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Building Construction Page 1

Rubble masonry without
1. What is a dry rubble masonry ? mortar

2. What type of stone masonry is constructed using

square or rectangular blocks ? Ashlar masonry

3. The cheapest, roughest and poorest form of stone Un-coursed rubble

masonry is : masonry

4. The chips of stones used to fill up the stone masonry

is called : Spalls

5. In coursed rubble masonry sort-3 the thickness of

mortar joint is : 16mm

6. Which joint is not considered as a rusticated joint in

stone masonry ? Cramped joint

7. The type of masonry in which the stones are fine,

chisel, dressed and the thickness of joint does not
exceed 3mm is called : Ashlar fine masonry

8. ________ joints are usually jointed in ashlar masonry Flush

9. In ashlar fine masonry the joint thickness is does not

exceed : 3mm

10. Which type stone joint is suitable for heavy lateral

pressure : Table joint

11. In stone masonry, to make level surface ________ tool

is used : Drag

Building Construction Page 2

12. The course of stone placed immediately below the
cornice to improve the appearance of external face of
the wall is : Frieze

13. A covering of stone/concrete placed on the exposed

top of wall to prevent seepage of water is termed as : Coping

14. The masonry consists of accurately dressed stones

with extremely fine bed and end joints : Ashlar masonry

15. The course of stone masonry provided at the top of a

wall and usually ornamental in shape are known as : Cornice

16. Ornamental moulded course placed on top of wall is : Cornice

17. The stone masonry made at properly dressed stone

is known as : Ashlar masonry

The thickness of a stone

18. A stone masonry, the thickness of a course is plus the thickness of one
generally equal to : mortar joint

19. _______ masonry occupies an intermediate position Ashlar block in course

between the rubble masonry and the ashlar masonry masonry

20. The stone blocks of designed dimension placed

under the end of a beam to distribute the load over
grater area Template

The stones are either not

dressed or roughly
dressed and may be
21. In random rubble masonry : coursed or un-coursed

22. To construct a 10cm thick partition wall, preferred

bond will be : Stretcher bond

Building Construction Page 3

23. The portion of wall between facing and backing is
called ______ Hearting

24. The type of bond provided in brick masonry for

carrying heavy loads is : English bond

25. The slenderness ratio of masonry walls should not be

more than : 20

26. The type of bond in which every course contains

both headers and stretchers is called : Double Flemish bond

27. In a single day the maximum height of masonry to be

raised should not be more than 1.5m

28. The overlapping of brick / stones in masonry is

called : Bond

29. Vertical joints separating the bricks by mortar is : Perpend

30. The most important tool used for brick masonry is : Trowel

31. In _______ type of bond stretchers and headers are

arranged in alternate course. English bond

32. Tool used for checking verticality of masonry wall ? Plumb bob

33. The method of termination of the wall such a way

that the bricks left projecting in alternate courses for
the bonding future horizontal masonry construction Toothing

34. The bond in which the bricks are arranged at 45

degree in opposite direction from the centre line of
the wall thickness is : Herring bone bond

Building Construction Page 4

35. A header bond is usually used for : One brick wall

36. Two and half brick thickness of wall is roughly equal

to : 50 cm

To check the alignment of

37. In brick masonry the straight edge is used : work

38. The external corner or angles of walls are called : Quoins

39. Imaginary vertical line joining the arises is called : Perpends

40. Every header is centrally supported over the

stretcher below it in : Flemish bond

41. The amount of lap across the thickness of wall should

be minimum : 1/2 brick

42. Bond with alternate courses of stretchers and

headers : English bond

43. Two walls meet at 90° a _____ quoin is formed. Square

44. The formation of a whitish loose powder or crust on

the surface of brick walls is called : Efflorescence

45. Inclined surface of brick should be checked by : Wooden template

46. A junction means a connection between a main wall

and a : Partition wall

47. Brick should be saturated with water before making

wall so as to prevent absorption of moisture from : Mortar

48. The term 'lap' represents in brick masonry as : Horizontal distance

Building Construction Page 5

49. Horizontal course provided to strengthen a wall or
irregular small stone : Lacing course

50. Brick partition walls will have a thickness of : Half

51. Facing and backing of a wall constructed with

different classes of masonry is : Composite masonry

52. The safe permissible loads on ordinary brickwork in

c.m : 44 to 65

53. The brick laid with its breadth parallel to the face of
a wall is known as : Header bond

54. A piece of brick which is used to prevent vertical

joint in brick masonry : Closer

55. For construction of 100mm thick partition wall, it is

preferable to use Stretcher bond

56. In which type of bonding the bricks are laid headers

on the faces and it is mostly used for footings in
foundation ? Heading bond

57. The safe permissible load in brick masonry in mud is

___________ 140 kN/sq.m

58. English cross bond is otherwise known as ________ St. Andrews cross bond

59. The type of bond in which every course contains

both headers and stretchers, is called : Flemish bond

60. The bond in which a header course is introduced

after several stretcher course is : Facing bond

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Front elevation is Flemish
bond and back elevation
61. In single Flemish bond is English bond

62. An example of raking bond is : Diagonal bond

63. Single Flemish bond cannot be used for a wall less

than ______ thick 300 mm

64. Line and pins is used : To maintain alignment

65. The arrangement of layers of stones or bricks by

which no continuous vertical joints are formed : Bond

66. Which is the strongest bond in brick work ? English bond

67. The external corner of a wall surface is technically

known as Quoin

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