P•Jo]Oj]R?

Q) 41, ~'i!OloflR

66 ~i!4QI l~Of 1
3 Olci~£ 0I0PlaH ~ilR.
Ask each other questions and respond.

l) 7t q



2) 7~

41 Ac.. Bb ; ;-~ .

I :Jjc
*f;IIOI AilAl7t

~At~ ~Wei

3) 7t
t o IA·ll "6ff ~l..8.. Lei's try

., ( \ , 1 q:;::~ ~-t:;:: ~Id-!¥- A~21 i:tl!l-~Llq, ~JI ~~OIi ~H .!i!.AilR.

½oli The conversation is between two people who are meeting each other for the first time. Listen care-
fully and answer the questions.

l) Ol!::. 42.t A~OIOIIR?

Where are they from?

- E/1~

2) ~~OI ~~OIOIIR?
What do they do for a living?

1 :x~71±7H ~JI ~~OIi .!i!.AilR.

Read the self-introduction and answer the questions.


Ai:: o]~!,'?<>l]R.
• \~& \~
Ai:: .1x.~2l :Z.'i:JO]ofl.H..
n~.6. At;go]oj]R.
t~ AFgo]oj]R. Ai:: 7}*oj].R_
.i!.ajqj~.ii!. ~A._ljo]oj]R. ~4Ai ~HJ-~Llt:l.

68 ..!~Qt !!~Of 1
l ) 0l~0I .!?-~0IOIIR? What is his/her name?


2) Oj!::. Lj-2.~ A!-'M0IOIIR? Where is he/she from?


3) ~~0IOIIR? Is he/she a student?


1 ~7:;5.j! <t,!A.~ .!i!AilR.

Introduce yourself to your partners and ask each other questions.

I) .!?-~~ 0I0Pl5HR? ~~roll .!i!.AilR.

What do you want to talk about? Think about it.

2l ~.,ia~.:rr 01op1a~AilR.
Ask each other questions and respond .

1~ ~Al 69
Wri te a self-introduction.

1) ~9;!~ MiR? otl£c5~AilR.

What do you wont to write about? Write down some keywords.

2) OIi£~ I.fl~@~~ ~ilR.

Put the words into sentences.


3) ~21 I.fl~ ljtig~ ~ilR

Based on the sentences, write a passage.


-------- - -- -·----

70 ..!.lJ!Qt l~ot l
OiA1 .2.AilR! !_~ Welcome to Korea !

• ()jci~~ ~~.R? ~~OIi 7~ !l<>l.R? !.~~ OlCIOfl ~~»..a?

Do you know Korea? Have you ever been to Korea? Where is Korea located?

OfAIOI ~ (

G The official name of Korea is the Republic of Korea. It is com monly called South Korea in other
countries. It occupies the southern part of the Korean peninsula in Nort heast Asia.
China and Japan are located to the west and east of t he Korean peninsula, respectively. South
Korea·s capit al city is Seoul.

• A!-W~ Wii 511.R?

Whal language do Koreans speak?

The Korean language is the common language spoken in Korea. Koreans use Hangeul as their
writing system.

• ()j2:i;¥ 42.~t>-1::: <>l'l:! W* ~.a? ::12.f.I!. <>l'l:! ~~ta >.~~.a?

What language is spoken in your country? Whal is the writing system used in your country?

01it1 8¥::: ot'llot.R? •~a oHJ:1 .!i!.AilR!

How was this lesson? Please rate ii.

l;Jt 'lJAt 71

Daily Life I

l A~ "1,1-oH !i!~..8. Let's think 021

0 ~IOI ».I::¥~~ c5HB.?

What is Wei doing?
fJ OJ2.i!t~ ¥~~5HB.?
What ore you doing?

1i!~~ ~le~I ~:ii 'B1t
You con ask what you do and respond.
* ~c._
• ~!*. -O~B./OiR/OjR
Let's learn

74!ICII ~OI 1

.,. ._,. . I I I

.,-; I
l o - •

·, -:i . .,

2:i!t ~~"Sit I 75
JJ1. f Al Jh±Dj

1 r.~a ~0I 0I0PI~ ~2.

Practice with your partner as shown below.

:,~ ¥<3!~ 5fl.R? J

4 Mi.R.

@ @

-- -
@ (J) @

2 all2? ~Frs~:i!. 0I0Plall ~2.

Whal do you do? Ask each other and respond.

76 2ai1:11 ~Oj 1
-1-{! obiect s

• 1~1~1~.g. ~"cl" Qt2t<>t1A1 Ej~Ol(TV)~ ?JOI WtiHR. I

I~ casual~onversat1ons, we usually say~l~OI (TV) for ~2iltJl0
1 C.~:i!/- ~O I OIOPlaH !i!l-R.
Practice with your partner as shown below.

G) @

@ @

(l 7t ~13J.0Jof]..11?
4 ~OJofl..11.
@ (!) @

2 ~,15~1! -~ OI~ ~11 Cil~ !i!l-R.
With your partner. ask and answer the questions about the names of objects.
1) 11 ¥<;;!~ A~R?
LI ~ ~ A~R.

2) 1f ¥<;;!~ oHR?
Ll ~ movie

3) 11 ~OiR?
4) 11 ¥<;;! oHR?
LI .:u.t::::1= oHR. • '-g-¥~R'e '-g-¥1- ~R'~.!c. Wit* CU<>tR.
~¥-aHR can also be said as ~¥~ aHR.

• g:gQJ qE~';:!!q_
It is a particle that indicates the object of a sentence.

W~OI Off

W~OI m~ Dfl ,.,.,. ...


1 A~.R? OIOPl6'1 ~R.

What do you buy? Ask each other and respond .

CD @ @

a il
@ @


2:.!t 'il~~it I 79
2 c.~~ ~OI OIOPl311 !i!fR.
Practice wilh your partner as shown below.



7f .!f<3!~ ~HR?
Lt AtR.
l _)

llf llJJ!'/

~ f-l)J • •••
fl JJJ l illl<a.111 l<.l .J
l/10,..,1, 11111 ~,.Of . ... UfOIO.
ll'1 •• · a!.l}/~
,_ <~~- , , ,,..._,i..n.o~-rw
,..,,,,, • <lflll?l t•U . HIDl- Z<•"• • u ,,..._.

1) Q:f<>iR?
7f i!j-J::~
q O~LIR, '&~ Q:f<>iR
~ today
2) 7f ~ ¥<3;!~ 5HR?
Lt '2}qR
3) 7f ~Qt~ ~OiR?
q O~LIR, ~OiR

80 .ili!!Qf l~<>il
I- Of.B./Oj.B./Oj.B.

• ~~Oi.2.l ~Al.2.t ~~AI-E 7H~~.2.l>II !t~~ ~Ol A~~q-

Verbs and adjectives in Korean are made by adding a suffix to a stem.
~q- ~OiR
• '-OIR/OiR/OlR'::: .gg~ ~~::: 71:;~ ~q- ~~~Ol:il. t:t1~6l~~ ~~OllAi A~~q-
-0f.B./OiB./OjB. is an ending used in informal conversations.

-OiR g.jOjR
-OjR t>fajR sHR

1 C:f~g 'a~atl .!i!.1-R.

Match each word with the corresponding statement.

~q [~q) • • 5!.j-R
~q (Qjcq) . • ~OiR
.5:!.q (~q] • • '2!qR
'2!qq mLJ-qJ • • ~OIR

2 ~m ~OI OIOPI~ .!i!.1-R.

Practice with your partner as shown below.

7f ~ot.R? 7f ~<>i.R? 7• witt~?
Lf Lil, ~Ot.R. 4- Lil, ~Oi.R. 4- L·IJ, WiiH.R.

G) ~ live

@ Df..-1..icJ-

2~ 'il~~i'l 81
3 c:~:ct ~OI OIOPl311 .!i!I-R.
Practice with your partner as shown below.

7. ~c!IHJ~~ ~.H.?
w L:11, ~cllHl~~ ~.H..

@ @ (lJ
Qjq ~15~ ofq ~,1-of.Jl ~q

If ~ I


' • •~•~• e~7Jtl LI-Et41R.

"5f.Jl is a particle used to mean doing something
with someone.
1!,1-~}-.i!. ojop]8flJL

4 012.-1~~ .2.~ ¥~* 311.R? ~,1ii.1!. OIOPl311.!i!I-R.

What are you doing today? Ask each other and respond .

82 ~i!!ICII l~ot 1
-i 't! <B t;ff ..8.. Lei's practice again

1 CflQ • Of .!i!>.11.R.
Listen to the conversation.

1> x10~ .u1::: £~ ¥13;!-i- sHR?

What does Jia do today?

2) ~IOI .u1::: sHR?

Does Wei exercise?

2 Cfl~ ca'Et811 .!i!.AilR.

Practice the conversations below with your partner.

~Fr-~ ~Y-R.
$j!~]o] Ml~¥~~ sfl.R?

3 ot2:1~£ OIOt71811 .!i!>.11.R.

Ask each other questions and respond .

7. ~Di. ~¥%~q Lt ~,1, 'c!'qq

7. ~.A~q q ~q

7f ~,1%~JI~q q ~%~q

2:i!t ~~~ttl 83
f o IA-fI '5H ..8.. Let's try

.. ( \ 1 Q:;;: ¥ AI-EJ".2.1 c:ff~~Ljc~. ~~OIi !i!Ail.R. . ,

½~.i Listen carefully to a conversation between two people and answer the questions.

l) 7~~2.t .u1:: ~<3:!~ aHR?

What does Camilo do?

2) Cj-Lj~ .Ule ~<3:!~

What does Doniel drink?



1 otcl~~ 2~ -'i!<3:!* ~R? f/,15~~ 0I0Pl3H !i!AilR.

What do you do today? Ask each other and respond.

l) ~<3:!~ aHR? ~:zroH .!i!.AilR.

What do you do? Think about it.

84 ..!i!.!Qt !R<>t 1
2) ~-=?-i>~Jl OIOPli>~A11R.
Ask each other and respond .

1 Q~ DIO~ .Ul.21 ~~LIQ. ii~ ~~OIi 'B3II S!.AilR.

This is a passage written by Mia Watson. Read carefully and answer the questions.

l) ».I~ .!i'!-'3:!~ 5HR? £¥ 712A11R.

What does Mia do? Choose all the correct answers.

2) ».121 ~~OI .!i'!-'3:!0IOflR?

What does Mia do for a living?

22t 'il1Mt~ I 85
1 .2.I !?-<3:!* %11.R? Ali s!.Ail.R.
Whal do you do today? Write about them .

l) ~<3;!~ tiHR? Dll£a-tA11R.

What do you do? Write some keywords.

2) 1111£~ Lil@~ 1:1t,g~ ~11R.

Based on the keywords, write a passage.

1::1 J-..Q..
2 t:::J
n-1 0
.:!, "'2i 1 Linking sounds 1

• ii~~ -!¥~21 W-~I ~2liil-l2:!A1 c.t~i aot SU.119..

Listen carefully to the sentences below, particularly to the pronunciation of the underlined parts.

1) 2)
7• ~~ol ,¥-~o]oll.R? 7• afl.R?
w Af~ ~P-t~o1on.a. i_t .2.0 }-..Q. _R
CJ -, 2 _2 _'"'_1 ,

G When a vowel comes after the final consonant of a syllable, the fin al consonant
replaces the first sound of the following syllable.

• ~ot .!V.ilR.
Read the sentences below.

1) &~ Atif 0]0U.R.

2) ~A~taO] 7t.R.

3) ~Oi.R.
4) ~.R.
5) o]~o] ,¥-~o]OU.R?

6) Ai ~ o]*~o]OU.R.

• w.£~A1 tm811 S!AilR. •

Listen and check the pronunciation.

01'i!! ~¥e otiaot.a? •~a oHJ:1 !i!!

How was this lesson? Please rate it.

I I 87
Daily Life II
=:f:• A~ 1,1-t;H !ii.~..8. Let's think 031

0 Ml!: ~~Oi ~¥7~ Oi!Iff.E.?

How are Duen's Korean language studies going?

fl 012.i ~~Oi ~¥7~ OiCQI.E.?

How are your Korean language studies going?

~C};!OI Oi'c!AI ~.i!. 'Bit* ~c:t
You can ask and answer questions about conditions.

~EH. ~.Ji1.
e 0l/7~. ~~0121 g:g ,1~
1:1H%J ..8. Lei's learn

~EH cond itions

I ,

- ~ ~lli~

I ..,,..,.-_
. i
/ I - - ,' ~ '-,

I I ',' \

I l ·, I

'. -- j

..,. '


90 .;J.i!4Qf t.~Of 1
. j
: -t'q j .1,qq

'y r'
~ : '·

. j
. C)iOICL,


(~ - - --
- - . _ ,r_,,_


. 1:jLllllCL : OICL j
· 1- l j

• 'otlIHR?'£ j2.'l! 'CUotR', 'filotR' £¾:- Qtg~ * CJtotR. I

When asked Oj lIHB., we do not answer with Oj.B. o~
1 r.~.i!t ~0I 0I0t713ff ~R.
Practice wi1h your partner as shown below.

7f ¾Ot.R? 7f ¾Ot.R?
~q 0 ~q X
Lt t:Jl. ¾Ot.R. q oty.R, L}lllt.R.

CD @ @ @
9.t<i1,q 0 0 ilq 0 Of1H11q 0
@ @ (J) @
'3tq X .3.q X ».~q X Oj~q X

2 OlllffR? ~,15•.:i! OI0t7li5fl ~R.

How is ii? Ask each other and answer.

CD @

1l 7f ~~Oi ~OI pjO~R?
Lf Lil. ~~Ol ~OI pjO~R.
2l 7f ~.ii!.7~ OilIHR?
q ~ .ii!.7~ :1-JR.
~ really

92 .i!a!C/1 t~Of 1
3) 7f .2.~ AIO~ .Ul7 ~£tR?
Lf O~LIR. '51-e .Ul7~ £tR.
I Ol/7~
4) 7f ~'3;!01 9-t'UOiR? • g.~21 LtEti.:!!q.
Lf ~AP~ 9-t'UOiR. II is a particle that indicates the subject of a sentence .

ig~OI ~il 1111 01

ig~o1 ~a 1111 7~ I

1 r.~~ itOI OIOPI~ ~R.

Practice with your partner as shown below.

G) ®

@ ctlM~q



' 7f ~qj~oJ e>ln:ffR?

4 ~qj~o] H]J4R.


2 ot2.-1~2l ~ct!~. 7~.J. !:.~Oi ~OI OilIIIR? ~,1alI!. OIOPl~H ~R.

How is your cellular phone. bag, and Korean language book? Ask each other and respond .

3:i!t il~'c§RII 93
t.t.i2.,~ fo~.R.? )

( '--ii, t.t..2_,~ fo~.R..

~.i!. school

D w l

94 ..!.il!QI !,~Of l
I I .I I
OA J t
-~ ~f


1 .!i!~OI OIIIIIR? c.1-§~ ~OI OIOPI~ .!i!tR.

How are the items below? Practice with yo ur partner as shown below.

a I
CD @ @
7t AJ7-jJ7t Oin:JI.R?
4 AJ7-jJ7t ;1-J.R.
- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - . - . - - -
• • • •
7t AJ7-jJ7t Oin:JI.R?
4 AJ7-jJ7t HJMJ-.R.

' • • • •
.Af!Dlfilq £1Jq

~ our
2~ jj!~ OI OIIIIIR? .!i!~OI BfOtR? ~~OI totR?
How is our classroom? What are there a lot of? What do you like?

3:.!t 'il~'c§itll 95
3 Oli:!i!z::: ~~OI PJOU:l.? ~~OI ~OlR? ~,1"6~]1 OIOPl8H ~R.
Whal do you have a lot of? What do you have a little/few of? Ask each other and respond.

~OlQJ ,1~ Korean sentence structure

• ~~Ol:: -'f!OU ~:: 'Ol/7F. '~/~'.i!l- ~::: ~~.2.1- ~A~. -'f!Oll ~:: '-O~R/OlR/OjR'.2.1-
~::: g.g~ ~~5f-E 71:;~ ~ct
Particles Ol/7f, attached to nouns and suffixes -Of B./Oj.B./01.B. attached to verbs, and adjectives
work to form a sentence in Korean.

• ~~.QJ @7-c:Jg @7-J2.I ~I. Ai~<>P~ g.g.QJ ~I£::~ - ~Ol -Ai~.QJ ~Ai~ ~@c~.
Korean sentences begin with a subject and end with a verb, consisting of a subject + object + verb struc-

1 ~Al+<>l/7f t1~Af 7ftgOI ~OfR.

-9-01 Ai~ Oi ~,17f r'JOfR,

2 ~l/7f (.~f~Af QLJ~ .Ul7f AfR.

-9-0i Ai~ Oi ~~'aOI {'JOiR.

3 ~Af+0l/7f ~Aj+g/. (Et~N CJ-LI~ .Ul7f ti~ ~Lf-R.

?Oi ~-,:JOi Ai~ Oi ~~'aOI ~Oi.R.

l) 7f~2:illjl~OI
q L:11. ~2:illjl~OI

2) 7f ~~Oi ~.!,p~ Oi2:l~R?

Lt O~LIR. ~~Oi ~¥7~ ~~R.
3) 7t ;1~~2.f- »-17~ ¥<3;!~ c5HR?
q c5HR.
~ now
4) 7t ~ ¥.!IOI JJ.17~ :;Qt~ ~OiR?
Lt O~LIR, JJ.17~ :;Qt~ ~OiR. WIOI .u1:: J:lR.

96 .il;!;!Qi !!~<>1 l
1 c.~~ ~OI 12!:.:il ~,1Bt.:il 0I0PI~ ~R.
Make sentences as shown below and practice them with your partner.

~IOI Ml ~*Ei Afq si-q

7f~2.j-MI lc_!-qq .3.q
~-=r- 7f'6'" s;!.q t:!IMfq
-t!~'cl .§ ?q Oj~q
-§-QJ- ~q ~q
~~Oj ~~a-fq Af!Dl~q
~fq Oll.!!!!.q
41q t:!f.!!!!.q

~Ol 01

7t ~~oJ jjjoJ oJIIll.8.? 7t ~J] OJ JJ-)7} .!i'-<3!~ 5fl.8.?

LI- ~~Oj .7l!O] ;qjo]~oj.R. LI- -'fi] o] M]7} 7}1n"~ ).t.R.

CD o]/7t


® o]/7}

@ o]/7t

@ 0J/7t

@ o]/7t


@ 0l/7f

3~ ~'ct'Cil II 97
2 ji!~ ~~OI Oill'.ffR? ~,17~ -'i!-~~ 8HR? .::J.iel~ .!i!j]_ OIOt718H !i!tR.
How ore the objects in the classroom? Whal does he/she do? Look al the picture and talk about them.

3 ot2:I~ ji!~.QJ -~OI Oill'.ffR? ~,in -'i!-~~ 511R? ~,15~.:i! OIOPISH !i!tR.
How ore the objects in your classroom? Whal does your partner do? Ask each other and respond .

98 ..!.i!IQf~<>tl
~:a•o~ Bi\,.; e:1. \,.; ...., 'oH ..8.. Let's practice again
I o~

1 Ci% Cff~ •<>I s!AilR. •

Listen to the conversation .

l) ~IOI JJ.~ Xis ~'3!~ 511.R?

What is Wei doing now?

2) 7~2.f- JJ.le 2~ ~'3!~ l5HR?

What does Camila do today?

2 Ci% CffU 'a§~ .!i!.AilR.

Practice the conversations below with your partner.

0 :1]-~2l ».]~ .2.~
.Ajja] oJR.
¥<3!~ iiflR?

3 ot2:l~£ 0I0Pl3fl s!AilR.
Ask each other questions and respond.

lt ~§ . %fq q ~~Oi ~¥' %fq ilq

7t ~Cff.g., Afq q ~.::lf, Q:jq 9!~q

l~ ~.F?·%f2 ~q q §-Qt, ~q -J,q

3:.!t ~'lt"ltl' II 99
o IA·ll "6H ..8.. Let's try

:A ~1 c:.f,~~ A!-W.2.1 Cff11-~LIC~. ~_jl ~~OIi Et811 .!i!.AilR.

½ol.i Listen carefully to a conversation between two people and answer the questions.

1) ~IOI .Ul-e .2.~ -'f.~§ aHR?

What does Wei do today?


2) 41~.i!I- ~.2.'2:! Q, c.f-.s.'2:! XOII HAla-tAilR.

Marie Q if the statement is true and X if the statement is false.

@J 0
@J 0

1 Oj2:f!f .2.:e ¥9;!* 5'1R? ,f!,1c5~_j1 OIOt715'f .!i!.AilR.

What do you do today? Ask each other and respond.

1) 0!2:i~~ .2.~ -'f.~~ aHR? OillHR? s!.AilR.

What do you do today? How are you today? Think about it.

2) -'f-2.J it!" ~.,i~g -'f.~~ aHR? OillHR? ~,1a-t.:i1 OIOPla-fAilR.

What do your partners do today? How are they today? Ask each other and resp ond.

100 .'.ili!!IQt~otl
1 ~;lt.2.l il7l~Llr.L ~.:il ~~OIi 'B'3II s!.AilR.
Read the diary entries carefully and answer the questions.

1) .Ule 2.~ ~'3:!~ iiHR?

What does Natsumi do today?


2) c.tLl~ »-le 2.~ OJIIHR?

How is Daniel today?

3) .Ule 2.~ ~'3:!~ .A.~R?

Whal does Muhammad buy today?

3~ 'ii~~- II 101
I 1 012:1~£ i!71• Ali !i!.AilR.
Write a diary entry.
M.l i
l) ~2:t!:i!~ .2:~ ~.R? .!i!.AilR.
What do you do today? Think about it.

2) Lll~ tt~§~ ~ilR.

Based on your thoughts, write a passage.

102 ~i!4Qi~ot l
2 t::i
.:::! c 2 Linking sounds 2

• ii~ -B tr~.2.1 W~OII ~2lcW~A1 Cl~i •<>i s!.Ail.R. •

Listen carefu lly to the sentences below, particularly to the pronunciation of the underlined parts.

1) 2)
7~ ~-,1-7t ~ Oi.R? 7~ ¥ '3!~ itt.R?
Lt 0 tLJR, file>i.R. Lt ~ ~ ~ OiR.

G When final double consonants like /LJ../, /c1/, /iM/, /HJ../ of a syllable are followed by a
vowel, the first consonant of the double consonants is pronounced as the final sound
of the syllable, and the second consonant of the double consonants replaces the first
sound of the following syllable.

• C.I i ~<>t ~I.R. Read the sentences below.

1) A]~7fl7t file>i.R.
2) ~cilH]~OJ
3) ~.2.Ai].R.
4) Oj7J ~..Q.Ai].R.

5) tgoJ mot.R.
6) .Ji!.~O] ~ Oi.R.

• ~£'i!!A1 ~%11 ~I.R. Listen and check the pronunciation .

OI~ ~E Of ':flOIR? 'ii~-& DH7-I S!.Ai!R!

How was this lesson? Please rate it.


3~ II 103


f AJ1,~ !i~_R Let's think 041

0 7~~2.~ Ml~ Al~ OjCIOII 7~.B.?

Where is Camila going now?

fJ ~2.i~~ .2.~ OlC!OlP~B.?

Where are you going today?

otc.lotlAi ¥9.!w ~1-E~I ~.i::!. gtt * ilC.t.

You can ask and answer the questions about where
and what you are doing

• Oil :;,~q, OllAi. J.V,1 .H~[OI. J., J--j]
11ff %j ..8. Let's learn

{ ~c.lo!I :>r.R.? )

( ~-t .i2.o!I :>r.R..

1> 7f OiCIOII 7~R?

Lf ~~OIi 7~R. Oil 7~q

2) 7f.iir~OII 7~R? • ~~;:q~QI 01~~ LtEH:!!Q.

It is used to indicate going to a destination.
q O~LIR. A~.!¥~0!1 7~R.

106 .i!i!ilQt ~ Oil

~ ~ places



Cl:::ir:tt::J.ii _ - -../ ---
::;:f; Jtl:t;l:tn:tifHr --,~
_1 L
~.,: I ~~ ~N'I
1:_:I: I


•• _,,I

'-'<----.. _.,"\ ,1 1l/rf

.. , "'°', "'i,._~
' - ~ 1\ l / \ lf1_,,


/- , .....
, ' )'~
,)I •i,"
• ..

., \. /9 I

' . - .~ ' ,, '\ I

" I -- =:d:;:!) ,

l -.Q Q
, uo_c

(' ~
-· - mm

4]t '8".¼. 107

1 c~.c} ~OI OIOPl8H ~R.
Practice with your partner as shown below.

7f Die.Jot] 7tR?
Lf 61~0!1 7tR.

IIE'·:~ .'.
@ -

~I ~ ® .~~·-

108 .:i!.i!.tQI !Rot 1

2 .2.~ OjCIOU 7~.R? ~F?-t;~:i! OIOPliiH !i!I-R.
Where are you going today? Ask each other and respond .

l) 7f ~IOI .UI. O,CIOII 7tR? 7il~~ 'ofq play games

Lf ~,1 ~OIi 7tR. ~,i ~OIIAi ~ -
2) 7f OiCIOIIAi AtR?
Lf 7tlllOIIAi AtR.
3) 7f .xis¥~~ ~
Lf ~'aOIIAi ~01R.

• lljOIR' e -&~'l! lljOIR'~e ~:il. tiffR'et-e ~OIR.

·og~ c:!:j Oj.B.' means eating rice also means having a meal.
7f AI'5' 'tr% t;!:j oj .R.?
4 Lil. 2lCr!% t;!:joj.R..

OIIA-t T •

• 01~ ~~-m ~oJLt::: LtEt'cl!q_

It is a particle that indicates a place or a location where actions occur.

4~ "J2 109
1 ~OI OIOt7laff .!i!!R.
Practice wi1h your partner as shown below

• "- I

' - . _r--r-r:
-" ~ ..·1 . . ·

110!!JIQI ~OI 1

2 c.j%~ ~OI OIOPI~ ~.R.
Practice w ith your partner as shown below.


,. :1tnJlofP•i ¥'3!~ ~HR? ,. :1tnllofl.l.i ¥'3!~ ~HR?

4 :1tnJlofl.l.i ~OiR. 4 :1tnJlofl.l.i ~* ~4.8.. ~± 111
3 Oj2:I~~ ·~'OIIA1, •~~'OIIA-f ~'3:!~ ~R? =t2.l.:i! •,gia 121otR', '-B,i,. '':: otc.lotlA-f c511R?
What do yo u do at the park and the department store? Where do you eat and hang out with your friends?

t1Jt 0:1out?
~H½ o.1-i..t-.a?

( o4lwJ.fL }

o 7f 01 <>illll.R?
2) 7f Ai Al-Et ~ ?
q Lil. ~2.I -t!~-aolOIIR.

4) 7f OiCIOII 7~.R?
q ~~OIi 7~.R.
7f 7·PIOIIAi -!?-~~ 5HR?
Lf [~~()~
fr~i>~q go shopping
IAIAI .H.~[01, .:::I, Ai] Demonstratives

• ·o I ~- .::1 A~. Ai 61~t'.ct I ·o I. .::::i, Ai+ ~Af2.l ~Ell~ MOj A~ 1q A~. AIAl~~-
01, -=i., Ai ore demonstrative adjectives used in front of the noun lo indicate on object, person, or
place, such as OI ~ - -=i. At's, ;l.i -6.jz,f.

• ·or::: ~AIOIIJll 7~77j,g ?:1.!:f, ·.::1·::: ~AIOIIJll 7~77j,g ?:1.!:f, Af::: 0

~AIOIIJllA1 .£.!¥- ?:1

o I is used when the object is closer to the speaker while .=i. is used when it is closer to the listener from
the view of the speaker and Ai is used when the object is for away from both the speaker and listener.

1 ~OI 0I0PI~ ~.a.

Practice with your partner as shown below.

7t .:J. '!t <>ltrll.R?



Lt MJofl.R.

@ Lt

Ll ;ijl..Q. Ol n.l_R
I , 2 i:1~1 ·

4:i!t 113

2 .ii!:~OII ¥'3:!0I ~<>t.R? <>tlIII.R? ~OI ~;ii~~ OIOt7laH .!i!!.R.

What items are there in your classroom? How are they? Practice with your partner as shown below.

7. 0] ff ojllfl.8.? 7. A-j ).]7-j] ojo:ff.8.?

4 w-ot.8.. 4 ~.8..

3 .2.w otclotl 7~.R? 7-l7IOIIA1 ¥'3!-a aH.R? ~,ii~~ OIOPl811 .!i!!.R.

Where are you going today? What are you going there? Ask each other and respond .

114 :i:!.i!IQI ~<>11

'i C.~ 'B "5H ..8.. Ler s practice again

1 C.~ Cfllt-a IOI .!i!Ail2.. Listen to the conversation. •

l ) 7t~2.t JJ.I:: 2.~ OiCIOII 7tR?

Where is Camila going today?

2) iif,e JJ.le 2.~ 5'1R?

What is Hajun doing today?

2 Cfl~ 'a~5'1 .!i!.>412.. Practice the conversations below with your partner.

iit-e Ml!:: .2.~

~7J~ At.R.
i5fl.R? 0
;i.i!::: ~~ofl 7t.R.
~~oflAi ~4.R.

3 Oli!l~.!c. OIOt71811.!i!Ail2.. Ask each other questions and respond.

7. ~§t-tt ~§t• .!i!ct Lt 7~tg, A~q

7t ~ .,i. ~q q £Ai-Et

,t ~q Lt ~At ~ - l5tct

4:i!t 115
t o IAil "5ff !;!~.8.. Lei's try

:A ~1 ¥ A~21 [ff.lJ~LIQ. W ~.Jl ~~Oii 'Et511 !i!.Ai~.

½<>l.i Listen carefully to a conversation between two people and answer the questions.

l) Olc.JOII 7~R?
Where do they go?

2) ~IOI .UI~ .2~ -'¥-~~ ~R?

What does Wei do today?


1 Q~ A112J ~~LIQ. W i-1.JJ. 'il~OII 'Et5II .!i!

This is a passage written by Camila. Read carefully and answer the questions.

Ai~ ;;itJiilof] 7t.R. ~7]of)),i ~nj~ ~n:J7t 13!~e>I.B.. Ai~ ~nj~ ~otiifl.B..
;;itJiilofP•i e>I.R. ~.,z. ~4.R. ~.,Z.i>t.:u. ~~ot ~¥afl.B..

l) .UIE- OlCIOII 7~R?

Where does Camila go?

116 :ili!;fCft l~<>t 1

2) .::i~Oll-"i ;,~~2.~ .UIE- ~~-i- l5HR? £¥ ? 2 AilR.
What does Camila do there? Choose all the correct answers.


@ ®

LWJfil,J M
1 <>tel~~ .2:~ OiC.IOII 7.R? ~-=rs•11 OIOt:71811 .!i!.AilR.
Where are you going today? Ask each other and respond.

1) <>iCIOII 7~R? 7-J7IOll-"i .!?-~~ l5HR? .!:2.AilR.

Where do you go? Whal do you do there? Think about ii.

2) ~,its~~ 0I0Plfs~AilR.
Ask each other and respond .

4:.!t 117
1 otci~:: .!i!..g ott.lOII 7~.R? Ali s!Ail.R.
Where do you usually go? Write about ii.

1) !i!~ OlClotl 7tR? 7-PlotlAi ¥<3:!~ 3HR? Dll£atA11R.

Where do you usually go? What do you do there? Write some keywords.

2) Dfl.2.~ Ht~££ ~ilR.

Based on the keywords, write a passage.

------ - -

118 ~~Cff t!-~Ol l

!.~ -71~ [[1 Lt -!-JJt R ? Let's explore Korea!

• !.~21 otc.i otc.i• ~o•.a? !.~21 Cfl.H. £Al• cuoi-sm.a?

What places in Korea do you know? Let's explore representative cities in Korea.

I 1
The most popular Korean cities
among foreigners include .kl~.

• Ai~2J ~~!:: otc.l~»..R?

Whal places in Ai~ are famous?

If you are interested in traditional

Korean culture, visit~~ or «l!A~.
If you want to go shopping,
qfg. would be the best places to go. If
you want to enjoy the scenery of Ai~.
visit ict~Ai-iEtW at Namsan. If you have
already been to these places, -I-Cit, OIEfl
~ . or :a-act might be a better choice for
you to visit.

• ~el~ ~2.•21 x~ otc.1011.R? ~7H~ 5!.Ail.R.

What places are famous in your country? Introduce the famous places in your country to your partners.

01it! g¥:: 01~01R? •~a oHJ:t .!i!AiLR!

How was this lesson? Please rate it.

4;!t 119

Buying Things

=:f ~ -"l l,~ s!l.-8.. Let's think 051

0 op1:: OJCIOll.9.?
Where is this place?

f) 012.i~~ Jt:!Ql~OIIA-t ~9:!~ NB.?

What do you buy at a convenience store?

You ca n buy things.

7~}11 ~l! . .i!~Oi *· ~A~Oi *

• 01;:;i~ cuq/filc~
e ~l! A~71
ft t1H%J .8. Let's learn

7~'11 I~ items at a sto re

122 :i!a!Qt ~OI 1

1 Ci%~ itOI OIOPl5'1 .!i!I-.R. 2 Ci%~ ~OI OIOPl3ff .!i!I-.R.
Practice w ith your partner as shown below. Practice with your partner as shown below.

7. ¥<3!.~ ).t.R?
q 3!t-ii•.:il ~7.J ).}_R_

7• ¥<3!.~ ).t.R?
Lt .i!l-7.t~ ).t.R.

CD !'!!!I @

... ' @

• 7H21 1~P•t~ 4-~~ IQt '' At-9-~R.

"5f.::il is a particle used to enumerate two or
more objects.
2.J-~ ~}.J!. A}JL

3 ~2.-1~~ .2.~ ¥~i;·.J1. ¥~* A•.R? ~,1i;•.J1. OIOPl~H .!i!I-.R. .

Whal w ill you buy today? Ask each other and respond.

S:i!t U! API 123

,· · ·{ -.i,-0-t:-01-~

( \.-11, .il 0-t=ol ~~a. }

l) 7f ~igOI '1!0iR?
q O~LIR. ~igo1 fil<>iR.
2) 7f .!¥~01 '1!0iR?
q ;,-jn.p~ '1!0iR.
___£ many1much
3) 7f ~,:Z.7~ ~ '1!0iR? ______________________ _
q O~LIR. [~ ]'1!0iR. IOl/7~ ~q;gi_q • Et
some/little • Oi'l:"! ,q-~01q A~~. ~2.j qE}t!jQ.
It indicates the existence or non-existence of a thing, person, or condition.

1 t.t%~ ~OI OIOPI~ ~R. Practice with your partner as shown below.

G) (?)

•· • ...

,7f ,,o.;
4 ~o]
O:IO] Ole>i.B.7


@ (!)

- @

.i._ "J

124 2a!Qt~Oll
2 ~m, ~OI OIOPI~ ~.R..

Practice w ith your partner as shown below.

~½. i l~.,t',
o ~o I
.:! 20 1,
"r! !?

Jt 2.}-~o] ~<>l.R? Jt :i!}-7,t7} ~<>l.R?

4 lll, 2.}-~o] ~<>l.R. 4 oty.R, :i!l-~Pt ~<>l.R.

3 ~7::: ~ot.R.? filot.R.? ~-7-5~~ 0I0PI~ ~.R..

Does your partner hove any of the things listed below or not? Ask each other and respond .

{ ~J-o) ,~ ~oia? J
( t! ,~ ~o-1a. }
5:i!t i~ APf 125
.i!.,ff.Of * Korean numbers

: l · Ail j Lil j

. c: ,H ,i . i . i
: AiPH j : Lil 7H j

lfl .
. CLA-i ,
· IA
j . n-lA-i ,i
: otgi f

. i . i .
: q~7Hl : Oj~ 7H j . 01..:.i.
. 21:::j.,
,H,ji : Of gJ 7H f

• •~• g *~ IIff A~-§-~B..

is used to ask for numbers .

• '7H' ¼:; ~(!21 *~

IIff A~-§-~R. 't;~Lj-, i, ~. 1;1!'
Q,&otl '7H'7~ .2.'c! •~ 7H, 7H, A117H, 1;!17H'7~ ~R.

;. o~-s- li
7H is used when counting objects. Attaching 7H after
the number t fq, ~ , ~ , becomes "ti- 7H, 7H, Ail

:o~-s- 7H:ii 7H, Lil 7H.

1 ?JOI OIOPl-stl ~.R.

Practice with your partner as shown below.

7f Apg~ 7ff AtR?

Lt At~~ 7ff At.R.

2 C.~.i!.t ~I 0I0Pliill !i!tR.
Practice with your partner as shown below.


,.,o,,-e, @
7• ff 0 1 ~Oi.8.?
q L:11. ~Oi.8..

@ ®

::,• ffo] 7fl ~Oi.8.?

~ It q ~7H ~Oi.8..

3 Il!0I ~OIR? 'i 7H ~OIR? ~;it;•11 0I0Pl5H !i!tSl.

Do you hove any of the items below? How many of them do you hove? Ask each other and respond .

C) D
- 0

{ ~o)-otlft? J

5:i!t U!At71 127

!!'AJ-Of * Ch inese-Ko rea n numbers

0 0 .
0 AH
-~ l
0 0
.,if -Wl jJ 3-l
Ill) 0
-~ i

ID . -

-~~ j


\\ll I
• '10, 100, 1,000, 10,000, 100,000·.g. ·~. IHI, ~.
~. ~OIR.
10, 100, 1,000, 10,000, 100,000 read {J, ~. ~- '2_1-, {J
'2_1-, respectively.
1 ~i!} ~OI OI0~718fl .!i!I-.R.
Practice with your partner as shown below.

W 2,500
G) W 500 (2) W 1,000 @ W 3,500
]. ~atOfJR?
@ W4,000 @W 6,500 @ W 7,000
4 OJ~.£~ ¥:!OJojJR_
(J) W 15,000 @W 90,000 @ W400,000

2 ~i!} ~OI OIOPl~H .!i!I-.R.

Practice with your partner as shown below.

H ; -, -,2-00-~--l / 2,400~ l
]. oJ ~-H- ~atofJR?
Lt ~OJ~ ¥:!OJofJR.

13.100~ l
@ @

3 ~,1:1t 7P~I~ ~::: w-l:!21 W<>l.!i!I-.R.

Ask your partner the prices of the items he/she has.

S.i!t U! Af:71 129

{ ~~"i" E.ijJJrSi?
J( 'ta~ ~-«ii.IL }

{ o:t, I 0 ·Hl. .
J ( ~D~allfl? }

j~i,tf~ fr:lo)ol)fi. fi' .,
,. /J I
l,//ii 1 •1I

1 .::t~~ 5!J1 ~,1i;~.:il OI0~716'f ~.a.

Look at the pictures and talk about them as shown above with your partner.

• c.~ ¾:A:1-a ¾2.J LflOi ~Di ~.a.

Read aloud the numbers below.


130 ..!.i!i!Clt~<>ll
'.I- c.--j ~-§-~H.R. Lefs practice again

1 r.ff.11-9: t <>i S!.Ail.R. •

Listen to the conversation.

l ) ,!¥, A~;g:: ;r;ls .lf.'3:!~ 5HR?

What are they doing now?

2) op:t-E, .lf.'3:!~ 7H A~R? ~a~OIIR?

What and how many of them is she buying? How much are they?

2 c.~ r.ffil-5 «a~311 .5!.Ail.R.

Practice the conversations below with your partner.

Cl!,) op,i .2.Ai)R. ¥<3!~ c<Mnt.R?

lfl. ~<>i.R.
2.j-~iit.:i!. ~2.j- ~<>iR?
2.j-~ ,¥- 7Hi>t.:i!. ~2.j- 7H ?Ail.R.

1l!J ~7J ~<>i.R.

,q~oJ~ ¥40JOfl.R.
~otOIIR? '
3 Oj2:1~£ OIOPl311 S!.Ail.R.
Ask each other questions and respond.

l) 2)
7~ 12,600 q ~1<2t 2, l:ll.!;=- 4 7~ 8,400 Lt O~Ol ~.3.~ 3, 2

3) 4)
7t 23, 100 Lt .:A:;ll 6, -Af-¥- 1 7~ 15,700 71Ill 5, 2

sa At'I 131
'I o lAil "oH .!i!l..8.. Let's try

1 c~~:: 7PIIOIIA12l :;:1! ~~OIi gtH .!i!.Ailii. @,
Listen carefully to o conversation at a store and answer the questions.

I) ~<3:!~ 7H AtR?
Whal and how many of them is the customer buying?


How much are they?

G) 3,500~ 3,900~ @ 4,500%/ @ 4,900~

1 ct~:: 7~JflOIIA1 ~=l:!~ A~i! W:: '~n-~~Llct. ~i! il~OII Woll .!i!.AilR.
The following is a receipt received when buying things al a store. Read carefully and answer the

A 2.1
-r C) Jf~ I) ~<3:!~At.£1.?
What was bought?
xi~ 2,500

......... 2 4,000
2) ~IQt.g. 1H<>H
How much is toothpaste?

~XI 6 12,000
3) 7H AtR?
How many toothbrushes were bought?
WJII 18,500

132 ..!.il!Qf !:.~ot l

1 A!-E CIIU %H 5!.AilR.
Ask and answer the questions about buying things.

I) muon .lf-~OI '1!0iR? .lf-~~ Af_:j]_ ~OiR? ~~ff !2.AilR.

What things ore al the store? What do you want to buy? Think about it.

A ot2.i~ e'cl<>l<>IIR. .lf-~~ 'jl 7ff Af_:j]_ ~OJR? au.2.a-fAilR.

Imagine you are the customer. Whal and how many of them do you want to buy? Wrtte
them down.

8 Ol2.i~ ~f:!<>l<>IIR. ~?:!.QJ 7f~~ ~ofAilR.

Imagine you ore a clerk at a store. Determine the prices of items.

I ::
' ~';)

2) e'a.i!/- ~f:!01 £l0i 010PlofAilR.
Play the roles of the clerk and customer with your partner.

5~ U!>-PI 133
I 1 Olci~:: 7.Jll<>IIAi ¥-~a A•.R? .U1 S!Ail.R.
What do you buy at the store? How much are they? Write about them.
l) 0!2:l~ 7Pllot1Ai .!?-<3;!-8- At~ AtR? 7H AtR? Dll£atAilR.
What do you often buy at the store? How many of them do you buy? Write them down.

2) OIi£~ Lll~ l:lt'2t££ ~ilR

Based on the keywords, write a passage.

134 .i!.i!i!QI !.~Of 1

't~21 e Korean money
• Olci::~ l.~.21 ~llil~ Ol~ ~OI ~=:,:I ~O~R?
Do you know what coins and bills Korea uses?

" "
..,__.,_ ... .l •
;,; 8rooJ •• ec

The Korean currency is called the won, using the symbol W. Korea has co ins and bills. Korean coins come
in denominations of 10, 50, 100 and 500 won, and Korean bills come in denominations of 1,000, 5,000,
10,000, and 50,000 won.

• l.~ ~JQIOII=: Ol~ ~~OI ~*m.a?

What images ore printed on Korean coins and bills?

Respected Korean figures and historic images are printed on the coins and bills.

• Olci~ 4-c~.21 ~JQIOII=: ¥13:!0I ~OlR?

What images ore printed on the bills in your country?

OI~ .i:!t ~:: Of~Of.R? 'ilil~i- Dff]:j .!i!..>.11.R!

How was this lesson? Please rote it.

S:i!t U P•t71 135
1,,20= 30=Y l j

Daily Schedule

=:,:= At!,~ !i!.j-..8. Let's think 061

0 t~ Ml::: 7-NOll ~<3!~ fiHB.?

What does Hajun do in the evening?
f) Oj2.i-~-.Q.j "5~~ ~:i!re Ojllff.H.?
How is your daily schedule?

i;~~ ilU ~.i! 'B'lt ~Cl *

You can ask and answer questions about your daily schedule.
Al · {E, Alf!. ~21-
• OIi. <2!
ft 1:1ff %j .R. Lei's learn

Al · hours • m inutes

. i
.. O:IC
. i
: ~Al J

. i
'I ,j

. i
. Al J Ail Al i

: L:11 Al f

. i
. 012
. 2
t::I "

138 :i!i!llQt 'l~<>t 1

,; ,; ; ;
01 1::::1
2 1!:"
j 01 j M1:::1
j : .2.~
{J 1::::1


' 0 0
I 0n••5
u• •
. {J.2. 1!:"
1::::1 ,
; .
· Ol{J
1::::1 ,
1!:" j : M{J
A~{J 1::::1,
j : A~{J.2.
.2.{J 1::::1 ;
'i!:" l

-%~ Al
• L-'
1:: 1 i
I Un2••n
• IU

C: Al
- iii
rr-; .q~ Al A~{J ~j :~ Al .2.{J.2. ~1 .

: ~~Al
I I•


1 ~OI OIOPlsll ~R.

Practice with your partner as shown below.

CD •• ®

@ @ ••

•• @
Lt ).~ A] ~OJoJlR.

@ •• ® ~

2 AIE 'i AIOIIR? ~,1i;~~ 0I0PI~ ~R.

What lime is it now? Ask each other and respond.

6:at -&l-$ ~ :at 139

: Ot~ Ii

1 ~OI OIOPl5'1 ~.a.

Practice with your partner as shown below.



@ @
7t ).JOIIR?
q ot~ ).Jot]R.

@ •• •• @ ••

140 ~i!;fClt f_ROf 1

1) 7• AIOII '2.!'LI-R?
Lf .2.~ Ail AIOII '2.!'4R.
~ when
2) 7f ~ -::r§~ oHR?
Lf ~ t~Oll ::r § oHR.
3) 7. Ai~Oll oHR? and
Lf ~OiR. pm]~OiR. • Oi'l:! %-QOIL/- ~.!fl. ~Ell7t ~OiL/-::: ,q:~g~ L/-El-t!!Cf-.
It is used to indicate the time when a certain action, activity,
or condition occurs.

1 C~.i!l- ~OI OIOPlatl .!i!J-.R.. Practice with your partner as shown below.

l!!l~~OII 7~q I £~ SAi

7f Alofi ~~~ofl 7t.R? 7f ~~~<>lJ 7tR?

Lt .2.~ c.J--~·P•l<>lJ7tR. q .2.~ q~ AJOII 7tR.

CD ~jj!,OII 1~q 08:00

~ (
igt~ Qjq 12:30

@ @ 10:00
12_!-qq 14:00

@ @
:r !5~ %~q £~ ~¥%~q Ai'4

0 @ A~q 11AI
~Ill~ D~Alq AIE

6.!1- ... ~.ill- 141

, , .31~ W.:i!f da;ty sched,l e

i:-~ou 2q

• '*~OIAl~~q'E'*~OI
*~OI Al~£Jq canalsobe
saidas *~OI Al~tq.

142 ..J.a!QI ~Oj l

1 c.~.ct ~OI OIOPI~ .!i!lR.
Practice with your partner as shown below.

7~ AJOfl ~Ofl .2}-.H.? 7~ ~}.~ ~Ofl .2}-.H.?

Lt .2.~ ill A I<>ll <>ll .21-R. Lt 7.-f '=i <>ll <>ll .21-R.

7AI .2.~ 3AI 12:30

@ @


.2.-t:! 1OAI AH~

6:i!f at~ ~:i!f 143

2 C.1%~ ~OI OIOPl%11 ~R.
Practice with your partner as shown below.


• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •
I l•UU

3 Ole-I~~ .!i!~ o~. ~{I. ~-lid!. motl ¥-1 %HR?

AIOII %HR? ~;ii>•.:u. OIOPl%11 ~R.
Whal do you usually do in the morning, afternoon, and evening?
Lt 7'l!-t..J-R. Al what time do you do that? Ask each other and respond .
]~ Alofi 'l!-t..J-R?
Lt £~ tj,;-! Al of! 'l!-t..J-R.

144 2i!.1Clt !.~<>I 1

l) 7f v~op~ <>i2.=l~R?
Lf O~LIR. 't!" <>i2.=l~R. -?l~R.
~ q q q goto
2) 7f ~AI-Oll ~ ?
Lf O~LIR. ~NOii 't!" ql.:jR.

3) 7f 2.~ ~~i5HR?
Lf O~LIR. 't!" i5HR.
4) 7f ~OIi 7tR?
Lf O~LIR. 't!° 7~R.
.:::I.2:j~ ~o~.::il 7~R?

Lf ~,1o~.::il ~OI 7~R.

t hen • ~AILI- ~~At W>II ~OI !j:!~01q 'l!"ctl~ LIEPd!Ct.
II is a negative adverb placed in front of a verb or adjective .

• '~At+otct'.QJ ~AI-E ·~AHcz.!-+otcf.Qj ~Ell£ ~ct.

For verbs that are formed with Noun+"5fef, the negative adverb is
placed between the noun and i fq, thus becoming Noun +~+"5fq_

• 'CUQ' E 'filQ' ~. •~q• E '£§;.Q' ~. •~ 0 t~fQ' E •~ ~of~fQ' ~R.

For the opposite, we say fil q for ~ q , 2.E.Cf for filCf, and -J-Of"5fq for -J-Of "5fq_
n A-j),t~ 0 ] ~ 0 t .R.? 7f rlnJ ¾ 0 t~H.R.?
Lt ~2.}-.R.. Lt 0 tLJ .R.. 'li ¾ 0 t~H.R..

1 ~OI OIOPI~ .!i!f.R.

Practice with your partner as shown below.

CD (?) ot~, Qjq

£JAL 7fq
~ , .3.q
@ @
~<4, ~q AIE, -t1£1-%tq 7f~OJ 7'J.R?
4 otLJ.R. ~01 7'1.R.
@ OIAl;;ljl,-f-q
-§-, ™"q

(!) @ ®
"t~~ ~-,1, ~q 9-t~q Ai Af~. ~q
2 c.~_i!f i{OI OIOPI~ ~R.
Practice with your partner as shown below.

,~ l!!l~~<>llA-1 7ti:g~ At.B.?

q ott.l.B., l!!j~~<>llA-1 7ti:g~ At.B..
7~ icj~ <>ii:JoJJA-f At.B.?
q AJ;gojJA-f At.B..


Ojq OlCI



'J 7H OlCI

3 f!7~ i>t~• OiljJII s!Lff.B.? ~<>iR? .2.~0II ~gii ~? ~At ~HR? c.~ 7tAI OI~ ~~i>t.TI Cff
How is your partner's daily routine? Does he/she eat breakfast? Does he/she exercise in the morning? Does he/
she exercise alone? Ask and answer five questions or more.

146 .;!i!.1Clt ~Ol l

,t c~ ~t;fl.R. Lefs practice again

1 Cf% CffQ •ot !i!.Ail.R. 'I),

Listen to the conversation .

1l QLI~ .Uli::- ~Xii ::Cl5!i aHR?

When does Daniel exercise?

2) .!¥- At-Mg ~9;!oU QlaH 01op1aHR?

What do they talk about?

2 Cf% CffQ <c!§aJI !i!.Ail.R.

Practice the conversations below with your partner.

3 ~ci~£ OIOPlatl !i!.Ail.R.

Ask each other questions and respond .

7~ Ai~. %tq? q Ot~. A~~%tq

7t ~_jj!.~¥~%tCt7 q ~.Ai~.~¥~ %tq

7. ~. Ot~~ QjCp Lt £~ 7AI, Ot~~ Qjq

71 £~. 7'JIII~ q £~ 7tlljl, 7'JIII~
0 IA·ll ~n .!i!}..8_ Let's try
:A ~1 c.t-~:= ~.l!I-OII Cit~ Ctl~~Llc.f-. ~.Jl ~~OIi
½<>!Jt Listen carefully lo a conversation about Duen's daily routine and answer the questions.

l) ¥~ .UIE 2.~otl ¥<];!~ fiHR? £¥ T12AilR.

What does Duen do in the morning? Choose all the correct answers.


@ @ @

"' @ '
...... ,l,i>

~'a, a

-=al i {.\J

2) ~:: L/1~.i!I- ~g 3,.-!~ T1 2 AilR.

Choose right statements.

148 ..!.i!4QI !.~<>t 1

1 q:;;:~ :1~'il~~ »-121 Dll£~Llc.t. ~.::i]. ~~OIi ~H .!i!AilR.
Read Camila's schedule carefully and answer the questions.

1) :i1f~2.f .Ule ~ii!.Oll 7fR?

Janu ary Does Camila go lo school?
., 18
.2.~ '1;(,l~/l.,<.I *"J
/;i.:~O ";j";J, llJ, ~i
2) :ilf~~ .Ule AIOI! '2:!0lR?
When does Camila eat lunch?

.I. 3) :i1f~2.f .Ule ~Ail cSHR?

When does Camila exercise?

1 0!2:1~21 f>~~ 0I0Platl .!i!AilR.

Talk about your daily routine.

l) 0!2:1~21 c5f-9- OllIHR? t:tflllfR? .!i:!.~ -!?-~~ c5HR? ~Ail cSHR?

How is your daily schedule? Are you busy? Do you have fun doing your daily routine? Whal do
you usually do? When do you do your daily routine?

2) Of2H ~OIi Dll.2.c5fAilR.

Write your daily schedule below.

--- schedule

---- .2.~

6:;Jt 3f-' 'il:.Jt 149
3) 5~$ ~:i!J-7~ OiliffR? ou.2.-e .!i!Jl ~.FrB~.:i! 0IOPIW,il.R.
How is your daily schedule? Look at your daily schedule and talk about ii with your partner.

1 Ol~~.2.1 i;~~ ~ma ~7Hi;!-E Ali .!i!.Ai~.

Write about your daily schedule.

l) ¥1.2.1 OIi£. t:1~2.£ ~il.R.

Based on your daily schedule, write a passage.

150 ..!.a!QI f.~ot 1

~g ~2.I LH01 ~~71 1 Readaloudl

• c.~ ~a ~ot !i!AilR. •

Read the sentences below.

1) ~~i5}Ai].R? At: ~1r}~aloJ].R. 't}-1.}Ai 1rl-~~Llc.J-.

2) Ai!:: .2. .:ii!.oJl 7}.R. .:ii!_oJl).i °t~<>i %¥Bfl.R.
3) Ai!: ).}Wal<>U.R. "t~~ ~Fjl-7} ~<>i.R.
4) .2.~0ll 1'1Jj*~Dll 7}.R. At.R . .:lc.j31 ~~.£ ).t.R.
- 5) Ai!: ~7 ~a}Bfl.R. a}~Oll ~,Z.<5}31 ~,2-~ 5flR.

• qgg ~ot .!i!.>41.R. All.l<>I ~a~Lt ~~otR?

Read the passage below. How long did it take?

~~i5}Ai].R? Ai!: nfl 2 \:!C-l]AOfl.R. ~P-1.:n. ).}~aloJ].R. A]-a-!: ~~Oil

).i ~ot.R. °t~ ~).toJl t:.]-J..:1.R. Ai!: at~ ~<>il.}.R. at
3!_~ ).joj]

~Oil § 5fl.R. .:lc.j31 .2.~ at~ ).l¥Ei .2.~ Al77}Al ~).toJlAi

~Bfl.R. Ai14!: 3!.~ ~,Z.~<5}31 ~a] ~<>i.R. "t~ A~~!: ~a]~<>i.R. V/llfi/

• 01~011::: ~a c.-t W2.f ~ot !i!AilR.

Read it faster this time .

OI~ .i!t <>190!.R? W~a DH7:I .!i!J.ilR!

How was this lesson? Please rate it.

6.i!t 8t• 151
• ~~~.£•=--
_-... .... ....••
-- ... 11•

-"- ··•--·
. .... .. ---
"--· ...... --
a.n a• ,
•• _It .. •
,,,,. ,,.
11• lUJ
,,. ,.,.
,. ••
-·-. -·-·
•• _.,,

Life in Korea

=:f ! AJ "l,f--6jj !i!}.8.. Let's think 071

0 7~~2.~ Ml:: ~Ail ¥£01£.?

When did Camila come to Korea?

fJ 012.i~~ ~~~tkOI 01CQIB.?

How is your life in Korea?

You can ask and answer the questions about your life
in Korea .

Al-l!. 71-l!
uH-%1..8.. Let's learn

~ .

\ 1l
I) 7fOiXil Xi~otl -'f-1 ~OiR?
q ~~Eil ~-21-~0iR.
2) 7f ~£1-7~ Oi'E!OiR?

3) 7f OiXil ¥-I ~OiR?

q ~~otlAi di:~~ ~OiR.
7 """f.::I. ~(.::::Z.-"-L 71 7~n.J B_?
f ~..., i..:--r-Or.J.!. Mvr • @ill ~~q hard/difficult
q o~LIR. rtOiR. b.~il ~s [~~~_Qlli.
t herefore / so
• 'tl-Efl'e 0~~0 1 C/l~~i Lt-Etllt.H..
~ Ei\ indicates that the preceding noun
is the indirect object of an action.
~-,1-~El] A}EJ"~ ~.H..

• Oi~ A~-c!OILt 010Plo~::: Al~<>UA-J ~Oi~g~ LtEJ-'d!q_

The expressions indicate that a certain event or action already occurred at the time
of speaking .

'U.L'il Ill ~<>iR


'U.L'Jt OPil 9:l<ii<>iR

1111 -<ii<>iR
'!tct'il 1111 -~OiR i>l~<>iR -+ ~<>iR
154 22,tQI t ~<>t l
1 ct~i OJ.Xii~ ~ £ 1:1 1-f.!Ai 0I0PI~ !i!t.R.
Change the tense into the post and ask each other questions and respond .

CD 71 ® 71
2.~ ~~~1511R? %<1t~ ~OjR?

~Ll-R. LI OtLIR, ~OJR. L}

® 71 @
2.~ OJCIOIIAi AtR? 71 £~OIi .!i'PIIR?


@ @
71 Alotl ~OJ'-1-R? 71 2.~ Alotl £!21511R?

AIOII ~OJ'-1-R. LI O!~ Alotl £121511R. LI

(J) @
71 OJCIOII 7tR? 71 ~£1-7t OjlQIR?

~,1 ~OIi 7tR. LI- LI

~-7- ~OIIAi }II~~ 1511R.

2 ~OI OIOPI~ !i!t.R.

Practice with your partner as shown below.

CD £Ai~,~. ~q ® ~At, ~a-tq

.g[ff, ~-7-, ~4q
® ~. :;<1t, ~q @
-§-Cff~ • .fr.~a-tct
71 oj7.i] ¥.I ~ojR?
q .:g.qjoj]),-j 7 ~1;:toj R.
@ @
:;~. ~~a-tct

(J) @
7cl"ict. ~£1-. .!.!.ct ~q

72t t~ ~it 155

® ~q
7. oj~oj.H.? Oll!!!!q Oj ~q

4 9t~~oJR.
l::t~!!!!q ~.q

1::11.IAf-t.t .3.q

3 OfXil OfCIOII W>iR? ~'ii~.i! W>iR? 7-l7IOIIA1 ¥9;!~ £!0fR? ~iel-& !i!.i! 0I0PI~ !i!I-R.
Where did you go yesterday? With whom did you go? What did you do there? Look at the pictures and talk about

4 ~ct!!e Of~I ¥9;!a not.a? -f!-?'ii~Jl 010~71~ !i!l-.a.

What did you do yesterday? Ask each other and respond .

156 .i!.afQt t.~ot l


Al{!- time

____,~ ~ ~i ~ie ~ ~ ~- ~ ~
20 '-

17 18 19. 20 21 22 23
24 2s 26 27 28 29 3o

5-1/ :oiiti <gj

oJ t1 it- .i i
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 :Al 'cl? 1 ';!
L/IL~ j
® . 13 . 14 . :Ol't! ? 1
8 9 1(! 11 .
:.:J.AiJJII f -Of~ilf :.2.~f -Lfl~f .£i!ilf
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 CJ-%~' ~
2ie . ., tr\
; L.; f

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ·

29 3o 31
6-1 :q~<gi
o I
: 1
* *

7:i!J ~~it 157

1 c.~~ ~0I 0I0PI~ .!i!l.R.
Practice with your partner as shown below.

~~ou .2.q :,. 'l!~ ~~on ~e>lR?

~'.:! 4 ~\:!Ofl ~e>l.8. 7. 29 . 4 7i 29~0fl 1l!-4.8..

CD 7~W~ A~q J.l'd'g

@ --- - - - - --- ----

k1EJ~ a-~q 2.2-11 @ ¥2.'a~E·U ~~a-~q J.l'd?

-- ...... -- -·
Qjq .:l.J.i 7JII @ %~OIi 7~q I- 41'.:!
---- ,_ - •. ••... - •• - . .I -

(J) ---
~,1~2~q 10. 7.

2 .2.~~ 2022'.:! 10-I 20~0IOII.R. it~~ .!iGl c.~~ ~0I 0I0PlaH .!i!l.R.
Today is October 20. 2022 . Look at the calendar and practice with your partner as shown below.

. 1
2 6 7 8 :,. 'l!J.i] ~~on ~e>l.8.?
I 10 . 11 .. 12 13 1• 15
- 1-8 1 9 . 21 22 4 ~\:!<>11 ~e>l.8..
16 17
23 2 • 1 25 26 \ E.!_8
3o 31 1 - -r

CD 2022~ 9i' 20~

2022~ 10 \1 13~ @
2022~ 101 18~
°cJ it.... of( O~J

- '"it-=---

@ @ @
2022~ 10i' 19~ 2022~ 10i' 27'i1 2022~ 111' 20~

*I-, t,

m "'' ·

158!i!Cff t~Of l

3 Al'cl'il"OII ~'3;!,a !l!Of.R? Lff'il ~'3;!,a 811.R? ~,it;~~ OIOPl811 !i!I-.R.
What did you do last month? What will you do tomorrow? Ask each other and respond .



-·, 15 /

- ,·

71~ period ·et

rn,.mL __,.ID 1: ,aJ
n:- 01~~

fD /:/][J,J__ __,.[72:aaJ
: Al{!-
J ,q{!- Al{!- Ail Al{!-

Fmm,J__ _...fgL1:aaJ ,i
01 01

. i
.: a-~= i
-. 1 .. 01.s.
= I,

i! A~ ~01

~ .
0 31 .,._.....__

co Ail~ .. . :9l(L=1)f
. L..: t....: ;

1 C~i!l ~OI OIOPlstl !i!I-R.

Practi ce with your partner as shown below.

~oi1.2.q 7t ~R-ofl ~ot.R.?
'fl~ 4 1g ~oj] ~ot.R.

~qq 7t ~Ai] ~,1-~ ~Ll.R?

2Am 4 ¥ Al-TI ~oil ~t-t.R.

160 :.tatQI t~Ol l

Let's learn

~:: holidays Ta
. i

•J t .t1-
* 1 2
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 1S 16 17
18 19 20 21
. - 01 t
25 26 27 28 : ~=j

188 :ili!ilQI l~ot 1

1 ig~~ .!i!.:i!. [.~~ i/01 OI0~713ff !i!I-R. Look at the calendar and practice with your partner as shown below.

! j j j j j J J J J J J J J j j j J Jj 7. ?_!~7t ~;t.~ofl.R?
• •• 4 12~.!j!.E:j 14~77}7.Jofl.R.
01 -j A .5!. .::i £
2 T -, C

2 3 lj 5
G:0 il4otl 0 .)- >Hl./1
6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 ® 15 16 17
,-a -ii
18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30

• 71{!-014 Al(!.Q.J ~+&:ill-~ ~01 w~ IQfe ·c~i10¥El c~iil)7J~7.I' Af¾~st

We use (<2:P-ill¥Ei ('2P-ilJ77•;.1to describe the start and end of a specific period or time.
9AJ-¥,Ej lAJllt};I ~.;i-ot~ g-¥,tffil..,

2 Oji!-1~~ ~~OI ~x-llOIIR? W~OI 'lfXil¥Ef ~Ail»P~IOIIR? iFr<Stil OI0~715ff !i!I-R.

When is your holiday? When is your vacation? Ask each other and respond . 189
,I.~ -~ holiday activities

: -e-J..i.§.OII 7~q i

"i> l"---JJ-
IV:s: j


· .!c.Ol..:i:l..!j?,jnll
e o '-'vi 7Lcd
I I$

190 ~a!QI t.~<>t 1

1 ~.i!J, ~OI OIOt71311 .!i!I-.R.
Practice w ith your partner as sh ow n below.

7• A]'d ~Wotl !?,j ~<>i.8.?

Lt ~~~<>i.8..

@ It . @

2 Of2:f::f~ Al'cl 2?'itOII ¥'3!~ ~Of.a? tl71C5~i!. OIOPl311 .!i!I-.R.

What did you do last weekend? Ask each other and respond .

921- ~'ii 191

n 7f ~WOii 7-lOIIR?
q ~.F?-alJl 7-lOIIR.
2l 7f ~Xii Jl~OII .Y 7-lOIIR?
q cl-§ ~OIi .Y 7-JOIIR.

3l 7f LIi~ ¥-l 7-lOflR?

Lf ;g~otl .Y 7-lOflR. 7-l7IOIIA-J -t!-~~ '6~.Jl 7-lOIIR.

1 -(.2.) 2 ~01q
\ • W.2£21 ~01q ~,:11~ 4-Et'cl!q.
It describes a thing or plan to do.

•!:: '-( 0 )2 7-JOIIR'L~ '-( 0 )2 ~0IOIIR'£ ~~q-

We say-(£12 7iOIIB.or -(£12 3;:!0IOJIB. in casual conversations .

1 ~OI OIOPlatl ~R.

Practice with your partner as shown below.

G) AO~
-r2 ~OI~~- 7~q
~,1. ~qq
2w. 7~q
9-~<>ll !i"1 "W 7-JOllR?
41'.:! OJ~. 7~q Lt 7 ~\it 7-JOllR.

£~ ~-~-~q

@ AO~ @
-r2 ~,1 ~- Aildl. Qjq A~~. ~q

(j) @
~.a~ ~'ct. ~,1. ~q 41~ ~ - :;Qt, ~q

® £~ Aildl ¥£'a, ~~a-j-q @ q:;? ~AiE, 7~q

® q:; .a2.1, l:lH~q ® £~ ~-~q

192 ~i!;lqf ~Of l

2 ot2:I~~ ¥'3j~ It 7-IOIIR? ~,1i;•~ OIOt71311 ~R.
What will you do? Ask each other and respond .


1> 7f 01'c! *~OIi ¥-1 o•Jl ~Di.fl.?

Lf J;:-f::: cz.!,AH; -,1~o~Jl ~0-fR.
2) 7f :,;:-f::: <c!~OII Jl~OII 7-fOIIR. 7~~2.~.u1:::R?
Lf J;:-f.5:. Jl~OII 7~.Jl ~0-fR. ~OI BtO~R.
3) 7f ol¾ Ml, {!!~ ~o~5HR. 017-f ~ OIOIIR.
Lf J;:-f.5:. OI ~Jl ~~0-fR.
happy birthday

• ~1--E A·~.Q.j ~~014 11·~~ 4EJ-'cl!q.

It describes the hope or desire of the speaker.

9:i!J .J~ 193

1 C.~.i!.t ~OI OIOPliiH .!i!J-.R.
Practice with your partner as shown below.

7• '?l"~<>ll !i':1 ii}.:i!. ~<>l.R?

Lt ~Ai E <>ll 7}.:il ~<>l.R.

2 ot2:f~~ ~'3;!~ i>•.J1. ~ot.R? -B-11~i>·.J1. OIOPliiH .!i!J-.R.

What would you like to do? Ask each other and respond.

• .::tie!~ .!i!.:i1 Ef:XP• £!Of OIOP!i;ff .!i!J-.R.

Look at the picture and practice with your partner for the part of the man .

194 Ai!i1Qt ~ot 1

_a · Lf iJ e:, 't.!
t,I BJ :J n--1 A ..t..l] o
-g-on ..LL Let's practice again

1 Cfl.11-a .-01 .!i!.Ail.R. •

Listen to the conversation .

I) AtW~ -'i!~OII 1:11!11 OIOt718ffR?

What do they talk about?

2) Atief~ ig~otl -'F~~ It 7-IOIIR?

What w ill they do during the vocation?

2 Cff~ '2:!~~ .!i!.Ai~.

Practice the conversati ons below with your partner.

A Ojl{! i:g~ofJ ~ofl.R?

A~!: ~ofl.R.


Oic.lofl 7-fofl.R?

~il?£0ll ~ofl.R.
»-I!: ~Oll.R? .1

<§ j!_~ 7
.:12lP·i .R~ofl
'l!-4.R ~Oi.R.

3 Ojci-!-£ 0I0PI~ .!i!.Ail.R.

Ask each other questions and respond .

1) 2) 3)

lt Jt

9.!1- :A:'il 195

ii o IA-JI t;H .!.!}..8. Lei's try

;( \~ 1 #~ lt~I Cll!t Cll~~LIQ. W ~:i! 'il~OII !i!AilR. @

½ol.i Listen carefully to the man's holiday activities and answer the questions.

1) ~:;q.QJ Vl-e ~AilOIIR? ~ilR.

When will he take time off? Write the answer.

2) ~.xi,e #71-0ll ¥-9:!~ it 7-!0UR? 2..!¥- ?2AilR.

What will he do during his days off? Choose all the correct answers.

1 Ojci~.2.l ~i! J.11-lla OIOPliiH ~ilR.
Talk about your holiday pion with your partner.

1) s!..AilR. ~~~-ca~. w~o1 ~Ail<>UR? ~5~AilR.

Look at the calendar. When is the next holiday, consecutive holidays, and vocation? Check the dotes.

2) Oleta!!= .::1.1111 ~'3!~ W 7-I0UR? Dll2.5~AilR.

What will you do during these periods? Write down your pion.

3) at12.• 1::1~~ ~F?·5t.I!. 0I0Pl5~AilR.

Talk about your pion with your partner.

1 ct~~ a10• .ui.2.1 J.11-11011 Cit~ ~gjLICL ~.:il ~~OIi El'iiH ~ilR.
Read Mia's vocation pion carefully and answer the questions.

Ai!: lg ~<>11 tR-<>11 ~<>i.R. Ai~ .,Z.~ti}j!_ ~~Oi.R. .:I.\PJ~ *~OJ ~S!l:<>i.R.
~"E" H•~<>i.R. q:; ? ~R~¥E:l tg~oJoJJR. ;l.-j~ tg~<>l1 ~.,Z.i>}j!_ Ai~~ .,Z.~~
ofl.R. ~~i:-i>}j!_ .:g.¥:joJJ ~ofJR. ~7JoflAi A·~~ ~OJ ~j!_ ~<>i.R.

9:i!t -R-'il 197

1) ill-E ig~ol ~AilOIIR?
When is Mia's vacation?

2) .u1::: ig~I .!?-~~ it 7-lOIIR?

What will Mia do during the vacation?

I 1 Ol~~.21 ~Ill~ .ut s!.Ail.R.
Write your vacation plan.
1) ig~I .!?-~~ ft 7-lOIIR? Dll£istAilR.
What will you do during the vacation? Write some keywords.

2) OIi£~ 41~ 1::tt~.2.£ ~ilR.

Based on the keywords, write a passage.

----·--------------·----- ---- --

198 ~i!.lctt !Rot 1

~2.I LHOI ~71 2 Readaloud2

• c.t~ i ~<>I ~IR. All_l{)I ~0~4 ~i!OIR?

Read the passage below. How long did it toke?



• c.~AI ~<>I ~IR. 0l~OII~ .2.IJ::I W~ ~fti>I ~<>I .!i!.AilR.

Read it again. Read ii carefully this time without making any mistakes.

• Ol~OII~ 30~ 'l!OII ~<>I ~IR.

Read it again within 30 seconds.

01~ ~i:;ie ot!IOIR? oHJ.1 !i!Ail2!

How was this lesson? Please rote 11.

7'~,j 1M,~

92t 199

Weather and Season

O ~101 Ml~ OjL 711~~ ~o~aHB.?

Which season does Wei like?

fJ Oj2.i !I~ 01 L 711~ ~~5HB.?

Which season do you like?

You con ask and answer the questions about the seasons
and weather.

~I~. ~>-I.I. ~l~QJ =;~•ti~

e ~ . -O~A-j/OjA-j/OjA-j
,ft t1Hi'=J ..8.. Let's learn

{ e>i~ ')=IIA~½ foU~R? J

( ~t fo~i~R. }

JII~ season

/~ b1 \
JE~ ' . .
ti -:

" til!., ,/ ~- '. • '

, ·-
. '' {

-- t \: ~ . tt-
t~ .01~ f

1 otcl~~ <>th ~l~a to•~R? <>th ~l~a ~<>t~R? 'f,!,1!;•.TI 0I0PI~ ~R.
Which season of the year do you like? Which season of the year do you dislike? Ask each other and respond .

202 2afQt !.~Of 1

• I ;


'iJill weather

= 10\
. :(;'
o/ d\~ .

: cc.::. -

. i i
. mqi
. cl ' : ~2.1q J


: 1::1~cgo1 ~q Ii

10~ ~Ml!lt )11'1 203

1 C~:i!t ~OI OI0~713ff !i!l.R.
Practice with your partner as shown below.


7. 1gM)7t mot.R? 7. 1gM)7t mo}.R?

4 L:11, mot.a. 4 ott..J.R, 1:1)7} .21-.8..


@ ®

• '!:IP~ .2.Q', 'EOI .2.Q', •1:1~;go1' ~q• ~le ''g».j7f~ ~"'"IR.

We do not use '§'"»V Hogetherwith t:Jl7f .2.q, ~OI .2.q, and 1:Jf'60I ~q

204 .i!i!1Q1 !.~Of 1

2 ig.u17~ <>ilIIIR? Al£e .!i!.:il OIOPl311 ~R.
How is the weather? Look at the map and practice with your partner.

3 .2.~ ig.u17~ <>tUIIR? <>t~I ig.u17~ Oiia<>iR? ~,15~.JJ. OIOPliiH ~R.

How is the weather today? How was the weather yesterday? Ask each other and respond .

102'- 'it4112t ;Ill~ 205

'- .. • !'\
- ;-,. I

__. Jll~.Q.f seasonal chara cter is tics & ac tiviti es

'-" \ .,.
~,/ G ,.,
.....:- ~v ..... ___ .L
. .3:!. .Q. °5~q / , A

W!!IIM.IC"":!~ ~~:.....1 / -->, -

206 2a!Qf !.~DI 1

1 Olci~~ *· OI~. 7~. ~aotl .!i!.* ¥~-ii 3119.? ~F?-t;t::il 0I0~7li>H !i!tR.
Wha t do you usually do in the spring, summer, autumn, and winier? Ask each other and respond.

1> 1f ~210!1 .:il~Oll ~OiR?

Lf ~OI 'Qt<U"OiR. .:IcffAi ~OiR.
2) l f -!¥~ JJ.I, [~Xil~Oi~ ~J.11"8"fq do homework

Lf O~LJR. ~Xii ~OiR.

3) 1f 7-llll
Lf O~LIR, Ai::: 7-jlll~ CZ! A~R.
~ sleep
4) 1f Al"5 ~~'a OIOPI~ ~ciiOiR?
Lf O~LIR. Ai.£ ~ciiOiR.


• %At ~OIi MOj Oi'c! :;~01 ~Piq ~~OI <2!@~ qEtt!!q.

II is added in front of a verb to indicate the subject's lock of ability to do some-
thing or impossibility of doing something due to on external circumstance.

• '~N+i>tct'.QJ %AI-E '~At+~+t;tq'.QJ ~Ell£ ~q-

For verbs that ore formed with Noun +"8"fCf. the negative adverb is placed be-
tween the noun and "8"fCf. thus becoming Noun +~ +"5fCf.

102t 'itlAl!lf 'Ill 207

1 c.~.m, ~OI OIOt7l~ .!;!tR.
Practice with your partner as shown below.

CD ~.,i. 121qq ® fl~ . g-~q

8%,1~. i~q

® eJOI, .::l~q
*•A~q 7. of.Afl B* ;i~~ ~of.H.?
q otLJR, B* ,1~~ ~of.H.. *
½2-'5}q ® ~::i'I, E~q

2 ~~OIIAi '5•.:i! ~~om.? :i~~ !l!otR? !l!otR? c.~.m, ~ OI ~=jli;•.:i! OIOt71~ .!;!tR.
What did you w ant to do in Korea? Did you do it? Couldn't you do if? Practice with your partner as shown below.

~01~~0jl7.q ¥~~ ·q .Ail?£0ll 7•q -EAi EOJI 7.q

g~l:lff~q .a2.1 l:lff~q 7 A•-rlq
~Pl!~ Qjq

.gCffOIIAi ~q -7-~i;·q OIEff~~ -7-~i;·q ?

n ~~ojJA-j ¥.j -&-t.:il 1:IS!tof.H.?

q ¥B<>IJ 7t.:il 1:IS!tof.H.. i1PI~ * ~ of.H..

208 .:i!.i!i!Qi l~<>i 1

n 7f 2H ½i!Oi5HR?
Lf [Lif cf~.A.i ~0~5HR
2) 7f '4tOII ig.u17~ Oi!IffR?
Lf t:J~iaO I 'rJO I ~Oi.A.i ~s ~4?:IR
~~<5fCf do well
3) 7f OiXil ~[~-,-~~
Lf O~LIR ~OI ~o~.A.i ~OiR
4) 7f .2.~ ~2.1 ~OIi ~2.IIR?
Lf .2.~:= nlE5H.A.i ~OIi 7~.JJ. ~OiR
IIl-2-<5fCf t ired

• ¥121 Lll~OII Cll~ Olif~ qEp;:!!q_

It is used to describe the reason for the following phrase.

'U.i.'il DI -OfAi •OfAi

'U.i.'1t Ot'il DI -OlA1 ~OlA1
'iltct'il 1111 -OIA1 <5fOIA1 sffAi

• 01~~ IIite '2JI' ~g~R.

We use 2H when asking the reason.
211 ¥-% ¾ 0 tisfl.H.?

10:i!t 'it~ Jff'al 209

1 C.1%~ itOI OIOPl5H .!i!fR.
Pra ctice wi1h your partner as shown below.

G) ® Oj-g- '#~01 cuq

-J:OI PJOI Ill q
* g.

Q) @ 'Ejq
Ol~ -lPmcuq 7~
7. .211 *~ ~ot8fl.R?
@ @ Lt a:}~8fl).-j ~Ot8H.R.
7~ 8~01 ~q 74~ I i':E-01 .2q

2 Cl%~ itOI OIOPl511.!i!fR.

Practice with your partner as shown below.

l:lj},qq .M~q

..,.- ~ A~q o~nq 9.t<Uq A~q ..,.-

~ Qjq l:l~~q Oll~q ..,.. 'rJOI Qjq

~ "5~q ..,.- -§01 filq ~0~"5~q ~q

~.Ml7~ qllllq ~Ml7~¾q

7• * ~<>i.R?
.211 ' 7• .211 ~<>i.R?
Lt -§0] ~<>i).i * ~<>i.R. Lt Oj]lllj).-j ~<>i.R.

3 211 ~~<>i· ttH.!7:!R? ~,15~.:il OIOPI~ .!i!fR.

Why do you learn Korean language? Ask each other and respond .
-i '?1 ~t;ff..8.. Lers practice again

1 c~ CffQ •<>l .!i!A11.a. •

Listen to the conversation .

l) ~IOI .Ule <>!Xii £i!-'3:!~ ~<>lR? <>l'B!<>lR?

What did Wei do yesterday? How was it?

2) -!¥~ JJ.1-E 2H ~<>lR?

Why couldn't Duen go?

2 c~ CffQ .!i!A11R.
Practice the conversations below with your partner.

,I) 'IIJOI "I, <>1>11 'i!% ,'-':J~ ~!l!<>I.R?

toll, ia~o] Ol]llll )"I 'g"M]£ A].!f:l~flA-j ot? ¾~o-J.B. .

.:!.<Mt:·I] ¥-'W M]:: 2lj <?J- ~o-].B.?

3 ~ci~£ 0I0PI~ .!i!A11.a.

Ask each other questions and respond.

l) 2) 3)

Lt *·PJOI n1q / 'gM-1, 'Rq ~».m 'Ill 211

1 I ~ff !i~.R
o A·JI Let's try

. c\ 1 q~ to~cst-e ~l~OII QI~ Qlll-~LIC.~. ~11 ~~OIi ~H s!>.11.9.. •

½ol.i Listen carefully lo a conversation about favorite seasons and answer the questions.

I ) -!¥- A~g Oih 711~~ ~O~sHR?

Which seasons do they like? Write down the answers.

2) '§'g wt~;!} ~.2.'i!l Q, Cf-.§.'i!l XOII .HAl5~AilR.

Mork C) if the statement is true and X if the statement is false.

1 Ole!~~ <>I!::. ~~811R? <>I!::. ~<>ltHR? f),1ii~11 0I0t71811 s!>.11.9..

Which season do you like? Which season do you dislike? Ask each other and respond .

I ) t<)~5f-E lll~i!t OI~. ~0151-E lll~i!t OI~ Dll.!i!.5~AilR.

Write the reasons you like or dislike that particular season .


2) ~0~5f-E lll~i!t ~0151-E lll~OII CffaH ~,15~Jl OIOf7l5~AilR.

Talk about the seasons you like and dislike with your partner.
1 to•t;l-e ±7H~ ~~LICL itj]_ ~~OIi ~11.R.
Read carefully the passage about the seasons the person likes and answer the questions.

;t.i ~:fit.Jl 7] j-otafl.R. *~ i:q~ist.Jl ¥0] w-01 Dle>J),i j-otiiH.R. .:J.2.j.Jl 7~

,1.l.!f:!aH,1.i j-otaH.R. ;t.]\!*ofl t~<>ll,1.i ~,1-~ist.Jl ¥,1-~~ ~<>l.R. ot?
.R. 7~<>11~ B~ ,i~~ 710!I.R. B~ ,1.t~~ W- 0 1}ej.Jl ~<>l.R.

I) OI .A.~.g. Oi.h ~fi;ffR? 2¥ ,12AilR.

Which seasons does the person like? Choose all the correct answers.

CD r ~ cg) (
aw I
® @

4ft @

2) OI .A.~.g. ~I ~ <>iR?
What did the person do in spring? Write down the answer.

3) 01 .A.~.g. 7~1 sf111l<>i iiHR?

What does the person wont to do in autumn? Write down the answer.

10~ 'it».12t :111':ll 213

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