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September, 2018… “The Truth About
Pepe the Frog and the Cult of Kek”
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14-18 Minuten

Well, this one is off the standard blogging path

(sort of), although it relates to some images and terms I have seen
floating around the 8chan Q posts and so on. I’ve seen “Pepe the
Frog”, and really had no idea where this all came from. I’ve also
seen the phrase “KEK“, which I found out is an alternative way of
writing “lol” (Laughing out Loud). But I never really knew where
these things came from, until I was pointed to this article.

This is one story I found absolutely “fascinating”… Perhaps others

will feel the same.

“Pepe the Frog is, in fact, the modern-day avatar of an ancient

Egyptian deity accidentally resurrected by online imageboard
culture. Does that sound like the most b@tsh#t crazy thing you’ve
ever heard?

“…sometime around 2010, a sad-looking cartoon frog began to

1 von 18 06.04.2019, 17:36, September, 2018… “The Truth About... about:reader?url=

trend among posters on and similar “underground”

imageboards. Shortly after, the age-old piece of online vernacular
used to express laughter—”LOL”—fell out of favor on these sites. In
its place a new slang term of synonymous meaning rose to
common use: “KEK.”

“The origins of this trend are much more important. It comes from
an odd technicality involving the Korean language and the popular
video game World of Warcraft.

“…the 2016 Election… By this time, Pepe the Frog had become the
unofficial mascot for 4chan’s political discussion board (a highly
despised corner of the Internet fittingly entitled “Politically
Incorrect”)… /Pol/ is a place where the unspoken outsiders of
Millennial culture gather en masse. Here you’ll find the lonely and
depressed, the socially inept, the generational dropouts, and all
shades of disenfranchised youth—every one of them united with an
unshakable underdog mentality…

“when Donald J. Trump strolled onto the political scene in 2015, it

was a match made in heaven. He immediately became /pol/’s
candidate of choice. And it wasn’t long before Trump was mated
with /pol/’s beloved mascot, in typical imageboard fashion:

“Every post on 4chan and similar venues comes with an 8-digit

numerical stamp. This number represents that post’s entry position
in the entire posting lineage of the imageboard. With the amount of
traffic these sites get, the last couple digits of this number are
essentially a random roll. When a poster gets repeated digits, its
called “dubs”, “trips”, “quads”, and so on.

“Out of this practice, a strange phenomenon began to take place

on /pol/: discussion threads associated with Trump displayed

2 von 18 06.04.2019, 17:36, September, 2018… “The Truth About... about:reader?url=

noticeably frequent GETs. [double digits]… Soon, it became all

the rage on /pol/ to hail Trump as nothing less than god’s
chosen candidate.

“…it turns out Kek is also—and always has been—an ancient

Egyptian deity… A frog-headed one… Kuk’s [Kek’s] male form was
depicted as a frog, or as a frog-headed man… As a symbol of
darkness, Kuk also represented obscurity and the unknown, and
thus chaos. Also, Kuk [Kek] was seen as that which occurred
before light, thus was known as the bringer-in of light.

“[It] all… came to a head on September 11th, 2016, when three

major, mind-blowing events transpired within 48 hours of each
other. Three events that would change the face of Kek worship
forever: [1] Hillary Clinton fainted or nearly fainted in New York. The
overwhelming sentiment of /Pol/ —still reeling from the event—is
captured two days later… [2] Hillary Clinton literally declares Pepe
the Frog an enemy of the state with paper-thin reasoning… [3]
Kek/Pepe’s musical anthem is discovered on YouTube… one or a
few anonymous 4chan contributors discovered an old track from
the 80’s on YouTube. A track stamped all over with a very familiar
face… A B-side vinyl by performer “P. E. P. E.”, sporting a frog
with a magic wand.

“Okay, What The Hell Is Going On? Most likely? Chaos Magick.
You see, one of the core tenets of Chaos Magick practice (the only
mainstay, really) is the creation of magic sigils (also called “glyphs”)
to “codify and project one’s Will into the Universe.” Basically, you
make an image that represents your “will” (desire fueled by
powerful emotions or altered states) and the universe will take care
of the rest.”

3 von 18 06.04.2019, 17:36, September, 2018… “The Truth About... about:reader?url=


The Truth About Pepe The Frog And The Cult Of Kek

The Real Story Behind Hillary Clinton’s “CARTOON Nazi Frog”

Will Blow Your mind

I’ll cut right to the chase:

Pepe the Frog isn’t a white nationalist symbol.

Pepe the Frog isn’t a harmless meme propagated by teenagers on

the internet.

Pepe the Frog is, in fact, the modern-day avatar of an ancient

Egyptian deity accidentally resurrected by online imageboard

Does that sound like the most b@tsh#t crazy thing you’ve ever

Strap in, friendo. You’re in for one hell of a ride.

(UPDATE 11/9/16: Well memed, America, well memed. A post-

election follow-up to this article has been added here.)

When Memes Collide: The Origins of Pepe the Frog

The precise origins of Pepe the Frog are, like all imageboards
memes, obscure and unimportant.

All you really need to know is that sometime around 2010, a sad-
looking cartoon frog began to trend among posters on
and similar “underground” imageboards.

Shortly after, the age-old piece of online vernacular used to express

laughter—”LOL”—fell out of favor on these sites.

In its place a new slang term of synonymous meaning rose to

4 von 18 06.04.2019, 17:36, September, 2018… “The Truth About... about:reader?url=

common use: “KEK.”

The origins of this trend are much more important. It comes from an
odd technicality involving the Korean language and the popular
video game World of Warcraft.

Keep that in mind for later.

And so, just like that, two seemingly unrelated elements that would
later give life to a deity were arranged in piecemeal fashion. But
they remained dormant for several years, up until…

Donald Trump and the 2016 Election

By this time, Pepe the Frog had become the unofficial mascot for
4chan’s political discussion board (a highly despised corner of the
Internet fittingly entitled “Politically Incorrect”).

/Pol/ is a place where the unspoken outsiders of Millennial culture

gather en masse. Here you’ll find the lonely and depressed, the
socially inept, the generational dropouts, and all shades of
disenfranchised youth—every one of them united with an
unshakable underdog mentality that pervades the forum’s every

To call this place a “white nationalist” or “alt-right” message board is

categorically incorrect. /Pol/, above all else, is place where our
society’s status quo is mercilessly challenged. It’s a melting pot for
well-meaning free thinkers and misguided mad men alike.

It is a place of chaos.

So when Donald J. Trump strolled onto the political scene in 2015,

it was a match made in heaven. He immediately became /pol/’s
candidate of choice.

And it wasn’t long before Trump was mated with /pol/’s beloved

5 von 18 06.04.2019, 17:36, September, 2018… “The Truth About... about:reader?url=

mascot, in typical imageboard fashion:

And then, something very strange began to happen…

The Digits Declare a Deity

One last thing you need to understand about imageboard culture:


Every post on 4chan and similar venues comes with an 8-digit

numerical stamp. This number represents that post’s entry position
in the entire posting lineage of the imageboard.

With the amount of traffic these sites get, the last couple digits of
this number are essentially a random roll. When a poster gets
repeated digits, its called “dubs”, “trips”, “quads”, and so on.

Since a poster can’t know their post number until after they’ve
submitted the post, its common for people to “bet” the contents of

6 von 18 06.04.2019, 17:36, September, 2018… “The Truth About... about:reader?url=

their message on the occurrence of repeating digits, like so:

When that endeavor proves a successful, a “GET” has been made

and the stroke of luck is celebrated.

Out of this practice, a strange phenomenon began to take place on

/pol/: discussion threads associated with Trump displayed
noticeably frequent GETs.

7 von 18 06.04.2019, 17:36, September, 2018… “The Truth About... about:reader?url=

It wasn’t long before all of these seemingly random elements

discussed so far became irreparably tied together within
imageboard culture:

Pepe the Frog (now /pol/’s unofficial mascot)

Donald Trump (/pol/’s overwhelming candidate of choice)

Repeating digit post numbers (“GETS”)

“KEK” (used as an expression of delight, particular in response to

Trump’s “trolling” of the establishment, as well as in reaction to
unlikely GETs in general)

…and a god was born.

Here’s Where It Starts To Get Weird: The Queer Coincidence of


Soon, it became all the rage on /pol/ to hail Trump as nothing less

8 von 18 06.04.2019, 17:36, September, 2018… “The Truth About... about:reader?url=

than god’s chosen candidate.

But which god’s chosen candidate exactly?

The answer is obvious: Kek.

Remember how we learned that “kek” the meme came about from
an obscure Korean language onomatopoeia, completely
independently from Pepe the Frog?

Well, it turns out Kek is also—and always has been—an ancient

Egyptian deity…

A frog-headed one.

Quite the coincidence, wouldn’t you say? “A little,” perhaps you


“A little” indeed, but that’s just the very tip of the synchronicity
iceberg. That’s just where this unfathomable string of
“coincidences” begins. And where it ends? We just don’t know. Day
by day this all getting stranger…

The second major (“little”) coincidence can be found when one

looks into what Kek stood for among the ancient Egyptian

Kuk (also spelled as Kek or Keku) is the deification of the

9 von 18 06.04.2019, 17:36, September, 2018… “The Truth About... about:reader?url=

primordial concept of darkness in ancient Egyptian religion…

…Like all four dualistic concepts in the Ogdoad, Kuk’s male form
was depicted as a frog, or as a frog-headed man, and the female
form as a snake, or a snake-headed woman. As a symbol of
darkness, Kuk also represented obscurity and the unknown, and
thus chaos. Also, Kuk was seen as that which occurred before light,
thus was known as the bringer-in of light.

And who else, at this point, had been declared a “bringer of light”
into the world by enthusiastic supporters (mainstream and
imageboard alike)?

It gets even weirder.

The pot really started to boil when this bizarre misprint statuette
was dug up from a mysterious vendor called “Ancient Treasures” on
Amazon. For years the product had been coincidentally mislabeled

10 von 18 06.04.2019, 17:36, September, 2018… “The Truth About... about:reader?url=

a “KEK” statue, despite actually bearing the hieroglyphics for the

frog goddess HEQET.

And ya know, the thing about this ONE unique arrangement of

hieroglyphics…they bear an undeniable resemblance to a certain
special something:

Do you see it?

A person sitting down. In front of a computer.

Like say, to post on an imageboard?

And what’s that on the other side of the computer?

11 von 18 06.04.2019, 17:36, September, 2018… “The Truth About... about:reader?url=

With this “holy talisman’s” discovery, The Cult of Kek suddenly took
on a concrete form. This new digital “faith” is summed up neatly in
this image passed around on all the major imageboards of the day:

It Gets Weirder: Pepe/Keke “Emerges” in Plain Sight on

September 11th, 2016

12 von 18 06.04.2019, 17:36, September, 2018… “The Truth About... about:reader?url=

Soon, /pol/’s users were—quite ironically, at first—attributing all

strokes of luck for the Trump campaign (and likewise, all strokes of
misfortune for the Hillary campaign) to their benevolent frog-headed
deity that spoke to them in dubs.

But all of that came to a head on September 11th, 2016, when three
major, mind-blowing events transpired within 48 hours of each
other. Three events that would change the face of Kek worship

1. Hillary Clinton fainted or nearly fainted in New York. The

overwhelming sentiment of /Pol/ —still reeling from the event—is
captured two days later in this post:

(Note this person’s post number)

2. Hillary Clinton literally declares Pepe the Frog an enemy of the

state with paper-thin reasoning:

Here’s the short version: Pepe is a cartoon frog who began his
internet life as an innocent meme enjoyed by teenagers and pop
stars alike.

But in recent months, Pepe’s been almost entirely co-opted by the

white supremacists who call themselves the “alt-right.” They’ve

13 von 18 06.04.2019, 17:36, September, 2018… “The Truth About... about:reader?url=

decided to take back Pepe by adding swastikas and other symbols

of anti-semitism and white supremacy.

What can I or anyone else hope to add here? How bizarre does
reality get? How deep does the rabbit hole go?

Oh, I see how deep…

3. (REALLY F#CKI’N WEIRD)Kek/Pepe’s musical anthem is

discovered on YouTube:

Now get a load of this one.

While all of this was happening, one or a few anonymous 4chan

contributors discovered an old track from the 80’s on YouTube. A
track stamped all over with a very familiar face:

14 von 18 06.04.2019, 17:36, September, 2018… “The Truth About... about:reader?url=

That’s right folks. A B-side vinyl by performer “P. E. P. E.”, sporting

a frog with a magic wand.

A frog.

And what’s P. E. P. E. stand for?





“Probably.” What are sweet repeating digit GETs all about?


What is this “gist” of Kekism on /pol/? He speaks to them through

dubs. Their ancient egyptian god of obscurity and chaos
“emerges/enters” at “points” of “probability.”

Feel like that’s a stretch? Check out what the full-length vocal
version’s album artwork is adorned with:

15 von 18 06.04.2019, 17:36, September, 2018… “The Truth About... about:reader?url=

Don’t see the significance? Let 4chan help you:

(Again, note the post’s number)

And—hey—who’s that fair-haired man pointed towards Trump

Tower’s clock in the artwork?

Gee, I wonder who.

Okay, What The Hell Is Going On?

Most likely? Chaos Magick.

You see, one of the core tenets of Chaos Magick practice (the only
mainstay, really) is the creation of magic sigils (also called “glyphs”)
to “codify and project one’s Will into the Universe.”

Basically, you make an image that represents your “will” (desire

fueled by powerful emotions or altered states) and the universe will
take care of the rest.

When a lot of people pool their united willpower towards a single

sigil, its called a Hypersigil, and its exponentially more potent.

Pepe/Kek is 4chan’s hypersigil.

Millions of the “little people” that browse 4chan have embedded the
image of Pepe with their hatred for Hillary’s alleged corruption, and
their hope for Trump’s victory over her in November. Whether they
did this consciously or not, its exactly what has happened.

And so far, their hypersigil seems to be working.

16 von 18 06.04.2019, 17:36, September, 2018… “The Truth About... about:reader?url=

Hold Up: You’re Seriously Telling Me Magic Is Real?

Absolutely I am. But you must understand, “magic” probably isn’t

what you think it is. It’s not about wand-waving or pentagrams or
sacrificing babies.

Magick is actually much less involved than that. As a matter of fact,

you’re casting magick right now. You pretty much always are,
whether you like it or not.

That’s because the REAL magic comes from plain and simple
human attention. How you look at reality shapes it in ways that
we’re only now beginning to fully understand. Ironically, the science
of quantum physics is rapidly bringing the reality of magick to light

In my book You’re Imagining Things, I’ll tell you how it works–and

WHY it works–in plain-spoken English. I’ll also explain how you can
use your attention to alter your own little pocket of reality in
extraordinary ways. Click here to check out You’re Imagining
Things on Amazon.

So What Happens Next?

Most likely? Kek will continue to grow in power and continue to

oppose Hillary Clinton and the corrupt political establishment. Will
the Lord of Light win out over the powers that be? We shall find out
very soon. (UPDATE 11/9/16: We found out what happened, didn’t

This is awesome.


What can I do to help?


17 von 18 06.04.2019, 17:36, September, 2018… “The Truth About... about:reader?url=

(And spread this around on social media.)

(And keep an eye on for big things on the


(More questions? Click the triangle at the bottom of the page.)

18 von 18 06.04.2019, 17:36

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