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Empowerment Technologies

Quarter 2
Module 4
Multimedia and ICT as a Platform for Change

Learner’s Packet

Multimedia and ICT as a Platform for Change: Page 1 of 17


Multimedia and ICT as a Platform for Change

Development Team of the Module

Author: Juanilyn O. Santos
Layout Artist:
Management Team:

Multimedia and ICT as a Platform for Change: Page 2 of 17

What I Need to Know

After going through this lesson, you are expected to:

1. Explore the principles of interactivity and rich content in the context of Web 2.0 and
the participation of the user in the online experience.
2. Share anecdote of how he/she has used ICTs to be part of a social movement, change,
or cause to illustrate aspects of digital citizenship.

3. Identify a local or regional to illustrate aspects for Social Change related to specific
professional tracks that can be addressed or tackled using an ICT Project for Social

Multimedia and ICT as a Platform for Change: Page 3 of 17

What I Know

Before you proceed with this module, let’s assess what you have already know about the

Activity 1: Matching Type

Directions: Match column A with the correct answer on column B. Write the correct answer
(letter only) on a separate sheet of paper.

Column A Column B

1. It is the “writable” phrase of the World Wide Web A. Online Tests

with interactive data. B. Digital Citizenship
2. A program that allows a person to work easily with a C. Web 2.0
computer by using a mouse to point a small pictures D. Yolanda People Finder
and other elements on the screen. E. Information
3. The integration of text, sound, graphics, animation Communication
and video into a single unit Technology/ICT
4. A tool, medium and force in bringing about action F. Social Media
and mobilize change in a population, society, or G. Graphical User Interface
culture. H. Social Change
5. A computer-based technology that facilitates the I.
sharing of ideas, thoughts, and information through J. Podcasts
the building of virtual networks and communities. K. Multimedia
6. An episodic series of spoken word digital audio files
that a user can download to a personal device for
easy listening.
7. A transformation of cultures, institutions, and
8. A vital tool for people across the globe to track the
situation of their relatives, especially during the
typhoon Yolanda.
9. It is dubbed as the “world’s platform for change”
where anyone from the online community can
create a petition and ask others to sign it.
10. It refers to the responsible use of technology by
anyone who uses computer, the internet, and
digital devices to engage with society on any level.

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What’s In

In our previous lesson, we have discussed that web portal is a website that contains
information from different sources and places them in one location in a uniform way.

There are plenty of online collaborative tools that an organization or group can use to
communicate through the use of the Internet. Facebook grouips, WordPress, Google Drive
and Microsoft Office Online, Yammer, and Trello can also be used as a tool for online

Trello introduces boards where any member of the organization or group can see the different
task for a certain project. Trello is a free service.

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What’s New

Give at least ten different current types of rich and multimedia content.

1. _____________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________
8. _____________________________________________
9. _____________________________________________
10. ________________________________________

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What is It

The World Wide Web, commonly referred to as WWW, W3, or simply the Web is an
interconnected system of public webpages accessible through the Internet. It was invented
Sir Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. Web pages are what make up the world wide web and it can
either be static or dynamic. It is an information system on the internet which allows
documents to be connected to other documents by hypertext links, enabling the user to
search for information by moving from one document to another.

The Evolution to Web 3.0(Executable), Web 2.0 (writable), and Web 1.0 (readable)
Web 1.0, there is only limited interaction between sites and web users. It is simply an
information portal where users passively receive information without being given the
opportunity to post reviews, comments, and feedback.
Web 2.0 It is the “writable” phrase of the World Wide Web with interactive data. It facilitates
interaction between web users and sites, so it allows users to interact more freely with each
other. It encourages participation, collaboration, and information sharing. Examples of Web
2.0 applications are Youtube, Wiki, Flickr, Facebook, and so on.
Web3.0 It is the “executable” phrase of Word Wide Web with dynamic applications,
interactive services, and “machine-to-machine” interaction. It is called a semantic web which
refers to the future. The computers can interpret information like humans and intelligently
generate and distribute useful content tailored to the needs of users. One example of Web
3.0 is Tivo, a digital video recorder. Its recording program can search the web and read what
it finds to you based on your preferences.

Rich Content in the Online Environment and The User Experience

Rich content in the online environment and the user experience is the ability of the Web to
deliver full-scale. GUI style applications to the client, making it easier to interact, share and
access Web content. Although rich user experience is based on rich contents, it focuses on
the rich user interface to enhance how the data is presented, manipulated use by the users.
GUI (Graphical User Interface) a program that allows a person to work easily with a computer
by using a mouse to point a small pictures and other elements on the screen.

Multimedia is the integration of text, sound, graphics, animation and video into a single unit.
It is what appeals to users for entertainment, learning and research.

Interactive Multimedia means that the user or audience has control over the program or

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Different current types of rich and multimedia content might include:
 Videos is a moving images that have been captured or created electronically by a computer.
Moving pictures in various formats. It refers to computer files containing video in various
digital formats. A digital moving visual image generated through video hosting sites (e.g.,
YouTube). Or the term may also refer to physical media such as VHS tapes, DVDs and Blu-ray
 Sound, Music, or Audio or if you just want to listen in the plain speech, you can always
record a sound through your gadget and share it to the entire world. (e.g., WavePad)
 GIFs or Graphics Interchange Format. A lossless format for image files that supports both
animated and static image. It is a bitmap image format that was developed by a team at the
online services provider CompuServe led by American computer scientist Steve Wilhite on
15 June 1987.
 Instagram stories is a feature within the Instagram app where users can capture and post
related images and video content in a slideshow format. In both apps, content is available
for only 24 hours from the time of posting. Stories allow the addition of text, drawings and
emoticons to images or video clips.
 Podcasts is an episodic series of spoken word digital audio files that a user can download to
a personal device for easy listening. It is usually features one or more recurring hosts
engaged in a discussion about a particular topic or current event. a radio program that
is stored in a digital form that you can download from the internet and play on
a computer or on an MP3 player (e.g., TED Talks)
 Content narration audio also referred to as a video description, described video, or more
precisely called a visual description, is a form of narration used to provide information
surrounding key visual elements in a media work (such as a film or television program,
or theatrical performance) for the benefit of blind and visually impaired consumers. These
narrations are typically placed during natural pauses in the audio, and sometimes during
dialogue if deemed necessary
 Infographics is a visual image such as a chart or diagram used to represent information or
data. A clipped compound of "information" and "graphics" are graphic visual representations
of information, data, or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly. It is
a representation of information in a graphic format designed to make the data easily
understandable at a glance.
 Live streams and topical webinars or in layman terms, webcast services are often used for
events which are broadcast by one host to many viewers style whereas webinars are
broadcast by a few presenters to many online viewers. The similarity in webcast and
webinar is both offers the same application for engagement and level of control to their
audience. A webcast is usually a unidirectional flow of data, broadcast over the web to an
outsized audience.
 Social media is computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts,
and information through the building of virtual networks and communities. By design, social
media is internet-based and gives users quick electronic communication of content. It is a
form of electronic communication (such as websites for social networking and
microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas,
personal messages, and other content (such as videos)

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 Online Games is a video game that is either partially or primarily played through
the Internet or any other computer network available. An ubiquitous on modern gaming
platforms, including PCs, consoles and mobile devices, and span many genres, including first-
person shooters, strategy games and massively multiplayer online role-playing
games (MMORPG). Most of the developers of online games has created “Browser-based
Games” today where you do not need to download and install in your PC and it is playable
online via browser (e.g., EverWing, Word Blitz, Piano Music).
 Online Tests is conducting a test online to measure the knowledge of the participants on a
given topic. These are the online survey forms that automatically tabulate and calculate the
results when it’s done (e.g., Online IQ, and Personality Test).
 Courseware is computer programs or other material designed for use in an educational or
training course. It is an alternative tool to educate learners through online coaching. (e.g.,
Moodle Mobile).
 Vodcasts is a series of videos streamed online that is available on the internet for
downloading to mobile devices. (e.g., YouTube series).

Information Communication Technology or ICT is a tool, medium and force in bringing about
action and mobilize change in a population, society, or culture. It is the fastest way to spread,
share, and access information anywhere in the world.

ICT as Medium for Advocacy and Developmental Communication

Advocacy is a process of supporting and enabling people to express, defend, and promote
their rights, concerns and views. ICT helps in the spread of awareness of important issues that
surround our environment, country and people.

ICT is a helpful tool in human development and country, ICT covers any communication device
or application including radio, television, cellular phones, computer and network hardware
and software, satellite systems, as well as the various announcement of important
information for the people, and communicating government services to the people.

ICT as Medium For Advocacy And Developmental Communication

Ict can be a medium for advocacy and developmental communication in many ways by
creating blogs that relates to any issues in our country and any platforms to let other people
know of the the real possibility that might happen in our society. The use of ICT tools and
platforms is to know that when ICT is not that popular before so other people only use letters
or radio etc. to be update and to know the situation happenings. That was before after
decades ICT become famous and it tooks of many people to use it in there daily life. This is
how ict works in a community and in society.

Social change can evolve from a number of different sources, including contact with other
societies (diffusion), changes in the ecosystem (which can cause the loss of natural resources
or widespread disease), technological change (epitomized by the Industrial Revolution, which
created a new social group, the urban proletariat), and population growth and
other demographic variables. Social change is also spurred by ideological, economic, and

Multimedia and ICT as a Platform for Change: Page 9 of 17

political movements. Sociologists define social change as a transformation of cultures,
institutions, and functions. Most change isn’t instantaneous. In society, change is often very
slow. Social change is way human interactions and relationships transform cultural and social
institutions over time, having a profound impact of society.

The Philippines has been one of a few nations that demonstrate unity for a call to action or
social change. These Campaigns for social change would have not been successful if it were
not for ICT.
Here are some of the important events that where made possible by ICT:
 EDSA (People Power Revolution)-During a radio broadcast of radyo Veritas, Cardinal Sin
encouraged the Filipinos to help end the regime of President Ferdinand Marcos. A major
protest took place sectors. These include civilians, political parties, the military and religious
groups. The radio broadcast helped change the course of history. Without it, Filipinos would
not have been moved to action.
 EDSA Dos-Known as the 2001 EDSA Revolution happened during January 17-21, 2001. It was
fueled after II Prosecutors of then President Joseph Estrada Walked out of the impeachment
trial as a result, the crowd in EDSA grew over the course of a few days through text brigades.
Like the first People Power Revolution, EDSA Dos would not have been successful without the
text brigades.
 Million People March-Protest in Luneta Park from August 22-26, 2013. There were several
demos that happened around key cities in the Philippines and some locations overseas. It was
to condemn the misuse of the priority development assistance fund (PDAF). Though dubbed
as the Million People March there was only 400,00 people. It was still considered a success
and demonstrated how powerful social media campaign are. The organizers used facebook
and as their mediums .
 Yolanda People Finder-Storms in the Philippine History gave birth to the people finder
database powered by google. During typhoon Yolanda, people finder was a vital tool for
people across the globe to track the situation of their relatives. This proved to be successful
and is now adapted by more organizations to help people track relatives during calamities.
 ICT Employment-right now, it’s easier to get a job these days due to the Internet. People can
apply for jobs through websites and such. ICT can contribute to better employment
opportunities in developing countries also both through improved labour market facilitation
and direct employment. Using electronic job marketplaces, employers and employees can
match labour skills and availability to satisfy their demands.

ICT as Medium for Advocacy is dubbed as the “world’s platform for change” where anyone from the online
community can create a petition and ask others to sign it. During the past times, petitions
are only done through signing a paper, usually done by a group asking for signatures affix
their digital signature on a petition.

Change. Org’s mission is to help people from around the world create the change they want
to see. For years, hosted several petitions that help solve the following problems:

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economic problems, criminal injustice, abuse of human rights, lack of education,
environmental concerns, animal abuse, human health concerns, and world hunger.
2.Digital Citizenship refers to the responsible use of technology by anyone who uses
computer, the internet, and digital devices to engage with society on any level. A person who
has the knowledge and skill to effectively use digital technologies to communicate with
others, participate in society and create and consume digital content. Digital citizenship is the
continuously developing norms of appropriate, responsible, and empowered technology use.

Nine Themes of Digital Citizenship

1. Digital Access is about the equitable distribution of technology and online resources. Teachers and
administrators need to be aware of their community and who may or may not have access, not only
in school but at home as well. Educators need to provide options for lessons and data collection such
as free access in the community or provide resources for the home.
2. Digital Commerce is the electronic buying and selling of goods and focuses on the tools and
safeguards in place to assist those buying, selling, banking, or using money in any way in the digital
space. Career and technical education use the tools of technology to show students the path for
their future.
3. Digital Communication and Collaboration is the electronic exchange of information. All users
need to define how they will share their thoughts so that others understand the message. For
students struggling to understand their place in the world, technology can help them find their own
voices and express themselves.
4. Digital Etiquette refers to electronic standards of conduct or procedures and has to do with the
process of thinking about others when using digital devices. Teachers can include Digital Etiquette as
part of the classroom rules or academic goals. Whether in the classroom or online, being aware of
others is an important idea for everyone.
5. Digital Fluency is the process of understanding technology and its use. The better educated or
“digitally fluent,” students are, the more likely they are to make good decisions online, like
supporting others instead of making negative comments. Digital literacy includes the discussion of
media literacy and the ability to discern good information from poor, such as “fake news” from real
6. Digital Health and Welfare refers to the physical and psychological well-being in a digital world.
Technology provides many opportunities and enjoyment, but knowing how to segment use with the
needs of ourselves and others is key to a healthy, balanced life. Educators, especially in 1:1 schools
or classrooms need to ask the question of how much screen time is appropriate for students.
7. Digital Law refers to the electronic responsibility for actions and deeds and has to do with the
creation of rules and policy that address issues related to the online world. Just as in the real world,
the online world has had to create structure to protect those using these digital devices from harm.
Support for issues such as cyberbullying and sexting are available from School Resource Officers and
other school counsel. Administrators need to come up with positive approaches to these issues in
their schools and districts.
8. Digital Rights and Responsibility are those requirements and freedoms extended to everyone in
a digital world. This is about helping students understand that when they are provided
opportunities, such as the access to the Internet and use of online products, they need to be diligent
in helping others as well, such as informing adults of potential problems. Educators must help
students understand that protecting others both online and in the real world are essential skills to
9. Digital Security and Privacy is the electronic precautions to guarantee safety. Viruses, worms
and other bots can be passed along from one system to another just like an illness. When using
devices in school or at home, understanding and being aware of attacks and how to prevent them
are important skills for today and into the future.

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What’s More

Select at least ten online content rich interfaces (e.g. learning management systems, blog,
facebook page, or other social media, etc. ) pertaining to your specific track. Rate each
interface according to the simplicity and functionality using the table below











Among your selection, which are your top three favorites? Explain.

Materials Needed:
Sample online interfaces (screenshots or drawings of sample interfaces)

Guide Questions:
1. What can make an online interface difficult to use?
2. What can help an interface user understand or navigate an online interface?

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What I Have Learned

Answer the following questions and write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How Multimedia helps you in your daily living?

2. What is Digital Citizenship

3. Enumerate the nine themes of Digital Citizenship


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What I Can Do

Activity 1: Recall a stories of how you have used ICTs to be part of a social movement,
change, or cause to illustrate aspects of digital citizenship. Examples of such are creating
poetry online, writing blogs on belief systems, politics, or about environmental concerns,
and participating in a clean-up drive or a fund-raising for typhoon victims.
If you have no social change or cause involvement, any social event will do just like a class
project, a family affair, or a celebration where you could use ICTs to contribute your
knowledge to make an announcement, a meme, or a video clip may be used for this class
sharing. Explain that such personal events also have social and cultural significance to
contextualize you as a student in rich social experiences.

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True or False: Write True if the statement is correct and False if it is incorrect. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.
__________________1. The equitable distribution of technology and online resources is all
about Digital Access.
__________________2. Million People March is known as the 2001 EDSA Revolution
happened during January 17-21, 2001.
__________________3. Right now, it is more difficult to get a job these days due to the
__________________4. Advocacy is a process of supporting and enabling people to express,
defend, and promote their rights, concerns and views
__________________5. does not hosted several petitions that help solve the
society’s problems such economic problems, criminal injustice, abuse of human rights and
__________________6. Digital citizenship is not continuously developing norms of
appropriate, responsible, and empowered technology use.
__________________7. Moodle mobile is an example of an alternative tool to educate
learners through online coaching.
__________________8. Online games is an ubiquitous on modern gaming platforms,
including PCs, consoles and mobile devices, and span many genres.
__________________9. Psychological change is way human interactions and relationships
transform cultural and social institutions over time, having a profound impact of society.
__________________10. One of the multimedia content is clipped compound of
"information" and "graphics" are graphic visual representations of information, data,
or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly.

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Additional Activities

Activity 1: Research a local or regional ICT Project for Social Change that is related to your
specific professional tracks. Summarize it by following the format below.
Project Name:
Description of the Project

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Multimedia and ICT as a Platform for Change: Page 17 of 17
What I Know What’s New Assessment
1. C Videos, Sound, music, and 1. True
2. G audio, GIFs, Instagram 2. False
3. K stories, Podcasts, 3. False
4. E Infographics, Live streams 4. True
and topical webinars, Social
5. F 5. False
Media, Online games, Online
6. J 6. False
tests, Courseware, Vodcasts,
7. H Animation, Content
7. True
8. D narration audio 8. True
9. I 9. False
10. B 10. True
Answer Key

GRADE 11/12
Quarter 2


Development Team of the Module

Author: Mary Grace B. Bolajo
Layout Artist:
Management Team:

Infographics and ICT Projects: Page 1 of 19

What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you to
craft a modality on how target/intended users and audience are expected to respond on the proposed
ICT Project for social change. The scope of this module permits to be used in many different learning
situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are
arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be
changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.

The module focuses on the lesson:

●Lesson 1 – ICT Project for Social Change –Target/Intended Users/Audience Response

After going through this lesson, you are expected to:

1. Analyze how target or intended users and audiences are expected to respond to the proposed
ICT Project for Social Change on the basis of content, value and user experience

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What I Know
Before you proceed with this module, let’s assess what you have already know
about the lesson.

Directions: Choose the best answer for each question. Write the letter of your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. It is defined as the alteration of mechanisms characterized by changes in cultural symbols, rules of
behavior, social organizations or value systems.
A. Social Media B. Social Change C. Social Advocacy D. Social Interaction

2. It is the discipline of planning, organizing, securing and managing resources for the successful
completion of a task or project to meet specific goals and objectives.
A. Project management
B. Add style to your infographic design
C. Visualize the data in your infographic
D. Project consultation

3. It involves the conceptualize project, research about the topic, set meetings and deadlines, assign
task, find a host, create a site map, list down all the applications and output needed and consider the
A. Planning B. Development C. Release and promotion D. Maintenance

4. It involves the actual creation of the website involves the production of images and infographics.
A. Planning B. Development C. Release and promotion D. Maintenance

5. It involves the actual release of the website for public view and promoting it. Promotion typically
starts before the actual release.
A. Planning B. Development C. Release and promotion D. Maintenance

6. It involves responding to feedback of your site visitors and continuing to improve the website
A. Planning B. Development C. Release and promotion D. Maintenance

7. It is defined by Merriam-Webster as the act of supporting a cause or proposal: the act or process
of advocating
A. Advocacy B. Philosophy C. Demographics D. Psychographics
8. It is defined as the creation of new knowledge and/or the use of existing knowledge in a new and
creative way so as to generate new concepts, methodologies and understandings.
A. Advocacy B. Philosophy C. Research D. Psychographics

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9. Andeng wanted to get the profile of his audience by classifying their occupation, gender, age,
income level, religion, ethnicity, education level, and knowledge level. What type of audience
profiling should Juan use?
A. Geographic B. Infographic C. Demographics D. Psychographics
10. This is the easiest way to gather data from a ready-made information that you can find on books,
magazines, newspaper and internet for your Infographics.
A. Data Sources B. Private Sources C. Published Sources D. Self-Made Sources
11. Amara is about to make an infographic that shows the progress about Philippines’ Information
and Communication Technology Advancement from 1950 to resent. What type of infographics
should he use and why?
A. He should use geographical infographics to displays data with a location map.
B. He should use timeline infographics showing progress of information over a chronological
time period.
C. He should use statistical infographics to show a summary or overview of data with one or
more graphs, tables or lists.
D. He should use process infographics to demonstrates a linear or branching process flow
chart showing choices of decision process.
12. The type of infographics that demonstrates a chart with levels is called ______________.
A. Statistical Infographics
B. Timeline Infographics
C. Hierarchical Infographics
D. Geographical Infographics

13. James wanted to create an infographics about the cybercrime’s statistics using graphs, tables
and lists. What type of infographics should he use?
A. Process Infographics
B. Statistical Infographics
C. Geographical Infographics
D. Research-based Infographics

14. Eli wanted to create an infographics that will give viewers the control to modify it and is web-
based. What type of infographics should he used?
A. Statistical Infographics
B. Interactive Infographics
C. Hierarchical Infographics
D. Research-based Infographics

15. The approach of collecting and gathering of data that requires you to ask around, to send some
emails, do research online, create own made survey and process your own conclusion.
A. Data Sources B. Private Sources C. Published Sources D. Self-Made Source

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Social Advocacy in
ICT Project
Information and Communication Technology comprise of a wide array of roles in society . It is an
amazing changing power in the 21st century. It played a big part on the innovation and integration of
different technologies that brought social changes. Social Change is defined as the alteration of
mechanisms characterized by changes in cultural symbols, rules of behavior, social organizations or
value systems. (Encyclopedia Britannica).

What’s In

This lesson provides information on how you will able to engage target or intended users and audience
to respond on a ICT Project through an effective creation of an infographics. This lesson will guide you
in developing an ICT Project for Social Change

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What’s New

Developing an ICT Project for Social Change

In the implementation of an ICT project-to be able to succeed, it is the team head or project manager’s
responsibility to define the work and assign the persons responsible for the work of the project to run
smoothly, be finished on time, and within the set budget. Project management is the discipline of
planning, organizing, securing and managing resources for the successful completion of a task or
project to meet specific goals and objectives. The team should follow the stages of a project
development and practice effective communication and brainstorming discussion and development.

Planning – involves the conceptualize project, research about the topic, set meetings and deadlines,
assign task, find a host, create a site map, list down all the applications and output needed and consider
the funding.
Development – involves the actual creation of the website involves the production of images and
Release and Promotion – involves the actual release of the website for public view and promoting it.
Promotion typically starts before the actual release.
Maintenance – involves responding to feedback of your site visitors and continuing to improve the

Activity 1
Make a Gantt Chart of the simplified Process Overview on your chosen ICT Project for Social

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What is It

Social Advocacy

Advocacy as defined by Merriam-Webster is the act of supporting a cause or proposal: the act or
process of advocating. Today, the adaptation and improvement of the technologies can now serve as
a platform for solving local and global issues through an advocacy. These includes solving of gender
equality, economical, agricultural and industrial problems, government accountability and
transparency, educational dilemmas, crimes, religious conflicts, climate change and more.

In terms of ICT usage, one of the most used by the people today is the Social Networking sites or
simply Social Media. It is the collective online communication channels dedicated to community input,
interaction, content-sharing and collaboration. Since it caters a wide range of possible user interaction,
the social media is broadly used to connect and communicate with the global community. For that
reason, the social media can also be used to address an advocacy online.

ICT Projects range from community improvement to larger economic development. Around the world,
there are a wide variety of projects that incorporates the used of ICT for improvement. Projects for the
communities are products of research before implemented. These undergo with the process of inquiry,
investigation and deep analyzation for the needs of assessment. The following are the steps on how
to make your own ICT Project through Social Advocacy:

Research for Content

Research is essential whether you love it or hate for there is a real urge for it. Every day, we undergone
with different problems and dilemmas in life and finding their solution. Sometime it is hard and takes
time when research is needed. According to Western Sydney University, “Research is defined as the
creation of new knowledge and/or the use of existing knowledge in a new and creative way so as to
generate new concepts, methodologies and understandings. This could include synthesis and analysis
of previous research to the extent that it leads to new and creative outcomes.” On the other hand,
Research skills are our ability to find an answer to a question or a solution to a problem. Research
skills also include the ability to gather information about the topic. We have to review that information,
analyze and interpret the information in a manner that brings us to a solution.

Research makes you wiser on the decisions you make in life and gain more experiences, and set of
knowledge as you go through different findings and conclusions during the process of research. To be
exact, the more research you conducted the more things you can do in life. That is why research is a
must in delivering innovation, integration, promotion and to build change to a society or community.
With this, learning the basic of research skills are essential for the 21st century in making life more

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convenient and smarter. Theses consists of identifying the current trends, demands, working formats,
as well as the popular authors and topics. All the relevant information may help you in your research
study. As part of the research for content in Social Advocacy, it requires several aspects to be taken
into account. One of this is the proper background research of your proposed ICT project by translating
your own made concept paper into an infographic. In creating your ICT project, it is also important to
take consideration about your targeted audience that is why audience profiling must be done.

Audience Profiling

Audience profiling is the process of defining exactly who your target audience is by unifying and
analyzing their behaviors across multiple platforms and touchpoints. (Steve Klin, 2018). In this project,
you need to consider the demographics and psychographics of your intended audience.

1. Demographics - is one of the methods in audience profiling that defines not only the population
of your audience but also the work that they do. It also tells where they live, their gender, age,
income level, religion, ethnicity, education level, and knowledge level.
2. Psychographics is the classification of people according to their personal characteristics,
lifestyle, attitudes, social class, aspirations, values, tastes, activities and interests and other
psychological criteria.

You can only effectively reach your target audience when you really comprehend both of their
demographics and psychographics. The amalgamation of information you get from their will be your
steppingstone for making them involve and to get their interest about your proposed ICT project.


Infographics are visual representations of information that use the elements of design to quickly
communicate an idea. Good infographics attract readers and are viewed more easily than long text
articles. An infographic is composed of set of collection of various imagery, charts, and text that gives
an easy-to-read and easy-to-understand synopsis of a certain topic or issue. Therefore, infographics
can deliver a message more easily which can be spread around the world with the use of free sharing
tools. It becomes a strong means of communication tool for businesses, governments, health and
wellness, educational institutions and many more.

Principles in creating an infographic

Be Creative – you can use the combination of text, shapes, and images to present your message in a
creative way

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Be Unique – your message must be something people can relate to, but it must be presented in a
unique way to attract the viewers’ attention. Present it in a surprising and exciting way to draw attention.

Be Simple – presenting a simple, yet elegant design will attract more attention than cluttered elements
that may bore the audience. Too many colors and pictures may be hard to understand and distract the
readers from getting the message.

Use graphics and visuals – You can illustrate your point with pictures, typography and color

Use the forwarding tool – it is important that the viewer will be able to easily click “share” after reading
your infographic so that your message can be forwarded and read by many people as possible. Include
and locate the links and “share” buttons in a place where they can easily b accessed.

Steps in Making your Infographics

1. Outline The Goals Of Your Infographic (Why are you making this Infographic?) – This is the
hardest part which talks about on what should your infographic be about? What is the core message
you want to deliver and how you will deliver it? You should remember to recognize that you’re creating
an essential infographic, so that your audience can gain something very specific from reading it. From
there, use a question pyramid to take that burning problem and turn it into 3-5 actionable questions to
tackle in your infographic.

Infographics and ICT Projects: Page 9 of 19

2. Collect Data For Your Infographic (What should you present?) – After knowing what your
Infographic is all about, now you have to gather data of your chosen topic. These are the two different
styles and approaches you can use on gathering and collecting your data:
a. Self-made data– this approach requires more time for you need to ask around, send some
emails, do research online, create your own made survey and process your own conclusion.
b. Data sources – this is the easiest way to gather information to get ready-made information
that you can find on the books, magazines, newspaper and internet. There are plenty of
public and private data sources that you can use in your infographics.

3. Visualize The Data In Your Infographic (Decide how to present data visually.) - Visualizing your
data is about choosing the type of infographic you want to use. There are different types of infographics
as shown below:
a. Statistical Infographics – shows a summary or overview of data with one or more graphs,
tables or lists.
b. Timeline Infographics (time-oriented) – shows progress of information over a chronological
time period.
c. Process Infographics – demonstrates a linear or branching process as how to teach the
workings of an object or flow chart showing choices in a decision process.
d. Informational Infographics – are most likely a poster that summarizes topic with some extra
bits of information.
e. Geographic Infographics – displays data with a location map.
f. Compare/Contrast Infographics – illustrates notable similarities or differences as a “this versus
that” infographic or as a table or simple list.
g. Hierarchical Infographics – demonstrates a chart with levels.
h. Research-based Infographics – is similar to the statistical infographic, but based on research.
It can be used to compare unlike items with popular sets of data
i. Interactive Infographics – gives viewers the control to modify the infographic and is web-

4. Layout The Elements Of Your Infographic Design (All that’s left is layout and design) - This step
is all about placing them all together into an attractive looking infographic design.You can create a
natural form of information flow using the question pyramid you developed in the first step. This is to
guide your layout and information flow. Then use the suggested grid layout to add structure and to
balance your infographic.

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5. Add Style To Your Infographic Design (Value added content.) – This is about putting your own
style and personal touch, just be creative in combining text, shapes and images in your most creative
way. Your added value of style can also showcase your uniqueness making your created infographics
attractive to the viewer’s attention. And lastly, make it simple. Adding too many pictures and clustered
text and colors can make your infographics hard to digest and distractive to the eyes of the possible
viewers. So, simplicity of the infographics makes the viewers or audiences easily grasp the ideas and
important messages of your own made infographics.

What’s More

Directions: Make an Infographics that will serve as your Social Advocacy. You can choose for any of
the following:
1. Antidrug campaign
2. Youth election volunteers mobilization
3. Animal welfare act
4. Environmental conservation and action
5. Contemporary ICT issues such as cyber bullying, copyright infringement, green teachnology,
and internet addiction

Upload it in your Social Media accounts. Here are some suggested third party online site (but not limited
to) that you can work on in creating your infographics:
1. Canva ( – a simple design platform that allows user to
produce amazing and professional looking graphic designs. Canva offers various features to the users
including a simple dragand-drop functions and bunch of collection of images, graphics, and fonts that
you can choose from the different templates on site.

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2. Easelly ( - an online web-based infographic maker platform used by student,
educators and businesses. is a web tool that assists users on creation and designs of
infographics online giving users an ease to create their graphics in simple and intuitive experience.
3. PicktoChart ( - a cloud-based application that allows
users to easily create infographics. Users can create different interactive infographics, maps, charts,
videos and hyperlinks. Piktochart delivers various icons, images, fonts, and other design tools.
4. Venngage ( - a consistent online infographic design application that
empowers users to easily create infographics, graphs, and charts. Venngage also offers vast array of
graphic options such as clipart, icon, and customizable templates and themes.

After the successful creation of your infographics using your preferred online/webbased or offline
platform editing tool, on a separate paper fill-out this form:
Title of your created Infographic: ____________________________________________________
URL Link (Where you uploaded your work): ___________________________________________
Uploader’s Name/Account: ________________________________________________________
Date Uploaded: _________________________________________________________________

What I Have Learned

Directions: Answer the following questions on a separate paper.

1. In your perspective, give one big issue or problem that we are facing today in the cyber world that
can be solved using Social Advocacy as ICT Project, such as in creation of Infographics.
2. Do you think Social Advocacy through Infographics posted in Social Media is an effective platform
to reach more people and spread awareness to relevant societal issues? Explain your answer.
3. As part of growing community of online user, a lot of netizens are prone of becoming a victim in
different cybercrimes everyday. In applying of what you have learned from this module, what particular
thing you can do to influence and lessen the vulnerability of becoming a victim from harsh people

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What I Can Do

Directions: Create a Social Media Page that will impact a social change through
your own made infographics and share it as a public published post. Invite your
friends to like your Page. Then fill-out the following questions on the below on a separate paper:
Title of your Page: _____________________________________________________________
URL Link of your Page: _________________________________________________________
Creator’s Name/Account: ________________________________________________________
Date Created/Uploaded: _________________________________________________________

Page Description (Briefly explain the purpose and goal/s of your page):


1. Andeng wanted to get the profile of his audience by classifying their occupation, gender, age,
income level, religion, ethnicity, education level, and knowledge level. What type of audience
profiling should Juan use?
A. Geographic B. Infographic C. Demographics D. Psychographics
2. This is the easiest way to gather data from a ready-made information that you can find on books,
magazines, newspaper and internet for your Infographics.
A. Data Sources B. Private Sources C. Published Sources D. Self-Made Sources
3. Amara is about to make an infographic that shows the progress about Philippines’ Information and
Communication Technology Advancement from 1950 to resent. What type of infographics should he
use and why?
A. He should use geographical infographics to displays data with a location map.
B. He should use timeline infographics showing progress of information over a chronological
time period.

Infographics and ICT Projects: Page 13 of 19

C. He should use statistical infographics to show a summary or overview of data with one or
more graphs, tables or lists.
D. He should use process infographics to demonstrates a linear or branching process flow
chart showing choices of decision process.
4. The type of infographics that demonstrates a chart with levels is called ______________.
A. Statistical Infographics
B. Timeline Infographics
C. Hierarchical Infographics
D. Geographical Infographics

5. James wanted to create an infographics about the cybercrime’s statistics using graphs, tables and
lists. What type of infographics should he use?
A. Process Infographics
B. Statistical Infographics
C. Geographical Infographics
D. Research-based Infographics

6. Eli wanted to create an infographics that will give viewers the control to modify it and is web-
based. What type of infographics should he used?
A. Statistical Infographics
B. Interactive Infographics
C. Hierarchical Infographics
D. Research-based Infographics

7. The approach of collecting and gathering of data that requires you to ask around, to send some
emails, do research online, create own made survey and process your own conclusion.
A. Data Sources B. Private Sources C. Published Sources D. Self-Made Source

8. It is defined as the alteration of mechanisms characterized by changes in cultural symbols, rules of

behavior, social organizations or value systems.
A. Social Media B. Social Change C. Social Advocacy D. Social Interaction

9. It is the discipline of planning, organizing, securing and managing resources for the successful
completion of a task or project to meet specific goals and objectives.
A. Project management
B. Add style to your infographic design
C. Visualize the data in your infographic
D. Project consultation

Infographics and ICT Projects: Page 14 of 19

10. It involves the conceptualize project, research about the topic, set meetings and deadlines, assign
task, find a host, create a site map, list down all the applications and output needed and consider the
A. Planning B. Development C. Release and promotion D. Maintenance

11. It involves the actual creation of the website involves the production of images and infographics.
A. Planning B. Development C. Release and promotion D. Maintenance

12. It involves the actual release of the website for public view and promoting it. Promotion typically
starts before the actual release.
A. Planning B. Development C. Release and promotion D. Maintenance

13. It involves responding to feedback of your site visitors and continuing to improve the website
A. Planning B. Development C. Release and promotion D. Maintenance

14. It is defined by Merriam-Webster as the act of supporting a cause or proposal: the act or process
of advocating
A. Advocacy B. Philosophy C. Demographics D. Psychographics
15. It is defined as the creation of new knowledge and/or the use of existing knowledge in a new and
creative way so as to generate new concepts, methodologies and understandings.
A. Advocacy B. Philosophy C. Research D. Psychographics

Additional Activities

Collaboratively and actively participate in the creation and development of an ICT project for social
change relating to an issue in specific professional tracks covering any of the following topics:
1. Promotion of wellness at home(Sports)
2. Street food safety and cleanliness drive ( Tech-Voc)
3. Cultural heritage promotion through new designs “Pinoy Pride” (Arts)
4. Savings and financial literacy drives and advocacies ( Business/Academic)

Infographics and ICT Projects: Page 15 of 19

Answer Key

Infographics and ICT Projects: Page 16 of 19

Department of Education, Empowerment Technologies (Student Reader), Pasig City: Department of
Education - Bureau of Learning Resources, 2016

Department of Education, Empowerment Technologies (Teacher’s Guide), Pasig City: Department of

Education - Bureau of Learning Resources, 2016

Innovative Training Works, Inc., Empowerment Technologies, 1st Edition, Sampaloc Manila: Rex Book
Store Inc., 2016

Information and Communication Technology in Business and Society, Empowerment Technologies,

Cainta Rizal: Jemma Development Group, Inc., 2017

Online Sources:

DepEd Cagayan De Oro

Infographics and ICT Projects: Page 17 of 19

● Empowerment Technologies-Information and Communications Technology in Business and Society. Cainta
Rizal: Jemma Development Group Inc. (2017)
• Callo, Erwin R. and Sotto, Rosario L. Science in Today’s World for Senior High School Empowerment
Technologies. Quezon City: Sibs Publishing House Inc. (2017)
• Form, William. Wilterdink, Nico. Social Change.
change/Explanations-of-socialchange. (Accessed June 15, 2019)
• Merriam-Webster Dictionary. (accessed November
26, 2019)
• Western Sydney University (January 2020). Definition of Research.
nt_application/dest_definition_of_research (accessed June 15, 2020)
• Steve Klin (June 2018). A Step to Step Guide to Audience Profiling.
to-step-guide-to-audience-profiling (accessed June 15, 2020)
• Lexico powered by Oxford. (accessed June 15, 2020)
• Midori Nediger (January 2020). How to Make an Infographic in 5 Steps (Guide). steps/ (accessed June 15, 2020)
• Sara Mcguire (November 2019). What Are the 9 Types of Infographics? (+Infographic Templates). (accessed June 15, 2020)

Infographics and ICT Projects: Page 18 of 19

Department of Education Division Rizal

Office Address: DepEd Bldg.,Cabrera Rd.,Bgy. Dolores,Taytay,Rizal 1920

Telephone number: 09274562115/09615294771

Infographics and ICT Projects: Page 19 of 19

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