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Qualitative Data
- Qualitative data is a type of data that describes information. It is investigative and also often
open-ended, allowing respondents to fully express themselves.

- Qualitative data can be observed and recorded. This data type is non-numerical in nature.
This type of data is collected through methods of observations, one-to-one interviews,
conducting focus groups, and similar methods. Qualitative data in statistics is also known as
categorical data – data that can be arranged categorically based on the attributes and properties
of a thing or a phenomenon.

Qualitative Data
• Definition
• Types
• Qualitative Data Approach
• Steps on Analysis

Selwyn D. Dela Cruz
12- Faraday
of Nominal Data
- In statistics, nominal data (also known as
nominal scale) is a classification of

categorical variables, that do not provide
any quantitative value. It is sometimes
referred to as labelled or named data. It is
used to label or name variables without
providing any quantitative value. This is not
true in some cases where nominal data takes
a quantitative value.

tive Ordinal Data

- Ordinal data is a type of qualitative data

where the variables have natural, ordered
categories and the distances between the
categories are not known. In some cases,
ordinal data is classified as a quantitative
data type or said to be in between qualitative
and quantitative. This is because ordinal
data exhibit both quantitative and qualitative
- Qualitative Data can be divided into
two types, namely; Nominal and
Ordinal Data

Selwyn D. Dela Cruz
12- Faraday
Qualitative Data Steps to Qualitative
Analysis Approach Data Analysis
Deductive Approach
Step 1: Arrange and Organize the
- The deductive approach involves Data
analyzing qualitative data based on a It is essential that as a researcher, you first
structure that is predetermined by the need to transcribe the data collected. The first
researcher. A researcher can use the step in analysing your data is arranging it
questions as a guide for analyzing the systematically. After transforming and
arranging your data, the immediate next step
data. is to organize your data. One of the best ways
to organize the data is by going back to your
- This approach is fairly easy since the research objectives and then organizing the
researcher already has an idea about the data based on the questions asked.
likely results of the analysis before
conducting the research. It is usually Step 2: Setting Code
associated with scientific investigations. The coding of qualitative data simply means
categorizing and assigning properties and
patterns to the collected data. Coding is an
important step in qualitative data analysis, as
Inductive Approach you can derive theories from relevant
research findings.

- The inductive approach to qualitative Step 3: Validate the data

data analysis is the process of developing Validating data is one of the crucial steps of
a new theory or hypothesis for data qualitative data analysis for successful
analysis. An inductive approach is often research. Since data is quintessential for
used when a researcher has very little or research, it is imperative to ensure that the
data is not flawed.
no idea of the research phenomenon.
Step 4: Summarize the Data
This is the process of streamlining the
remaining chunk of data and keeping it brief.
All parts of the data should be summarised to
get them ready for analysis.

Selwyn D. Dela Cruz
12- Faraday

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