R3 77-141

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Bill of Quantities-05
Detailed Project Report for Construction to Two Lane with Paved Shoulder configuration of Jandaha Bypass of NH-103 in Bihar on
EPC Mode.
1 Excavation for structures (Earth work in excavation of foundation structures as per removal of stumps Quantity As
and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom and back filling with approved materials as per 14m For 13 Nos
For Base
1 x 14x 3.8 x 0.68 = 36.18 m3
For Key-
2 x3.8x ( 1.22 +0.4) x 0.82m = 5.05 m3
Wing wall-
4 x3.818 x (3.698+2.31) x 1.65m = 75.70 m3
Return wall
4 x2.31 x (0.944 + 1.694) x 1.65m = 20.11 m3
Curtain wall-
Type-II U/S-7.4 x 1.50 x 2.15m = 23.87 m3
Type-I D/S-7.4 x 1.85 x 2.65m = 36.28 m3
Floor apron U/S & D/S
2 x (7.4 + 2) x 2.7 x 0.45m 11.42 m3
Flexible Apron
U/S-7.4x 3.0 x 1.05m = 23.31 m3
U/S-7.4x 6.0 x 1.05m = = 46.62 m3
Total- 278.53 m3 3620.83

2 Plain/Reinforced cement concrete M-15 in open foundation complete as per drawing and technical
Below base slab of structure
11.76 x 3.8 x 0.15m = 6.70 m3
For key-
2 x 1.46 x 3.8 x 0.15m = 1.66 m3
Wing wall-
4 x 3.818 x( 3.398+2.01) x 0.15m = 6.19 m3
Return wall
4 x 2.01x(0.944 + 1.694) x 0.15m = = 1.59 m3
Below Approach slab-
2 x 14.0 x 3.50 x 0.15m = 14.70 m3

In Apron-
Floor Apron - = 11.40 m3
Curtain wall-
Under Curtain wall- = 3.70 m3
For Curtain wall- 24.90 m3
Total- 70.85 m3 921.02
3 Plain/Reinforced cement concrete M-20 in substructure Superstructure complete as per drawing and

For Box culvert-RCC = 54.00 m3 63 819

Wing wall and return wall- PCC = 47.10 m3

Total- 47.10 m3 47.10 m3 612.3

4 Reinforced cement concrete M-30 approach slab approach slab including reinforcement and frame
2 x 14.0 x 3.50 x 0.30m
= 29.40 M3 382.2
5 Providing and laying cement concrete wearing coat M-30 grade including reinforcement complete as
1 x 2.6 x 12.90 x 0.075m = 2.52 m3
2 x 12.9 x 3.5 x 0.075m = 6.77 m3
Total- 9.29 m3 120.744
6 Providing HYSD/Mild steel bars in all types of R.C.C. work in bridge foundation including cutting to size

Box structure- = 3.46 MT 4.03 52.39

7 Construction of R.C.C. railing of M-30 grade in site with 20 mm nominal size aggregate true of line and
2X(2.6+2x3.5)m = 19.20 m 19.20 m 249.6
8 Providing and laying/flooring complete as per drawing and technical specifications laid over cement
= 3.80 m3 3.80 m3 49.4
9 Providing and laying boulders apron on river bed for protection against scour with stone boulder
Stone Boulder = 49.90 m3 49.90 m3 648.7
10 Providing drainage spouts with 260 mm x 260 mm M.S. grading 100 mm dia 1.00 mm long G.I. Pipe
1x4 = 4 Nos 4 Nos 52

11 Providing weep holes in PCC/RCC in abutment wing wall return wall with 100 mm dia A.C. Pipe M.S.
Box culvert-2 x 14 x 2 = 56.00 Nos.
Wing wall- 4 x 5 = 20.00 Nos.
Total- 76.00 Nos. 76.00 Nos. 988
12 Providing and laying filter media with granular materials & crushed aggregate satisfying the
Behind Box Structure
2 x 14 x 0.6 x 1.7 = 28.56 m3
Behind wing wall
4 x3.818 x (2.05+0.5) x0.60= 11.68 m3
2 Total- 40.24 m3 40.24 m3 523.16
13 Back filling behind abutment wing wall and return wall with sandy material complete as per drawing
2 x 14 x ( 0.5 x 3.5 x 1.7)
= 83.30 m3
(4 x 3.645 x 1.275) + ( 4 x 1.4 x 2.7 x 1.275) = 37.87 m3

Less filter media (-) = 36.16 m3

Total- 85.00 m3 85.00 m3 1105.06
14 Filter joint providing and fixing 20 mm thick compressible fiber board in expansion joint complete as
2 x 14.0m = 28.00 m 28.00 m 364
15 Painting and concrete surface (Providing and applying two coats of water based cement paint to
( 2 x 14 x 2) + (1 x 14 x 2 ) 84.00 m2 84.00 m2 1092
1 of 7

Detailed Project Report for Improvement to Two Lane with Paved Shoulder of Jandaha Bypass of NH-103 in Bihar on EPC
Major Bridge at Design Chainage 1+550
Desription Unit Nos Length Width Depth Quantity
Sec - A (Foundation)
Earthwork in Excavation of foundation in all
1 types of soil for structure complete as per
drawing and Technical Specification Clause 304.
Abutment A1 (Pile foundation) cum 1 16.20 8.90 2.40 346.03
Abutment A2 (Pile foundation) cum 1 16.20 8.90 2.40 346.03
Pier (Pile foundation) cum 2 12.50 5.30 2.38 315.35
Retaining Wall cum 4 4.65 7.90 2.10 308.57
Median Wall cum 0 0.00 7.90 2.10 0.00
Toewall cum 4 13.90 0.70 0.80 31.14

TOTAL Cum 1347.13

Plain cement concrete M 10 grade levelling
course below foundation and approach slab
complete as per Technical Specification Sections
1700, 2100 and 2700.
Abutment A1 (Pile foundation) cum 1 16.20 8.90 0.10 14.42
Abutment A2 (Pile foundation) cum 1 16.20 8.90 0.10 14.42
Pier (Pile foundation) cum 2 12.50 5.30 0.10 13.25
Median Wall cum 0 0.00 7.90 0.10 0.00
Retaining Wall cum 4 4.65 7.90 0.10 14.69
Toewall cum 4 13.90 0.70 0.20 7.78
4 13.90 0.30 0.90 15.01
TOTAL Cum 79.58
Empty Boring through all sorts of strata for
providing RCC Bored Piles to required depth
with all plants and equipments as required and
including Providing & Casting in situ controlled
as well as Cement Concrete M-35 for RCC Bored
Piles including necessary formwork, vibrating,
curing and finishing. As per MoRT&H technical
specification 1700.
Dia. Of Pile = 1.20 m
Test Piles Rmt 1 20.00 20.00
Abutment Piles Rmt 30 20.00 600.00
Pier Piles Rmt 16 27.00 432.00
Total 1052.00
Providing & Casting in situ controlled Cement
Concrete RCC Work in Pilecap / Open
4 Foundation including necessary formwork,
vibrating, curing and finishing. As per MoRT&H
technical specification section 1700.
Abutment A1(Pile cap) M-35 cum 1 16.00 8.70 1.80 250.56
Abutment A2(Pile cap) M-35 cum 1 16.00 8.70 1.80 250.56
Pier (Pile cap) M-35 cum 2 12.30 5.10 1.80 225.83
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Desription Unit Nos Length Width Depth Quantity
Retaining Wall (Base Slab) Sec -cum
A (Foundation)
4 4.55 7.70 0.60 84.08
cum 4 4.55 2.00 0.45 16.38
cum 4 4.55 1.20 0.90 19.66
cum 4 4.55 4.50 0.45 36.86
TOTAL Cum 883.92
Providing and fixing in position TMT deformed
5 bars reinforcement complete as per drawing
and Technical Specification Section 1600.
Abutment A1 (Pile cap ) M.T 250.56 @ 60.00 kg/cu.m 15.03
Abutment A2 (pile Cap) M.T 250.56 @ 60.00 kg/cu.m 15.03
Pile M.T 1189.78 @ 180.00 kg/cu.m 214.16
Pier (pile cap) M.T 225.83 @ 70.00 kg/cu.m 15.81
Retaining Wall (Base Slab) M.T 156.98 @ 100.00 kg/cu.m 15.70
TOTAL M.T 275.73
TOTAL M.T 275.73
Providing MS Liner . As per MoRT&H technical
specification section 1900.
Thickness of Liner = 6 mm
Abutment (Including test piles) M.T 31 0.023 7.85 6.00 33.03
Pier M.T 18 0.023 7.85 9.00 28.77
3 of 7

Desription Unit Nos Length Width Depth Quantity
Sec- B- A(Sub
Sec (Foundation)
- Structure)
Structural cement concrete for RCC sub
structure(M35) including formwork, machinery
8 and workmanship complete as per drawing and
Technical Specification Sections 1500, 1700 and
Abutment A1 cum 1.00 16.00 0.90 3.46 49.82
Abutment A2 cum 1.00 16.00 0.90 3.46 49.82
2.00 4.08 0.33 4.86
Pier cum 88.72
2.00 6.00 1.30 4.86
Returnwall cum 4.00 4.55 0.75 6.13 83.61
Riding Return cum 4.00 3.90 0.55 6.13 52.55
Haunch for Riding Return cum 4.00 0.3 0.15 6.13 1.10
Total Cum 325.63
Structural cement concrete for RCC(M35)
abutment cap, piercap including formwork,
9 machinery and workmanship complete as per
drawing and Technical Specification Sections
1500, 1700 and 2200.
Abutmentcap cum 2.00 16.00 1.57 0.30 15.07
2.00 0.00 1.24 0.30 0.00
2.00 16.00 1.24 0.30 11.86
Bracket 2.00 16.00 0.20 0.18 1.15
2.00 16.00 0.10 0.12 0.38
Dirt wall for A1 1.00 16.00 0.30 2.20 10.57
Dirt wall for A2 1.00 16.00 0.30 2.20 10.57
Piercap cum 2.00 15.00 2.50 0.60 45.00
2.00 7.30 2.50 0.75 27.38
2.00 3.85 2.50 0.75 14.44
Total Cum 136.42
Structural cement concrete for RCC grade M-40
(pedestal) for sub structure including formwork,
10 machinery and workmanship complete as per
drawing and Technical Specification Sections
1500, 1700 and 2200.
For Super StructureType-1 cum 30.00 1.00 1.00 0.38 11.40
Total Cum 11.40
4 of 7

Desription Unit Nos Length Width Depth Quantity
Sec - A (Foundation)
Providing and fixing in position TMT deformed
11 bars reinforcement complete as per drawing
and Technical Specification Section 1600.
Abutment M.T 99.65 @ 100.00 kg/cu.m 9.96
Abutment cap M.T 26.93 @ 80.00 kg/cu.m 2.15
Dirtwall M.T 21.14 @ 80.00 kg/cu.m 1.69
Pier M.T 88.72 @ 140.00 kg/cu.m 12.42
Piercap M.T 86.81 @ 150.00 kg/cu.m 13.02
Pedestal M.T 11.40 @ 150.00 kg/cu.m 1.71
Retaining Wall M.T 83.61 @ 100.00 kg/cu.m 8.36
Riding Return M.T 53.66 @ 100.00 kg/cu.m 5.37
Total M.T 54.69
TOTAL M.T 54.69
Supplying , fitting and fixing bearings in position
12 true to line and level complete as per drawing
and Technical Specification Section 2000.

b.(i) POT PTFE bearing (fixed) (Type-1) Ton 3.00 110.00 330.00
(ii) POT PTFE bearing (free/guided)(Type-1) Ton 27.00 110.00 2970.00
Providing and laying Stone Pitching on
Embankment Slopes for cone protection laying
13 cum 2.00 18.54 6.60 0.30 73.36
dry all complete as per Technical Specification
Clause 2504.
A = 3.51 x 5.900^2 cum 4.00 18.54 6.60 0.30 146.72
Bed cum 2.00 33.90 20.00 0.80 1084.80
cum 2.00 157.08 Area 0.80 251.33
Total cum 1556.21
Filter Media Underneath Pitching in Slopes cum 2.00 16.65 5.93 0.15 29.60
complete as per drawing and Technical cum 2.00 16.65 5.93 0.15 29.60
Total cum 59.20
Providing and laying 600mm Thick Filter layer
behind Abutments and Retaining walls as per
drawings, complete. As per MoRT&H technical
specification section 2500.
Behind Abutment A1 cum 1.00 16.00 3.61 0.60 34.66
Behind Abutment A2 cum 1.00 16.00 3.61 0.60 34.66
Riding Return Wall cum 4.00 3.90 6.13 0.60 57.33
Return Wall cum 4.00 4.55 6.28 0.60 68.52
Total Cum 195.17
Providing 100mm Dia. Weep Holes with slope 1
16 v to 20 h towards the drainage face As per
MoRT&H technical specification section 2706.
Abutment A1 No 1.00 3.46 16.00 56.00
Abutment A2 No 1.00 3.46 16.00 56.00
Riding Return Wall No 4.00 6.13 3.90 96.00
Return Wall No 4.00 6.13 8.45 208.00
Total No 416.00
Granular Back Filling Behind Abutment, Wing cum 1.00 16.00 5.60 5.90 528.94
Wall and Return Wall complete as per drawing cum 1.00 16.00 5.60 5.90 528.94
cum 4.00 4.55 3.81 6.28 435.29
Total cum 1493.17
5 of 7

Desription Unit Nos Length Width Depth Quantity
Sec - C (Super - A (Foundation)-RCC Girder
Structural cement concrete for RCC/PSC in T-
Beam type superstructure including formwork,
18 machinery, workmanship complete as per
drawing and Technical Specification Sections
1500, 1700, 1800 and 2300.
(For One Span)
A Deck Slab (M40)
Middle Portion cum 1.00 20.00 12.80 0.24 61.44
Cantilever Portion (Straight) cum 1.00 20.00 3.20 0.24 15.36
Total cum 76.80
B Longitudinal girder (M40)
(i) Longitudinal Girder without widening cum 5.00 14.60 0.33 1.21 28.71
cum 5.00 14.60 0.30 0.15 3.29
cum 5.00 14.60 0.63 0.25 11.41
cum 5.00 14.60 0.15 0.15 1.64
Total cum 45.04
(ii) Longitudinal Girder with widening cum 10.00 1.35 0.63 1.46 12.32
cum 10.00 1.35 0.15 0.08 0.15
Total cum 12.47
Average Qty. of Longitudinal Girder with
(iii) cum 10.00 1.00 0.31 0.25 0.78
widening and Without widening
cum 10.00 1.00 0.08 0.15 0.11
cum 10.00 1.00 0.16 1.21 1.97
cum 10.00 1.00 0.15 0.15 0.23
cum 10.00 1.00 0.16 0.15 0.24
cum 10.00 1.00 0.16 0.15 0.24
cum 10.00 1.00 0.31 1.46 4.56
cum 10.00 1.00 0.04 0.30 0.11
Total cum 8.25

C Cross diaphragm (M40)

Middle cross diaphragm cum 1.00 11.50 0.30 1.06 3.66
End cross diaphragm cum 2.00 10.30 0.40 1.06 8.73

Nos. Quantity GAP Slab

A Total Deck Slab Quantity For 3 Nos Span cum 3.00 76.80 0.00 230.40
B Total Longitudinal Girder Quantity For 3 Nos Span cum 3.00 65.76 197.28
C Total Cross Diaphragm Quantity For 3 Nos Span cum 3.00 12.39 37.17
Total Quantity For 3 Nos Span Cum 464.85
Providing and fixing in position TMT deformed
19 bars reinforcement complete as per drawing Nos. Quantity Weight in ton
and Technical Specification Section 1600.
(a) Deck Slab M.T 3.00 76.80 0.110 25.34
(b) Longitudinal Girder M.T 3.00 65.76 0.230 45.37
(c) Middle Cross diaphragm M.T 3.00 3.66 0.210 2.30
(d) End Cross diaphragm M.T 3.00 8.73 0.130 3.41
Total M.T 76.43
TOTAL M.T 76.43
6 of 7

Desription Unit Nos Length Width Depth Quantity
(Fixed Item)
Providing and casting in situ or precast
controlled cement conerte M-40 for Crash
Barrier in Superstructure including
21 reinforcement, centering, shuttering, curing, Rmt 2.00 73.00 146.00
scaffolding, ramming, vibrating, finishing etc. As
per MoRT&H technical sepcification section
Providing and casting in situ or precast
controlled cement conerte M-30 for Kerb in
Superstructure including reinforcement,
24 cum 2.00 73.00 0.50 0.30 21.90
centering, shuttering, curing, scaffolding,
ramming, vibrating, finishing etc. As per
MoRT&H technical sepcification section 1700.
Providing Parapet of RCC grade M-30 as per
detailed drawing with necessary reinforcement
25 Rmt 2.00 73.00 146.00
including shuttering, laying, vibrating, and
finishing to line and level complete.
Providing and fixing in position Strip Seal
Expansion Joint as per standard detail and as
26 Rmt 4.00 16.00 64.00
directed by engineer in-charge. As per MoRT&H
technical specification section 2600.
Bituminous Wearing Coat comprising of 50 mm
thick bituminous concrete in 2 layers with a
27 cum 1.00 73.00 11.00 0.08 60.23
prime coat complete as per drawings. As per
MoRT&H technical specification section 2702.
Providing and laying a layer of 25mm thick
28 Sqm 1.00 73.00 11.00 803.00
Mastic Asphalt as per drawing and Tech./spn.
Providing GI 100 mm Diameter Water Spouts
including necessary iron gratings, down take
29 pipe and chamber at ground level etc. complete No. 12.00 12.00
as per drawings. As per MoRT&H technical
specification section 2705.
1 x 12
PCC M-15 grade levelling course below
31 approach slab complete as per drawing and
MoRTH specifications clause 14.10.
Approach Slab cum 2.00 16.00 3.60 0.15 17.28
Total cum 17.28
Providing and casting in situ or precast
controlled cement concerte M-30 for Approach
Slab , including reinforcement, centering,
32 cum 2.00 3.50 16.00 0.30 33.60
shuttering, curing, scaffolding, ramming,
vibrating, finishing etc. As per MoRT&H
technical sepcification section 1700.
Providing and fixing in position TMT deformed
33 bars reinforcement complete as per drawing
and Technical Specification Section 1600.
Safety Kerb M.T 21.90 @ 120.00 kg/cu.m 2.63
Total M.T 2.63
TOTAL M.T 2.63
Painting of structure number, span arrangement
34 and flow direction complete as per drawings No. 2.00 2.00
and Technical Specification Section 800.
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Desription Unit Nos Length Width Depth Quantity
Providing and applying water based cementSec - A (Foundation)
paint .
Crash barrier Sqm 4.00 73.00 0.90 262.80
Railing Sqm 4.00 73.00
Super Structure Sqm 1.00 60.00 17.00 1020.00
Piercap 1.00 60.00 11.38 682.50
Longitudional direction Sqm 2.00 15.00 0.60 36.00
Longitudional direction Sqm 2.00 11.15 0.75 33.45
Transverse direction Sqm 2.00 2.50 1.35 13.50
Abutment Sqm 2.00 17.80 3.46 123.18
Pier Perimeter = 9.1 m
Avg Ht. =4.61 Sqm 2.00 16.08 4.61 148.29
TOTAL Sqm 2319.72
Detailed Project Report for Construction to Two Lane with Paved Shoulder configuration of Jandaha Bypass of NH-103 in Bihar on EPC Mode.

Traffic Signs, Road Marking and other Appurtenances

Bill of Quantity No.8
Ref. to
Item No. Description MoRTH Unit No. Length Width Height Quantity

Providing and fixing of retro-reflectorised

cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign as
per IRC :67 made of high intensity grade
sheeting vide clause 801.3, fixed over
aluminium sheeting, 1.5 mm thick supported on
a mild steel angle iron post 75 mm x 75 mm x 6
8.01 801
mm firmly fixed to the ground by means of
properly designed foundation with M15 grade
cement concrete 45 cm x 45 cm x 60 cm, 60
cm below ground level as per approved
drawing all complete as per Tech spec and as
directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

8.01a 90 cm equilateral triangle Each 42

8.01b 60 cm circular Each 20
8.01c 80 mm x 60 mm rectangular Each 22
8.01d 90 cm high octagon Each 10

Providing and erecting direction and place

identification retro-reflectorised sign as per
IRC:67 made of high intensity grade sheeting
vide clause 801.3, fixed over aluminium
sheeting of 2 mm thick supported on a mild
steel single angle iron post 75 x 75 x 6 mm
8.02 801
firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly
designed foundation with M15 grade cement
concrete 45 x 45 x 60 cm, 60 cm below ground
level as per approved drawing and all complete
as per Technical specifications and as directed
by the Engineer-in-charge.
Ref. to
Item No. Description MoRTH Unit No. Length Width Height Quantity
8.02b Size more than 0.9 sqm size Board. Nos 8 8

Providing and erecting overhead signs

(cantilever type) with a corrosion resistant 2mm
thick aluminium alloy sheet reflectorised with
high intensity retro-reflective sheeting of
encapsulated lense type with vertical and
lateral clearance given in clause 802.2 and
8.03 802.3 and installed as per clause 802.7 over a 802 Mt 3 3
designed support system of aluminium alloy or
galvanised steel trestles and trusses of
sections and type as per structural design
requirements and approved drawings and all
complete as per Technical specifications and
as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

Providing and laying of hot applied

thermoplastic compound 2.5 mm thick
including reflectorising glass beads @ 250 gms
per sqm area, thickness of 2.5 mm is exclusive
8.04 of surface applied glass beads as per IRC:35
.The finished surface to be level, uniform and
free from streaks and holes all complete as per
Technical specifications and as directed by the
Lane, Centreline, Edge and other marking
along strips
Edge Line Sqm 2.00 4,800.00 0.15 1440.00
1.00 2,880.00 0.10 288.00
Chevron Markings or Zebra Crossing 2 x 20
Nos. x 1/2x 3m x 10 m
say 2328.00
Ref. to
Item No. Description MoRTH Unit No. Length Width Height Quantity
Reinforced cement concrete M15 grade
kilometre stone of standard design as per
IRC:8-1980, fixing in position including painting
8.05a 804
and printing etc all complete as per Technical
specifications and as directed by the Engineer-
8.05B 5th kilometre stone (precast) Each 2 2
8.06 Ordinary kilometer stone (precast) Each 3 4
8.07 Hectometer stone (precast) Each 19 19
Reinforced cement concrete M15 grade
boundary pillars of standard design as per
IRC:25-1967, fixed in position including
8.08 806 Each 192 192
finishing and lettering but excluding painting all
complete as per Technical specifications and
as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
Supplying and installation of delineators (road
way indicators, hazard markers, object
markers), 80-100 cm high above ground level,
painted black and white in 15 cm wide strips,
fitted with 80 x 100 mm rectangular or 75 mm
8.09 805 Each 480
dia circular reflectorised panels at the top,
buried or pressed into the ground and
conforming toIRC-79, all complete as per
Technical specifications and as directed by the
Providing and erecting a W" metal beam crash
8.10 barrier comprising of 3 mm thick corrugated m 2800
sheet metal beam rail
Ref. to
Item No. Description MoRTH Unit No. Length Width Height Quantity
Providing and fixing of road stud 100x 100 mm,
die-cast in aluminium, resistant to corrosive
effect of salt and grit, fitted with lense
reflectors, installed in concrete or asphaltic
surface by drilling hole 30 mm upto a depth of
8.11 Each 3,200.00 3200
60 mm and bedded in a suitable bituminous
grout or epoxy mortar, all as per BS 873 part
4:1973 all complete as per Technical
specifications and as directed by the Engineer-
Detailed Project Report for Construction to Two Lane with Paved Shoulder configuration of Jandaha Bypass of NH-103 in
Bihar on EPC Mode.

For Stone Boulder & GSB/WMM/stone

Quarry Mirzachowki
273.39 Km By Rail
site Railway yard
Initial Lead=5km Emulsion
Unsurface=1km Sarai Rail
Surface Road=4km Yard

37 Km

by road 319 Km
Manpur Worksite 71 km by Road
Quary site

83 Km
71 Km For Bitumen

sand Fatuha

For Coarse Sand

Detailed Project Report for Construction to Two Lane with Paved Shoulder configuration of
Jandaha Bypass of NH-103 in Bihar on EPC Mode.

Stone Boulder
Quarry to Rail yard = 5 km

Surface Road = 4 km

Kutcha Road = 1 km

Carriage cost from Quarry to Mirzachowki Rail Yard

Loading at Quarry site & Unloading at Mirzachowki Rail Yard = 90.50 Rs

Loading at Mirzachowki Rail yard & Unloading at Sarai Rail Yard

= 90.50 Rs

Carriage Cost by road = 51.32 Rs

Total = 232.32 Rs/m3

Distance through rail

273.39 km

Railway freight (A) = 462.50 Rs/MT

Railway charges (B) = 63.13 Rs/Mt

Total (C) = 525.63 Rs/MT

Railway freight in m3 = 1.5x 525.63 = 788.45 Rs/M3

12% OH & 10% CP = 182.92

Carriage Cost from Quarry to Sarai Rail

Yard = 1203.68 Rs/m3

Sarai rail Yard to Work Site Road = 454.21 Rs/m3

Total = 1657.89 Rs/m3
Detailed Project Report for Construction to Two Lane with Paved Shoulder
configuration of Jandaha Bypass of NH-103 in Bihar on EPC Mode.
Quarry to Rail yard = 5 km

Surface Road = 4 km

Un surface Road = 1 km

Carriage cost from Quarry to Mirzachowki Rail Yard

Loading at Quarry site & Unloading at Mirzachowki Rail Yard = 90.50 Rs

Loading at Mirzachowki Rail yard & Unloading at Sarai Rail Yard = 90.50 Rs

Carriage Cost by road = 49.28 Rs

Total = 230.28 Rs/m3

Distance through rail

= 273.39 km

Railway freight (A) = 462.50 Rs/MT

Railway Charges (B) = 63.13 Rs/mt

(A+B) = 525.63 Rs/MT

Railway freight in m3 = 1.5x 525.63 = 788.45 Rs/M3

12% OH & 10% C.P. = 182.92
Carriage Cost from Quarry to Sarai Rail = 1201.64 Rs/m3

Sarai rail Yard to Work Site Road = 439.78 Rs/m3

Total = 1641.42 Rs/m3
Detailed Project Report for Construction to Two Lane with Paved Shoulder configuration of Jandaha Bypass of NH-103 in Bihar on EPC Mode.

Cost (In Rs.) of Haulage in t-km Multiplying Factor For Lead in km Remarks

Katcha Track & Track In River Bed /

Katcha Track & Track In River Bed /

Katcha Track & Track In River Bed /

= (8/Col
Cost of Loading & Unloading (In Rs.)

Unsurface Road=(8/Col6) xCol. 9

[(Hs.Ls + Hu.Lu + Hk.Lk) + Col.7]

Surface Road =(8/Col6)xCol8

Unsurfaced Graveled Road

Unsurfaced Graveled Road

Cost of Carriage (In Rs.) =

Nallah Bed & Choe Bed
Nallah Bed & Choe Bed
Truck capacity per Trip

Net Payable Quantity

Multiplying Factor

Surfaced Road
Nallah Bed & Choe Bed
6) xCol. 10
Surfaced Road
Sr. No Name of Materials


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Mirzachowki to work site via

1 Boulder M3 6.0 0.8 4.8 90.50 5.90 7.20 14.40 9.83 12.00 24.00 319 1 0 3238.27
NH-31 & NH-33

Chips,Sand,Stone Agg. Mirzachowki to work site via
2 M3 5.4 0.924 5.0 90.50 5.90 7.20 14.40 9.44 11.520 23.04 319 1 0 3113.38
50 mm & down NH-31 & NH-34
including Gr.III

Mirzachowki to work site via

3 GSB & WMM M3 5.4 0.924 5.0 90.50 5.90 7.20 14.40 9.44 11.52 23.0 319 1 0 3113.38
NH-31 & NH-35

4 Bitumen MT 8 1 8 521.50 5.90 7.20 14.40 5.90 7.20 14.4 71 0 0 940.40 Fatuha to work site

5 Emulsion MT 8 1 8 521.50 5.90 7.20 14.40 5.90 7.20 14.4 71 0 0 940.40 Fatuha to work site

Doriganj to work site via

6 Coarse sand M3 5.4 0.924 5.0 90.50 5.90 7.20 14.40 9.44 11.52 23.0 83 0 1 897.06
NH922 and NH22/NH 31

7 Steel & Cement MT 8 1 8 521.50 5.90 7.20 14.40 5.90 7.20 14.4 5 0 0 551.00 Local to work site

8 HP Dia 1000mm M 10 1 10.00 355.70 5.90 7.20 14.40 4.72 5.76 11.5 35 0 0 520.90 Local to work site

9 HP Dia 1200mm M 7.5 1 7.50 355.70 5.90 7.20 14.40 6.29 7.68 15.4 35 0 0 575.97 Local to work site

10 Filler M 8 1 8 521.50 5.90 7.20 14.40 5.90 7.20 14.4 5 0 0 551.00 Local

11 Local sand & Earth M4 5.4 0.924 5 90.50 5.90 7.20 14.40 9.44 11.52 23.0 2 0 1 132.42 Local
Detailed Project Report for Construction to Two Lane with Paved Shoulder configuration of Jandaha Bypass of
NH-103 in Bihar on EPC Mode.

Road Carriageway Railway Carriageway

Sl.No Items Final Cost
Cost Cost

1 Boulder 3238.27 1657.89 1657.89

2 Stone Chips 3113.38 1641.42 1641.42

3 stone metal 3113.38 1641.42 1641.42

4 Bitumen 940.40 940.40

5 Emulsion 940.40 940.40

7 Coarse sand 897.06 897.06

8 Steel & Cement 551.00 551.00

9 HP Dia 1000mm 575.97 575.97

10 HP Dia 1200mm 575.97 575.97

11 Sand & earth 132.42 132.42

Detailed Project Report for Construction to Two Lane with Paved Shoulder configuration of Jandaha Bypass of NH-103 in Bihar on EPC Mode.


Ref. : Schedule of Rates 2022 Effective from 01.04.2022 , Road Construction Department, Govt. of Bihar
Bill No-01
1 Clearing and Grubbing Road Land . Hact

2.03(ii) A Basic Rate 1 x 186965.50 Rs. 186965.50

Finished Rate = 186965.50 Hact

2 Cement Concrete Grade M-15 & M-20 Cum

2.04 (i) II
A Basic Rate 1 x 794.00 Rs. 794.00
Finished Rate = 794.00 Cum

2.04 (i) II B Prestressed / Reinforced cement concrete grade M-20 & above Cum
Basic Rate 1 x 1022.00 Rs. 1022.00
Finished Rate = 1022.00

6 Brick masonry in Cement Mortar Cum

2.04(II) B Basic Rate 1 x 404.40 Rs. 404.40

Finished Rate = 404.40 Cum
Bill No.02

Embankment Construction with Material Obtained from Borrow Pits (Construction of embankment with approved material
3.16 obtained from borrow pits with all lifts and leads, transporting to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacting to
meet requirement of table 300-2)

Rolling with vibratory roller Unit per m3

Basic Rate 1 x 205.60 Rs. 205.60
Finished Rate = 205.60
Construction of Embankment with Material Deposited from Roadway Cutting (Construction of embankment with approved
3.17 materials deposited at site from roadway cutting and excavation from drain and foundation of other structures graded and
compacted to meet requirement of table 300-2)

Rolling with vibratory roller

Basic Rate 1 x 92.50 Rs. 92.50
Finished Rate = 92.50

Construction of Subgrade and Earthen Shoulders (Construction of subgrade and earthen shoulders with approved material
3.18 obtained from borrow pits with all lifts & leads, transporting to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacted to meet
requirement of table No. 300-2)
Rolling with vibratory roller Unit per m3
Basic Rate 1 x 207.90 Rs. 207.90
Finished Rate = 207.90

Bill No.03

Plant Mix Method (Construction of granular sub-base by providing close graded Material, mixing in a mechanical mix plant at OMC, carriage of mixed
4.01 A (ii) Material to work site, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface and compacting with vibratory power roller to achieve the
desired density, complete as per clause 401 )

for grading- II Material Unit per m3

Basic Rate 1 x 1197.10 Rs. 1197.10
Carriage way material
Aggregate 1.346 x 1641.42 Rs. 2209.4
sub total 3406.4513
Finished Rate = 3406.45
Wet Mix Macadam laying using by Grader (Providing, laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate to wet mix macadam specification
4.14 B including premixing the Material with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed Material by tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with
paver in sub- base / base course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density.)
With Vibratory Roller Unit per m3
Basic Rate 1 x 1447.70 Rs. 1447.70
Carriage way material
Aggregate 1.41 x 1641.42 Rs. 2314.40
sub total 3762.10
Finished Rate = 3762.10

Bill No.04
Providing and applying primer coat with cutback MC 30 bitumen emulsion on prepared surface of granular Base including clearing of road surface and
5.01 A II
spraying primer at the rate of 0.60 kg/sqm using mechanical means.
Unit per m3
Basic Rate 1 x 47.10 Rs. 47.10
Carriage way material
Bitumen emulsion @ 0.6 kg per sqm 0.0006 x 940.40 Rs. 0.56
Deduction of drum= 0
sub total 47.66
Finished Rate = 47.66

Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen emulsion using emulsion pressure distributor at the rate of 0.20 kg per sqm on the prepared bituminous
5.02 surface cleaned with mechanical broom.
Unit per m3
Basic Rate 1 x 15.20 Rs. 15.20
Carriage way material
Bitumen emulsion @ 0.2 kg per sqm 0.0002 x 940.40 Rs. 0.18808
sub total 15.39
Finished Rate = 15.39
Providing and laying dense graded bituminous macadam with higher capacity batch type HMP using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed
with bituminous binder @4.5 percent by weight of total mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site laying with a hydrostatic paver finisher with
5.04 B
sensor control to the required grade level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as
per MORT&H specification clause no. 505 complete in all respects.

(ii) for GradingII(19 mm nominal size) Unit per m3

Basic Rate 1 x 10777.20 Rs. 10777.20
Carriage way material
Aggregate 1.441 x 1641.42 Rs. 2365.29
Filler @ 2 per cent of weight of
aggregates. 0.0441 x 551.00 24.30
Bitumen @ 4.25 per cent of
weight of mix 0.1039 x 940.40 97.71
sub total 13264.5
Finished Rate = 13264.49

Providing and laying bituminous concrete with higher capacity batch type hot mix plant using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with
bituminous binder @5.4 percent of mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to
5.05 B
the required grade, level and alignment , rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per MORT&H
specification clause no. 507 complete in all respects.

Unit per m3
Basic Rate 1 x 12542.50 Rs. 12542.50
Carriage way material

Aggregate 1.459 x 1641.42 Rs. 2394.83

Filler @ 2 per cent of weight of
aggregates. 0.0446 x 551.00 24.57
Bitumen @ 4.25 per cent of
weight of mix 0.1274 x 940.40 119.81
sub total 15081.7
Finished Rate = 15081.71
Mastic Asphalt (Providing and laying 25 mm thick mastic asphalt wearing course with paving grade bitumen meeting the requirements given in table
500-29, prepared by using mastic cooker and laid to required level and slope after cleaning the surface, including providing antiskid surface with
5.11 bitumen precoated fine-grained hard stone chipping of 13.2 mm nominal size at the rate of 0.005cum per 10 sqm and at an approximate spacing of 10 cm
center to center in both directions, pressed into surface when the temperature of surfaces not less than 1000C, protruding 1 mm to 4 mm over mastic
surface, all complete as per clause 515.)

Unit per Sqm

Basic Cost 1 x 794.10 Rs. 794.10
Carriage way material
Fine Aggregate 0.01129 x 897.06 Rs. 10.13
Aggregates 0.0276 x 1641.42 Rs. 45.30
Filler 0.01031 x 551.00 Rs. 5.68
Bitumen 0.00587 x 940.40 Rs. 5.52
sub total 860.7
Finished Rate = 860.73

Dry Lean Cement Concrete Sub- base (Construction of dry lean cement concrete Sub- base over a prepared sub-grade with coarse and fine aggregate
conforming to IS: 383, the size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, aggregate cement ratio not to exceed 15:1, aggregate gradation after blending
to be as per table 600-1, cement content not to be less than 150 kg/ cum, optimum moisture content to be determined during trial length construction,
concrete strength not to be less than 10 Mpa at 7 days, mixed in a batching plant, transported to site, laid with a paver with electronic sensor, compacting
with 8-10 tonnes vibratory roller, finishing and curing.)
Unit per m3
Basic Cost 1 x 2873.40 Rs. 2873.40
Carraige way material
Aggregates 0.9 x 1641.42 Rs. 1477.28
Coarse Sand 0.45 x 897.06 Rs. 403.68
Cement 0.15 x 551.00 Rs. 82.65
sub total 4837.0
Finished Rate = 4837.01

Cement Concrete Pavement (Construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete pavement over a prepared sub base with 43 grade cement @ 400 kg per cum,
coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS 383, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a batching and mixing plant as per approved mix design,
6.02 transported to site, laid with a fixed form or slip form paver, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision of contraction, expansion,
construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrane, sealant primer, joint sealant, debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod, admixtures as approved, curing
compound, finishing to lines and grades as per drawing )

Unit per m3
Basic Cost 1 x 6702.10 Rs. 6702.1
Carraige way material
Aggregates 0.9 x 1641.42 Rs. 1477.278
Coarse Sand 0.45 x 897.06 Rs. 403.677
Cement 0.4 x 551.00 Rs. 220.400
Steel 0.01136 x 551.00 Rs. 6.259
Finished Rate = 8809.71

Excavation for Structures (Earth work in excavation of foundation of structures as per drawing and technical specification, including setting out, construction of shoring and
15.01 I B (i)
bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling with approved material.)

Depth upto 3 m Unit per m3

Basic Cost 1.000 x 121.00 Rs. 121.00
Finished Rate = 121.00

15.11 A Case PCC 1:3:6 in Foundation (Plain cement concrete 1:3:6 nominal mix in foundation with crushed stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size mechanically mixed, placed in foundation
i and compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days.)
pcc 1:3:6 Unit per m3
Basic Cost 1 x 4803.10 Rs. 4803.10
Carriageway Cost
Cement 0.275 x 551.00 Rs. 151.525
Coarse Sand 0.45 x 897.06 Rs. 403.677
Aggregate 0.9 x 1641.42 Rs. 1477.278
Finished Rate = 6835.58
Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in sub-structure complete as per drawing and technical specifications
15.12 A
With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump Unit per m3
Basic Cost 1 x 6153.10 Rs. 6153.1
Carriageway Cost
Cement 0.3472 x 551 Rs. 191.3072
Coarse Sand 0.45 x 897.06 Rs. 403.677
Aggregate 0.9 x 1641.42 1477.278
Finished Rate = 8225.36

15.16 Reinforced cement concrete approach slab including reinforcement and formwork complete as per drawing and Technical specification

basic rate 1.000 x 10912.40 = 10912.40

Carriage cost
Carriage cost of stone chips 0.9 m3 @ Rs. 1641.42 / m3 = Rs. 1477.28
Carriage cost of Coarse Sand 0.45 m3 @ Rs. 897.06 / m3 = Rs. 403.68
Carriage cost of Cement from Local to
work site 0.406667 MT @ Rs. 551 / MT = 224.07
Carriage cost of Reinforcement from
Local to work site 0.05 MT @ Rs. 551 / MT = 27.55
Finished Rate = 13044.98

15.18 Providing and laying Cement concrete wearing coat M-30 grade including reinforcement complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications

Basic cost 1.000 x 13547.90 = 13547.90

Carriage cost of stone chips 0.9 @ 1641.42 Rs. 1477.28
Carriage cost of Coarse Sand 0.45 @ 897.06 Rs. 403.68
Carriage cost of Cement from Local to
work site 0.40667 @ 551.00 224.08
Carriage cost of Reinforcement from
Local to work site 0.15 @ 551.00 82.65
Finished Rate = 15735.58
Supplying, fitting and placing un-coated HYSD bar reinforcement in foundation complete as per drawing and technical specifications
Unit per MT
Basic Cost 1 x 102901.20 Rs. 102901.20
Carriageway Cost
Steel 1.05 551.00 Rs. 578.55
Finished Rate = 103479.75

Construction of precast RCC railing of M30 Grade, aggregate size not exceeding 12 mm, true to line and
grade, tolurence of vertical RCC post not to exceed 1 in 500, centre to centre spacing between vertical post
not to exceed 2000 mm, leaving adequate space between vertical post for expansion, complete as per
approved drawings and technical specifications. RM

Basic Rate 1 X 2492.70 Rs. 2492.70

Carriage cost of stone chips 0.077 X 1641.42 Rs. 125.95
Carriage cost of Coarse Sand 0.038 X 897.06 Rs. 34.41
Carriage cost of Cement from
0.03467 X 551.00 Rs. 19.10
Local to work site
Carriage cost of Reinforcement
0.018 X 551.00 Rs. 9.92
from Local to work site
Total = Rs. 2682.08 RM
Finished Rate = Rs. 2682.08 RM

22 Rubble stone laid in cement mortar 1:3 Unit per m

15.06 (B) Basic Rate 1 X 4160.10 Rs. 4160.10

Carriage cost of Boulder 1.100 m3 @ Rs. 1657.89 / m3 = Rs. 1823.68
Carriage cost of Coarse Sand 0.326 m @ Rs. 897.06 / m3 = Rs. 291.99
Carriage cost of Cement 0.158 MT @ Rs. 551.00 / MT = Rs. 87.11
Finished Rate = Rs. 6362.88 Per m
Providing and laying boulders apron on river bed for protection against scour with stone boulders weighing not less than 40 kg each complete as per drawing and Technical
16.01 specification.
Boulder laid dry without wire crates. Unit per m3
Basic Cost 1 x 1495.80 Rs. 1495.80
Carriageway Cost
Boulder 1.2 x 1657.89 Rs. 1989.47
Finished Rate = 3485.27

15.17 Providing Drainage spout Nos.

Basic Rate 1 X 848.60 Rs. 848.60

Finished Rate = Rs. 848.60

Providing weep holes in Brick masonry/Plain/Reinforced concrete abutment, wing wall/return wall with 100 mm dia AC pipe, extending through the full width of the structure
15.14 with slope of 1V :20H towards drawing foce. Complete as per drawing and Technical specifications
Basic Cost 1 x 141.90 Rs. 141.90
Carriageway Cost
Cement 0.00085 x 551.00 0.46835
Coarse Sand 0.00175 x 897.06 1.569855
Finished Rate = 143.94

Providing and laying of Filter media with granular materials/stone crushed aggregates satisfying the requirements laid down in clause 2504.2.2. of MoRTH specifications to a
15.24 thickness of not less than 600 mm with smaller size towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall and provided over the entire surface behind abutment, wing wall and
return wall to the full height compacted to a firm condition complete as per drawing and technical specification.

Unit per m3
Basic Cost 1 x 1441.00 Rs. 1441.00
Carriageway Cost
Aggregate 1.2 x 1641.42 Rs. 1969.70
Finished Rate = 3410.70
15.23 A Back filling behind abutment, wing wall and return wall complete as per drawing and Technical specification
Granular material Unit per m3
Basic Cost 1 x 683.30 Rs. 683.30
Carriageway Cost
Aggregate 1.2 x 1641.42 Rs. 1969.70
Finished Rate = 2653.00

Providing & fixing 20 mm thick compressible fibre board in expansion joint complete as per drawing & Technical Specification.
15.22 II
Unit per Rm
Basic Cost 1 x 382.10 Rs. 382.10
Finished Rate = 382.10

15.21 Painting on Concrete Surface m3

Basic Rate 1 X 110.40 Rs. 110.40

Finished Rate = Rs. 110.40

Excavation for Structures (Earth work in excavation of foundation of structures as per drawing and technical specification, including setting out, construction of shoring and
bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling with approved material.)
12.01 I B (ii)
Depth 3 m to 6 m Unit per Cum
Basic Cost 1.000 x 133.70 Rs. 133.70
Finished Rate 133.70

Bored cast-in-situ M35 grade R.C.C. pile excluding reinforcement complete as per drawing and technical specifications and removal of excavated earth with all lifts and lead
upto 1000 m. (Pile diameter-1200 mm)

B) With using Batching Plant Unit per Rm

Basic Cost 1 x 14910.500 Rs. 14910.50
Carriageway Material
Cement 0.49636 x 551.000 Rs. 273.49
Coarse Sand 0.52929 x 897.060 Rs. 474.80
Aggregate 1.05858 x 1641.420 Rs. 1737.57
Finished Rate = 17396.37
12.41 Case I Providing and laying of PCC M15 levelling course 100mm thick below the pile cap.
Basic Rate 1.000 x 4366.50 4366.50
Carraige Cost of Material
Aggregate 0.9 x 1641.42 1477.28
Coarse Sand 0.45 x 897.06 403.68
Cement 0.27533333 x 551.00 151.71
Finished rate 6399.16

12.08 Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in open foundation complete as per drawing and technical specifications
Ai PCC Grade M15 Unit per m3
Basic Cost 1.000 x 4541.10 Rs. 4541.1
Carriageway Material
Cement 0.275 x 551.00 Rs. 151.525
Coarse Sand 0.45 x 897.06 Rs. 403.677
Aggregate 0.9 x 1641.42 Rs. 1477.278
Finished Rate = 6573.58
12.08 Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in open foundation complete as per drawing and technical specifications

RCC Grade M35 Unit per M3

H Case II
Basic Cost 1 x 6511.300 Rs. 6511.30
Carriageway Material
Cement 0.422 x 551.000 Rs. 232.52
Coarse Sand 0.45 x 897.060 Rs. 403.68
Aggregate 0.9 x 1641.420 Rs. 1477.28
Finished Rate 8624.78
12.40 D Case
I Cement concrete for reinforced concrete in pile cap complete as per drawing and Technical Specification
Using concrete mixer. Unit per M3
Basic Cost 1.000 x 6129.800 Rs. 6129.80
Carriageway Material
Cement 0.422 x 551.000 Rs. 232.52
Coarse Sand 0.45 x 897.060 Rs. 403.68
Aggregate 0.9 x 1641.420 Rs. 1477.28
Finished Rate = 8243.28
13.05 H p Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in sub-structure complete as per drawing and technical specifications

With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump M-35 height up to 5m Unit per M3
Basic Cost 1.000 x 6631.50 6631.50
Aggregate 0.900 1641.420 1477.28
Coarse Sand 0.450 897.060 403.68
Cement 0.422 551.000 232.52
Finished Rate = 8744.98

For I-beam & slab including launching of precast girders by launching truss upto 40 m span, 21-31% of cost of concrete.
14.01 D (i) q
Height 5m to 10m
M-35 Unit per M3
Basic Cost 1 x 7364.300 Rs. 7364.30
Carriageway Material
Cement 0.43 x 551.000 Rs. 236.93
Coarse Sand 0.45 x 897.060 Rs. 403.68
Aggregate 0.9 x 1641.420 Rs. 1477.28
Finished Rate = 9482.19

Supplying, fitting and placing un-coated HYSD bar reinforcement in foundation complete as per drawing and technical specifications
Unit per MT
Basic Cost 1 x 102901.20 Rs. 102901.20
Carriageway Material
Steel 1.05 551.000 Rs. 578.55
Finished Rate = 103479.75

13.06 Supplying, fitting and placing HYSD bar reinforcement in sub-structure complete as per drawing and technical specifications
Unit per MT
Basic Cost 1 x 103097.50 Rs. 103097.50
Carriageway Cost
Steel 1.05 x 551.000 Rs. 578.55
Finished Rate = 103676.05
14.02 a) Supplying, fitting and placing HYSD bar reinforcement in super-structure complete as per drawing and technical specifications
Unit per MT
Basic Cost 1 x 103293.700 Rs. 103293.70
Carriageway Material
Steel 1.05 x 551.000 Rs. 578.55
Finished Rate = 103872.25

Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true to line and level POT-PTFE bearing consisting of a metal piston supported by a disc or unreinforced elastomer confined within a
metal cylinder, sealing rings, dust seals, PTFE surface sliding against stainless steel mating surface, completre assembly to be of cast steel/fabricated structural steel, metal
and elastomer elements to be as per IRC: 83 part-I & II respectively and other parts conforming to BS: 5400, section 9.1 & 9.2 and clause 2006 of MoRTH Specifications
complete asper drawing and approved technical specifications.

Unit per MT
Basic Cost 1 x 219.50 Rs. 219.50
Finished Rate = 219.50

14.10 Case I PCC M15 Grade leveling course below approach slab complete as per drawing and Technical specification
Unit per M3
Basic cost 1 x 4366.47 Rs. 4366.47
Carriageway Material
Cement 0.275 x 551.000 Rs. 151.53
Coarse Sand 0.45 x 897.060 Rs. 403.68
Aggregate 0.9 x 1641.420 Rs. 1477.28
Finished Rate = 6398.95

14.11 Reinforced cement concrete approach slab including reinforcement and formwork complete as per drawing and Technical specification
Unit per M3
Basic Cost 1 x 11047.400 Rs. 11047.40
Carriageway Material
Cement 0.40667 x 551.000 Rs. 224.08
Coarse Sand 0.45 x 897.060 Rs. 403.68
Aggregate 0.9 x 1641.420 Rs. 1477.28
Steel 0.05 x 551.000 Rs. 27.55
Finished Rate = 13179.98
Painting on concrete surface (Providing and applying 2 coats of water based cement paint to unplastered concrete surface after cleaning the surface of dirt, dust, oil, grease,
14.16 efflorescence and applying paint @ of 1 litre for 2 Sq.m. )
Basic Rate 1.000 x 110.40 110.40
Finished rate 110.40

Strip Seal Expansion Joint (Providing and laying of a strip seal expansion joint catering to maximum horizontal movement upto 70 mm, complete as per approved drawings
14.21 and standard specifications to be installed by the manufacturer/supplier or their authorised representative ensuring compliance to the manufacturer's instructions for
Unit per Rm
Basic Cost 1 x 12306.400 Rs. 12306.40
Finished Rate = say 12306.40

Providing weep holes in Brick masonry/Plain/Reinforced concrete abutment, wing wall/return wall with 100 mm dia AC pipe, extending through the full width of the structure
13.08 with slope of 1V :20H towards drawing foce. Complete as per drawing and Technical specifications
Basic Cost 1 x 141.90 Rs. 141.90
Carriageway Material
Cement 0.00085 x 551.000 0.46835
Coarse Sand 0.00175 x 897.06 1.569855
Finished Rate = 143.94

Construction of RCC railing of M30 Grade in-situ with 20 mm nominal size aggregate, true to line and grade, tolurence of vertical RCC post not to exceed 1 in 500, centre to
centre spacing between vertical post not to exceed 2000 mm, leaving adequate space between vertical post for expansion, complete as per approved drawings and technical
14.07 specifications.

Basic Rate 1.000 x 2408.10 2408.10

Carraige cost of material
Steel 0.01802 x 551.000 9.93
Aggregate 0.0767 x 1641.42 125.90
Coarse Sand 0.0384 x 897.06 34.45
Cement 0.03467 x 551.000 19.10
Finished rate 2597.48
14.09 Drainage Spouts complete as per drawing and Technical specification
Unit per Each
Basic Cost 1 x 5709.800 Rs. 5709.80
Finished Rate = say 5709.80

Providing and laying of Filter media with granular materials/stone crushed aggregates satisfying the requirements laid down in clause 2504.2.2. of MoRTH specifications to a
13.10 thickness of not less than 600 mm with smaller size towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall and provided over the entire surface behind abutment, wing wall and
return wall to the full height compacted to a firm condition complete as per drawing and technical specification.

Unit per m3
Basic Cost 1 x 1441.00 Rs. 1441.00
Carriageway Material
Aggregate 1.2 x 1641.42 Rs. 1969.70
Finished Rate = 3410.70

16.05 Providing and laying Filter material underneath pitching in slopes complete as per drawing and Technical specification
Unit per m3
Basic Cost 1 x 1649.20 Rs. 1649.20
Carriageway Cost
Aggregate 1.2 x 1641.42 Rs. 1969.70
Finished Rate = 3618.90

Providing and laying Pitching on slopes laid over prepared filter media including boulder apron laid dry in front of toe of embankment complete as per drawing and Technical
16.04 A specifications
Stone/Boulder Unit per m3
Basic Cost 1 x 1495.80 Rs. 1495.80
Carriageway Cost
Boulder 1.2 x 1657.89 Rs. 1989.47
Finished Rate = 3485.27
13.09 B Back filling behind abutment, wing wall and return wall complete as per drawing and Technical specification
Sandy Material Unit per m3
Basic Cost 1 x 1204.90 Rs. 1204.90
Carriageway Material
Aggrgate 1.2 x 897.06 Rs. 1076.47
Finished Rate = 2281.37

Footpaths and Separators (Construction of footpath/separator by providing a 150 mm compacted granular sub base as per clause 401 and 25 mm thick cement concrete grade
M15, over laid with precast concrete tiles in cement mortar 1:3 including provision of all drainage arrangements but excluding kerb channel.)

Unit per Sqm

Basic Cost 1 x 966.400 Rs. 966.40
Carriageway Material
Cement 0.01237 x 551.000 Rs. 6.82
Sand 0.02406667 x 897.060 Rs. 21.59
Aggregate 0.2205 x 1641.420 Rs. 361.93
Finished Rate = 1356.74

14.15 A Crash Bariier for Bridges

Basic rate 1 x 4409.900 4409.90
Carraige Cost
Steel 0.0229 x 551.000 12.62
Cement 0.10922 x 551.000 Rs. 60.18
Coarse Sand 0.1143 x 897.060 Rs. 102.53
Aggregate 0.2286 x 1641.420 Rs. 375.23
Finished rate 4960.46

21 20 mm thick Compressible Fibre Board Joint filler in Expansion joint m3

15.22 II Basic Rate 1 X 382.10 Rs. 382.10

Rs. 382.10
Road Furniture

Retro- reflectorised Traffic signs (Providing and fixing of retro- reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign as per IRC :67 made of
encapsulated lens type reflective sheeting vide clause 801.3, fixed over aluminium sheeting, 1.5 mm thick supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75
8.04 B
mm x 75 mm x 6 mm firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M15 grade cement concrete 45 cm x 45 cm x 60 cm, 60
cm below ground level as per approved drawing)
(ii) 90 cm equilateral triangle Each
Basic Rate 1 x 6895.90 Rs 6895.90
Carraige cost of cement 0.04919 x 551.00 Rs 27.10369
Carriage of steel 0.022756 x 551.00 Rs 30.2499
Carraige Cost of Sand 0.0549 x 897.06 Rs 98.497188
Carraige of Aggregate 0.1098 x 1641.42 Rs 180.227916
Finished rate Rs. 7231.98

(iv) 60 cm equilateral triangle

Basic Rate 1 x 4725.30 Rs. 4725.30
Carraige cost of material Rs. 336.08
Finished rate Rs. 5061.38
(ix) 60 cm circular
Basic Rate 1 x 6139.00 Rs. 6139.00
Carraige cost of material Rs. 336.08
Finished rate Rs. 6475.08

(x) 80 mm x 60 mm rectangular 1 x 8331.80 Rs 8331.80

Carraige cost of material Rs 336.08
Finished rate Rs 8667.88

(xii) 60 cm x 45 cm rectangular
Basic Rate 1 x 5994.30
Carraige cost of material Rs. 5994.30
Rs. 336.08
Finished rate Rs. 6330.38

(xiii) 60 cm x 60 cm square
Basic Rate 1 x 6996.00 Rs. 6996.00
Carraige cost of material Rs. 336.08
Finished rate Rs. 7332.08

(xv) 90 cm high octagon

Basic Rate 1 x 10457.80 Rs 10457.80
Carraige cost of material Rs 336.08
Finished rate Rs 10793.88
Direction and Place Identification signs with size more than 0.9 sqm size board. (Providing and erecting direction and place identification retro- reflectorised sign asper IRC
:67 made of encapsulated lens type reflective sheeting vide clause 801.3, fixed over aluminium sheeting, 2 mm thick with area exceeding 0.9 sqm supported on a mild steel
angle iron post 75 mm x 75 mm x 6 mm, 2 Nos. firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M 15 grade cement concrete45 cm x 45 cm x 60 cm,
60 cm below ground level as per approved drawing)

Basic Cost 1 x 15792.70 Rs. 15792.70

Cement 0.06531 x 551.00 Rs. 35.99

Coarse Sand 0.0729 x 897.06 65.40
Aggregate 0.146 x 1641.420 239.32
Steel 0.057012 x 551.00 31.41
Finished Rate = 16164.81

8.07 Overhead Signs (Providing and erecting overhead signs with a corrosion resistant aluminium alloy sheet reflectorised with high intensity retro-reflective
sheeting of encapsulated lense type with vertical and lateral clearance given in clause 802.2 and 802.3 and installed as per clause 802.7 over a designed
support system of aluminium alloy or galvanised steel trestles and trusses of sections and type as per structural design requirements and approved plans)
A Tonne
Basic Rate 1 x 89280.40 Rs. 89280.40
Carraige cost of Material
Steel 1.02 x 551.00 562.02

Kilo Metre Stone (Reinforced cement concrete M15grade kilometre stone of standard design as per IRC:8-1980, fixing in position including painting and printing etc)
5th kilometre stone (precast) Unit per each
Basic Cost 1 x 3789.00 Rs. 3789.00
Carriageway Cost
Cement 0.10771 x 551.00 Rs. 59.35
Coarse Sand 0.17625 x 897.06 Rs. 158.11
Aggregate 0.353 x 1641.42 578.60
Finished Rate = 4585.06
Ordinary Kilometer stone (Precast)
Basic Cost 1 x 2188.90 Rs. 2188.90
Carriageway Cost
Cement 0.07405 x 551.00 Rs. 40.80
Coarse Sand 0.12118 x 897.06 Rs. 108.71
Aggregate 0.242 x 1641.42 397.81
Finished Rate = 2736.22

Hectometer stone (Precast)

Basic Cost 1 x 694.90 Rs. 694.90
Carriageway Cost
Cement 0.01317 x 551.00 Rs. 7.26
Coarse Sand 0.02155 x 897.06 Rs. 19.33
Aggregate 0.043 x 1641.42 70.73
Finished Rate = 792.22

Boundary pillar (Reinforced cement concrete M15 grade boundary pillars of standard design as per IRC:25-1967, fixed in position including finishing
and lettering but excluding painting)

Basic Rate 1 x 477.40 Rs. 477.40

Carruage of cement 0.00603 x 551.00 Rs. 3.32
Carriage of Sand 0.00987 x 897.06 8.85
Carriage of Agg 0.01974 x 1641.42 32.40
Finished rate Rs. 521.98
Road Delineators (Supplying and installation of delineators (road way indicators, hazard markers, object markers), 80-100 cm high above ground level, painted black and
white in 15 cm wide stripes, fitted with 80 x 100 mm rectangular or 75 mm dia circular reflectorised panels at the top, buried or pressed into the ground and conforming to IRC-
8.15 79 and the drawings.)
Unit per each
Basic Cost 1 x 1088.60 Rs. 1088.60
Finished Rate = 1088.60

Solar Powered Road Marker (Solar Stud) Supplying of Solar Raised Pavement Markers made of polycarbonate molded body with circular shape, solar powered, LED self
illumination in active mode, 360 degree illumination and reflective panels with micro prismatic lens capable of providing total internal reflection of the light entering the lens
face in passive mode. The marker shall support a load of 20000 kg tested in accordance to ASTM D 4280. The marker should be resistant to dust and water ingress according
to IP 65 standards and should withstand temperatures in the range of 0 C to 70 C. Color of lighting could be provided in red or yellow (amber) as per requirement and typical
frequency of blinkikng in 1 Hz. There should be current losses of less than 20 microamperes at 2.4 V in sleepcharging mode to enhace the life of the marker and a full charge
should provide for a minimum autonomy of 50 hours. The height, width and length of the marker shall not be less than 10mm x 100 mm x 100 mm. Also, the surface diameter
of the marker shall not be less than 100 mm respectively. The weight of the marker shall not exceed 0.5 Kilograms. Fixing will be by drilling holes on the road for the shanks
to go inside, without nails and using epoxy resin based adhesive and complete as directed by the engineer.)
Unit per each
Basic Cost 1 x 262.00 Rs. 262.00
Finished Rate = 262.00

Cast in Situ Cement Concrete M20 kerb (Construction of cement concrete kerb with top and bottom width 115 and 165 mm respectively, 250 mm high in M 20 grade PCC on
M-10 grade foundation 150 mm thick, foundation having 50 mm projection beyond kerb stone, kerb stone laid with kerb laying machine, foundation concrete laid manually, all
complete as per clause 408)
8.01 B
Unit per Rm
Basic Cost 1 x 192.80 Rs. 192.80
Carriageway Cost
Cement 0.01204 x 551.00 Rs. 6.63
Coarse Sand 0.01575 x 897.060 Rs. 14.13
Aggregate 0.0315 x 1641.420 Rs. 51.70
Finished Rate = 265.27
Boulder Apron Laid in Wire Crates.Providing and
laying of boulder apron laid in wire crates made with 4mm dia GI wire conforming to IS: 280 & IS:4826 in 100mm x 100mm mesh (weaved diagonally)
16.02 including 10 percent extra for laps and joints laid with stone boulders weighing not less than 40 kg each.

Basic rate 1 x 1942.00 1942.00

Carraige Cost of Materials
Aggregate 1.200 x 1657.89 1989.47
Finished rate 3931.47

Type - A, "W" : Metal Beam Crash Barrier (Providing and erecting a "W" metal beam crash barrier comprising of 3 mm thick corrugated sheet metal
8.23 A beam rail, 70 cm above road/ground level, fixed on ISMC series channel vertical post, 150 x 75 x 5 mm spaced 2 m centre to centre, 1.8 m high, 1.1 m
below ground/road level, all steel parts and fitments to be galvanised by hot dip process, all fittings to conform to IS:1367 and IS:1364, metal beam rail
to be fixed on the vertical post with a spacer of channel section 150 x 75 x 5 mm, 330 mm long complete as per clause 810)

Basic rate 1 x 3896.30 3896.30

Steel 0.0368911 x 551.00 20.33

Cement Treated Crushed Rock or combination as per clause 403 and table 400.4 in Sub base/ Base (Providing, laying and spreading Material on a
4.07 prepared sub grade, adding the designed quantity of cement to the spread Material, mixing in place with rotavator, grading with the motor grader and
compacting with the road roller at OMC to achieve the desired unconfined compressive strength and to form a layer of sub-base/base.)
Sub base
Basic Rate 1 x 1824.70 1824.70
Carraige Cost of Materials
Cement 0.08 x 551.00 44.08
Aggregate 1.28 x 1641.420 2101.02
Base Course
Basic Rate 1 x 1516.40 1516.40
Carraige Cost of Materials
Cement 0.08 x 551.00 44.08
Aggregate 1.28 x 1641.420 2101.02
14.01 E (ii)
For T-beam & slab, 23-33 per cent of (a+b+c)
M-40 (height 5 to 10 m) Cum
Basic rate 1 x 8385.40 8385.40
Carraige cost of materials
Cement 0.43 x 551.00 236.93
coarse sand 0.45 x 897.06 403.68
aggregate 0.9 x 1641.42 1477.28

Providing Steel Liner 10 mm thick for Curbs and 6 mm thick for Steining of Wells including Fabricating and Setting out as per
12.22 Detailed Drawing.
Basic rate 1 x 123056.10 123056.10
Carraige cost of materials
Steel 1.05 x 551.00 578.55
High tensile steel wires/strands including all accessories for stressing, stressing operations and grouting complete as per drawing
14.03 and Technical Specifications

Basic rate 1 x 144262.60 144262.60

Carraige cost of materials
Steel 1.3527851 x 551.00 745.38

Cast-in-Situ Cement Concrete M20 Kerb (Construction of cement concrete kerb with top and bottom width 115 and 165 mm respectively, 250 mm high
in M 20 grade PCC on M-15 grade foundation 150 mm thick, foundation having 50 mm projection beyond kerb stone, kerb stone laid with kerb laying
8.01 (II) machine, foundation concrete laid manually, all complete as per clause 409)
M-20 kerb stone RM
Basic rate 1 X 192.80 192.80
Carraige cost of materials
Cement 0.01204 x 551.00 6.63
Aggregate 0.01575 x 1641.42 25.85
Coarse sand 0.0315 x 897.06 28.26
Finished Rate 253.54
Direction and Place Identification Signs upto 0.9 sqm Size Board.(Providing and erecting direction and place identification retro-reflectorised sign as per
IRC:67 made of high intensity grade sheeting vide clause 801.3, fixed over aluminium sheeting, 2 mm thick or Aluminium composite material sheet
with overall thickness of 4 mm with area not exceeding 0.9 sqm fixed over back support frame of min 35 x 35 x 3 mm Angle mounted on a mild steel
circular pipe 65 NB, firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M25 grade cement concrete 45 x 45 x 60 cm, 60 cm
8.05 below ground level as per approved drawing)
Basic Rate 1 x 14957.20 14957.20
Carraige cost of mterials
Cement 0.06531 x 551.00 35.99
Coarse Sand 0.0729 x 897.06 65.40
Aggregate 0.1458 x 1641.42 239.32
Finished rate 15297.90

15.11 B
Plain/Reinforced Cement concrete in open Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical specifications.
case I
PCC M-20
Basic Rate 1 x 5416.10 5416.10
Carraige cost of materials
Cement 0.344 x 551 189.54
Sand 0.45 x 897.06 403.68
Aggregate 0.9 x 1641.42 1477.28
Approved Input of Labour wages, Overhead &Lead for the preparation of Schedule of
Rate2022-2023 in prescribed format of updated MORT&H Standard Data Book 2019
(2nd Revision) Date :-19.04.2022
S.No. Description of Labour Unit Approved Rate
1 2 3 4
L-01 Blacksmith (IInd class) day 382
L-02 Blacksmith (Ist class)/ Welder/ Plumber/ Electrician day 428
L-03 Blaster (Stone cutter) day 526
L-04 Carpenter I Class day 428
L-05 Chiseller (Head Mazdoor) day 492
L-06 Driller (Jumper) day 330
L-07 Diver day 492
L-08 Fitter day 382
L-09 Mali day 330
L-10 Mason (IInd class) day 382
L-11 Mason (Ist class) day 428
L-12 Mate / Supervisor day 337
L-13 Mazdoor day 318
L-14 Mazdoor/Dresser (Semi Skilled) day 330
L-15 Mazdoor/Dresser/Sinker (Skilled) day 403
L-16 Medical Officer day 492
L-17 Operator(grouting) day 492
L-18 Painter I class day 405
L-19 Para medical personnel day 492
L-20 Heavy Plant Operator day 492
L-21 Light Plant Operator. day 403
L-22 Heavy Vehicle Driver. day 456
L-23 Light Vehicle Driver. day 402
L-24 Helper day 318
L-25 Black smith day 382
Overheads for Road Works(Large) 0.08 (@ 8%)
Overheads for Road Works(Medium) 0.10 (@ 10%)
Overheads for Road Works (Small) 0.12 (@ 12%)
Contractor's profit for Road Works 0.10 (@ 10%)
Overheads for New / Widening of Bridge/Structure
0.20 (@ 20%)
Overheads for Rehabilitation of Bridge /Structure 0.30 (@ 30%)
Contractor's profit for Bridge Works 0.10 (@ 10%)
Over heads for Road Tunnel Works 0.25 (@ 25%)
Contractor's profit for Tunnel Works 0.10 (@ 10%)
L1 Lead from Mixing Plant to working site 1.0 km
L2 Lead for E/W borrow area to site 1.0 km
SN Chainage Fill Volume Cut Volume
1 21.783 -171.851 0
2 35.892 -154.149 0
3 50 -145.039 0
4 63.928 -119.058 0
5 77.855 -127.689 0
6 84.439 -68.256 0
7 91.783 -76.255 0
8 95 -32.656 0
9 100 -45.671 0
10 109.716 -76.072 0.388
11 115.396 -39.897 0.569
12 130.792 -133.352 0.927
13 146.188 -186.894 0
14 150 -50.047 0
15 162.5 -121.447 0
16 164.439 -12.6 0
17 175 -47.341 1.779
18 187.5 -37.577 2.106
19 191.188 -10.906 0
20 193.851 -7.437 0.027
21 200 -19.855 0.063
22 216.188 -70.739 0
23 227.78 -79.224 0
24 233.133 -47.48 0
25 241.188 -68.8 0
26 250 -68.155 0
27 261.708 -70.789 0.004
28 262.5 -3.665 0.001
29 275 -60.904 0.174
30 287.5 -62.615 0.31
31 300 -78.961 0.143
32 311.39 -101.846 0
33 322.78 -144.524 0
34 324.526 -27.382 0
35 331.853 -128.254 0
36 340.927 -169.9 0
37 350 -172.818 0
38 353.133 -61.432 0
39 362.5 -180.471 0
40 375 -220.998 0
41 387.5 -256.846 0
42 400 -333.851 0
43 412.5 -312.209 0
44 425 -191.083 0
45 437.5 -71.351 5.893
46 450 -17.104 31.291
47 462.5 -18.403 27.967
48 475 -98.801 2.569
49 487.5 -140.835 0
50 500 -182.798 0
51 512.402 -398.572 0
52 524.804 -511.432 0
53 537.206 -489.389 0
54 549.607 -491.778 0
55 550 -15.187 0
56 562.5 -408.16 0
57 575 -290.922 0
58 587.5 -203.596 0
59 600 -219.24 0
60 610.679 -321.126 0
61 614.869 -165.397 0
62 629.738 -568.247 0
63 644.607 -401.496 0
64 650 -105.576 0
65 651.198 -24.541 0
66 673.034 -239.838 14.043
67 678.536 -5.582 9.154
68 700 -32.886 24.59
69 716.36 -114.721 2.045
70 731.198 -220.953 0
71 750 -369.652 0
72 755.911 -120.678 0
73 777.955 -380.529 0
74 795.462 -233.667 0
75 800 -51.543 0
76 811.655 -93.591 0
77 816.667 -22.996 0
78 833.333 -61.932 0
79 850 -72.366 0.517
80 855.911 -31.429 0.55
81 870.607 -98.288 0.912
82 885.304 -121.257 0.001
83 885.427 -1.076 0
84 900 -125.896 0
85 911.655 -86.925 0
86 916.667 -32.835 0
87 933.333 -120.087 0
88 950 -123.438 0
89 962.76 -90.04 0.015
90 975.52 -93.673 0.022
91 987.76 -96.867 0.007
92 1000 -94.678 0
93 1016.667 -110.471 0
94 1033.333 -89.968 0
95 1035.969 -12.941 0
96 1050 -76.519 0
97 1075.52 -146.011 0
98 1100 -87.062 32.758
99 1115.071 -30.319 22.914
100 1150 -110.856 6.366
101 1185.919 -270.696 0
102 1200 -121.387 0
103 1225 -128.467 0
104 1228.34 -13.893 0
105 1250 -98.763 0
106 1282.229 -157.871 0
107 1300 -96.539 0
108 1328.34 -204.057 0
109 1350 -170.768 0
110 1364.777 -132.013 0
111 1377.283 -145.692 0
112 1379.713 -31.711 0
113 1400 -356.383 0
114 1408.722 -214.509 0
115 1429.361 -605.171 0
116 1437.283 -238.102 0
117 1450 -378.24 0
118 1452.667 -81.256 0
119 1458.722 -176.905 0
120 1479.361 -570.106 0
121 1482.521 -86.798 0
122 1483 -13.386 0
123 1500 -466.398 0
124 1501.145 -30.722 0
125 1507.2 -163.619 0
126 1525.573 -730.172 0
127 1550 -2280.108 0
128 1551.145 -155.348 0
129 1572.521 -3011.01 0
130 1583 -1248.979 0.001
131 1683 0 0
132 1683.333 -28.896 0.013
133 1690.011 -609.43 0
134 1700 -583.801 0
135 1711.527 -420.842 0
136 1723.054 -384.98 0
137 1734.581 -369.308 0
138 1742.29 -218.952 0
139 1750 -197.392 0
140 1760.363 -230.924 0
141 1765.011 -89.551 0
142 1770.726 -99.364 0
143 1781.088 -158.023 0
144 1783 -26.531 0
145 1791.451 -108.377 0
146 1795.848 -50.122 0
147 1800 -46.049 0
148 1812.5 -128.085 0
149 1825 -80.914 2.603
150 1837.5 -69.079 2.603
151 1850 -85.92 0
152 1852.523 -15.823 0
153 1855.848 -19.542 0
154 1868.226 -72.387 0
155 1886.451 -112.142 0
156 1900 -81.753 0
157 1906.211 -34.977 0
158 1920.38 -87.603 0
159 1925.854 -36.484 0
160 1945.497 -136.323 0
161 1950 -37.237 0
162 1965.427 -138.95 0.043
163 1980.854 -148.779 0.043
164 1990.427 -99.449 0
165 2000 -96.632 0
166 2015.072 -133.511 0
167 2030.144 -128.097 0
168 2045.216 -121.109 0.048
169 2046.016 -5.5 0.007
170 2050 -24.008 0.044
171 2066.667 -81.878 8.144
172 2080.573 -67.109 6.722
173 2083.333 -13.012 0
174 2100 -50.503 0.769
175 2100.216 -0.382 0.018
176 2119.858 -28.228 32.536
177 2146.016 -118.463 42.383
178 2150 -34.114 0
179 2200 -725.774 0
180 2250 -973.222 0
181 2300 -1181.111 0
182 2303.514 -96.106 0
183 2321.014 -440.163 0
184 2338.514 -360.431 0
185 2350 -190.573 0
186 2375 -454.071 0
187 2379.563 -94.236 0
188 2390.059 -221.181 0
189 2400 -218.369 0
190 2421.259 -542.585 0
191 2449.563 -816.567 0
192 2450 -12.783 0
193 2456.259 -178.355 0
194 2500 -648.977 8.914
195 2521.052 -45.404 5.796
196 2547.838 -99.301 1.916
197 2550 -11.8 0
198 2553.028 -19.5 0
199 2566.667 -128.335 0
200 2574.624 -92.186 0
201 2583.333 -99.627 0
202 2600 -161.246 0
203 2611.419 -87.608 0
204 2622.838 -144.853 0
205 2624.163 -25.105 0
206 2636.419 -304.56 0
207 2650 -386.731 0
208 2653.028 -81.478 0
209 2662.5 -253.726 0
210 2675 -332.897 0
211 2687.5 -313.965 0
212 2700 -253.837 0
213 2712.927 -211.874 0
214 2725.285 -203.356 0
215 2737.642 -196.192 0
216 2750 -173.363 0
217 2761.141 -122.66 0
218 2768.964 -52.824 0
219 2787.927 -62.454 4.9
220 2800 -20.418 15.083
221 2814.713 -13.275 53.134
222 2824.176 -17.702 24.795
223 2850 -116.278 0
224 2875 -164.12 0
225 2900 -149.454 0
226 2925 -95.88 0
227 2950 -147.5 0
228 2971.874 -189.022 0
229 2993.748 -179.1 0
230 3000 -52.397 0
231 3050 -446.136 0
232 3088.766 -387.229 0
233 3100 -122.723 0
234 3124.757 -258.427 0
235 3149.513 -227.191 0
236 3150 -3.987 0
237 3166.236 -141.92 0
238 3190.802 -237.921 0
239 3200 -88.039 0
240 3233.649 -255.91 0
241 3250 -109.151 0
242 3266.236 -113.604 0
243 3266.667 -2.926 0
244 3276.495 -61.052 0
245 3283.333 -35.665 0
246 3300 -111.681 0
247 3308.649 -74.643 0
248 3329.324 -187.417 0
249 3350 -175.064 0
250 3369.105 -207.679 0
251 3388.21 -256.57 0
252 3400 -155.066 0
253 3416.667 -197.386 0
254 3420.363 -36.118 0
255 3433.333 -141.275 0
256 3450 -242.056 0
257 3463.21 -218.546 0
258 3500 -572.621 0
259 3506.057 -80.897 0
260 3550 -469.955 0
261 3564.646 -109.241 0
262 3600 -179.338 0
263 3638.862 -268.347 0
264 3639.749 -8.162 0
265 3650 -97.831 0
266 3665.893 -135.43 0
267 3674.702 -73.968 0
268 3700 -218.869 0
269 3708.631 -75.143 0
270 3719.749 -117.751 0
271 3722.421 -30.636 0
272 3736.21 -105.34 0
273 3742.559 -26.85 0
274 3750 -38.006 0
275 3762.5 -47.682 6.315
276 3775 -28.868 8.67
277 3787.5 -66.763 2.355
278 3800 -116.546 0
279 3803.631 -39.14 0
280 3815.223 -120.093 0
281 3826.815 -125.799 0
282 3838.408 -157.324 0
283 3850 -146.609 4.293
284 3862.5 -83.841 16.035
285 3875 -27.896 24.497
286 3887.5 -22.833 17.299
287 3900 -64.609 4.208
288 3912.5 -124.905 0
289 3916.594 -49.988 0
290 3925 -96.267 0
291 3937.5 -125.549 0
292 3950 -113.21 0.01
293 3961.946 -102.867 0.052
294 3973.893 -107.79 0.042
295 3985.839 -118.358 0
296 3992.919 -71.556 0
297 3996.594 -36.152 0
298 4000 -33.363 0
299 4012.5 -107.434 0
300 4025 -48.536 15.584
301 4037.5 -31.031 15.584
302 4046.91 -52.387 0
303 4050 -21.117 0
304 4065.419 -112.994 0
305 4080.839 -81.813 0
306 4100 -44.905 4.964
307 4109.29 -22.596 2.407
308 4114.768 -14.101 0
309 4130.384 -43.477 0.001
310 4150 -98.93 0
311 4151.478 -9.575 0
312 4160.384 -64.29 0
313 4180.192 -145.261 0
314 4183.814 -24.933 0
315 4200 -108.564 0
316 4225 -161.749 0
317 4246.47 -123.44 0
318 4250 -17.62 0
319 4253.814 -19.128 0
320 4275 -110.648 0
321 4300 -153.726 0
322 4325 -170.386 0
323 4350 -226.687 0
324 4375 -296.556 0
325 4400 -275.06 0
326 4425 -217.89 0
327 4450 -162.922 0
328 4451.966 -10.226 0
329 4475 -152.297 0
330 4500 -184.71 0
331 4525 -179.255 0
332 4531.966 -53.874 0
333 4550 -148.385 0
334 4575 -215.674 0
335 4600 -232.242 0
336 4602.818 -28.056 0
337 4611.724 -89.68 0
338 4617.818 -62.087 0
339 4632.818 -146.607 0
340 4650 -110.725 0
341 4653.911 -10.152 0
342 4700 -274.754 0
343 4750 -415.883 0
344 4800 -298.165 0
345 4804.683 -24.562 0
346 4804.772 -0.435 0
Earthwork Volume -58733.952 520.936

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