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A Research paper presented to the

Faculty of the Senior High School

Capiz National High School

Roxas City, Capiz

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

Practical Research I

Avelino, Mary Carmelli

Bonsato, Andrei G.

Cadiz, Christele L.

Dela Cruz, Cindy P.

Patriarca, John Irish M.

Servidad, Daisy Rey B.


March 2020
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Senior High School Department
Roxas City, Capiz


This research titled, Self-Help Techniques for Coping Mental Straining

Disorders prepared and submitted by Andrei Bonsato, John Irish Patriarca, Mary
Carmelli Avelino, Christele Cadiz , Cindy Dela Cruz and Daisy Rey Servidad , in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject Practical Research I is hereby
accepted and approved for the school year 2019-2020.


MYRA E. VILLANUEVA ___________________

Research Adviser Date

JELA DEANNA M. BARGO ___________________

Special Science Teacher I Date

ANNA CLARISSA C. GONZALES ___________________

Master Teacher I Date

ELIZABETH F. AGUANA ___________________

Master Teacher I Date

MERRY JOY P. ESTIALBO ___________________

Assistant Principal II for Academics Date


First and foremost, praises and thanks to the God

Almighty, for His shown blessings throughout to complete our

research successfully.

The researchers would like to express our deep and

sincere gratitude to our research adviser Ms. Jovy Ann

Dueñas Special Science Teacher I, for giving us the

opportunity to do our research and providing invaluable

guidance throughout this research. It was a great privilege

and honor to work under her guidance. To Dr. Teresita A.

Barrio, SHS Asst. Principal II (Academics), we are extending

our heartfelt thanks for approving our letter to conduct an

interview as part of our data gathering procedure. To our

subject teachers especially to Mr. Roger Corros Master

Teacher I, for lending us their time to conduct an interview

and for understanding us every time. To our very cooperative

respondents for answering the questions given to them with

all honesty.

Lastly, to our ever supportive parents for the

unending guidance, love and sacrifices for educating and

preparing for our future to complete the research work. Also

for understanding us every time we go home drained and for

their non-stop care. To our friends for rooting and helping

us to complete our research work.


Mental health is an issue that anyone could have,

you could have a friend that’s suffering from these sorts of

illnesses and not know about, of course it's not just

limited to your friends, it could be a family member, your

teacher, an acquaintance or even you. The point is that

mental health doesn't choose its targets, however the

researchers would like to note that the likely targets of

these mental disorders are student's, specifically the ones

attending high school and college. This why the researchers

have chosen grade 11 peers, because they fall in the

spectrum of age where most people experience this illnesses

in their lifetime. To cut to the chase, the researchers

aims in this study is to explain what are the factors of the

mental illness, how do people view mental health and the

practices used in dealing with mental problems.

The result of the study showed that people see

mental health as a state of well-being in one's mind and it

should be important to have a positive outlook on life. To

keep this said outlook, the respondents answered many self-

help practices, such as immersing them self on to a hobby or

finding comfort with their friends and family. The

researchers recommends the school to take measures in

ensuring the mental health of their students and as for the

students, it would be very ideal if they give cooperation to

the school to have an environment where people can easily

cope with mental disorders.

Table of Contents
Acknowledgement i
Abstract ii
Approval Sheet iv

I. Introduction
Background of the Study 1
Statement of the Problem 3
Scope and Delimitation 4
Significance of the Study 4
II. Review of Related Literature
Conceptual 6
Related Studies 8
Synthesis 13
III. Methodology
Research Design 15
Respondents 15
Sampling Technique 16
Data Gathering 16
Data Analysis 17

IV. Data Analysis and Findings
Results 19
Discussion 22
V. Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations
Summary 23
Conclusions 24
Recommendations 25

List of Appendices

Appendix A: Permission Letters

Appendix B: Data Questionnaires
Appendix C: Data Collection
Appendix D: Documentation
Appendix E: Curriculum Vitae

Self-Help Techniques…



Background of the Study

The age of technology, the world seems to allow us to

be more connected to each other more than ever, smart phones

allow us to dig up information in mere seconds, social media

enables us to share personal experiences in thousands, or

even millions. Things just keep getting automated and it

seems that life is just so convenient that there will be

absolutely no reason or nothing to be sad or stressed about.

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological and

social well being. Characteristics of a person with a good

mental includes having the ability to learn, having

motivation to keep going on with their lives, feeling good

about themselves, feeling comfortable with other, able to

make their own decision, and the list goes on. That being

said mental health is an essential part of our body, it

affects how a person would think, act, and feel. With this

in mind, people should keep check on their mental wellbeing.

But sooner or later problems arise just like our

physical health our mental health is also vulnerable to

Self-Help Techniques…

different forms of disorders such as depression, stress,

anxiety, and etc. According to Dr. Genera, one out in four

people around the world will be affected by mental or

neurological disorders at some point in their lives, around

450 million people currently suffer from such conditions,

placing mental disorders among the leading cause of ill-

health and disability worldwide. And according to the study

of Dr. Gro Harlem Bruntland, the victims of these said

mental disorders are likely around the age 16-21, so that,

means teenagers are the likely target.

Mental health is the level of psychological wellbeing

in which an individual has the capacity of coping with the

normal stresses. However, it has been estimated that around

20 percent of young adults and university students

experience mental health problems (World Health

Organization). Due to this facts the researchers decided to

conduct the study titled, “Self-help techniques for coping

with mental straining disorders”. The researchers aim to

explain the concept of mental health, analyze the current

status of psychological problems, and explore the

techniques, strategies on coping with the particular

Self-Help Techniques…

According to World Health Organization (WHO), mental

health is a state of well-being in which the individual

realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal

stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and

is able to make a contribution to his or her community.

Mental disorders comprise a broad range of problems,

with different symptoms. However, they are generally

characterized by some combination of abnormal thoughts,

emotions, behaviour, and relationships with others. Examples

are schizophrenia, depression, intellectual disabilities and

disorders due to drug abuse. Most of these disorders can be

successfully treated (WHO).

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to know the self-help techniques for

coping with mental straining disorder. Specifically, it

seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the current status of mental health of the


2. What are the concept of mental health of the


3. What are the students’ self-help techniques for

coping with mental straining disorders?

Self-Help Techniques…

Scope and Delimitation

This study is limited only to know the self-help

techniques for coping with mental straining disorder of both

Grade 11 and Grade 12 Senior High School students at Capiz

National High School, school year 2019-2020. It aims to know

the concept of mental health, analyze the current status of

psychological problems, and explore the techniques,

strategies on coping with the particular disorders of the

students. The study utilized phenomenological approach as

research method and interview as research design.

Significance of the Study

coping with the effects of social media using

strategies could help people lessen the negative effects

which is something that can be learned. In essence, they are

tools that can be learn in personal toolbox to help become

better at managing social media issue mental problems is,

which can help lessen misinterpretation.

Self-Help Techniques…

Parents. Results and of the given “Self-help Techniques for

coping with mental straining disorder” can help

parents understand the situation their children

are going through so they know what to do to help

them to cope it and fully understand the mental

health disorder.

Teachers. Same as the parents, teachers can help students

that are going through this situation and it helps

them to fully understand the known mental

straining disorder.

Guidance Councillor. They can benefit through it by fully

help students suffering with mental straining

disorder to cope or handle the situation without

any problem.
Self-Help Techniques…


Review of Related Literature


Mental Health is defined as a state of good health or

well- being, in which a person is able to cope with normal

stressors of life, and can make rational decision

[concerning his or her daily life and simply not absence of

sickness (WHO 2011). It influences individual’s feelings,

behaviour, ability to cope and overcome challenges and

overcome or recover from life setbacks (Smith, Segal and

Robinson, 2019). Several Studies stated that Biological,

Psychological and environmental are factors that can affect

Mental Health Positively and Negatively. Good Mental Health

is characterized by a person’s ability to fulfil a number of

key functions and activities. However, Poor Mental health

can negatively impact on physical health leading to an

increased risk of some conditions. Mental Disorder is a

psychological factor reflected in the behaviour, which

affect the normal development of a person’s culture. And the

Self-Help Techniques…

main reason behind this may the mechanical way of life or

stress and strain among youth.

Today’s younger generation represents the largest group

of students in history. The transition from adolescence into

young adulthood involves major changes in several areas that

can cause relational challenges that some young adults

experience as stressful. It has also been maintained that

the proportion of students who experience their student life

as mentally stressful is increasing (Nedregård and Olsen,

2014). According to Suicide Prevention Center, “Mental

health problems can affect many areas of students lives,

reducing their quality of life, academic achievement,

physical health, student's energy level, concentration,

dependability, mental ability, and optimism, hindering

performance and negatively impact on relationships”.

Failure to resolve student's stress in the long-term

could have serious professional and personal

consequences. Mechanisms of coping is important to judge

individual's variation in response and to know how much is

one prone to these disorders that also affect the quality of

life. Studies have proved that higher levels of coping skill

are associated with higher levels of positive adjustments.

The process of coping is a very complex response that occurs

Self-Help Techniques…

when an individual attempt to remove stress or a perceived

threat from the environment. (Somaiya, Kolpakwar and Kamath,

2015). Coping Skills is a characteristics that is internal

to a person, (Bandura, N.D.). Coping involves the use of

diverse strategies and techniques in an effort to manage a

variety of stressors (Adams et. al, 2011). This is something

that can be learned. In essence, they are tools that can be

learn in personal toolbox to help become better at managing

mental health issues.

Related Studies

Foreign Studies

According to Jorm,(2012),public gives more attention to

major physical diseases. The people benefits by knowing what

actions they can take for prevention, early intervention,

and treatment. However, there are a lot of evidence that

this type of public knowledge for mental disorders receives

less attention from the public. Nonetheless the lesser

attention, there are still evidences that a range of

interventions can increase mental health knowledge,

including community campaigns, interventions on educational

settings, mental health first aid training and information

websites. In some countries, there are also evidence for

Self-Help Techniques…

historical improvements in mental health literacy. Expanding

the people’s knowledge about prevention, early intervention,

and treatment in mental disorder needs attention in order

for the people to take action for a stable and better mental


According to Kinyua and Njagi (2013),Mental health

knowledge is the capacity to identify specific disorders,

seek of mental health information, knowledge of risk factors

and causes, of self-treatments. Limited knowledge and

devastating perceptions about mental illnesses remains a

concern. This Lack of knowledge about mental illnesses has

been found by various studies as a key cause of devastating

beliefs people have about causes of mental illnesses. It is

stated on their study that mental health has many

determinants such as psychological, social, Demographic,

biological and environmental factors which interact in

different ways. The study went on by stating that, despite

the staff’s knowledge on recognition, diagnosing and

treatment of mental illness, they still maintained their

cultural views of mental illnesses. Therefore, there is need

for more education in order to eradicate the above cultural

beliefs among Kenyans regarding mental illnesses.

Self-Help Techniques…

According to the Portuguese clinical practice

recommendations, “primary health care should be the first

place to go when young people experience the first symptoms

of depression, and they should have an appointment with a

general practitioner.” Many young people showed a lack of

knowledge of the potential usefulness of social workers and

teachers. In this sense, the reluctance to seek help from

teachers may seem to be in the interests of the young.

Considering beliefs about the effectiveness of self-help

strategies, which is to some extent consistent with the

emphasis given to the use of vitamins and tea for treatment

of depression. The findings were consistent for its use as a

self-help strategy as well as for prevention, with a

significant percentage not knowing whether it is likely to

be helpful in both instances. At the same time, the

religious and spiritual beliefs that are presented in the

literature as a protective mechanism against suicidal

thoughts were not seen as preventive by the majority of

young people in this study. (Loureiro, L., Jorm A., and

Pedreiro A., 2013)

Local Studies
Self-Help Techniques…

Ines(2019), stated on his research that school life can

be quite stressful for students due to the many different

types of transitions they experience during this period.

Immense levels of stress may lead to mental health problems,

especially if not treated early (Douce and Keeling, 2014).

Records show an increase in number of mental illnesses cases

in and such are also becoming more complex (Hunt and

Eisenberg, 2010). As mental health issues have detrimental

effects to students’ general life and success, promoting

mental health awareness in campuses is becoming a necessity,

as it is for students to have proper understanding of mental

health and its importance (Eisenberg et. al, 2012). However,

there are many misconceptions about mental health and mental

illness and some part of the world still believes that it’s

untreatable. This provided us with evidences that Filipino

college students are able to recognize symptoms of

depression however, there are still many who would tend to

normalize the situation by attributing the problem to daily

life problems. Filipino students have still quite

insufficient knowledge in terms of the causes of depression,

referring mostly to triggers and predisposing factors rather

than biomedical causes of depression. They are also able to

recognize the need for help from other people when they

detect symptoms of depression. They endorse seeking help

Self-Help Techniques…

from professionals such as councilor, psychologists and

psychiatrists but recommend that help be sought primarily

from family and friends. (Ines, 2019).

The study of Cleofas (2019), attempted to test the

relationship among student involvement, mental health status

and youth quality of life of in adolescent and youth in a

selected university in the Philippines. This study

contributes to the body of research on student engagement

and mental health among late adolescents by confirming

research findings elsewhere (Chen et al., 2016); (Pachucki

et al., 2015); (Reis et al, 2015); (Roth, 2013), that even

the context of education in the Philippines, certain

indicators of psychological wellbeing and distress are

linked with extent of engagement in co-curricular and extra-

curricular activities, and social integration in school.

The present study suggests that higher general positive

affect and life satisfaction was seen among students

involved in more school organizations and those who

interacted more frequently to school entities. These

findings confirm the research of (Sternoff et al., 2003)

using flow theory, that suggests that affect or mood has a

significant relationship with student engagement. Lastly,

this present study demonstrates all the measures of

Self-Help Techniques…

psychological well being and distress are significantly

correlated with youth quality of life, positively and


According to Tulilao (2014), In a survey of 359

Filipino students in the Philippines, only 22% in their

lifetime sought professional help for an academic or non-

academic issue, and there was a significantly higher

preference to seek help from friends and family members than

from professional councillors and psychotherapists. The

underutilization of mental health services, however, cannot

be attributed to lower rates of distress and

psychopathology. Among Filipinos, the prevalence of mental

disorder is 88 cases per 100,000, reaching up to 133 cases

per 100,000 in some areas.


Just like our physical health, our mental well-being is

also prone to a variety of mental health disorders, as

previously mentioned in one of these studies, mental health

disorders are likely cause by biological, psychological, and

environmental factors. It is due to these said factors that

people, suffer from things like depression, social anxiety,

post-traumatic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and

Self-Help Techniques…

the list goes on. Because these disorders, it affects how a

person can deal with stress, it affects behavioural

patterns, it affects an individual’s feeling and emotion in

dealing with daily routines. And because of these said

disorders, it does not only impair you from everyday

activities, but also affect your physical well-being,

leading to some extreme cases.

There different self-help techniques are very

effective. Many people believe the usefulness of the self-

help strategies, such as consulting a friend or family,

relaxation, physical activities and etc. To us Filipinos, we

tend to seek help from our families, friends or religious

associates rather than getting help from a professional,

which is very much okay as long as it heals your mental


With that said, coping mechanisms varies from person to

person or from culture to culture, people deals with these

problems in a variety of ways. But the important thing is

that, people should get help one way or another, it is

better than getting no help at all.

Self-Help Techniques…



Research Design

Phenomenological research is an approach to qualitative

research that focuses on the commonality of a lived

experience within a particular group. The fundamental goal

of the approach is to arrive at a description of the nature

of the particular phenomenon.

The design of this study is phenomenological, due to

the fact that this study deals with the experiences of

Self-Help Techniques…

students who are prone to mental stressors how do they cope

with it, what ways do they do or come up with to help

themselves deal with this problem.


The researchers considered the eleventh-grade Senior

high school students of Capiz National High School

comprising of 15 members, male and female. The researchers

haphazardly selected 5 respondents each from the following

academic strands: Science, Technology, Engineering, and

Mathematics (STEM), Accounting and Business Management

(ABM), and Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS).

Sampling Technique

A stratified random sampling procedure was used in

selecting the respondents for this study. This technique was

utilized to ensure a fairly equal representation of

variables for the study. The stratification was based on the

following strands of the Grade 11 students: Science,

Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), Accounting

and Business Management (ABM), and Humanities and Social

Science (HUMSS) of Capiz National High School. Within each

strand, selection of students was by random sampling. This

Self-Help Techniques…

was done by counting from 1 up to 10 from the list in which

the tenth student was recorded until the required number was


Data Gathering

The researchers prepared a consent that was presented to the

school heads, in which the school principal signed and approved

the letter to conduct the data collection. The researchers

prepared a cam recorder or a voice recorder, pens, and guide

questions. The interview was conducted to the fifteen randomly

selected students of eleventh grade senior high school of Capiz

National High School. The researchers randomly selected 5

respondents per Academic strand: Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), Accounting and Business

Management (ABM), and Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS) of

Grade 11 senior high school of Capiz National High School. The

fifteen randomly selected respondents was informed about the main

objective and aims of the research and was assured that the

information will be kept confidential and will only be used for

research purposes. The respondents were also informed that they

have the right to withdraw in answering the given questionnaire.

Data Analysis
Self-Help Techniques…

Thematic analysis (TA) is a popular method and is the

best thought of as an umbrella term for a set of approach

for analyzing qualitative data in many disciplines and

fields. It is one of a cluster of methods that focus on

identifying patterned meaning across a dataset. It’s a

transparent and deep analysis that does not require training

data or time for crafting manual rules.

Thematic Analysis is the appropriate method of analysis

to be used. To organize data in a way that’s easy to review

and approach that can easily analyze feedback. It is

flexible for researchers to analyze for rich detailed and

complex description of data. This provided the researcher

with scope for further investigation and also to address and

consider the impact of mental health issues to the youth and

acknowledge the individual experiences of the respondents

about the issue. Patterns and themes was analyzed to arrive

into a more detailed and accurate results.

Thematic analysis (TA) is a popular method and is the

best thought of as an umbrella term for a set of approach

for analyzing qualitative data in many disciplines and

fields. It is one of a cluster of methods that focus on

identifying patterned meaning across a dataset. It’s a

Self-Help Techniques…

transparent and deep analysis that does not require training

data or time for crafting manual rules.

Thematic Analysis is the appropriate method of analysis

to be used. To organize data in a way that’s easy to review

and approach that can easily analyze feedback. It is

flexible for researchers to analyze for rich detailed and

complex description of data. This provided the researcher

with scope for further investigation and also to address and

consider the impact of mental health issues to the youth and

acknowledge the individual experiences of the respondents

about the issue. Patterns and themes was analyzed to arrive

into a more detailed and accurate results.


Results and Discussion

This chapter presents the research finding of the data

collected from the study. The main source of data is the

interview and is supplemented by related researches. The

findings will be presented in relation to the research

Self-Help Techniques…

objectives stated in the study. The method used to analyze

the data is already discussed in the methodology chapter.


Statement 1: What are the concept of mental health of the


Concept of Mental Health

The results of the study showed that the respondents

have a positive concept of mental health. They expressed

that mental health is a condition where a person meet his or

her emotion and well being. It is also a state of mind,

wherein people think thoroughly and rationally to face their

problems. It includes emotional and psychological behaviour

that can affect one’s daily life. They stated that:

“Mental health is a condition of

where there is an absence of mental
illness and can cope with the
dilemmas a person may experience
daily. It is connected to our
emotional health and can greatly
affect our physical health.”

Statement 2: What are the mental health practices of the

Self-Help Techniques…

Mental Health Practices of the Students

The result of the study showed that the respondents

good practices that leads them into a healthy mental health

are listening to music, having enough sleep, eating healthy

foods, going to a calm place, spending time in nature,

exercising, being optimistic, staying away from toxic

people, practicing their brains with logic and puzzle,

playing, reading books, and having good relationship with

peers. They stated that:

“The good practice that leads into

a healthy mental health is having
a (9) nine to (11) hours of sleep,
increasing of self-esteem, being
positive and healthy eating that
supports mental health.”

The results of the study showed that the respondents

negative mental health practices is having negative outlook

in life and an unhealthy lifestyle that includes

overthinking, lack of sleep, skipping meals, not engaging

into physical activities and mentioned causes like too much

exposure to stress, pressure and social medias. They stated


"Overthinking, being pessimistic

and unhealthy lifestyle"
Self-Help Techniques…

Statement 3: What are the student’s self-help techniques

for coping with mental straining


Self-Help Techniques for coping Mental Straining Disorders

The results of the study showed that the respondents

can cope and deal with mental health issues by staying on

the optimistic side of life, seeing things in a better way,

listening to music, watching K-dramas, taking a deep breath,

enjoying with nature and talking to friends and family

members. They stated that:

“To deal with mental health issue you need

to be optimistic, see things like it was
the most beautiful view you’ve ever seen.
Be positive and also don’t allow stress eat
your whole system, because stress in the
main reason of having anxiety.”


It showed that the respondents have a positive concept

of mental health. The respondents expressed that mental

health is a condition where a person meet his or her emotion

and well-being. It is also a state of mind, wherein people

think thoroughly and rationally to face their problems that

includes emotional and psychological behaviour that can

Self-Help Techniques…

affect one’s daily life. The respondent’s good practices

that leads them into a healthy mental health are engaging

into activities that comforts their mental like their

hobbies or eating food as well as staying away from negative

forces that could lead to negative thoughts. The results of

the study showed that the respondents negative mental health

practices is having negative outlook in life and an

unhealthy lifestyle that could cause them too much stress

and made them feel pressured. In addition, it is stated that

the respondents can cope and deal with mental health issues

by staying on the optimistic side of life, seeing things in

a better way, listening to music, watching K-dramas, taking

a deep breath, enjoying with nature and talking to friends

and family members.


Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

This section reports the conclusion and findings of the

study. The following section details the conclusion for

Self-Help Techniques…

Student’s Self-help Techniques for Coping Mental Straining



This study is about how mental health of students is

given priority, knowledge and concerning mental health

issues. The purpose of the study was to find out the

perceptions and the knowledge about mental health issues

among Grade 11 Senior High School students. The researchers

conducted the study from February 24th and the data were

collected by stratified random sampling procedure. The

stratification was based on the following Grade 11 strands:

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM),

Humanities and Social Science (HUMMS), and Accounting and

Business Management (ABM) of Capiz National School senior

high school comprising 15 members, male and female. The Data

were analyze using Thematic Analysis for it’s a transparent

and deep analysis, to review and approach and easily analyze

feedback. for rich, detailed and complex description of


It was found out that the respondents have a positive

concept of mental health. In addition, it is stated that the

respondents can cope and deal with mental health issues by

Self-Help Techniques…

engaging into activities that comforts their mental. The

results of the study showed that the respondents negative

mental health practices is having negative outlook in life

and an unhealthy lifestyle that could cause them too much

stress and made them feel pressured


In this study, the following conclusions were drawn.

1. The respondents have a positive concept of

mental health. Most of the students emphasized that mental

health is a state of mind, wherein people think thoroughly

and rationally to face their problems that can affect one’s

daily life.

2. Students experiencing mental health issues stated that

their negative mental health practices impacts their

well-being, physical health, leading to an increased

risk of some conditions. And the main reason behind this

is the mechanical way of life or stress and strain among


3. Students good practices that leads them into a healthy

mental health is engaging into activities that comforts

their mental health like staying away from negative

forces that could lead to negative thoughts.

Self-Help Techniques…

4. Negative practices were a commonly barrier to a healthy

Mental health. Especially most negative practices can be

prevented. Therefore, Mechanisms of coping is important in

response when an individual attempt to remove stress and

also affect the quality of life.


The researcher recommends the Institution of Capiz

National High school to give attention to the Mental Health

status of the students. More measures can be taken by the

institution to improve recognition of Mental health issues

among students. It is essential to increase awareness among

students about the services and support that is available.

Such as providing guidance from the school’s staff, to

assist students with mental health difficulties. Attention

must be paid to show empathy, ensure and encourage students

who undergoes mental health issues to seek help. Secondly,

Student Council may form a protocol in order to assess the

level of well-being of their fellow students. And actively

inform the students to participate to an educational and

informative assessment, event, symposiums, as mental health

and mental health issues is thus a sensitive and alarming

topic. And it is best that the students must cooperate with

the School’s institutions, Staff and School’s organizations

Self-Help Techniques…

to made some approach, awareness and prevention to the risk

of Self harm, Suicidal thoughts and violence.

As one of our Respondents mentioned, social Media is one of

the factor that cause him or her to be prone to mental

health issues like, Stress and anxiety. Since social medias

is practically unavoidable today, It can have both positive

and negative impact. The researcher suggests to the Future

researchers, to focus and approach the role of Social Media

in distributing Mental health platforms and its effects to

an individual’s well-being.

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Appendix A: Permission Letters

Appendix B: Data Questionnaires

Name (Optional):_______________________ Grade Level:_______
Date: __________ Strand:____________

1. What is your concept of mental health?


2. What do you think are your good practices that leads

you into a healthy mental health?

3. What are the bad practices that makes you prone to

suffer mental health issues?

4. How do you deal or cope with your mental health issues?


Appendix C: Data Collection

Question 1: What is your concept of mental health?
Respondent 1: For me mental health is about our emotional
psychological and social well-being. It affects how we
think. It’s about our mind.
Respondent 2: I think mental health are some conditions that
is experience by a lot of people. Commonly depression and
anxiety disorder.
Respondent 3: For me mental health is the way about our
thoughts feelings and behaviors that can affect our lives.
Respondent 4: Is a condition where a person meet his/her
emotions and well-being. It affects how we think, act, and
feel. Mental health is important every stage of our life.
From childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.
Respondent 5: It’s the way my thoughts, feelings, and
behaviors affect my life.
Respondent 6: Mental health is the condition of the where
there is an absence of mental illness and can cope with the
dilemmas a person may experience daily. It is connected to
our emotional health and can greatly affect our physical
Respondent 7: Mental health is a condition of our emotional
and mental state.
Respondent 8: Mental health is your thoughts, feelings,
emotions that affect your life.
Respondent 9: It is a state of mind wherein people think
thoroughly and rationally to face their problems.
Respondent 10: It includes my emotional and psychological
Respondent 11: It refers in our emotional and to think what
we need to do.
Respondent 12: Mental health is the state of minds well-
being it is how handle everyday tasks on cope up with
(Mental health is the state of minds well-being. It is how
we handle everyday tasks on cope up with stress.)
Respondent 13: Mental health relates to the total emotional
and intellectual response of an individual.
Respondent 14: Mental health is how we handle our everyday
tasks and cope up with stress.
Respondent 15: It is a state of mind, wherein people think
thoroughly and rationally to face their problems. The mind
controls the thinking of the people to live their lives. The
mind should be at ease and controlled to maintain a good
mental health.
Question 2: What do you are your good practices that leads
you into a healthy mental health?
Respondent 1: Thinking positively and listening to music.
Respondent 2: The good practices that leads into a healthy
mental health is having a (9) nine to (11) eleven hours of
sleep, increasing of self-esteem, being positive and healthy
eating that supports mental health.
Respondent 3: One of the good practices that leads me into a
healthy mental health is are the different habit like I sing
to make my mood cool and going in a fresh place to refresh
my mind, etc.
(One of the good practices that leads me into a healthy
mental health are the different habits like singing to cool
down my mood and going to a calm place to refresh my mind.)
Respondent 4: The good practices that leads you into a
healthy mental health is get enough sleep, spend time in
nature, listen to your instinct, practice to forgive
Respondent 5: I am being positive in my perceptions in life
and I am doing the good things.
Respondent 6: By getting the right amount of sleep and
eating right together with exercising at least 3-5 times
Respondent 7: I love eating healthy foods and I always
practice my brain with puzzles and logics.
Respondent 8: Being optimistic, staying physically fit,
staying away from toxic people.
Respondent 9: I would think that listening to music is my
good practice that leads me into a healthy mental health.
Respondent 10: I think the good practices to make a healthy
mental health is to enjoy like playing and reading something
for make your problems forget.
(I think the good practices to have a healthy mental health
is to enjoy like playing and reading something to forget
your problems.)
Respondent 11: Reading books and play like crosswords.
Respondent 12: Eat healthy foods, good relationship with
peers, positive thinking, exercise.
Respondent 13: Positive thinking, eating healthy foods,
having a positive relationship with others.
Respondent 14: Think positive and stay away from those
people who make you feel down.
Respondent 15: I would think that listening to music and
doing art are my good practices that leads me into a healthy
mental health.
Question 3: What are the bad practices that makes you prone
to suffer mental health issues?
Respondent 1: Overworking and being stress.
Respondent 2: Peer pressure, argue between family, loss of
appetite sometimes.
Respondent 3: Overthinking, abusing myself using over
drinking alcohol.
(Overthinking, self-harm, and excessive alcohol intake.)
Respondent 4: Bad practices that makes you prone to suffer
mental health issues is being stressful, lack of sleep,
overthinking, and overtime in school works.
Respondent 5: Thinking negatively can make a person
experience mental health issues.
Respondent 6: Not getting the right amount of sleep, too
much exposure to stress and pressure, not eating at the
right time, and not engaging into physical activities.
Respondent 7: I cannot sleep well. I always sleep late and
wake up easily.
Respondent 8: Overthinking, being pessimistic, having
unhealthy lifestyle.
Respondent 9: Sometimes I used to overthink situations that
it can’t be happen in real life even if it’s not a big deal.
(Sometimes I overthink about situations that can’t happen
in real life even if it’s not a big deal.)
Respondent 10: I think the bad practices is your always
overthink your problems.
(I think the bad practice is your always overthinking your
Respondent 11: Being addicted in social media and many
problems that can’t hold that cause of depression.
(Being addicted in social media and many problems that if
kept might cause depression.)
Respondent 12: Stress, overthinking, problems in everyday
life, and frustrations.
Respondent 13: Stress from school, problems, frustration,
Respondent 14: Overthinking and stress.
Respondent 15: Sometimes I overthink situations even if it’s
not big of a deal, and I don’t usually talk to anyone to
prevent seeing pity from their eyes.
Question 4: How do you deal or cope with your mental health
Respondent 1: To deal with mental health issues you need to
be optimistic, see things like it was the beautiful view
you’ve ever seen. Be positive and also don’t allow stress
eat your whole system because stress is the primary reason
of having anxiety.
(To deal with mental health issues you need to be
optimistic, see things like it is the most beautiful thing
you’ve ever seen. Be positive and also don’t allow stress
to eat your whole system because stress is the primary
reason of having anxiety.)
Respondent 2: Do daily exercise, reading books, writing
quotes and poems, watching k-drama.
Respondent 3: Positive mind and dreams are the main goal why
I’m here. So, I cope and deal my mental issues in the way
thinking the positive outcomes.
(Positive mind and my dreams are the main reason why I’m
here. I cope and deal with my mental issues by thinking
about positive outcomes.)
Respondent 4: Take a deep breath, think positive thoughts,
spend time in nature. That makes me feel good every time I
do that alone.
Respondent 5: I talk to my friends and I open up about the
things that I experience especially my problems in life.
Respondent 6: I do stress relieving activities such as
listening to music and practice my hobbies. I avoid the
cause of my stress and sometimes I sleep to ease my mind.
Respondent 7: I tried drinking milk before sleeping. It
sometimes works but sometimes it doesn’t.
Respondent 8: I try to keep positive, stay healthy, and not
to overthink.
Respondent 9: I don’t stress my mind and I would regularly
listen to relaxing music. Sleeping also helps my mind.
Respondent 10: The mental health issues that I can cope is I
want to feel comfortable to the person that I talk my
problem whenever you feel alone.
(I cope my mental health issue by talking to someone I’m
comfortable with)
Respondent 11: Always think positive, and avoid negative
Respondent 12: I change my mindset into positive ones and
divert my attention to other things. I take a break ang
relax. I gave myself time to sleep.
Respondent 13: I deal with my mental health issues through
nature, listening to music, watching movies and positive
Respondent 14: Hang out with my friends, talk to someone who
can give an advice and stay positive.
Respondent 15: I don’t stress my mind and I would regularly
listen to relaxing music. Meditating also helps my mind calm
and composed.

Appendix D: Documentation







Appendix E: Curriculum Vitae

Name: Andrei G. Bonsato

Age: 17

Strand: Science Technology Engineering

Mathematics STEM (Perfection)

School: Capiz National Highschool

Address: Brgy. Lonoy, Roxas City

Mother’s Name: Betsaida Bonsato

Father’s Name: Gilbert Bonsato

Social Media Account: Andrei Bonsato


Name: John Irish Patriarca

Age: 17

Strand: Science Technology Engineering

Mathematics STEM (Perfection)

School: Capiz National Highschool

Address: Roxas City

Mother’s Name: Mary Jane Patriarca

Father’s Name: John Patriarca

Social Media Account: John Irish Patriarca

Name: Mary Carmelli Avelino

Age: 17

Strand: Science Technology Engineering

Mathematics STEM (Perfection)

School: Capiz National Highschool

Address: Brgy. Lanot ,Sitio Nasagud, Roxas


Mother’s Name: May Avelino

Father’s Name: Michael Kied Balquin

Social Media Account: Mary Carmelli Avelino @


Name: Christele L. Cadiz

Age: 17

Strand: Science Technology

Engineering Mathematics STEM (Perfection)

School: Capiz National Highschool

Address: Brgy. Lanot , Roxas City

Mother’s Name: Amie Fe Cadiz

Father’s Name: Regidor Cadiz

Social Media Account: Christele Cadiz

Name: Cindy P. Dela Cruz

Age: 17

Strand: Science Technology Engineering

Mathematics STEM (Perfection)

School: Capiz National Highschool

Address: Arches Sub.1, Arnaldo Boulevard,

Roxas City

Mother’s Name: Sarah Jean Dela Cruz

Father’s Name: Regie Dela Cruz

Social Media Account: Cindy Dela


Name: Daisy Rey B. Servidad

Age: 16

Strand: Science Technology Engineering

Mathematics STEM (Perfection)

School: Capiz National Highschool

Address: Graceville Subd., Brgy. Tiza, Roxas


Mother’s Name: Divina Servidad

Father’s Name: Rey Servidad

Social Media Account: Daisy Rey Servidad


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