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Participant: #1 Date: 05/01/2022

Time Stamp: 7:15pm- 7:20:41pm

Interviewer: What is the impact of the new normal education in your study?

Participant 1: Ahm because of the covid-19 pandemic, ah the new normal education offers both
benefits and drawbacks for me, that’s all TJ.

Interviewer: How do you think that this new normal education is effective to you as a student?

Participant 1: Ah ah this new normal education in my opinion ahis ineffective because many of
us do not have access to learning because we do not have a consistent internet connection that’s
why it’s like we’re left behind.

Interviewer: What are the factors that could affect you in adapting the new normal in education?

Participant 1: The factors that ah could affect in adapting the new normal in education, first is
lack of time management and second no internet connectivity.

Interviewer: What are the challenges that the new normal education brought to you as a student?

Participant 1: As we enter new normal education, for me there are a lot of  challenges and it takes
time to adjust.
Interviewer: How did you adjust yourself in this new normal education as a student?

Participant 1: What number tj? Okay thank you thank you.With the help of my friends and of
course my family, ah concentrate on your accomplishments, continue to study and work towards
on your objectives. Focus on the good things that happen every day no matter how big or small
they are.

Interviewer: What are the lessons you have learned in this new normal education?

Participant 1: Sorry tj there’s a lot of dogs. Ahm we learned lessons from a covid-19 pandemic
that will forever impact our life and the activities we use to do, that’s all tj. Thank you thank you
thank you.

Participant: #2 Date: 05/01/2022

Time Stamp: 7:21pm- 7:26pm

Interviewer: What is the impact of the new normal education in your study?

Participant 2: Okay. Ah for me is the new normal education has a lot of impact in my life, there
are disadvantages and at the same time there are advantages also. For me the disadvantages  that
I encountered is unable to understand the lesson clearly due to poor internet connection so
sometimes is I have a poor internet connection most especially in our place when there is
typhoon like that and there’s a time also when there is down system of globe and at the same
time smart also and the advantages is less of financial problem because ofcourse we don’t have
pocket money everyday and it is not our problem anymore about allowance and boarding.
Interviewer: How do you think that this new normal education is effective to you as a student?

Participant 2: For me this new normal education is very convenient in a kind of  less effort and
less financial problem also, that’s all.

Interviewer: What are the factors that could affect you in adapting the new normal in education?

Participant 2: So the factors that could affect me is the stress of course and poor internet
connection and unable to manage time due to huge loads of pending activities together with the
cases and exams then together with the case presentation also.

Interviewer: What are the challenges that the new normal education brought to you as a student?

Participant 2: Ah there are a lot of challenges, as a student it challenge me, it challenges me to
become flexible even now at a new normal education so that’s why we need  to adapt the new

Interviewer: How did you adjust yourself ma’am in this new normal education as a student.

Participant 2: Ahm through the help of my friends, classmates and I have address myself just a
little and not almost everything so is I was able to change, that’s all.

Interviewer: What are the lessons you have learned in this new normal education?
Participant 2: So I have learned that being in a new normal education I should have to be flexible
in order to meet my time management and this time, management is very important because as a
student we cannot predict teachers to give quizzes and activities at the same time and also I have
learned that unity and patience is the most important in this new normal education that’s all.

Participant: #3 Date: 05/01/2022

Time Stamp: 8:03pm-8:08:30pm

Interviewer: What is the impact of the new normal education in your study?

Participant 3: As a student, we are forced to adapt the new normal education for us to continue
our studies so the impact of the new normal education in my study is that I experience physical
stress such as head ache and frequent fatigue during our online learning sometimes I skipped
meals and have difficulty in sleeping especially weeks after exam, I also experience eye sight
problem due to prolong screen time, that’s all.

Interviewer: How do you think that ah this new normal education is effective to you as a student

Participant 3: So for me, it’s not a hundred percent effective because as a student I am also
having a hard time to abruptly adapt the lesson, also considering the internet connectivity so if
you’ll ask me how effective it is and I rate it from 1 to 10 and 7 is my score of the effectiveness
of the new normal learning education.

Interviewer: What are the factors ma’am that could affect you in adapting the new normal in

Participant 3: Factors that affect me in adapting the new normal education are first is the internet
connectivity because of the poor internet connection at our house then second is the pressure
especially when preparing the battery exams when I was at my second year then now pressured
for the board exams as well, that’s all.

Interviewer: What are the challenge that the new normal education brought to you as a student?
Participant 3: Challenge me to look beyond my capabilities especially when presenting online
especially when there are other groups since I’m a shy person and also in doing case presentation
I was challenged to do amazing presentations then to be a leader and to be a better student, as

Interviewer: How did you adjust your self ma’am in this new normal education as a student?

Participant 3: I always believe in saying that go with the flow so I think even it’s hard to adapt
the new normal I didn’t think about it being hard I just go with the flow, do my responsibilities in
my studies and follow what is given by our instruction, compile review and of course pass the
quiz and exam.

Interviewer: What are the lessons you have learned in this new normal education ma’am?

Participant: Lessons I have learned in this new normal education is that you should know how to
manage well your time especially in your studies and always know your priorities and be a
responsible student, that’s all.

Participant: #4 Date: 05/01/2022

Time Stamp: 8:08pm- 8:13pm

Interviewer: What is the impact of the new normal education in your study?

Participant 4: For me, it’s stressful since I’m having a hard time to cope up especially on lessons,

Interviewer: How do you think this new normal education is effective to you as a student

Participant 4: For me it’s not effective, because it’s hard. I mean it’s draining.

Interviewer: What are the factors that could affect in adapting the new normal in education

Participant 4: Since I’m having a hard time because of connection especially at our municipality
since the internet connection there is slow so every time that I’m connecting is I’m having a hard
to go back as well.

Interviewer: What are the challenges that the new normal education brought to you as a student?
Participant 4: It’s just the same, the internet connection then the way they deliver the lessons.
Sometimes is I can’t cope up since when I’m connecting is I feel like I was left behind since I
haven’t heard that much.

Interviewer: How did you adjust yourself ma’am in this new normal education as a student?

Participant 4: Managing time, managing time properly.

Interviewer: What are the lessons you have learned in this new normal education ma’am?

Participant4: To be responsible, responsible enough.

Participant: #5 Date: 05/01/2022

Time Stamp: 8:13pm- 8:19:16pm

Interviewer: What is the impact of the new normal education in your study?

Participant 5: Okay, thank you I think the number one reason is that I lost focus since the
pandemic started and the competitive side of me was lessen.

Interviewer: How do you think that this new normal education is effective to you as a student?

Participant 5: I can say that it’s effective since I have learned many concept especially when we
was pure online class since we are over worked with case presentation that time then online was
started during the second year and now we are at our fourth year so I feel like it’s effective since
we reached the fourth year.

Interviewer: What are the factors could affect you in adapting the new normal education ma’am?

Participant 5: Factor number 1 is the internet connection, second money, money because of the
need to load always since load is needed then the third one is excessive ambient noise it’s not
conducive for learning then difficulty adjusting and for me it’s too time consuming especially the
time when online class started but I think the situation right now is better. The internet at our
place is poor so I really need to go at the rice field.

Interviewer: What are the challenges that the new normal education brought to you as a student

Participant 5: I think, challenges is the need to self study because for me if you’re self studying
is that you can’t understand it all. I started at using ILG, at ILG you really need to self study so I
had a hard time to grasp and understand some of the concepts.

Interviewer: How did you adjust yourself in this new normal education as a student?

Participant 5: At first, it is really hard to adjust since I was used to go to school always; spoon
feeding as they call it, right? All was taught by the professors then after a while I accepted it
since acceptance is what we need because we don’t have a choice but to accept it since no one
wants this pandemic but our only choice was to adjust because if we don’t adjust there’s no
acceptance and that

nothing will happen.

Interviewer: What are the lessons you have learned in the in this new normal education ma’am.

Participant 5: The lessons that I’ve learned is to be flexible and resourceful I think. Thank you
thank you also.

Participant: #6 Date: 05/01/2022

Time Stamp: 8:27pm- 8:31:05pm

Interviewer: What is the impact of the new normal education in your study?

Participant 6: (Ahm) struggling to engage in online learning especially us (kwan) with unstable
connection is really difficult. We need to adjust, we need to (ahm) move around to have signal
especially during exam.

Interviewer: How do you think that ah this new normal education is effective to you as a student?

Participant 6: For me, it's not effective because (yun nga ahm) my poor connection and the
environment until now it's a bit bit difficult for me because it's still different when online
compared to face to face.

Interviewer: What are the factors could affect you in adapting the new normal in education?

Participant 6: (Ahm) Sometimes, because I'm not interested when (Ahm) that's it... If there is
an online class (Ahm) due to limited interactions like that. In our environment also because it's
noisy and my mental health wasn't okay previously but now it's little bit okay already.

Interviewer: What are the challenges that the new normal education brought to you as a student?

Participant 6: (Ahm) for me lack of motivations (Ahm) and the time management because (nga
yun Ahm) you need to divide your time since we are at home we also have our responsibility
and the lack of in person interaction. That's all.

Interviewer: How did you adjust yourself in this new normal education as a student?

Participant 6: (Ahm) by establishing a routine because having a healthy and balance routine will
help you get that most out of school, having a set of daily routine helps you not only at school
but it's also important to schedule if I have a plan everyday like that.

Interviewer: What are the lessons you have learned in this new normal education?

Participant 6: That's what you need to be competitive since online class (Ahm) lets not just rely
on what was discussed (eh) that is all. We also need to read thats it. We need self study. That's
all. Thank you (po)

Participant: #7 Date: 05/01/2022

Time Stamp: 8:31:05pm- 8:38:12pm

Interviewer: What is the impact of the new normal education in your study?

Participant 7: Ahm the impact of the new normal to my study is that I have to ahm balance my
time of course because new normal ahm due to this pandemic we have to continue our studies
online at home so I have to balance my time of course I have to spend time to my family as well
and chores to ahm household chores I also need to help ahm my mom with household chores so
ahm it was really difficult and challenging at first but as time pass by ahm I manage to ahm do
the stuffs academically and ahm of course the activities inside our house so yeah.

Interviewer: How do you think that this new normal education is effective to you as a student?

Participant 7: ahm our instructors are helping us to cope up with this new normal education so by
giving us handouts, videos, records and guiding us as well ahm this new normal education this
new strategy of online class is ahm so far have been effective for me because of the help of our

Interviewer: What are the factors could affect you in adapting the new normal education?

Participant 7: Ahm the factors that could ahm affect me in adapting this new normal is ahm ahm
I think it’s the internet connection and the ahm the electric ahm disturbances ahm it really ahm
these two factors really affect my ahm adaptation in this new normal because ahm there are times
when class is going on and there is sudden interruption on my internet connectivity of course it’s
frustrating on my part as a student and also ahm there are times when especially if there’s a
typhoon or sudden ahm electric ah disturbances happened ahm there are times when I’m not able
to attend my classes or do my ah activities, quizzes. Those factors ahm have big impact on my
adaptation in this new normal.

Interviewer: What are the challenges that the new normal education brought to you as a student?

Participant 7: Ahm as I’ve said earlier ahm the challenges is are managing my time of course
ahm factors such as internet connection and ahm of course the gadgets to be use ahm this
pandemic is so sudden that none of us are prepared to a do online class so those factors really
affect me as a student.

Interviewer: How did you adjust yourself ma’am in this new normal education as a student?

Participant 7: ahm I have to do tasking ahm I have to do list of task in my wholeday or whole
week ahm because online class requires more on activities, assignments, report and such so ahm
I need to ah balance my time ahm do tasking for me to be able ah to do the ahm academic task
that our instructors are giving to us ahm and I have to spend more time reading because ahm with
online class a we are of course required to read a lot of modules and ahm cases for rle ahm read
other books as references that’s all.

Interviewer: What are the lessons you have learned in this new normal education po?

Participant 7: I’ve learned how to managed my time I’ve learned how to be independent when it
comes to ahm a teaching myself ah with the lesson I have learned how to ah timed a I’ve learned
how to ahm site my references related to our topics I’ve learned how to ah do multi tasking,
that’s all. Thank you.

Participant: #8 Date: 05/01/2022

Time Stamp: 9:55pm- 10:03 pm

Interviewer: What is the impact of the new normal education in your study?

Participant 8: Ah impact? What is double the stress that I feel now online class compared to face
to face because stress because there are many barriers when it comes to online learning unlike
face to face where you don't have a problem with internet connection you don't have a problem
with your environment because when you face to face You just focused on setting up the
classroom face to face, but now it's an online class because the impact on me is so stressful
because the learnings I want to acquire are not that I expected, I don't, I don't think I don't like
how much I have. I don't know what impact he has on me when it comes to the study, thats all.

Interviewer: How do you think that ah this new normal education is effective to you as a student?

Participant 8: Pardon?

Participant 8: effective?

Participant 8: Because for me its not effective.

Participant 8: Its not effective because I don’t have learnings and that’s another one I can’t

Participant 8: That’s because there is a lot of destruction

Interviewer: What are the factors that could affect you in adapting the new normal in education?

Participant 8: What factors? Pardon (be)?

Participant 8: factors could affect you …..

Participant 8: What factors could affect you because at first I’m in shock really its because from
face to face classes to online learning ahm we don’t expect to become like this that there is so
many factors that caused of this online learning, like what i said is more stressful in our mental
health like when we are in third year intercession class I’m so stress and I have break outs too
and to the point that you will really cry like that.

Interviewer: What are the challenges that the new normal education brought to you as a
student, what are the challenges that the new normal education brought to you as a student?

Participant 8: Challenges, first is internet connectivity because when I'm at our house my
internet is not that stable there are times wherein I get disconnected; I mean there are times
that my internet connection is weak to the point that during online class is I can't understand
like that, as in you get to the point where you don't have the motivation to join on zoom
because of the internet connection. Second is the challenges of external destructions since I'm
home, there are many household chores. While I have many things to do, I find it hard to
manage balancing my time which stresses me out. What are the other challenges, wait; also the
communication, the communication when face to face. In face to face is that if you want to
acquire a response from others is that you can receive it immediately, while in online is that
sometimes you receive none or sometimes they'll just seen your message and that they don't
give feedback or it takes time before they send feedback to you. Delayed communication as we
call it.

Interviewer: How did you adjust yourself in this new normal education as a student?

Participant 8: Adjust, I just accept that it's there already. Just go with the flow of course, since
we are in this situation already. It is hard to not go with it actually.

Interviewer: What are the lessons you have learned in this ahm new normal education po.

Participant 8: Learn? Time management is very important to lessen my stress. To lessen your
stress that we get in online class, that's all. Thank you so much.

Participant: #9 Date: 05/01/2022

Time Stamp:10:04 pm- 10:09pm

Participant: #9Date: 05/01/2022

Time Stamp:10:04 pm- 10:09pm

Interviewer: What is the impact of the new normal education in your study?

Participant 9: Ahm factors......for me is stress, stress is really hard because what it is now is like
in normal education it seems like the stress is more than double than face to face before
because when face to face eh when can you rest like that but when you are online you can rest
but it seems that there is a little knowledge that requires you and its seem you are left behind
because of the poor internet connection

Interviewer: How do you think that this new normal education is effective to you as a student?

Participant 9: It is not effective for me because I'm struggling and it seems like it is the difficulty
of engaging in online learning because sometimes the internet isn't stable and then the sources
and lack of sources, it seems like we really left behind, so for me it's not really effective.

Interviewer: What are the factors that could affect you in adapting the new normal in

Participant 9: Ahm factors could affect in adapting the new normal is lack of interaction
between the student and the instructor and also lack of resources also because sometimes ,
nothing is really given before the class starts like that then that's the lack of interaction

Interviewer: What are the challenges that the new normal education brought to you as a

Participant 9: For me, the first challenges are that I have experienced here in the new normal
education is stress especially when they provide activities at the same time, so the second is the
financial problem, you are already paying your tuition fee, you still have problems with your
load, and the third one is that the internet connection is really weak.

Interviewer: How did you adjust yourself in this new normal education as a student?

Participant 9: By exploring the technology that we use then ah in order to also be able to adjust
is ahm you really need to make an effort to read and just focus on the goal.

Interviewer: What are the lessons you have learned in this new normal education?

Participant 9: For me, what I'm learning in this new normal is that you have to strive as a
student, you shouldn't ah, it's like ahm, you're just trying to cover the topics, you also need to
make an effort to help yourself cope up with that lesson

Participant: #10 Date: 05/01/2022

Time Stamp: 10:09 PM

Interviewer: What is the impact of the new normal education in your study?

Participant 10: Since we are the, we were the first one who shifted from face to face to online
learning I think one of the impacts of the -- of it is quite challenging actually it’s quite
challenging because me as a person is not that good at technology, but then ahm I was able to
like, I was able to fix that problem and for me it's good and not that stressful. I enjoyed being
like, I was able to handle my time so like there's no barriers or hindrances to the things that I
want to do so I was able to maximize my time.
Interviewer: How do you think that this new normal education is effective to you as a student?

Participant 10: So since we know that in our department it's very effective because of like they
always give or provides adequate online supplemental learnings like or learning resources like
videos they make their videos personalize and then you know giving them or giving the students
idea to adapt the ah to give quality education even in distant learning  then like in our department
they give course activities that they can or it can develop the student’s leadership and
communication skills then on group discussions right? The teachers motivates us to discuss on
small group to be able to help the student on processing the information rather than simply
receive it like that.

Interviewer: What are the factors that could affect you in adapting the new normal in education?

Participant 10: Factor, I think the first is lack of resources but it's not that big factor because as
a student nurse we need to be very flexible even when it comes to now that we are on distance
learning; so we lack on resources then on the internet connectivity because not all the time that it
is goos, our internet connection is like the factor on the impact of our online learning.

Interviewer: What are the challenges that the new normal education brought to you as a student?

Participant 10: Since like what I've said earlier, I'm not that good at technology but that was the
challenge for me or the challenge for me on how to do it but I've learned since the online
learning started and I must say it boosted.

Interviewer: How did you adjust yourself in this new normal education as a student?

Participant 10: By of course I also searched on how to adjust to online learning and I found out
that in order to adjust is you should know that for instance like our online learning platform like
lms so like I studied on how I will be able to manipulate that lms and I was able to master on
how to use the lms.

Interviewer: What are the lessons you have learned in this new normal education?

Participant 10: You just need to be flexible because we don't know if what will happen tomorrow
so there's a possibility that we will have online learning and it's quite vague for the full capacity
of face to face so you have to be very flexible all the time like the flexible that means you need
to adapt the new norms that we are experiencing right now.

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