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an ol Buch IMPERIAL INFANTRYMAN'S UPLIFTING PRIMER, ‘The Imperial Inancrynan sting Primer as ben writen, propre and produced by odor lth ond Geral Mat {tant for per lori eparioxt Mumtoram, Deartmsnt Adm joetam, The Beaton oh incompletsand det cercondance wiht ast ght and pens lpi red DDODOVE imprsien Prey the Espa’ Dwar on Uti Li mi isc edition fet published 46.441 ‘Witdocumen supemadc the XV I odion to aocommed vid Imperial dina (orammndment). The Inperil Cuard Handton sgprved ey ad tanard bat Masa eg Titus ar oni ina ssi ol pellnatene whith vntain ‘empleo hoo mater canbe ordered fom be Depataeate Nsitore "Tose coeuments can requested Anyon canes tinge thas detent wh dae et Ye dita on harero spying, 0d wil ee inmediat xcutin, DisrRiaTiON Alerining campo ctor OO4-67 Sale IV AL Sirsa peat A8) Seu ‘Author Matt Ralphs» Graphic Design and Layout Darius Hiths& Dan Drane Producer Mare Gascoigne usrations Dave Alsop, Alex Bod, Nell Hocosan, Kart Kopin, Mat Ratpn, 1 Gratam Stoddart Tharks Dan Abnot, Tom Grown, Andy Chamber, Teny Cotrel, Peter Hanes, Grakam MeNeil, Vinee Rospend & Tanya Taylor ‘us nathan ne 20907 Fg Ges Yen LE, nan NS ma 8 aaa seh hed SD Ar end ei dain ot vse rete, Noga O0os tact Ros OT Se fuer Tabs ih anc Teal (ey wa eB Bs Pon inconjunvtion with he trata and Governor Kar Dani f Cian purer, epirtin Source ad Upiting Cred oral Tnlncymen be boon wt, prepared and proce by the ot hel oder ofthe Mista, pot wth the neesary nnd and ean ithewovatt ender wit FOREWORD By Lord General Militant Huxtow ou sr asoldior nthe Imperial Guard. You stand with billions of others the grea army that has rer existed, bathe by the iin ight ofthe Glden Throne with fachanee of immortality that isthe gift of alorious deat. [ts the highest honour to igh in thee came etrions ranks which have produced some of the most enue rots te [imperium has everknown. Your responsibility, and that of your comrades, “itohdp ensrothat ont magniticonImperiam is defended frm itsenemies. You wil “site our oes wherever you find ther, wit the frvont pasion and fury ofthese “becuz the past | This bok has been produced to instruct you in your dificult transition from your |provions if fone serving inthe malitay. The ie of a oldie is harsh and unforgi “fag You willlabeurhard and find yourself psd to your limits. You wil be rained aso ten sthor dems ofthe lnperal Gear, adetueintaind, Dod and seul tobethe warrior thatthe immortal Emperor expets you tobe rand Imperial Nav ase donna be Tate npr You might think you aesacifcing much by doing thie. Bat cone the saci which have Des ade for you Our Immoral peor octod ore renaned mace an surrendered mor thn powiblfor you tounder: all te eure mankind’ eontnuing and enbled exsere. Its the highs. |psegefor Jou tobe ale to sopay hat debt by Fighting for Him in His ites [ape Cun | Wherveryev aren, beasanl thatthe Eapeo’ ely mew be wating for | you. Yeu wl thing tha few wil be aed to Dear witness and you wi veto face yous wort ers, Bat face them yen mart with strength, fritude and raloar for itvon thee qual that.tho Imperial Guards ul, But rest ascure, thee wl bea tetanic behind you to eare you ith romain: constant Put your rust inthe Immortal Kimparor ard He wil watch over you. You wl ad in this book guidance when you ac iv bel, corafort whon you ao in shes and thragth when you aren advent Goforth and ensure ou prospesity, Fight with rdoand fervour frit isbiterte ia fora purport ive toot reason “The immortal Emperor watches ver you He wil judge you with uallinching ey, SOLDIER’S PARTICULARS Tobe compte day of nougurtion by tached vanmisiar Nave = SaMiF Serial Number won Talk ced. sdb asia Grade i Hele Wegbt Distinguishing marks. ae Bou (Pa (Dae) nnn Pooting (Planet) (Campaign) (Skip) Company nomber)name Watch code. i Regimental ommandersaame Battalion commander's name Company commander'sname Pluoon commander's name Squad command nme Soldier's Medical Details, ‘Te be compiled afer Full examination by lato die ais, coun with omy ‘existing and availabe medal arches. Physical condition Blood typ Provious ailments Diablities Known allecgoy/iosyrerasios Preseibed medication... Pormo! medication. Prosthetio/mechani onguny/componsators "Time of spplieation... Assimilation procedure Cnvalesenceduraton. Peyehorislevel Pesetic profile euler rele. Soldier's Service Record {Te be opie by waeon ctmonder. "Theatres of War [Notable Service Actions Commendations. zs Awards epee Modsle Cations Dissplinacy Actions . Platoon command's comments, Contesor'scomments & DEATH NOTICE oa For the attention of batialion administration ~ ‘On soldier's demise the death noi ie to be ill in and signed by company commander orattached comraisar ONLY. I both are unavalablesce pamphlet IG-HW 2648 P, Suton XVI “Corte Procedure in cae of Command C ‘Breakdown’ ~ Appendix NII Paragraph XVII (as eupplemented in tho Of ‘ors Handbook) fr further instructions. ‘Sinatre of company mica oie, autbeatiating and confirming actust death and cans dest, amt be obtained before te oficial report canbe isd to the appcopriat offic ofthe Deparimanto Munitoram. ‘This document toe vent to infantryman’ next of kin, after emplete docu- ‘mentation has been sent and approved by the Depactmento Munitoram, ‘he Dapartmente Nunitorom will ein s facsimile, Do aot send notification of death to noxt of kin wnt the Departmeato Munitoram has sent authentication ‘eke Dfe406721/hx to batalion headquarter. Failure te adheroto appropr- ‘toadeinstrative doctrine will result n ieplinary action. [may bethocase thatthe Departamento Muniierum wil, init wisdom, decide ‘hat no each notification wll bosom 0 the deceasa's nex of ki. atte one Sorel Number Rank = Age Campaign sae of Dest (ther noes) comments Next of kin deta. atte Relation een ‘ Locatedat é i. = Proposed rte (Ship name, designation, destination), distribution otis) Company command's signature Commissa'signature oon CMO’ signature .enneeoen Departawato Manitorum death stamp Chapter? sernnnnnenndssued Arms, Attire, Apparatus and Equipment Setion General Inestcton; Sen 2: Arma, Equignent ad Accnarements; Seton 3: Sprific ama of Arms and guipnal: Seton 4: Speial Kpuipment Chapter 8 Imperial Guard Organisation, Structure and Basie Batilefild Policy mand Struc ofthe Imperial Gs L-Geera intron ranks nd 5: Reyimentel Srudue Seton 8 Security of he Cen: Section tin 10-Canneotng Pe: Section 11: Anta Chapter & [Imperial Goard Arm Seon I: Gera 4: Post Attach Unite The Kill Shot ond Armor Basis; Section 8: Vehicle Recgition Imperial Ptfoms Section 9: Vehicle Rernition Ore Palle; Soin 10: Vehicle Rowton Bidar Paitems Chaptor 5 z Know Your Foe Section J- Oks: Seton 2: Tyranie; Seton 3: Eldar, Sexton 4: The Xows Threat (Goneral Cnaideratins); Seon Of Cormgtion and Dark Fores Chapter 6 ree snonmesennnn Elementary Battlefield Medical Instruction Sein 1 Gomera Indrauton; Scion 2 The Compton of he Sacred Human Form ‘Seca 3: Pringles of Batleied Physic Aid; Secon 4: Coward; Sedion 5 Lore of Lams; Seton Coramum Madial Condon — Symptoms and Treatme's | tho Benediotions of the Emperor, Inspiration Source and Uplifting Creeds ( forall Infantrymen (erimson pages) Chapter | PRINCIPLES & REGULATIONS Section L ni ‘General Introduction Section 2 . -Rulosand Regulations Section 3 ‘Training and Protecting the Emperor's Armies () Training Regine (8) Guard Duty Section 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION ‘A solic in the Imperial Guards axpectad to leara by heart the rules and regulations by which ho sho will hnesforth ie hiyhorif. Faure to oerry ot this mot elemex tary order wil esl in a public fogging. The Imperial Guaed fanetins asa poteut fighting organisation baesus of the strict way in which it upholds suc aw a those set eat dew, ‘You will boy them at ll times, without quetio, thought or bsitaton. I ene so Aer trios to tloat the authority that hes ound to the whole sytem and structure of ordercomes under immediate threat. Anyone seen to be deabilsingthe system ville oat within tho harche:poriblomarnerImporal Jutico will! be denied Asan Imperial infantryman, you have becomepart of vast boy ofnte-depondart people, Dupsrtaent run ther routine’ in fll eooperaton with each athe. A aware, the regimental ommisarsare over watclal an vigilant ‘You will know neither privacy nor slitude aguin, Your dally prograrame of aes ‘te ie pre-detormined. Your living qaartore (hon avaiable) will he maitored, Your ‘eqipment will be inspetad with frequency. Your bebavieut, mental disposition a ‘moral foriudewil ie under non-stop xeratiny, You are bing eatohed, monitored and indged tallies, All tis efor your own good, far the goed ol your comrades an fer the Impai io. You wll bw to itlawy and devote youre tots credsand codes with ufferance, and without deviation, ‘Below aro the moat heinous crim, as dined by tho Imperial Guard books flaw, A {ul ist of rules is obtainable che TRles, Regulations, omuct Proper, Codes, Prat ‘eas and Laws ofthe Gat and Magn ficent Imperial Guard of Humanity available ‘upon request fom the Departmento Munitoram, Section 2 RULES & REGULATIONS ‘These lawsae tobe ellower tthe abselate ote. Tgnorencs or ink of understand ‘enot an seu for dovianc, The commisar shall judge all whe stray. DISRESPECT TOWARDS AN OFFICER ‘Any soldier who bahar himself with dicrspest in word cr action ~ te an officer or anyone o higher rank wil be shot. C10 9645/07) FAILURE TO SALUTE AN OFFICER Any solar who falls to alate a passing affieer oe anyone of higher rank shall be flogged. (Ar. 10.2678!47) FAILURE TO SALUTE THE IMAG ‘AQUILA/ REGIMENTAL COLOURS [Any cldir we (silt to slate any imag of our [mortal Emperor, the Imperial ‘agi or tho regimental colors shall be branded on tho loft cheek ad cour-mar~ tinea, (4 16 3672)038) f OF THE EMPEROR/IMPERIAL STRIKING AN OFFICER Any coldine who, on aay pretence whatsoovor,etvies a superior oficer, or draws a weapon, oles any wolence agains him, wil besos. (Ari 3989)35) WRONGS TO SOLDIER, REDRESS OF Any ior who thinks himslf wronged iy an effienr and who tris to incite proced- ings gine them wll bopuniched bya Sloggingfrem the ofa in guetion, in front of ‘theres of he platoon, Officers are to he cbeyel all mes, witheut question orceer~ vation. (Ant 10 3580/28) GAMBLING Any elder caught gambling in any form will be logged and incarcerated for an ‘umpeciied time. (rt 0834/19) FAILURE 10 CARRY OUT AN ORDER ‘Any tao eund to have filed to caery out diet orde willbe sot, ules excep tional ireumstances can be sted ane proved. (Art 9845/25) DISOBEYING AN ORDER. Any tld who ciobeys an order from a superior office wil be shot, (Ax. 9595/20) TLL-TREATMENT OR NEGLECT OF ACCOUTREMENTS Any oldior who ill-reats hs fost, sued arms, equipment orappartenancesthcevgh ‘ill os nox-wifal neglect wl be shot. (Art. 4733/67) WASTING AMMUNEION, Any elder who slo fly o through naglet wastes any ammunition wil sent oapenal battalion. (At. 7341684) ‘een dr ai al Ana wity edn ey pr Thistle es nat io DUELLING ‘No ordinary older dal cond a challonge te another 2oldir to fight «dud. (Rtulos on Le conduct of oie dite depending onthe regiment. See Ar 6900/8.) Sending request aceeptings requestor fighting dues pansshableby death by hanging. (Ar 000/376) FIGHTING AND BRAWLING Any tldiwecasght engaging in violent confiet — with or without arms ~ will bs ‘rested snd placed in immediate confinement. Panishment isto be meted out a Alera appropriate by thor commanding officers) (Ax. 6912/54) DISRESPECTFUL SPEECH AGAINST THE EMPEROR Any seldierattring contomotuees or dstspectfal words against the Immortal pero wil be logged then shot. (At 704/139) Munmy, ‘Any soldier wh instigates, excites, causes, joins os elsto report any rautinous er sed tions atirity anywhere, il best. (4. 4358649) INTOXICATED ON DUTY ‘Any oldne caught under the infers of alcobol oc any other inebriat while on hi zara wl be logged then sn, (4r. 684470) SLEEPING ON SENTRY DUTY Any sentinl whe is found seeping upon his post, or wholeavesit before being lieved ‘all suffer death in such © manner wé devied spnprate by the commis. (Ar 0354/38) LEAVING SENTRY DUTY WITHOUT LEAVE Amy man whe leaves his guard, platoon or division without eave, except in eases lrgent moc (tha shal bo judgod by the commicas) chal bo cht. (Ar. 0805115) COWARDICE Anysldier who inthe face ofthe enemy, runsaway, or shamefully abandons his pot for guard, or indus othare to do the ic, or eats away hi arms oF axamunition, of attempts to take his own ileal beshot om the spt. (Art 8055/24) INFLICTING SELP HARM Any tldee who infiets injury upon himealf to be excuond from sctivs duty shalt ‘ogee, faye then she. (Art. 8798/25) COMPELLING A SURRENDER Any ior who trios incites camara to give up to the mnemy or abandon pot shall be sot onthe spt. (See separate article on battlefield punishment ~ chapter, setion 4 Commissar) (Ar. 8984; | DISCLOSING WATCHWORDS OR COMMS CODES: Any soldier belonging to the armies of the Immortal Emperor mbo dselows watch word or soeet comms codes or batle-cents to ersoxs not entitled to bea, or who presumes to give a pacele of watshword diferent from ono ho rodied, shall sffer 8 Tatigooning, ten death by hanging. (Art. 8045/89) {TE IMPERIAL INFANTIRYMAN'S UPLIFTING FRIOIER CORRESPONDING WITH OR RELIEVING THE ENEMY Any soies who elles the enemy with supplies or food or harbours or protects an ‘eemy agent, shall ufo death by starvation. (Ar. 0521/22) ‘CRIMES DURING INSURRECTION Any coldier caught commiting robbery lave, barglary, acca, mansaaghte, mater, ‘swith inn tl, shooting stabbing wl be shot onthe po. (575) CRIMES OF FRAUD AGAINST THE IMPERIUM. Any soldier caught staling or misappropriating sapplies from Imperial Guard stores, incading ndaance, acme, equipment, sramunition, loting, subisenc supplies and ‘atiempting te profit from passing ach tems on wil bo cot, after igooas interroga- tion to bring acvomplins to the light of the Immoral Emperors justice. (Av. 1182/681) ‘DESERTION ‘Any slice bo seats himself frm ic tosp, battery, sompany or garsson without Ihave from his superior ofice shall be hunted down without respite and execute in ny manner necossary. (st 6001/010) NOT SHOWING DEVOTION 10 THE EMPEROR OR THE IMPERLAL cour Any solder whe agglcts to make benediction tothe Emperor, or who willy ignorae sec timetables of wershp to vererate the Immoral Empocr (times tobe set y the ceamanding oliver, n conjunction with tho Keolesiareh) wil besent to aponl lat falon (Ar, 048/674) WORSHIPPING FALSE IDOLS Any sider Cound worshipping anything other than the Emperor or a taint ofthe Imperial Cale willbe mind-srubbed and set for use inthe werkshops of tbe Adeptus Meshanias asa servito. This infraction insladoe verbal or written benediction or set- ‘lngup an unsanctioned shrine. (Art 7086)5¢0) HERESY “Any solder who spe il of the Bmperer, the Tmperium, cites his loyalty to any ‘nity bosides the Emapore, dtaces ely artelacts or buildings incites heretical thoeghts or actos, talks openly about forbidden subjeste and generally behaves ina manor disropectl to all that is holy and good will have his extremities ‘oto oT gad ea nen folk Te po Cag Deh win rk webby ea L IeTING PRINER, k \n unpretctabieporton of you time wil be pent ble on your genrison planet removed andl to sed dat for fhe Bape pleas Ths body wl thea] EPO At a eo cate he april Card erine onic ncaa oe vill inet ince you many important leon. Your daily routine ix davisad to mould You into potent weapon: a weapon tha Ue Inuortal Emperor can ase te Dest cur HARBOURING PSYKERSAND/OR WITCHES raany foes. ‘Any soldier foun bacbouting or wito¥ing information regarding oneheknawsto be (,) Training tanched by the arp (natanctioned peyters, witebos, warp-reaks) wil be whipped} Dytais ofthe training ne will differ from regiment to regiment, depending on ‘ave bisy put vt and hen hur nt ed Th Empererwlhavelisevcgeonhorsivges ae eaten estoy aerated race Bu iene Gomugens Sakaki vamp fA ARSOH) ing principles ate univetal, and the indovtrinated timetable howevor medifed by ‘ath regiment isthe established way to achieve shee principle. ‘The prevalent parposes of she training regime (as defined by the ‘Tactica Imperiam’) are “To proce loyalty for he Friel Gerd oe the moral peor Toll unswerving rape forthe chain of command “To lew lear wertanding of you sition the oman echelon To poideadepuate train i the useof alized equizment ars, scortromats xd woe “Ds provide hase trening in cemantany bated prooeis + Dvaimiiser mat and shysica! Raishipinorer to rove th it yronding bo ope wih th obtrperons tings yo wil, a koe, ce ensure sarees of he coment havior duriag rmbal und wor-ambelive periods ofauty To provide rigerous training i howto revonse and eten wih ery, apes, dis idence, impiety ond qustnable behavior in ove rend ou IMPERIAL INPANTRYMAN'S UPLIPTING PRIMER PERI AL INFANTRNMANS DARK FORCES AND, WARP MAGIC Any soldier who, through bis owa wll orn, beertes toehed by the warp nny the Eapeors deny. sos) For fll and comps sive list of rales_and rogultions, see ben spy ef, 10 Rego 5168/3183 obaivade frum Dart Ta 19 THe race OF THE MUTANT Hare mh Mala Minoru arahions, The ways of achieving these most salon: of aims willbe determined by each re ments command cadre, and yeu wil be lly briefed on any ehanges, as they are fwided. Rest assured though, che way will not be easy, and failure t2 mect these fough rogeitomonts wil havo very soious consequences Ase from actual combat, the Lrainlng programme isthe most import of seurtime in tho Guard, Liston to your superiors and tt inthe Immoral Emperor Jo sive you thestrength to e0it shroagh. (So alco chapter, ection 4, ‘Commissary nd her rle nthe Imperial Guard) Addo — Battal jstve ie 2eparae nue trom the neal Imperial polisy of ‘Miinistcing tp those who ining the Tuzoral Emperor slaw. Al officers and oom. issars ave sation to mote oat battlefield juice a they se fit, at any time and without resrotion. The decison is thts lone and they will not be bold acountal forany actions they are obliged to carey cut [tk your esponsibility to uphold battle field protceol.and wee ete youl yu stray. For eny infraction of law daring combat ‘the entence ie death by immadinte exe ‘Thor wl heno tal friniractions during wa. Th pero ution ths Emperor Morey and his ofcersand comissas wil no: shi rom theirreponsiilty fore ‘nd. The Imper'a payment forintraetonsoftslawsisa belt the hack the sl Be warned. Whatever its you decide to do, you will nt escape notice. Fanti (is Gaacd Duty Another major part of your rldwecng routine wil be spent on guard duty. The importance of guard daty eannot be underostimaced. The safety of Imparial Guard property and msn cold be pa in itolerable jeopardy fad duty isnot carried out tritheufliiont eal and conscvatiourets The death paalty for any laity isin place fl osare that everyone complies with this idea. Details ad times of guacd duty wil differ scoordng tothe regiments situation and security Sanding However, no raattet what the curcert stvation, when on guard you must ansume the cfoty ofthe rim stionab, You are protesting the military me, machines, property and territory, Thie means you are ang Section 3 TRAINING & GUARD DUTY Asan Imperial Guardsman inthe Immertal Emperor sindomvtabie armies stationed in the turbulent east sector of the galaxy, you will face many dongors snd enomice Howerer, you will not always be in the fd of ema, Bos Hey Hoy atin iret mn, fans 4 “TH IMPERIAL INFANTRY ANS UPLIFTING PRIME, “The nature of the guard ‘may raquice you to remain stationary. For exam. {1 MERIAL ISPANTRNNAN'S UPLAFTING PRIOIER Chapter? Po, i you ace safguarding an entrance to command Headquarters ora eux ISSUED ARMS, ATTIRE, APPARATUS ‘emplacement. Orit may require you to fellow a patrol path, such as around the Petimecerof your compound. If tic i tho ease, try to make yoar pattern a reg: lar and hard to predict as pessble, Ths will make it more ditticule tor any infitratorato find a way in. ‘Always keep a sharp lookout and concentrate on the|eb at hand. 1 you ave access ‘ola amp gogglos oF any vieul ai, make wee of them. Report any sspcious move mot or sund, at donot rate asp alarm. Tie may requir you to invoatigat the ‘cause of the alarm yours However, DO NOT LEAVE YOUR POST The enemy may be tryiag to fare you sayin ender te alfet an entry. ‘Thou al rues to remember when en guard duty ary + Say alt ay awake + Kempin mind he iportancof he aly + Diinkof te anconumcs of failure + Remember the ommissars ‘You shonld obtain the following information belors aking your poet. ‘+ Diretion ond probble oe of approach of enemy = Phe sector yu are required walsh + Naineso eran features of military imernce hth sight (tps, un ‘emplcenan’s, was) + Location of nearest relly eames end moons cf contating hem + Munber ont satin of you oun outpar + Whether pata orathar frenly tops oreopeating oyu fr Insiration onceming elonging + Whai to din cae af ata Let only officers and davachments you recognse pas. It anyone ese proaches, call your squad commander. Keep thom covered at al tims I she

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