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tt — θt — st — ft

wn b θ — θr
b ðz
wn maυθ — θr
wn p θ — θr
p ðz
wn jθ — θr
ə  sn υ wat \ tebl klɒθ || → red med \ kl υðz ||
Примечание. Работая над упражнением, обратите внимание на от
сутствие гласного призвука между согласными при произнесении сочета
ния [ðz].

Чтение диграфов перед буквой r

Диграф + r Звук Примеры

ai + r
ei + r } [εə]
air, chair
ee + r [ə] beer, deer
[ə] near, dear1
ea + r
oa + r
{ [εə]
oo + r [υə] poor2
ou + r [aυə] our, flour
1 В некоторых словах диграф ea + r читается
[ :]. Например: learn, earth.
2 Но в словах door, floor диграф читается [].



Doctor Sandford’s house

is not large, but it is comfort
able and well planned. It is a
small two storeyed cottage.
In front of the house there
is a green lawn and a lot of
flowers. Behind it there is a
little orchard with a few fruit
trees in it. On the ground floor
there is a kitchen, a pantry, a

dining room, a cosy sitting room and Dr. Sandford’s study.
There are also several rooms upstairs on the first floor: the Sand
fords’ bedrooms, Grandmother’s room, which is also Benny’s
nursery, Betty’s room and the bathroom.
The furniture is modern and quite new. But Doctor Sandford says
he must pay a lot of money for the house and the furniture. He must
pay the money for many years before he can call the house his own.


comfortable удобный
well planned хорошо спланированный
two storeyed двухэтажный
cottage коттедж, загородный дом
in front of перед чемлибо
lawn лужайка, газон
orchard фруктовый сад
the ground floor первый этаж
the first floor второй этаж

kitchen кухня
pantry кладовая
dining room столовая; living room общая комната (в семье)
cosy уютный
sitting room гостиная
study кабинет
several несколько
upstairs вверху, вверх
bedroom спальня
nursery детская
bathroom ванная комната
furniture мебель; built in furniture встроенная мебель
modern современный, модный
own собственный


Articles of furniture: bed, sofa, divanbed, chair, armchair,

dressing stool, table, bookcase, cupboard, wardrobe, dressing
table, mirror, lamp, standardlamp, stool, unit(s), cabinet, bed
side cabinet, wallfurniture, suite
Modern conveniences: electricity, gas, runningwater, cen
tral heating, telephone, toilet, a rubbish chute, tiled walls, lift
Electric and other equipment: lamp, standardlamp, upper
lights, refrigerator (fridge), gasstove, electric stove, vacuum
cleaner, televisionset, radioset, musiccentre


1. О б с т о я т е л ь с т в е н н ы е г р у п п ы в начале
предложения, как правило, выделяются в отдельную интона
ционную группу и произносятся низким восходящим тоном.
In → front of the / house.

On the → ground / floor.

2. Оба предложения, входящие в состав сложносочинен

ного предложения (категорического утверждения), как пра


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