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Baloon's Pilots Meteorology Test

Choose the correct answer:

1- What are the three main non- variable constituents of the atmosphere?

Nitrogen, Oxygen, Inert gases

Nitrogen, Inert gases, water vapour

Oxygen, Inert gases, water vapour

Nitrogen, Oxygen, water vapour

2- At night the ground temperature is:

Lower than air temperature

At a minimum when the air temperature is at a minimum

Higher than the air temperature

The same as the air temperature

3- Which of the following conditions will give the maximum diurnal variation of

Over sea, clear skies, light wind

Over land, clear skies, light wind

Over land, clear skies, strong wind

Over land, cloudy, light wind

4- Advection is:

Decreasing temperature due to a decrease in volume

Large scale horizontal movement of air

Vertical movement of air due to heating from below

Increasing temperature due to a decrease in volume

5- A temperature increasing with height is known as:

Baloon's Pilots Meteorology Test

An isothermal


An inversion

An positive lapse rate

6- With increasing height in the atmosphere the pressure will:

Fall, with the rate of change increasing with height

Rise , with the rate of change decreasing with height

Fall, with the rate of change decreasing with height

Rise , with the rate of change increasing with height

7- Regarding density:

Increased humidity will lead to decreased density

decreased humidity will lead to decreased density

Humidity have no effect

Increased humidity will lead to increased density

8- MSL pressure in ISA conditions is:

1010 .25 hPa

1018 .25 hPa

1013. 25 hPa

1015 25 hPa
9- What is the average temperature lapse rate as defined in the ISA ?

1‫؛‬C per 1000 ft

2.5‫ ؛‬C per 1000 ft

2‫؛‬C per 1000 ft

1.5‫؛‬C per 1000 ft

Baloon's Pilots Meteorology Test

10- A barometric altimeter always indicates:

Correct altitude to the terrain below

The dynamic pressure

Standard altitude

Altitude referred to the set altitude reference

11- Which of the followingaltimeters settings indicates the airport elevation when
landing ?

If QFF of the airport is set as reference

As standing setting

If QNH of the airport is set as reference

If QFE of the airport is set as reference

12- An anabatic wind flows wind flows at a maximum speed of ……… (1 ) kt and can
cause fog to form at the ……. (2) of the slope.

1. 5 2. Base

1. 5 2. Top

1. 10 2. Top

1. 10 2. Base
13- A katabolic wind flows ……. (1) along a mountain slope by ……. (2).

1. Down 2. Day

1. Down 2. Night

1. Up 2. Day

1. Up 2. Day
14- Land breezes generally blow by …… (1) at speed of about ……. (2) kt.

1. Day 2. 5

1. night 2. 10

1. day 2. 10

Baloon's Pilots Meteorology Test

1. night 2. 5
15- air that does not contain the maximum amount of water vapour is:




16- which of the following formulae is correct for finding the Relative Humidity (RH) ?

RH = Vapour pressure X 1 /Saturation vapour pressure X 100 %

RH = Absolute humidity X 100 % /actual humidity

RH = Saturation content X 100 % /actual humidity

RH = amount of water vapour present in the air X 100 % / Maximum amount of

water vapour the air can hold

17- A change of state from solid to gas or vice versa is called:





18- In temperate latitudes, the SALR is approximately …… (1) and the DALR is
approximately …… (2).

1. 3‫؛‬C per 1000 ft 2. 1‫؛‬C per 1000 ft

1.1.5‫؛‬C per 1000 ft 2. 3‫؛‬C per 1000 ft

1. 1.5‫؛‬C per 1000 ft 2. 2‫؛‬C per 1000 ft

1. 2‫؛‬C per 1000 ft 2. 1‫؛‬C per 1000 ft

19- Which of the following conditions would encourage the formation of radiation
fogs ?

Baloon's Pilots Meteorology Test

Over the sea, 6 kt of wind, high pressure

Land, cloud covering, terrestrial cooling

Land, 15 kt of wind, moisture

Low lying ground, 5 kt of wind, anticyclonic pressure

20- Fog is defined as visibility reduced to:

1000 m or less due to water vapour in the atmosphere

Below 1000 m or less due to water droplets in the atmosphere

1000 m to 2000 m due to water droplets in the atmosphere

1000 m or above due to water droplets in the atmosphere

21- When surface visibility is reduced to 5000 m by dust particles in suspension, the
weather is termed:





22- METAR SA HELX 241050Z 18015KT 9999 BKN030 27/10 Q1019 =

23- TAF FC HECA 151530Z 151818 12006KT 4000 BR SCT007 TEMPO 2024 0900 FG =

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