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Name: ______________

Year 12 Chemistry
Holiday Homework

To be completed over the summer

Due in first Chemistry Lesson in September.
You will need to research some of the

Chemistry Holiday Homework 1

A bit about yourself

Please answer the following questions to give your Chemistry teachers a better understanding of
who you are.

1. triple
Did you do triple or double science? ____________________________________________
2. AQA
What exam board did you sit for GCSE Science ____________________________________
3. Why did you choose A level Chemistry? _________________________________________
want to study medicine
4. What other subjects are you studying? ___________________________________________
math and biology
5. Do you think you’ll study a Chemistry related course at university? If yes, which course?
6. What do the feel are your strengths in Chemistry? _________________________________
7. What do you feel are your weaknesses in Chemistry? ______________________________

8. What are you most looking forward to in Chemistry? _______________________________


9. everything else
What are you most concerned about in Chemistry? ________________________________

Chemistry Holiday Homework 2

Chemistry Questions

1. What are the formula for the following compounds?

a) Sodium carbonate _________________________________________
b) Calcium nitrate C aNO3
c) NH4Cl
Ammonium chloride _________________________________________

Magnesium sulfate _________________________________________
e) Nitric acid NOH

2. Name the following:

a) Ca3(PO4)2 calcium phosphater
b) CuO _________________________________________
cupper oxide
c) LiOH lithum hydroxide
d) Na2CO3 _________________________________________
sodium carbonater

3. Fill in the missing gaps (don’t forget atomic number / mass number)

Isotope Number of neutrons Number of protons Number of electrons

C 2 12 12
Cl 20 17 17

Cu 34 5 5
P 16 15
Mn 30 25 25
Fe 30 26 25

Chemistry Holiday Homework 3

Chemistry Questions

4. What are the electron arrangement for the following elements?

a) Chlorine
2, 8,7

b) Carbon 2,8,2
c) Potassium 2,8,8,1

d) Argon 2,8,8
e) Beryllium 2,2

5. Describe the relationship between electronic arrangement and group number in the periodic
the group number indicates how many electrons are in the outer shell
6. Draw dot/cross diagrams to show the bonding when Mg reactant with chlorine. State
whether ionic/covalent bonding has occurred.

7. Draw dot/cross diagrams to show the bonding in a chlorine molecule. State whether
ionic/covalent bonding has occurred.

Chemistry Holiday Homework 4

Chemistry Questions

8. What happens to the reactivity of the halogens i.e. Group 7 elements as the group is
descended? Explain your answer with reference to atomic structure.
get less reactive as you go down

9. Write a balanced equation for the reaction between potassium and bromine. Remember to
include state symbols.

10. Work out the relative formula mass for the following?
a) Na2CO3 _________________________________________
b) CuO 143
c) Ca3(PO4)2 310
d) LiOH 24
e) AlI2 47

11. Spot and highlight the mistakes and then write the chemical formulae and its chemical name
for the following:
Chemical Formula Name

a) KCO3 ________________ _________________________________

b) MgOH ________________ _________________________________

c) Na2NO3 ________________ _________________________________

d) HSO4 ________________ _________________________________

e) AlO ________________ _________________________________

Chemistry Holiday Homework 5

Chemistry Questions

12. What is the mass of:

a) 4 moles of water _________________________________

b) 0.5 moles of sodium thiosulphate (Na2S2O3) _________________________________

c) 0.25 moles of ammonium phosphate. _________________________________

13. Magnesium reactions with hydrochloric acid as shown by the equation:

Mg(s) + 2HCl 🡪 MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)
a) Complete the sentence: The equation states that 1 mole of magnesium reacts with _______
moles of hydrochloric acid, producing _______ mole of _______________________ and 1
mole of hydrogen gas.
b) What mass of hydrogen is produced when 1 mole of magnesium reactions with excess acid?
c) What mass of magnesium would produce 6 g of hydrogen?

b) Write a balance equation to show the reaction between sodium hydroxide and sulfuric acid

c) Work out the relative formula mass of sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide
Sulfuric acid____________________ Sodium hydroxide_______________________

d) What mass of sulfuric acid will be neutralised by 40 g of sodium hydroxide?


15. It takes 243 kJ to break 1 mol of Cl – Cl bonds.

b) How much energy is needed to break 2 mol of these bonds? ___________________________

c) How much energy is given out when 1 mol of these bonds are made? ____________________

Chemistry Holiday Homework 6

Chemistry Questions

16. The table shows some mean bond enthalpies. Use them to answer the following questions:

Chemical bond C–H C=O O=O O–H H–H N–H N≡N

Mean bond energy (kJ/mol) 435 805 498 464 436 391 945

Methane is CH4. A molecule of methane can be drawn like this: H–C–H
a. How much energy is needed to break 1 mol of C – H bonds? H
b. How many C – H bonds are there in a molecule of CH4?
c. How much energy is needed to break all the bonds in 1 mol of methane? Hint: it’s not the
same as the answer to part a)! __________________________________________________

17. Methane reacts with oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water:
CH4 + 2O2 🡪 CO2 + 2H2O
These are all the bonds involved in this reactions:

a) H – C out
Work – H the energy
+ 🡪 O=C=O + O
= O to break all the bonds in the reactants.H Hint:Hadd together the
bond enthalpies for all the bonds in the reactants.

b) Work out the energy given out when all the bonds in the products form.

c) The energy change in the reaction, ΔH, is energy in – energy out. Work out ΔH for this
reaction using your answers to parts a) and b)

d) Is this reaction exothermic or endothermic? Explain how you know.


Chemistry Holiday Homework 7

Chemistry Questions

18. Ammonia, NH3, is an important chemical. It is used to make fertilisers, explosives, dyes and
nylon. Ammonia is made by the Haber process, where nitrogen and hydrogen react

N2 + 3H2 ⇌ 2NH3
a) The bonds in nitrogen are N≡N, in hydrogen they are H – H and in ammonia they are:
Draw a diagram like the one in question 17 for the reaction N2 + 3H2 ⇌ 2NH3 H H

b) Work out the energy change for the reaction (show all your working out).
c) Explain whether it is an exothermic reaction or an endothermic reaction.

Chemistry Holiday Homework 8

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