Kelas X Ulangan HArian 1

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A. Berilah tanda silang (x) didepan huruf a,b atau c 10.

0. Columbus made his first voyage from Europe to

didepan jawaban yang benar ! America.... 1942
a. at b. in
1. Thank you so much for helping me. I relaly... it c. on d. with
a. accept b. agree e. or
c. appreciate d. deserve
e. love 11. Terry    : “Andy, I think you’re the best one.”
Andy    : “....”
2. A thousand thanks for all you hard work. I shall a. of course b. nevermind
never.. it. c. i’m sorry d. Thank you
a. forego b. forget e. you’re kidding me
c. foretell d. forbid
e. forgive 12. Doctors...many deadly diseases.
a. have cured b. cure
3. Thank you for all you’ve done from the...of my c. cured d. are cure
heart e. has cured
a. base b. foundation
c. end d. bottom 13. Will you be here.... the weekend?
e. inside a. in b. or
c. and d. or
4. She.. that TV shows five times. e. at
a. had b. has
c. has seen d. saw 14. Jean : “ I won a quiz and got new bicyle.”
e. is Erni : “.....”
a. of course b. congratulations
5. .... there ever been a war in the United States? c. don’t mention it d. thank you
a. has b. have e. you’re welcome
c. had d. is
e. are 15. The rain... since last morning
a. stop b. hasn’t stopped
6.... you watched the movie yet? c. is stop d. stopped
a. are b. have e. will stop
c. has d. can
e. do 16. My English...really... since I moved to Australia
a. had/imrove b. has/improved
7. Rani...her homework yet c. is/improving d. are/improved
a. finish e. will/improve
b. has not finished
d. finished 17. Ami: “May I see your dress?”
e. was finished Icha    : “Of course, here it is.”
Ami : “What a nice dress.”
8. I don’t like going out...night Icha : “ .... “
a. in b. on  a. thanks b. I’m sorry
c. at d. with c. congratulations d. not at all
e. or e. nevermind

9. i’ll see you..Friday 18. Ina    : “Happy Birthday, Susi.”

a. at b. in Susi : “Thanks.”
c. or d. on Ina : “It’s a gift for you.”
e. width Susi :...
a. of course b. congratulations
c. nevermind d. wow, how nice it is
e. ok
19. Do you work...the evening?
a. in b. at
c. on d. or
e. with

20. Have you ever...him?

a. been met b. met
c. meet d. meeting
e. been meeting


II. Arrange the words below into good order!

1. Big – London – located – is – Ben – in


2. Dewi – the – her – friends – Egypt – to –

Pyramid – go – and – to – see


3. He – roses – his – buys – mother – for


4. My – hates – mother – dirty – my – socks


5. Italy – to – wants – to– go – she


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