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NAME: Alexis Pendioday DATE: Jun 17, 2022


Answer the following:

1. Discuss the main objectives of the Physical Education Curriculum.

- The curriculum emphasizes knowing the 'what', 'how' and 'why' of movement. It focuses
on developing the learners' understanding of how the body responds, adjusts and adapts
to physical activities.

2. Enumerate policies and guidelines on the Physical Education Course.

- The policies and guidelines on the Physical Education Course as follows:
a. State does not permit school districts or schools to allow students to substitute other
activities for their required physical education credit.
b. State does not grant exemptions/waivers for school districts regarding physical education
time or credit requirements.
c. State has its own standards for physical education.
d. State requires all who teach elementary school physical education to be certified/licensed.
e. State requires all who teach middle/junior high school physical education to be
f. State requires all who teach high school physical education to be certified/licensed.
g. State mandates elementary school physical education.
h. State mandates middle/junior high school physical education.
i. State mandates high school physical education.
j. State requires professional development/continuing education to maintain/renew physical
education teacher certification/licensure.

3. Enumerate health and safety guidelines in physical education.

- The health and safety guidelines in physical education are as follows:
a. Monitoring the environment, such as heat, when playing outdoor sports.
b. Having a fully stocked first aid kit in the gym.
c. Knowing how to recognize the signs of a concussion, such as dizziness and headache.
d. Checking your gym's equipment for any problems.

NAME: Alexis Pendioday DATE: Jun 17, 2022


Answer the following:

1. Discuss briefly the importance of conditioning programs.

- Proper strength and conditioning allows an athlete to strengthen supporting muscles, even
out muscle imbalances, increase mobility, correct posture, stabilize joints, learn new
movement patterns, enhance coordination and peripheral skills, and so much more.

2. Explain FITT principles.

- The FITT principles are an exercise prescription to help participants understand how long
and how hard they should exercise. FITT is acronym that stands for Frequency, Intensity,
Time, and Type. FITT can be applied to exercise in general or specific components of

NAME: Alexis Pendioday DATE: Jun 17, 2022


Test #1
Standing Long Jump 225 cm.

Test #2
Bent Knee Curl-up 35

Test #3
Shuttle Run 12

Test #4
Sit and Reach 37.5

Test #5
Curl-ups 36

Test #6
Push Ups 15

Test #7
10 Minute Step Test 80

Pulse Rate 60 beats per minute

NAME: Alexis Pendioday DATE: Jun 17, 2022

Answer the following:

1. Enumerate the types of resistance training exercises.

- The types of resistance training exercises are squats, lunges, deadlifts, chin ups/pull ups,
lat pulldown, bent over row, push ups, bench press, tricep pushdown and barbell curl.

2. What is the importance of resistance training?

- Resistance training increases muscle strength by making your muscles work against a
weight or force. Different forms of resistance training include using free weights, weight
machines, resistance bands and your own body weight. A beginner needs to train two or
three times per week to gain the maximum benefit.

NAME: Alexis Pendioday DATE: Jun 17, 2022


Answer the following:

1. Briefly explain the practical principles.
- We may say very broadly that it is thought by some to be concerned with practical
principles, that is with principles that could at least sometimes be used in working out
how to live our lives, or some parts or aspects of our lives. Practical principles are for

2. Enumerate the types of stretching.

- There are four types of stretching – active stretching, passive stretching, dynamic
stretching, and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) stretching, which
involves table stretching.

NAME: Alexis Pendioday DATE: Jun 17, 2022

Answer the following:

1. How do you define working out?

- Physical training or exercise. The act or process of determining the amount or number of
something mathematically. The action of conducting business. Working out with weights.

2. Why is exercise so good for your health?

- Exercise strengthens your heart and improves your circulation. The increased blood flow
raises the oxygen levels in your body. This helps lower your risk of heart diseases such as
high cholesterol, coronary artery disease, and heart attack. Regular exercise can also
lower your blood pressure and triglyceride levels.

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